Rajayoga Course

Post on 17-Jan-2016

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This gives knowledge of soul, rebirths, God, etc and Rajayoga meditation

Transcript of Rajayoga Course

1) INTRODUCTION OF SOUL:-I am not the body, but a soul residing in the body,

using the body or driving the body. I am a soul, tiny divine point of light and might, like a small shining star on my forehead (inside the brain).

The soul has three faculties or organs- MIS(Mind, Intellect and Resolves). Mind is the thinking faculty/power, Intellect is the judging/discriminating power, and Resolves is the balance sheet of the soul.

We create thoughts or think using MIND. The Intellect judges these thoughts – whether they are right or wrong, good or bad, etc. Then we do actions. The effect of actions is recorded in the soul which is similar to bank balance of the soul. It gives the data of how much punya (credit) is there and how much papa/sin (debit) in the soul. What all we accept/think, remember in our intellect- it becomes our sanskaar/resolves. More the duration and intensity, more is the depth of the sanskaar.

The organs of a body can be cut and divided. But, the soul is eternal, immortal, indestructible, and indivisible. Hence we cannot separate Mind or Intellect from the soul. All these- MIS are situated in the tiny point, that is soul.

Till the soul is in the body, body would be alive, warm. Once the soul leaves the body, it becomes cold. We then call it as dead body. But, soul never dies. It leaves one body and enters womb of its new mother and takes rebirth. In this way, a soul comes in cycle of birth and deaths.

Body is a Car. Soul is the Driver.Body is an Instrument. Soul is the Operator.Body is a house. Soul is the Owner/User.

Body is a dress. Soul is the one who wears it.Body is a shoe. Soul is the one who wears.Body is similar to a chariot. Sense organs are like horses. Soul is the rider.

All the nerves of the body are connected to brain. We experience pleasure/pain when signals from these nerves reach brain. Hence soul is situated in brain. In the front view, its place is middle of the forehead. Hence some people(eg- Hindus) put a dot on the forehead.We call someone as – “Oh/Hi great soul, Oh, pure soul, etc”. We never call as “Oh pure body, Oh great body, etc”. This also implies that- we are soul and not the body.

As the resolves, we get our next birth. If our sanskaar is good, our next birth would be good, else bad. For example- if we donate with good intention, then we will get birth in rich family. If we do theft, our next birth can be at beggar’s house.




Some believe those who do bad actions will get birth as animals. But, it is not so. For example- some human beings would be handicapped while getting birth itself. This implies- that person/soul had committed a great sin in its past birth. Still it has got human birth. The level of intelligence in animal souls is much lesser than animal souls. For example- an animal can never be trained or educated like a human being.


God is

-Incorporeal(Niraakaar)= One who is not corporeal, has no dimensions.

-Bodyless (Ashareeri) =One who does not have body of his own. {shareera = body, ashareera= a_shareera= that is not body, ashareeri= one who has no body}

-Not physical(A_vyakt) {vyakt=physical}.

-Beyond Pleasure and Pain(A_Bhokta) {bhoga= pleasure or pain, bhokta= one who experiences bhoga, abhokta= opposite word of bhokta}

-Above Birth and Deaths (A_janma and Mrutyunjaya)

-A_yonij= One who does not enter woman’s womb and take birth through her yoni.

-Ocean of Knowledge, Love, Bliss, Power, Purity, Peace, Happiness, etc.

-Purifier, EverPure, Liberator, Preceptor, Guide Auspicious, etc.

-Spiritual Father, Supreme Father, Supreme Teacher and Supreme Sad_Guru(One who gives highest status) of all human Souls.

Name of God is Shiva, means auspicious (kalyaanakaari).

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Shiv is bodyless, point of light, hence his ling is also called as jyotir_ling, means he is neither Pul_Ling(male), nor Stree_Ling(female), he is just jyoti (light).

Shiv is called as TRIMURTI SHIV, means creator of the three deities, Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar. But, Shankar is just one among the three deities.

Shiv does not have body, but Shankar has subtle body. Shankar is shown as in the meditating posture, means he is doing tapasyaa (meditation) of someone. It proves that there is someone higher than him whom he is meditating. Hence obviously Shankar cannot be God. Because God need not meditate.------------ -------5)DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SHIV AND CORPOREAL DEITIES:-

Shiv is bodyless, incorporeal. But deities like Sri Krishna and Sri Ram have physical bodies. They had taken birth through womb of their mother. But, God cannot take birth through womb. Sri Krishna is called/praised as “Sarva_Guna_Sampanna (complete in all virtues), 16 kalaa sampoorna (Full of 16 celestial* degrees), sampoorna nirvikaari (completely viceless), sampoorna ahimsaka (completely non-violent) and maryaadaa purushottama(fully lawful and best among the souls)”. But, praises of God are “Ocean of knowledge, ocean of bliss, Purifier”, etc.

----------- -----------6) GOD IS ACCEPTED BY ALL RELIGIONS:- Hindus call God as Shiv or jyotirling which implies incorporeal, divine light. Muslims say- Allah ek nor hai= Allah is light. Christ said God is light. Jews say Jehova. Sikhs say- Onkar. All these indicate that God is light, is bodyless, incorporeal, etc. Hence, it is clear that- anyone who has body cannot be God.

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7)WHAT DO WE GET FROM GOD? The highest fruit can be received only from God. The children of a millionaire will get property worth millions from their parents. Then why do not we have knowledge, peace, bliss (all being children of God)? A child need not beg from his father. He has birthright to father’s property. But, we beg wealth, house, children, etc from God. This implies that we have neither understood God or do not have right relationship with God. Hence by understanding about God and remembering HIM, we will experience highest bliss, power virtues and happiness in our life for many births.--------8)THREE WORLDS:- This world where we reside consists of physical elements namely earth (soil), water, air and heat and space, hence called as PW or CW (Physical world or Corporeal World).

Beyond/above the PW is the subtle world (SW), which is the world of subtle deities. Subtle deities have subtle bodies, which are body if light/shadow, but does not have corporeal things.

The world beyond SW is called as the Incorporeal World (IW).There is no body in IW. Hence there would be no thoughts, speech or actions. Hence there would be absolutely silence in IW. Hence it is also called as Silence World. It is also called as sixth element, Brahm Tatw

(brahm element) as it is beyond the five elements, and “Sweet Silence Home of all Souls” since all the souls reside there and it is their original home of rest, and also called as Supreme Abode, since God also dwells there. All the souls in IW would be pure. Hence IW is the greatest among the three worlds.

Pure souls descend from their sweet original home to this PW and take physical bodies(birth) to play their role/part in the World Drama. Hence PW is also called as World Drama Stage.

Since the souls are pure, they would first experience happiness only. But, as the soul is influenced by the company of the body, it gets degraded and becomes impure. Then God needs to descend from the IW to the PW to purify all the souls. Then all the souls return back to IW. This is one TC (Time Cycle). This Time Cycle has been and keeps on repeating.

---------------- ------9a)TIME CYCLE:- Ladder PictureThe TC is divides as Golden Age, Silver Age, Copper Age and Iron Age, each of duration 1250 years.

During the period of Golden Age, the population in PW would be just around 9 lakhs. Rest of the souls would be at IW. There was one Kingdom, one religion, one language. Sri Lakshmi and Sri Narayan were the Empress and Emperor. All were pure, and there was no vice like lust, anger, greed, attachment, ego etc.

There would be 8 births in Golden Age. The average life span would be around 150 years.

After Golden Age, Silver Age comes. The power of the soul decreases due to continuous company of the matter/nature/body. In Silver Age, number of births is 12. The happiness decreases than that in Golden Age. [Hence it can be called as semi heaven]. But, there would be no sorrow or vice or sin. These two ages together constitute heaven.

Due to continuous company of the body for 2500 years, the soul power decreases drastically and hence soul gets influenced by the body and materials which is called as body consciousness. Due to body consciousness, vices enter in us and we commit sin. There would be enough wealth and health even in Copper Age, but there is also sorrow and hence Copper Age cannot be called as heaven. It can be called as semi/mild hell. The number of births increases to 21.

In heaven, there was one religion, that is deity religion. But, from Copper Age, other religions come one by one, like- Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, Sikhism, etc. By the end of Iron Age, there would be more number of religions and more sorrow. The number of births in Iron Age would be 42. By the near end of Iron Age, it would be time of climax, and God incarnates which gives birth to Confluence Age.

Those who come in the beginning of Golden Age, receive 8 births in Golden Age, 12 births in Silver Age, 21 births in Copper Age, 42 births in Iron Age, and hence 83 physical births and one spiritual birth in Confluence Age,

so totally 84 births. Those who descend later will receive lesser births.

In Golden Age, there would be complete 16 degrees, in Silver Age, there would be 14 degrees, in Copper Age, it would be 8 degrees, and in Iron Age, it would be almost zero, hence called as degreeless.

------------ ------------9B) TIME CYCLE- SHOWN AS WORLD DRAMA WHEEL:-

The TC is shown as a disc or wheel. The last period of the TC is called as AUSPICIOUS CONFLUENCE AGE, when God incarnates, It can be called as Diamond Age, since it is the only auspicious age, that is- there is upliftment of the world.

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9C)TC SHOWN AS A TREE:- The TC is shown as a tree here. On cycle is also called

as a KALPA, hence the tree is also called as Kalpa Tree. Since God fills/recharges the tree during Confluence Age, it is shown as the root of the tree. The trunk of the tree represents heaven, which indicates one religion and stability.

From Copper Age onwards, the trunk gets split into many branches, i.e. new religions get established one by one, eg- Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, etc.

As time passes, each religion/branch gets subdivided in itself and many castes or sects arise in every religion. In this way, it would be time of climax at the end of Iron Age, and God incarnates to create next or new, pure tree (cycle).

Since God only has the knowledge of time cycle, that is human dynasty tree, he is called as SEED FORM of the human dynasty(genealogical tree). ----------- ---------

10)HOW GOD INCARNATES:-God does not have body. God cannot take birth

through womb like us. Hence HE NEEDS TO ENTER IN SOMEONE’S BODY to speak (give knowledge). Because knowledge is the seed for transformation, that is self realization. Knowledge is essential for putting spiritual effort which only can build our self esteem.

Hence in 1936, God entered in a person called Dada Lekhraj and started giving the spiritual knowledge. Entering a person’s body is called as incarnation. After his entrance, the name of the chariot (the person) was changed

into Prajapita Brahma, because he becomes media for God and best and first instrument of God in creation (re establishment) of heaven.

Then the name of the institution was kept as PBKIVV (Prajapita BrahmaKumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya) or BKWSU (Brahmakumaris World Spiritual University). The head quarters is located at Mount Abu, Rajasthan of India. At present, the institution has more than ten thousand branches in more than 130 countries.----- ----13)SIGNIFICANCE OF SYMBOL SWASTIK:-

The swastika symbol is famous in Hinduism. That symbol is considered as auspicious. In auspicious occasions India. In many shops this symbol can be seen written with “shubh and laabh (auspicious and beneficial)”. It has spiritual significance. Swastika symbol is nothing but another form of Time Cycle.

It consists of four equal parts of a circle/cycle. It means TC is divided into four ages which have equal duration.

Usually auspicious/pure actions are performed done with right hand and impure actions are done with left hand. The Golden Age(GA) is shown at top right side portion. This implies that GA was fully pure. The second age- Silver Age(SA) is shown at right bottom. This implies purity would be lesser here.

The third age- that is Copper age is towards left bottom, meaning impurity or sin begins from there. The Iron Age is top left, meaning, the sin increases to maximum.

The knowledge of TC only is the complete or spiritual knowledge. That only is really pure and highly beneficial. This great significance lies in the symbol of swastika.

----------- -------14)SHIVARAATRI= NIGHT OF SHIV:- Shiv comes in night, means, he comes in hell, Iron Age and transforms it into day, heaven. During Shivratri, devotes observe upavaas (fasting) and jaagaran (not sleeping on that night).

The real/spiritual significance of upavaas is- Upa = near, vaas = to stay. So- upavaas means to stay near God or to remember God, and awakening means – to be attentive that he does not commit any mistake or sins. ------------- ---------15)GOD IS NOT OMNIPRESENT:-

Sun light may fall everywhere, but does it imply sun is everywhere? A King is the ruler of the whole country. But, it does not mean that King is everywhere. King resides in his palace at capital. When there is need, he will move to any corner of the country. Similarly, God resides in his Supreme Abode and when there is need, that is- at the time of climax, he descends to PW.

As a person or object is special, its place is also special. We keep diamond at best place. A Kings’palace would be special. Even today’s Prime Minister or President’s bungalows would be special. Then how can we say- God resides everywhere- in stones, dirt, dogs, pigs, etc. Is not saying so- defaming him?

If God is everywhere, then everywhere there should have been qualities of God. Then all and everything would have become pure. There should not be any discrimination that- someone is Guru, someone is good, someone is bad, etc.

God is called as Supreme Father (Param_Pita) of all souls. It means mainly we have relation of father with him. Then God cannot be everywhere. Because no relation can be established with something that is everywhere. Hence God dwells in Supreme Abode.------------ ----------

16)RajaYog:-Raj = King= Highest, Yog = “relation, communion”, another meaning is “effort”. So- Rajayoga means HIGHEST RELATION or HIGHEST EFFORT/STUDY. There are lots of relations and efforts or studies in this world. But- all have limited extent, duration and value, maximum for one birth. And- in case of dangerous situations, all pray to God even while having all these relations or salvations.

Rajayoga means to consider self as soul and remember Supreme Soul. This recharges the soul. --------- --------16a)PRACTICE OF RAJAYOG:-

Now, let us try to feel the following thoughts with maximum concentration and love.

“I am a soul, a tiny point of divine light shining like a star on my forehead. I am not the body, in fact, totally different than it like a driver in a car.

The body is like an object or dead substance, because it is due to me the soul it is alive. So- now, I am going to feel the whole energy in the soul/myself, in the tiny point.

Now, I imagine I am leaving the body. I the point have come outside the body. I am seeing my body from outside as a third person. Now, I begin to fly above this world, above sun, moons and stars, and even beyond the subtle world, I have come to my SWEET SILENCE HOME.

------------- --------16b):- CONTINUED:-

The IW is a self luminous light of Golden yellow, i.e. it is fully pure. This is my original home and my most

beloved god father also resides here. Now, I am with my sweet father in this land of peace.

I have birthright to my father’s property. To think fo father is a great joy to self. It gives immense peace, happiness and power.

Father is ocean of knowledge; I am getting rays of knowledge from HIM. Father is ocean of peace; I am getting rays of peace from HIM. Father is ocean of purity; I am getting rays of purity from HIM. Father is ocean of power; I am receiving power from HIM. Father is ocean of bliss, I am merged in bliss. In this way, I am receiving the treasure of great knowledge, power, virtues and bliss.

Now, in this world, no knowledge or information can influence me. I have no hunger of love of anyone since I have already got the highest one. My mind and intellects are now full and stable in ShivBaba (most beloved father Shiv).

I have understood that my role in this TC is great and special. I am a fortune soul. I have come to know that I had been a deity for the first 2500 years. Even in Copper Age, ether would be enough happiness. In a TC, I would be happy for around 4500 years. This gives me power to face any problem in my life in future and also builds the highest personality in me. This also frees me easily and naturally from all the temptations or bondages of this world and keeps me in liberation in life. Because my bright future is in front of my eyes. Hence even while working I can be in this conscious in future. I will be in conscious of Shivbaba, Shantidham and heaven. It is like ShantiDham in one eye, and heaven in the other. That is- sometimes I feel super sensuous bliss of ShivBaba in Shantidham and sometimes I

experience heavenly divine happiness……… ShantiDham and SukhDham, Home and Heaven, father and the property, ……….Om Shanti. ------------- -----It is not that one should follow these steps sequentially. These are just guides. One can practice in any way he likes or finds. Only thing is he should feel lighter. It would be better to practice this a minute in every hour. Shantidham and heaven are like two wings of a bird or two tracks for a train. If we are on track, then we are safe and comfortable. Our mind is so wandering that- it is wise to do this practice intermittently whenever we get time or feel that I am wandering. Like a in a heavy traffic, the vehicles are halted for a while, similarly, when we feel the traffic of our mind is high (losing control), better do this practice of remembrance.

If you feel difficulty in practicing while sitting, you may practice this while walking slowly. It is good to do meditation 5 minutes as soon as we wake up from sleep and just before going to bed in the night.

For more knowledge, you may contact BKWSU (BrahmaKumaris World Spiritual University) which gives knowledge freely. Some classes are also available in TV channels like- Peace of Mind, Om Shanti Channel, Jaagaran, etc. There are also various web sites. You may also have one or two pictures pasted in your room, so that when you get time or feel useful, you may see those pictures and your mind may get refreshed. As we practice well, then there would not be dependency of any of these instruments or materials.