Reflection - Plays and Drama

Post on 30-Sep-2015

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Transcript of Reflection - Plays and Drama

Reflection Since prehistoric times, people have used drama to express the human experience to show feelings and ideas, recount past events, and tell the stories of their lives. Long before people wrote and read about their experiences, they danced and chanted and pantomimed and even sang about them to tell others. The word drama comes from a Greek word meaning to do or live through. As due to this, we understand that young children love to learn through dramatic experiences. As it is an interesting way to learn a language such as English.Due to this, we had done a project for plays and drama for young learners in our TESL PPG course for this semester. We were to perform a stage play in our group. Since we were only four of us, so we settled in only one group. In this opportunity I would really thank our LGA3043E subject lecterur, Ms.Yusriza for being so supportive and great guidance for us to perform our play successfully and also throughout completion of the assignment. She really provided us with lots of materials and also explanations about the tasks.i really appreciate her contribution towards our successful delivery of play and also in completing our assignment tasks.Before we perform our play, we had to undergo few preliminary process. Such as the process of selecting, process of adapting and also performing it was a tremendous challenge. While we were in the process of selecting the appropriate play to be performed, we realised that it is important for us to consider about all those important aspects of performing a good stage play. After a few suggestions in our group, finally we made up our choice to perform the play of the story Little Red Riding Hood. So we choosed a good script from the internet. Since, it was a quite simple script, so we adapt it to a different version by adding a song in between and also two of our drama techniques that we have learnt that are the freeze frame and also tableau techniques. After a few editing, we post it to our lecturer through our edmodo group for her to view it and make a comment on it. So, Ms.Yusriza, our lecturer, finalised it and said okay for us to use the play script.Then we arranged a specific day to meet in order to have a rehearsel of our play. So at that time many things need to be decided. First we planned about the types of props are we going to use for each characters. Then, we discussed on how to make or get it. Later, we also discussed about the drama techniques that we are going to select and in which part of the play will it be. As stage management is also the most important thing that are need to be considered according to (Ruth Wickham, Brighton Education, 1993), so we really discussed on how to manage it well so that the play really goes into the mind of children clearly. So as we performed our rehearsel, we began to know one by one how our play is going to be performed well. Finally we divided our work among us and it was a good rehearsel day.So, on the day, we get ourselves dressed up in our characters of the story Little Red Riding Hood. Then we performed our play as good as possible. Our lecterur did record our performance. As myself acted as mother and another part as grandmother, it was quite difficult for me too. Since, our group had lack of participants, we had to go through such a situation. Even our narrator then acted as the woodsman. But I was really confident that I did my best and so are my group members. Later, Ms.Yusriza commented on our play. Since voice was also an important criteria in a stage play, she did comment on that aspect. We agreed with that, because we too realised so. As for my experience, I had noticed few errors while performing the play. They are, I noticed that I had left a few lines of my script, since the other roles was quite nervous as me too. Another thing was, even though my costume was a bit simple, but I however managed to wrap it up clearly.Even though there were some weaknesses in our play that day, but Ms.Yusriza our lecturer did praised us for our good performance, by using suitable props and also she did praised about our stage positioning that was neatly done. And certainly our song was praised. Where one of my colleague managed to skip it off the stage with her small dance performance. Anyhow we have managed our play successfully. That was really a big relief. Later, we were to devise activities based on the stage play that we had performed. So I prepared three list of activities for listening and speaking, reading and writing skills respectively. While planning for it, I was really blank of ideas in my mind. So I did contact my lecturer by posting my problems in edmodo group. Later, she managed to check out one of my activity that I sent to her. So with that comment, I proceeded those activities. Since I had to squeeze in a drama technique also, so it was quite challenging for me.But after doing that, it clicked to my mind that this kind of activity will be really helpful in conducting a language classroom. Indeed, it was really beneficial for me. I had learnt a lot. For example, all this while I was just thinking that drama as a role play session, but after devising those activities, I really got to know that there are so much more learning techniques which could mesmerize pupils towards learning. When I start to device these activities, I realise that I could think and come out with much more great ideas beyond my capability.In future, I would really live to conduct this kind of drama activities and make my pupils perform even much more better than this. For that I will apply all those criterias that I had learnt in order to make it the best. At that time, I will make sure that all of the props are genuine and really looks real and also will follow all of the stage rules. I really feel much satisfied by doing this assignment. Even though, it was just a small play, but I had learnt a lot from it.












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