
Post on 26-Oct-2015

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For support, troubleshooting, installation, tutorials, compatibility and informa tion join Xiaopan Forums. Xiaopan - Updated Bully to Bully.2013-09-11 - Updated @cristi_28 BullyWPS Script to v1.7 (translated & modded by me) - Fixed RTL8187L wlan0 instead mon0 issue (reported by @Remington & @estimacamry ) - Fixed Inflator 0 AP's detected issue (reported by @Remington) Filename: XIAOPAN Size: 72.5mb MD5: 1477b92d4e91b692a62781a668342a76 - See more at: nversations/0-4-7-2.731/#sthash.9aGiVC9o.dpuf Xiaopan - Added Local Boot option (does not work on newer BIOSes) - Updated BullyWPS Script to v1.6 - Fixed the Bully disappearing issue - Fixed Inflator 0 AP's found Filename: XIAOPAN Size: 72.5mb MD5: 0f0e201e23621b6bf9e4b974376db142 Thank you Fantasma and cristi_28 from forums Xiaopan 0.4.7 What's new? Aircrack 1.2 b1 Reaver Mod v2 Bully script firmware-broadcom.tcz to test with broadcom wireless cards does not work Wifite Desktop launcher Bib Desktop launcher New Root Shell with transparent background (cause i hate the current white ) New icon pack Documents folder (located in /home/tc) with Bully usage and Crunch to Aircrack ( how to pipe) txt. suggestions to include more useful documentation welcome readded libnl.tcz added libcrypt added fltk-1.1.10.tcz added libxcb.tcz + libgcrypt.tcz added liblzma.tcz added ncurses-common.tcz added tcl.tcz added Fixed Xfe icons issue App browser fixed New background by @hazz death Added Boot background Option to boot from local HDD hwmon-3.0.21-tinycore.tcz; pci-hotplug-3.0.21-tinycore.tcz to fix usb devices working at boot Added some statements at the boot menu for newbies. MD5: c6a305053a856ec64ade174bff4f873d Filename: XIAOPAN 0.4.7+.iso

Size: 69.16mb Xiaopan Added: Dual Reaver Mod md5 checksum: ISO: 585f86c04a4f419a78a33c2f85767bf8 Xiaopan 0.4.6 Updated: TinyCore 4.7.7 wifi.tcz feedingbottle 3.2.3 (new icon) inflator 1.0 (new icon) flit (date,time & battery meter) auto-launched at startup wpa-supplicant.tcz Added: different wifi firmware (for testing) pyrit 0.4.0 wl-modules-3.0.21-tinycore.tcz md5 checksum: ISO: 60b9985dd05572e15d84b62049d687b2 ZIP: 84cf184cb1ad2651e296b586a8590adf What is new in Not much, added latest minidwep 40325 > 40420 that includes Reaver optimisations built by @minileaf Xiaopan iso MD5 Checksum: 6e52776b65c35db937c89cb69606c049 What is New in Fixed live boot CD and VMware error with the message ISOLINUX 4.02 debian-201010 24 ETCD being displayed at boot which was first reported by @smash and fixed by @camideath666 A minor release that has a few additional packages thanks to minileaf, Aby$m and notepad. Xiaopan MD5 Checksum: f45465541b3724815d6d367f6f4fa137 What's New in Added Wifite built by @Aby$m Added latest Minidwep 40325 built by @minileaf r-xiaopan.234/ Fixed mdk3-v6 in the onboot.lst Fixed minidwep in the tcz2ram.lst

Added individual checksums for individual files within the ISO Xiaopan MD5 Checksum: 16759376628f7b149a381bf216974a5e Verify MD5 with WinMD5Free or similar Chinese Support:

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