Rebel Grot Codex Mk 4 (2)

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Transcript of Rebel Grot Codex Mk 4 (2)

Rebel grot codex

IntroductionWhy collect a grot army- Most people will ask you why do a grot army they are not good at anything die easily not that good shots, can’t fight in combat and run away at anything more scary than a cow. So why collect them especially an army of them, well its one thing grots are good at being sneaky and making war look like a fun game. Grots are the jokers in the 40k universe don’t expect to win many games with them but be prepared for a laugh using them.

Grot kultureThe Gretchin are happy enough in their role. They bear little resentment towards their superiors, for them Orks are just a fact of life. Individual Gretchin can enjoy a relatively comfortable existence by providing valuable services to their Ork masters. Most Grots are owned by Orks as personal servants, though some gather together into loose tribes that may even own functional weapons and equipment. The Gretchin have created an entire enterprise culture of their own within their Ork-dominated society. Many Gretchin operate their own black-market businesses on the side, such as selling fungus-beer, roasting squigs on sticks, coordinating the bets when a fight breaks out or looting corpses for fun and profit.

There is a faction known as Rebel grotz who had too much of their rough treatment and rebelled against their masters. Because of their organisation skills they could sometimes build and maintain war machines and artillery.

Because Gretchin are synonymous with cunning, small stature, cowardice, negligent physical prowess and other things considered un-Orky, the term 'grot' is used derisively between the larger Ork boyz. i.e. - "Da' boss needs some real boyz to do this job, not you pack of grotz!

Grotz in ork society are basically slave labour they do there fetching, carrying and anything an ork tells them to do. Grotz in most warbands out number orks at least 3-1 but one on one a grot is never going to stand up to an ork and live. So they put up with this life style and just bully there smaller cousins the snotlings just like the orks bully them.

In the greenskin Klanz they use ork teeth as money the bigger the tooth the more it’s worth grot teeth are worth next to nothing so the only way a grot can get anything more than food to keep him alive is to steal the ork teeth or take them off the dead.

Unfortunately for the grots they you can pretty much bet a grot will not live long in an ork warband due to the constant beatings from the orks and the fact they are left to look after the squigs which is a dangerous job in itself. This is probably why when a particularly cunning grot gathers about him enough grot followers they will break away and start the own Klan of rebel grotz.

They will take with them whatever loot they can carry in order to start their own grot Klan from squigs to kill kanz who happily follow the other grotz.

Once away from the ork bullies they will start to build their fortune and forage for anything useful to try and make a grot space ship in order to leave the ork planet behind and start their own mini Waaaaaagh!

Greenskin raceGretchin have a similar physical structure to Ork but are much smaller and weaker. They have short runty legs and grasping fingers to employ their greatest skill, low cunning. They are far more numerous than Orks and have large bulbous heads with tattered ears which flatten when they are scared. They have sharp fanged jaws which are their best physical weapon. They have an excellent sense of smell, hearing and they have effective sight in the dark. These traits aid their self-preservation allowing them to survive in the dangerous Ork society. Some Gretchin have even developed a sixth sense of sorts, or a natural ability to be far more fortunate than they have right to be

The Snotlings (sometimes called Snots) are an orkoid species. They are tiny beings that appear as small gretchin, and being so, occupy what is perhaps the lowest rung of Ork society. While the Gretchin serve as servants and other secondary positions in Ork society, Snotlings will serve sometimes as "pets," but more often they serve in Orkish agricultural and animal husbandry roles due to their affinity with the fungus and squigs that appear in Ork settlements. Supervised and trained by runtherds Snotlings will cultivate the fungus to provide Orks with food, drink, and medicine. Snotlings' affinity with squigs usually ensures that only a few dozen Snotlings are eaten by their "livestock" on any given day.

Squigs (short for "squiggly beasts") are the simplest form of orkoid life. There are many types of squig, each generally filling some functionary role in the Ork ecosystem. They serve as the orks ' primary food source. There are many types of squigs, but each can be generalized into a single variety, such as edible, musical, hair, medical, parasite-hunting, face-eaters, pet, buzzing and paint squigs. Some, like the face-eater types, are little more than snapping, fanged mouths on legs.1

Squigs naturally grow and breed within the cesspits of Ork settlements, subsisting on Ork refuse. Tending the squigs are the orkoids known as snotlings.

Da Grot Klanz

All squigs are edible, but some squigs are specifically bred as a food source. Gretchin are responsible for cooking the squigs, though Orks will eat raw squig if a cook cannot be found. The rarest forms of these are referred to as Juicy Squigs and require a special Gretchin cook. Orks reserve the eating of Face-Eating squigs for special contests

Grot armies are weird and wacky group of grotz and come in all shapes and sizes the most common sort of grot armies are the following.

Da Kan Ladz- the Kan Ladz are made up of mainly big mek’s and there killa kan creations usually maxed out with killa kanz. They tend to be small forces but also very tough to take down thanks to being able to take a maximum of 49 kanz in one force orginasation. Ouch!

Da sneaky gitz- these sneaky little gitz are more dangerous than they seem with massed ninjas you will soon find your deployment surrounded by these persistent killers.

Da Squig Eads- oh boy do these guys like there squigs from squigs on toast to squig fights these guys are mad for them. If you wanted to do an army based on the squig Ead’s then have loads of squig herds which will now count as troops, squiggoth’s and warboss’s on giant squigs. The Squig Ead’s are probably one of the richest Klanz due to their breeding of squigs.

Da spider Riders- The spider rider Klan is more a feral grot army where worship the spider as a god, they will have loads of grotz on spiders backed up by uge spiders and warboss’s on giant spiders. An army of these guys is fast and can be hard hitting for grotz.

Da commando’s- an elite army in the version of the grotz with numerous squads of grot commando’s and there captured apc’s. This army is quite hard hitting and can be a pain for any slow moving enemies to deal with.

Da Rebellion All grots are pushed around by Orks... Beaten by Orks.... Forced to do manual labour by Orks.... forced to feed the squigs by Orks, often with themselves.... But one Grot started a rebellion, which spread across star systems quicker than an Ork Bar fight...

Da Red Gobbo started it all on Karsh, when he was thrown to the Squigs by his Ork master. He had had enough and so, after escaping from the Squig pen, he called all the grots of the Orks Settlement together, and slowly but surely, they began to kill off the Ork population. Eventually the planet belonged to the grots. But Da Red Gobbo yearned for a system wide rebellion, and so using their newly owned Fightas and Croozas they took to the stars to spread word of a grot rebellion. Within weeks, planets surrounding Karsh soon became gripped by war between Orks and their former Slaves. Snotlings were sent under cover of night to tamper with the already fragile ork vehicles. Grot Ninjas sent forward to hide in bushes in an effort to ambush the charging Orks. Da Red Gobbo often travelled from Karsh aboard his own personalised Fighta ‘Da Scary Red Un’ bringing his Meks and their Killa Kan Armada in an effort to support the Rebelling Grots. On Other Occasions, Da Red Gobbo will bring A Monstrous combination of Grot and Spider and a force of Giant Spiders that were native to Karsh. Eventually, the Orks in that system were either wiped out, or had fled the system. The Grots now had even more Croozas and Fightas at their Disposal.

Da Red Gobbo had done what no Ork had ever thought a Grot was capable of. He had waged war against the Orks, and won. So he gathered his loyal horde together and took as many Kans, Trukks and other Equipment as they could carry and fit on their vessels and together they went on a search for a planet to call their own. What they eventually came across however, wasn’t a planet,

but a small sphere of junk that had began to form its own atmosphere and environment. So the Grots landed there and began adding their own junk and useless Gubbins to it, to create a bigger “planet”. Eventually their new world grew to the size of a Small planet and was able to house its new inhabitants. The Main Benefit of Grotdum is that the entire Planet is able to be moved. The first thing that the Grots did when they landed was impale mile long hooked poles into the Surface of the planet, enabling it is too dragged by their Fightas and Croozas. This meant that Grotdum could be moved to a new System and start another Grot Rebellion there, or perhaps be moved away from a system that a rebellion had failed and Grotdum was to be targeted.

Grotdum Grotdum is the home world of the majority of the grot rebellion grotz from all across the universe are trying to reach Grotdum. But seeing as Grotdum moves around alot it is not easy to

find, grotz steal any means of space fairing aircraft to leave there Ork worlds in order to try and reach Grotdum. Alot of grotz simply die trying or get captured again by there once Ork masters, for the one’s that do make it away from their cruel ork masters lies years of space travel to find the planet of the grotz and of course along the way they run into a few battles with numerous enemies. Often upgrading their flimsy grot space ships along the way or creating a floating base on an abandoned Rok or setting up camp on a Space Hulk which they often fit powerful engines to to steer them towards Grotdum.

If and when the Grotz make it to Grotdum they will find a planet laid waste from a long forgotten war, most of it is now barren landscapes with dead wood forests and old abandoned ruins where most of the normal grotz make their homes. Some of the more insane grotz make their camps in the dead wood forests where it’s overrun with spiders of all shapes and sizes. Gorts being from the Orkoid species are even though small and weak can adapt to almost any environment.

Once landed on Grotdum and greeted by their fellow grotz they can go and claim a land on the planet as their own. Of course Grotz being of the Orkoid species there is plenty of infighting and disputes over who controls what piece of land. That is where they will stay until called upon by the Red Gobbo who all Grot Warboss’s must pledge allegiance to, to be welcomed to Grotdum. Grot warboss’s can leave Grotdum at any time to go raiding in their Kroozer space ships and anything else they have. Often most don’t return but the one’s that do come back with loads of more junk in which the grot meks will pay a good price for.

Grot army wide rulesTiny- any grot on foot benefits from the tiny rule and will get a +1 to all there cover saves so for example a grot in woods would have a 3+ cover save as they are so small and hard to hit.

Grot tek- grot blasta’s are wacky inventions and you won’t know what will happen each time you fire one they could blow up in your hands or cut down an ork with a volley of fire. At the beginning of the game roll on the below table and apply this to all grot blasta’s and grot dakka guns.

1- Da mek made it- Has the gets hot rule no change in weapon stats 2- Dat’s one loud bang-Causes pinning to the grot unit and the enemy unit each

time the grot unit fires or the enemy takes a wound.3- Grot Skopes-Adds 6” to their range4- More Blasta- adds +1 to their strength5- More Dakka-Adds 1 to their firing mode e.g. assault 1 to assault 2 6- Da mek is a genius- makes the guns have an ap 6

Mob rule- grotz are braver the more of them there are for every full 10 grotz in a squad they may add +1 to their leadership so for example a full squad of 30 grotz with a boss would have a leadership of 9. Why a group of 10 with a boss would have a leadership of 7.

Forces of the Grot rebellion

Grot Rebel leader

Picture space saver

Grot rebel leader are cunning and evil leaders who would stab anyone in the back to get what they want although weedy to look at compared to Orks do not think they are not deadly. They are very cunning creatures. They are also the ones who made the plan to escape their old ork masters in the first place so are normally well respected and every grot in the force owes them their lives. This is not to say another grot won’t stab him in the leg to let the chasing enemy catch the boss instead of himself.

ws bs s t w I a ld svRebel leader 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 7 -Special rules-independent character, tiny, mob rule, grot tek, small and insignificant

Grot mekhanik

The mek is the guy who makes all the grot wargear from grot blasta’s to the mighty grot tanks without this guy the grotz would be riding beasts with just swords and shields. He is normally followed by an entourage of Snotling helpers. He would have been in his previous warband a grot helper to a big mek and would have picked up alot of useful skills in the process. His skills will be valuable to any rebel grot Klan and they are highly sort after. Rebel grot warboss’s even go so far to raid an ork camp in order to kidnap the big meks grot helpers. The grot helpers of course will happily go with them who wouldn’t from a slave to a highly respected member of a Klan with the best pick of gubbinz and what knots.

ws bs s t w I a ld svGrot mekhanik 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 7 -Special rules- independent character, tiny, mob rule, grot tek, mek’s tools, kan army, small and insignificant

Grot mad dok

ws bs s t w I a ld sv

Mad dok 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 6 5+*Special rules- tiny, mob rule, independent character, small and insignificant

Dok’s tools- see codex orks

Urty syringe- see codex orks

Grot master shamanWS BS S T W I A LD SV

Grot master shaman 2 4 3(4) 3 2 3 2 7 -Special rules- tiny, mob rule, small and insignificant, independent character, psyker

grot psyker-a grot psyker instead of shooting his Grot shaman staff may use a pychic power instead from the following list. Psychic tests required. (These Tests are also known as Sykik Tests as its more Grotty)

- Mind Magik: Can hurl a friendly or enemy unit within 12” 2d6 in any direction, and when landed, the unit must take a Dangerous Terrain test on each model. Vechicles with an Armour value greater than 32 may not be flung. Anything less than 32 can be flung d6” and can then be faced in any direction.

- Grot Rage: The Unit that the Grot Master Shaman is in receives Furious Charge, but gives +2 Strength instead of +1. The Unit is also Subject to Rage.

- BLARGH!!!: The Weirdest Power a Master Shaman can summon as it involves killing himself. This power can be used at the end of the Assault phase and does not count to the amount that the shaman can use. If the combat was lost, the Master Shaman may Kill himself in a brutal and often explosive fashion. Place a Large Blast Template above the Master Shaman, and all models under the base (Friendly and Enemy) suffer a S6 Hit at AP4.

Grot shaman staff- a grot shaman staff counts as 2 handed weapon with +2 strength to the user in addition the shaman can shoot his powerful psychic powers from the staff as well without need for a psychic test.

range strength ap Firing modeGrot shaman staff 24” 4+x 1 Assault 1, +x

X= 1 every Unit of Grots within 12”

Killa kanz Picture space saver

Grots lucky/unlucky enough to be injured in battle are sometimes instead of being properly fixed up and returned to work are wired into killa kanz where they eventually go mad from being trapped within their metal hulls.

Grot ninja’sPicture space saver

ws bs s t w I a ld svGrot ninja 4 4 2 2 1 4 1 6 2+*boss 4 4 2 2 1 4 2 7 2+*Special rules- tiny, fearless, infiltrate,

Grot shaman groupiesws bs s t w I a ld sv


Special Rules: Tiny, Power of the Grot Rebellion, Grot Magikz.(Prophet only) Voodoo Mastery.Wargear: Grot Magik Poles, Grot Magik Mushrooms.Magik Poles: Gives a 4+ Armour saveMagik Mushrooms: Can reroll any Sykik Test and lose D3 grots

Voodoo Mastery: If the Squad has Voodoo Sticks, you may reroll one of the two scatter dice determining the direction. However the distance stays as rolled.

Grot Voodoo Sticks- +1 Strength The Whole squad must also fire Voodoo Blast each controlling Players shooting phase at a Strength Equal to the Number of Grotz in the unit (Max S10), AP3. To Fire the Voodoo Blast, place a Large Blast over the top of any Grot Groupie in the Squad. Now roll 3d6 and a Scatter Dice. After Determining Where the Blast Lands, if it doesn’t hit anyone, roll again but this time it becomes a Small blast, at Half the Strength it would have been at AP6. If it doesn’t hit anyone this time, you lose D3 Grotz.

Power of the Grot Rebellion:

Their Save is Invulnerable so long as their within 18” of another Grot Unit.

Grot MagikzEach Turn the Groupies may use any of the Following Powers:

Freeedurm!:May be cast onto a Friendly Grot Unit within 18”. After Passing a Sykik test, the Target Unit gains Fleet, Furious Charge and Preferred Enemy against anything from the Codex: Orks

Blast ‘em Boyz!:After Passing one Sykik test for the whole unit, you may fire the Magik Rainz at any unit within 36”. This power does not require Line of Sight, and uses the Following Profile per grot:

Magik Rainz Str 2 AP- Assualt 4

Get Back in Dat Dere Fight!: Any One Grot Unit within 12” of the Groupies gets to reroll any failed any Leadership tests provided the Groupies pass a Sykik test to use this power.

*BANG* Now Where are we?!:After passing the Sykik test either one Grot Unit within 12” or the Groupie unit is removed from the Table and replaced anywhere using the Deep strike rules. They also get a 4+ Cover Save on account of the Green Fog surrounding them.

Grotz in mega armourPicture space saver

ws bs s t w I a ld svGrot in mega armourbossSpecial rules-slow and purposeful, mob rule,

Trollsws bs s t w I a ld sv

troll 3 1 6 5 3 2 3 4 -Special rules- feel no pain, regeneration-trolls have an outstanding ability to regenerate and can regenerate lost wounds on a 4+ make this roll at the end of assault phase for wounds took in that shooting and assault phase. Note this can be used to bring back dead trolls who died in that turn


Grotz are the main unit in a Grot army and do all the real work they are childlike in size and proportions but their fingers are strong and can easily strangle a fully grown man in their sleep. One grot is easy to deal with 10 grotz and you’re in a world of pain.

ws bs s t w I a ld svgrot 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 5 -Grot boss 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 6 -Special rules-tiny, grot tek, mob rule,

Grot spider ridersws bs s t w I a ld sv

Grot spider rider

2 3 3 3 1 2 2 5 5+

Grot spider rider boss

2 3 3 3 1 2 3 6 5+

Special rules- grot tek, mob rule, move through cover, poisoned weapons,

Snotling Sabbaturz Spores drift, settle and grow, and the Orkosystem puts down mycelia. In the cool, humid spaces of worlds across the galaxy, odd fungi sprout, some no more than brightly coloured mushrooms with

odd properties, others blossoming into certain kinds of Squig, others still capping the cocoons of the various Orkoid creatures. Among these are the Snotlings. They emerge early while theLarger Gretchin and still larger Orks develop beneath rocks and are masters of their world. They set up their tribes and choose their bosses in a brief summer marred only by toxic puffballs and the more aggressive of the Squigs. Docile and generally compliant creatures, Snotlings are easily trained and very often used by the larger and more intelligent Orkoid creatures for menial and hazardous tasks. One such role appears when the Waaagh! Comes and the Orks march to war, the role of Sabbatur. When conditioned with titbits and crumbs to run towards large mounds of scrap, press all the old buttons and damage the most delicate components, these almost-but-not-quite-trusted Snotlings are ready to be sent scampering into enemy encampments by the sneakiest forward ranging Grots or Ork Kommandos. Very often they never return, though this may result from overwhelming excitement at the new and shiny technologies found. Sometimes, however, as battle draws near, engines refuse to fire, rockets fail to arm and operators become distracted by drool on their consoles. In such situations, though the Snotling may never be aware of it, he has won the fleeting respect of his superiors, become a giant among his kind, and is helped on his way to Gork and Mork by the goodwill reaching outward in the vast Orky psychic field

Special rules- for each snotling sabatur in the army roll a D6 at the beginning of the game after both armies have deployed.

On a roll of 2-6 that snotling has succeeded in his task and a glancing hit may be resolved immediately against any vehicle of the grot player’s choice.

On a roll of a 1 the snotling has become confused and comes full circle back into grot lines- the opponent may select one grot vehicle and immediately take a glancing hit against it.

Grot Rebellion Commando’s

ws bs s t w I a ld sv

Special rules- tiny, mob rule, grot tek,

Grot battle tanksPicture space saver

Grot big gunzPicture space saver

ws bs s t w I a ld svGrot crew 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 5 -

Grot boss 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 6 -Special rules- tiny, mob rule,

Grot mega tankPicture space saver


Picture space saver

Grot bommsPicture space saver

range str apGrot bomms unlimited 8 3 Ordnance 1, 5”barrage, one use twin linkedSpecial rules- grot bomms-a grot bomb is a guided missile piloted to its target by a grot pilot, each bomb can only be used once per game. The grot bomb works in exactly in the same way as a normal barrage except you may reroll the scatter dice and distance if you do not like the first result, but you must accept the second result.

Reserves- grot bomms are always in reserve and once rolled to come on from reserve for each bomb you may fire the bomb anywhere on the table.

Grot fighta planes Picture space saver

Grot fighta planes are a one grot plane with not very much weapons but they do have one advantage they are small and fast.

FA SA RA BS10 10 10 3Special rules-flyer, kamikaze

SquigsPicture space saver

Squigs in greenskin society have various rolls from food to attack dogs. A fully grown squig is very deadly to anyone who makes it angry and has a tendency to eat its owners if they get to close

ws bs s t w I a ld svSquigs 4 0 4 3 1 6+Squig rida boss 6+Special rules- Boing, boing splat-squigs have a random movement of 3d6 inches when they move they have to move the full amount even if they hit terrain. If they move into a unit they will class as charging in the assault phase and will cause a strength 5 automatic hit per rider in the movement phase. The unit they have charged can still be shot at by other grot units before the assault happens. If the 3d6 rolled come up with more than two 1’s then the squigs have been kicked to many times and the unit suffers d3 wounds with no saves at all.

Uge Gigantic spidersPicture space saver

ws bs s t w I a ld svGigantic spider Special rules-poison attacks (3+), fleet, move through cover,

Grot skrapp trukk Picture space saver

FA SA RA BS10 10 10 3Special rules-ramshackle (see codex Orks)

Grot armoured apcFA SA RA BS12 10 10 3Special rules-

Grot zeplinPicture space saver

Grot zeplin’s are high flying balloons filled with a very explosive gas they are the bombers of the grot planes

FA SA RA BS11 11 10 4Special rules-

Fasta Boyz: The Grot Zeplin Must move at least 12” a turn and can still fire all its weapons. It may also expend lots of fuel and move 36” that turn but forfeit movement in the owning players next movement phase & fire either one weapon at BS4 (Excluding the Shokk Attack Gun) , or all weapons at BS1.

Drop Da Thunda Bomb Ladz!!!: At any point during the movement phase, regardless of how far the Zeplin moved, you may chose to drop the Thunda Bomb. Choose a point and roll 2d6 and a Scatter. After figuring out where the bomb will land, all models within d6+6” suffer a Strength 6 ap3 hit. However If it scatters more than 10” then the bomb has exploded prematurely and the Zeplin suffers a Penetrating hit.

Dunt let ‘em pop da balloon boyz: The Zeplin will be destroyed after it suffers 4 Penetrating hits.

Oh Crap the oils on fire!: After the Zeplin dies, if its last penetrating hit resulted in an explodes, all units within 6” suffer a s6 hit, with armour saves allowed as normal, and D3+1 Blast templates will ALWAYS scatter 2d6 from the centre of the model (or where it used to be). Any model caught under the template will suffer a s5 ap5 hit that causes Pinning.

Bloody Smoke Boyz...: Due to the mental amount of smoke the grot contraption churns out, it always counts as being obscured, and all units on the ground gain a 5+ Cover Save, similar to the Effects of the Kustom Force Field.

All aboard-The Grot Zeplin is full to the gunnels with so many krew (and there assorted flunkies, pets and hangers on) that there’s no shortage of eager hands to press buttons and pull triggers-often too many. At the start of the shooting phase roll a D6 on the roll of a 1 none of the Zeplins weapons may fire this turn as a fight breaks out on Dek, on a 2+ the Grot Zeplin may fire its weapons and may select a different target for each gun if it wishes.

Da Red Gobbo

Picture space saver

ws bs s t w I a ld svDa Red Gobbo 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 9 4+Special rules-mob rule, tiny, independent character, grot tek, aura of command,

Aura of command- any grot units within 24” of Da Red Gobbo can use his leadership when it comes to making leadership and morale tests and also counts as stubborn.

Da Black Gobbospace saver pic

When Da Black Gobbo was travelling with one of the other ork hordes he was enslaved by boss Snikrot. Boss Snikrot is an expert jungle killer, slipping in and out of the shadows like a ghost. Snikrot demanded that when he was on a hunt, all his Kommandos were as silent as he so he trained them in his ways.

Every time Boss Snikrot spoke about skills Da Black Gobbo was listening and was able to pick up a few things along the way. After a few years mimicking the other kommandos he became as silent as Snikrot himself, Snikrot however still would never pay him any attention and would normally make fun of the little gobo for trying to be like a real ork.

This proved his downfall when Da Black Gobbo sneaked up on Snikrot and knocked him out from behind and stole one of Snikrots Large fang like teeth. Da Black Gobbo disappeared but not before taking his revenge on the warboss who commanded the Klan and like other orks was exceptionally mean to him and the other grotz. He used his master’s great tooth to slit open his throat. By the time the nobz found him the warboss was stabbed numerous times and all that was left was a single note saying “I kills im, now run before I kill you too”

Da Black Gobbo

ws bs s t w I a ld svDa Black Gobbo 5 5 3 3 3 6 4 8 2+*Special rules-mob rule, tiny, independent character, infiltrates, dodge (2+ cover save), fearless

Da terminata

Da Terminata was once a lowly grot being bullied about by all the other Orks and quite a few of the other grotz to until one day his Ork master fell in battle after fighting off a Dark Eldar slave raid. The grot YumYum as he was known then dragged his masters body back to a grot friend of his who was also a helper to the tribes Mad Dok. The grot helper while his master was busy stitching up some other boyz gatherered about him thegrot helpers including the tribes big mek helpers to and over the course of the following months changed the mega armoured body of the dead ork into a robot shell with hydraulics working all the limbs and movements. All that was needed pilot for the now robotic mega armoured monster. YumYum stepped up and after being wired up his adventures began none of the orks accepted this grot in armour and he and his fellow grotz fled the Orks to and find the legendary Grotdum. They stole an Ork Kroozer and off they went altogether YumYum now known as “Da Terminata” and his fellow grotz numbering in there thousands set off. Da Kruncha was a unreialble creation but boosted the grotz strength and toughness to make him a serious killing machine.

ws bs s t w I a ld svDa KrunchaSpecial rules-mob rule, eternal warrior, grot tek

Wargear- mega armour, cybork body,

at the beginning of the grot turn roll a d6 for Da Kruncha on a 1 the controls have broken and Da Kruncha may not to nothing until next turn. He may still fight back if assaulted.

Makari the standard bearerPicture space saver

Makari used to be the personal standard bearer to the mighty Ghazhkull Thraka himself for 9 long years Makari followed Ghazhkull all over the universe. Ghazhkull was like a typical ork and Makari got bullied and beaten Makari didn’t mind so much as most other Orks were too scared to touch him in case they angered Ghazhkull. After 9 years Makari heard about a few reports of grotz turning on the Orks and making their own klans all over the galaxy. He also heard that in these rebel grot klans Grotz were their own bosses. Makari liked this idea so devised a plan to leave Ghazhkull one day when Ghazhkull was fighting on Armageddon he set his plan in motion. After a long day fighting the oomies Makari liked nothing better than sitting in his chair eat a few squigs washed down with a nice warm mug of fungus root beer. As Ghazhkull began sitting in his chair Makari threw a Grot he had killed earlier under Ghazhkull’s mighty behind dressed in Makaris rags when Ghazhkull heard the krunch he looked on his chair and immediately thought it was Makari so peeled him off his chair and threw him to his favourite fighting squig which swallowed the grot whole. Makari was now thought to be dead. He soon sneaked into a human spaceship and off he went to find the rebel grotz.

Ws bs s t w I a ld svmakari 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 6 *Special rules-mob rule, tiny, independent character,

That’s one lucky grot-makari must be one of the luckiest grotz alive to represent this in gaming terms he has a special saving throw of a 2+ invulnerable save.

Wargear- standard of the Waaaagh! – When Makari escaped from Ghazhkull he stole Ghazhkulls banner in the game all grotz are filled with pride at seeing the banner. All grot units within 12” of Makari all count as being stubborn and have the counter attack skill.

Yerport Da FreekA Long time ago, an Ork Dok by the name of Grotsnik took part in a raid of an imperial medical world as part of a great Waaagh. After the world was claimed by the Orks, Grotsnik discovered a piece of Imperial machinery designed for combing the DNA of Creatures. Grotsnik did not know this, but he tested it out all the same. On his faithful Grot Orderly, Yerport, and his Pet Spider that he been foolish enough to bring with him on the raid as he assumed that when he was on the Space Junk they used as a transport, he’d be bored. Grotsnik booted Yerport and his Spider into the machine and with a mighty roar and an unholy amount of smoke, Yerport had gone. In his Place was an Enormous Spider as the machine had somehow caused Yerports pet to grow to the size of an ‘uge Spider, but in place of the beasts head, was a mound of flesh that had what was left of Yerports upper body fused to it. With a Snigger, Yerport traversed the walls and fled into the ruins of the Imperial world.

And so Yerport lived there for a good Half a Century as the machine had also extended his life span far beyond the average grot, until the Grot Rebellion heard the tale of this mighty creation, and led a small raid against the ork Planet and liberated Yerport. And now he lives deep in the bowels of Grotdum but when the Black Gobbo Declares another Rebellion is a foot and requires assistance, he rises out of his cavern to fight the enemies of his new found brethren.

On the Battlefield Yerport is a fearsome sight. An Unholy combination of the Cunning of a Grot and the Sheer Bulk, Speed and Strength of an ‘uge Spider. The Meks of Grotdum suit up the Spider portion of Yerport with the prestigious armour plates scavenged from dead Space marines and have developed a weapon for the Yerports Grot half to hold that connects the web delivering Abdomen to a handheld Launcher that delivers a deadly Stream of Web straight onto the Enemies. The Altering of the spider also left the web with a deadly razor sharp edge to it making it even more deadly. Yerport had gone from a Meer grot, unable to fight off a Squig, to a Monster capable of flipping over tanks and crushing Space Marines. The Mound of flesh protecting Yerports Grot body is so thick that often chunks would be tore off by enemy fire and the pain would be so dull that he would continue to crash through their lines regardless.

WS BS S T W I A LD Sv4 2 7 7 4 3 6 8 3+

Rules: Monstrous Creature, Fleet, Move through Cover, Stubborn.

Special Rules: King of Spiders, Web Flinga, Unholy Creation.

King of Spiders: If Yerport is taken in the Army, Uge Gigantic Spiders become Troop Choices. Additionally, they all gain the Stubborn Rule and +2 to their Leadership

Web Flinga: Yerport was given this weapon by the Grot Meks in order to increase his combat Potential, and incorporates a long tube connecting the Spiders Abdomen to a Small Bazooka type weapon. This weapon can be fired once per shooting phase and uses the following profile

Range:18” S: 4, AP: -, Assault 1, Large Blast* When the Web Flinga hits an enemy unit, it must make an Initiative test and a Strength test - if one of the tests are failed, then the unit is pinned (even if it is immune to pinning). Vechicles are unaffected, Walkers are not. The unit hit is treated as moving in Difficult Terrain the next time it moves, regardless of the turn. Example: Hit on Turn 1, but the unit doesn’t move till turn 4, The unit suffers from Difficult Terrain, In both the Movement phase and the Assault Phase.

Unholy Creation: Each turn roll a d6, on a 6 Yerport regains a Wound ( Cannot exceed 5). This rule can also be used on the turn Yerport is reduced to 0 Wounds. If he fails that roll, he is dead. If he passes, he returns with 1 wound.

Grot Army list

Upgrades- Some models can upgrade themselves to have extra equipment here is a list of what they get once upgraded and what options they can have.

Kan upgrade-use the killa kan stats apart from use the original models WS, BS, I and A.

Must have one weapon upgrade shosen below

- skorcha pts -big shoota pts grot zooka pts- rokkit launcha pts kustom mega blasta pts

mega armoured upgrade- use the models original stats but he now has a 2+ armour save and comes with a twin linked grot dakka gun and a power claw. He also has the rule slow and purposeful.

The twin linked dakka gun may be upgraded to a

- grot dakka gun/skorcha pts grot dakka gun. Rokkit launcha pts

Ninja upgrade- use the models original stats but he now has a 2+dodge move, 2 poisoned close combat weapons and death stars. He is also now fearless and has +1 ws and I.

He may have

- tankbusta bombz 5pts

gigantic spider upgrade- use his original stats but he now has the following rules move through cover, poisoned weapons and has an increase of +2 strength and toughness and +1 attack they also move as if cavalry. Also has a 4+ armour save

May have the following

- tankbusta bombz 5pts -boss pole 5pts -

Some units have the smaller spiders instead like regular grotz

- giant spider upgrade- same as above but only +1 strength and toughness and a 5+ armour save

Small and insignificant- grot leaders are small and insignificant and so only use up half a hq slot this means in a normal force organisation chart you can have a minimum of 1 grot leader and a maximum of 4.

HqRebel grot warboss..........................................................................................30pts

WS BS S T W I A LD SVRebel grot warboss 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 7 -Unit composition- 1 unit type- infantry

Special rules- tiny, mob rule, grot tek, small and insignificant, independent character

Wargear- grot blasta and close combat weapon

Options- may swap his close combat weapon for.

- Poison weapon 5pts -big choppa 5pts

May swap his grot blasta for

- Grot dakka gun pts -

May also have any of the following

- Tankbusta bombs 5pts -boss pole 5pts -eavy armour 5pts

May upgrade him to one of the following if not bought any other equipment from above.

- Kan upgradefor 30pts- Mega armoured upgradefor 30pts- Ninja upgradefor 30pts (Ninja’s may be taken as troops)- Gigantic spider upgrade for 30pts

Rebel grot big mek ..........................................................................................30pts

WS BS S T W I A LD SVRebel grot big mek 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 6 -Unit composition- 1 unit type- infantry

Special rules- tiny, mob rule, independent character, small and insignificant

Wargear- mek’s tools,


- Kan upgrade for 30pts (killa kanz can now be took as troops)- Mega armoured upgrade for 30pts- Gigantic spider upgrade for 30pts

May have 3 of any of the following types of helpers

- 3 ammo grotz for 3pts each 3 grot oilers for 3pts each

He may also have one of the following if not bought the kan or spider upgrade

- snotling zooka pts -kustom force field pts

Rebel grot mad dok............................................................................................30pts

WS BS S T W I A LD SVRebel grot mad dok 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 6 5+*Unit composition- 1 unit type- infantry

Special rules- tiny, mob rule, independent character, small and insignificant

Wargear- urty syringe, dok’s tools, cybork body,


- Mega armoured upgrade for 30pts- Gigantic spider upgrade for 30pts

May have 3 grot orderlies for 3pts each

One squad of grotz may be upgraded to have cybork bodies for pts per model

GROT MASTER SHAMAN......................................................................................50pts

WS BS S T W I A LD SVGrot master shaman 2 4 3 3 2 3 2 7 -UNIT COMPOSITION- 1 UNIT TYPE- Infantry

Special rules- psyker, tiny, mob rule,

Wargear- Grot Shaman staff

Options- may ride a

- Giant spider 30pts -giant squig 30pts uge spider 150pts(use the uge spiders stats but the shaman may cast spells from the back of the uge spider all attacks will be against the uge spider but the shaman can fight in combat to as if he was within 2”. (if the spider dies it’s assumed the shaman is crushed underneath the spider when it dies.)

ElitesKilla kanz ...................................................................see codex orks (unit size 1-5)

Trolls................................................................................................35pts per model

WS BS S T W I A LD SVtroll 3 1 6 5 3 2 3 4 -Unit composition- 3-10 trolls unit type- infantry

Special rules- regeneration, big and bulky,

Wargear- anything they can find counts as single close combat weapon

Grot ninjas .....................................................................................6 pts per model

WS BS S T W I A LD SVGrot ninja 4 4 2 2 1 4 1 6 2+*Grot ninja boss 4 4 2 2 1 4 2 7 2+*Unit composition- 5-20 unit type- infantry

Special rules- tiny, fearless, infiltrate, dodge,

Wargear- 2 poisoned weapons, death stars, tankbusta bombz

Options- one model may be upgraded to a grot ninja boss for pts

Grot shaman groupies........................................................ pts per model

WS BS S T W I A LD SVGrot shaman

Unit composition- unit type-

Special rules-



May have any dedicated transport

Grotz in mega armour..................................................................25 pts per model

WS BS S T W I A LD SVGrot in mega armour 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 7 2+Grot in mega armour boss 4 3 3 3 2 2 3 7 2+Unit composition- 3-10 unit type- Infantry

Special rules- mob rule, slow and purposeful,

Wargear- twin linked grot dakka gun, power claw, mega armour

Options- any model may upgrade his twin linked grot blasta for

- Grot dakka gun/skorcha 5pts -grot dakka gun/rokkit launcha 5pts

May have a skrapp trukk as an dedicated transport.

Troops1+ Rebel grotz ..................................................................................3 pts per model

WS BS S T W I A LD SVGrot 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 5 -Grot boss 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 6 -Unit composition-10-40 unit type- infantry

Special rules- mob rule, tiny, grot tek,

Wargear- grot blasta, boss has grot blasta and close combat weapon,

Options- all grotz in the unit may upgrade themselves to ride giant spiders for pts per model but may have no other upgrades except for the boss.

For every unit of grotz in your force you can purchase Snotling sabbaturz for 5pts per unit

For every full 10 grots you may include a squig bomb for 5pts each

May upgrade one grot to a boss for 5pts

He may replace his close combat weapon with

- Poisoned weapon 5pts -big choppa 5pts

He may also have

- Tankbusta bombs 5pts squighound 5pts -magic mushrooms pts

May take a skrapp trukk if numbers 12 or less

Grot rebellion commando’s...........................................................50pts per unit

WS BS S T W I A LD SVGrot rebellion commando 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 6 5+Grot rebellion commando boss 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 7 5+Unit composition- 10 including a boss unit type- Infantry

Special rules- tiny, mob rule, grot tek,

Wargear- grot dakka guns, flak armour,

Options- may take a grot captured apc for pts see dedicated transports for rules and options.

The boss may take

He may exchange his close combat weapon for

- Poisoned weapon 5pts -big choppa 5pts -

The squad can have any of the following grenades per squad

- Tankbusta bombs pts per squad -defensive grenades pts per squad

Fast attackGrot tank battle mob..........................................................see imperial armour 8

Grot squig herdz....................................................................6 pts per squig

WS BS S T W I A LD SVSquigs 4 0 4 3 1 4 2 4 6+Grot squig herder boss 4 3 4 3 1 4 3 6 6+Unit composition- 10-40 squigs and 1 handler per 10 squigs unit type-unique

Special rules- boing boing splat, mob rule, grot tek for herder

Wargear- boss has grot blasta and close combat weapon, squigs have claws, teeth and a really bad attitude.

Options- you may have one grot herder boss per 10 squigs for 5pts

The boss may have

- Tankbusta bombs 5pts

He may replace his close combat weapon for

- Poisoned weapon for 5pts big choppa 5pts

Grot fighta planes........................................................................ 35pts per model

bs front side Armour Grot fighta plane 3 10 10 10Unit composition- 1-5 unit type- flyer

Special rules- kamikaze,

Wargear- twin linked big shoota,

Options- may have 2 wing mounted missiles from the list below.

- Snotling flatulent gas pts

Heavy supportGrot big gunz..................................................................... 20pts per gun and crew

ws bs s t w I a ld svGrot crew 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 5 -Grot boss 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 6 -Unit composition- 1-5 guns unit type-artillery

Special rules- tiny, mob rule,

Wargear- none

Options- each gun must have the same weapon configuration

- Kannon free -lobba pts -zzapp guns pts

Grot mega tank............................................................... see forge world website

Uge gigantic spider .....................................................................................150pts

WS BS S T W I A LD SVUge gigantic spider 3 0 6 6 4 2 4 6 3+Unit composition- 1 unit type- monsterous creature

Special rules- fleet, move through cover, poisoned attacks

Wargear- big claws, armoured body, web flinga,

Big squiggoth........................................................................see imperial armour 8

Grot bommz.......................................................................

Grot zeplin........................................................................

bs front side Armour Grot zeplin

Dedicated transports Grot skrapp trukk ................................................................30 pts per transport

bs front side Armour Grot skrapp trukk 3 10 10 10Unit composition- 1 unit type- vehicle, fast

Special rules- ramshackle

Wargear- big shoota

Transport- 12 models


Grot captured apc.............................................

bs front side Armour Grot captured apc 3 12 10 10Unit composition- 1 unit type- vehicle, tank

Special rules-

Wargear- turret mounted big shoota, hull mounted big shoota

Transport- 12 models

Firing points- 4 from top of rear hatch

Options- may have one big gun mounted on the hull of the vehicle but loses its firing points

- Lobba pts -kannon pts -zzapp gunn pts

Special charactersDa Red Gobbo............................................................................................

ws bs s t w I a ld svDa Red Gobbo 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 9 4+Unit composition- 1 counts as a hq choice unit type-infantry

Wargear- grot blasta, tank busta bombz,

Special rules- independent character, tiny, grot tek, mob rule, aura of command

Da Black Gobbo ...............................................................................................

ws bs s t w I a ld svDa Black Gobbo 5 4 3 3 3 5 4 7 2+*Unit composition- 1 counts as a HQ choice unit type-infantry

Wargear- 2 poisoned close combat weapons, death stars, tankbusta bombs,

Special rules- Infiltrate, dodge (2+ invulnerable), tiny, mob rule, independent character, fearless.

Da Terminata........................................................................................................

ws bs s t w I a ld svDa TerminataUnit composition- 1 counts as a HQ choice unit type-infantry

Wargear- mega armour,

Special rules- mob rule, eternal warrior,

Makari the standard bearer..................................................................................

ws bs s t w I a ld svmakari 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 6Unit composition- 1 unit type-infantry

Wargear- the standard of the Waaaaagh,

Special rules- tiny, mob rule, that’s one lucky grot,

Yerport Da Freek.....................................................................................

WS BS S T W I A LD Sv4 2 7 7 4 3 5 8 3+

Unit composition- 1 counts as a HQ choice unit type- monstrous creature

Wargear- claws, web flinga,

Special Rules: Monstrous Creature, Fleet, Move through Cover, Stubborn. King of spiders, unholy creation,

Grot weaponsBig choppa- a massive choppa that the grot can only just hold, these are normally old ork normal choppa’s. See codex Orks for rules

Big shoota- normally too big for a grot to lift these are normally vehicle mounted.

‘Uge Shoota- Either a multitude of Big Shootas duck taped together, or a REALLY big gun.

Bomb squig- see codex Orks under tank busta unit

Grot blasta- a gun banged together from various bits and bobs it’s a miracle they work.

Grot zooka- usually mounted on killa kanz these are popular weapons for kanz. See codex Orks for rules.

Poisoned weapons- dipped in the poisons of the spiders and many other poisonous creatures these are deadly weapon. They wound on a 3+

Kannon- see codex orks

Kustom mega blasta- see codex orks

Lobba-see codex orks

Power claw- usually too large for a grot to lift and are normally only used by mega armoured grotz.

Rokkit launcha- these are normally cheaply made but do the job and normally are a rokkit or grenade attached to a large stick with a firing mechanism.

Snotling zooka- a snotling zooka is very similar to a shock attack gun but a smaller version. Use the rules for the shock attack gun but use the small template instead of the big one. The snotling zooka has the following profile

range strength ap notesSnotling zooka 48” 2d6 2 Heavy 1 small blast If you roll a double or an 11 on 2d6 roll on the table for the shock attack gun (see Codex Orks)

Skorcha- the grot version of a heavy flamer

‘Uge Shoota 48” S7 AP4

Assault 6

Stikkbombz- Stikkbomms are basically frag grenades see 40k rulebook.

Tankbusta bombz- see codex orks for rules

Zzapp gunn-

ArmourGrot mega armour- grot mega armour gives the user a 2+ armour save and is also makes them slow and purposeful.

Eavy armour- eavy armour is large plates of armour or stolen oomie armour bent and made to fit a grot it gives the wearer a 4+ armour save.

Flak armour- flak armour is armour the grotz have stole of imperial guardsmen or made them out of bit of scrap and provides a 5+ armour save.

Grot wargearAmmo runt- ammo runts carry loads of spare ammo for their masters. See codex Orks for rules

Attack squig- A vicious moth on legs attack squigs are like pet dogs but more dangerous. See codex Orks for rules

Grot oiler-see codex orks

Mek’s tools-see codex orks

Kustom force field- see codex orks

Magic mushrooms- any models with magic mushrooms roll a d6 before the game and the rules will apply to him and any squad he joins.

1- Flatulence- no effect on the unit other than they have a bit of an upset bottom. 2- I iz trippin- the unit gains the slow and purposeful rule. see warhammer rulebook3- The unit gains rage skill see warhammer rulebook 4- The unit gains feel no pain. see warhammer rulebook5- The unit doubles it’s strength and toughness for the entire game6- The squad is now stubborn. see warhammer rulebook

Squighound- grot units with squighounds may reroll a failed leadership or morale roll each time used the unit loses d3 grotz. The squighound are purely decorative and plays no part in the game move them to one side if they get in the way.

Grot vehicle wargear

Ard case- see codex orks

Armour plates- see codex orks

Grot riggers- see codex orks

Red paint job- see codex orks

SummaryTroop types

ws bs s t w I a ld sv pageGrot rebel leaderGrot rebel big mekGrot rebel mad dok

Weapon typesweapon range strength ap type pageGrot blasta 12”Grot dakka guns 18”Big shootaRokkit launcha Skorcha templat

eGrot zookaKustom mega blastaDeath stars 12”LobbaKannonZzapp gunSnotling zooka 48”Web flinga

Ordnance weaponsweapon range strength ap type page

Vehiclesvehicle bs front side rear pageGrot skrapp trukk Grot captured apcGrot fighterGrot battle tankGrot mega tank

Walker vehicle ws bs s front side rear I A pageRebel warboss kan 4 4 5(10) 11 11 10 3 3Big mek kan 2 3 5(10) 11 11 10 2 2Killa kan 2 3 5(10) 11 11 10 2 2