Ramirez ventura

Post on 26-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Ramirez ventura

School of Agriculture of North Easten

EANOR Name: Jhonatan Estuardo Ramirez ventura

Grade: 5to Agronomy

Section: “B”

Work: Agronomic Vocabulary

Date: 15-01-15

Fertilizante- fertilizer:plants need fertilizer

Cultivo- cultivation: is a corn

Clima- weather: the weather is warm

Pilones- pylons: Pylons are very effective

Tractor-tractor: the tractor is great

Caballo-Horse: The horse is working

Hortalizas-Vegetables: Vegetables are healthy

Surco- Grove: the groove is to work

Suelo-Soil: the soil is very profitable

Piocha- pickax: The goatee is widely used

Pala- shovel:the blade is a working tool

Cerdos- Pig: pigs are farm animals

Bovinos- cattle: Dairy cattle are

Arbol-Tree: trees are part of nature

Peces-fish: fish grow faster

Rastrillo- Rake: the rake is very useful

Machete-machete: machete serves to clean

Maleza-brush: weeds compete with the crop

Conejos- Rabbit: rabbits are good project

Umbráculo- umbraculum: the shade house is very resistant