Reckitt Benckiser - Harpic Case

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Transcript of Reckitt Benckiser - Harpic Case



Surface Care Supremacy of Harpic & Road Ahead

A Case Analysis Contest - The Case

In association with

The Marketing Club of MDI

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Harpic, the leading brand for toilet cleaning (also known as lav care) in India had witnessed

phenomenonal growth in recent years beginning early 2000’s. Launched in India in 1984, Harpic

created the product category 25 years ago. Being the pioneer in the Toilet cleaner market

commanding a share of about 80%, the brand growth has paralleled the growth of the toilet

cleaner product category in India.

The heady growth seen by this product category during five years of 2002 to 2007 had attracted

the attention of the competition which had started to become very active and gave much more

focus to their products and marketing efforts. Fresh competition from international players in

recent times has also made its entry in the promising Indian home cleaning care market. On the

other hand, the growth of the product category had considerably slowed down in the last

couple of years.

In the face of these dramatic changes in the competitive environment, the brand team of

Harpic was brainstorming in September, 2009, to chalk out a strategy for its future growth. The

dilemmas being faced were typical for a brand leader. It had to prioritize its options and decide

what directions to give to its marketing strategy, amongst defending its falling market share,

working towards increasing the product penetration levels, increasing usage and consumption

by existing users, or taking some other new initiatives, while at the same time ensuring that its

marketing mix efforts and allocated investments were optimized for maximized returns for the

brand’s growth.

*Unless otherwise stated, all data given in the case refers to research done by Research International (Consumer Survey) and AC Nielsen (Market Data), supplied by Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd This case is prepared by Prof. Vinod Kalia of Management Development Institute, Gurgaon for the Harpic case study contest organized by Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd. in association with MDI‐MarQuity. The case is not intended to serve as a source of primary data, or effective or ineffective management. The author would like to thankfully acknowledge inputs from the brand team of Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd. and Mr. Parag Raheja, Mr. Saurabh Sharma and Ms. Pallavi Sud, students from MDI PGPM class of 2010

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COMPANY BACKGROUND Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd (RBIL) is a fully owned subsidiary of Reckitt Benckiser Plc, world's

No.l Company in household cleaning. Reckitt Benckiser Plc came into being with the merger of

Reckitt & Colman Plc with Benckiser NV in 1999. The company has operations in 60 countries,

sales in 180 countries and has had net revenues in excess of $6.5 billion last year.

The year 2008 saw the company achieve very strong financial results despite increasingly

turbulent economic conditions globally. Net revenues grew by 13% to £6,563m and adjusted

operating profit was up by 15% to £l, 535m. This performance, following a number of years of

strong growth, was testament to the global strength of the Company's strategy and execution,

and the quality of its employees and their leadership.

The Indian subsidiary RBIL manufactures and markets a wide range of products in Personal

care, Pest control, Shoe care, Antiseptics, Surface care, Fabric care and other categories.

Amongst its many well-known brands are Dettol, Mortein, Harpic, Cherry Blossom, Lizol,

Disprin, Robin powder, Colin, etc. Most of these brands are either number 1 or number 2 in

their respective categories in India.

RBIL distributes all its products through its common distribution channel, which has a wide and

deep reach in the Indian market and is a key strength of the company. The channel is managed

by a well-structured sales force, responsible for achieving sales for the entire product portfolio

of more than 150 Stock Keeping Units (SKUs).


Harpic’s origin dates back to 1920, when a British gentleman named Harry Pickup found that

surplus explosive bye products, once refined, had an equally devastating effect on germs and

stains. Thus, post World War 1, it was this act of serendipity that led to the invention of

"Harpic", a brand name derived from the inventor's name Harry Pickup. In 1932, Reckitt and

Sons took over the company and soon Harpic became a household name in Britain. By the

Sixties, more than 50% of the housewives in Britain had bought this brand. (Refer annexure 1a

for image of introductory Harpic bottle)

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The brand has made a long journey since its humble beginnings. Harpic is now sold in over 47

countries worldwide on the platform of "Powerful Cleaning". It is positioned as the expert in

Lavatory Care and offers a complete range of lavatory care products such as liquid toilet bowl

cleaners, toilet bowl blocks, cistern blocks, wipes and tablets. In liquid cleaner segment, the

brand offers Harpic Power and Harpic Fresh. In automatics segment, it offers Harpic Flushmatic

and Harpic Hygienic (Refer annexure 1b for current Harpic range of products)


Harpic is the brand which changed the way toilets were cleaned in India. Launched in India in

1984, the brand experienced a slow acceptance by consumers in the initial years. Consumers

were using a range of substitute products such as plain water, phenyl, acids, detergents, bleach

and whole lot of other proxy products. Many consumers were habituated to pouring residual

detergent water, after washing clothes or mopping floor, into their toilet to clean the same.

They believed that reusing the detergents was an economical way to clean the toilets. They had

also resigned themselves to the sub-standard cleaning achieved through these methods as they

thought that they couldn't get cleaner toilets any other way. In such a backdrop where under-

performance of toilet cleaner proxy products was widely accepted, Harpic was perceived to be

a very expensive product (when Harpic was launched, same amount of Harpic liquid cost the

consumer at least double that of phenyl and about five times that of acid).

Consumer research indicated a number of widely believed consumer perceptions which were

coming in the way of Harpic’s acceptance by consumers. Many consumers believed that Harpic

doesn’t clean any better compared to phenyls or acids. Traditional "acid" was thought as the

best cleaning agent as it gives visible fumes during usage which creates an effect of powerful

cleaning/germ killing. Harpic was perceived as a premium product only for the use of working

women or busy house wives who did not have sufficient time to clean the toilets by other more

economic means (the advertising campaigns at that time also reinforced such association with

high education, high income users); traditional housewife felt that household cleaning,

including toilet cleaning, was part of her job, and she shouldn’t spend on Harpic just to save

some time, and so on.

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The brand thus had the challenge of educating consumer about effectiveness of Harpic and its

utility for every household. Thus came the "Harpic challenge" campaign which intended to

startle the consumers with surprisingly good results. RBIL started to painstakingly build the

Harpic brand with the help of Door to Door Consumer Contact program - whereby the

product efficacy was actually demonstrated to the consumers and its cleaning superiority

highlighted (against the generic cleaners that were primarily used). The campaign became

highly successful, and was continued over for a long time, with constantly expanding coverage,

thus helping to build the brand through the eighties.

Expanding its ambitions to greater heights, the brand started mass communication in the

year 1988 - with the TV Commercial of Harpic educating and informing consumers about the

need for hygiene in the toilet and bathroom (being equally important as the need for hygiene

in other rooms of the house). The brand was consistently positioned as an "All Powerful"

cleaning alternative to traditional products and Harpic became synonymous with toilet


In early 2002, a new advertising campaign was tested in the South market to establish the

superior performance of Harpic over the proxy products. In real scenarios, potential

consumers were contacted and a challenge thrown to test Harpic’s cleaning power. RBIL

offered to replace the toilet free if Harpic’s superior cleaning power was not proven in the

demonstration. The campaign proved successful with sales picking up sharply, and the

company launched the TV Commercial in the entire national market in September 2002.

The years 2002 to 2007 were the golden years in the journey of Harpic. Having created a

strong association for Harpic in consumers’ mind with toilet cleaners, the company went

ahead aggressively to build the category and create new users. The product penetration in all

urban households started to climb rapidly, and in a matter of five years, the penetration level

more than doubled from 8% to 19%. The gross sales for the toilet cleaner product category

grew almost five times in the same period, crossing Rs. 150 crores in 2007. In terms of volumes,

India became the biggest market for Harpic across the globe.

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The Indian surface cleaners market comprises of three main segments: toilet cleaners, floor cleaners

and specialist surface cleaners for glass etc. The toilet cleaners market is the largest and had a sale of

Rs 180 crores in 2008, floor cleaners is the next biggest market with sales of Rs 75 crore, and the

specialist surface cleaners is the smallest with sales revenues of Rs. 35 crores in 2008. Each of these

segments has multiple players, some present in various segments with the same brand, while other

players have different brands in different segments. Reckitt Benckiser which is the market leader in

Lav care has Harpic brand in this segment while Lizol in the floor cleaning segment. In specialist

surface cleaners it has a brand called Colin, a liquid spray product used for cleaning glass. Hindustan

Unilever Ltd (HUL) entered this market with the brand Domex which was an APDC (all purpose

disinfectant cleaner) that can be used on the floors, in the kitchen sink, for wash basins and in

the toilet. HUL has recently launched Cif (a specialist surface cleaner) which has been

positioned as a cream with micro particles which does tough cleaning with minimum effort.

Henkel India also has a brand called Bref which is present both in lav care as Bref toilet cleaner

and in the specialist surface cleaner as Bref power cleaner.

A relatively new entrant in surface cleaning category is S C Johnson & Co. with a single brand

Mr Muscle which is positioned as a multipurpose cleaner suitable for toilet and floor cleaning.

Indian FMCG major Dabur India Ltd operates with two brands in the surface cleaning category-

Dazzl which is a disinfectant floor cleaner and Sanifresh which is a specialist toilet cleaner

available in two variants Sanifresh shine and Sanifresh extra power.

The surface cleaner category has reached a penetration level of 55% of urban Indian



The total market for Lav Care products in India (Rs. 180 crores in 2008) has been witnessing high

growth rates of about 20% per annum in both value and volume terms for last few years (refer

annexure 2 and 3). The market is dominated by Harpic which has a share of about 80% by value, and

the balance market is mainly shared by Domex from Hindustan Unilever Ltd (10.5%) and Sanifresh

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(6.3%), a brand acquired by Dabur India Ltd from Balsara Hygiene about two years back. As stated

above, Lav Care market has also attracted a number of other major MNCs - Sara Lee with Kiwi Kleen,

S C Johnson & Co. with Mr. Muscle and Henkel India with Bref – who currently have a very small

presence, but trying to establish themselves in this fast growing market.


Lav Care products can be broadly classified in two formats:

Liquid Cleaners

Automatic Cleaners

Automatics are basically "in the cistern, ITC" (Harpic Flushmatic) or "in the bowl, ITB" (Harpic

Hygienic) cleaning blocks that are kept/suspended in the cistern. They work with every flush, hence,

giving a continuous, all the time cleaning action. Globally, the automatic cleaner segment is a large

and well developed one, ranging from 20% to 50% in different countries, of the total Lav Care

segment. In India, however, automatics are relatively a new kind of format started in 2003, and

account for less than 5% of the total Lav Care segment. Research shows that use of automatics does

not fully replace the use of liquid cleaners. Consumers continue to use the liquid cleaners for

periodic tough cleaning, while they get the benefit of continuous cleaning with every flush from the

automatic ITC or ITB. It is believed that ITC and liquid toilet cleaners are not substitute products but

rather complimentary products. Thus, automatics present opportunities for the marketers to

increase spend per toilet and hence, increase total Lav Care consumption. However, to be used,

automatics require a western cistern and regular water supply, the percentage of which is very small

in India.

Within the automatics segment, Harpic Flushmatic is the leader in India with more than 70% of the

automatics share. It had supported the ITC product with small bursts of media advertising which

resulted in huge sales jumps in initial years, but after growing almost six times in the last five years,

the sales have become stagnant

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Some of the major competitors of Harpic in the Lav Care market, and their strategies are

briefly described below:

Domex: Sold in other countries as Domestos by the global FMCG giant Unilever, Domex was

launched by its Indian affiliate Hindustan Unilever Ltd (HUL) in 1997 in India. Over more

than 10 years of its existence, it has not been able to garner a large share, and currently is a

distant second to Harpic in the Lav Care market in India with a share of 10.5% in 2008.

When launched, Domex was positioned in India as an all purpose disinfectant cleaner (APDC)

product which could be used for floor, sinks, other surfaces, as well as toilet cleaning.

The Indian market for specialist floor cleaners was a nascent one - only 3% of the

households use specialist floor cleaners while 97 % use proxy products which are the

combination of phenyl, detergents, acids and bleaching powders. After a

lukewarm response from consumers in initial years, and aiming to tap the large potential

market in the floor cleaning segment, HUL reduced the price of Domex from Rs 42 to Rs 22

per bottle. HUL’s strategy was to directly attack the phenyl market that incidentally

comprises of a large number of small brands from the unorganized sector. A new variant of

Domex plus phenyl was launched to capture the segment which still had strong faith on

phenyl as a surface cleaning agent. The packaging of the new variant was also based on a

multiple usage product, unlike the angle necked bottle that was used by Harpic as a toilet

cleaner specialist. In 2002, the company also invested in a direct to customer initiative

named "phenyl Khallas" to educate the consumers about the virtue of using Domex

comparing it with local phenyl.

The strategy of All Purpose Disinfectant Cleaner at a low price did build the sales revenues for

Domex in the years 2003 – 2005, but perhaps headway made was not fast enough to match

company’s expectations. The toilet cleaner market meanwhile had shown very fast growth

and was being nurtured by Harpic. At this time, Domex decided to do a frontal attack on

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Harpic and re launched itself as a "Specialist Toilet Cleaner". It re-launched the product with

parity pricing with Harpic, a new angle necked bottle and a new communication.

While most of the players in the household cleaning segment focus on the cleaning ability,

Domex positioned itself as a germ fighting cleaner. The brand promises 100% germ kill (if

Domex is used undiluted) and is targeted at households where there are kids. The

communication is also based on its positioning of "germs kill" expert. (Refer annexure 4 for

Domex bottle images)

Sanifresh: This local player has been in the market for a long time and has been like a “me

too” product to Harpic with similar packaging, but lower price. It used to be the second

largest player in toilet cleaning segment and had peak shares of 15%+ in early and mid

nineties, but lost ground after entry of Domex. By 2008, its share had fallen to 6.3%. The

brand was bought by Indian FMCG major Dabur India Ltd from its erstwhile owners Balsara

Hygiene about two years back. After Dabur’s take over, the brand has gained some

momentum and focus since 2007. Sanifresh has been following a strategy of volume gains

on the back of heavy discounting and promotion support, but, its value share gain is

relatively low. Moreover, its marketing resources are largely spent on consumer/trade

promotions and discounts. It has a very low presence in mass media and primarily

advertises the promo tags only.

Mr Muscle: Another global biggie - SC Johnson &Co. was sometime back attracted by the

lucrative and fast growing market of Lav Care & Surface Care in India and forayed into it

with its global brand Mr Muscle. It first entered the Surface care segment via Kitchen

Cleaners, Multi Purpose Cleaners and Glass Cleaners. Thereafter, it did a test market for Mr

Muscle toilet cleaner in Dec 2008 ( in Tamil Nadu). Post the test, it launched Mr Muscle

toilet cleaner nationally in Jun 2009. Since, then it has been advertising heavily on the

national media. Its positioning is based on the surface care positioning of "Mr. Muscle -

science of tough cleaning". While toilet cleaners are promoted for use in the toilet bowl,

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Mr. Muscle is promoted for use in the toilet bowl, as well as on the outside surface of the

bowl, the toilet floor and the wall tiles in the toilet/bathroom.


Growth of lav care market in India is essentially linked to a multitude of factors like availability of

toilets in Indian households, types of toilets, common or shared, cleaning practices and habits,

availability of running water in toilets etc. In India, cleaning is generally a daily routine in most

homes, with 'living' room/area, kitchens and halls being cleaned at least once a day. Bathroom /

toilet cleaning are found to be a little less frequent. Also in India, squat type toilets are the norm

with only 4% of the population owning a western style toilet. Findings from a sample based research

on toilet facilities and cleaning practices in India are given in annexure 5 and annexure 6 respectively.

The choice of toilet cleaner by consumers is governed by large number of attributes which they are

looking for in a product. Traditionally, Indians associate cleanliness more with visual cues

rather than hygiene. Unlike western countries, where most important product benefit

sought by consumers is “Germ free” followed by visually clean, in India, there is a huge

emphasis on visual cleanliness rather than germ free. This has also been the reason that

some of the all time popular formats for surface cleaning have been phenyl, acid, and

detergent, and the acceptance of specialist toilet cleaners has been limited.

A consumer research done on brand choice parameters has identified about 30 attributes with

varying importance. The research indicates that perceived ITB (In the Bowl) cleaning and disinfecting

ability have the highest correlation with brand choice in the lav care category.

Consumer research studies done by RBIL over the years have also shown that in the Lavatory

Care category, the key category attributes sought by consumers are

1. Cleaning/stain removal

2. Disinfection-Germ Kill

3. Fragrance/ removal of malodour

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Harpic owns the platform of "powerful cleaning" and its current claim of Triple Action

addresses the three key drivers as mentioned above.

Research has also shown that toilet cleaners are used at varying periodicity by different

consumers. On average, its usage is about three to four times a month by its users, which

results in a per household consumption of just over one litre of toilet cleaner per annum.


Harpic pioneered the process of building the Lav Care category by investing time, effort

and marketing resources for educating the consumers. It educated the consumers on the

need for care & proper hygiene of the toilet space. TV communication started in 1988. (Refer

Annexure 7 and Annexure 8)

The advertisements clearly positioned Harpic as a "Powerful Toilet Cleaner". The key

innovation was its packaging i.e. Angle necked bottle to easily reach into the corners/ rim

of the toilet bowl, and this innovation has been highlighted and leveraged by RBIL in

Harpic’s communication from 1993 onwards.

The big change that happened in the evolution of Harpic communication was the launch of

"Door Step Challenge" in year 2002. The key challenge was to convince non users that Harpic

could give a level of performance that was superior to the current cleaners (acids/ phenyls).

The creative idea that got developed based itself on "see to believe" strategy. Hence, a mini

celebrity anchor was chosen (TV actor Aman Verma, initially) and he would go to consumer's

"Door Step" and show them the magical cleaning that Harpic was able to deliver.

Thus, the tag line came into place - "Take the Harpic Challenge and see the magic in front of

your eyes". The benefit that the brand promised consistently in its communication was "Harpic

banaye aapke toilet ko naya jaisa" (i.e. Harpic makes your loo look like new)

The brand saw phenomenal growth in the initial years of the Door Step Challenge campaign

(2002 -2006). The Harpic Challenge TV commercial was hugely successful and resulted in

sales going up by almost 50%.

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The change in the competitive scenario in the last two years saw a shift in Harpic strategy

of focusing on trying to increase the penetration levels and bringing new users of toilet

cleaners in Indian urban households. Sometime in 2007, Harpic significantly cut down on

below the line activities like Door to Door campaigns and started pouring more money in

advertising through mass media. The idea was to defend the brand’s share in the face of

increased competition by spending a major chunk of its budget in advertising campaigns.

The copy of the advertisements was also changed to communicate that Harpic was

better/more effective than competing brands. In 2008, the Door Step Challenge was

brought in again, and intensity of advertising increased by 20% over the previous year.

Even with higher advertising spends, Harpic’s Share of Voice started falling due to

disproportionately higher advertising spends by some of the competitors as they were

keen to invest in building their brands. The competitors were slowly able to increase their

market shares, and Harpic started to see a downward trend in its dominant market share.

From a peak share of 86% in 2006, Harpic’s share dropped to about 75%+ in the recent

April-June 2009 quarter (See annexure 9 for value and volume sales of major brands in the

last four quarters). To address its declining share, and increase its presence in retail stores,

the company launched Harpic Power Fragrance range in January 2009.

Some of the competitors have been concentrating their efforts more in Southern India

which is the largest of the four zonal markets in India, and have been able to make major

gains there. Harpic’s share has therefore dipped much more in South than, say, in East . The

retail penetration levels of different brands for the three years are given in annexure 10.

The total number of stores stocking toilet cleaners reached almost one million in 2008, and

it is predominantly in urban areas, with rural areas accounting for less than one hundred

thousand stores.

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Another development of concern for the Harpic brand team was a significant slowing down

in the growth in the penetration levels of toilet cleaners seen in the 2nd half of 2007, and

the penetration level has remained almost stagnant over the year 2008.

Meanwhile, the brand team was also noticing new competitive activity in the Modern

Trade, where the fast growing major Retail Chains like Spencers, Reliance, Big Bazaar

started to stock lesser priced local brands of toilet cleaners as well as their own private

labels, next to Harpic’s shelves in their attempts to lure their customers and also get

significantly higher margins on such products. The huge margins allow them to run

promotional schemes like buy one get one free to attract customers. This has been aided

by the fact that toilet cleaners are an easy to manufacture product, with low entry


On another front of growing the automatics format like in the western countries, the brand

team’s efforts to drive the consumption levels have not seen much headway so far.

Although, Harpic has been investing moderately in the automatics with limited TVC

support and periodic In Store branding in modern trade, this format has not shown much

response from consumers so far.

With a typical market leader's dilemma, and a fixed marketing budget, Harpic now needs to

prioritize its options for further growth. Maintaining current users, defending aga inst

competition, increasing consumption and increasing penetration are some of the elements

which Harpic's brand team needs to ponder about to come up with right strategies and

optimal marketing investment mix for the brand. The brand team also needs to p lan out a

clear approach to attain its internal target of growing the category penetration levels to 25

to 30% by 2012.

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Harpic Liquids Range:

Harpic automatics range:

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Value Market Share Year 2008 Change in MS %


Total Toilet Cleaning Market (In Million Rs) 1804 19.9

Harpic 79.4% -0.6

Sanifresh 6.3% -0.4

Kiwi Kleen 1.7% -0.7

Mr Muscle 0.0%

Domex 10.5% 2.3

Bref 0.5% 0.6

Others 1.6% -

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Volume Market Share Year 2007 Year 2008 Change in MS %


Total Toilet Cleaning Market (Volume Kilo

Litres) 15565 18148 16.6

Harpic 77.3% 75.8% -1.5

Sanifresh 7.0% 7.5% 0.5

Kiwi Kleen 2.1% 1.4% -0.7

Mr Muscle NA - 0

Domex 10.6% 12.9% 2.3

Others 3.0% 2.4% -20

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By Value

Value Market Share Data - Last four

quarters of 2008-2009

July - Sept

2008 Oct - Dec 2008 Jan - Mar 2009

Apr - Jun


Total Toilet Cleaning Market (In Million

Rs) 479 502 502 524

Harpic 79.2% 77.9% 75.3% 75.5%

Sanifresh 6.1% 7.1% 6.5% 6.5%

Kiwi Kleen 1.5% 1.7% 2.0% 1.6%

Mr Muscle NA 0.0% 0.3% 0.9%

Domex 11.4% 11.1% 13.3% 12.1%

Bref 0.5% 0.8% 1.0% 0.9%

Others 1.3% 1.4% 1.6% 2.5%

By Volume

Volume Market Share Data - Last four

quarters of 2008-2009

July - Sept

2008 Oct - Dec 2008 Jan - Mar 2009

Apr - Jun


Total Toilet Cleaning Market (Volume

Kilo Litres) 4903 5021 4931 5178

Harpic 76.1% 75.0% 71.5% 71.4%

Sanifresh 7.2% 8.7% 8.1% 8.6%

Kiwi Kleen 1.1% 1.4% 1.8% 1.5%

Mr Muscle NA - 0.3% 0.8%

Domex 13.6% 12.3% 14.8% 12.8%

Others 2.0% 2.6% 3.5% 4.9%

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No. of Stores YEC06 YEC07 YEC08

All India


Category 814,512 891,586 995,795

Harpic 733,683 799,362 917,428

Domex 148,539 160,829 213,739

Sani Fresh 141,344 136,737 122,620

Mr Muscle NA NA 930

Bref 1,295 324 21,301