READ THIS OR DIE! · Chapter 5 The 30 Day Guide to Being a Healthy, Energetic, Fat Burning Machine...

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Transcript of READ THIS OR DIE! · Chapter 5 The 30 Day Guide to Being a Healthy, Energetic, Fat Burning Machine...

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The startling health warning revealed on …

THE NEW YORKER… and recommended by

international bestselling authors and award winning health

specialists and nutritionists.

… featured in …

It Could Even Even End Up Killing You!

You have more than a 40% chance of being a victim of this “modern” disease. It’s destroying your fat loss efforts, your health … and …


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Chris “The Kiwi” Ashenden — the Certified Nutritionist and Personal Trainer quoted in THE NEW YORKER magazine, seen on, and recommended in The New York Times

#1 Bestselling Book, The 4-Hour Body — issues this urgent warning:

Why You Have More Than a 40% (Or Greater) Chance Of Being A Victim Of This Hidden “Modern” Disease. It’s Destroying Your Fat Loss Efforts, Your Health, And …


A Shocking Investigative Report Revealing This Hidden Health Epidemic, And Why (Nearly) All The Supplements On The Market May Not Help …PLUS …Is Malnutrition KILLING your Fat Loss and Murdering Your Health? Even if you’re eating well, exercising, and doing “everything right” — you may still be malnourished!

n World-Renowned, Certified Nutritionist Discovers He Was Deathly Malnourished! Why it wasn’t his fault … why doctors say there’s a STRONG chance you’re suffering too … and … how to protect yourself from this 21st century, “modern” disease!

n Plus, The 30-Day, Fail-Proof Plan To Nourish Your Body, Restore Your Gut Health And Maximize Your Vitality! Say goodbye to body fat, heartburn, acid reflux, low energy, bad digestion, depression, frequent sickness, poor quality sleep, low sex drive, joint pain and MORE with the simple plan I reveal in this report.

n And Much, MUCH MORE! Read this report NOW, to discover how to protect yourself (and your loved ones) immediately!

Chris “The Kiwi” Ashenden

In This Report:


Chapter 1Who the Heck Is Chris The Kiwi Anyway —And Why Should You Listen To His Advice Page 3

Chapter 2A Nutritionist Dying of Malnutrition? The Doctor’s Report That Changed EVERYTHING Page 5

Chapter 3The Problem Defined: Why This Silent KillerIs Misdiagnosed by Almost Everyone Page 9

Chapter 4Who Takes Drugs INTO Mexico?The Four Dark Horsemen Of Disease Page 15

Chapter 5The 30 Day Guide to Being a Healthy,Energetic, Fat Burning Machine — A Step- By-Step Guide To Feeling Super Human Page 18

Chapter 6Stacking the Deck for NutritionalInsurance — How to AccelerateYour Way To Becoming Superhuman Page 23

Chapter 7The World’s First Super Supplement —The Ultimate Nutritional Insurance Plan Page 34

Chapter 8The End? Or —Is It Your New Beginning? Page 36

It Could Even End Up Killing You!

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Who Is This CRAZY, Happy Kiwi Guy?

Chapter 1Who The Heck Is Chris “The Kiwi” Anyway?

Hey mate!

I hope this finds you better than ever! Because what I’m about to share with you has the potential to change … maybe even save … your life or the life of someone you care deeply about.

Yes! It’s that important … and … that serious …

If you or anyone you love is suffering or experiencing ANY of the symptoms below, then I hope you pay very close attention to this report:

n Poor body composition (excess body fat)n Low energyn Chronic inflammation and painn Frequent infections and sicknessn Depression and a low zest for lifen No or Low desire to exercise n Low sex driven Joint painn Bad, pimply or blemished skinn Slow recovery from work outsn Lifeless hairn Poor sleep qualityn Decline in short term memoryn Bloating or gasn Acid Refluxn Diarrhea or Constipation

Before I go into detail about what could be the scariest report you ever read, let me cover a little bit about myself, so you realize where I am com-

Fooling around with some of the rugby lads — I didn’t know just how sick I was.

My name is Chris Ashenden, and seeing that I hail from

New Zeland, I am most frequently referred to as “Chris the Kiwi” by my friends and loved ones …

… Then again, ever since New York Times best-selling author Tim Ferriss published stories about me I’ve been hailed as “The Perfector of the Female Posterior” … and … “The Green Drink Expert Guy” … but I digress …

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ing from, and how this all relates to you and your family.

Why all this back-story and why does it matter to YOU?

As a result of years of research, study and personal testing I know my stuff when it comes to nutrition. Simply put: I do NOT want you to discount the following information because you don’t trust my authority on the subject …

Most people consider me a generally happy and approachable guy, I love hanging out with my friends, socializing, and of course, I also like to think I am friendly … and … well … normal.

Recently, I’ve received a lot of attention about a diet supplement company I co-founded, since people are reporting phenomenal changes in their health and energy after taking a product my company pioneered.

What most people don’t know (and what is going to wake you up!) is the scary story behind why I came to be involved in that company in the first place.

You see, I have always taken care of myself, and always exercised and always eaten what I thought was healthy food. Yet despite this, the reality was that I got very, VERY sick, to the point that …

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My definition of lean is simple — you can see your abs when sitting — despite being a nutritionist, trainer, and pretty good rugby player, I NEVER got there until I started following my new nutritional rules. Now it is EASY — and no, I’m not flexing! ( continued on next page… )

I played elite rugby for a while, most recently for the Randwick Rugby Club in Sydney, and studied for a Bachelor of Sports and Exercise Science at the University of Auckland.

I enjoy life as a Certified Nutritionist and Certified Trainer, but the reality is,

I seem to be famous for my abil-ity to help guys and girls strip fat at an amazing rate … give them boundless energy and superhu-man health through fixing some simple nutritional mistakes … and then … helping the girls get the butt of their (and typically their partner’s) dreams.

I was recently quoted in The

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… I Nearly Died!Considering I am from clean green New Zealand, lived in the first world

all my life, eat like a nutritionist should, and have studied health & fitness my whole life, the amazing thing was what I nearly died from.

Here’s the short version: Malnutrition!

Chapter 2A Nutritionist Dying of Malnutrition? You had better believe it.

In 2006 and 2007, I was sick more than I was not sick. Outside, I was active, approachable, and seemed healthy, though I always seemed to carry a bit of flab around my mid-section that would never go away …

… Inside, I felt tired, miserable and seemed to have no energy. That in turn made me feel less and less like exercising, and less and less like eating well, but I struggled through it anyway.

All I really wanted was to be happy, feel alive at work and on the weekends, and have the energy to hang out with my friends.

Then in early 2008, after being yelled at by Dan Sullivan (my then rugby coach) for the last time, I had enough of being sick and decided to go out and find out why I was always sick, tired, and suffering from I guess you would call a total lack of zest for life.

(And don’t forget, this was while eating “healthily” — I was a nutritionist for crying out loud!).

Since all the doctor’s and testing at home couldn’t seem to tell me what was going on, I packed up my bags and headed off to a very expensive medical clinic in Arizona …

New Yorker magazine … have been seen on … and recommended in The New York Time’s Bestselling Book, The 4-Hour Body, by Timothy Ferriss.

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“… I decided to go out and find out why I was always sick, tired, and suffering from a total lack of zest for life … “

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… Where I proceeded to spend a phenomenal amount of money getting tested for everything under the sun.

The results ASTOUNDED me … “Mr. Ashenden,” the head doctor said, “we are very concerned by some

of your results, and I would like to ask you a few questions.”

“Go for it” I replied. I had no idea what was coming, bearing in mind that I am a nutritionist, and was eating well, or so I thought….

“Mr. Ashenden, do you eat any fruits and vegetables?” the Doc queried.

Ahh, HELLO, I am a nutritionist. A bit stunned I replied, “Yes Doc, of course, two or three servings with each meal.”

This got me a surprised look from the doctor, who then asked :

“Do you eat meat or even any protein at all?”

Ahhh, HELLO (again), I am a nutritionist who trains in the gym and plays rugby…

Now looking a bit confused, I said “Yes of course. I eat a gram of protein per pound of bodyweight, per day, all from clean gener-ally grass-fed animal protein.”

This got me another surprised look from the Doctor, who then said:

“In that case Mr. Ashenden, we would like to proceed with some very aggressive testing

for bowel cancer!”Whoa whoa whoa! By now I was jumping

out of my chair. “Doc, what the heck is go-

With one of the docs at the clinic in Phoenix — note how puffy my face and midsection are — I wish I could go back in time … and let them know how EASY it is my way!

At the Arizona medical clinic … I was smiling on the outside, but feeling

lousy on the inside.

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ing on?”

It turns out the results from my tests had come back interesting and scary indeed … Seeing the panic on my face, the doc then said:

“Chris, your tests came back with you showing clinically low levels of selenium (2nd percentile), magnesium (2nd percentile), amino acids (5th per-centile, remember the protein question!), vitamin B12 (2nd percentile), and other deficiencies across the board, though less serious …

… You are suffering from malnutrition at a level typically only present in people who never eat fruit, vegetables, or protein. You have some common viruses that are over-whelming your non-functioning immune system and without rapid treatment are likely to kill you.

Further, you are showing inflammation markers in your bowel that are the second highest we have ever seen, in over 10,000 people tested.”

“Err” I said, dumbfounded, and not really thinking about the malnutri-tion part after this bowel cancer talk, “what happened to the highest you have ever seen?”

“Chris, yours are the second highest we have ever seen, they are higher than most people who have bowel cancer …

… The only result we have seen higher than

this was with a terminal bowel cancer case.”

Yikes! Panic mode in full swing, we took a whole other battery of tests to determine if I had cancer or not.

It turns out I did not have bowel cancer, though the viruses were very

With a member of staff in a treat-ment room at the clinic in Phoenix — part of the solution if your gut gets THAT bad — a daily IV of nutrients, not fun — don’t let it get that far!

“… You are suffering from malnutrition at a level

typically only present in people who never eat fruit,

vegetables, or protein.”

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nasty and ended up requiring some serious interventions.

Once that excitement was over though, it settled me down enough to start thinking…..

I had malnutrition. That in turn was messing up my immune system, and was leading to a host of other health problems that were killing me (those

nasty viruses only got a foot hold because nutritionally my body couldn’t support my immune system in the fight anymore).

According to the docs, I had it for years.

The biggest thought I had …

“How could this happen to me?” Here I am a normal guy, with a background in nutrition

and health, eating three clean meals a day, 6-8 servings of vegetables and another two servings a day of fresh fruit. Not to mention that I had a big piece of clean, pasture-raised meat (the best source of protein) at every meal.

How, despite all of this, could I still be suffering from malnutrition, get-ting sick all the time, and carrying a fat roll on my belly?

The doc assured me that it was not entirely my fault (and in case you are suf-fering from a lack of energy or any of the symptoms below, don’t worry, it is quite likely not your fault either).

It turned out the food I was eating just wasn’t giving me the nutrition I needed to be healthy. I was also taking a whole host of multi-vitamins, and other than making my urine a strange fluorescent color, they

n Poor body composition (excess body fat)

n Low energy

n Chronic inflammation and pain

n Frequent infections and sickness

n Depression and a low zest for life

n No or Low desire to exercise

n Low sex drive

n Joint pain

n Bad, pimply skin

n Slow recovery from work outs

n Lifeless hair

n Poor sleep quality

n Decline in short term memory

n Bloating or gas

n Acid Reflux

n Diarrhea or Constipation

If any of these apply to YOU, then trust me … I can relate,

because ALL of these applied to me!

Not getting enough of even a single, essential

micro nutrient or having an imbalance of nutrients can

result in the following:

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obviously weren’t doing the job either.

On top of that, my very poor gut health was impeding the absorption of all the good nutrients that I DID eat, leaving my body in a perpetual state of malnutrition, a state of high stress and high cortisol levels (forget fat loss if this is happening), and heading for an early grave.

This meant that despite the fact that I was eating as healthy as I could, in terms of changing my body and my health, it was all nearly a complete waste of time because I wasn’t absorbing enough healthy nutrients!

Beyond that, the doc went on to add that our food choices dictate nearly everything as it relates to health.

Let’s just say that this doctor (who has since become a close friend) had my absolute attention. He went on to go into more detail about malnutrition:

Chapter 3The Problem Defined:

Malnutrition1. Malnutrition is the deficiency of even a single nutrient that is essential for health.

2. Malnutrition can also be an imbalance in nutrients brought on by poor dietary choices

Malnutrition is misunderstood by nearly EVERYONE

Malnutrition symptoms can range from comparatively common symptoms (such as chronic fatigue, body fat despite good food choices, aches and pains, poor skin) to serious

n Nutrient deficiencies generally go undetected for years, usually until someone gets sick enough to take action.

n Malnutrition via nutrient deficiencies is so common, that he finds some element of malnutrition of at least one key nutrient in EVERY client.

n Malnutrition via an imbalance of nutrient intake is also so common, they must treat excessive systemic inflammation in EVERY client that comes in their doors.

Absorption is EVERYTHING.

It is not enough just to

put the nutrient in your

mouth; you have to get it


My doctor said:

Chronic fatigue caused by malnutrition.

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symptoms such as major disease and a seriously compromised immune system.

Malnutrition is particularly misunderstood, if understood at all, by the medical community (tell me about it! The previous EIGHT doctors I had vis-ited MISSED IT COMPLETELY!).

Doctors often misdiagnose completely and try to treat symptoms, with-out looking for a cause. Worse, on the rare occasions that doctors did give nutritional guidelines to try and help, they almost always give the WRONG advice.

Big Pharma won’t help, because they want to charge for the “cure” — but that is a trillion dollar industry focused on cures to symptoms and not the underlying causes of disease (don’t let me get started).

Modern health efforts want to charge for partial prevention — they get some of it, but not everything. The FDA does NOT want to admit there is a problem right here in the USA. They are far too connected into the cur-rent system, their concerns are mainly bureaucratic, political, and heaven forbid someone should mouth the words “class action”.

It was what the doc said next that really sticks in my mind….1. Nutrient deficiencies generally go undetected for years, usually until

someone gets sick enough to take action.

2. Malnutrition via nutrient deficien-cies is so common, that at his clinic they saw some element of malnutri-tion of at least one key nutrient in EVERY client they have had for the last ten years.

3. Malnutrition via an imbalance of nutrient intake is also so common, that they see excessive systemic inflamma-

n If you have suffered from lack of energy — if the thought of exercising makes you tired, then you are probably malnourished.

n If you have tried and failed on other “yo- yo diets” and haven’t been successful, you are probably malnourished.

n If you suffer from chronic illnesses, fatigue, lack of enthusiasm, you are most definitely malnourished.

n If you suffer from depression, fatigue, sleeping disorders, joint pain and other common types of “ailments” — malnutri-tion is the most likely suspect.

You may even THINK you are pret-ty healthy and that you are eating right — just like I was. AND maybe you actually are eating right, etc…

BUT, if you have strictly followed healthy lifestyles for years and just can’t get those last few pounds off or look the way you want to look … or … feel the way you want to feel …

Ask yourself these very telling questions:

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tion in EVERY client that comes in their doors.

4. And finally, and this one really stuck with me …

He said …

“Absorption is EVERYTHING. It is not enough just to put the nutrient in your mouth; you have to

get it INTO YOUR SYSTEM.” To make things worse, we frequently eat anti-nutrients

that make it nearly impossible for our systems to absorb the nutrients we DO eat.

Gut health — the ability of your gastro intestinal tract to do its job properly — is phenomenally important.

How important?

“So important” the Doc continued, “that no matter how good your diet, how good your exercise, how good your lifestyle, if you want to be the lean, healthy, energetic version of you, and your gut health is compromised? Forget about it.”

A bit of research into this and it turns out that nearly 30% of American’s have some form of KNOWN gut health integrity issue.

I want you to think about a few things….

You may be overweight and not feeling very healthy right now. But, this is almost for sure because you are malnourished and very likely have also made poor dietary choices — often without even knowing it.

I only want to say this once, trust me, when it comes to malnutrition, it is never just “your fault” (unless you eat noth-ing but processed food, in which case, it IS your fault). Most foods, fre-quently even so called health foods, are seriously lacking in real nutrition,

The clinic I went to had a 2-step solution for me.

Absorption and How to Make Yourself SUPERHUMAN!

1. Stop eating any anti-nutrients and foods you may be allergic to with a view to improving gut health and nutrient absorption.

2. Take their heavily customized nutritional supplement regime, every day, for the rest of my life.

What did they mean by anti-nutrients? They were referring to the protective mechanisms certain plants have developed over the course of their evolution to defend against predators.

“Antinutrients” are natural or synthetic compounds that interfere with the absorption of nutrients.

The big ones to avoid in the anti-nutrient department: all grains and cereals, uncooked or un-sprouted legumes, and dairy.

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and can even be harming you.

You may be overweight and not very healthy RIGHT NOW — most-ly because you are malnourished and you don’t even know it.

Once again, generally not your fault, especially if you have been try-ing to eat healthily, yet still find it hard to make it all happen. Most food, even so-called health foods, are lacking in necessary ingredients — or have them in such low quantities that you would have to eat a shopping cart full to get the basics right.

Ask yourself these very telling questions:n If you have suffered from lack of energy – if the thought of exercising makes you tired, then you are probably malnourished.

n If you have tried and failed on other “yo-yo diets” and haven’t been suc-cessful, you are probably malnourished.

n If you suffer from chronic illnesses, fatigue, lack of enthusiasm, you are most definitely malnourished.

n If you suffer from depression, fatigue, sleeping disorders, joint pain and other common types of “ailments” — malnutrition is the most likely suspect.

You may even THINK you are pretty healthy and that you are eat-ing right — just like I was. AND maybe you actually are eating right, etc. …

BUT, if you have strictly followed healthy lifestyles for years and just can’t get those last few pounds off or look the way you want to look …

As we’ve established, malnutrition comes about

either through an imbalance of nutrients eaten or through one or multiple nutrient deficiencies. Normally it is both.

Further, malnutrition is a leading cause of diet and health failure.

n Inflammation through malnutrition is the leading cause of disease in the human race (imbalance in nutrients).

n Being deficient in even one vital nutrient can lead directly to disease and compromise in health and happiness.

n Leading cause of failure in most diets and exercise programs is a failure to look, feel, and perform better quickly.

Don’t panic! I will show you

how to fix it.

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or … feel the way you want to feel …

You are probably malnourished and don’t even know it! Are you thinking right now that if this could happen to the Kiwi who

was a nutritionist, eating well and supposedly healthy, what could be hap-pening to me?

The same guy who is “world-renowned” by NY Times best-selling au-thors … a former elite athlete … certified nutritionist … and more was malnourished and didn’t even know it? Then maybe you too could be FAR worse off ?

What about fat loss? Well, Vitamin B12 is essential in

the ATP pathway, which is a pathway your body needs to function perfectly in order to use carbohydrates and fats to burn for energy. In other words, you need this vitamin to work for you to help you burn the carbs you eat and fat in your body for FUEL.

B12 deficiencies matter for your health, they matter for fat loss, and recent data from the Tufts University Framingham Study has shown that 40% of the US adult population between the age of 20 and 83 is deficient in this one nutrient …

… That is only ONE essential vitamin, and only in the tested population!

When it comes to nutrient deficiencies, there are many more nutrients we need to worry about … and … it bears to reason … that … with the hun-dreds of nutrients we need — deficiencies like those I had are far more com-mon than you ever used to imagine!

Are you tired of the bad news and want some good news? How about how to easily and rapidly rid yourself of ALL those symptoms, including

n Alzheimer’s, dementia, cognitive decline and memory loss (collectively referred to as “aging”)

n Multiple sclerosis (MS) and other neurological disorders

n Mental illness (depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, psychosis)

n Cardiovascular diseasen Learning or developmental

disorders in kidsn Autism spectrum disordern Auto-immune disease and

immune dysregulationn Cancern Male and female infertility

A Kiwi Pop Quiz: What do all of these

diseases have in common?

It is the largest and most structurally complicated vitamin.

Answer: they can all be caused by vitamin B12 deficiency!

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getting rid of pesky belly fat?

Sound good? GREAT! Then stick with me here …

Absorption and How to Make Yourself Superhuman!

The clinic I went to had a solution for me. It was in two steps.

1. Stop eating any anti-nutrients and foods you may be allergic to with a view to improving gut health and nutrient absorption.

2. Take their heavily customized nutritional supplement regime, every day, for the rest of my life.

What did they mean by anti-nutrients? They were referring to the protec-tive mechanisms certain plants have developed over the course of their evolution to defend against predators.

“Antinutrients” are natural or synthetic compounds that interfere with the absorption of nutrients.

These protective mechanisms, basically specially formed proteins, are toxic to the human body and can cause havoc to the lining of the human gut, which is not evolved or equipped to deal with them.

Havoc such as increasing gut permeability (how much and what passes from our intestines into our blood stream), causing micro trauma to the walls of our intestine, increasing inflammation, and in some cases, directly punching holes through the walls of your colon, allowing undigested food and even fecal matter directly into your bloodstream!

(YES! That is a VERY bad thing!)

The big ones to avoid in the anti-nutrient department: all grains and cere-als, uncooked or un-sprouted legumes, and dairy.

Note: I know dairy is not a plant, but dairy has its own anti-nutrients,

Phytic acid is just one antinutrient that interferes

with the absorption of minerals from the diet.

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and pasteurized dairy has been shown to cause micro trauma in the gut lining and gut inflammation in most people. Take with caution, and only ever the un pasteurized grass-fed varieties.

They further had me remove all common food allergens, for a whole month. These were corn, soy, eggs, dairy, nuts, wheat, nightshades, crustaceans, and all cereals and grains.

Satisfied that I was no longer further compromising my gut integrity, they went on to step two, what I call “the top-up” — their supplement regime.

Chapter 4$100 A Day Supplements,

and “Who Takes Drugs INTO Mexico?”The customized supplement regime, which was tailored exactly to my

personal biochemistry after all the testing I had done, ran me a steep $100 per day.


Further, I was taking 50 to 60 pills (in convenient little packets for each meal, of course) each and every day!

I finally imploded when, rapidly growing tired of popping pills and pee-ing extremely florescent urine every day while not feeling much better and thinking there must be another solution I was stopped for a Customs bag search …

… While entering Puerto Vallarta Airport. In Mexico.

Much to the amusement of Tim Ferber, my traveling companion at the time, the Mexican Customs officials did NOT share my clinic’s enthusiasm for massive daily doses of supplement pills being carried with me in tiny

That trip to Mexico — note the puffiness around my face

and the smooth roundness of my midsection.

The customs entrance at the airport at Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

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little plastic bags in my suitcase!

In fact, they had an entire hissy fit upon seeing a full month’s supply of little plastic customized nutrition packets, amounting to 1000’s of pills, and taking up more than 30% of the space of my large suitcase.

Oh for a photo! (I did try — they made me put the camera away).

Luckily for me, I found this quite funny since I knew there was nothing illegal in the packets, which kept my tone light and happy and stopped me from panicking.

This was a good thing, because as it turned out, the Mexican authorities were not finding it so amusing. Official after official was called until after 30 minutes of interrogation, I finally said to the regional Customs manager …

“Officers, I love your country, but these are vitamins, and let’s be honest here … who brings drugs IN to Mexico?”

They didn’t look too happy at first, but after looking at each other, seeing Tim’s laughing face from across the room, and (I like to think) from look-ing at my honest Kiwi face, they repacked my bag, zipped it up, and told me to get out of their airport and enjoy Mexico!

Walking out of the airport to the sound of Tim’s laughter, I decided on the spot that enough was enough.

THE PROBLEM: $100 per DAY, lack of absorption and research shows supplements are a stupid solution …

My general disillusionment and the experience of entering Mexico was a catalyst to action and got me thinking about everything I had ever read on nutrition. The spark was ignited mate, and boy was I off!

Suddenly I was once again obsessed with reading everything related to health, nutrition, gut health, absorption of nutrients, inflammation, body fat, and how to become freaking super human.

I was beyond tired of being sick and tired, and now tired of this ridicu-

We all know that we are supposed to eat healthy, NATURAL food,

and that this is the best way to deliver our body the nutrients it needs.

Why then, do so many people take synthetic, isolated nutrients in the form of supplements to cover any “gaps” left by clean, healthy eating?

Er, it doesn’t make sense, yet this is the premise that most supplement compa-nies (and your orange urine) live by.

The STUPID IDEA behind the entire

supplement industry:

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lous supplement regime that I didn’t just want to be “normal” again … I wanted to be SUPER HUMAN!

And so began the journey of relearning everything I knew, or thought I knew, about nutrition, absorption, supplements, and what real, true health really meant.

I read over two hundred books on nutrition and health, looked at 1000’s of medical studies, asked some very smart people a lot of very dif-ficult questions, and started thinking my way through the answers to my number one question…

How Could I Make Myself Phenomenally Healthy … And … As A Direct Result, Phenomenally Happy?

I won’t bore you with the details, but at the end of that learning period, I had established that there were some very simple, very solid TRUTHS.

FOLKS: This is the start of the “How To” Become Super Human part of this report. You can choose to ignore this, and go on struggling with the devastating and insidious effects of malnutrition — or you can follow these simple principles and get your digestive health in order and working for you to fast track you on the way to feeling fantastic!

The Kiwi’s Nutrition Rules for Health, Fat Loss, and Happiness

n EAT for nutrient density

n EAT to improve gut absorption of nutrients

n EAT a macro nutrient profile that lends itself to improved body composition and less disease

n EAT sufficient quantity of quality food to deliver your body its macro and micro nutrient requirements

n DO NOT EAT anti-nutrients

Brazil cracks me up. They always think I’m surfer Kelly Slater, no

matter what I tell them. Once you eat my way, Fat Loss is effortless and

fun, even when traveling. And in this picture, I am NOT flexing!

You can make yourself phenomenally healthy by sticking to your plan of sensible eating habits.

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n DO NOT EAT foods that harm you

Eat this way, and you will defeat the four dark horsemen of bad health and disease, health, and yes, simultaneously remove excess body fat. Oh, wait … nobody has ever introduced you to the 4 dark horsemen of bad health and disease?

Well, allow me the honor!

The Four Dark Horsemen Of Bad Health And Disease:1. Auto immune issues and gut health integrity2. Insulin metabolism3. Inflammation4. Advanced glycation end products (AGEs)

You will also look — amazing, feel — amazing, and generally perform amazingly well after doing this protocol, even if just for 30 days!

You will also … at least … DOUBLE your rate of fat loss, I guarantee it.

Yes mate, you WILL be super human if you give this ago. Hope you’re saying …

“Kiwi, I like the sound of that! Now how do I implement this?”

Chapter 5The 30 Day Guide to Being a Healthy,

Energetic, Fat Burning Machine!What follows is the “world-famous” Kiwi 30 Days to Magic … designed

Three Unshakeable TRUTHS about NUTRITION

Truth Number 1: FOOD is FIRST

Yep, folks, you heard it here first.

Ok maybe you didn’t hear it here first, but YES it goes in at number one because it is the most important element in not just Gut Health, but I believe, having seen the results, in ALL HEALTH.

There is a catch to this of course, and that is WHAT foods you eat. (Keep reading to see those foods) …

Truth Number 2:GUT HEALTH

is EVERYTHING Yep, gut health is extremely,

extremely important.

Not only is more than 70% of your immune system (excluding your skin) directly related to your Gastro

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Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, an 1887 painting by Victor Vasnetsov.

The lamb is visible at the top.

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to give you the simplest steps to accomplish all our foundational truths and fight the four dark horsemen of health and disease.

“How To” 6 Steps: Get Your GUT HEALTH In Order

Easy, follow these simple steps and you will be off to the races in no time, and you can get your gut health on track, your body absorbing nutrients like it is supposed to, and your health, energy, and body composition rocking along in the right direction.

Step 1. Remove all anti-nutrients from your diet for a minimum of ONE month.

This means no grains, cereals, legumes, or dairy. NOPE, none at all for 30 days.

STOP doing any more damage to your gut, and allow it heal by avoiding these anti-nutrients.

This applies whether you THINK you have any reaction to these foods, or not.

Step 2. Remove all common dietary allergens from your diet for a minimum of ONE month.

Avoid any further inflammation or irrita-tion to your gut lining by removing all of these common allergens. This saves you having to go out and test for these as allergens for you, instead, we will simply remove them, then add some of them back in.

These again are corn, soy, eggs, dairy, nuts, wheat, nightshades, crusta-ceans, legumes, and all cereals and grains. Note: IF you have none of the symptoms of food allergies and get no symptoms, you may continue to eat eggs, crustaceans and nightshades. The others are OUT for the full 30 days.

Intestinal tract, but issues with gut health and your corresponding ability to correctly absorb nutrients affects EVERYTHING in your body.

As an example, did you know that nearly every Auto-Immune

disease is di-rectly caused by what you eat, what it does to your gut, and by your bodies auto-immunity reaction to proteins that nature NEVER intended to

pass your gut lining, but all those holes in your gut allow to sneak through?

Yes, true story. This means folks, that multiple sclerosis, acne, Parkinson’s, rheumatoid arthritis, and hodgkinsons diseases


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At the end of one month, you may begin to add back in (subject to a solid state of continued feeling of awesome-ness) and in this order.

n Crustaceansn Eggsn Nightshades (eggplants, peppers, tomatoes, or as you guys

say here, to-meh-toes)n Some nuts (but not too many, and always raw)

Then later, if you have continued success:n A little bit of dairy BUT from grass-fed un-pasteurized sources onlyn The odd legume, but sprouted onlyn No cereals such as corn or rice other than special occasions (this is a

bit hardcore for some but you will generally thank me)n No wheat pretty much ever — again hardcore for some but try it and

see; Gluten is the KING of anti-nutrients (I will bet dollars to pancakes that in the next 10 years that the knowledge that wheat is killing us and making us fat will become common knowledge. The science is already there, and it will move to the mainstream. BEAT the curve mate, and ditch the wheat, now, and permanently).

Step 3. IF you currently have any symptoms, consume good NON-DAIRY Probiotics with each meal.

About 7 billion active organisms per serving will do just fine. I don’t recommend you take more than that level regularly unless you have just finished a course of anti-biotics. You take pro-biotics to help improve the ratio of good (hence the term “pro”) to bad bacteria in your gut. Since these little suckers help you break down and digest food properly, and also by their very existence make it very difficult for bad bacteria to survive, making sure they are present in

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for starters are all preventable afflictions.

YES! Preventable by dietary choices.

What this means to you in terms of what you should eat, is coming up!

Truth Number 3:ABSORPTION


MATTERS It is not enough to put it on your

mouth; it is what you absorb that matters.

This is a combination of number 1, and number 2, and dominates how you select everything you put in your mouth from

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your digestive system in good numbers is a solid strategy for superior gut health and nutrient absorption.

The best strains with the most science: (remember, freeze dried and NON-DAIRY)

1. Lactobacillus acidophilus2. Bifidobacterium bifidum

Step 4. Consume natural, food-sourced PRE-biotics daily. An example of this would be …Consuming 800mg to 1000mg of Inulin (a hairy root) standardized for

80% or better of FOS (fructo-oligosaccharides) one to two times per day will have awesome results on your positive bacterial balance in your gastro-intestinal tract.

In case you are wondering what the heck a PRE-biotic is — A pre-biotic is something for the good bacteria in your gut

to EAT, and therefore propagate and grow in numbers.

This is in line with the smart move towards creating a superior positive environment for the good bacteria (PRE), as opposed to just slamming in PRO-Biotics willy-nilly, which are the actual good bacteria.

The FOS content of inulin is the king of pre-biotics and gets my vote for this.

Do this step and expect some dynamic and rapid energy boosts.

Step 5. Consume some natural, food-sourced digestive enzymes daily.

The correct digestive enzymes will do serious won-ders for your ability to break down and absorb your meal, including the proteins (proteases) and particu-


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here on in. You guessed it, and I’ll explain in more detail.

Focusing on these truths then then lead me to a series of nutrient prin-cipals that were universal across all the good literature I had read, on gut health, nutrition, absorption of nutri-ents, fat loss, and disease …

The Kiwi’s Nutrition Rules for Health, Fat Loss,

and Happinessn EAT for nutrient density

n EAT to improve gut absorption of nutrients

n EAT a macro nutrient profile that lends itself to improved body composition and less disease

n EAT sufficient quantity of qual-ity food to deliver your body its macro and micro nutrient requirements

n DO NOT EAT anti-nutrients

n DO NOT EAT foods that harm you

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larly good fats (lipases) in your diet. Examples such as bromelian (found in pineapple), and papain (found in papaya) are awesome. In fact, the naturally oc-curring digestive enzymes in papaya and pineapple are my pick of the bunch.

Step 6. For those of you who have just invested in other programs, be sure that it is a very well written program! Be sure to ask yourself if the pro-gram you are considering is SUSTAINABLE: and then FOLLOW those eating and training guidelines.

If you haven’t invested in a program yet, and want some general guide-lines, I have a number of suggestions, tools and content that you will find very helpful available at The suggestions I make on this blog are tried and true, and are the fastest and easiest eating style for most people to adopt long-term. They are sustainable, and yes, delicious.

This will steer you clear of the nutrient killers out there, such as pro-cessed foods, refined carbohydrates, nasty vegetable oils, and toxic chemi-cals, and move you toward a nutrient dense diet full of clean protein and fats, and solid, nutrient dense vegetables. Plus there are tons of great reci-pes and food for the whole family, ready for exploring and incorporating into your now healthy lifestyle!

Actually, follow the clean eating guidelines available at along with these stricter rules above (particularly 1 and 2) for the first 30 days, and tell me how you feel and perform.

But What About Other Supplements You Ask? I know this is probably a hot question for you, since everybody asks me

this. But, despite all of those supplement companies best attempts to tell you otherwise, we don’t really NEED supplements.

Eat according to the Kiwi’s Nutritional Rules for Health and Happiness and in terms of what you NEED and you are good to go.

In fact, most of what is currently sold as a multi-vitamin is probably do-ing you more harm than good. Recent research is suggesting that high dose synthetic vitamins can actually PROMOTE cancer growth …

I love the beach now a lot more that I used to. Two of us eat my way, one of

us insists on “whole grains.” Do I need to say more?

… I got very tired very quickly of florescent urine, downing hundreds of pills, Mexican customs officials,

Tim’s laughter, and not really feeling that much better, despite the massive amount of traditional supplements

I was taking every day.

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But since you asked, here you go … The rest of the story …

Chapter 6Stacking the Deck for Nutritional Insurance …

OR … How to Accelerate Your Way To Becoming Superhuman!

Jumping back in time a bit …

… I got very tired very quickly of florescent urine, downing hundreds of pills, Mexican customs officials, Tim’s laughter, and not really feeling that much better, despite the massive amount of traditional supplements I was taking every day.

As you will recall, this sent me sent me into crazy research mode looking for a solution to my problem …

I realized that yes, “Food is First,” and yes “Gut Health Is Everything.”

What we are really chasing, through Food is First and Gut Health is everything, is not only skipping out on any bad stuff, but making sure our bodies have the ability to get more than adequate intake and then absorp-tion of nutrients.

If you will note, I said intake AND absorption.

Remember my Three Unshakeable Truths About Nutrition?

Here again is Truth Number Three: ABSORPTION IS WHAT MATTERS!

What you are really after, once you are eating “well” is absorption of suf-ficient quantities of the good nutrients.

Summary of The 30 Day Guide to

Being a Healthy, Energetic, Fat Burning Machine …

Step 1 Remove all anti-nutrients from your diet for a minimum of ONE month. Remove all grains, cereals, legumes, and dairy.

Step 2 Remove all common dietary aller-gens from your diet for a minimum of ONE month. Avoid any further inflammation or irritation to your gut lining by removing all of these common allergens — all cereals and grains, corn, soy, dairy, nuts, wheat, nightshades, legumes, crustaceans, (and if required also remove eggs).

Step 3IF you currently have any symp-toms, consume a good NON-DAIRY

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Not just the macro nutrients for energy and building blocks (protein, fats, carbs), but the micro nutrients, the little guys, the support players in your body, without which the house collapses very quickly.

You are on a quest for absorption of micro nutrients.

Your quest for absorption can be broken into three easy steps….

1. Gut health — get your gut health in order so you can actually absorb the nutrients you are eating (see part ONE of this report again!)

2. Absorption — our body is extremely adept at absorbing nutrients when they come in as food - give your body nutrients in a form that it can recognize and absorb. That means FOOD. NOT synthetic crap, and not isolated vitamins, which are alien to our bodies.

3. Quantity — Make sure you get enough of those nutrients!

Learning and understanding that gut health, food sourced micro nutri-ents, and sufficient intake of those nutrients were ALL required, I looked

again at the packets and packets of pills I had.

I looked at my medical chart showing me my (then) nutrient deficiencies, I thought about Food is First and about how Gut Health is Everything, and it got me thinking.

Your body is phenomenally adept at absorbing nutrients in the food you eat …

You and your digestive tract, right now, are the product of MILLIONS of years of evolution. Evolution that has figured out to break down the

food we ingest into macro and micronutrient components, remove the parts we don’t want and then absorb those good nutrients directly.

When given the chance, our bodies do exactly that, and we do it very, very well.

You know now that food is first, and you know that your body is ex-

Probiotic with each meal.

The best strains with the most science: (remember, freeze dried and NON-DAIRY) are Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum.

Step 4 Consume a natural, food-sourced PRE-biotic daily.

Consume 800mg to 1000mg of Inulin (a hairy root) standardized for 80% or better of FOS (fructo-oligosaccha-rides) one to two times per day.

Step 5 Consume some natural, food-sourced digestive enzymes daily.

Consume ex-tracts of papain (from papaya) and bromelian (from pineapple) every day for 30 days.

Step 6 FOLLOW these eating guidelines and you are well on your way to ideal gut health!

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tremely good at absorbing food. Yet we are being fed synthetic and heavily processed junk by the supplement companies who are still telling us it is “healthy”. Think on this one for a minute, we will come back to it in a moment.

My urine was florescent after I took these “vitamins” and minerals. In fact, my urine has always been florescent whenever I took ANY multi-vita-min product. I bet you have had the same experience …

I learned this means you are exceeding your body’s ability to absorb those nutrients (mainly water soluble vitamins), and OUT they go in the form of expensive urine.

Florescent Urine = How to flush away your money!Or how about this…Your body literally plays “Tetris” with nutrients ...

or better yet, remember the game “Concentration” where you had to put all the different shapes in their places before the timer went off … that is what is happening every day inside your stomach and intestines.

Get the wrong shape in trying to fill that spot and nothing happens (well, nothing “good” happens).

Your body absorbs nutrients through food.

This process is simple:

You eat the food; it gets chewed up in your mouth, which stimulates the release of a whole bunch of your own digestive enzymes …

… Down goes the food, and there (there being in your stomach and in-testine) right there waiting for our system to suck it on in, are all your vital nutrients.

But there is a catch. These nutrients are in food, and that means that they are all SHAPED a certain way (the natural way, NOT SYNTHETIC), that varies from nutrient to nutrient …

… This shape and design is important, and it is impossible to match syn-

My urine was florescent after I took these “vitamins” and minerals. In fact,

my urine has always been florescent whenever I took ANY multi-vitamin

product. I bet you have had the same experience!

Money down the drain?

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thetically …

(Note also that “tableting” or the process of turning vitamins into tab-lets, compresses ingredients under high heat and pressure, which can also change the shape and “denature” even healthy food sourced ingredients!)

Further, the nutrients we are looking for are NEVER just sitting there, alone, isolated!

They are accompanied by neat little things called co-factors, by other things present in food called digestive enzymes, both of which we need in order for our bodies to absorb the nutrient we are looking for in the first place.

If the nutrient is not shaped the way it should be (i.e., not the “food” way), if it is not accompanied by the co-factors and enzymes our body needs to assist in absorption, then quite simply, the nutrient is NOT ab-sorbed correctly.

What this meant to me and what this means to you too, is simple, yet EVERY supplement company neglects to mentions this fact to you …


IT MUST BE FOODAnd not just food, but un-denatured, non-heat-damaged, intact food.

Anything else is not only a waste of time and money; it is probably bad for you. That’s because these synthetic versions of “food” can be treated like “toxins” by your body — getting your immune system to fight them!

It needs to be food, allowing your body to get the nutrients in the shapes it can recognize. This way, your body can recognize the nutrients for what they are (food) and absorb them.

Nutrients need to be ingested intact, un-damaged by too much heat or

As a personal trainer and designer of performance diets, I’ve worked with average guys and gals to help them

reach their goals. But, you don’t have to look this ‘ripped’

to feel the benefits of my programs!

It’s amazing what a good diet and exercise regimine will produce!

I haven’t been hailed as “The Perfector of the Female Posterior”

for nothing! … read on! …

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processing (that shape thing again), and accompanied by co-factors and enzymes that our body requires to absorb that nutrient, in accordance with our evolutionary biology.

The short version: if it goes in your mouth, and you want to absorb it, bet-ter make it food or food-sourced.

Get your FOOD RIGHT FIRST and then, and only then, can we dis-cuss the potential merits of “insurance” …

Bottom Line? Food is first, and we don’t NEED supplements. Having said that … I like insurance … insurance against nutrient gaps in

your diet, even if you eat “perfectly” (remember how well that worked out for me in the beginning of the report?!) … and … insurance against nutrient gaps in your available food quality … against disease, toxicity, and immune suppression.

… And very importantly … insurance against problems in your GI tract impacting on your health and your absorption of nutrients.

Further, after years of feeling sick and I tired, I wanted to be more than just normal (“normal” people die early, sick and fat); I wanted to be Super Human.

So I asked myself another question …

“What would I have to do nutritionally, to put everything in my favor to become super healthy?”

Beyond the benefits of nutritional insurance, my research had led me to believe there was definitely the capability of completely stacking the deck in your favor in terms of health by using smart, natural supplementation.

It could be done, but it would have to be done RIGHT. And so far, everyone else has failed!

For starters, I knew my supplement was going to have to be pretty extraordinary, it was going to have to be new, it was going to be awesome …

To accomplish everything I insisted it do …

… it absolutely, positively had to be a

Super Supplement

I began by building my wish list of what the perfect Nutritional Insurance Super Supplement

would need to be.

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… It absolutely, positively had to be a Super Supplement. And once again, the Kiwi was off!

This time I began by building my wish list of what the perfect Nutritional Insurance Super Supplement would need to be:

It would need to deliver a huge dose of food-sourced and readily absorb-able micronutrients (and get them INTO your body, meaning nearly 100% absorption) every day.

It would need to have a precise blend of micronutrients and other co-factors for efficacy, quality, and in optimal amounts for synergistic impact.

At the same time as providing those micronutrients the Super Supplement would need to enhance the body’s ability to absorb ALL nu-trients by improving gut health. (Improving gut health = increased nutrient absorption + lower inflammation).

The Super Supplement would also need to massively boost immunity

It should lightly detox the liver and assist the body in its efforts to cleanse out the junk previously consumed, both on purpose and by accident, over the years

The Super Supplement would need to assist brain function, by giving the brain a neurotransmitter boost.

It would need to improve the body’s ability to with-stand stress over time, via a host of ingredients called “adaptogens” — which are herbs that help the body naturally cope with and reduce stress.

The Super Supplement would provide potent anti-oxidants aimed at improving cellular function and

overall health.

It would also be full of proven, 100% natural Superfoods, packed with phyto-nutrients, and by their very nature, hundreds of varieties of natural

Pure and simple, my Super Supplement would be the

“Ultimate Nutritional Insurance”

Yes! I was pumped, I was ready, and I went out there to find exactly what I was looking for.

And I found …

NOTHING. Nada. Zip. Zero. Nothing out there was even close.

Despite extensive hunting (and I mean extensive, months and months of searching) it seemed that no company on the planet was remotely interested in making a product like this.

I found out later that this was due to that magic word called profits …

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plant occurring anti-oxidants, all carefully freeze dried and preserved to ensure their beneficial properties remained intact.

And The Super Supplement would have every single one of the whole food sourced ingredients derived from the purest source, carefully Freeze Dried to preserve the integrity of the ingredient ...

My Super Supplement would need to avoid the pit-falls of tableting, which include denaturing ingredients by heat and pressure, and also be-cause of the binding agents in tablets, which are not good for us.

Further, since I was after sufficient INTAKE of micronutrients, the convenience of powder vs. 16-20 capsules would be optimal!

THE CHECK-LIST: My Super Supplement would be

stacked full of scientifically proven Superfoods, potent herbal extracts, whole food vitamins, minerals in their most bio available form, enzymes, gut health ingredients, pre and pro-biotics, anti-oxidants that work, ingredients that helped with the damage we had already done, ingredients that would encourage our body to adapt and get stronger over time, immune boosting in-gredients, anti aging ingredients …

Pure and simple, my Super Supplement would be the “Ultimate Nutritional Insurance”

Yes! I was pumped, I was ready, and I went out there to find exactly what I was looking for.

And I found …

Not only would a product like this cost millions to develop, millions more to make, it would have very little profit margin whatsoever, and to make that worse it would remove the need for nearly every other product they were selling!

After my research, I was pretty sure that with enough time, it would definitely be possible to track down and find all the ingredients individually to make such a formula for myself, but these would run to thousands and thousands of dollars per month.

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Handfulls of common supplements simply do not give you the nutritional

insurance you need — especially during a weight loss diet.

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NOTHING. Nada. Zip. Zero.

Nothing out there was even close.

Despite extensive hunting (and I mean extensive, months and months of searching) it seemed that no company on the planet was remotely interested in making a product like this.

(I found out later that this was due to that magic word called profits. Not only would a product like this cost millions to develop, millions more to make, it would have very little profit margin whatsoever, and to make that worse it would remove the need for nearly every other product they were selling!)

After my research, I was pretty sure that with enough time, it would defi-nitely be possible to track down and find all the ingredients individually to make such a formula for myself, but it would run to thousands and thou-sands of dollars per month.

I couldn’t find anything that would work!As you can imagine, after so much time researching, reading, and excite-

ment, figuring out what it would take, realizing it could all work …

… the big come down was pretty depressing.

I was not a happy Kiwi.

Sitting down one day in a coffee shop with a long-term family friend, Trevor, we started going over my health adventures to date, and culminated in my frustrations in failing to find something that could do what I wanted, and the costs involved in trying to make it all happen.

After his prompting, I ended up flying to London to chat to two friends of his, two naturopaths, Simon and Shawn, with over 30 years clinical expe-rience between them.

In talking to these guys, who had spent the last 11 years and a lot of


CHECK-LISTMy Super Supplement

would be stacked full of: 1. Scientifically proven Superfoods

2. Potent herbal extracts

3. Whole food vitamins and miner-als in their most bio available form

4. Enzymes, gut health ingredi-ents, pre and pro-biotics, and anti-oxidants that work

5. Ingredients that help with the damage already done

6. Igredients that would encour-age our body to adapt and get stronger over time, plus …

7. Immune boosting ingredi-ents, and anti-aging ingredients.

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money trying to perfect their version of the perfect formula — which they then sold individually to their clients, they made it by hand and liter-ally mixed all the ingredients themselves with a mortar and pestle — I real-ized while no one had done specifically what I wanted to do, I did not have to completely reinvent the wheel.

It wasn’t the Super Supplement … but … it was a start!I realized rather than having to start from scratch, we could take what

was already working, put them all together, add to it, remove some things, tweak it, modify it, and then supercharge it, until I hoped we could arrive at the end product, the definitive, end all to beat all — Super Supplement!

Specifically, while other people may not have tried to go nearly as far as I was, I had discovered there were people out there with experience in building at least part of the Super Supplement I was looking for. The Naturopaths for example, had a product that would probably get us 50% of the way there.

I started looking for additional researchers who could help me. I tracked down people like the Naturopaths, people who were practicing daily in a clinical setting, seeing day to day the results (good or bad) of what they were advising.

In this way I believe I got the best of the theory, the research, and also real world application …

With this in mind, I began developing and coordinating a rapidly grow-ing team of people far smarter than I (my super advisors!) that eventu-ally finalized into the Naturopaths, Simon and Shawn, two Medical Researchers, a Nutritional PhD, a Biochemist, and a Medical Doctor (remember my friend from the medical clinic?).

The goal of course being that we could get something put together for myself in accordance to my wish list …

I began developing and coordinating a rapidly growing team of seven

people far smarter than I — that eventually consisted of two

naturopaths, two medical researchers, a nutritional PhD, a biochemist,

and a medical doctor.

A quest for health for me had become a quest to create the world’s

first super supplement. So I committed. I invested 2 years

of my life and more than $2 million dollars to develop the ultimate solution

with these leading research doctors, naturopths and nutritionists.

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Something that would put me solidly on the Super Human fast track …

It took a lot more effort than any of us originally expected.

It took a lot more money and time than I had expected.

The weird thing though, is that it worked!

In short order I was taking each of the products I needed each day from multiple natural sources. This was a lot of stuff. I was taking four different powdered formulas from different places and on top of that about 20 dif-ferent capsules a day. All this was natural, and combined was running to about $1400 a month, but I was seriously enjoying the very rapid benefits to my energy levels.

And at that point, despite the cost and the effort just to get to here, I knew we were on to a winner.

… A winner not just for me, but, since we are all physiologically human, if we could do it properly, a winner that would carry over and help a lot of people!

Realizing that I didn’t have to completely reinvent the wheel and feeling nearly immediate benefits from the regimen I had developed gave me more than hope that we could do this.

It gave me energy, it gave me confidence, and it lit a fire under my butt that my family could not believe. Enough energy, that at that point I decided …

I need to bet the ranch, the family house, my parent’s family house, and go for it …

I was still way short of the resources we would need, so I met back up with Trevor — who told me later that it was because I was so passionate

According to the National Cancer Institute, a high number of cancer

patients die from causes related to malnutrition, not from the cancer itself, and 80% of cancer patients develop some form of clinical malnutrition.

Unfortunately, conventional medical advice suggesting a patient eat whatever they want, can actually feed the patient’s cancer, promote their malnutrition, and contribute to the patient’s inability to tolerate treatment.

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about what I was doing — that he offered to help finance the project.

A quest for health for me had become a quest to create the world’s first super supplement.

I hadn’t started with the idea of creating a business — I had just wanted to fix myself, but I soon realized that this product could REALLY help other people! Remember that about 40% of the population in the US ALONE are basically struggling with some element of malnutrition!

Despite being “advised” that the very low margins would mean it could never financially work, we decided to go for it anyway. Not because we were cutting corners or being irresponsible — but because we KNEW that if people tried it, and saw the results and benefits, they would help keep us in business.

So I committed. I invested 2 years of my life and more than $2 million dollars to develop the ultimate solution — with leading research Doctors, Naturopths and Nutritionists

Through a lot of trial and error, and with a lot of input from my experts, we created the best possible solution that answered my wish list and simultaneously solved a bunch of problems.

Problems from which, literally millions of people worldwide suffer, every day.

Realizing that there is no point having a super supplement if no one was ever going to take it, we then invested more time and money in making sure that it tasted GREAT.

Tasted great, YES! — but with NO Compromises, and NO Allergens. Nothing artificial. Nothing bad for anyone in any way, I wanted this product to be a super supplement that would be able to help EVERYONE.

“Why had nobody ever done this before?” Remember my comments before, about what it would take to do this? I

Realizing that there is no

point having a super supple-ment if no one was ever going to take it, we then invested more time and money in mak-ing sure that it tasted GREAT.

Tasted great, YES. But with NO Compromises, and NO Allergens. Nothing artificial. Nothing bad for anyone in any way, I wanted this product to be a super supple-ment that would be able to help EVERYONE.

To Work It’s Magic, The Super Supplement Must Taste Super, Too!

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was now finding out directly why no one had EVER done this before.

It took money to research, money to make a first product, time and knowledge to do it. The only people who had even some of the knowledge and all the resources already (the big companies) were already making too much money doing it the existing (broken) way.

They had no motivation in creating a product that would work like ours would, have very low margins, kill their profit making machine, and rule out the need for nearly everything else they were selling.

So, we had to build our team, build our product, and finance it. Our team was AWESOME.

Yes, I was committed. But the reality was that my advisors had already invested a combined 65 YEARS in researching nutrition and ingredients and millions of dollars in time and money working on their own knowledge and playing around with formulations.

(We calculated in the end that it took $3.6 million dollars of research and development to complete this project).

I want and take no credit. It was perfecting the fruits of the knowledge of my super advisors that would result in the Super Supplement slowly coming to life.

Test, retest, test, retest, time, money, and knowledge. I won’t lie and say that it was easy (I spent all of one year living on friends’ couches!), but it worked, and it was worth it.

We did it …

Chapter 7The World’s First Super Supplement

We finally did it. We created the world’s first Super Supplement and launched it for the public in December 2010. We decided to call it ……

Get your gut health in order so you can actually absorb the nutrients you are eating (see part ONE of this report again!)

Your quest for absorption can be broken into three

easy steps …Gut Health1

2 Absorption Our body is extremely adept at absorbing nutrients when they come in as food — give your body nutrients in a form that it can recognize and absorb. That means FOOD. NOT synthetic crap, and not isolated vitamins, which are alien to our bodies.

3 Quantity Make sure you get enough of those nutrients!

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… Athletic Greens®!It was described so often as the Ultimate

Nutritional Insurance™ policy that we trademarked that too, and it has now become our catch-phrase.

There are a number of reasons why Athletic Greens® is so important to include in your daily diet. Here are seven key reasons …

Reason #1: UNEQUALED NUTRITIONAL INSURANCE™: The formula is packed with more than 70 specially selected natural ingredients in pre-cise and optimal amounts — making it dead-simple to avoid nutrient deficiencies and optimize total body health.

Reason #2: ENERGY: When you boost your ab-sorption of nutrients, you will feel the difference. Because the entire formula is 100% whole food sourced and in the natural form (with co-factors and enzymes intact), they are recognized as nutrients and absorbed by the body.

(The exact opposite happens when supplementing with man-made, synthetic vitamins and minerals which are often recognized as toxins by the body and excreted through human waste—the cause of bright green urine normally seen with traditional multi-vitamins).

Reason #3: ALKALINITY: Because it’s a “green drink replacement” it is massively alkaline promoting, with more than 8 grams of nutrient

“Athletic Greens is my favorite green supplement. It contains 76 ingredients, including inulin for bacterial balance [in the gastro-intestinal tract]”

— Tim Ferriss New York Times Number 1 Best-selling Author of The 4 Hour Body

Athletic Greens®

has worked for me … it has worked for 1000’s of other people just like YOU!

The proof of the pudding is what smart, knowledgeable and objective

other people think.

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“Of all the products I have researched and tried out on the market today, Athletic

Greens is by far the highest quality, most natural and best tasting product. I use my Athletic Greens every morning and/or right after every one of my workouts. I know I’m getting the highest quality vitamins, minerals and nutrition in just one delicious tablespoon each day.”  

— Isabel De Los Rios Bestselling Author of Beyond Diet, and Mother

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dense RAW green Superfoods per serving.

Reason #4: ABSORBTION: Because of the high percentage of digestive enzymes, prebiotics and probiotics, the ingredients work synergistically to improve digestion and gastrointestinal function.

Reason #5: FAST: All it takes is one 12 gram super serving of this drink full of RAW greens, antioxidants, herbs, enzymes, co-factors, mushrooms, vitamins, scarce nutrients, adaptogens, trace elements and minerals, pre and probiotics to ensure your are meeting or exceeding your daily needs.

Reason #6: IMMUNITY: Athletic Greens® is full of plants, fruits, herbs and mushrooms to detoxify and protect — each serving provides the antioxidant equivalent of between 10 — 12 servings of fruit and vegetables (ORAC 5000).

Reason #7: NO COMPROMISES/NO EXCEPTIONS: Athletic Greens® contains absolutely no synthetic chemicals, artificial colors, flavors, preservatives or sweeteners of any kind, no GMO’s, herbicides, or pesticides, no wheat, dairy, gluten, corn, lactose, sucrose, dextrose, egg, yeast, or peanuts and no animal products.

That also means anyone following any special diet (Paleo, Primal, Vegans, Vegetarians, etc.) or having any special allergies (Celiacs, Lactose Intolerance, etc.) can benefit from this unique drink.

It is an amazing product. Yes it works like you

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“For my entire adult life, I exercised

regularly and ate what I thought was the correct food to get me lean and healthy. But no matter how hard I tried, I could never lose the belly. Call it belly fat, a fat roll, the tire — whatever — I could NEVER shake it. Then I met the Kiwi. He challenged me to follow his simple but effective eating guidelines. In less than three weeks, I lost an incredible 12lbs of fat. What’s more, I finally saw my six pack, which had been hiding from me the whole time. I have since gone on to add eight lbs of lean muscle. The Kiwi’s advice is simple and easy to follow. And it works; at 36-years-old, I feel stronger, healthier and more energetic than ever.”

— James SwanwickTV Anchor (ESPN Sportscenter Australia) and Entrepreneur

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“Athletic Greens has become an instant favorite at Cressey Performance not only because of its high nutritional value, but also because it’s the only greens product on the market that doesn’t make our athletes gag!  It’s also very comforting to Eric Cressey

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product is not intended to be a substitute or replacement for any drug, surgery, or any other medical treatment. Seek the advice of a competent health care professional for your specific health concerns. Individual results may vary.

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wouldn’t believe, and yes, I am a proud, proud Kiwi.

Forgetting Athletic Greens® for a moment …

I sincerely hope you implement the 5 Steps I gave you in the 30 Days to Super Health in part one.

You need to do this to ensure you are on the fast track to phenomenal health, and yes, a ripped mid-section will follow.

Do that 30 day protocol FIRST, it is the most important nutritional step you will ever take.

Chapter 8The End? Or … Is It Your

New Beginning? You’ve seen the “back story” behind my life … how I

almost DIED from malnourishment and how that set me on an unstoppable quest for Nutritional Insurance …

You know the facts now: that as many as 40% of the US population is also suffering from this “hidden” mal-nourishment condition (often manifesting itself in the symptoms you know and recognize) …

You now know exactly what foods are compounding your problems … destroying your gut health … and … how to fight the “Four Dark Horsemen of Poor Health and Disease” …

You also know which foods to put BACK into your diet

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Via Facebook …

know that our athletes are getting high quality, affordable, and effective supplementation from a reputable source that’s stringently tested for purity.  I can’t recommend the product highly enough.”

— Eric Cressey, MA, CSCS President, Cressey PerformanceHudson, MA

“Chris!! Just wanted to THANK YOU for developing this MIRACLE product!! I have only been on it for 3 days and have already seen a substantial difference in terms of my energy and gastro symptoms — I LOVE IT!!! Now to share this good news with my family and friends :)” — Stacey Sheret, Alberta Canada

“In February this year I had my 21st birthday party — I had to leave my

own party early because I was feeling tired and I had a migraine.

My doctors told me I had chronic severe migraines and so I took a lot of medication. That is not all these Doctors told me though. I had just been diagnosed with pre-diabetes, was technically obese at 38% body-fat, I had horrible dimples everywhere, and had a permanent

REAL PHOTO! This photo was taken of me in my smallest shorts, shorts I could barely squeeze into just 8

weeks earlier — and I am ashamed to say that I was “muffin-

topping” them! ( continued … )( continued … )

Laura’s Amazing Story

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product is not intended to be a substitute or replacement for any drug, surgery, or any other medical treatment. Seek the advice of a competent health care professional for your specific health concerns. Individual results may vary.

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( Laura’s story, continued … )

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product is not intended to be a substitute or replacement for any drug, surgery, or any other medical treatment. Seek the advice of a competent health care professional for your specific health concerns. Individual results may vary.

red rash over most of my lower body, which they told me was because my skin was very sensitive to depilation.

I was going to the gym for an hour and half 5 days a week, and eating exactly according to a registered dietitian’s advice, lots of “healthy whole grains” and food from all the “food” groups. I just kept getting fatter, didn’t have much energy, and with a family full of fat and sick Aunts and Uncles, I thought this was just going to be my lot in life.

One weekend, while stopping to gasp for breath walking up the side of a hill (which was a common occurrence for me), I had a conversation with a friend of a friend, named Chris, who was walking in our group.

He was from New Zealand, had a funny accent and I later learned was called “Chris the Kiwi”. Chris asked me a series of questions, seemed shocked at my age, and after hearing my answers, told me that I was on a fast track to disaster! But that my genetics had a very different plan for me than the one I was following, and that he would like to help me realize it.

His offer was simple, eat his way for four weeks, if I liked what happened, continue, if I didn’t, then I could stop. You have nothing to lose, he said. I decided to try it out ... at four weeks did I continue? You better believe it! It is so easy!

By week 8, when I took that photo in my jean shorts, I had lost 7 inches around my hips! I had gone from 38% body fat to 19% body fat. I had abs, my skin was radiant,

( Laura’s story, continued … )

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Dimples everywhere!

to fortify your health …

And you know that while supplements aren’t necessary … extra Nutritional Insurance never hurts!

You know I invested millions of dollars of my own money and YEARS of my life into developing the ulti-mate nutritional insurance product Athletic Greens®

But what you may not know yet is:

You Can Try Athletic Greens® and If You Don’t Absolutely LOVE it—It’s FREE!

That means you either LOVE it … like THOUSANDS of our customers around the world … OR … you have gotten to use it absolutely FREE.

There’s no risk. No fine print. And I stand 100% be-hind my guarantee with my personal word and full-force of integrity.

As I see it …

That’s right: you are covered by my personal 60 Day, No Questions Asked, Get Your

Money Back — Even If the Bottle is Empty —


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You’re At A Crossroads Now, And There’s Really Only 3 Options …

You can …

Option 1: Bury your head in the sand … ignore your nagging health problems … hope it will al go away on your own … and … totally forget about the 30-day health magic program I exposed you to …

Option 2: Try the 30-day health pro-gram … see and FEEL the results in your life … and also follow a good diet and exercise program (like the one you just bought) … and totally forget about Athletic Greens® … OR …

Option 3: Implement the 30-day health program … enjoy the amazing benefits in your life … and then … supercharge your results by adding Athletic Greens® to your regime … (totally replace 15-20 differ-ent, varied supplements in one convenient, GREAT tasting drink that takes 30 seconds or less to enjoy!

You can give yourself (and your family) the gift of The Ultimate Nutritional Insurance only if you choose Option 3!

I sure do hope that you take me up on this offer and choose the third option … but … no matter what you

no sign anywhere of that stupid rash (caused by dairy and gluten!) and I cannot believe how much energy I have, and it lasts all day long.

I don’t get migraines anymore, ever. I sometimes find it hard to believe the body that I have now, the clothes I am comfortable wearing, the compliments I get, not just on how I look, but on how happy and energetic I am. Even friends I have known my whole life do not recognize me, and tell me how happy and confident I seem. They have NO idea! That is the best part — the confidence. I have never felt happier or more confident than I do now.

I challenge YOU to try Chris the Kiwi’s eating rules for 30 days. After all, you have nothing to lose, and your genes really DO have a better plan for you than the one we are forcing them to live with.”

( Laura’s story, continued … )

“Thank you! I love your products and I have all of my closest people on Athletic Greens. Some of

which I buy for them! I want them to be healthy and I know that the junk (supplements) they were taking were causing more harm than good.” — Tina Canney

Via Facebook …

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product is not intended to be a substitute or replacement for any drug, surgery, or any other medical treatment. Seek the advice of a competent health care professional for your specific health concerns. Individual results may vary.

“I’ve been on Athletic Greens for over 2 1/2

months now and I couldn’t be more impressed. I had major nutritional deficien-cies from my chemo about 7 months ago for type 2 gesticular cancer, so I

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— Laura Agudelo

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choose I wish you the ABSOLUTE best.

And I THANK you for reading this long … yet (hopefully) … informative report.

I believe happiness starts with phenomenal health.

And for that I have a mantra.

“100% Focus on Happiness”

All my best,

Chris “the Kiwi”

Health Advocate and Author, CEO and Co-Founder, Athletic Greens®

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Athletic Greens® works wonders for healthy eaters of all ages!


Athletic Greens® is produced in a state-of-the-art facility and adheres to all standards of Good Manufacturing Practice Every serving contains the necessary ingredients to fuel your cells.

Our unique processing ensures Athletic Greens® is free of impurities and remains in optimum freshness and quality condition. You can feel free to order up to two year’s worth of Athletic Greens® to save money.

— Athletic Greens®

Quality Assurance Technicians

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This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product is not intended to be a substitute or replacement for any drug, surgery, or any other medical treatment. Seek the advice of a competent health care professional for your specific health concerns. Individual results may vary.

started taking Athletic Greens to feel better and now I’m back up to normal bodyweight … and have even had the energy to begin working out again despite my damage to my heart and lungs from chemo!

I still am growing stronger by the day, and I feel less hungry, have put on just the tight amount of weight; no fat! I’m almost all muscle, and that aside, I can actually run and workout again! So I say to others, please at least try this product — you’ll never look back, plus gluten is basically a poison to the human body and I go out of my way to avoid it, just having seen what celiacs looks like in bossess and freinds. So viva the Kiwi and Viva Athletic Greens and yes, they really do have all that good stuff in each scoop of each bottle.”

— Ross Brocksay Helena, Alabama