Real View on Autodesk ReCap 360

Post on 16-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Real View on Autodesk ReCap 360

Real View on Autodesk® ReCap™ 360: Getting Started Guide

Real View on Autodesk® ReCap™ 360 is an online service that provides viewing, measurement,

annotation and sharing of laser scan projects through a web browser.

Laser scans collected from terrestrial 3D scanners such as the FARO Focus3D or Z+F IMAGER 5010 create

panoramic range images that are booth visually compelling as well as measurable. These panoramas are

excellent communication tools for conveying real-world conditions of a scanned environment without

having a physical presence. Real View provides an online and installation-free tool for viewing and

sharing this data without owning or managing a server.

Real View on Autodesk® ReCap™ 360

Contents 1. Publishing a ReCap project ................................................................................................................... 3

2. Viewing a Published Project with Real View ......................................................................................... 8

3. Real View Overview ............................................................................................................................ 11

Real View Interface ................................................................................................................................. 11

Measurement and Annotation ............................................................................................................... 11

Sharing from ReCap 360 ......................................................................................................................... 15

1. Publishing a ReCap project Publishing a scan dataset to ReCap 360 requires Autodesk® ReCap™. If you do not currently have ReCap

installed on your desktop, it can be downloaded for free from

1. Once ReCap is started, publishing begins with either (A) opening an existing project of scans or

(B) creating a new project and importing scans. NOTE: Real View only supports data created

from terrestrial laser scanners, which include file types FLS, ZFS, PTX and E57.

2. If you start with option (A), first open a project fie (.RCP) and launch the project (skip steps 3 to

4). If you start with option (B), create a new project by naming the project and selecting a

working data directory. Click “proceed” to continue.

(1) Open ReCap.

(2) Option (B) create a project and set the working directory.

3. Next, import scans by browsing to the scan directory or “dragging-and-dropping” scan files into

the screen. Each scan will be represented as an icon with an import progress bar encircling it.

NOTE: If you are creating a new project, your scans may not be registered. Registration is the

process of aligning scans into the same coordinate system. Registration is exclusively a feature of

ReCap Pro, which is not covered in this guide. To learn more about registration and how to

obtain ReCap Pro, go to

(3) Import scans.

(4) Index scans and launch the project.

4. If your scans have not been indexed, you must first wait until all scans have been indexed and

prepared for publishing. A progress bar on the left hand side of the application will inform you

of index completion. When everything has been indexed, click “launch project” to proceed.

5. To publish the project, click on the icon at the top of the application. Note: you must have

an Autodesk 360 account and be logged into Autodesk 360 before you can publish. If you have

not logged in, you will receive the following message and must sign into Autodesk 360 by clicking

on the sign-in icon at the top of the application:

Note: you must save the project before you can publish. If you did not save you will receive the

following message and be prompted to save:

5. Sign into Autodesk 360 Publish icon.

6. After logging into your Autodesk 360 account and saving the project, a window will pop up

asking you to name the Real View project. You also have the option to add project collaborators

once the project is completed uploading. If you choose not to invite collaborators now, you can

always add or remove collaborators from Real View on ReCap 360. Click “publish” to proceed.

7. The project will now be uploaded to Real View. A progress bar at the top of the application will

show how much data has been uploaded. Upload time depends on the size of the project and its

associated scan files. Wait until the project has completed publishing before shutting down the


Upload progress

(7) Wait for the project to complete uploading.

8. If you checked the “display sharing options after publish” option, a dialog box will appear after

publishing is complete. You can now add project collaborators to the project by typing their

email address in the connection textbox and clicking “Add.” Click “Save and Invite” to proceed.

2. Viewing a Published Project with Real View To review the project, you must now log into ReCap 360. Open a browser and go to or click on the icon in Autodesk® ReCap™. Note: supported browsers include

Chrome, Firefox and Safari.

1. When you arrive on the ReCap 360 landing page, sign into the site by clicking on the “sign in”

button. If you do not have an Autodesk 360 account, click on the link “Do not have an account?”

to sign up.

(1) Open and sign in.

2. Open the recently published project by clicking on the project thumbnail from the “recent

projects” viewer. If you wish to learn more about ReCap Pro or see more examples of scan

projects, click on the icon and then click on either “videos” or “examples” buttons.

Most recent project

(2) Open the published project by clicking on its thumbnail from the gallery preview.

3. When the published project first loads, you will see a photo-realistic plan view of the project. To

load one of the panoramic views, click on one of the circular scan icons.

(3) Open the published project by clicking on its thumbnail from the gallery preview.

3. Real View Overview

Real View Interface The Real View interface allows you and your collaborators to navigate, view, measure and annotate

scans. The interface is composed of the following components

(1) Home button. Clicking this returns you to the ReCap 360 home page.

(2) Navigation map. This shows a top-down view of the scan data set. Clicking on a scan icon in this

map will load a scan in the View. Clicking the arrow buttons will maximize and minimize the map

view. Clicking the +- buttons will zoom into or out of the map, respectively.

(3) Scan list. These list all scans in the project. Clicking on one of these will load a scan in the View.

(4) Project navigator. This button toggles the Scan list.

(5) Tool menu. This button toggles the measurement and annotation tools.

(6) View window. This is the main view for reviewing scans. You can zoom in and out and pan

around the image.

Measurement and Annotation Real View provides the ability to measure and markup scan views. By default, measurements and

markups are not saved. You will be explicitly prompted to save your changes each time a measurement

or annotation is made. Once save, all project collaborators will also see and be able to edit these


(1) Return to main page

(2) Navigation map

(3) Scan list

(4) Project navigator (5) Tool menu

(6) View window

1. To take a measurement, click on the tool menu. Two menu options will appear. Clicking on the

“Distance” icon will place you into measurement mode.

2. Click on two points and a measurement will appear. Note: units of the measurement are defined

in the project. To change the units, you must change the units setting in Autodesk® ReCap™ and

re-publish the project.

By default, the measurement is not saved to the project. A blue icon will appear at the bottom

of the screen prompting you to save. Click on it to save the project.

(1) Click on the tool menu and select distance to measure.

(2) Click to points in the image to measure.

Save the project

3. To make an annotation, click on the tool menu. Two menu options will appear. Clicking on the

“Note” icon will place you into annotation mode.

4. Click on a spot in the image to make an annotation. A text box will appear where you can enter

your markup. Note: you can also embed hyperlinks into the text box. Hyperlinks are convenient

ways to link support documents, maintenance logs or other network based asset documentation

to your data.

By default, annotations are not saved to the project. A blue icon will appear at the bottom of the

screen prompting you to save. Click on it to save the project.

(3) Click on the tool menu and select note to annotate.

(4) Click on a location in the view to make an annotation.

5. When you save an annotation, it will appear as a marker in the View. Click on the marker to see

the annotation. You may also edit or remove the marker.

(5) Click on the annotation maker to review and edit the annotation.

Sharing from ReCap 360

To add or remove collaborators, return to ReCap 360 and mouse over the project thumbnail. Three

icons will appear. Click on the icon to change collaborators.

Change collaborators