Reflections on al-Maqrīzī's Biographical Dictionary

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Reflections on al-Maqrīzī’s Biographical Dictionary


Reflections on al-Maqrīzī’s Biographical Dictionary

Jan Just WITKAM*

Preamble and dedication

Dr. Ayman Fuad Sayyid and I were first introduced to one another late in 1973 or early in 1974, when I hibernated in Cairo. Min zamān, yaʿnī, those were the days, when the two of us had our future of a scholarly life still ahead of us. He is the only one of the numerous Egyptian personalities to whom I was introduced in that period by William Stoetzer, the first director of the Netherlands Institute for Archeology and Arabic Studies in Cairo, with whom I have remained in contact ever since. In a way we have lived parallel lives. In the past forty years we have met in many places in Europe and the Arab World, always happy to see one another and eager to exchange the latest news and views. One of the interests that we share is the work of the Egyptian historian al-Maqrīzī. Dr. Ayman Fuad Sayyid is, among many other things, the editor of both the draft and final versions of al-Maqrīzī’s Geography of Cairo.(1) Leiden University Library, where I have worked more than thirty years, is as the reader of this essay will soon see, a significant stakeholder in global Maqrīzī research. I am only too happy to write about some aspects of al-Maqrīzī’s


* Leiden University Institute of Area Studies. (1) Al-Maqrīzī, Musawwadat Kitāb al-Mawāʿiẓ wa-al-Iʿtibār fī Dhikr al-Khiṭaṭ wa-al-Āthār /

Le manuscrit autographe d’ al-Mawāʿiẓ wa-al-Iʿtibār fī Dhikr al-Khiṭaṭ wa-al-Āthār. Ed. Ayman Fuʾād Sayyid. London (Al-Furqān Islamic Heritage Foundation) 1995; al-Maqrīzī, al-Mawāʿiẓ wa-al-Iʿtibār fī Dhikr al-Khiṭaṭ wa-al-Āthār. Ed. Ayman Fuʾād Sayyid. London (Muʾassasat al-Furqān lil-Turāth al-Islāmī) 2002-2004, 6 vols.



biographical work in this congratulatory volume offered to my friend Dr. Ayman Fuad Sayyid at the occasion of his sixtieth anniversary.

What is in a name? Great must have been the joy of the young Reinhardt Dozy (1820-

1883) when he discovered that three volumes in the Leiden Oriental manuscripts collection were autograph copies of a biographical dictionary by the Egyptian historian Taqī al-Dīn Aḥmad b. ʿAlī al-Maqrīzī (d. 845/1442).(1) These three volumes had till then been falsely identified as the Ṭabaqāt by al-Muṭarrizī. Anybody could see, of course, that the content was not Ṭabaqāt, biographies arranged by generation, because the content of the volumes was arranged alphabetically. That false attribution can be read of the fly-leaves of two of the three volumes, where it is written in Arabic but in the hand of a European Orientalist, probably the owner, Everard Scheidius (1742-1794), professor of Oriental languages in Leiden. The volumes have no title-pages that could give a clue about their content. The bindings are Oriental,(2) but late and they were possibly added not very long before 1767, the year the three volumes arrived in Leiden. They were remarkable books for another reason as well as they showed many instances where the author had really worked in the text: erasures, corrections, spaces left open for later inclusion of data, cut-outs, tear-offs, smaller and larger inserts and paste-ins, and sometimes al-Maqrīzī used scrap paper.(3) Many pages looked more like preliminary scholarly notes than a final text given to the public. ________________________ (1) R.P.A. Dozy, ‘Découverte de trois volumes du Mokaffá d’al-Makrízí’, in his Notices sur

quelques manuscrits arabes. Leiden (E.J. Brill) 1847-1851, pp. 8-16. (2) The second volume lost its binding and its fly-leaf in 1807, in the incident which I describe

hereunder. (3) See for a reconstruction of the origins of some of this scrap paper, a 14th-century Mamlūk

chancery, Frédéric Bauden, ‘The Recovery of Mamlūk Chancery Documents in an Unsuspected Place’, in Michael Winter & Amalia Levanoni (eds.), The Mamluks in Egyptian and Syrian Politics and Society. Leiden (E.J. Brill) 2004, pp. 59-76. See, more generally on al-Maqrīzī: Frédéric Bauden, art. “al-Maqrīzī”, in R.G. Dunphy (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle. Leiden (E.J. Brill), pp. 1074-1076; and Nasser Rabbat, ‘Who was al-Maqrīzī? A biographical sketch’, in Mamluk Studies Review 7/2

Reflections on al-Maqrīzī’s Biographical Dictionary


In his reasoning for the volumes being an autograph copy of al-Maqrīzī, Dozy brought forward convincing evidence by adducing MS Leiden Or. 560. This volume contains a large number of shorter treatises by al-Maqrīzī which are written out by a scribe or secretary, but to each of which shorter texts al-Maqrīzī himself has added corrections, collation notes, plus his signature and a date. Al-Maqrīzī’s texts in that manuscript volume have therefore, even if they have for the greater part not been written in his hand, the value of an autograph. By identifying al-Maqrīzī’s own additions in Or. 560 with the script in the three volumes of the biographical dictionary, Dozy rightly argued that these volumes equally obtained the status of an autograph of al-Maqrīzī.(1) Ever since, many more autographs of al-Maqrīzī have been discovered.(2) His hand is so characteristic, that recognizing it is not very difficult.(3) Having identified the three volumes of in the Leiden Library as a work in the hand of al-Maqrīzī, Dozy’s next step was to place the three volumes within the oeuvre of al-Maqrīzī, because the three Leiden volumes do not contain any bibliographical indication concerning their content. A similar volume,


(2003), pp. 1-19. Frédéric Bauden has in the past ten years or so extensively published on aspects of al-Maqrīzī’s life and work. Many of his articles can be downloaded from the website of the University of Liège, Belgium:

(1) In his Notices, pp. 17-28, Dozy described the contents of MS Leiden Or. 560 in detail: ‘Notice sur le manuscrit 560 de la Bibliothèque de Leyde, contenant les Opuscules d’al-Makrízí’.

(2) Lately even in the US, see Noah Gardiner & Frédéric Bauden, ‘A recently discovered holograph fair copy of al-Maqrīzī’s al-Mawāʿiẓ wa-al-iʿtibār fī dhikr al-khiṭaṭ wa-al-āthār (Michigan Islamic MS 605)’, in: Journal of Islamic Manuscripts 2 (2011), pp. 123-131.

(3) It goes the other way around as well. Some manuscripts are evidently not autographs of al-Maqrīzī, such as the Leiden manuscripts Or. 2370, Or. 2559 and Or. 2560, although Carlo Landberg, Catalogue de manuscrits arabes provenant d’une bibliothèque privée à el-Medîna et appartenant à la maison E.J. Brill. Leide (E.J. Brill) 1883, p. 55, Nos. 188-190, mentions them as autographs. This wishful identification was uncritically adopted by M.J. de Goeje in his catalogue. P. Voorhoeve has corrected this in his Handlist of Arabic Manuscripts. Leiden (Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit) 1957, pp. 128, 183 and 429 respectively.



which is also written in the hand of al-Maqrīzī is kept in the National Library in Paris,(1) and Dozy was aware of that.

There exists a bio-bibliography of al-Maqrīzī which was written by a younger, almost-contemporary scholar, the Egyptian historian Muḥammad b. ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Sakhāwī (d. 902/1497).(2) It is the biographical dictionary al-Ḍawʾ al-Lāmiʿ li-Ahl al-Qarn al-Tāsiʿ, ‘The Shining Light on (the Lives of) the People of the Ninth Century’, which is one of the places where Dozy looked for a title for the newly identified volumes. And he found one, at least he thought so. Al-Sakhāwī gives a survey of the numerous works by al-Maqrīzī’s. Among these is, and I quote from al-Sakhāwī’s ‘Shining Light’: ‘… and the ‘Great History in Continuation’, and that is in sixteen bindings, and he (al-Maqrīzī) used to say that if he had completed it according to plan it would have counted more than eighty volumes.(3) The first part of the quotation deserves more scrutiny. The ‘Great History in Continuation’ is in al-Sakhāwī’s words in Arabic al-tārīkh al-kabīr al-muqaffā, the word al-muqaffā meaning here something like ‘being placed one after the other’. The etymologically related word qāfiya means rhyme. The Arabic dictionaries are not very explicit in explaining the word muqaffā. Kazimirsky’s seems to be the most useful.(4) The verb q-ff-y he translates as ‘letting follow by

________________________ (1) BnF, Arabe 2044 = ancien fonds 675 (the number to which Quatremère refers). (2) They do not seem to have known one another personally, otherwise the enthousiastic

diploma hunter al-Sakhāwī would have mentioned it, either in his autobiography in al-Ḍawʾ al-Lāmiʿ (beginning of volume 8), or in the surveys of his professors and teachers in his Irshād al-Ghāwī, in MS Leiden Or. 2366 (1).

(3) Al-Sakhāwī, al-Ḍawʾ al-Lāmiʿ, Cairo 1934-1936, vol. 2, p. 22: بري املقفىو تارخي ا لكا رش ل تة ع وهو ىف سـ I used the photostatic reprint by Dār al-Ǧīl, Beirut .جمدلا واكن يقول انه لو مكل عىل ما يرومه جلاوز الامثنني1412/1992. Sakhāwī gives al-Maqrīzī’s ʿurf, ‘the name by which he is known’, as Ibn al-Maqrīzī, not simply al-Maqrīzī, but subsequent bibliographers and scholars, both in the West and in the Orient, have chosen to ignore this. I reluctantly follow them in this. As the Cairo edition of Sakhāwī’s biographical dictionary is not critical, I checked the passage on p. 373 of MS Leiden Or. 369 b, a manuscript of al-Ḍawʾ al-Lāmiʿ which was copied in 969 (1588). The text in the Leiden manuscript proves to be identical to the text in the edition.

(4) A. de Biberstein Kazimirski, Dictionnaire Arabe-Français. Paris (Maisonneuve & Cie.) 1860, vol. 2, pp. 792-793. Buṭrus al-Bustānī, Kitāb Muḥīṭ al-Muḥīṭ. Beirut 1867, vol. 2, p.

Reflections on al-Maqrīzī’s Biographical Dictionary


another’. The participle muqaffā, and also muqfā of the 4th form for that matter, are translated by Kazimirsky as ‘preferred to another one’ and hence ‘honoured, treated with distinction’. If we keep to the literal meaning we can translate al-Sakhāwī’s indication of the book, as I have done here, as the ‘Great History in Continuation’. We cannot, however, translate it as if al-Muqaffā is a title, as this is syntactically impossible.(1) Yet that is precisely what Dozy did, and thereby he created a phantom title that has been repeated ever since. The editor of al-Maqrīzī’s biographical work, Muḥammad al-Yaʿlāwī, neatly transforms al-Sakhāwī’s words into Kitāb al-Muqaffā al-Kabīr, ‘the Great Kitāb al-Muqaffā’, but nowhere in the prefaces of his edition he gives his source for that title.(2) He must have made it himself with an echo of al-Sakhāwī’s description still resounding. The title ‘Kitāb al-Muqaffā’ has in course of time become commonly accepted for al-Maqrīzī’s biographical work and is not questioned anymore.

But was it really Dozy who single-handedly created this phantom title? Dozy’s identification of the Leiden manuscript of al-Maqrīzī’s biographical works with al-Tārīkh al-Kabīr al-Muqaffā was also based on a note by E.M. Quatremère, who ten years before Dozy already had taken the title ‘Kitāb al-Muqaffā’ for granted.(3) In the introduction to his translation of al-Maqrīzī’s Kitāb al-Sulūk fī Maʿrifat Duwal al-Mulūk Quatremère devoted some thoughts to the title of what he calls ‘la grande chronique d’Égypte’, by which he


1747, gives the same semantic range for the word muqaffā. A quick look in al-Fīrūzābādī’s al-Qāmūs al-Muḥīṭ. Cairo (Muṣṭafā al-Bābī al-Ḥalabī) 1371/1952, vol. 4, p. 382, does not provide any additional insight.

(1) Unless we interpret al-Sakhāwī’s words as an apposition, but in the present context this does not seem to be possible. See on the use of the apposition instead of a genitive construction William Wright, A Grammar of the Arabic Language. Third edition. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press) 1896-1898 (re-issued 1962), vol. 2, pp. 229-230.

(2) Aḥmad b. ʿAlī al-Maqrīzī, Kitāb al-Muqaffā al-Kabīr. Taḥqīq Muḥammad al-Yaʿlāwī. Bayrūt (Dār al-Gharb al-Islāmī) 1411/1991, 8 vols.

(3) Histoire des Sultans Mamlouks de l’Egypte écrite en arabe par Taki-Eddin-Ahmed-Makrizi. Traduite français et accompagnée des notes philologiques, historiques, géographiques par [E.M.] Quatremère. Paris (Oriental Translation Fund) 1837-1845, vol. I/1 (1837), pp. ix-x.



refers to the fragmentarily preserved biographical dictionary which is here under discussion. ‘La grande chronique’ is certainly a correct translation of the Arabic al-Tārīkh al-Kabīr, but as the title of a biographical dictionary it is imprecise, and one may wonder whether al-Sakhāwī, whose term it originally is, has really known the book, if it ever was a book.

In al-Maqrīzī’s time it certainly was not a book, it was an unbound pile of paper, a ream or bundle (rizma), and as such it was referred to, not by a title or the generic term ‘book’. A reader who can be identified as the Damascene historian Muḥammad b. Muḥammad Ibn al-Khayḍirī (d. 894/1489) wrote, in 844 (1440), not long before al-Maqrīzī’s death, a short note on one of the pages of the manuscript:(1)

شقي لامحلد طالع هذه الرزمة من أوها إىل يرضي ادل بد محمد بن محمد بن ا ياته ا ها بطول يا نا دا م خل لع ع حه ملصنفشافعي عفى هللا نة لا بان تفاد يف سـتعاىل ادلامئ ونقل مهنا وا شع ابلقاهرة٨٤٤سـ

‘Praise be to God. The servant Muḥammad b. Muḥammad Ibn al-Khayḍirī al-Dimashqī al-Shāfiʿī, may God the Highest and the Permanent One forgive him, has read this ream, from its beginning till here, praying that its author may have a long life. He has copied from it and he has profited, in Shaʿbān 844 in Cairo.’ Al-Khayḍirī was himself the author of a biographical compilation about jurists of the Shāfiʿite lawschool in the form of Ṭabaqāt, generations, and it would be interesting to find out whether that compilation has been preserved, and if so, how its author used al-Maqrīzī’s biographical information.(2)

One may even question whether Dozy’s and Quatremère’s identifications of al-Tārīkh al-Kabīr al-Muqaffā with the biographical dictionary by al-Maqrīzī are correct. Quatremère professes to have

________________________ (1) MS Leiden Or. 14.533, f. 170b. The Arabic word rizma is the etymological father of the

English ‘ream’. (2) Al-Sakhāwī, Ḍawʾ, vol. 9, pp. 117-124, confirms that al-Khayḍirī studied with al-Maqrīzī

in Cairo. See on al-Khayḍirī also al-Ziriklī, Al-Aʿlām. Qāmūs Tarāǧim li-Ashhar al-Riǧāl wal-Nisāʾ min al-ʿArab wal-Mustaʿribīn wal-Mustashriqīn, Beirut (Dār al-ʿIlm lil-Malāyīn) 1979, vol. 7, pp. 51-52, where two specimens of his handwriting are given; and see on him also Brockelmann, GAL G II 97 and S II 116, who gives alternative readings of his name.

Reflections on al-Maqrīzī’s Biographical Dictionary


seen several versions of this title: al-Tārīkh al-Kabīr li-Miṣr, or Tārīkh Miṣr al-Kabīr al-Muqaffā, or al-Tārīkh al-Kabīr al-Muqaffā li-Miṣr, or Kitāb al-Tārīkh al-Kabīr al-Muqaffā, or Kitāb al-Tawārīkh al-Kabīr al-Muqaffā, and he has also seen, he says, the abbreviated title al-Muqaffā. Dozy, who had many scholarly talents, though bibliography was not one them, has cut short the thinking about the title of the work and conveniently selected this last, abbreviated title, for which Quatremère does not even give a reference (he has seen it more than once, is all he says),(1) as the title of the work. But this is a grandiose simplification, and if the five titles that Quatremère quotes from other works by al-Maqrīzī, tell us anything, it is that the book has in fact no title. And maybe it is not even a book. Quatremère does not take that lesson (nor does Dozy after him) and from there on Quatremère refers to al-Maqrīzī’s biographical work as the ‘Kitāb-moukaffâ’ as he, even more strangely, starts calling it, it has simply become a proper name.(2) What the word al-muqaffā could mean or refer to he does not tell us. Quatremère, looking at the autograph volume in Paris did not even need a pendant of the Leiden manuscript Or. 560, on which Dozy based his identification of al-Maqrīzī’s autograph biographical notes, he could see it straight away. The Paris manuscript told him so.(3) Quatremère had a simple explanation for the evident incompleteness of the ‘Great History in Continuation’: ‘he [al-Maqrīzī] had contented himself to edit the most important pieces, while promising himself, if age would permit, to write down the great amount of notes of lesser interest, that were to fill the greater part of each of the letters of the alphabet.’(4) For the time being, however, the

________________________ (1) Histoire, I/1, p. x. (2) Histoire, I/1, pp. x (note 4), xi. (3) Histoire I/1, p. xi. The volume in the Bibliothèque Nationale, Arabe 2044, on its first leaf

bears a title, which was not written by al-Maqrīzī, but apparently by a later learned librarian or bookseller. It reads, quoted from al-Yaʿlāwī’s edition, vol. 4, p. 6: هذا اجلزء من

بار مع صغاراملقفى للمقريزي رمحه هللا آمني وهو خبطه وعدة أوراقه ما تني ورقة كتني و سـ ئ . ‘This part is from al-Muqaffā by al-Maqrīzī, may God have merci on him, amen. And it is in his hand and the number of its leaves is twohundred and sixty leaves, large ones and small ones.’

(4) Histoire I/1, p. xi.



only hard evidence about the incompleteness of the ‘Great History in Continuation’, is what al-Sakhāwī tells us.

Al-Maqrīzī’s ‘Great History in Continuation’ was never completed, as al-Sakhāwī’s already reports, and it is probable that the pile of papers (the rizma of al-Khayḍirī) which were full of draft versions of biographical notes by al-Maqrīzī, if that is indeed the same as al-Tārīkh al-Kabīr al-Muqaffā, never had a real title. By its very nature, a biographical dictionary is never complete, and from the draft versions in al-Maqrīzī’s hand, that are now preserved in Leiden and in Paris, it is evident that they can best be considered as al-Maqrīzī’s master file on persons, which he might use as a reference for his other historical works. And even if he had had in mind to make a full-fledged biographical dictionary, he in the end did not compile it (it would have been eighty volumes (muǧallad), as al-Sakhāwī quotes him), as he must soon have realized the impossibility of writing such a work because of the enormous number of biographees and the uncontrollable large amount of details to be found out for each person. Al-Sakhāwī’s quotation about the eighty volumes indicates in fact that al-Maqrīzī had abandoned his project of publishing a biographical dictionary.(1) It is far from clear in what stage of the work of his biographical compilation, if it ever was to become a real book and not just to remain loose working papers, al-Maqrīzī abandoned the idea of completing such a dictionary. The Leiden parts of the biographical dictionary are volumes, because the loose papers were bound, probably not long before their arrival Leiden. But that does not make a book of them, they remain loose papers bound together long after the author’s demise. The Leiden papers show catchwords in numerous instances, but the explanation of their occurrence can go two ways. Either al-Maqrīzī had in mind to really make a finished book of his biographical notes and therefore wrote catchwords at the bottom of the verso pages. Or he wrote those catchwords with the intention to keep order in what was intended to remain piles of loose leaves. We just ________________________ (1) Al-Maqrīzī himself refers to his biographical notes as a book: يات تاب ترامج وو بري املقفى هو نا ا فتا كلك ب . ك

‘Our ‘Big Book in Continuation’ is a book with biographies and years of demise.’ Kitāb al-Sulūk 2, 365, so quoted by al-Yaʿlāwī, vol. 1 of his edition, p. 6.

Reflections on al-Maqrīzī’s Biographical Dictionary


don’t know. The editor of al-Maqrīzī’s Kitāb al-Muqaffā al-Kabīr, Muḥammad al-Yaʿlāwī, also falls into this trap. He apparently could not imagine that he was not editing a book and in his preface he uses the word musawwada, draft copy, for it, thereby implying that at some stage a mubayyaḍa, a neat copy, would see the light, or might even already exist. (1)

An explosive interlude The three volumes that were so brilliantly identified by Dozy are

presently registered in the Leiden Library with the class-marks Or. 1366a (288 ff.), Or. 3075 (227 ff.) and Or. 1366c (252 ff.),(2) and they have the shelf marks Ar. 1366 a-c.(3) This numbering is strange. The Leiden Oriental manuscripts are given class-marks more or less in order of their arrival in the library.(4) The three volumes had come at the same time to the library, as they were purchased from the auction of the Scheidius library on March 16, 1806, and the following days.(5) The Leiden Professor Everard Scheidius had received them in 1767 ‘ex Oriente’, from the Orient, which here means that they were sent to

________________________ (1) Al-Maqrīzī, Kitāb al-Muqaffā al-Kabīr, ed. al-Yaʿlāwī, vol. 1, p. 8. Frédéric Bauden, in his

article on al-Maqrīzī of 2010, follows this title, and translates it (p. 1076) as ‘The All-Comprehensive History’.

(2) See P. Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 240, for references to the Leiden catalogue. (3) The Leiden class-marks for Oriental manuscripts, ever since 1629, begin with the prefix

Or., but as a response to the great influx of manuscripts in the latter part of the 19th century, shelf marks were added. The class-marks cannot be changed but the shelf marks can, thus giving the librarian freedom of movement in the management of his stacks without compromising the references in scholarly literature which are to the class-marks.

(4) Large collections, such as those coming from Jacobus Golius, Josephus Justus Scaliger and Levinus Warner, were first sorted by height (from large to small), and only then given numbers.

(5) Bibliotheca Scheidiana sive Catalogus Librorum exquisitissimorum, in variis scientiarum generibus, praesertim litteras Orientales, nec non Graecas, et Romanas, spectantibus, quibus usus est vir clarissimus Everardus Scheidius […] Quorum publica fiet Auctio, in Officina Honkopiana, Die 19 Martis 1806. et seqq. Leiden (A & J. Honkoop) 1806. The three ‘Muṭarrizī’ volumes are mentioned on p. 89 as No. 13. An annotated copy of this catalogue, which is preserved in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, gives 42 guilders as the price fetched at auction.



him by the Dutch ambassador in Constantinople. Apparently the Maqrīzī papers had left Egypt, where al-Maqrīzī had produced them, and had been transported to Constantinople. This is a fate shared by innumerable books in Egyptian and Syrian private and public libraries after the Ottoman conquest of the Mamlūk empire in 1517.

The class-mark Or. 3075 for the second of the three volumes implies a much later registration in the Leiden library. This was caused by the aftermath of the so-called ‘kruitschip’ disaster in Leiden on 12 January 1807. An entire quarter of the town was destroyed as a result of the explosion of a gunpowder stock on board a freight ship which had moored inside the city. Some of the Leiden manuscripts that had been lent to learned inhabitants of that quarter, among whom was the Orientalist Sebald Fulco Johannes Rau (1765-1807), survived the disaster in part or in whole. Al-Maqrīzī’s volumes were then less than a year in the Leiden library, and Rau may have been interested in the new acquisition. Anyway, he had borrowed the second volume of the set of three, which at the time may have had the class-mark Or. 1366b - if it had already a class-mark at all. That volume was in his house on the fateful day of the ‘disaster of Leiden’, together with other manuscripts which he had borrowed. The Rau family, who apparently salvaged some manuscripts from the ruins of their house, never brought these back to the Leiden library where they belonged. The Rau collection, including the pieces ‘borrowed’ long ago, was finally donated to Leiden University by S.J.E. Rau (1801-1887) where it was received on January 28, 1888, more than eighty years after the disaster. These Rau manuscripts were registered in the library as Or. 3075-Or. 3096. Several of them are more fragile than others and they are probably the ones that have suffered from the consequences of the explosion of 1807. That Dozy, in 1847, already knew about this volume of al-Maqrīzī’s autograph having been salvaged, whereas it only re-entered the Leiden library in 1888, is a problem which I am presently unable to solve.(1) But all this explains the strange ________________________ (1) See my note on the ‘kruitschip’ manuscripts in Jan Just Witkam, ‘The Oriental Manuscripts

in the Juynboll Family Library in Leiden’, in: Journal of Islamic Manuscripts 3 (2012), pp. 20-102, in particular p. 62.

Reflections on al-Maqrīzī’s Biographical Dictionary


numbering of the three Maqrīzī volumes in Leiden, and the shabby condition of the second volume of the set.

Getting more of the same Early in 1978, when I had been curator of the Oriental manuscripts

in the Leiden Library for slightly over three years, I was approached by an elderly Arab gentleman who asked me permission to have a look at the Leiden autograph manuscripts of al-Maqrīzī. As these (Or. 560, Or. 1366a, Or. 1366c and Or. 3075) were, ever since Dozy’s identification of 1847, well-known and as the Library often had scholarly tourists coming to view famous pieces, rather than to study from them, I brought out a few examples of these highlights of the Leiden Arabic manuscripts collection. After having looked at al-Maqrīzī’s characteristic handwriting, and after having listened at my résumé of arguments for the volumes of al-Muqaffā (as I still called it then, I must admit) being an autograph, as Dozy had established with the help of the many colophons in Or. 560, he expressed his gratitude and after having told me he that he was a retired physician, he confided in me by telling that a manuscript which he had at home was certainly also an autograph by al-Maqrīzī.

Without showing too much interest I said that it might be useful to international scholarship if we could make an exchange of microfilms between the Leiden Library and himself. I did not even think of the possibility of acquiring the original. The gentleman did not react to this proposition. As he left he presented the Leiden library with a copy of a work compiled by himself. It was an English-Arabic dictionary of medical terms and. This is how I now still remember his name, Mahmoud Jalili. I never saw him again. The dictionary was incorporated in the Leiden collections, where it still is.(1)

________________________ (1) Mahmoud Jalili, The unified medical dictionary. English-Arabic. Baghdad (Arab Medical

Union) 1973. I placed it in the Oriental reading room as a silent witness, but in 2012 it has been transferred to the closed stacks of the library where it now has the new shelf mark 2371 D 35.



In the course of September 1978 I received a telephone call from a lady working for Christie’s in London, who wished to have it confirmed that a manuscript that was being offered to Christie’s for auction was indeed an autograph manuscript by al-Maqrīzī. The vendor had referred her to the autographs in Leiden University Library. Could she, so she asked, come to Leiden the next day with a few photographs and have a look at the Leiden originals? Yes, of course she could, I answered, and I could not help recalling the recent visit of Mahmoud Jalili to Leiden. The next day she was there. She had the dazzling appearance of the inhabitant of the grand world from where she had momentarily descended into ours. She left behind her a fragrant track of expensive perfume, which made many a colleague in the library jealous of me for having such an interesting job. It was at once evident to me that she possessed photographs of an as yet unknown part of al-Maqrīzī’s biographical dictionary. I gave her the desired confirmation, and there and then I resolved to acquire that manuscript for the Leiden library. She described it as a pile of paper of more than five hundred leaves, apparently taken out of a binding. The auction at Christie’s was set for 12 October 1978.

A sound strategy for this highly desirable acquisition had to be devised as I had become convinced by then that your colleagues are your worst enemies. It was a lesson which my professor of Arabic, Jan Brugman (1923-2004), had taught me a long time ago and to which I had at first listened with disgust and disbelief. Once employed by the Dutch government myself I soon realized how true his words had been. I remembered so well how, only one year earlier, I had tried to bid at one of Christie’s auctions for a leaf of the so-called Blue Qurʾān. Then I had gone to London, after having complied with all the red-tape of Leiden University which was imposed on the University Librarian by the Board of Directors of the University when a major acquisition had to be made. On the very morning of that auction, however, A.J. Drewes (1927-2007), the professor of South-Arabian studies whom I had persuaded to co-sign my request for funds, had got cold feet and my administrative construct collapsed. After consultations between the Directors of Leiden University and the

Reflections on al-Maqrīzī’s Biographical Dictionary


Chief-Librarian, Mr. J.R. de Groot (1918-1987), the latter’s resistance caved in and he had contacted Christie’s in order to withdraw my mandate. I was told so in the salesroom, only moments before I could start bidding, a rather dramatic move of the authorities placed above me. I still wonder why this has happened, but at the time I thought it beneath me to explore the darker recesses of decision making at my university. Later on, leaves of the Blue Qurʾān came in wide demand and supply remained scarce. Consequently prices rose and never again the Leiden library has had the opportunity to purchase a leaf of that remarkable book from Qayrawān.

This would not happen with this newly emerged autograph manuscript of al-Maqrīzī, as far as I was concerned. There would only be one chance to get the manuscript in Leiden and I was not going to spoil the opportunity. While complying with the University’s red-tape for costly acquisitions I avoided to feed my superiors with too exact information about my movements and whereabouts. I did not disclose my address in London to them, nor did I leave a telephone number, and I was certainly not going to be intimidated in the sales room. In the weeks before the sale at Christie’s I received letters from all corners of the world, from library directors and museum curators, from rich scholars and private collectors, who all wished to have my confirmation about the authenticy of al-Maqrīzī’s autograph which was soon to be auctioned off. I had become Christie’s reference for the authenticity of the autograph. I decided to answer all these queries only after my acquisition of the manuscript at Christie’s lest I would be obliged to buy back my own knowledge as a value added to the manuscript.

When the date of the auction was approaching I travelled to London and conferred with my colleague in the British Library, Yasin Hamid Safadi (1934-2006), who might have knowledge which was not available to me. I was also keen to learn from him whether there was more interest in this manuscript, from the British Library for instance, or from other parties. To my relief the British Library was not interested (although if they have been, I was determined to outbid them), nor did Mr. Safadi know of any other interests. I remember that



he treated me to an excellent lunch during which he showed a certain eagerness to find out my financial limits for this purchase. I had by then been long enough around in the world of the antiquarian book to know that that is one of the details which one never gives away.

Then I arranged for a credit facility with Christie’s accountant, an action based mostly on bluff with only my business card as collateral, and the next day was the auction. I declined Christie’s offer to have the purchase televised. During the bidding I met with little opposition and I got the manuscript for the round sum of £ 10,000 (hammer price). I forget the exchange rate between sterling and guilder at the time, but I remember that the sum was quite affordable.(1)

Now that Leiden University was the legal owner of the manuscript I arranged for the transport. The bizarre details of the difficulties which I encountered in this respect, before the freedom of movement of persons and goods between the member states of the European Union came into effect, and the way I solved these, can best be forgotten. Of course, I wrote a letter, through Christie’s, to the unknown vendor of the manuscript to ask him for details about the provenance of the manuscript, but I never received an answer, and at the time I thought I would never know for sure whether or not Dr. Mahmoud Jalili or someone of his family or acquaintances had been the previous owner.(2)

Happy with my acquisition for the Leiden library, five hundred fifty leaves of autograph biographical notes by al-Maqrīzī, one of the best prizes I ever obtained for the Leiden Library, I published a short note about it, which at the time escaped the attention of most

________________________ (1) It was well within my budget, and I regret till today that I did not also purchase a few

Arabic manuscripts from China, which were sold earlier on during that same auction, as I could have paid for them as well. But I did not dare to spend any money before I had secured the Maqrīzī manuscript for the Leiden library. Till today there are no Arabic manuscripts from China in the Leiden collections.

(2) These additional leaves and sheets of al-Maqrīzī’s ‘Great History in Continuation’ were registered in the Leiden library as Or. 14.533.

Reflections on al-Maqrīzī’s Biographical Dictionary


arabists.(1) A few years later I started to try to place the Leiden autographs of al-Maqrīzī in context with his other autographs.(2) I had, in the course of 1986, been able to study MS Pertev 496 in the Süleymaniyeh Library in Istanbul, which for the greater part is a later copy of the autograph which I acquired at Christie’s.(3)

The newly acquired leaves had arrived in a horrible state of preservation and some of the gatherings could not even be opened without inflicting severe damage. At any attempt of reading the pages would break off on the heavy starch in the inner margins. I reluctantly declared the manuscript out of bounds for all research till it was fully repaired and I regret that this was not always appreciated in the world of scholarship. In particular I was sorry to see that the editor of al-Maqrīzī’s biographical notes, Muḥammad al-Yaʿlāwī for his edition of 1991, had to do without consulting the newly acquired leaves, but the state of the manuscript justified my decision. Al-Yaʿlāwī’s only solace was that MS Pertev 496 provided most of the same text. The conservation work on Or. 14.533 was completed by Ms. Katinka Keus and Mr. Jeff Clement, book conservators in Amsterdam (Workshop ‘Meridiaan’), who added a report of their work to the manuscript, which at my request they bound in five elegant volumes or more or less equal size. Their report, entitled ‘The restauration and rebinding of Manuscript Or. 14.533’, describes the work that had been done on the manuscript between Autumn 1995 and 1 November 1996. Under a slightly different title it has recently been published.(4)

________________________ (1) J.J. Witkam, ‘Discovery of a hitherto unknown section of the Kitāb al-Muqaffā by al-

Maqrīzī’, in: Quaerendo 9 (1979), pp. 353-354. (2) Jan Just Witkam, ‘Les autographes d’Al Maqrīzī’, in: Ahmed-Chouqui Binebine (ed.), Le

manuscrit arabe et la codicologie. Rabat 1994, pp. 89-98. (Publications de la Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines, Rabat. Série: Colloques et séminaires No. 33).

(3) Pertev 496 is the same manuscript that al-Yaʿlāwī refers to as Selimiyeh 496. (4) Katinka Keus & Jeff Clements, ‘The Maqrīzī in a better state. The Restauration and

Binding of MS Leiden Or. 14.533’, in Journal of Islamic Manuscripts 1 (2010), pp. 37-60.



The provenance of the newly found part of al-Maqrīzī’s biographical notes

Till not very long ago I had no idea about the provenance of the autograph fragments of al-Maqrīzī which I had purchased in London in 1978. Directly after al-Maqrīzī’s death the biographical notes must have come into the possession of a younger contemporary of al-Maqrīzī, the polymath Ibn Ḥaǧar al-ʿAsqalānī (d. 852/1449), who in turn is one of al-Sakhāwī’s many teachers. Notes in his very cursive handwriting abound in the manuscript.(1) The Pertev manuscript in Istanbul was possibly copied when al-Maqrīzī’s fragments were still in Egypt, but the Leiden volumes Or. 1366a, Or. 3075 and Or. 1366c were purchased in Constantinople. Dr. Jalili, who had told me about his autograph fragments of al-Maqrīzī’s biographical notes, came from Baghdad. So the question remained wide open.

In January 2012 Dr. Ayman Fuad Sayyid drew my attention to a short bibliographical note by ʿAbd al-Munʿim ʿĀmir about the library of that famous Egyptian modernist Rifāʿa Rāfiʿ al-Ṭahṭāwī (1801-1873).(2) Several highlights of al-Ṭahṭāwī’s private library are mentioned there, and ʿĀmir describes one work in particular, which he calls, as al-Sakhāwī did, Kitāb al-Tārīkh al-Kabīr al-Muqaffā, the ‘Great History in Continuation’. ʿĀmir writes, and I quote and translate here the entire paragraph as the Lamḥa Tārīkhiyya is a rare volume:

يد " بة ا سوهاج و بة رفاعة ناثرة ىف ية بدراسة مجموعات األوراق اخملطوطة ا ية ا سـوتقوم اللجان ا ت ب ت ت ن للعلم مكمل مك لف

ها تعرف عىل هوايهتا و ية تحى رفاعة دراسة تاذ نظميده الا ف للحف ن نجاح، فسـ تهبا، وقد تلكل معل هذه اللجان اب لىف كهر املاىض ية، ذكل أنه أمكن إجياد جزء | لشفكونت ىف ا برية ىف الاوساط ا شفه رجة يا خطريا اكن لعلمأثرا ثقا ك لك ف

________________________ (1) The arguments for the identification of Ibn Ḥaǧar al-ʿAsqalānī as the author of the

additional biographies are in Witkam, ‘Autographes’, pp. 94-95. (2) ʿAbd al-Munʿim ʿĀmir, ‘Maktabat Rifāʿa Rāfiʿ al-Ṭahṭāwī’, in: Fatḥī Rifāʿa al-Ṭahṭāwī,

Lamḥa Tārīkhiyya ʿan Ḥayāt wa-Muʾallafāt al-Shaykh Rifāʿa Badawī Rāfiʿ al-Ṭahṭāwī Muʾassis al-Nahḍa al-ʿIlmiyya al-Ḥadītha (1801-1873), Cairo 1958, pp. 40-45. That reference gave me the final impetus for writing the present essay.

Reflections on al-Maqrīzī’s Biographical Dictionary


بري املقفى للمقريزى يقع ىف تارخي ا تاب ا لكبري من ل ك ياراتك ناهئا توسط، وبأ سامئة ورقة من القطع ا طثالثني و ث مل ، )١(مخية برتمجة تار ية ا خيوبدأ مادهتا ا ل لعلم ـى برتمجة ت سن بن أنو رشوان قاىض القضاة، و سني بن امحد بن ا تنهت امحد بن ا حل حل

سه توب خبط املقريزي شف تجار، وهذا اجملدل ا بوب بن مقدم القحطاىن مكل ا سن بن نفخلف بن ت ل هم مكح ملكنة مخس وأربعني ومثامنائة جهرية وأوراقه توىف معا سـ ."قبة اكمةلمل

يةوراق اإلاأل) ١( فضا

‘The technical and scholarly committees studied dispersed leaves in the library of Rifāʿa in Sūhāǧ, and in the library of his grandson, Mr. Fatḥī Rifāʿa, in order to become acquainted with these and to find out how they fit in the books there. The work of these committees was crowned with success, and last month(1) they established a remarkable cultural feat, which created a great shock in scholarly circles, namely that it was possible to bring together a large part of the Kitāb al-Tārīkh al-Kabīr al-Muqaffā by al-Maqrīzī, which comprises fivehundred thirty leaves of medium size, within which there are smaller formats. The scholarly historical contents begins with the biography of Aḥmad b. al-Ḥusayn b. Aḥmad b. al-Ḥasan b. Anūshirwān Qāḍī al-Quḍāt, and it ends with the biography of Khalaf b. Ḥasan b. Mahbūb b. Muqaddam al-Qaḥṭānī Malik al-Tuǧǧār. This newly discovered volume is written in the hand of al-Maqrīzī himself, who died in the year eighthundred forty-five of the Hiǧra and all leaves are completely consecutive.’(2)

This almost exactly fits with the contents of MS Leiden Or. 14.533, which even has some more leaves than is mentioned here. The first biography mentioned by ʿĀmir is on Or. 14.533, f. 3a, and the final one which ʿĀmir mentions is also the last one available in MS Leiden Or. 14.533.

________________________ (1) The Lamḥa Tārīkhiyya is dated on its cover ‘December 1958’. (2) ʿĀmir, ‘Maktaba’, pp. 41-42.




The identification of the biographical notes in al-Maqrīzī’s handwriting with al-Maqrīzī’s work al-Tārīkh al-Kabīr al-Muqaffā, The Great History in Continuation’, is not beyond doubt. That the biographical notes by al-Maqrīzī are now known as the Kitāb al-Muqaffā, is the result of bibliographical mistakes by Quatremère (1837) and Dozy (1847). Even if al-Maqrīzī may have wished to compile a general biographical dictionary, he apparently abandoned the project. He may have continued to collect biographical information, which he needed for his other work anyway. Al-Maqrīzī’s biographical notes in Paris and Leiden are precisely that: notes, and not a book; they are bundles of paper (rizma) as they were already called in al-Maqrīzī’s lifetime.

The second volume of the first Leiden set of al-Maqrīzī’s biographical notes (Or. 3075) had a double narrow escape. First it survived the explosion of 1807, then it was not immediately returned to the Leiden library and lingered for more than eighty years in a private house in Leiden.

Finally, the five hundred fifty leaves of al-Maqrīzī’s biographical notes that were acquired in 1978 by Leiden University at a London auction, had only twenty years earlier been spotted in the Ṭahṭāwī Library in Sohag, Egypt.

Reflections on al-Maqrīzī’s Biographical Dictionary



The destruction of an entire quarter of the city of Leiden, 12 January 1807, due to the gun powder ship disaster. Part of the Rapenburg and Steenschuur, where Prof.

Sebald Rau lived, was leveled by the explosion. In Rau’s house were several manuscripts which he had on loan from the Leiden library, including the al-Maqrīzī

autograph. Only in 1888 that manuscript was brought back to the library and was then once more registered, now as MS Leiden Or. 3075. In the centre of the scene

King Louis Napoleon brings a visit to the place of the disaster. Aquatint by L. Portman, after a drawing by P.G. van Os

(Leiden University Library, COLLBN 048-22-044, detail).



Al-Maqrīzī’s handwriting and signature (lower corner, at right, line 3), confirming the correctness of the neat copy of his numismatical treatise Shudhūr al-ʿUqūd fī

Dhikr al-Nuqūd: ‘Its neat copy is completed and is correct now, as much as possible, in the hand of its author Aḥmad b. ʿAlī al-Maqrīzī, in the month Ramaḍān of the

year eighthundred forty-one.’ (MS Leiden Or. 560, f. 22b, detail).

Al-Maqrīzī’s handwriting and signature (lower corner, at right, line 4), confirming the correctness of the neat copy of his treatise on apiculture Kitāb Naḥl ʿIbar al-

Naḥl, with a complaint about the bad quality of the text: ‘Has finished with correcting this, as much as possible, notwithstanding the great faultiness of the copy,

its compilator and author Aḥmad b. ʿAlī al-Maqrīzī in the month Ramaḍān of the year eighthundred forty-one.’ (MS Leiden Or. 560, f. 61b, detail).

Reflections on al-Maqrīzī’s Biographical Dictionary


The mistaken title-page identifying al-Maqrīzī’s autograph of his biographical notes as the Ṭabaqāt by al-Muṭarrizī. At the left side is the note telling that the owner of the volume, Everard Scheidius, received the book ‘from the Orient’ in 1767. (MS

Leiden Or. 1366a, fly-leaf).

The beginning of the biographical note on Aḥmad b. al-Ḥasan b. Aḥmad b. al-Ḥasan b.

Anūshirwān, Qāḍī al-Quḍāt, written by al-Maqrīzī on an insert or paste-in, which he made out of a discarded Mamlūk chancery document (MS Leiden Or. 14.533, f. 3a).



Al-Maqrīzī’s autograph notes of the biographies of Aḥmad b. Muḥammad b. Maḥmūd b. Aḥmad … (at richt) and of Aḥmad b. Amīr al-Muʾminīn al-Ẓāhir bi-Amr Allāh Abū Naṣr Muḥammad (at left). Also on the page at left is the stained impression of what may have been the flap of a binding. At the lower part of the right page is the biography of Aḥmad b. … (?) al-Anṣārī, added by Ibn Ḥaǧar al-

ʿAsqalānī (MS Leiden Or. 14.533, ff. 50b-51a).

Al-Maqrīzī at work. A large part of the beginning of the biography of al-Ḥusayn b. al-Ḥasan b. al-Ḥusayn has been erased and replaced by new text. Over the lemma

the letters have been written separately: ḥ-s-y-n, Ḥusayn, h-s-n, Ḥasan, etc., apparently for maintining the correct alphabetical order of the loose leaves (MS

Leiden Or. 14.533, f. 487a).

In The History and Islamic Civilisation

Essays in honour ofAyman Fu’ād Sayyid

In The History and

Islamic CivilisationEssays in honour of

Ayman Fu’ād Sayyid

Edited by

Obada Kohela

Al-Dār al Misriyya al-Lubnāniyya

Être Turc en Égypte mamluke



Être Turc en Égypte mamluke Mounira CHAPOUTOT-REMADI (Tunis) …………………………………. 7-23 Témoin et historien du Caire : al-Maqrīzī Sylvie DENOIX (France) ……………………………………………..…… 25-38 Un coran abbasside à Alexandrie François DÉROCHE (France) ……..…..…………………………….…… 39-52

Cairo in the New World:

Facets of Max Herz Pasha’s “Cairo Street” at the World’s

Columbian Exposition of 1893 in Chicago

István ORMOS (Hungry) ……………….……………………………..…… 53-68 Egyptian Popular Festivals in the Fatimid Period Paul WALKER (U. S. A.) ….…………………………………………..…… 69-92 Reflections on al-Maqrīzī’s Biographical Dictionary Jan Just WITKAM (Netherland) ………….……………………….…… 93-114


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