
Post on 22-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Ras

Remote Access Services

How Dial-Up Network Access Works Dial-up clients make a temporary connection to a remote access server by Using a telecommunications provider

Components of a Dial-Up Connection

How a VPN Connection Works A VPN extends a private network across shared or public networks, such as the Internet

Components of a VPN Connection

Standard Authentication Protocols

side RAS server:Steps:Start -> setting -> control panel -> phone and

modem options

1-configure modem:

select modems ->

chick add -> [√] don’t detect ->

select com cable b/w 2 comp->

next ->select com1 -> next -> finish.

side RAS client :2-configure modem :Steps:Start -> -> setting -> control panel -> phone and modem options

select modems ->

chick add -> [√] don’t detect ->

select com cable b/w 2 comp->

next ->select com1 -> next -> finish.

side RAS server:3-configure as RAS server:Steps:Start -> program -> tools-> remote access ->right click on the system name select remote access -> next -> select “dialup” ->

-> next -> network “” -> next -> select from the specify range ip address-> next

-> click new -> give any range -> next -> select no -> next -> finish. Click ok.

In client RSA:--> to establish connection right click my network places-> properties ->

-> double click new connection wizard

-> next -> select dialup -> next ->

-> give any name -> next

give the ip address -> next -> next -> next -> finish.


In lab :- -> Select setup advanced connection -> next ->

-> Next -> connect to directory to another computer -> next

-> Guest -> next

-> give any name -> next

-> Communication cable between two cable -> next ->

-> Any one use

-> Next -> finish.5- Open active directory user and computer -> right click user -> properties --> dial in -> allow access -> ok

side RAS server:6- dialup

(RAS)client:7-Ping reply 8-Ping

11-VPN connection double click new connection wizard -> next -> Connect to network place ->next -> VPN

next give any name -> next ->

give the IP address of the RAS server 13.1-> next -> next finish .

RAS server :10- Check the option in user properties-> dial in -> call back option