
Post on 14-Dec-2015

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Busy Day

Transcript of Rahul

I was taking my laptop for repair for the second time since I moved to Bangalore, and on the way to the market I was thinking, “It had just been two weeks since I had repaired my laptop and it had again gone to the same state as it was earlier. Surprisingly, I was not angry on the the person who had fixed just 2 weeks before, but it was me who was I angry upon. And I was just cursing myself for trusting on a person who just repairs the laptop once in a while because seeing his desperation towards my laptop repair was like “a monkey would have seen a banana after a month” but still I gave my laptop to him as he has told me that he will look into the laptop and see if the problem can be solved or not.

So I gave my laptop to him at around 11:30 am and he told me he will give me a call by 1 pm, so I thought while he is busy checking my laptop, I should confirm the repair fee by other shops, So I started walking in the direction which finally turned out to be the wrong one and I only happen to know after about 1 and half km of walking then I turned back to the same place from where I had started. So I went to the same road on which that shop was located where I had given my laptop and asked one shop that “How much will be the cost for repairing the display ?” and he answered “ Wait for 2 min, I will call and ask the technician” . When he called and the technician arrived there was no way I could have predicted it. That was the person to whom I had given my laptop. When he finally saw me, he asked “Is there any other laptop whose display has gone ?” and out of shame I answered “No bhaiyaa, I was just asking about the price .”

So in afternoon he called me and asked to take the laptop and took 1200 ruppees.

When I entered the SP Road it was same as Novalty , and after taking a tour of the road I went to a shop and described the problem and he told it will cost me Rs. 800 and after hearing the fee I immediately handed my laptop over to him and when he handed back the laptop everything was normal ( at least I thought it was , but the truth was something else ). When I reached my hostel and opened the laptop it just went off after 2-3 minutes and I thought maybe it is due to overheating but when i touched the back of the laptop, it was nowhere close to heat so I turned it on again, but this time it didn’t even reach the password window so I tried almost 5 times and decided maybe I should let the laptop take a rest , it had been a heck of a day for both of us , so at night when I again turned on the laptop, it was giving the same result. So next day I again went to that shop and told him the problem and he immediately answered “Your laptop’s fan is not working properly , it will cost you another Rs. 800 for repairing it.” After having a little conversation I decided not to give me any extra money. While returning I thought I should buy SATA-to-USB cord so that I will be able to use data. After coming back to the hostel, I started testing the cord and it turned out to be working fine.

Then came the day of my life which I will never forget in my lifetime, The clocked showed 12:10 am and the hostellers were gathering to celebrate the birthday and I started to walk towards the window that’s when I heard a noise similar to the noise of a Nokia phone hitting the ground. For a moment I thought it was my mobile but when I realized it was my laptop’s hard disk and not my phone then also I thought “What the hell, it has more coating than my mobile phone” but still I thought lets check it once just to clear away that little doubt in the corner of the mind but it turned out , that doubt wasn’t a doubt anymore, it had become a reality which I couldn’t even have imagined. My whole data which I was always proud of was gone in a split of a second. But to confirm, I immediately called Ashish as I always thought (maybe many of my friends also thought the same) that he is the best person to call in these matters so when he finally said that most probably my whole data is gone. ( When I revisited all what had happened in my thoughts , I concluded that I am totally f**ked because up until this point my laptop’s display was not working but now !!! “even I repair display, what would I do without a hard disk?” ) And through him I get to know this day which has been already accounted for my destruction is also Sourabh's Birthday. So I decided to wish him in the morning because it had been already too much for me .

Before SunsetSo as soon as I woke up in the morning, I called Sourabh and wished him and also told him about the events that the God was playing with me. I decided to take the laptop to a shop which was suggested by my friend and then from there to Sourabh’s hostel.

The funny thing was i didn’t even know where this shop was but at least I had the phone no of the person so I thought how much difficult it can be ? But the fact that I was avoiding that “God had already decided to play games with me…” So I went to the SP Road again and started calling the person’s phone and it kept ringing and no one picked up. I called my friend and asked him to whatsapp him and ask him the address and tell me till then I will try calling him. So when finally almost an hour passed by waiting for him to pick my call or my friend calling me to tell his address, I decided to give a rest to my laptop situation and go to celebrate Sourabh’s birthday.

So I went to Majestic (Bangalore Bus Stand, from where you could get bus to almost anywhere in bangalore) and when I reached there I was astonished by the fact that they had made platforms for the buses and there were around 25-30 of them, so I called another friend to ask him about the platform to get to IISc, so as told by him I went to the last platform and kept asking every bus conductor that does this bus go to CV Raman Road, but everybody declined. That’s when God again came into play and it started raining heavily so I decided let’s leave this and catch an autorickshaw as one of my other friend told me IISc almost 14-15 mins from there. So I asked one autorickshaw and he said Rs. 300 when I asked the fair and started laughing in my mind, and said “ch***ya samjha hai kya ?” ( in my mind though ), so I asked another one and he said slightly less Rs. 250 but since I already had bus pass for one day (which also cost Rs. 70) so I thought why to spend more money, lets take the bus. This time I called another friend while getting slightly wet in the rain and then I learned here everybody knows IISc as Tata Institute and that’s why some of the bus conductor declined when I asked about IISc. So this time I asked a bus conductor for Tata Institute and luckily that bus was going through there but as soon as I was about to reach there rain had slowed down a little bit. But when I got off the bus my mobile’s network was gone so I switched it off and again turned it on but even after one and half a minute later there was no network so I thought maybe there is no network coverage in this area and decided to ask the boy, who was standing near me, for his mobile to make a call. So I asked him, “Excuse me, can I use your phone, my mobile’s network is gone ( while showing him my mobile ) ? and he answered “There is full network in your mobile.” And when I saw the mobile I thought “Seriously God !!! Don’t have anyone else to play your stupid games with ???” and replied him, “Oh , you are so lucky man, Thank you very much” (since I had nothing else to say after making a fool out of myself ). Wait... Wait… Wait… This is not the end of God’s play as he started the rain again, this time more heavily than earlier as soon as I ended the call with Sourabh telling him that I am waiting just in front of the “J N Tata Auditorium” unaware of the fact that the main gate of IISc was just 30-40 steps away from where I had got off the bus ( But it’s not my mistake fully after all who would think that the college’s campus is large enough that they have college on both sides of the road ). So I went to the auditorium gate opposite to IISc main gate since it was raining heavily so I was looking for a hiding place that's when I saw a woman standing under the tree with a 'bora' above her head holding with both her hands and there was another man who was also standing holding one of the corner of that 'bora' and suddenly I heard a voice saying something which I didn't understand ( as it was kannada ) but I understood the hand gestures of them calling me to stand alongside them. A moment later, I was also holding one corner of the 'bora'