Reflective Entry Competition

Post on 23-Dec-2015

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Reflective Entry Competition

Transcript of Reflective Entry Competition

Reflective writing competitionIn previous years the trainees committee have had an essay prize awarded at the trainees scientific meeting. This year rather than essays we will be asking for reflective entries.

If you would like to submit a reflective entry please consider the following:

It is your choice how to present your entry Include NO identifying information (consider patients as well as

colleagues and hospitals) Reflections will be judged by a consultant with an interest in medical

education The best example will be annotated (to highlight good practice points in

reflection) and displayed at the trainees scientific committee meeting in June

It can be an existing, real reflection but bear in mind the winning entry will be displayed in the public domain

The winner will be awarded a £50 prize and certificate at the scientific meeting, June 5th

Entries should be sent to: with the subject line to the email REFLECTIVE ENTRY COMPETITION 2015. Please attach your submission as a word document, no more than 2 pages.

Deadline for entries 20th April