REFINE YOUR NONVERBAL DELIVERY GROUP 5 Ashley Speegle Stephanie Little Haoyue Guo GROUP 5 - REFINE...

Post on 19-Dec-2015

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Transcript of REFINE YOUR NONVERBAL DELIVERY GROUP 5 Ashley Speegle Stephanie Little Haoyue Guo GROUP 5 - REFINE...

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  • 2 Thanks for coming to my presentation. HINT: Non-verbal's Should Match Your Words
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  • ANALYZE YOUR NONVERBAL STYLE GROUP 5 - REFINE YOUR NONVERBAL DELIVERY 3 BODY POSITION AND MOVEMENT - Distracting Positions - Effective Formal Positions - Effective Informal Positions - Personal Style
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  • ANALYZE YOUR NONVERBAL STYLE GROUP 5 - REFINE YOUR NONVERBAL DELIVERY 4 HAND AND ARM GESTURES - Discover Your Natural Gesturing Style - Avoid Distracting Gestures - Use Conversational Patterns - Adapt to The Situation Room Size Think About Your AudienceConsider Cultural Norms
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  • ANALYZE YOUR NONVERBAL STYLE GROUP 5 - REFINE YOUR NONVERBAL DELIVERY 5 EYE CONTACT AND FACIAL EXPRESSIONS - Find a Friendly Face - Interact With the Audience - Use Your Body as You Make Eye Contact VOCAL TRAITS - Volume - Rate - Enunciation - Filler Words and Sounds
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  • PRACTICE YOUR DELIVERY GROUP 5 - REFINE YOUR NONVERBAL DELIVERY 6 CONTENT AND TIMING - Own Your Content - Connect Notes to Slides - Time a Rehearsal REHEARSE YOUR SLIDES - Link What Theyll See to What Youll Say - Anticipate Visual Distractions - Practice in the Room - Prepare Your Notes
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  • PRACTICE YOUR DELIVERY GROUP 5 - REFINE YOUR NONVERBAL DELIVERY 7 PREPARE FOR YOUR PRESENTATION - Practice How You Will Open - Explain Purpose - Consider Your Nonverbal Message - Decide Where to Stand - Look Away From Your Slides
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  • MANAGE YOUR NERVOUS SYMPTOMS GROUP 5 - REFINE YOUR NONVERBAL DELIVERY 8 GENERAL TECHNIQUE 1. Think About What Makes You Nervous 2. Analyze Your Symptoms - Visible - Audible - Undetectable 3. Practice 4. Request Feedback
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  • MANAGE YOU NERVOUS SYMPTOMS GROUP 5 - REFINE YOUR NONVERBAL DELIVERY 9 PHYSICAL TECHNIQUE 1. Exercise to Control Adrenaline 2. Powerful Pose 3. Relax Specific Body Parts/ Take Deep Breaths 4. Prepare Your Voice
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  • MANAGE YOU NERVOUS SYMPTOMS GROUP 5 - REFINE YOUR NONVERBAL DELIVERY 10 MENTAL TECHNIQUES 1. Try a Positive Approach 2. Create Positive Self Image 3. Think Rationally 4. Connect with the Audience
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  • TO SUM IT ALL UP GROUP 5 - REFINE YOUR NONVERBAL DELIVERY 11 ANALYZE YOUR NONVERBAL STYLE - Body Position and Movement - Hand and Arm Gestures - Eye Contact and Facial Expressions - Vocal Traits PRACTICE YOUR DELIVERY - Content and Timing - Rehearse Your Slides - Prepare For Your Presentation MANAGE NERVOUS SYMPTOMS - Physical Techniques - General Techniques - Mental Techniques
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  • QUIZ GROUP 5 - REFINE YOUR NONVERBAL DELIVERY 12 1.According to the video, an optimist is also referred to as a _____________? 2.You should be comfortable with _______ and ________ when practicing your delivery. 3.When adapting to your presentation situation what are 2 of the 3 things you you should consider? 4. When managing your nervous system, what are 3 of the 4 physical techniques you should practice? 5.Describe a nervous symptom you often get during presentations, and describe which of the techniques discussed you can use to manage it. 6. What former president did we use in our example of considering Cultural Norms?
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  • ANSWER KEY 1. Reverse Paranoid 2. Content and Timing 3. Room Size, Cultural Norms, Think about your Audience 4. Exercise, Powerful pose, relax body parts, Practice Voice 5. Refer to one of the three techniques, General, Mental, Physical 6. George Bush Sr. GROUP 5 - REFINE YOUR NONVERBAL DELIVERY 13