Reading Royals Report, Dec 10, 2012

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Transcript of Reading Royals Report, Dec 10, 2012

7/30/2019 Reading Royals Report, Dec 10, 2012 1/3

The New Math: Five Hundred Equals Two... Upcoming GamesFriday, December 14

v Fort Wayne Komets (Sovereign Center)

Game Time: 7:05 pm et (Broadcast: 6:35 pm et)

Saturday, December 15

v Orlando Solar Bears (Sovereign Center)

Game Time: 7:05 pm et (Broadcast: 6:35 pm et)

Sunday, December 16

@ Elmira Jackals (Sovereign Center)

Game Time: 4:05 pm et (Broadcast: 3:35 am et)

Friday, December 21


Game Time: 7:05 pm et (Broadcast: 6:35 pm et)

Saturday, December 22

ǀ'ǁŝŶŶĞƩ'ůĂĚŝĂƚŽƌƐ;^ŽǀĞƌĞŝŐŶĞŶƚĞƌͿGame Time: 7:05 pm et (Broadcast: 6:35 pm et)

Thursday, December 27


Game Time: 7:00 pm et (Broadcast: 6:30 pm et)


Wednesday December 5, 2012 v Florida Everblades Win 4 - 2

Friday December 7, 2012 @ Elmira Jackals Win 7 - 4

Saturday December 8, 2012 @ Elmira Jackals Win 3 - 1

TEAM LEADERSGoals: Denny Urban 11

A ss is ts : D av id M ar sha ll 1 7

Po in ts : D av id M ar sh al l 2 3

GWG: Four Players 2

S ho ts : K ir k M ac Do na ld 7 6

+/-: Adam Comrie +12

PIM s: David Mars hall 52

GAME BROADCASTSAll Royals’ Games are Available on

the Royals Broadcast Network Presented by


ESPN Radio 1240 am and 98.5 fm. Streaming Audiois available free of charge on the Royals’ website

All Road Games Can Be Seen on BCTV and

Game Video Is Also Available On A Pay Per Game

Basis Provided Through America ONE Sports—


Available At 99.3 fm Courtesy of Deibler Dental



RADIO RECONTuesday Night From 6 to 7 pm

Join us at Jimmy G’s Railroad House Sports Bar and

Restaurant (152 Woodrow Ave., 610-678-1177)

Tuesday, December 11

Head Coach Larry Courville

Players Currently Planned: Forward Barry Almeida

And Defenseman Bryant Molle


Eastern Conference

Atlantic Division

READING 16-7-0-1=33

Elmira 10-10-1-1=22

Trenton 8-11-1-2=19

Wheeling 6-8-2-3=17

North DivisionCincinnati 14-6-2-0=30

Toledo 13-10-0-1=27

Fort Wayne 11-9-0-1=23

Kalamazoo 10-10-1-1=22

Evansville 10-14-0-2=22

South Division

Gwinnett 18-6-1-0=37

Greenville 13-10-1-1=28

S. Carolina 13-12-0-2=28

Florida 10-8-1-4=25

Orlando 10-11-2-2=24

Western Conference

Mountain Division

Alaska 18-6-0-0=36

Idaho 16-5-1-2=35

Colorado 10-10-1-2=23

Utah 9-10-1-1=20

Pacific Division

Ontario 16-6-1-0=33

Stockton 13-6-2-2=30

San Francisco 9-14-1-2=21

Las Vegas 8-10-0-3=19

Bakersfield 7-14-1-2=17

Royals Image of the Week

And for My Next Act…

LEAGUE LEADERSG oals M . Fo rney COL 17

Assists C. Costello COL 32

Pts C . C olstello COL 43

PIMs A. C onboy TR E 10 1

+/- A. Foster IDH +15

D -G oa ls D . Ur ban R EA 1 1

D-Pts D. Urban REA 22

7/30/2019 Reading Royals Report, Dec 10, 2012 2/3



dŚŽƐĞƚŚƌĞĞǀŝĐƚŽƌŝĞƐƉƵƐŚĞĚƚŚĞZ oyals’ record to


2. The Royals have completed the first one-third of the team’s regular season games, having played 24 of the 72 scheduled games. This marks the

ƚŚŝƌĚƟŵĞŝŶƚŚĞƚĞĂŵƐƚǁĞůǀĞLJĞĂƌŚŝƐƚŽƌLJƚŚĂƚƚŚĞZŽLJĂůƐŚĂǀĞǁŽŶϭϲŐĂŵĞƐŝŶƚŚĞĮƌƐƚŽŶĞ -third of the season: The others occurred in 2005-06

(16-6-1-1) and 2010-11 (16-8-0-0). The .688 win percentage of this season’s team is second only to the .708 win percentage of 2005-06 for the

team’s best record through the first 24 games.

ϯŌĞƌƐƚĂƌƟŶŐƚŚĞƐĞĂƐŽŶϭ -5-0-1, the Royals have gone 15-2-0-0 in the team’s last seventeen games (11/02/12 through the present), which

translates into an .882 win percentage. That is the best seventeen game stretch in team history. The best performance over that number of games

prior to this most recent stretch was established in the 2007-08 season, when the team went 13-2-2-0 (.824 win percentage) in seventeen games

from 01/13 – 02/27/08. The Royals have also had two other seventeen game stretches of 13-3-1 in 2004-05 and 2005-06.

4. Wednesday’s 4-2 win over the Florida Everblades completed an eight game stretch for the Royals against teams from outside the ƚůĂŶƟĐŝǀŝͲ

sion. Reading went 6-2-0-0 in those games. So far this season, Reading is 2-2-0-0 against teams from the North Division (with nine more to play

against the North) and 4-1-0-0 against the South Division (with seven more games to play against the South).

5. This week the Royals face the Fort Wayne Komets of the North Division (on Friday) and the Orlando Solar Bears of the South Division (on Satur-


ϲŌĞƌƚŚĞďĂĐŬ -to-back wins in Elmira on Friday (7-4) and

Saturday (3-1), Reading has now won the last nine consecu-


ĨŽĞƐĨƌŽŵƚŚĞƚůĂŶƟĐŝǀŝƐŝŽŶĂŶĚĂƌĞϭϬ-0-0-1 in the last

eleven within the division. Overall Reading is 10-4-0-1 againstƚĞĂŵƐĨƌŽŵƚŚĞƚůĂŶƟĐ;ǁŝƚŚƚǁĞŶƚLJ-eight more games to be

played within the division).


ƚŚƌĞĞĐŽŶƐĞĐƵƟǀĞŐĂŵĞƐ;ϭϭϮϰ – 11/30/12), the Royals

bagged the game’s first goal in all three games this past

week. Reading is 11-0-0-1 when scoring first this season.

8.Reading scored nine of the team’s fourteen goals this past

week in the second period, registering three in the second

frame in all three games this week—and outscoring the op-

ƉŽƐŝƟŽŶϵ-3 in the second. Overall, Reading is a plus-4 in the

second period, having scored 31 and allowed 27 in the mid-

dle frame.

9. The Royals best period over the course of the season so far

has been the third, when the team has outscored the opposi-ƟŽŶďLJƐĞǀĞŶŐŽĂůƐ;Ϯϴ-ϮϭͿ


ƚŚĞŽƉƉŽƐŝƟŽŶϭϵ-12 in the final frame. At home, the Royals are even in the third (9-9).


scored seven in the 7-ϮǁŝŶŝŶǀĂŶƐǀŝůůĞŽŶEŽǀĞŵďĞƌϭϴͿdŚĞZŽLJĂůƐĂůƐŽŚĂĚƐĞǀĞŶĚŝīĞƌĞŶƚƉůĂLJĞƌƐƌĞĐŽƌĚŵƵůƟ -point performances in Friday’s


11. In the first seven games of the season, the Royals scored just 15 goals (2.14 goals per game average). In the seventeen gameƐƐŝŶĐĞƚŚĂƚƟŵĞ

Reading has scored a total of 67 goals, which is an average of 3.94 goals per game. Overall, the Royals average 3.42 goals per game, which is sev-

enth in the league and second in the Eastern Conference.

12. The Royals defense held the Florida Everblades to two goals on Wednesday and the Elmira Jackals to just one goal in Saturday’s win. Reading

ŚĂƐŚĞůĚƚŚĞŽƉƉŽƐŝƟŽŶƚŽƚǁŽŐŽĂůƐŽƌůĞƐƐĞůĞǀĞŶƟŵĞƐƚŚŝƐƐĞĂƐŽŶĂŶĚŚĂƐĐŽŵƉŝůĞĚĂŶϭϭ-0-0-0 record in those games. Overall, the Royals have

allowed a total of sixty-five goals against, which translates into a 2.71 team goals against average which is third best in the league.

13. Reading generated 38 shots (third most this season) in the 4-2 win over Florida on Wednesday, which was contrasted with the season low three

shots (for a single period) in the third period of Saturday’s 3-1 win in Elmira. Overall, the Royals are averaging 31.42 shots per game, which is ninthin the league.

14. The Royals gave up a season high 38 shots against in the 3-1 win in Elmira on Saturday. Nonetheless, the team averages just 26.33 shots against

per game, which is fourth best in the league in that category.



ǁŚĞŶŚĞĨŽƵŐŚƚ>ĞŝŐŚ^ĂůƚĞƌƐŽĨ&ůŽƌŝĚĂŽŶ&ƌŝĚĂLJĚĂŵŽŵƌŝĞŚĂĚŚŝƐƐĞĐŽŶĚƟůƚŽĨƚŚĞLJĞĂƌ —both against the Elmira Jackals—and this one

against Chaz Johnson; and eighteen seconds into Saturday’s




the league and the most in the Eastern Conference with the

Orlando Solar Bears (who the Royals play this Saturday).

December 10, 2012 Week Number NineReading Royals Weekly Release


12/07/12 Delete D Patrick Wellar Recalled to Hershey (AHL)

Add D Brock Shelgren ĐƟǀĂƚĞĚĨƌŽŵZĞƐĞƌǀĞ

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