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Transcript of References - Springer978-94-017-0295-9/1.pdf · References Abramowitz. A and Stegun. I.A (1972)....


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L1 metric, 52, 70, 97 L2 metric, 51, 70

active contours, 10, 118 advantages, 10, 118 behavior of traditional active contours,

120 bending forces, 10, 118 definition, 118 distance potential forces, 122 elasticity forces, 10, 118 Euler equations, 120, 125, 127 external energy, 119 external forces, 10, 118 external potential force, 120 generalized force balance equations, 124 gradient vector flow (GVF), 125 greedy algorithm, 124 internal energy, 119 internal forces, 10, 118 traditional potential forces, 122

active contours, problems, 123 initialization, 123 non-convex shapes, 123

additive noise model, 50

Baum-Welch reestimation formulas, 184 Bayes classifier, 47 Bayes error, 48 Bayes rule, 47 Bayesian networks, 15, 173

Cauchy Naive Bayes, 176 Chow-Liu algorithm, 177 class variable, 174 design decisions, 175 feature distribution, 175 features, 174 Gaussian Naive Bayes, 176 Gaussian-TAN classifier, 179

Gaussian-TAN parameters computation, 180

Kruskal's Maximum Weighted Spanning Tree Algorithm, 177, 178

labels, 174 Naive Bayes, 15, 175 parameters, 175 records, 174 structure, 175 TAN learning algorithm, 177, 178 Tree-Augmented-Naive-Bayes (TAN),

15, 176 variable dependencies, 175

Bernstein polynomials, 172 beta distribution, 37 beta prime distribution, 37 Bezier curve, 172 Bezier volume, 172 Bhattacharyya distance, 48 bivariate normal distribution, 32, 33 Box-Muller Transformation, 36

camera noise, 19 Cauchy distribution, 41, 52

characteristic function, 42 cumulative distribution function, 42 moments, 43 relation with Gaussian distribution, 43 scale parameter, 54

Cauchy estimator, 53 Cauchy metric (L c ), 52, 54 central limit theorem, 28, 30 Chernoff distance, 49 Chi-square test, 56 Chi-squared distribution, 29 color, 61

auto-correlogram (Cg), 71 CIE chromaticity chart, 64 color histogram,S, 69 color indexing, 5, 69


colorimetry, 63, 64 correlogram, 6, 72 Goethe's color triangle, 62 Goethe's theory, 62 Heisenberg's theory, 62 histogram intersection, 6, 70 JPEG noise, 74 Maxwell's color triangle, 63 Maxwell's experiments, 63 Munsell's color space, 63 Munsell's theory, 63 Newton's theory, 62 Newtons's experiments, 62 perception, 5, 61 primary colors, 64 Printer-Scanner noise, 74, 75 quadratic distance measure (Lq ), 6, 71 quantization, 71 Scale noise, 74 spectral energy distribution,S, 66 spectral response,S, 66 visible spectrum,S, 64 wavelength, 5, 61 wavelength sensitivity,S, 64

color based retrieval, 68 issues, 68

color experiments, 75 color model, 76 distribution analysis, 77 object database, 79

color models, 6, 64 CMY,65 HSI,65 HSV, 65, 66 hI2h,65 L*a'b',65 L*u'v*,65 RGB,65 RG B to H SV transformation, 66 U*V'W',65 XYZ,65 YIQ,65 YUV,65 h1213,67 rgb,65 xyz,65 opponent color representation, 6

color quantization, 76 computer vision, 1

applications, 1 definition, 1 issues, 1

Corel database, 73

diffusion equations, 125, 129 directed acyclic graph, 175 discriminant classifiers, 47


double exponential distribution, 40 cumulative distribution function, 40 kurtosis, 41 mean, 41 moments, 40 skewness, 41 variance, 41

emotion recognition, 13, 163 action units (AU s), 14, 168 Bayesian network classifiers, 15, 173 comparison Naive Bayes vs. TAN, 196 comparison static vs. dynamic classifica-

tion, 196 confused categories, 170 confusion matrix, 192 Darwin's study, 166 definition, 166 discrete categories, 167 dynamic classification, 14, 165, 179 Ekman's studies, 14, 167 Emotion-Specific HMMs, 183 emotional classification, 14, 165 Facial Action Coding System (FACS), 14,

168 Hidden Markov model (HMM) classi-

fiers, 15, 182 James-Lange theory of emotion, 166 judgment studies, 167 methods, 168 motion units (MU's), 172 multi-level HMM classifier, 15, 184 multiple dimensions (scales), 167 person-dependent tests, 191 person-independent tests, 193 static classification, 14, 165, 173 theories of emotion, 166 universal categories of emotional expres­

sions, 14, 168 emotion recognition databases, 187

Chen database, 187 Cohn-Kanade database, 187

Euclidean distance, 49 evaluation, 16

basic categories, 17 experimental setup, 57 exponential distribution, 38, 52

characteristic function, 39 kurtosis, 39 mean, 39 moment-generating function, 38 skewness, 39 variance, 39

exponential estimator, 53

Fisher linear discriminant, 49 fuzzy central limit theorem, 31


Gabor filter, 94 Gabor function, 93 Gabor transform, 92 Gabor wavelets, 94 gamma distribution, 37 Gaussian distribution, 27, 51

P confidence interval, 29 central moments, 35 characteristic function, 32 Cramer's theorem, 35 cumulative distribution function, 28 differential equation, solution, 36 error function (erf), 28 Fourier transform, 30 kurtosis, 35 moment-generating function, 32 normal distribution function, 29 normal form variate, 30 probability distribution, 27 raw moments, 34 relation with Cauchy distribution, 32 skewness, 35 standard normal distribution, 29 variance, 35 z-score,29

generalized diffusion equations, 128 generative model classifiers, 47 ground truth, 17, 50

Heisenberg uncertainty inequality, 93 Hidden Markov Models (HMM), 182

basic problems, 183 Conditional Probability Table, 183

human-computer intelligent interaction (HCII), 164

applications, 164

influence function, 51 invariant moments, 10, 130

central moments, 130 normalized central moments, 131

Kullback discriminant, 49, 58, 97 Kullback relative information, 57

least-squares fit, 26, 45, 46 local contrast, 91 Lorentzian distribution, 41

Mabalanobis distance, 49 man-machine interaction, 14, 163 maximum likelihood, 45

classical approach, 45 estimation, 46 formula, 46 our approach, 50 relation to other approaches, 47

maximum likelihood estimators, 45

maximum likelihood (M L) metric, 54 maximum likelihood classifier, 48 Minkowski-form distance, 52 motion tracking, 157, 171

average tracking error, 158 block correlation, 13, 158 optical flow, 13, 158


Piecewise Bezier Volume Deformation (PBVD) tracker, 171

template matching, 13, 158 multi-level HMM classifier

architecture, 185 automatic segmentation, 184 emotion recognition, 184 training procedure, 185

ordinal metrics, 12 outliers, 26, 44

generation mechanisms, 44

Pearson System, 37 perspective projection, 11, 139 Poisson distribution, 38 precision, 73 Prokhorov distance measure, 56

quadratic estimator, 53 quadrature mirror filter (QMF) bank, 95

ratio distribution, 32, 33 recall,73 retrieval accuracy, 73 retrieval by example, 2 robust statistics, 43 robustness, 25

scope, 73 shape, 111

COIL-20 database, 131 definition, 9, 111 deformation modes, 10, 117 retrieval by shape similarity, 9, III similarity, 9, 111

similarity, 2 color distribution similarity,S concept, 2 judgments, 2 retrieval by similarity, 2 system requirements, 2 types of similarity, 3

similarity noise, 18 similarity probability, 50 snakes, 10, 118

GVF snake, 125 statistical distributions, 26

outlier-prone, 44


outlier-resistant, 44 stereo, 135

accommodation cue, 137 adaptive-window stereo, 143 ambiguous match, 140 ARPA JISCT stereo evaluation study, 150 baseline distance, 142 binocular cue, 137 convergence cue, 137 correlation based stereo, 11, 142 disparity, 11, 139, 141 epipolar constraint, 139 epipolar line, 139 Euclid's experiments, 135 feature based stereo, 12, 142 focal length, 142 intensity anomaly features, 12 Jacopo Chimenti's stereo drawings, 136 Julesz's experiments, 138 left-right consistency test, 146, 147 Leonardo da Vinci's experiments, 136 monocular cue, 137 multibaseline stereo, 143 occlusion problem, 140 optical axes, 140 random dot stereograrns, 138 semantic features, 12 stereo cue conflict, 138 stereo matching, 11, 138 stereo matching vs. image matching, 3 stereoscopic (cyclopean) image, 11 stereoscopic vision, 135, 137 stereoscopy, 11, 137 Wheatstone's demonstration, 136

stereo matching algorithms, 144 maximum likelihood (Cox), 147 multiple windows, 146 template based, 144

stereo sets, 151 Castle set, 151 Flat set, 151 Robots stereo pair, 151 Suburb set, 151 Tower set, 151

stereopsis, II Student's t-distribution, 37, 44

test set, 57 texture, 83

approaches for retrieval, 7, 87 Brodatz textures, 95 Caelli's experiments, 86 definition, 84 first order statistics, 86 human perception, 86 Julesz's conjecture, 86 Julesz's studies, 86

multiscale approach, 8, 88 perceptual difference, 85 relative gain, 102 second order statistics, 86 textons,86 texture annotation, 8, 88 texture discrimination, 7, 87 texture segmentation, 8, 88 visual texture, 83

texture experiments, 95 distribution analysis, 97 experimental setup, 106 misdetection rate, 99 texture features, 95, 105

texture features, 87


center-symmetric covariance, 89 co-occurrence features, 88 co-occurrence matrix, 8, 88 coarseness, 87 complementary feature pairs, 91 density, 87 direction, 87 directionality, 7, 87 fractal based features, 8, 88 frequency, 87 Gabor multi-channel features, 8, 88 granularity, 7 gray-level differences, 89 Laws' energy measures, 89 linearity, 87 local binary patterns, 91 Markov Random Fields parameters, 8, 88 phase, 87 regularity, 87 repetitiveness, 7 roughness, 87 spatial frequency, 88 trigrarns, 91 uniformity, 87

texture models Gabor, 92 wavelet, 92

time-bandwidth product, 93 training set, 57

visual form, 113 Attneave's cat experiment, 116 Gestalt school, 113 Gibson's theory, 114 Hebb's theory, 114 human perception, 113 kinds of, 114 Koenderink's morphogenetic sequence,

116 laws, 113 Marr's paradigm, 115 symmetry-curvature theorem, 117 transversality principle, 116


visual similarity, 2

color, 4

facial expression, 13

main issues, 15

motion, 13

shape, 9

stereo, II texture, 7

Viterbi algorithm, 187

wavelet filter bank, 95 wavelet transform, 8, 92, 93

bi-orthogonal, 8, 88


Gabor wavelet transform (GWT), 8, 88, 106, 108, 109

orthogonal, 8, 88 quadrature mirror filter (QMF) wavelet

transform, 106, 109 tree-structured, 8, 88

window Fourier transform, 93