“rebirth” In this case a rebirth or art and language.

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Transcript of “rebirth” In this case a rebirth or art and language.

“rebirth”In this case a rebirth or art and language.

What does the term Renaissance mean?

Why Italy and not Northern Europe?What were the advantages?Patrons of the arts.HumanismRenaissance Art and the Ninja TurtlesThe Northern Renaissance and how it spread.The end of the RenaissanceMid-Term Review


More centralized rule

Medieval = ReligionRenaissance = Combination of Religion and


Emerging from the Middle Ages


Northern Italy

Began around 1300 and lasted until 1600. It later spread north.

Where did the Renaissance begin?

The reason why Northern Europe lagged behind Italy during the renaissance is because England and France were locked in a hundred years’ war.

Northern Europe Lagged behind

Thriving citiesA wealthy merchant classClassical heritage of Greece and Rome

These 3 advantages help foster the Renaissance in Italy.

Italy had 3 advantages over Northern Europe

Overseas trade sparked by the Crusades led to the growth of large city-states in northern Italy.

The rest of Europe was mostly rural

Why would cities help the renaissance?

Cities are often places where people exchange new ideas.

Urban Centers

Also called the “Black Death”.Killed up to 60 percent of the population in these

cities.- i.e. Florence population went from 85,000 to


Because of a reduced population there was a shrink for business expansion. Wealthy merchants began to pursue other interest, such as art.

Bubonic Plague

City-states were small and ran their own affairs. Many citizens were very active in the political


Merchants were the wealthiest, most powerful class and they dominated politics.

Merchants earned their social rank. - They believed they deserved power and wealth

because of their individual merit.

The Medici family ruled Florence .

Merchants and the Medici

1434- won control of Florence’s government.Influenced members of the ruling council by

giving them loans.Virtually the dictator for 30 years.

Cosim0 de’ Medici

Renaissance leaders looked down on the art and literature of the Middle Ages.

Wanted more learning from Greek and Romans time.

Classical Heritage

Study of classical texts led to Humanism.- Focused on human potential and


Popularized the study of subjects such as education, history, literature, and philosophy.

= These Subjects are called Humanities.

Classics lead to Humanism

Middle Ages = wearing rough clothing and eating the plainest of foods proved your loyalty to God.

Humanist believed that a person could enjoy life without offending God.

- The wealthy openly enjoyed material luxuries, fine music, and tasty foods.

Even church leaders became more worldly enjoying beautiful mansions, threw lavish banquets, and wore expensive clothes.


Formed the central core of literature and philosophy of the ancient writers.

Idea of focusing on after-life shifted to enjoying the here and now. ------ Church does not like this idea.


The ideal individual strove to master almost every area of study.

A man who excelled in many fields was praised as a “universal man.” later called “Renaissance man”

The Renaissance Man

Renaissance Art

Glorified the Human body.Painted the sistine chapel.


Made sculptures more realistic by carving natural postures and expressions that reveal personality.

Carved the statue of David.


Painter, Sculptor, Inventor, and a Scientist = A true “Renaissance Man”

Painted – “Mona Lisa” and “The Last Supper”


Learned from Michelangelo and Leonardo’s work.

Painted the School of Athens.


Sofonisba Anguissola was the first woman artist to gain an international reputation.

Painted portraits of prominent people such as King Phillip II of Spain.

Women Painters

Writers began to write in the vernacular, meaning their native language rather than Latin.

Renaissance writers wrote for self-expression or to portray the individuality of their subjects.

Niccolo Machiavelli wrote the Prince.- Examined how a ruler can gain power and

keep it in spite of his enemies.

Writers of the Renaissance

1453 – The hundred year war between France and England ends.

Population begins to grow since the bubonic plague.

Monarchs sponsored the arts unlike in Italy.

Northern Renaissance

In 1494, war spreads in Italy.- French king launched an invasion from

Southern Italy to Northern Italy.

Many artist fled to Northern Europe for safety.

- With them came the ideas of the Renaissance.

Artistic Ideas spread

Style of Art Changes

Northern HumanistWork was strongly Christiani.e. Desiderius Erasmus, The Praise of Folly

Christian Humanist

Also called the Elizabethan Age.Reigned from 1558-1603Well-educated and fluent in French, Italian,

Latin, and Greek.Patron of the arts and wrote poetry.

Renaissance in England

Wrote in Renaissance England.Born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-AvonWork displayed understanding of human beings

and a look into the souls of men and women. Most famous work:- Macbeth- King Lear- Hamlet- Romeo and Juliet- A Midsummer Night’s DreamNow go do your key notes!

William Shakespeare

The Printing Press!Who invented the Printing Press?Johann Gutenberg, reinvented the movable

type that the Chinese had invented.First book to print?The bible called the Gutenberg bible (1455)

What helped spread the ideas of the Renaissance?

Both Italy and Northern Europe the Renaissance stirred a burst of creative activity.

1600s – new ideas and artistic styles continue to appear.

Renaissance ideals will help shape Europe.i.e. belief in the dignity of the individual

played a key role in the gradual rise of democratic ideas.

Spread of education.

End of the Renaissance

Research these artist: What art did they make famous? What style of art did they do?

Fillipo BrunelleshiAlbrecht Durer Tommaso MasaccioVan Eyck brothers
