Recording Log Document

Post on 18-Dec-2015

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BTEC Music Work

Transcript of Recording Log Document

  • NAME: _______________________________

    Log sheet for Recording

    You will be assessed on the following go through it carefully! Once it is done there is no going back! Your recording session must be filmed

    Someone will follow you with an iPad. Explain what you are doing as you are doing it and complete this sheet along the way!

    Task ReminderYou should first prepare for the recording session by choosing the correct microphone type and positioning for each instrument and vocal in order to capture each performance, before making the required connections to your recording device. Keep a log, which should include connections, routing and channel settings, inserts and control of dynamics, and the location of recordings/audio files. You will also need to adhere to safe procedure throughout as you set up and handle the equipment used to produce your multi-track recording.

    During the recording process, ensure that the musicians receive an acceptable headphone monitor mix, while adhering to safe sound pressure

    levels (SPL).

  • Student Planning notes for Recording Assignment Date _______________Name of person being recorded and instrument: __________________________

    Learning Outcome: Specific detail1) Choose a Microphone for a specific sound source

    2) Place mic in correct position

    Sound Source/InstrumentMicrophone usedPlacement of microphone

    3) Connect the microphone to the mixer

    4) Connect sound source to Mixing desk

    Instrument Channel on MixerType of connection?

    dgibsbraTypewritten TextThe studio omni directional condenser microphone.

    dgibsbraTypewritten TextSounds that were recorded were: guitar, ukulele, voice, piano.

    dgibsbraTypewritten TextChannel 2. We used an XLR to XLR cable to connect the channels.Channel 2 from M audio profire to cubase.

  • Learning Outcome: Specific detail5) Evaluate Microphone sound quality and alter6) Any faults corrected?

    7) Health and Safety procedures observed

    8) Set input levels for sound sources

    Instrument Input level set

    9) EQ applied to sound please state which instrument and why?10) Set up Cubase for recording purposes

    11) Route audio signals to record

    Mixer channel Microphone/InstrumentSetting on Cubase

    dgibsbraTypewritten TextWe adjusted the volume due to the volume being too loud.

    dgibsbraTypewritten TextNo faults occurred.

    dgibsbraTypewritten TextTrip hazard over the leads.Used a pop shield to ensure safety using microphone.Overcrowding in small rooms.Use of communication between rooms.

    dgibsbraTypewritten TextInput level turned to half.

    dgibsbraTypewritten TextNone applied at this moment in time.

    dgibsbraTypewritten TextChannel 2 on cubase.

  • !!! Location of recording (write EXACTLY where the file is saved:


    Date of Completion:_______________________________________

    Student Signature:________________________________________

    Learning Outcome: Specific detail12) Record Sound source

    13) Record Overdubs

    Yes No

    Any overdubs required:

    If so, on what instrument?

    14) Evaluate the sound quality of the recording15) Any faults corrected

    Yes No

    If yes, please state:

    16) Health and Safety procedures observed.

    dgibsbraTypewritten Text Yes

    dgibsbraTypewritten TextNo

    dgibsbraTypewritten TextThere were no problems with recording

    dgibsbraTypewritten TextNo

    dgibsbraTypewritten TextWire for the Mic, wrapped around the microphone stand.Attached a pop shieldChecked the sound pressure levelEnsured the performers could communicate with us.Checked there was no overcrowding.