Recycling Facilty RAPOR

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Transcript of Recycling Facilty RAPOR


submitted to

the Department of Industrial Engineering


Cyprus International University


Çağrı BAYCAN 20050785

Alper ŞERİFOĞLU 20050853

Ekrem SEMİZ 20050978

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course

ILE 441

in the Department of Industrial Engineering

Nicosia, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

January, 2012

Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 4

RECYCLING ................................................................................................................................. 5

History ....................................................................................................................................... 6

CHARACTERIZATION OF THE WASTE STREAM ................................................................ 8

Evaluation of Local Waste Characterization and Percent of Recyclables ............................... 10

DECOMPOSITON OF SOLID WASTES .................................................................................. 12

What Is Solid Waste ................................................................................................................. 12

Categorization of Solid Waste ................................................................................................. 13

Composition of Solid Waste .................................................................................................... 13

Waste Separation and Recovery Facilities ............................................................................... 14

TYPES OF MRFS.................................................................................................................... 14

DECOMPOSITON THESIS DESIGN .................................................................................... 16

Machines are used in design ................................................................................................ 20

Tipping Floor ....................................................................................................................... 20

Bag Opener .......................................................................................................................... 21

Trommel ............................................................................................................................... 21

Magnetic Separator .............................................................................................................. 22

Vertical Chain Curtain ......................................................................................................... 24

Bucket Screen ...................................................................................................................... 24

Float Tank ............................................................................................................................ 25

Disc Screen .......................................................................................................................... 26

Air Classifier ........................................................................................................................ 27

Eddy Current Separator ........................................................................................................ 28

Baler ..................................................................................................................................... 30

Shredder ............................................................................................................................... 31

Glass Crusher ....................................................................................................................... 32

Conveyors ............................................................................................................................ 32

Plastic Separation ................................................................................................................. 33

PLASTIC RECYCLING MACHINERY .................................................................................... 35


Granule Extruder Machines and Units ..................................................................................... 38

Control Unit ............................................................................................................................. 38

Cutting Unit (Pelletizing) ......................................................................................................... 39

Granule Extruder (Screw and Barrel) Properties ..................................................................... 40

Agromer Machines and Units .................................................................................................. 42

Crusher ..................................................................................................................................... 43

Filter Plate and Filter ............................................................................................................... 44

Blades ....................................................................................................................................... 44

Washing and Drying Unit ........................................................................................................ 45

WASTE PAPER RECYCLING .................................................................................................. 46

TECHNOLOGY ...................................................................................................................... 46

Production Process ............................................................................................................... 46

Sorting, cutting and Dusting ................................................................................................ 46

Digesting (Cooking) ............................................................................................................. 47

Beating ................................................................................................................................. 47

Lifting and Couching ........................................................................................................... 47

Pressing and Drying ............................................................................................................. 47

Calendaring .......................................................................................................................... 47

Sorting and Cutting .............................................................................................................. 48

Machinery and Equipment .................................................................................................. 48

GLASS RECYCLING ................................................................................................................. 51

Production Stages and Machine Units ..................................................................................... 53

Bottle Supply Hopper .......................................................................................................... 53

Crusher ................................................................................................................................. 53

Cullet Mill ............................................................................................................................ 54

Powder Sifter ....................................................................................................................... 54

Powder Conveyors ............................................................................................................... 55

Mixing Machine ................................................................................................................... 55

Baking Machine ................................................................................................................... 56

Supersol Sizer ...................................................................................................................... 56

LOCATION ................................................................................................................................. 57

COST ANALYSIS....................................................................................................................... 64


Plastic Recycling Machinery Cost ............................................................................................. 64

Paper Recycling Machinery Cost .............................................................................................. 64

Glass Recycling Machinery Cost ............................................................................................... 64

Land, Building and Civil works.................................................................................................. 64

Office Furniture and Equipment Cost ..................................................................................... 65

Training Requirement .............................................................................................................. 65

Vehicles .................................................................................................................................... 65

Manpower Requirement Of The Plant And Labor Cost ......................................................... 65

Total Cost ................................................................................................................................. 67

FACILITY LAYOUT .......................................................................................................................... 68




To sustain the life, people need to use materials made by paper, glass and plastic. On the

other hand, these raw materials are reusable so they must contribute to the nature.

To prevent resource shortage, it is needed for recycling. This resource shortage

especially occurs by using paper, glass and plastic, because these are much usable in

daily life.

Books, newspapers, envelopes, napkins etc. are made by paper. Cups, glasses, bottles,

vase etc. are made by glass. Toys, plates, tables, pipes, lots of kitchen materials are made

by plastic and lots of things are not assumed.

These are made the life easier, however these are also harmful for the nature and they

must retrieve to prevent giving more harm. To do all these things, it is needed recycling


In this plant, it is established a paper, glass and plastic recycling lines as separated from

each other. For all these materials, it is used different machines. Also, it is needed

governmental procedures, enough area, capital, infrastructure analyzes, cost analyzes

inventories to help recycling, labor force etc.




Recycling is processing used materials (waste) into new products to prevent waste of

potentially useful materials, reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, reduce

energy usage, reduce air pollution (from incineration) and water pollution (from

landfilling) by reducing the need for "conventional" waste disposal, and lower

greenhouse gas emissions as compared to virgin production. Recycling is a key

component of modern waste reduction and is the third component of the "Reduce, Reuse

and Recycle" waste hierarchy.

There are some ISO standards relating to recycling such as ISO 15270:2008 for plastics

waste and ISO 14001:2004 for environmental management control of recycling practice.

Recyclable materials include many kinds of glass, paper, metal, plastic, textiles, and

electronics. Although similar in effect, the composting or other reuse of biodegradable

waste – such as food or garden waste – is not typically considered recycling. Materials

to be recycled are either brought to a collection center or picked up from the curbside,

then sorted, cleaned, and reprocessed into new materials bound for manufacturing.

In the strictest sense, recycling of a material would produce a fresh supply of the same

material—for example, used office paper would be converted into new office paper, or

used foamed polystyrene into new polystyrene. However, this is often difficult or too

expensive (compared with producing the same product from raw materials or other

sources), so "recycling" of many products or materials involve their reuse in producing

different materials (e.g., paperboard) instead. Another form of recycling is the salvage of

certain materials from complex products, either due to their intrinsic value (e.g., lead

from car batteries, or gold from computer components), or due to their hazardous nature

(e.g., removal and reuse of mercury from various items). Critics dispute the net


economic and environmental benefits of recycling over its costs, and suggest that

proponents of recycling often make matters worse and suffer from confirmation bias.

Specifically, critics argue that the costs and energy used in collection and transportation

detract from (and outweigh) the costs and energy saved in the production process; also

that the jobs produced by the recycling industry can be a poor trade for the jobs lost in

logging, mining, and other industries associated with virgin production; and that

materials such as paper pulp can only be recycled a few times before material

degradation prevents further recycling. Proponents of recycling dispute each of these

claims, and the validity of arguments from both sides has led to enduring controversy.


Recycling has been a common practice for most of human history, with recorded

advocates as far back as Plato in 400 BC. During periods when resources were scarce,

archaeological studies of ancient waste dumps show less household waste (such as ash,

broken tools and pottery)—implying more waste was being recycled in the absence of

new material.

In pre-industrial times, there is evidence of scrap bronze and other metals being

collected in Europe and melted down for perpetual reuse. In Britain dust and ash from

wood and coal fires was collected by 'dustmen' and down cycled as a base material used

in brick making. The main driver for these types of recycling was the economic

advantage of obtaining recycled feedstock instead of acquiring virgin material, as well as

a lack of public waste removal in ever more densely populated areas. In 1813, Benjamin

Law developed the process of turning rags into 'shoddy' and 'mungo' wool in Batley,

Yorkshire. This material combined recycled fibres with virgin wool. The West

Yorkshire shoddy industry in towns such as Batley and Dewsbury lasted from the early

19th century to at least 1914.

Industrialization spurred demand for affordable materials; aside from rags, ferrous scrap

metals were coveted as they were cheaper to acquire than was virgin ore. Railroads both

purchased and sold scrap metal in the 19th century, and the growing steel and

automobile industries purchased scrap in the early 20th century. Many secondary goods


were collected, processed, and sold by peddlers who combed dumps, city streets, and

went door to door looking for discarded machinery, pots, pans, and other sources of

metal. By World War I, thousands of such peddlers roamed the streets of American

cities, taking advantage of market forces to recycle post-consumer materials back into

industrial production.

Resource shortages caused by the world wars, and other such world-changing

occurrences greatly encouraged recycling. Massive government promotion campaigns

were carried out in World War II in every country involved in the war, urging citizens to

donate metals and conserve fibre, as a matter of significant patriotic importance. For

example in 1939, Britain launched the programme Paper Salvage to encourage the

recycling of materials to aid the war effort. Resource conservation programs established

during the war were continued in some countries without an abundance of natural

resources, such as Japan, after the war ended.

The next big investment in recycling occurred in the 1970s, due to rising energy costs.

Recycling aluminum uses only 5% of the energy required by virgin production; glass,

paper and metals have less dramatic but very significant energy savings when recycled

feedstock is used.




Solid wastes data are representative of the nation as whole, local estimates of MSW

generation and the types of materials can be made. Some specific differences between

national and local data are:

Climate changes: Yard waste generation will increase during summer and fall months

for certain regions of the nation. Local practices for managing yard waste will also

determine the amount of material available for composting or mulching.

Local commercial activity: The kind of industry and commercial businesses will

dictate the kind and amount of waste coming through a community’s disposal system.

Population: Rural areas will likely generate less paper products and yard waste than

more urban area. Only a percentage of the materials people throw away will be captured

by a recycling collection program as shown in the table below.

The origins of solid waste disposed are usually attributed to Domestic Waste,

Commercial Waste, Urban Waste, Construction / Scrap waste, Garden Waste, Industrial

Waste and Total waste Generation sources. Each source type of generated waste

maintains a certain percentage of the waste within the entire waste stream. The origin of

solid waste disposed is presented in the table and pie chart below.


Table 1: The Amount of Waste Produced Annually In The TRNC

Type of Waste 1000tons

Domestic Waste 73.3

Commercial Waste 33.9

Urban Waste 107.2

Construction / Scrap Waste 129.1

Garden Waste 14.9

Industrial Waste 39.5

Total waste 290.8

Figure 1: The Amount of Waste Produced Annually In the TRNC

Determination of Quantity of waste to separate in TRNC

According to data from the environment ministry, the total amount of waste in Cyprus is

290800/ton. Construction waste and scrap, this calculation should be kept separate.

Because the separation plant will establish the type of waste is not treated. The total


construction waste and scrais 129100/ton. According to calculations, 161700/ton waste

facility in need of a parse the annual.

Evaluation of Local Waste Characterization and Percent of Recyclables

Evaluation of Local Waste Characterization and Percent of Recyclables This is a

question of what can be recycled, and how much. It is possible to recycle practically

everything. A breakdown, by weight, of the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) generated in

2010 for the TRNC is provided in Figure below.

Table 2: The Composition of Waste)

Type of Waste Percentage

Biodegradable 45.7%

Paper / Cardboard 9.0%

Plastic 18.5%

Glass 5.7%

Metal 1.9%

Textile 2.6%

Dangerous 9.9%

Other 6.9%


Figure 2: Pie chart of The Composition of Waste

According to data from the environment ministry, the total amount of waste in Cyprus is

290800/ton. Construction waste and scrap, this calculation should be kept separate.

Because the separation plant will establish the type of waste is not treated. The total

construction waste and scrap is 129100/ton. According to calculations, 161700/ton waste

facility in need of a parse the annual. According to this information, we will establish

separation plant, should be a large scale.

According to the composition of waste, (0,185*290800)=53798ton/year plastic,

(0.09*290800)=26172ton/year paper and cardboard, (0.057*290800)=16576ton/year

glass recyclable materials will be obtained.

Type of Waste Percent Ton/Year Ton/Month Ton/Day

Plastic 18,5% 53798 4483 204

Paper/cardboard 9% 26172 2181 99

Glass 5,7% 16576 1381 63

Ton/Day: if our facilities work 22 days in a month…

Our recycling facilities, these values will be taken considered.




Solid waste separation facility uses physical properties to separate solid wastes into their

types. This facility will be autonomous and automatic. There will not be any human

personnel nor any sensors to separate solid waste in this facility. Only physical

properties like size and density are used to remove materials so this facility will be more

robust and efficient than current facilities. All recyclable materials will be taken from a

waste stream that contains minimal useless waste.

What Is Solid Waste

Solid waste is all garbage, refuse, trash and other discarded solid materials resulting

from residential, commercial, agriculture and other human activities, it is also includes

liquid waste contained within solid waste but does not include sewage and other human


In decomposition thesis, solid waste is separated by materials like paper, plastic,

organic, etc. To separate these materials from each other, composition and

categorization of the solid waste must be known. After finding this information, it can be

known which processes will be used to separate solid waste into its components. If

materials that are in solid waste are known, their properties can be found and they can be

used in order to create a method for separation.


Categorization of Solid Waste

Solid waste is categorized by its sources which are given below:

a) Household solid waste

b) Industrial waste

c) Agricultural waste

d) Waste from treatment facilities

e) Hospital waste

f) Radioactive waste

Household solid waste is collected from settlement areas and commonly consists of food

and other materials like bottle, newspaper …etc. Household solid waste has a higher

ratio of water. It also has a big amount of ash in the winter season. Not only does

household solid waste include big amount of organic materials but also cafes, restaurants

and especially food facilities produce solid waste that has many organic materials.

Different from the above, industrial waste is produced by factories and every industry

has a different type of waste. Toxic waste and chemical waste are two types of industrial

waste. Hospital waste is a dangerous waste because it damages nature so that it must be

collected and disposed by special ways. Finally, common agricultural waste has plant

parts, branches, wood, leaves …etc. Dead animals and animal products are also accepted

as a part of agricultural waste.

In our facility design, we will only deal with household solid waste and agricultural

waste because other waste types are very dangerous so in order to dispose dangerous

waste, facility needs special precautions and processes. This should be a subject of a

different thesis.

Composition of Solid Waste

Solid waste is very complex. It can include everything but it has commonly same things

in it.


These materials are given below as a list:

1. Paper

2. Glass

3. Metal

4. Electronics

5. Plastic

6. Organic materials

7. Construction and demolition

8. Household hazardous waste

9. Special waste (Ash, industrial sludge, treated medical waste, bulky items, tires)

10. Mixed residue

Waste Separation and Recovery Facilities

This facility is often called as a dirty MRF. It is called with this name because it accepts

mixed municipal solid wastes. MRF can use many methods and different equipments to

separate individual recyclable materials from the waste stream.

A low technology MRF is called a ―dump and pick‖ operation dependent largely on

hand sorting. Mechanical systems in such facilities may be limited to conveyors.

Medium to high technology facilities commonly use conveyors, screens and magnets to

separate components of the waste. Some facilities also use air classifiers (devices that

use forced air to separate the light burnable fraction from the remaining inert material)

and shredders. Computerized equipment is also sometimes used to recover and segregate

aluminum, paper, glass, and plastic.

Generally, residues left after recyclables are removed must be sent to landfill. Some may

be compostable and some may be suitable for a Waste to Energy Facility.


A Material Recovery Facility is a building to receive, sort, process and store recyclable

materials to be shipped and marketed to end-users. There are basically two types of

MRFs: dirty and clean. A ―dirty‖ MRF receives mixed waste material that requires labor

intense sorting activities to separate recyclables from the mixed waste. You might wish


to combine a transfer station with a ―dirty MRF‖ to economize capital and operating

costs of both facilities. A ―dirty MRF‖ increases the likelihood of contaminates to the

recyclables captured. Most affected by contamination are paper products.

A ―clean‖ MRF is a facility that accepts source separated or commingled recyclable

materials. A ―clean‖ MRF reduces the potential for material contamination.

Small MRFs < 10 tons/day

Materials recycle facilities volumes are changed according to solid waste capacity.

Each MRF in operation across Tennessee vary in size and configuration. Most counties,

cities and non-profit organizations that operate MRFs are small; less than 10 tons

recyclables handled Daily and less than 15,000 square feet of building space. Total

capital costs to construct the facility could be anywhere between $200,000 and

$1,000,000. The difference in cost is attributed to building materials used, site purchase

and preparation, entrance doors and size.

Many of these facilities are not highly automated. Manual labor is used instead of

sorting equipment. The type of processing equipment is basic, such as a vertical or

horizontal baler, forklift, glass crusher, can blower, etc.

Medium < 100 tons/day

Medium sized facilities handle less than 100 tons of material daily, are normally over

20,000 square feet in size, and involve more automation than smaller facilities.

Construction costs are well over $1,000,000. Picking lines, sorting machines, auto-tie

horizontal balers, and conveyors are necessary in the medium-sized MRF in order to

move and process material faster through the facility.


Large MRFs < 500 tons/day

Large facilities operate more than 100 tons per day, are fully operated, and often located

in very large


In this thesis, we will not use humans nor sensors for sorting mixed municipal solid

waste. To separate solid waste into its components, material properties will be used.

Only physical separation processes for doing this job will be employed. As a result, it

will be more efficient than the other designs. People will not be affected by hazardous

waste because people will not be used for separating waste in this facility.

Many recent facilities have needed to stop working when a machine is broken down but

our design will have two sorting lines and some connecting conveyors that will be used

to send solid waste from one sorting line to another sorting line. In this facility, physical

separation technologies will be used. These technologies are given at Table 3.

Table 3: Physical separation technologies


Flow chart of the mixed waste separation facility that is designed in this thesis is given

in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Flow chart of decomposition facility


In our design, mixed municipal solid waste is brought by trucks to the tipping floor and

there is a drainage system that takes waste water. Waste waits at a tipping floor for one

or two days to dry because of having too much water in it. Then, mixed waste is

conveyed to a bucket screen to sort bulky items. Bulky items are sent to a shredder to cut

into pieces so that these items cannot damage machines in the facility. Mixed waste,

which has no bulky item, is conveyed to a bag opener machine that1 resembles trommels

containing knives, not holes, inside it. It tears plastic bags so in side materials can be

sorted. After these stages mixed wastes that come from the shredder and bag opener go

to magnetic separation. Ferrous metals are separated and sent to another shredder to cut

into pieces for easy transportation. Later, mixed waste having no ferrous metals is

conveyed to a drum. This drum is a two stage trommel, in other words it has two size

holes. The first half of the trommel has 20 mm diameter holes that separate broken glass,

fines and organics and the second half of the drum has 120 mm diameter holes that

separate recyclables like glass, paper and plastic. Small size materials are sent to an air

classifier, where as middle size materials are sent to a disc screen and over size materials

sent to an eddy current separator. Non-ferrous metals are sorted from oversize materials

and conveyed to a baler to decrease their size. Then, oversize materials are fed to a low

velocity air separator which takes plastic films and middle size materials are conveyed to

a disc screen. At this screen, recyclables like glass, plastic and paper are separated from

broken glass, contaminant, organic and miscellaneous materials. Recyclables are sent to

a vertical chain curtain but others are sent to the same air separator that sorts small size

materials. At the vertical chain curtain, glass is sorted and conveyed to a glass crusher.

Other recyclables are fed to another eddy current separator. After the glass crusher,

broken glass goes through a small trommel that separates labels and caps from broken

glass. Labels and caps are conveyed to an air separator. Oversize materials come from a

low velocity air separator and are transported to another disc screen that separates

broken materials, organics and misc. from oversize mixed waste. Broken materials and

organics are sent to an air classifier but other materials are conveyed into a shredder.

Mixed waste that comes out from the shredder goes to a second air separator that

separates paper from heavy materials. Paper goes to a baler. Another magnetic separator

takes ferrous metals from heavy materials. Other heavy materials are sent to an eddy


current separator with materials coming from a vertical chain curtain. After removing

aluminum, heavy materials go into a different air separator that separates materials into

three parts: one is paper, one is plastic and the other one is heavy materials. Paper is sent

to a baler. Plastic is sent to a plastic separator that sorts its components. Heavy materials

come from air separators are conveyed to a float tank that separates organics from

residue. Organic materials are sent to a compost facility and residue is sent to a landfill.

Figure 4: Plan of separation facility that is designed


Machines are used in design

Details of the processes and machines that are seen in the flow chart are given below:

Tipping Floor

When materials are brought to the facility, they are deposited in a large area called a

tipping floor. Solid waste waits there one or two days so that it looses its water. Waste

water is taken by a drainage system. Unloading the materials from trucks onto 48 the

tipping floor must be efficient yet not harmful to the materials. Figure 5 and Figure 6

show a waste truck. There must be minimum glass breakage so as not to damage the

recyclables materials. Conveyors take materials from the tipping floor into a separation


Figure 5: a waste truck

Figure 6: Back side of a waste truck


Bag Opener

The bag opener resembles a trommel but it has knives inside to tear bags but it has no

holes to let small items fall on a conveyor. Recyclable materials in side of plastic bags

can be accessed with the help of a bag opener.


The trommel is a rotary cylindrical screen whose screening surface consists of wire

mesh or perforated plate (Figure 7). This item is used to separate small pieces from big

pieces. The tumbling action of the trommel efficiently brings about a separation of

individual items or pieces of material that may be attached to each other, or even of one

material contained within another.

Figure 7 a trommel prior to installation

It has two stages; the first stage separates the broken glass and other small contaminants

and the second stage separates glass, aluminum and plastic containers. The trommel

allows large items to pass. In side of a trommel is shown in Figure 8.


Figure 8: Inside of a two stage trammel

Magnetic Separator

Magnetic separation is a relatively simple unit process and is used to recover ferrous

metal from the commingled waste stream. Magnets may be either of the permanent or

the electromagnetic type. They are available in three configurations, namely; the drum

(Figure 9), the magnetic head pulley (Figure 10), and the magnetic belt (Figure 11).

Figure 9: multiple magnetic drum

They may be assembled and suspended in line, cross belt, or mounted as conveyor head

pulleys. The magnetic head pulley conveyor is arranged so that in its operation, the

material to be sorted is passed over the pulley in such a manner that the nonferrous

material will fall along a different trajectory than will the ferrous material. The drum


magnet assembly can be installed for either overfeed or underfeed and directs the ferrous

along a trajectory other than that taken by the nonferrous material. The magnetic belt, in

its simplest form, consists of single magnets mounted between two pulleys that support a

cleated conveyor belt mechanism.

Figure 10: Magnetic head pulley

The efficiency of magnetic separation is affected by the bed depth of the waste stream.

For more complete removal of ferrous, a secondary magnetic separator may be

considered. Conveyor and hopper components in the vicinity of the magnetic field

should be constructed of nonmagnetic materials.

Figure 11: Magnetic belt


Vertical Chain Curtain

A vertical chain curtain consists of one or more rows of common chain each suspended

from a continuously revolving link type conveyor chain which provides a barrier to less

dense (aluminum , plastic ) containers while permitting denser material (glass) to pass

through on a downwardly sloping surface (Figure 12). The efficiency of the traveling

chain curtain can be greatly influenced by the feed rate into the unit. Excessive

quantities of incoming material may cause lighter materials to push through the curtain

rather than to be directed to one side.

Figure 12: Vertical chain curtains

Bucket Screen

A bucket Screen handles waste mixtures, which may contain large, bulky and heavy

parts, long wooden beams, large cardboards, long foils, carpets etc. (Figure 13). These

materials, which could cause clogging in conventional screening devices, can be sorted

with the help of the Bucket Screen without any problems.


Figure 13: Bucket screen

Float Tank

In a float tank, separating materials from each other is done with water (Figure 14). In

this process, like the air separation, density differences are used. Materials like metal,

sand and stone sink to the bottom of the tank. These materials are taken from the bottom

of the tank by conveyor. Materials like plastic, paper and organics float on the water.

These materials are taken by rotating parts of the tank and these parts send light

materials on to another conveyor. Rotating parts of the float tank are shown in Figure

15. In the float tank different liquids instead of water can also be used so that lighter or

heavier materials can also be separated from each other.


Figure 14: Float tank

Figure 15: Rotating part of the float tank

Disc Screen

Disc screen consists of parallel multiple shafts all rotating in the same direction (Figure

16). Discs are mounted on each of these shafts, and spaced in such a fashion so that the

discs on one shaft are located midway between the discs on an opposing shaft. The


shafts and discs are so positioned relative to each other as to establish fixed interstices

through which the undersize material (e.g., broken glass or grit) will pass and the

oversize material is conveyed by both the discs and the series of rotating shafts.

Disc screen causes less glass breakage compared to other screens. The disc screen also

offers adjustability in opening size and can be self-cleaning. Disc screens are most

effective when breakage could be a problem and when fine material to be removed is

denser than the larger materials; the larger materials are relatively rounded and will not

prevent passage of the fine materials to the screen.

Figure 16: Disc screen

Air Classifier

Air classification employs an air stream to separate a light fraction (e.g., paper and

plastic) from a heavy fraction (e.g., metals and glass) in a waste stream (Figure 17).

Variables other than density, such as particle size, surface area and drag, also affect the

process of material separation through air classification. Consequently, aluminum cans,

by virtue of a high drag-to-weight ratio, may appear in the light fraction, and wet and

matted paper may appear in the heavy fraction. Air classifiers may be provided in one of


a number of designs. The vertical, straight type is one of the most common units. Air

classifiers require provisions for appurtenant dust collection, blower, separation, and


Figure 17: an air classifier

Eddy Current Separator

Eddy current separation removes non-ferrous metals based on conductivity, and is a well

proven and established technology for resource recovery. Although there are a number

of different configurations, a design type known as the Rotating Disk Separator will be

used in the proposed facility. The Rotating Disk Separator involves the materials ―free

falling‖ between parallel rotating magnetic disks, which are composed of permanent

magnetic plates. The opposing magnetic fields create high magnetic fluxes- that generate

electrical currents within the non-ferrous metals. The electrical (eddy) currents in the

non-ferrous materials cause them to be deflected when faced by an opposing magnetic

field. The conductivity of the metal determines the strength of the eddy current that can

be produced. Since aluminum has a low density relative to its conductivity, it is easily

extracted using eddy current separation. Figure 18 and Figure 19 show eddy current



Figure 18: Eddy current separators

This technology can potentially be used to separate a wide range of additional metals

that have value such as lead, copper, silver, gold and titanium.

Figure 19: Eddy current separators

However, the only non-ferrous metal that is targeted is aluminum. Aluminum is the most

common non-ferrous metal in municipal solid waste, accounting for about 90 percent of


all nonferrous metals. If other non-ferrous metals are targeted in the future, the system

could be adjusted with additional separation processes such as flotation to further

separate among these metals. The removal of lead for example would be

environmentally beneficial before disposal.


A baler is a compressed packing system that is used to compressed materials like paper,

metal cans and plastic bottles for transportation.

Figure 20: Baler

Some balers are equipped for fully automatic operation while others demand a

considerable amount of operator attention. If the design calls for the use of the same

baler to bale more than one material, it is extremely important that the baler selected be

specifically designed for that purpose. The market specifications which must be met

should be determined before a baler is selected. Not all automatic tie devices are alike.

The number and size of baling wires, as well as the available wire tension, must be

adequate for the particular materials to be baled. Figure 21 shows a baler and its



Figure 21: A baler and its package


A shredder is a machine which is used for cutting materials like metal into small pieces.

The shredders will be used for large items that are initially removed from the waste

stream and for organic material that are brought to the facility. A shredder is seen in

Figure 22.

Figure 22: A single shaft rotary shredder


The size-reduced product is reasonably uniform and has greater surface area to volume

ratios, which increases decomposition. The increased surface area also increases air

exposure, reduces odors and promotes drying. The choice of shredder will depend on the

material to be shredded, the amount of energy required, the size changes needed and the

benefits of those size changes.

Glass Crusher

It is used to reduce the volume of glass for transportation in bins or large boxes. There

are small hammers inside of the glass crusher. These hammers are on a rotating mill.

While the mill is rotating, glass bottles are being crushed inside of the glass crusher by

hammers. Broken glass is removed from under the machine by a conveyor. Inside of a

glass crusher is shown in Figure 23.

Figure 23: Glass crusher


Conveyors are used to transport solid waste from one separation system to another. They

can transfer waste not only on a horizontal plane but also on a vertical plane. A vertical

conveyor is shown in Figure 24. However, vertical conveyors must have smaller than a

40 degree angle to avoid accumulation of heavies. Waste drops onto conveyors from


other conveyors or machines. This facility is designed with duplicate trains so that if one

conveyor fails, the operation is not shut down. They also require maintenance due to

dusty environment. Their working speed can be increased or decreased to change

working capacity of the facility.

Figure 24: Vertical conveyor

Plastic Separation

Mixed waste first comes to the mixing device where waste mixes it with water. Then the

waste water mixture goes to a separating device. In this device, PE and PP are separated

from mixed waste by centrifuge (Figure 25).


Figure 25 Separation of solid plastic

Later, PE and PP are separated from each other by the same process. Mixed waste goes

to another mixing device. After, it goes to a separating device where PS is sorted from

PET and residue. Finally, PET and PVC are separated from each other by the same

process. In plastic separation, the same process is done five times to separate PP, PE, PS,

PET and PVC from each other. These stages are shown in Figure 26.

Figure 26: Plastic separation




Plastic recycling is gain back as raw material or semi-product of plastic wastes (PET

bottles, polyethylene bottles, PVC windows, packaging materials etc.) from industries or

houses stages through the collection, separation and be grounding.

The aim of recycling; plastic-based material from industries and houses, after

collection, cleaning and grinding operations, from providing the using of internal and

foreign market, is protect the environment and to contribute to the economy.

These wastes re-used in the domestic market and foreign market industries as finished or

semi-finished plastic-based materials (bottles, packaging materials, windows, doors,

children’s playgrounds, water slides, toys, power lines, cable, automotive industries,


Plastic recycle is operating as an extrusion of plastic processing machine; provide

converting back of plastic materials that have become waste to suitable raw material.

Figure 27, shows the typical line of recycling.

Figure 27: Recycling Line

Plastic recycling process consists of three main stages:


Collection and proper storage of waste plastics,

Separation of plastic materials according to characteristics washed and cleaned

the dirty plastic in water tanks or tumble washing machines, grinding, drying and

getting ready for stage extrusion.

Stage of obtaining the granule raw material in extrusion.

Figure 28, shows the different types of granules.

Figure 28: Different types of granules

Plastic recycling machines are divided into two groups according to cutting type system.

Both granules extruder machines have the same features. The difference is cutting

system of outgoing plasticized product from granule extruder. The first of these is the

first manufactured system, cold cutting (pelletizing), granules machine. As shown in

Figure 29, in this machine the plastic melt, flow through the filter plate which is

mounted on the head extruder as a form of wire. The long hot plastic goes directly into

the pool filled with water and gets cold. Wire-shaped long-cooled plastics are brought to

cutting unit by tractor. Plastic material that has been cooled is turned to granule by high

speed cutting with blades.


Figure 29: Cold cutting (pelletizing), granules machine

Such as Figure 30 shows below, this recycling machine is hot-cutting (cutting at the

head) granules machine. These machines are manufactured with latest technology, high

capacity and quality of production systems. The hot plastic material which comes from

filter plate is cut with sharp blades in this unit. Granules which are directly cut from

head are shed into the water-filled pools. In addition, there are systems that are cooling

with air. Granules which are poured into the pool are moved with running water to the

silos. Then, granules are dried with the drying process.

Figure 30: Hot-cutting (cutting the head) granules machine


Granule Extruder Machines and Units

The flow chart and units of a typical recycling machine are shown in Figure 31.

Figure 31: The flow chart and units of recycling machine

The main units of granulation extruder machines are listed below:

Control unit

Cutting unit (pelletizing)

Granulation extruder (screw and nut)



Filter plates and filters


Washing and squeezing unit

Control Unit

The machine parameters are set in this section during the production process. On-off,

resistance, temperature control, screw pressure, speed and speed settings, cooling,

feeding and the carrier settings is controlled on this unit. A typical control unit is shown

in Figure 32.


Figure 32: Control unit

Cutting Unit (Pelletizing)

Cutting unit makes small parts (pelletizing) and easy-flowing plastic parts. There are two

different types of this process, hot and cold cutting. In cold system first, the plasticized

material is cooled and then cut pieces. As shown in Figure 33 the first thread cutting

pelletizer which is look like cutting spaghetti is the system used. The disadvantage of

this system after cutting operation remains sharp edges on the parts and therefore the

granules cannot easy flow.

Figure 33: Thread cutting (pelletizing)


In the new system the cutting operation of product which is outgoing from the head is

made while the plastic material is hot. In hot process the plastic is plasticized in an

extruder. The plastic material passes through holes of the plate of extruder. While the

threads are pulling out from the head, the blades cut the hot plastic threads and they are

cooled by air or water (Figure 34). One of the advantages of hot cutting system is helps

prevention of becoming sharp edges of granules.

Figure 34: Hot cutting (pelletizing)

Granule Extruder (Screw and Barrel) Properties

A typical granule extruder is shown in Figure 35.

Figure 35: Granule extruder


The main part of recycling line the granule extruder, the most important unit for re-uses

to make granules from waste plastics.

Granule extruding unit consists 3 main parts:

Feeding zone

Compression zone (waste gas is removed from this region)

Measurement and pumping sections

Cross-sectional shape of extruder screw and its sleeve is given in Figure 36.

Figure 36: Granules extruder screw and sleeve

Plastics and rubber extrusion machine manufacturers manufacture special designed

screws for cable machines for conventional or a uniform distribution of color and

additives, improve quality, development of productivity of blow molding machines,

profile, pipe, panel, PS plates, film, compound granule (PVC-PE-PS, ABS, PC, etc..),

recycled pellets, PVC. Three different screw designs are shown in Figure 37.

Figure 37: Screws


Selection of materials of screw and sleeve is very important for extruder process. The

correct choice of material, such as extending life of screw and sleeve, affects directly the

machine's performance. Screw-sleeve materials, plastics, steel that is resistant to

abrasion and corrosion must be selected. 1.8550 (DIN) - 4140 (42CrMo4) steels are


Some of the typical values of screw and seat cushion are given in Table 3.

Table 3: Some of the typical values of screw and seat cushion

Agromer Machines and Units

Agromer machines are used for recycling of waste plastic film. Agromer machines are

designer according to humid, crushed, squeezed, clean packaging products and scrap

materials. Blades which are turning rapidly with rotor at the boiler are break to pieces to

plastics with fixed blades around the boiler by heating. Afterwards plastic pieces are

shocked with water then it turns to re-usable plastic.

An agromer machine is shown in Figure 38.


Figure 38: Agromer machine


Crusher machine is designed for convert of waste plastics to variety forms and desired

small pieces. A crusher machine is shown in Figure 39.

Figure 39: Crusher


Filter Plate and Filter

Filter and filter plate are used for as an extrusion die at granule machines. Simple

structure plate consists two filters. These filters diameters have to fit the internal

diameter of sleeve of extruder. Plasticized melt which comes from extruder sleeve hole

passes through the filter. All contaminants are filtered from molten plastic in this unit.

Then clean thread goes to granule cutting. Because of extrusion production is

uninterrupted and continuously manufacturing system, filter plate is designed moving.

Filters are placed to two hole of plate.

During the production contaminated filter plate shifted to the other filter.

Thus, filters are replaced without stopping the machine. Available filter models from

120 holes up to 300. A typical filter system is shown in Figure 40.

Figure 40: Filter


The thread which is coming from granule extruder is cutting with blades and granules

obtain. Blades are made of high quality alloy steel (4140). Hardness of 60 HRC blade

cutting edges which are subject to the process of hardening from 20 up to 30 degree

angles is sharpened. Different blade designs are shown in Figure 41.


Figure 41: Blades

Washing and Drying Unit

Molten plastic material comes to filter plate on head. While hot molten plastic material

is leaving from holes of filter blades cut into small pieces. Granules are brought to

washing unit and they are washed, dried and send to silos. A typical washing and drying

unit are shown in Figure 42.

Figure 42: A typical washing and drying unit




Waste paper recycling is a process by which waste paper, agricultural residues, waste

cotton, old rugs, tailor cuttings, waste jute, hosiery cuttings, are processed together with

some chemicals like caustic soda, dry staffs, resin, etc., to produce file covers, greeting

cards, writing paper, paperboard, filter paper, drawing paper, filter paper & pads

duplicating paper, tissue paper etc.


Production Process

The major operations involved in waster paper recycling are:

- Raw materials sorting, cutting and dusting

- Digesting (Cooking)

- Beating

- Lifting and couching

- Pressing and drying

- Tub sizing

- Calendaring

- Sorting and cutting

Sorting, cutting and Dusting

The various raw materials (waste paper, rugs, waste cotton, etc.) are sorted thoroughly

for removal of all impurities, that is, all non-fibrous materials such as nails, buttons,

wood chips, etc. are eliminated. The useful materials are then cut into small pieces of

approximately 2x2 cm and dusted through a dusting frame covered with four to six mesh



Digesting (Cooking)

The cooking or digestion of the rags and other materials is carried out with a mixture of

1 to 3% of caustic soda or lime and kept at boiling point for about five to six hours. Then

they are washed thoroughly and sent to the beater.


The beater is filled with the required quantity of water, and the digested materials are

added gradually. Bleaching power (1 per cent) is then added. After allowing sufficient

time for bleaching, the materials are washed thoroughly by lowering the washing drum.

The time required for pulping is about six to eight hours where good hydration is

desired. Titanium dioxide or other fillers are then added along with dyes (for coloured

paper) or optical bleaching agents (for white paper). Rosin soap and alum are added


Lifting and Couching

From the beater the pulp is sent to storage vats near the lifting vat and mixed with

sufficient quantity of water to dilute it to form a uniform suspension and free it from

clumps, knots, etc. A certain quantity of diluted pulp is then lifted from vats on a wire

screen, and the resulting sheets are covered by felt.

Pressing and Drying

When a sufficient number of sheets have been formed, they are put under a press to

remove the water. The sheets are then separated and, to avoid shrinkage, placed under

absorbent boards and pressed again. The sheets are then hung to dry in bunches of three

to six, according to thickness.

Tub Sizing

For strong durable paper, tub sizing or surface sizing is carried out. The sized papers are

again dried and cleaned with a brush or cotton wadding to remove dirt specks.


The sheets are then placed alternately under metal plates to form a "post", which is then

passed to and fro in between calendar rolls to obtain the desired smoothness.


Sorting and Cutting

After calendaring, the sheets are carefully sorted and cut to size (110 x 66 cm = 0.726


). These sheets are taken off the machine and built up into a stack with interleaved


In most cases almost 100 per cent of the input raw materials end up in the finished

product. In some cases there will be a loss of up to 50% of the dry weight when the non-

cellulose element in some agricultural wastes is extracted in the cooking and washing


Some of the process water will go to waste. How much waste water is produced depends

on the amount of washing and bleaching to be carried out. The waste water contains

only very small traces of chemicals and would be safe to use for irrigation. If the cost of

water justifies it, the waste water can be purified and used again.

Machinery and Equipment

The major machinery and equipment required by the plant are the digester, the chopper,

the beater, hydraulic press, the calendaring machine, paper-cutting machine and washing

machine. Besides, several auxiliary equipments are required.

The complete list of machinery and equipment required by waste paper recycling plant is

presented in Table 4 below.


Table 4 Machinery and equipment requirement of waste paper



1 Vomiting type digester (5 x 4ft) 1

2 Chopper (10 in blade with 3hp motor) 1

3 Beater (24 in x 30in roll size)- motores 20hp, 960 rpm slip ring with oil

immersed starter 2

4 Hydraulic press, 40 in x 50in plate size, double name with 5HP motor 1

5 Calender machine for paper glazing (12-in x 36 in roll size, complete with

accessories) morot: 10 HP, 960 rpm, with starter 1

6 Paper cutting machine (42-in x 48 in, blade size) 1

7 Washing machine 1

8 Small beater of 2kg capacity and 2 auto-vats (test equipment) set

9 Screw press (36-in x 42-in or 35-in x 45 in plate size 1

10 Agitators with pumps 2

11 Cylinder mould machine 1

12 Lifting semi-automatic vats 6

Auxiliary Equipment

1 Chain pully block with tripad stand of 2 ton capacity 1

2 Platform weighting balance, 500 kg capacity 1

3 Pulp storage tanks for lifting vats (built of wood) 6

4 Washing cradles for pump washing set

5 Press boards for paper lifting 24

6 Zinc sheets for calender machine, 4 ftx 3ft 40

7 Woollen felts 400

8 Complete sets of carpentery tools, pipe fitting tools, etc. set

9 Small (2kg) pan balance 1

10 Towel horses for keeping felts 6

11 Sizing trays req

12 Grinder 1


13 Dusting frame 1

14 Spare parts for mould req

15 Couching tables 6

16 Stools for vats, paper separation req

17 Drying arrangement −

18 Other miscellaneous articles buckets, brushes, hardware stores −

19 Baby boiler, 100 kg/hr, 100 ps 1 set




The Waste-Glass Recycling Plant is a set of machines to produce Supersol, a pumice-

like light porous foamed material, from waste glass produced in the local community as

99% of its basic materials.

The Waste-Glass Recycling Plant consists of 9 machine units, a bottle supply hopper, a

bottle conveyor, a crusher, a cullet mill, powder conveyors, a powder sifter, a mixing

machine, a baking machine and a Supersol sizer; and automatic control panels. The

bottle supply hopper can hold about 4.5 m3 of waste glass, which is crushed into cullet

of less than 6 mm in size by the crusher. The cullet is then milled into glass powder with

a median grain diameter of 35 µm by the cullet mill. The glass powder is sent to the

powder sifter, which removes foreign objects and powder grains that are not of a

specified size. The mixing machine mixes glass powder and add-in materials, and

continuously sends the resulting powder mixture to the baking machine. There the

powder mixture is preheated, softened, baked and foamed in the temperature range of

700 ~ 920 degrees centigrade. The layer of glass powder mixture having an initial

thickness of 15 mm is converted into a light porous slab having a thickness of about 60

mm. More than 70% of these machines have originally been developed by Trim.

Most conventional glass recycling machines crushes glass only into cullet. The resulting

cullet is used for making glass again if it is transparent or brown, and other cullet is

mixed in secondary concrete products, asphalt paving and blocks. The cullet, however,

is low-value-added products, and its use in business is limited. On the other hand,

Supersol, produced by the Waste-Glass Recycling Plant, has a wide range of application,

such as a light embanking material in civil engineering, a culture medium or an

inorganic soil amendment in horticulture and agriculture, a purification material in water


purification and an insulator in architecture. It is now used in various areas for various


Figure 43: Glass recycle production line


Production Stages and Machine Units

Bottle Supply Hopper

Figure 44: Bottle supply Hopper

The bottle supply hopper can hold about 4.5 m3 (3.5 t) of waste glass bottles, and the

vivratory feeder attached to the hopper bottom supplies glass bottles stably to the



Figure 45: Glass Crusher

Waste glass bottles carried in by the conveyor are crushed in a single process into cullet

less than 6 mm in size (the specified grain size of the crusher) by a compact crusher

having a diameter of 1,600 mm.

Glass bottles are compressed and crushed by rollers, which is based on the mechanism

of the mill. To improve the wear resistance of the machine, special steel is used for the

inner parts, and removable couplings are used for the inner structure. As a result, our

crusher has better wear resistance and durability than ordinary glass crushers. (Patented)


Cullet Mill

Figure 46: Cullet Mill

Glass cullet of less than 6 mm in size produced by the glass crusher is further milled to

produce glass powder. Our cullet mill is a tube mill modified for glass cullet. Its inlet

can easily take in glass pieces of different sizes and shapes, and its outlet discharges

glass powder in the order of smaller specific gravities. The produced glass powder is

separated from paper, such as bottle labels, by a rotary sieve within the two-layer

hopper. The cullet mill contains many alumina balls, which collide with each other to

mill cullet. The machine requires no maintenance for about 2 years. The full-automatic

operation of the cullet mill synchronized with the glass crusher enables a continuous

production of glass powder, and has achieved a stable glass powder production of the

specified grain size and higher production efficiency (more than 97%).

Powder Sifter

Figure 46: Powder Sifter

Glass powder produced by the cullet mill is sorted according to grain sizes, and powder

of the specified grain size is taken out.

Connection with a powder conveyor allows the continuous sorting of powder. In

addition, because of its closed system, no powder is released into the surrounding



Powder Conveyors

Figure 47: Powder Conveyors

Powder conveyors transfer glass powder from the cullet mill, the powder sifter, and the

mixing machine.

These are spin flow conveyors based on the principle of whirlpools. They allow full-

automatic, stable powder transfer, while powder transfer was considered difficult before.

Furthermore, since they do not use air flow, the generation of static electricity is low,

and no dust is released into the work environment.

Mixing Machine

Figure 48: Mixing Machine

Glass powder sorted out by the powder sifter and two types of foaming materials are

automatically measured and mixed. These materials. which are different in quantity,

specific gavity and shape, are thus uniformly mixed.

The mixing machine is of sequential batch type and can produce 350 kg of powder

mixture in a batch process. In addition, the whole process of feeding, measuring and

adding the two types of foaming materials is fully automated, allowing the stable

production of glass powder mixture in uniform quality.


Baking Machine

Figure 49: Baking Machine

Powder mixture produced by the mixing machine is baked to make a light porous

foamed material, or Supersol. The baking machine consists of a baking section and an

annealing section, each of which has a light, insulating and fireproof sructure. The

machine also has a wire-mesh belt conveyor to allow continuous baking.

Furthermore, the baking machine is equipped with 16 burners to carry out the processes

of preheating, softening, baking and foaming.

Supersol Sizer

Figure 50: Supersol

Produced Supersol blocks are broken and sorted into specified sizes.

The breaker has breaking blades whose shape and material have been specifically

designed for Supersol production, allowing efficient breaking and sorting.




At this stage for using location selection criterias are specified; soil, land use, geology,

landslides, faults, road, river, water surfaces, residential areas and topography. Although

criterias have to been considered;

1. Transportation

2. Labor availability and cost

3. Status in the land of choice

4. proximity to Markets

5. Availability of energy resources

6. availability of raw materials

7. Geological and weather conditions

8. Taxes and other laws

9. social features

10. national security

11. The distance of the plant to other factories

Besides of these, there is a deadly criteria, necessary have to be done. Being close to Gungor

city dump.

When all these criterias are analyzed Gungor is feasible for all criterias.

All geologic and physical maps are shown below In Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure.


Figure : Lefkosa bedrock geologic map


Surficial geologic map



Lefkosa Master Plan






Plastic Recycling Machinery Cost Total cost for a production line $287.000. With the rate of 02/01/2012 of Dollar a production

line is 545.300 Turkish liras. Thirteen production lines are set up for plastic recycling plant total

value for 13 lines is 7.088.900TL.

Paper Recycling Machinery Cost Total value of machinery and required equipment table are determines as $519.000.

Total cost for paper recycling machine $519.000*1.9= 986.100TL

Glass Recycling Machinery Cost A glass recycling production line cost $215.000 Two production line is set up so total cost for

lines is $430.000. Total cost for Glass recycling plant $430.000*1.9=817.000TL

Land, Building and Civil works

The plant requires a total of 24.000 m2 area of land out of which 9.975m2 is built-up area

which includes Processing area, raw material stock area, offices etc. Assuming construction

rate of 406TL per m2, the total cost of construction is estimated to be 4.049.850TL. 1000m2

area in Gungor costs about 36000£. 36.000£ * 2,9TL= 104.400TL per 1000 m2. 24.000 m2



Office Furniture and Equipment Cost

Total cost for office furnitures and equipment is determined as 100.000TL

Training Requirement Employees have to acquire the requisite skill & knowledge to properly operate the production

machinery and equipment through short term training. The production supervisors are

expected to have long years work experience in similar production activities. Other possibility is

to make special arrangements with the supplier. Accordingly, the training of personnel can be

part of the agreement such that all the employees involved in production activities can be

trained during erection and commissioning at the project site. Thus, a total of Birr 25,000TL is

allotted for this purpose


Cost of vehicles are shown in table

Table Vehicle costs

Vehicles unit unit cost total cost

Truck 4 170.000 TL 680.000 TL

Forklift 3 10.000 TL 30.000 TL

Excavator 1 418.000 TL 418.000 TL

Dozer 1 190.000 TL 190.000 TL

Grand Total 1.318.000 TL

Manpower Requirement Of The Plant And Labor Cost

Manpower required by the plant consists of both direct and indirect labor. The direct

labors are those that will be engaged in operating the production machinery and

equipment, and those that will provide direct assistance to the operatives

The details of manpower of the plant together with monthly salary/wages and total annual

expenditure are presented in the Table 6.1.


Table 6.1 Manpower requirement of the plant and labor cost

Sr. No.

Description Qty. (No.) Monthly Salary

/Wages (TL) Annual

Expenditure (TL)


1 Plant manager 1 5.000 60.000

2 Department Manager 7 3.500 294.000

3 Secretary 8 1.500 144.000

4 Accountant 3 2.500 90.000

5 Sales person 3 3.200 115.200

6 Store person 3 3.200 115.200

7 General services 4 1.200 57.600

8 Security 7 1.200 100.800

Sub-total 36 976.800


1 Engineers 7 3.500 294.000

2 Production supervisor 8 2.700 259.200

3 Skilled labor 50 2.100 1.260.000

4 Semi-skilled labor 44 1.800 950.400

5 Unskilled 88 1.200 1.267.200

6 Technicians 30 2.500 900.000

7 Drivers& Operators 10 1.500 180.000

Sub-total 237 5.110.800

Grand TOTAL 273 6.087.600


Total Cost

Total cost for set up this facility according to 1 year values is given below in table

No Cost Items Total Cost (TL)

1 Land buying value 2.505.600

2 Building and Civil Work 4.049.850

3 Plant Machinery and Equipment 8.892.000

4 Office Furniture and Equipment 100.000

5 Vehicle 1.318.000

6 Training 25.000

7 Wages 6.087.600

TOTAL: 22.978.050



FACILITY LAYOUT Waste Storage Area

In waste storage area there will be 10 day waste in every case. That means 61ton waste.

Waste storage are defined 35m*45m.

Decompositon Plant


Seperated Wastes Storages

Plastic Recycling Plan

There are 13 production lines in this plant


Paper Recycling plan

Glass Recycling Plan


Administration building




