Real time Flood Simulation for Metro Manila and the Philippines

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Transcript of Real time Flood Simulation for Metro Manila and the Philippines

© 2010 IBM Corporation

Real-time Flood Simulation for Metro Manila and the Philippines

March 2010

1H. J. Schick, 2A. Puri, 3A.M.F. Lagmay, 3C.P. David 1 IBM Germany R&D Lab 2 IBM India Software Lab 3 National Institute of Geological Sciences, University of the Philippines

© 2010 IBM Corporation


Driven by increasing demand of flood level prediction in Metro Manila there is a growing

interest in an adequate early warning system.

This presentation will provide an overview and insights into the flood prediction system and

the real-time flood simulation.

We first present the flood level simulation of Metro Manila.

We then describe the architecture of the proof-of-concept in some detail.

In particular, we discuss the long-term goal by combining several on-the-shelf technologies

together, analyzing rainfall data from rain gauges and cloud moistures in satellite images to

finally use a simulation model to predict the flood level.


© 2010 IBM Corporation


Combine latest flood simulation tools with basic web mapping service applications and

several on-the-shelf technologies.

Present the simulation result as hazard map to understand and predict the flood level in

Metro Manila.

Do flood level simulation in real-time to alert people before and during an on-going tropical



© 2010 IBM Corporation

Real-time Flood Simulation


Elevation Data

Rainfall Data

Internet Webpage

Input Processing Flood Simulation Output Processing

• Digital image processing and analysis of satellite photos.

• Gathering and processing of rainfall data received by rain gauges

• Conversion of geospatial vector data into a XML-based language schema.

• Expressing geographic annotations and visualization of two-dimensional maps.

• NIGS developed a detailed terrain model and flood routing model of Metro Manila.

• Flood Simulation in a flood routing model to

illustrate flood hazards, regulating floodplain zoning or designing flood mitigation.

• Create and configure “flood simulation” project, execute simulation, post-process grid elements and topographical data into a max flow depth map.

© 2010 IBM Corporation

Real-time Flood Simulation


• High and more detailed zoom level to warn people in which areas the flood might occur and visualize areas that needs to be evacuated.

• Low zoom level to reroute emergency rescue teams around flooded areas and improve the planning of disaster preparedness, response and recovery teams.

© 2010 IBM Corporation

Input Processing with Satellite Images

Step 1: Image Acquisition

Download satellite images from Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM)1 or Ensemble Tropical Rainfall Potential (eTRAP)2.

Step 2: Preprocessing

Processes input data to produce output that is used as input to another program. Operations of preprocessing prepare data for subsequent

analysis that attempts to correct or compensate systematic image errors.

Step 3: Segmentation

Partitioning a digital image into multiple segments to simplify and change the representation of an image into something that is more meaningful

and easier to analyze.

Step 4: Representation & Description

Object has to be represented by its boundary and the object boundary has to be described by its length, orientation number of concavities, etc.

Step 5: Recognition and Interpretation

Analyzing cloud moistures to estimate its movement and the amount of possible rainfall.


1 TRMM: 2 eTRaP:

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Example Satellite Images


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Input Processing of Rainfall Data Received by Rain Gauges

Step 1: Data Acquisition and Combining

Request rainfall data from rain gauges installed at cell sites. The request and result will be send via a single SMS messages and will be stored in

a database.

Step 2: Data Combining

Combine former and current rainfall date of several cell sites to create a detailed overview of a certain region in the Philippines (e.g. Metro


Step 3: Recognition and Interpretation

Detect amount of rainfall for certain areas and its dedicated grid elements.


© 2010 IBM Corporation

Flood Simulation

Tight cooperation with the FLO-2d company to improve the flood simulation model on a

repeatedly basis.

Collaboration with the Computer Science department of the University of the Philippines to

guarantee the technical continuance of the project.

Developed low-cost rain gauge prototypes and have them already in field test.

Initial steps with SMART Communication were done to install additional rain gauges on their

cell sides.


© 2010 IBM Corporation

Output Processing

Step 1: Conversion of Coordinate System

– Convert from grid base Universal Traverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system into Google Earth internal geographic coordinates (latitude /

longitude) on the World Geodetic System. The coordinates are stored in a geospatial vector data file, which is produced by the flood simulation

software .

Step 2: Polygon Creation Based on Flood Depth

– Read and create polygons and categorize them according the flood depth in different ranges. Every range will have a specified color depending

on the specified color scheme.

Step 3: Encoding of XML Schemas

– Save all converted coordinates and created polygons in a XML-based language schema. This language scheme will include place marks,

images, polygons and the corresponding color scheme for expressing the different flood level. The file can be visualized via existing Internet

based, two-dimensional mapping services, such as Google Earth or Google Maps.

Step 4: Design a Webpage to Embed XML Schema

– Design a (dynamic) HTML and Javascript based webpage to embedded the encoded XML Schema. This webpage can be used to reroute

emergency rescue teams around flooded areas, improve the planning of disaster preparedness, response and recovery teams, as well as it

warns people in which areas the flood might occur.


© 2010 IBM Corporation

Proof of Concept and Status

Input Processing:

– Prototyping source code available how to do image processing in Java.

Flood Simulation:

– Prototyping source code available how to automate the two-dimensional flood routing model software


Output Processing:

– ESRI Shapefile to Keyhole Markup Language (KML) conversation program finished. The program

can convert and generate maximum flood level and hazard maps.

– Maps were embedded in a static webpage to enable easy access and visualization.

Training and Capacity Building:

– Visual Basic for Applications Course to create macros for automating repetitive tasks in in Excel and

develop simple customer specific programs.

– Hand-over of prototype implementations and all corresponding examples.


© 2010 IBM Corporation

Long-term Story

Use eTRAP and TRMM as rainfall input. Here, clarification is needed if a higher resolution or

a smaller grid size is available.

Automate two-dimensional flood routing model software FLO-2d with NEXTRAD ASCII Data

scheme as input source

Improve integration of KML files in Google Maps to visualize more geographical elements

(e.g. place marks, annotations, polygons, etc.)

Improve overlay function to visualize maximum flood level map, hazard map and interactive

map in one map and not in individual maps.

Integrate and develop the functionality to repeatedly collect rainfall data from satellite images

and rain gauges as simulation input.

Save all collected rainfall data in a database to reflect the past rainfall condition in Metro

Manila and the Philippines.


© 2010 IBM Corporation

Software Requirements

Input Processing


Flood Simulation

Output Processing

Data Encoding • Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM)

• Ensemble Tropical Rainfall Potential (eTRAP)

• NEXRAD Rainfall Data ASCII Format

• ESRI Shapefile or simply a “shapefile” is a popular

geospatial vector data format for geographic

information systems software.

• Keyhole Markup Language (KML) is a XML-based

language schema for expressing geographic annotation

and visualization on existing or future Internet-based,

two-dimensional maps.

Programming and Scripting


• Java Development Kit (JDK)

• Microsoft Windows Scripting Host (WSH)

• HyperText Markup Language (HTML), is the

predominant markup language for web pages.

• JavaScript is an object-oriented scripting language.

• Java Development Kit (JDK)

• PHP Hypertext Processor is a widely used, general-

purpose scripting language that was originally designed

for web development to produce dynamic web pages.

Client and Server Applications • FLO-2D is a two-dimensional flood routing model

software to do flood hazard mitigation and planning.

• Apache HTTP Server is an open-source HTTP server

for modern operating systems.

• MySQL is a relational database management system.

Operating Systems • Microsoft Windows XP, 7 or Windows Server 2008

R2 Standard.

• Linux

Application Programming


• Not Applicable • Google Maps is as a basic web mapping service


• GeoTools is a open source Java geographic

information system toolkit.

• JTS Topology Suite is providing spatial object model

and fundamental geometric functions.


© 2010 IBM Corporation

Hardware Requirements

Input Processing


Flood Simulation

Output Processing

Basic System Configuration x3650 M2

• Xeon 4C E5506 80W 2.13GHz/800MHz/4MB L3

• 2x2GB

• O/Bay 2.5in HS SAS

• SR BR10i

• Multi-Burner

• 675W p/s

x3650 M2

• Xeon 4C E5506 80W 2.13GHz/800MHz/4MB L3

• 2x2GB

• O/Bay 2.5in HS SAS

• SR BR10i

• Multi-Burner

• 675W p/s

Additional Processor + Intel Xeon 4C Processor Model E5506 80W

2.13GHz/800MHz/4MB L3

Additional Memory + 2GB (1x2GB) Dual Rank x8 PC3-10600 CL9 ECC


+ 2GB (1x2GB) Dual Rank x8 PC3-10600 CL9 ECC


Storage + ServeRAID-MR10i SAS/SATA Controller

+ IBM 146GB 2.5in SFF Slim-HS 10K 6Gbps SAS


+ ServeRAID-MR10i SAS/SATA Controller

+ IBM 160GB 2.5in SFF Slim-HS 7.2K NL SATA HDD

Additional Power Supply + Redundant 675W Power supply + Redundant 675W Power supply

Operating System + Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (1-4 CPU, 5



Note: The system configuration above is an initial example needed by the long-term flood simulation implementation.

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