
Post on 24-Mar-2016

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Re-designing everyday objects to celebrate the activity of sharing

Transcript of Re-innovation

T o o l s For

S h a r i n g

‘Tools for sharing’ is a concept that has developed under the notion that sharing takes direction from interaction and communication between one or more people. It was this aspect of sharing that lead to the development of this simple set of stationary, as the initial idea was to fi nd a product that would aid communication through small groups. This idea then developed to how communication could be assisted through visual communication processes including photos, sketches or detailed drawings. After developing a few Ideas the stationary set stood out as an effi cient way to answer the brief as the driving idea was that stationary is a simple and yet effective way to communicate between one or more people. This may be done though writing of letters, quick notes, rough sketches or detailed drawings. All of these methods use a pen or pencil as a tool to communicate the thoughts or ideas with in someone’s mind.

Although pens and pencils are generic everyday objects that are used to communicate betweenpeople the results that are achieved can be subtly different. This is due to personal interaction between the user and the pen or pencil. With these subtleties in mind the links to an industrial setting and personal interaction were considered when designing the set. One aspect of the design that uses subtleties and human interaction is the pocket clip that references the type of pen or pencil in side. Other subtleties that are used in the design include the hexagon shape referencing traditional wooden pencils but also provides comfortable griping points. The main industrial links are shown in the chosen material and fi nishes, as the steel and knurled grip gives andndustrial feel but also a sleek feel by applying a satin or polished fi nish to the steel components.

