React Native: Developing an app similar to Uber in JavaScript

Post on 21-Mar-2017

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Transcript of React Native: Developing an app similar to Uber in JavaScript

React Native

Developing an app similar to Uber in JavaScript

Caio AriedeFull Stack Developer at


Topics● ECMAScript 6 (es6)● React● React Native● Develop an app similar to Uber

ES 62015


ES6: Modules// lib/math.js

export function sum (x, y) { return x + y }

export var pi = 3.141593

// someApp.js

import * as math from "lib/math"

console.log("2π = " + math.sum(math.pi, math.pi))

ES6: Classesclass Circle extends Shape {

constructor (id, x, y, radius) {

super(id, x, y)

this.radius = radius




React: JSX

const element = (

<h1 className="greeting">

Hello, world!



React: Componentsclass Welcome extends React.Component {

render() {

return <h1>Welcome, {}</h1>;



// <Welcome name="Fulano" />

React: Stateclass Counter extends React.Component {

state = {counter: 0}

onClick() {

this.setState({counter: this.state.counter+1})


render() {

return <div>


<button onClick={this.onClick}>add</button>




React: VirtualDOM

Component VirtualDOM DOM (Browser)


React Native

React Native: Who uses?

React Native: Features

● Native apps (native UI components)● No need to recompile every time● Reusable code for iOS and Android (80%)● Communication with native functions

○ Objective-C, Java


Idea: App similar to Uber

● Login with Facebook● Geolocation (passenger)● Real-time updates (drivers)● Trace/display route● Nearest driver

Using only JavaScript


Getting Started

● npm install -g react-native-cli

● react-native init UberProject● react-native run-ios

Project dependencies

● firebase: backend/database● react-native-fbsdk: login with facebook● react-native-maps: native map components● geofire: location queries● mapbox: calculate routes

Firebase: what's?

● Backend as a service● Real-time database● Handles authentication

○ oAuth, Facebook, Google, etc.

Firebase: authentication

OAuth token

Check token

LoginonClick() {

LoginManager.logInWithReadPermissions(['public_profile']).then(result => {

if (!result.isCancelled) {

} else {

console.log('login: user cancelled')




onClick() {

LoginManager.logInWithReadPermissions(['public_profile']).then(result => {

if (!result.isCancelled) {

AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken().then(tokenResult => {

return auth.signInWithCredential(


}).catch(err => console.log('login error: ' + err))

} else {

console.log('login: user cancelled')




Idea: App similar to Uber

● Login with Facebook √● Geolocation (passenger)● Real-time updates (drivers)● Trace/display route● Nearest driver

Mapclass Map extends Component {

state = {

passengerPosition: {latitude: 0, longitude: 0},


render() {

return (


<Marker coordinate={this.state.passengerPosition} />





watchPassenger() {

const positionOptions = {

enableHighAccuracy: true,


navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(pos => {

this.updatePassengerPosition({latitude: pos.latitude,

longitude: pos.longitude})

}, positionOptions)


updatePassengerPosition(passengerPosition) {




Saving location to FirebaseupdatePassengerPosition(passengerPosition) {


const user = firebase.database().ref('users/' + this.userId)



Idea: App similar to Uber

● Login with Facebook √● Geolocation (passenger) √● Real-time updates (drivers)● Trace/display route● Nearest driver

Real-time updates of driverswatchDrivers() {

firebase.database().ref('drivers').on('child_changed', data => {

let drivers = this.state.drivers

drivers[] = {id: data.key, position}




Displaying drivers on maprenderDrivers() {

return => (

<Marker key={} coordinate={driver.position}

image={carIcon} />



Idea: App similar to Uber

● Login with Facebook √● Geolocation (passenger) √● Real-time updates (drivers) √● Trace/display route● Nearest driver

Destinationclass SetDestination extends MapMixin {

constructor(props) {

this.state.destinationPosition = randomPosition(

props.passengerPosition, 500) // 500 meters


renderDestinationPosition() {

return <Marker draggable image={markerIcon}

coordinate={this.state.destinationPosition} />



Trace routecalculateRoute() {

const mode = 'driving'

const origin = buildLngLat(this.state.pickupPosition)

const destination = buildLngLat(this.state.destinationPosition)

const accessToken = this.mapBoxAccessToken

const url = buildMapBoxUrl(mode, origin, destination, accessToken)

fetch(url).then(response => response.json()).then(json => {

this.setState({route: getCoordinates(json)})

}).catch(e => {




Display routerenderRoute() {

return (

<MapView.Polyline strokeWidth={4}



this.state.destinationPosition]} />



Idea: App similar to Uber

● Login with Facebook √● Geolocation (passenger) √● Real-time updates (drivers) √● Trace/display route √● Nearest driver



key1: 37,-122

key2: lat, lng

key3: lat, lng

geoFire.set("key1", [37, -122])

listener geoquery

lat, lngraio


lat, lngraio

Notify current geoqueries

Nearest driverlet radius = 0.1 // 100m

let currentLocation = [




let geoQuery = this.geoFire.query({center: currentLocation, radius})

let driversFound = []

geoQuery.on('key_entered', (key, location, distance) => {

driversFound.push({key, location, distance})



Nearest driverwatchDriversFound() {

if (driversFound.length === 0) {

geoQuery.updateCriteria({radius: radius + 0.1})

} else {

let minDistance = -1, nearestDriver = null

driversFound.forEach(driver => {

if (driver.distance < minDistance || minDistance === -1)

minDistance = driver.distance, nearestDriver = driver


this.setState({nearestDriver: driver})



Idea: App similar to Uber

● Login with Facebook √● Geolocation (passenger) √● Real-time updates (drivers) √● Trace/display route √● Nearest driver √



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