Recognition & Reporting of Occupational Diseases.

Post on 05-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Recognition & Reporting of Occupational Diseases.

Recognition & Reporting of Occupational Diseases

Early recognition of occupational diseases Occupational disease surveillance

Fitness for work determinationGeneral health screening

Diabetes, hyperlipidema, …

Treatment & control of early recognized occupational diseases

Prevention from progression of ODs to advanced & compensable disease

Incidence & prevalence of occupational diseases As a main performance indicator in

occupational health system Distribution of various type of ODs

Occupational disease clusters

Reporting & notification system▪Well-defined▪ Proper structure

Reporting System ( Notifying system ) Referral system Industry level ( first-line ) General occupational physicians

Definite Diagnosis Specialized level ( second-line) Clinical ( Management and FFW ) Legal aspects ( compensation )

1. A specialized referral system 2. Prioritize the most important ODs

Priority disease groups Notifiable occupational diseases

3. Case-definition tables for first-line GPs 4. Training the GPs 5. Active surveillance of ODs 6. Consulting & referring the identified

cases 7. Reporting the confirmed cases 8. Take control & preventive actions 9. Prevalence & incidence 10. Analyze the results

Lack of standard reporting systemLack of medical expertise of

occupational GPs Due to Insufficient training

Less awareness of job influence on worker’s health

Lack of awareness among employees for reporting their illness

Refusal to notify disease by:Employers

Fear visit of agencies, closure of operations, stop work order

Employees Fear job loss or reduce income

Factory doctors Fear of contract loss

Noise-induced hearing lossOccupational asthmaLumbosacral disc herniationCarpal tunnel syndromeOccupational dermatitisOccupational cancers:

Lung, skin, mesothelioma, bladder, sinus, liver, leukemia,

Clinical diagnostic criteria

Exposure criteria Causative exposures Minimum exposure intensity Minimum exposure duration Minimum latency period