
Post on 19-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Reflexión

Student: Sandra Liliana Ocampo


The Dirty Money is a short book that tells us how some People from all over the world win a lot of dirty money. People who have not sense of belonging by earth which is the most important in our life. This story tells us as are destroyed the dreams and hopes of other people that think and feel love by the earth because it is the place where they live and love , they do not want to lose their culture and peace of mind. And also, the nature and animals are part of our existence. Without them we could not exist on earth and if we are destroying all that the earth gives us, we are destroying ourselves.

We as human beings that we are living on earth, we must be like Joe. We must become conscious of the importance of caring for our planet, and we must begin by ourselves each contributing with a small part of the solution to end earth pollution because these small parts added give as result a large number of contributions and a strong impact , to not pollute the environment. The great majority of people think that we cannot do anything to help fight climate change, possibly because we think that we have no the resources necessary to do it, but any effort that we can do no matter how small, can be a lot if all the people going to do it and if each of one in the world look the way in which can to help prevent this big problem. We are doing ourselves a favor because if we are destroying the earth, we are destroying ourselves. Then, if each of one makes the major effort and uses the resources that there are around in the best way, trying to make the best possible, surely the situation will change and everything will be different.

Each of us can help reduce the land pollution; we can plant a tree, recycle garbage, take care of animals, and save electric power and water. We must take care of the earth and not be part of her, be her.