Reflection Essay

Post on 21-Jul-2016

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Transcript of Reflection Essay

Reflection Essay

After reading John Maxwell's leadership principles, I've understand more values towards leadership and achieving it. To add on, I've understand the true meaning and purpose to why must we have leadership in our lives. Based on personal experiences, I'm a leader myself in different roles. Be it chairperson or vice-president or a certain representative of a particular group/class. All roles applies the same value of leadership. We're given this chance to lead the others. But before leading, we must change something. After reading this book of leadership, I've understand even better. The topic on 'Feedback' is something we need the most. With it, we're able to change our flaws and to improve even further. With a number of feedbacks, we're able to evaluate our actions even clearer. Like what the book said, with a quote of 'Feedback is an evaluation or judgment in response to an activity or behaviour. It should be used for the purpose of reinforcing strengths or shedding light on areas for improvement.'

Most of the feedback I got from the Self Inner Circle Feedback form, are good. But there are still some bad pointers that I need to improve as well. When I first saw and read the feedbacks I've received, I tried to evaluate my actions and think back, whether the feedbacks that I've received are reliable or not. While thinking back, I've come to a point that allows me to assess my own actions that causes the result of the feedbacks. I've learned quite a chunk of re-evaluation that I need to improve on and things that I needed to change.

After reading the solicited feedbacks, I realised that clarifications are needed. After reviewing the data and I've decided to change some things. This of course requires me to seek out strategies that can help to transition and grow from my different pointers. With the feedbacks I have, I'll will try and solicit as much feedback as I can and be open and aware of unsolicited feedbacks. If someone is on a path of Self Leadership and is trying to improve themselves (behaviour, skills etc) then they should be consciously open to and aware of feedback opportunities. With this, I've learned to also give feedback to the others so that not only me but others can improve and learn as well. Responsibilities come with our own actions. We must have self discipline too.

Recoveries and amends have been made to the things and mistakes that I've done. In the future, I would much like to avoid the mistakes that I've done before. I've made some apologies to the people that I've caused troubles etc. After amending these mistakes, I've felt much better.

After choosing certain growth areas, I've come to a point of realising that this LIA Leap task has made me more aware in ways of such becoming a better leader and a person without making any unnecessary mistakes. Feedbacks are equally important when it comes to evaluation. To conclude, I've learned that in order to become a better leader you have to first, overcome yourself. After that, it would be the people around you that you often socialize with most.