Red Mountain High School Biomedical Sciences Mountain High School Biomedical Sciences ... Because we...

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Transcript of Red Mountain High School Biomedical Sciences Mountain High School Biomedical Sciences ... Because we...

Red Mountain High School Biomedical Sciences

Name Room # e-mail Courses

Tammy Hamilton Room 807 PBS, MI, BI

Barbara Torrey Room 825 PBS and HBS

Supplies 1. Pens (no neon colors) and pencils.

2. Flash drive. A LOT of work we do is in digital format and most of it is online in the PLTW LMS. However, you

will want a digital backup of all of the curriculum so you can still do your work if your internet goes down. 2GB will be plenty.

3. 1” Three Ring Binder with Tabs (# determined in class)

Online Learning Management System

The curriculum for Biomedical Sciences will be available online. Students will also have a copy of the curriculum on

a flash drive for those times when the internet at home may not be working. Students will get access to this

online management system the first week of school. This can be found at

Due to copy write laws only the students can have password to the site. Parents feel free to have your children

give you a walk through.

Grades The following scale will be used to assign grades: A = 100-90% B = 89-80% C = 79-70% D = 69-60% F = 50-0%

You will be able to access grades online. It is YOUR responsibility to make sure you & your parents have

access to it! Check regularly! Do not wait until the end of the semester!!! Be proactive!!

Behavior Expectations

If your student chooses to NOT follow rules, they could receive: a verbal warning, confiscation,

working detention, parent-teacher conference, or referral. It should not be assumed that all

infractions will start with a verbal warning. Serious infractions will receive serious


Personal Behavior and Dress Code Each student will be expected to follow the RMHS Student handbook with regards to dress

code, bullying, and sexual harassment. We are expected to dress appropriately and to treat

one another with respect.

Attendance Students are expected to attend & be on time for each and every class. The attendance

policies and procedures set forth in the student handbook will be adhered to and upheld.

For every day absent, you have two days to complete the work.

Tardiness Students are expected to attend & be on time for each class. The tardy policy set forth in

the student handbook will be adhered to and upheld.

Late Work Because we spend a majority of our time in class working on projects and assignments all

activities, projects, labs, etc. are due at the beginning of class on the assigned due date.

Activities and class work not turned in on time will receive a maximum of 70% of the earned

grade the next day, after that ZERO points. If you forget to do some of the work at home,

you can turn in the work you completed in class. Major projects will be DUE on assigned due

date… NO EXCEPTIONS… you will have ample time before the due date!!

Make-up Work It is YOUR responsibility to get makeup work NOT the teachers! If you

miss notes, it is YOUR responsibility to get them from a classmate. Late work must be turned in time amount given according to district. For each day absent,

you get two days to complete work.

If you are absent the day of an exam/quiz, you MUST take it the day you get back.

Before school, after school or during lunch. If this is a problem see teacher. You will know

well in advance of approaching exams/quizzes. Make up tests/quizzes could be in essay

&/or short answer format.

There are NO re-takes on tests! NO exceptions! If you are absent the day of a lab, you may (depending on the lab) receive an alternative

assignment. ALL labs, activities, assignments, projects are due on time. ANY work turned

in the next day is worth 70% of the earned grade; after that it is worth ZERO

points. No exceptions! MAJOR projects & Formal Lab Write Ups are DUE on the assigned DUE DATE.

No exceptions!

Any work that is missed due to an un-excused absence will not allowed to be made up, and will be given the grade of 0 regardless of the assignment.

Electronics We will use laptops every day in Biomed. You are welcome to use your own laptops or tablets. We also will use phones from time to time. Only use phones when allowed by the teacher. Mesa Public Schools treats system security VERY seriously. Any misuse or abuse of computer equipment, programs or data will result in TERMINATION of computer privileges and may lead to disciplinary action. This includes:

Entering or exploring any area of the computer or network other than the program for the course and the home directory where the student’s data files are located. This includes attempting to explore the Internet without permission.

Attempting to log on with any other ID other than their own.

Attempting to destroy or modify programs, records or data belonging to the school or another user.

Attempting to use the disk drive or CD drives without permission.

Computer vandalism, which includes writing on equipment, taking mouse balls, writing on mouse pads or copy holders, or removing anything from the classroom that belongs here. Vandalism also includes changing computer configurations or attempting to “hack” into any system that is not part of the curriculum.

Unauthorized use of computer resources for unauthorized purposes.

Accessing or copying programs, records or data belonging to the school or another user without permission.

Attempting to breach the security of another user’s account of deprive another user of access to the school’s computing resources.

Using the school’s computing resources for personal or financial gain.

Transporting copies of the school’s programs, records, or data to another person or site without written authorization.

Accessing or modifying any desktop icons or files without instructors’ permission.

Cheating or computer vandalism results in referral to Admin. Cheating includes copying or using other students’ work or copying or using other students’ files.

No vulgar, abusive, or crude language is to be used in the classroom or on the terminals.

Cheating & Plagiarism Policy This class will hold a ZERO tolerance policy for plagiarism and cheating (copying

another student’s homework, lab, packet, test etc). ALL involved will receive a ZERO and may be given a referral &/or parental contact.

W h a t i s p l a g i a r i s m ? 1. Copying word for word

2. Not adequately paraphrasing (Changing a few words in a sentence does not make it yours!)

3. Paraphrasing another’s work without giving reference to that work

Restroom Policy

Students may use the restroom as needed. Unless it is an emergency, please do not ask during

lecture. In order to go, one must ask for permission, hand the teacher their cell phone and pick

up the pass located by the front door.

This journey may change your view of life, your body, & how life works!

This is a project- and laboratory-based course applying real world scenarios.

Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. Torrey will be your guides for the journey, facilitators, an events

planner, and occasionally a source of information!

Other sources of information will be the textbook, the coloring packets, work packets,

charts and diagrams, videos, and internet sites.

Always remember, you are the learner here! You are the one who

needs to actively acquire knowledge.

The teacher does not give grades, Y O U earn

them! So your success depends mainly on you! Take

responsibility for your own learning!!! Who knows where the journey will lead but by the end of the journey

you will be richer in knowledge and experience!

1. When teacher is at front of class or podium – a l l q u i e t

2. Sitting on top of lab tables or desks is not safe & not allowed!

3. Please take off hats, bandanas, & place GUM in trash cans (NOT under desks)!!

4. Electronics should NOT be in use unless instructed to do so! 5. STAY in desks until bell or until teacher dismisses you. 6. D o n ’ t p a c k u p i f t e a c h e r i s t a l k i n g !

7. Come to class on time (in seat by last bell), prepared every day and bring required materials!

8. During exams/quizzes, NO talking, NO notes NO IPODS, NO working on other work. You

must sit quietly until EVERYONE is finished with his/her exam or quiz.

9. Answers to all questions (exceptions: labeling, diagrams, matching, fill in the blanks) must be in

complete sentences for full credit!

10. If absent, check the unit calendar (online) BEFORE talking to the teacher.

RMHS Biomed Signature Sheet

By signing and returning this sheet, you are acknowledging you and

your student understand and agree to: ALL RULES, POLICIES & PROCEDURES (which can be found online)

It’s our responsibility to check grades online.

It’s our responsibility to be proactive on concerns regarding my grades.

Email if you have any concerns or questions. Please don’t wait until the end of the grading period.

It’s the student’s responsibility to get to class ON TIME!!!

It’s our responsibility to check the unit calendar (online)

We understand that all paper graded assignments are returned to the basket marked by his/her

hour & it’s my responsibility to collect my own work (before school, after school, or lunch).

Have a clear understanding that ALL labs, activities, assignments, projects are due on time on the

specified due date at the start of class.

o If you are unexpectedly absent on the day an assignment is due, you must turn in the

assignment on the first day you return to class in order to be eligible for full credit.

o ANY work turned in the next day is worth 70% of the earned grade; after that it is

worth ZERO points. No exceptions!

o MAJOR projects & Formal Lab Write Ups are DUE on the DUE DATE! No Exceptions!

Answers to all questions (exceptions: labeling, diagrams, matching, fill in the blanks) must be in complete

sentences for full credit!

EVERY assignment/lab/project must have your full name, activity/lab title & #, and date in the

upper right corner. It’s my responsibility to follow ALL computer rules! I give my student permission to watch the following PG movies & they will be used to write essays and will

also be the basis for several in-class discussions & projects. It is District policy that you give permission for your student to watch them. Possible videos: Super-Size Me (edited version that is PG), Lorenzo’s Oil, Erin Brockovich, GATTACA, Contagion, episodes or sections of House and Bones as well as dissections. If others apply to curriculum, titles will be posted online.

If you have any questions please feel free to email ANYTIME throughout the year!

Student Printed Name: ____________________________________________

Student Signature: _______________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Printed Name: _______________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Cell Phone: _____________________ Email: ________________________


Class Hour: ____________ Home Phone: ______________________ Your Cell Phone: ___________________________

Father’s Name:____________________

Father’s work/cell phone: ______________________________

Mother’s Name: ___________________

Mother’s work/cell phone: __________________________

Guardian’s Name: __________________

Guardian’s work/cell phone: _____________________________

Do you live with Mom, Dad, both, or neither? _________________

Who do you prefer me to contact? ________________________

Do you need to sit in a certain area of the room? Ex. To see board

Do you have any medical needs to bring to my attention? Please List.

What kind of activities do you plan to participate in at school this year?

What interests do you have outside of school? Do you have a job? If so, where?

How you enjoyed your previous science classes? Why or why not. What did you take?

Are there any specific topics you hope get covered in this class?

What are your long term educational goals? What college/university/vocational/military do you

plan to attend?

As of right now, what would you like to do for a career(s)?