Reality checks - limiting beliefs holding you back?

Post on 14-Dec-2014

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Perspective, Reality - how you see things defines how you accomplish life. If you are not stepping forward - check your reality, check your beliefs...

Transcript of Reality checks - limiting beliefs holding you back?

|Reality Check...|

Expand Your Thinking Explore Your Options Enjoy Your Life

Limiting Beliefs Hold You Back...

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Until you get this part of your life and your head where it needs to be, you will NEVER be successful. It is impossible.

You MUST get this right.

There is no website, marketing system, lead source, or product that will save you. If you don't get your head where it needs to be, everything else is just a waste of time, money, and efforts.

Success in anything in life,including network marketing, is 90% mental, and 10% mechanical (executing the business).

In fact, there are six billion+ realities taking place on earth right now, this very moment. Six billion!

With six billion different lists of rules for what is possible and what isn’t. With six Billion different perceptions of one event. With six billion different ideas of what truth, morals, and justice mean.YOU LIVE IN A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT REALITY TO EVERYONE ELSE!

I live in a completely different reality than you do.

You make your rules. I make mine.

You live by what you think is possible in your world. I live by what I think is possible in mine.

And every single one of them is different.

Everyone of us lives in a different world and different reality.

each person has created the rules that define their reality, or has adopted the rules of others. The key to this is...

YOU have the power to completely create the rules that define your reality.

And you can do it instantly.

What was impossible today, can be possible tomorrow if you desire it to be.

You live in your own personal reality, limited by your own personal set of rules.

This is important:

In any situation, the ideas, concepts, and beliefs

of the person with the strongest reality will be adopted by the other party.

How strong is your belief?

Want Proof - Enter the Huli Tribe...A tribe of people living in remote areas of Papua New Guinea.

Until recently, they have never been exposed to anyone or anything outside of their immediate area. They live in a world of endless forests with no other people.

You and I truly do not exist. There are no countries. There are no such things as plastic, steal, or paper. The only flying objects are birds, and man has never been to the moon. There are no governments and there is no stock-market. The two world wars never took place. Electricity, telephones, and roads do not even show up in their dreams. They could never comprehend the sight of a beach, or open ocean. Whales, sharks, and submarines? Nope.

These things TRULY do not exist in their world, and they would DIE to protect their reality of the world, just as countless humans have died to protect their realities throughout history.

Yet, you and I know they are real. WE LIVE IN DIFFERENT REALITIES, WITH DIFFERENT POSSIBILITIES. But the Huli’s reality is just as real to them, as yours is to you.

We live in different realities... With different possibilities....

Just as the Huli's reality is real to them....

so to is YOUR reality REAL to you...

Did you know -people attract others who live in realities similar to theirs..

Your reality is a reflection of the way you see yourself inside.

If you Truly BELIEVE you are already successful....

then you will automatically DO the things that Successful people do,

Which will automatically attract other successful people.

You can't fake it!

The belief has to come first...which corrects the actions.. and brings results

and the best part - You are only a DECISION away...

Explore your Options...

Align yourself with these people's worlds. Expand your thinking -

Be willing to adopt the rules they live by and do business by… Things you thought were once impossible for you...

Become possible...

Ideas you have never had before - will appear

Your outside world will begin to change... as you apply new


The ability and the means to accomplish your goals will present themselves...

If You want a new life... a different life... a free life...

the life of an entrepreneur...

You must seek out people who live in the world you want..

Decide on the reality you want to live in...

Define your rules... Understand your values

Create a new normals, a new reality

Some Rules Mike Dillard lives by...

I DO NOT fear poverty, because I will always be rich.

Making 1,000,000 a month is not only possible but a foregone event.

People, like trust and respect me. There is no business skill I cannot master

I attract Top Tier prospects effortlessly because they can see that I share a similar reality to theirs...

this is doable.... if your belief is stronger than those in your current world...

BELIEF first

Results second..

Define your new reality... Live it. Sleep it,Dream it..

How to gain Belief…Read books written by mentorsAdopt their realities.Join a Mastermind GroupAttend EventsConnect with like minds.

Confidence Perceptions














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