REAN Cloud DevOps Accelerators

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of REAN Cloud DevOps Accelerators

REAN Cloud DevOps Accelerators

Accelerating Enterprise Cloud Adoption Securely

USA Herndon / Philadelphia / Los AngelesIndia Hyderabad / Pune / UdaipurIsrael Tel Aviv

Organization Profile |

Established: 2013Presence: USA, India, IsraelNumber of Employees: 240+AWS Certifications: 150+ (Including 10+ Professional Certifications)

Industry Focus: Regulated Markets and ISVs.

Management team consisting of executives formerly from Fortune 500 Enterprises (AWS, Amdocs, BMC, Merck and Cognizant) and with a deep AWS Cloud Computing experience.

Recognized by TechTarget as the top AWS Partner providing innovative DevSecOps services.

24x7 follow the sun model with offices around the world and continuous operations in multiple time zones - EST, PST and IST.

AWS Accreditations |

End-2-End Enterprise Service Offering |

Managed Cloud Services

MigrationNative AWS Application


DevOps (CI | CD) Implementation Billing as a Service

Secure Infrastructure


Cloud Adoption Strategy Cloud Architecture Account Management Governance & Compliance

ROI & Business Case Justification Security & Risk Assessment DR & Business Continuity Planning (BCP)

REAN Business Consulting

REAN Implementation Services

REAN Managed Cloud Services

BizDevOps DataDevOps CloudSecOps

Industries Served |

Education Healthcare / Life Sciences

Financial Services

Government / Public Sector


Our end-to-end portfolio of services ensure security and compliance for the most demanding of industries. |

Test Driven Development

Automated Deployments

Automated Operations

(Self-Healing)Metrics Focused Platform

Continuous Security and Compliance


DevOps - Key Principles | www.reancloud.com7

REAN Cloud DevOps Accelerators

DevOps Accelerators |

1. Discover2. Move Images

1. Provisioning2. Update

1. Functional2. Performance3. Security

1. Architecture2. Assessment3. Compliance

1. Patch2. Backup3. Monitor4. Exception

(DevOps Pipeline)

Accelerating the App Lifecycle

REAN AssessAssess your application and/or system against the relevant security and compliance requirements such as:HIPAA, HiTRUST, FedRAMP, CIS, PCI, etc.

How we do it?

1. Assessments done the right way.2. Automated Microservices for repeatable

error-free assessments.3. Consistent assessments and reports

across multiple environments / infrastructures.

4. Baseline reports for environment / infrastructure changes.

5. We provide with a DevOps Maturity Assessment tailored to your organization requirements. |

What do you get?

1. Get a comprehensive Cloud Readiness Assessment Report

2. Full audit of your current security challenges and potential vulnerabilities going forward.

3. Best Practices for Cloud Infrastructures and DevOps Implementations.


● Security & Risk Assessment● ROI & Business Case Justification● Cloud Adoption Strategy● Disaster Recovery & Business

Continuity Planning● Cloud Architecture● DevOps Strategy● Account Management● Cloud Operations Strategy● Governance & Compliance |

Be Prepared Improved Cloud

Why REAN Cloud?

1. Reduced Time for Assessments.2. Reduced Risk for Assessments.3. Reduced Cost for Assessments.4. Consistency across

environments and over time.5. Standardized and automated

templates for quickness.6. Custom templates based on

your environment / infrastructure needs.


REAN AssessAssess your application and/or system against the relevant security and compliance requirements such as:HIPAA, HiTRUST, FedRAMP, CIS, PCI, etc.

How we do it?

1. Plan: Select Apps, Test Platform, Plan Migration

2. Deploy: Migrate Data, Migrate Components.

3. Manage / Optimize: Embrace new services, Re-factor

4. Automated framework to securely migrate your workloads between environments.

5. Auto-Discovery and Image Creations supported by infrastructure code for consistent and secure migrations. |

What do you get?

1. Lift and Shift Migrations2. DevOps based Migrations3. Secure Data Migrations4. Direct Connect Implementations5. New Setup Implementations6. Rebuild Existing Applications7. Secure Infrastructure Setup


REAN MigrateMigrate applications and/or systems to and between multiple Cloud Service Providers and op-prem data centers.

Why REAN Cloud?

1. Platform agnostic migrations and processes keeps you in charge, always.

2. Automation reduces costs and risk.3. Leverage our Assessment and Proof of

Concept Programs.4. Seamless transition without

compromising productivity, security, customer service or budget.

5. Empower innovation. |

Migrate across any environment


REAN MigrateMigrate applications and/or systems to and between multiple Cloud Service Providers and op-prem data centers.

What do you get?

1. Deploy multi-tier applications across various infrastructure providers.

2. Consistent deployments across different environments.

3. The ability to deploy more frequently.4. Support of many different

provisioners / CM Tools.5. Support Docker Containers.6. Remove / Reduce environment

dependency errors and configuration issues.

7. Lower change failure rate, faster recovery from failures and shorter lead times. |

How we do it?

1. Choose from many different infrastructure providers, Cloud and On-Prem.

2. A simple platform with a canvas like capability to easily add, delete or modify your resources.

3. Quicker and consistent deployments, without the need of a SME.

4. Use existing Package Templates or Custom Packages to suit your application needs.


REAN DeployInstall Cloud Computing solutions. It helps define the environment once and deploys it as many times as needed. It enables you to "Deploy your application or application stack ANYWHERE, ANYTIME, on any Cloud, in minutes!". |

Why REAN Cloud?

1. Reduce your deploy and test times from days to minutes.

2. Improve your productivity multiple times.

3. Democratize your deployments: Extend the ability to carry deployments to a larger group of workers.

4. Parallel deployments in multiple environments.

5. Partners can use us to empower their clients / partners for faster and consistent multi-tier application deployments.

6. One click deployments with an easy to use interface.

7. Integrates easily with your existing DevOps toolchain and pipelines.

Web, App, and DB Servers

Multi-Tier Application Deployments

Deploy to Multiple Cloud Providers

Infrastructure Code


Application Binaries

Templated / Custom Packages

Consistent Deployment across multiple environments


REAN DeployInstall Cloud Computing solutions. It helps define the environment once and deploys it as many times as needed. It enables you to "Deploy your application or application stack ANYWHERE, ANYTIME, on any Cloud, in minutes!". |

REAN Test > Single DevOps Testing FrameworkA Cloud-based DevOps centric automation accelerator, which creates dynamic infrastructure on the fly to perform rapid in-parallel cross-browser, functional, performance, load and scale testing with analytics to fail fast. It is a solution that gives you the ability to test your web application with a wide range of browsers to select from, run tests (either URL, Functional or Manual) and provides state-of-the-art test result data analytics.

How we do it?

1. Automated creation of test-bed infrastructure. Saves your testing team valuable hours.

2. Parallel testing, not Sequential, for faster results.

3. Consistent test results across Multiple environments / infrastructures.

4. No simulated environments. Get test results in real time on the actual application / data.

5. Integrates easily with your existing DevOps toolchain and pipelines.

What do you get?

1. A Simple Cross-Browser and Scale Testing Platform.

2. Single tool for your Unit, Integration, Functional, Performance, Mobile, Security and Load Test needs.

3. A powerful automation platform to replace or append your manual testing process.

4. Simplify your Manual Testing process.5. Option for Incremental Load Tests.6. Breakpoint Analysis of your applications.7. Out-of-the-box integration with Selenium and

Cucumber.8. Load test scripts from an SCM Repository or

a Zip file.

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REAN TestA Cloud-based DevOps centric automation accelerator, which creates dynamic infrastructure on the fly to perform rapid in-parallel cross-browser, functional, performance, load and scale testing with analytics to fail fast. It is a solution that gives you the ability to test your web application with a wide range of browsers to select from, run tests (either URL, Functional or Manual) and provides state-of-the-art test result data analytics.

Why REAN Cloud?

1. End the Speed vs Quality debate.2. Consistent results across

platforms.3. If you have the test case, we can

test it.4. If not, we can build the test cases

for you.5. Make Performance Tests part of

your sprints.6. Simplifying your Manual Testing

needs.7. Complete Solution for all your

testing needs.8. Get a live view of your test results.

Test CasesAutomated test-bed infrastructure creation using APIs

Parallel Cross-Browser Testing with ScaleNow

Perform Consistent and Quality Tests, Faster.

Fail Faster using REAN Test

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REAN DocsDocument your Technical (includes design, architecture, configuration, test results) and Process Controls to support audit and compliance.

How we do it?

1. Automated creation of various documentation.

2. Documentation tailored to your needs.3. Automation provides consistency in

documentation for easy comparison between baseline documents and updated copies.

4. Compliance reports / documents for HIPAA, FedRamp, SOC, HiTrust, etc Compliance based on the right standards.

5. Automations reduces the risk of faulty documentation.

What do you get?

1. Technical documentation.2. Process Controls documentation.3. Audit reports / Golden Document.4. Compliance reports.

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REAN DocsDocument your Technical (includes design, architecture, configuration, test results) and Process Controls to support audit and compliance.

Why REAN Cloud?

1. Quality documents faster.2. Consistent documents across

all your environments / projects / compliance needs.

3. Document all changes - Never miss anything.

4. Best Practices and Guidance on various Compliance requirements.

5. Make documentation a part of your project lifecycle without the need for added effort.

6. Customized documentation based on your requirements.

Documentation Engine Experts

Reads / Scans your environment

Generate documentation based on the desired requirements

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REAN OpsManage and Govern your infrastructure and environments (Development, Test, Staging, Pre-Production, Production, DR, etc) and leverages REAN Deploy, REAN RADAR, REAN Test, REAN Heal and REAN DevOps.

How we do it?

1. 24x7 Enterprise Level Support.2. Three-Tier Model tailored to your

needs.3. Automated scripts scan your

environments for issues.4. Self-Healing scripts for fixing issues

without manual intervention.5. Dashboard for monitoring your

entire environment.

What do you get?

1. Proactive monitoring, automation, patching, logging, alerting and back-up management of the your Cloud environment.

2. Operational process and procedures based on industry standards such as ITIL.

○ Infrastructure Maintenance○ Problem Management○ Change Management○ Performance Management○ System Monitoring○ Service Reporting○ Security Management○ Remote Infrastructure Monitoring○ Data Backup○ Access Management○ Network Management

19 |

REAN OpsManage and Govern your infrastructure and environments (Development, Test, Staging, Pre-Production, Production, DR, etc) and leverages REAN Deploy, REAN RADAR, REAN Test, REAN Heal and REAN DevOps.

Why REAN Cloud?

1. 24x7 Support2. Reduced Cloud spends

on infrastructure.3. We optimize and tune

your environment for costs, security and performance.

4. Access to an integrated dashboard for all your worry-free monitoring requirements.

Experts Self-Heal Engine


Automated MonitoringScripts

Cloud Environments - Fine Tuned, Secured, and Optimized for Cost and Performance



REAN RADARDashboards with DevOps centric metric to measure and track the various tenants of DevOps, starting from time to release, security, cost and finance, operations, utilization and more. |

How we do it?

1. Single utility to visualize metrics from various data-points and across different domains.

2. CISO dashboard based on the guidelines from Center for internet Security (CIS).

3. People, Process and Infrastructure costs.

4. Varied data sources verify for accurate visualizations. Get near to real metrics for cost and performance.

What do you get?

1. A combination of dashboards to visualize your environments.

2. Ability to visualize and infer from cost, performance, development and security based metrics.

3. CEO, CFO, CTO, CISO and COO dashboards.

4. Compliance reporting and visualization.


REAN RADARDashboards with DevOps centric metric to measure and track the various tenants of DevOps, starting from time to release, security, cost and finance, operations, utilization and more. |

Why REAN Cloud?

1. 24x7 Support2. Access to an integrated

dashboard for all your worry-free monitoring requirements.

3. Optimize your processes and infrastructure for cost and performance.

4. Gain complete end-to-end visibility.

5. Single utility for cost, security, performance and development based metrics.


Collects metrics from varied data sources

Visualize on one Dashboard

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REAN DevOpsA suite of software that bundles integrated set of products that are designed and tested to work with each other. Products such as REAN Migrate, REAN Deploy, REAN Test, REAN Radar and more form a part of the REAN DevOps product suite.

How we do it?

1. Team of experts build your DevOps CI|CD pipelines.

2. Ability to choose from various tools based on the application and environment requirements.

3. Constantly update your pipelines with new cookbooks and test cases.

4. Separate Dev / Test / Pre-Prod / Prod environments increase your efficiency.

5. Document all the steps in the implementation pipeline.

What do you get?

1. A suite of products tailored to your DevOps requirements.

2. Migrate your workloads the CI|CD way.

3. DevOps toolchain based on your application stack requirements.

4. Automated deployments and tests build into the pipelines.

5. Ability to visualize your environment using dashboards.

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REAN DevOpsA suite of software that bundles integrated set of products that are designed and tested to work with each other. Products such as REAN Migrate, REAN Deploy, REAN Test, REAN Radar and more form a part of the REAN DevOps product suite.

Why REAN Cloud?

1. 24x7 Support2. Access to an integrated

dashboard for all your worry-free monitoring requirements.

3. Reduced costs and optimized performance and security.

4. Custom cookbooks and templates for your requirements.

5. Faster deployments.

Infrastructure Code


Application Binaries

Migrate across any environments / Build CI|CD Pipelines


How we do it?

1. Event rule engine, to help write custom rules.

2. Decision making on which healing scripts to run, when and where.

3. REAN Heal’s server provides the scripts from a Git repository.

4. Asynchronous communication between REAN Heal server and the host to be healed - provides the scale and performance needed for the solution.

5. Monitored host fetches and executes the healing script. |

REAN HealREAN Heal is REAN Cloud's state-of-the-art technology for auto-remediation. It auto-fixes 20%+ alerts with zero human intervention.

What do you get?

1. Automated Modular REAN Heal solution.

2. Automatically heal your servers.3. Automated fixed alerts on

thousands of servers.4. Maintains audit.

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REAN HealREAN Heal is REAN Cloud's state-of-the-art technology for auto-remediation. It auto-fixes 20%+ alerts with zero human intervention.

Why REAN Cloud?

1. Very low MTTR (Mean time to Repair).

2. High stability.3. High availability.4. Not doing the same SOPs

over and over again for years.

5. Attrition free knowledge base that is being constantly used.

6. Very low cost of L1 operations with high speed.

Decision Making

Collect Run


Connect and


Running Scripts

Queuing Requests

Windows Scripts

Linux Scripts

Security Scripts

Nagios Server

Ubuntu Critical AlertWindows Normal AlertSUSE Proactive Alert



Thank You

REAN Cloud LLC2201 Cooperative Way, Suite 302Herndon, VA 20171

+1(844) 377-REAN (7326) | www.reancloud.com27