Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences...

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Rajiv Gandhi University Of Health Sciences, Karnataka, Bangalore.


1. Name of the Candidate and Address Ms. ARYA. K.S





MYSORE- 570010.

2. Name of the Institution Gopala Gowda Shanthaveri Memorial College Of Nursing, Mysore

3. Course of study and subject 1st Year M.Sc Nursing,Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing

4. Date of admission to course 28/06/2012

5. Title of the Topic: “The Effectiveness of Lavender oil Sitz Bath on Healing of Episiotomy Wound Among Primiparae.”

6. Brief resume of the intended work:

6.1 Need for study

6.2 Review of literature

6.3 Objectives of study

6.4 Operational definitions

6.5 Hypotheses of study

6.6 Assumptions

6.7 Delimitations of study

6.8 Pilot study

6.9 Variables










7. Materials and methods:

7.1 Source of data- The data will be collected from primiparae with episiotomy wound in

selected hospitals at Mysore.

7.2Methods of data collection- the study will be conducted after obtaining permission from

concerned hospital authorities. Consent will be obtained from primiparae with episiotomy

wound. Episiotomy wound will be assessed with REEDA scale for both groups . Experimental

group will be administered with lavender oil sitz bath and for control group lavender oil sitz

bath will not administer . The effectiveness of lavender oil sitz bath in healing of episiotomy

wound will be assessed in experimental group and will be comparing the effectiveness of

lavender oil sitz bath among experimental and control group.

7.3Does the study require any investigations or interventions to be conducted on patients or

other human or animals?

YES, Lavender oil sitz bath to be administered to primiparae with episiotomy wound.

7.4Has ethical clearance being obtained from your institution if the above?

YES, ethical committee’s report is here with enclosed.

8. List of references Enclosed

Rajiv Gandhi University Of Health Sciences, Karnataka, Bangalore.


1 Name of the candidate and







2 Name of the Institution Gopala Gowda Shanthaveri Memorial College Of Nursing.

3 Course of study and subject M.Sc. Nursing 1st Year,

Obstetrics And Gynaecological Nursing

4 Date of admission to course 28/06/2012

5 Title of the topic “The Effectiveness of Lavender Oil Sitz Bath on Healing of

Episiotomy Wound Among Primiparae.”



“Sometimes the strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws”.

___Barbara Kingsolver

Motherhood is a beautiful process whereby the mother safely delivers a child .It is the magic of creation.

Care must be given to ensure safe childbirth. Safe motherhood initiative announced in 1987 had set targets to

reduce maternal mortality rate by 50% in one decade.

Labour is defined as a “series of events that take place in the genital organs in an effort to expel the viable

products of conception out of the womb through the vagina into the outer world”. Labour passes mainly through

four stages of which first stage lasts for 12 hours in primigravidae and 6 hours in multi Para. The second stage

lasts for 2 hours in primigravidae and 30 minutes in multipara. The third stage lasts for 15 minutes in both

primigravidae and in multipara. The fourth stage is called as an observational phase lasting for at least 1hour in

both mother and baby in multipara and primigravida.1

Midwives have cared for women during childbirth for thousands of years. The meaning of the word

midwife is "with woman," and the midwife's role is to offer supportive care to the expectant mother. In general,

midwives use fewer interventions than obstetricians and place greater trust in birth as a normal process.2

During labour, midwives can literally play a vital role they will be there throughout the birth to reassure

the parents, administer pain relief, encourage the mother with her breathing, talk her through the different stages

of labour and eventually deliver the baby. After the baby has been born, the midwife will continue to care for the

mother and baby.3

Most women have some degree of discomfort during the first few postpartum days because of

episiotomy . An episiotomy also known as perineotomy, is a surgically planned incision on the perineum and the

posterior vaginal wall during second stage of labor. The incision, which can be midline or at an angle from the

posterior end of the vulva, is performed under  local anesthetic , and is sutured closed after delivery. It is one of

the most common medical procedures performed on women, and although its routine use in childbirth has

steadily declined in recent decades, it is still widely practiced in many parts of the world including Latin

America, Poland, Bulgaria, India and Qatar.4

Episiotomy is done as prophylaxis against soft-tissue-trauma. Vaginal tears can occur during childbirth,

most often at the vaginal opening as the baby's head passes through, especially if the baby descends quickly.

Tears can involve the perineal skin or extend to the muscles and the anal sphincter and anus. The midwife or

obstetrician may decide to make a surgical cut to the perineum with scissors or scalpel to make the baby's birth

easier and prevent severe tears that can be difficult to repair. The cut is repaired with stitches. Some childbirth

facilities have a policy of routine episiotomy4.

The indications of episiotomy are when there is a serious risk to the mother of second or third degree

tearing ,in cases where a natural delivery is adversely affected, but a Caesarean section is not indicated, 'Natural'

tearing will cause an increased risk of maternal disease being vertically transmitted, the baby is very large, when

perineal muscles are excessively rigid, when instrumental delivery is indicated, when a woman has undergone

Female Genital Mutilation, indicating the need for an anterior and or mediolateral episiotomy, prolonged late

decelerations or fetal bradycardia during active pushing, The baby's shoulders are stuck or shoulder dystocia , or

a bony association 4.

There are mainly four types of episiotomy. Medio-lateral: The incision is made downward and outward

from midpoint of fourchette either to right or left. It is directed diagonally in straight line which runs about

2.5 cm away from the anus. Median: The incision commences from centre of the fourchette and extends on

posterior side along midline for 2.5 cm. Lateral: The incision starts from about 1 cm away from the centre of

fourchette and extends laterally. 'J' shaped: The incision begins in the centre of the fourchette and is directed

posteriorly along midline for about 1.5 cm and then directed downwards and outwards along 5 or 7 o'clock

position to avoid the anal sphincter. This is also not done widely4.

The first episiotomy was reported in 1741, being suggested as a way to prevent severe perineal tears. The

worldwide rate of episiotomy increased dramatically in the early 1900's, coinciding with the move from women

giving birth at home to having their baby in a hospital. This is when physicians became more involved in the

normal, uncomplicated birth process5.

A descriptive scale known as the REEDA scale (Davidson, 1974) measuring five components associated

with the healing process, graded 0–3 points, using direct measurement and observation, was used. The acronym

REEDA is derived from five components that have been identified to be associated with the healing process.

These are: redness, edema , ecchymosis , discharge and approximation of skin edges. Each category is assessed

and a number assigned for a total REEDA score ranging from 0–15. The higher scores indicate increased tissue

trauma. This tool appears to be the first systematic attempt to evaluate postpartum healing, which acknowledges

the need for a standardized assessment tool independent of the severity of the perineal injury6.

Nowadays alternative and complementary methods such as Aromatherapy using essential oils are

established as an alternative therapy for episiotomy. It is used increasingly and Lavender oil is frequently

prescribed due to its antiseptic and healing properties.7 Lavender is native to the Mediterranean region. It was

used in ancient Egypt as part of the process for mummifying bodies. Lavender's use as a bath additive originated

in Persia, Greece, and Rome. The herb's name comes from the Latin lavare, which means " to wash " and it was

used as an antiseptic.8

Spanish lavender (Lavandula stoechas) has a long history of traditional medicinal use. Constituents of

lavender (Lavandula spp.) essential oil have anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antibacterial effects, including

activity against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, as well as pathogenic fungi.9

Sitz bath is the form of water bath and it is also called a ‘hip bath’, which is coming back into popularity

as a low risk. Sitz bath-term comes from the German verb “sitzen” meaning ‘to sit’. The sitz bath is a European

tradition in which only the pelvis and abdominal area are placed in the water .It helps for women after child birth

whether or not had an episiotomy. The lavender oil sitz bath helps for better pereneal wound healing.

Midwives have an important role to play in the care of perineal wounds following childbirth. A wide

variety of practices are carried out in this area. However, midwives must realize the relevance of their care and

potential impact, both positive and negative of advocated treatment in wound healing. The maintenance of

effective pain relief must be balanced with the need to promote wound healing.


Postpartum period is the period during which the woman adjusts, physically and psychologically post

pregnancy and birth. It is the period after the end of labour during which the attendance of a midwife upon the

woman and baby is required, being not less than 10days and for a longer period if the midwife considers it

necessary . An arbitrary time frame divides the period into the immediate postpartum (first 24 hours), early

postpartum (first week) and late postpartum (second to sixth weeks). The main goal in postpartum care are to

assist and support the woman's recovery to the pre pregnant state.10

Episiotomy is the most common perineal incision in obstetric and midwifery. The rate of episiotomy is on

the decline in developed countries but still remains high in developing countries. Episiotomy is a widely

performed intervention in childbirth .It is a surgical incision in the perineum to enlarge the vaginal opening for

birth. It is being performed for nearly 250 years , the use of this procedure remains highly controversial. It is one

of the only surgical procedures to be performed without the patient's specific consent.11

Episiotomy is used widely today because it prevents lacerations, heals better, easier to repair than a ragged

tear, allows for easier and safer regression of the head thereby preventing possible brain damage reduced

incidence of uterine prolapsed in subsequent deliveries. If performed before, tissues are overstretched, shortens

the second stage of labour and it may prevent painful haemorrhoids . It is also performed for a majority of

forceps deliveries especially in ATC (Axis traction forceps) and also with breech and face deliveries12.

The world health organization has taken a clear stand against routine episiotomy. The episiotomy

infections are preventable and can be reduced by practicing clean delivery and effective postnatal care. Midwives

have an important role in the care of episiotomy wound after child births.

Perineal trauma is a common occurrence in childbirth, with up to 50-60% of women needing stitches after

a vaginal delivery. Over 85% of birthing women will sustain perineal trauma. Approximately 70% of these

women will experience a degree of perineal trauma that requires repair. Such damage can have an impact on the

woman’s short term and long term health. Failure to recognize the extent of the trauma, an incorrect repair and

inadequate management during and after the repair may contribute to major physical, psychological and social


Daily attention should be directed to the episiotomy. Any evidence of infection is then promptly acted on

to avoid such serious complications as necrotizing fasciitis. An episiotomy is a wound, and its care parallels that

of any other wound. The perineum needs to be kept clean and dry. Unlike most wounds, cleanliness is made

difficult by defecation and micturition. Daily cleansing with soap and water is helpful in keeping the area clean

and free from secretions. A squeeze bottle of water to irrigate the perineum has also been found to be helpful for

maintaining cleanliness as well as for providing comfort. The use of sitz baths has been long advocated in the

relief of perineal pain and wound care.14

A study was conducted to verify the evaluation of lavender oil effect on perineal pain and episiotomy

wound healing in 100 primiparous women with term pregnancies requiring surgical repair of episiotomy

following a normal and spontaneous delivery. The effectiveness was assessed for perineal pain by VAS and

wound healing by REEDA scale at first 24 hrs , 3 rd, 5th and 7th day postpartum. The data was analyzed with chi-

square, mann-withny u and t-test and analysis in spss. There was no significant differences in perineal pain at

first 24 hrs postpartum between two group (P=0.78), but perineal pain at 3 rd (P=0.035), 5th (p=0.0) and 10th

( P=0.04) days postpartum was less in experimental group. In wound healing there was no significant difference

between two groups at 3rd day postpartum (P=0.170) but at 5th day (0.002), and 10th day (P=0.0) there was a

significant difference between two group. The study concluded that the application of lavender oil was

effective in relieving perineal pain and episiotomy wound healing.15

The mechanism of action of lavender oil is absorption through the skin. The molecules of essential oils

and carrier oils are small enough to permeate through the skin barrier. Skin absorption can be via massage, bath,

foot bath and hot or cold compresses. The molecules will be absorbed easily into the skin within 20- 40 min

depending on the chemical nature of the oil.16

Lavender oil Sitz bath is a simple and it has not any side effects ,cost effective and easy method of

treating episiotomy wound healing in the hospital as well as in home settings. As its takes less time, sitz bath is

not a routine practice in our ward settings in spite of it being cost effective and less time consuming. During this

procedure care giver can talk and communicate with the mothers which may reduce the fear and may increases

comfort, during the postnatal days. The postnatal mother can do this independently in the home setting also when

they get discharged from the hospitals following the delivery.

The researcher had observed episiotomy wound after episiotomy in primiparae. Hence the researcher felt

that there is an effect of lavender oil sitz bath among primiparae on healing of episiotomy wound. Considering

all the factors there is a need of lavender oil sitz bath among primiparae with episiotomy wound.


A study was conducted ‘on population based study of episiotomy’ to estimate episiotomy rate in a rural

population and to find out if higher episiotomy rate is associated with place of delivery and category of health

care provider. Samples Included 442 mothers who had vaginal delivery. Cluster sampling was used to select the

study sample. Information about episiotomy during last child birth and other details were obtained by personal

interview and from available medical records. Overall results of episiotomy rate was 67%. For women whose

delivery was conducted by doctors the episiotomy rate was 77.4% and conducted by nurses it was 53.1%.

Episiotomy rate was very high that is 91.8% when delivery was conducted in private medical college hospitals.

Adjusted odds ratio for episiotomy was 38 when doctors conducted delivery compared to trained birth attendants

and 8.9 when delivery was conducted at private medical college hospitals compared to primary health centre.

Hence the study concluded that Episiotomy rate in the study population is high. Probably similar high rates are

found in other parts of India.17

A study was conducted on “relative frequency and predictors of episiotomy” to determine the rate and

risk factors for episiotomies .This retrospective study extracted information on age, occupation, parity, type of

vaginal delivery, birth weight of the newborn, and episiotomy status from the case notes of 280 patients and

analysed it using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 13. The episiotomy rate was 34.3% in the

present study. The rate of episiotomy decreased with parity, with the nulliparous having the highest rate 62.2%.

The rate was higher among those who had assisted delivery 80.0% than spontaneous vertex delivery. The

episiotomy rate at this centre is high 34.3% in comparison to the recommended 10% by the World Health

Organization. Nulliparity and assisted vaginal delivery appear to be the risk factors for episiotomy in this


A cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the rates and to describe the risk factors

for episiotomy and perineal tears in low-risk primigravidae. and number and degree of perineal tears the subjects

were 40 consecutive low risk primigravidae in each hospital. A large proportion of women 83 %experienced

some form of perineal trauma. 40% of the women had an episiotomy only, 6% an episiotomy and perineal tear,

and 37% perineal or other tears without episiotomy. The main reasons for performing an episiotomy were foetal

distress 27%, impending tear 25% and delay of the second stage of labour 21%. Episiotomy rates varied

appreciably throughout regions and hospitals in the United Kingdom, ranging from 26 to 67%.The study was

concluded that the rates of episiotomy in women from the Indian sub-continent and Orient were very high

compared with those for white women.19

A quasi experimental study was conducted to evaluate the effect of self perineal care instructions on

episiotomy pain and wound healing of postpartum women by applying an ice pack, moist or dry or topical

applications, cleansing the perineum with a squeeze bottle and taking a warm shower or a sitz bath. A total of 80

postpartum women (experimental and control groups each group consisted of 40 women) were recruited

randomly for the study from the postpartum ward. Tools used for data collection consisted of interviewing sheet,

the numerical rating scale (NRS) , the standardized REEDA Scale and follow up sheet. The Results was

revealed that statistically significant reduction in the level of perineal pain at 4, 24, & 48 hours and seven days

postpartum between the two groups. A highly statistical significant difference between groups in relation to the

interference of pain with walking, sitting, and urination at 24 & 48 hours, and at seven days postpartum and the

reduction in the REEDA scores of wound healing in experimental group as compared to control group. The

study concluded that, women who received and practice self perineal care instructions on episiotomy pain and

wound healing during postpartum period have, lower the level of postpartum episiotomy pain scores10.

A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of aromatherapy, on postpartum mother's perineal

healing. The research design was clinical trial and the subjects of this experiment were postpartum mothers who

delivered vaginally with an episiotomy. The methods of aromatherapy were applied sitz bath or soap

application using essential oils with Lavender, Myrrh, Neroli, Rose, Grapefruit, Mandarin, Orange, and Roman

Chamomile. They were allocated to one of 3 groups; the aroma-sitz bath group, aroma-soap application group

or control group. The perineal healing status was measured using the REEDA scale and smears of episiotomy

wound were obtained. The data were analyzed by ANOVA, ANCOVA, chi2-test. The REEDA scale was

significantly low in the experimental group at postpartum 5th and 7th days (P=.009, P=.003). Most were

observed 'few'; 5-10 bacteria per field bacteria in the smears of episiotomy wound. The one bacteria was

identified in the 50.8% of subjects in pretest and two bacteria in the 60.3% in posttest. Most frequently identified

bacteria were Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecalis. The findings indicated that postpartum aromatherapy

for perineal care could be effective in healing the perineum20.

A study was conducted, for the use of lavender oil for perineal healing, on 635 women using lavender oil

and placebo following normal vaginal delivery for perineal healing. In this study mean discomfort score was

lower in women using lavender oil, and with no significant side effects reported, individuals in the lavender

group and 17 of the control group had no pain at all which was not significantly different between the groups. 31

individuals (51.7%) in the lavender group and 13 individuals (21.7%) in the control group had no redness (p =

0.001). Edema more than 2 cm was not observed in the lavender group. The study concluded that “use of

lavender oil for perineal healing is effective”. 9

A study was conducted to assess the effect of lavender essential oil bath compared to povidone iodine

treatment on episiotomy wound healing. 120 primiparae women with singleton pregnancies had received medio

lateral episiotomies during spontaneous vaginal deliveries, without any acute and chronic disease and allergy.

They were in 2 groups, 60 with lavender oil and 60 control group with Povidone-iodine. The lavender oil

took sitz bath with 5-7 drops of lavender essential oil in 4 L of water for 10 days. The control group received

Povidone-iodine antiseptic .On the 10th day after child birth the control and lavender oil group had no pain

(0.063), no redness (0.001). They concluded that lavender oil is more suitable therapy for episiotomy wound

care. The results showed that using lavender sitz bath had a similar experience of those using povidone-iodine

antiseptic in treating episiotomy pain , edema , and preventing infections. Though lavender oil is more effective

in treating redness16.

A study was conducted in 60 qualified primiparous women admitted for labour. They were randomly

categorized into two groups: case group using with  Lavender oil and control that using with hospital protocol.

Participants pain and discomfort were recorded using a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and a Redness, Edema,

Ecchymosis, Discharge Scale (REEDA). Pain was evaluated at 4 h, 12 h and 5 days following episiotomy.

Collected data was analyzed in SPSS 14 using an independent t-test and chi-square. There was a statistical

difference in pain intensity scores between the 2 groups after 4 h (p = 0.002, and 5 days (p = 0.000)

after episiotomy and the REEDA score was significantly lower in the experimental group 5 days after

episiotomy (p = 0.000). They concluded that use of Lavender oil essence can be effective in reducing perineal

discomfort following episiotomy. It was suggested that Lavender oil essence may be preferably to the use of

betadine for episiotomy wound care7.

A study was conducted to investigate the effect of lavender oil essence on post-episiotomy pain in

primiparae involved 60 qualified primiparae women admitted for labour. They were randomly allocated into two

groups: cases (bathing in lavender essence) and controls (receiving the hospital routine). For 5 days after labour

case mothers were given essential oil of lavender (twice a day each time 6 drops in 5 liters of water) and control

mothers were given the hospital; routine (betadine) for bathing in. The data were collected through demographic

data questionnaire, analgesic checklist and visual analog scale of pain. The participant’s pain was recorded on

the VAS scale 4 hours 12 hours and 5 days after episiotomy. The results were revealed that two groups did not

show any significant differences as for their demographic data and variables of the study. Mean pain intensity in

the lavender and Betadine groups were 2.7±1.7 and 4.23±1.59 respectively which shifted to 2.43±1.94 and

4.60±1.79 respectively 5 days after surgery; the difference came out to be significant21.


1. To assess the condition of episiotomy wound among primiparae in the experimental and control group

by using REEDA Scale.

2. To administer lavender oil sitz bath to the experimental group.

3. To evaluate the effectiveness of lavender oil sitz bath among experimental and control group.

4. To compare the condition of episiotomy wound in experimental and control group.

5. To find out the association between status of episiotomy wound and selected demographic variables

like age, pereneal hygiene ,educational status among experimental and control group.


a) Assess: Refers to the s process of observing the condition of episiotomy wound among primiparae by

using REEDA scale.

b) Effectiveness: Refers to the extent to which lavender oil has produced desirable effect on healing of

episiotomy wound as measured by (Davidsons 1974) REEDA scale.

c) Lavender Oil: Refers to a commercially available oil which is extracted from the fresh flowers of the

lavender plant and used for healing of episiotomy wound.

d) Sitz Bath: Refers to the immersion of perineal area or buttocks are in 4 liter of warm water having a

temperature of 105 to 110 0 F added with 5 drops of lavender oil for 15-20 minutes twice a day for 5

days .

e) Healing: Refers to the absence of redness, edema, ecchymosis, discharge and well approximated

episiotomy wound and recorded as 1-5 score on REEDA scale after administration of lavender oil sitz


f) Episiotomy Wound: Refers to planned surgical incision made on lateral and posterior vaginal wall

during vaginal delivery which has been sutured and manifested as loss of tissue and skin integrity.

g) Primiparae: Refers to women who had a normal or instrumental vaginal delivery for the first time with

viable outcome.


H1:-There is a significant difference between the condition of episiotomy wound before and after lavender

oil sitz bath administration among experimental group.

H2: There is a significant difference between the condition of episiotomy wound among experimental

group and control group.

H3: There is a significant association between condition of episiotomy wound and selected demographic

variables among experimental and control group.


The study assumes that:

Administration of lavender oil sitz bath may heal episiotomy wound.


The study is delimited only to primiparae with episiotomy.


The pilot study will be conducted with 20 samples. The purpose is to find out the feasibility for

conducting the study and plan for statistical analysis .


Demographic variables:-age, pereneal hygiene, educational status.

Dependent variable: - condition of episiotomy wound.

Independent variable: - administration of lavender oil sitz bath.



The data will be collected from primiparae with episiotomy wound in selected hospitals at Mysore.


Quasi Experimental Design.


Evaluative Research Approach


Study will be conducted in selected hospitals at Mysore.


Population of study consists of primiparae who have undergone normal or instrumental vaginal delivery

with episiotomy at selected hospitals at Mysore.


After obtaining the permission from concerned hospital authorities and informed consent from

primiparae with episiotomy wound .

LEVEL1: Assess the condition of the episiotomy wound among experimental and control group by

using REEDA scale

LEVEL2: Administration of lavender oil sitz bath to the experimental group.

LEVEL3: Assess the effectiveness of lavender oil sitz bath on healing of episiotomy wound among

experimental group.

LEVEL4: Compare the effectiveness of lavender oil sitz bath among experimental and control group.


Non probability purposive sampling technique is used to select the samples.


The sample size for the study comprises of 60 primiparae in which 30 primiparae in experimental group

and 30 in control group.



Mothers who are primiparae with episiotomy wound.

Mothers who are available at the time of study.


Mothers who have obstetrical complications


Section A: Demographic proforma

Section B: REEDA scale


The data will be analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics.

Descriptive Statistics:

Frequency, percentage distribution, Mean, median and standard deviation will be used.

Inferential Statistics:

Paired ‘t’ test will be used to compare pre-test and post-test condition of episiotomy wound in

experimental group.

Independent ‘t’ test is used to compare the condition of episiotomy wound among primiparae between

experimental and control group.

Chi square test will be used to find the association between condition of episiotomy wound and selected

demographic variables of primiparae among experimental and control group.



YES, Lavender oil sitz bath to be administered to primiparae with episiotomy wound.


YES, ethical committee’s report is here with enclosed.


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9. Signature of the Candidate :

10. Remarks of the Guide :


11.1 Guide :

11.2 Signature :

11.3 Co-Guide (If Any) :

11.4 Signature

11.5 Head of the Department :

11.6 Signature :

12.12.1 Remarks of the Principal :

12.2 Signature :