Reeds environment management

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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Lecture on environment management

Transcript of Reeds environment management

Environmental Management Framework (EMF) for Small Scale Rural Development Projects

CEE’s experience in supporting poverty alleviation initiatives in Andhra Pradesh

About CEE:

National institute established in 1984: centre of excellence in environment education, supported by MoEF

Head Office: Ahmedabad Southern Regional Office: Bangalore AP State Office: Hyderabad established in 2000

CEE’s role as Environment Agency CEE functions as Environment Agency for

the state Govt. Poverty alleviation programme funded by World Bank

Integrating Environmental management into small scale rural development projects – Environment Management Framework (EMF)

EMF - Objectives

To ensure that neither the livelihoods of the poor nor the environment are compromised

Explore possibilities of making the efforts to improve livelihoods as well as conservation of the environment complimentary so that there are sustained benefits from the development activities initiated

EMF Strategy

Mitigating any negative environmental impacts that may emerge from the sub-projects

Ensuring the long-term sustainability of benefits from sub-projects by securing the natural resource base on which they are dependent

Facilitating Proactive Subprojects

Components of EMF

Environmental assessment

Proactive subprojects

Environmental Assessment Part of every project appraisal

Detail or level of assessment depends on project type

Suggests ways in which positive impacts and be enhanced and negative impacts controlled

EA Process

Specifically, EA includes:

Screening to identify the level of environmental assessment required

Assessment, specific to the nature and scale of the sub-project


Can the sub-project be taken up? Dos and Don'ts based on

Laws, Regulations of GOI and GOAP Safeguard Policies of the World Bank

If yes, what is the level of EA required?

Level of assessment

Level Details

Level 0 Doesn’t depend on or use any natural resource directly, doesn’t adversely impact any natural resource, detailed assessment not required

Level 1 Marginal or short-term impact or positive impact on the environment

Level 2 Significant or irreversible or long-term negative impact

Level 3 Severe adverse environmental impact, which cannot be mitigated within a feasible timeframe and budget

Proactive subprojects

Use of alternate resources (bio gas plants, solar devices)

Efficient use of existing resources (fuel efficient cook stoves, micro irrigation systems,)

Create or enhance natural resources to support livelihoods (energy plantations, water harvesting)

Create or enhance systems for sustainable management of natural resources (pasture land management, IPM practices)


Designing and facilitating the implementation of EMF (development of system and tools for assessment)

Capacity building (main and refresher trainings)

Material development (tool box, hand books, flash cards, posters)

Monitoring (six monthly supervision visits)

EA tool

Parts of a tool Use of natural resources Impact on natural resources (use of resource

and waste release) Mitigation measures Details of mitigation measures

Common environmental issues Livestock: fodder

scarcity, improper shelter, improper composting

Common environmental issues Agriculture: Heavy

use of chemicals, lack of technical support

Common environmental issues NTFP: Unsustainable

methods of harvesting, improper storage

Common environmental issues Brick making and

Pottery: Heavy consumption of fuel wood, extraction of soil from agricultural lands

Examples of application of EASubproject proposed: Sheep rearing

Suggestions after EA:Rotational grazing

Stall feeding

Subproject proposed: Cotton cultivation in 5 acres

Suggestions after EA:Cotton+ Jowar : 2 acres

Redgram + Soybean: 1 acre

Cotton: 2 acres

Out comes Agriculture: Use of organic manures, change

in cropping systems, micro irrigation methods, mulching, etc.

Livestock: Fodder cultivation, composting the manure, fodder enrichment, rotational grazing, supplementary feed, immunization, shed construction, etc.

NTFP: Sustainable extraction, permission from forest department, etc.

Implementation of mitigation measures

Implementation of mitigation measures

Best Practices


Shankaravarappadu Village



Silage makingSantha seetha rampuram


Shed management


Sheep rearing

Well managed pen


Penning in orchards Shifting sheds



Leaf material used as bed

Stall feeding for Sheep


Dry fodder storage





Mango saplings developed by grafting

Pest management

Trap crops (castor and marigold):



Pheromone traps

Nutrient Management

Farm yard manure


Tank Silt application

Use of Vermicompost




Soil and water conservation

Drip irrigation




Farm ponds

Furrow Irrigation


Mulching with pongamia


Medicinal and aromatic plants

Lemon grass cultivation


Medicinal mentha cultivation

Bio Diesel Plantations

Pongamia plantation

Bio diesel generator

The new approach…..

Capacity building the community to integrate environmental management into their livelihoods

Thank you