
Post on 19-Mar-2018

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T r a f f i c U e a t h ■ Scoreboard

^ ■ - X M i l liy•~-~=w .«ie TlHfT. 1«M — » ■ ' - * u 3 S v .te » . 1«M _ >■ -*',SS£ur-M*l». !•“ ------ -S

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p s ® 5 ~ ,p s K l # i n I

I u a m C a s e Ia s m N G T O N 'A ^ ^ ^ ^

S a r o c n t W o r . th « U . S . ■

Ii S ^ - U - w P ^ te d *©

IS S ^ a d u n iummed ' ■

■ Th lr t i > S » W * ln » i,th r« ■ i S S power d m , . J . . ■ ' ! S b v Ihe PPC. o»*f the b«st ■ ^n*f* " 'n t DUtt ror the resource#rirS-Sp*” ■5 ^ ? n d i?O o’ ^U'^ I

’S^.iifn CMoer «nd Luclen Hllmer.U>a, N*U»nal HelU ■

fp j? l rS ^ liU o tr And oUier pub-dUpuU d.lhe nr- xwl

™ « l^ f f f C » n d :P O O tha t theifn id d»M would b# »uperlor 10 I^ ^ o o M d federal p roject'from aeeU; I! . u a ^ n ^ or cwnprehenalve de-

Ss«" •■3“'® ” r'SSrSi”Sb b u » . « . n .JiuiUon of the ttcord In lUi com. - p

g C i u t e #conoml8 «n»Ur»l8 or the J _ t a ^ V t o i . thrte-dun preposaU.

etJdence h « been thrown new u td (Tcrtted,” they u id . p^iu

^ B u eommbtlon h u exerclud no n,ojt o ^ K u o n or rn>ert »dmlnlitraUve qumIIo ^ K jienent *t *ll- l t l rote h u be«D the cot ^ E ^ U y th it o f A compwrneter." gjnj^ia ^ ■ E tU n i tc s uied by FPC. they de- qb[.|, ^ t K T ' d l i t o r U o n i " tn d "double

- Ith ttto end rbjult be- H i •dliUjrtlM compounded many j ,

U ^ e n »»ld th e federal powerm i « . a im iu IPCO-. ; ™ "

^ K c B t e ippllotlona aod T«commendauthorbe the fcdenU °

^ B ro lK L T O e Uller, .th«y. a id , would P“ "* men'’ low-ooat power arid _ ,

^ ^ K S m t r o I ^ to d oUier public bene-

AUtntb IPOb U procMdlnt with ^ . ^ ■ n c a t t i w l lo n '’a l one Bnake rlrer narUn

^ ^ K g ^ C O B O ^ t t In COOCTMS h»Te *' cel BcUon. thU b p a ufs

V ^ K flthtr f h J f t e cr ttttM -dam praj- been ai '.^^H etiTCuldnuxe Iho other Inftaalble. counlle;

'- r - . Dr- e

ffimylie Avers, - W d a . :

ComplacencyTrG O PVFoe“2"]BALT LAKE CTTY, April 57 IB - tlonnaU

lUho Oov. Robert E. Smylla tddaj era o( . amrd Utah Republicans against couhtyl otnpticency In IhLi declion year al- The houth “Ihtre li no doubt tha t »ided a: ’rcildenl EiKnhower wlll again be w . Ha he »ltior.“ — ■ mceUni8ni)lle apoke to 1.069 delegates ta coinmUi

h« JKpublicin su te orgnnlzlnj con- jjreemi riuion here. The delegatea met to »nd ama lU te pirty officers tn d to <o tret detcRiUi to Uie Republican . . . aUonil conrenUon in San f^ah-

Cli«« Opportnoily | T ^ '“CompIacenciV Smyile anld. "cnn a-our.RiAa(Mt-«n?n)y-}u«t-«».7r«al> — fni EiicnlioRfr'i uplendld record \ | nd prosmm ire our greateat aawt.(rer in lliLi crnlury ha»8 we Re- -w- Micin.1 hnd the opportunity that I - <i«ry now lurnlihca us to b# great. .* • "We mu.%t nol lel down. We muat

f »hM-leftilier pollUclans and pre- . . J Z ^ Incl uorkera. We mual campaign In *er>' __town ind down th s country |J!J'

" l A . t a T r , . . . • • ■ ^ Till* Idnho governor also laahed n ear ut «i former Prealdent Truman, increaw no h^ Mild vould "emerge from mg the Hr flinnm line“ during the Demo- « if .n n i r»tlc niiionil convention and “at- higher ( fmpi to capture the nomlnaUon of other I t rrmnani or a one# jr e a t poUcUeal _T h« b

billion cO.hfr *ehfduled apeakera were mterstal ^n«. Arthur W iU ln. and Wallace lu to ca

Brnnrtt of Ulah. Oor. J . Bracken cJHea or ' e inlroduced Sj-mlle. The n

, ------ -------- ----------- . U i t yei

business Policies Sim!Of GOP Attacked “ s

^ ^ r ^ - ^ o u T H . April n m - wpporu rank Chifrch. Bolae, on# of alx dlfferem •nniflilM fur BemocnUc nomlna- • Th# h |on tor thp u, 8. aenate., told a locaUon iveiie county DemocraUo rally an amei

»»t nuhi thc Elsenhower admin- to folio* V?” pollclea Are "punUhlng payment

'«all biiiine.y.-•• buiintiLv which U the bones ' : ir u s .5 “r3:tBas

cln of a bls-buslness tdmlnU-s v i , "----------r — ----- — ................. ... —] New Yoi

. Cooler " -ihott'ers iiPrrflltlfrt It.,.

weather fo re as l iv iro lt . 'ITr.J *'■ A tw itiw i

lo happen »inc«" ‘’" „ ,„o n atarted,” aald KtnMsXif;

i<b m Wedneaday. Tem- “ Z u mMill hM *»jne.0 I I'lrh ftvcraslnir U Uf M. • ■niiitil ■ Bhowen likely la Nin nlghl and pnubi

i f f ; Mll'raaJt

------------------------■ — —IJiU attht

. . .

tfcU " 'W - M ' -'I '.ll - ............. ■ ?

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I “ A t a j l o n i l

Cllf «><l

B n

TwId Falla eounly, oaly county between [gsed np « a d working toward cerUtlcaU tU the A tU nllon of fcderml. t i t le and leeUng T hn rsdsy nlghl were, from lefl. 1

* * * * * -------

'attlemen for S: County Favor. D i^ase Cxu-b

le iulla o f A poll among Twin lla county cattlemen Indicate . _ j > 111 of them who have replied to tilionnaire* fnvor a program lor> control nnd eradlcalton of bru- c n iK Iwla or B angs dlseasr, C. ,W. W iikIgh. couniy extension ngent. re- --------rled At A m eetln s hera.' ui dozen aloekm en attendlni; the I \ j e tins unAOlmoualy favored the )gmm. BalKh aald all bu t two of I queatlonnnlrea relumed to hla Ice favor a brucellosis fre# area n........Ve{«rln*rUn» gp*Ak - LCIpenkera a t the mecUng were Dr. n r i t r P. Schneider. aUt« velerlnarian, c .J O r. X. H . n u r d , federal veter- rian lylUi headquartera a l Oood- M ldd r, «ho rthvesenta (he federal noW8 -eau o( a n ln u l Induslm T hey ex< a n in Ined »1U»; c h trU a n a l j ^ tlje t h o '

:n aectpted I s aU ^ l .4 r IcUho

tr. S ^ B i d e r to ia U is'audience m o u t .1 aereral alockm en'i Aaaoclatloni confC Ihe Magic V alley area have sone r rn ia i record favoring the prDgram. He ■.« j„ 1 dalr^-men of th e audience tha t roundlnir states* will no t allow ds A milk to enter If It la nol diicfd by hnipMlntH-frra h i-n li-

Q neitlonnalrea Mailed • ?lalgh reported about U M ^ues- j j p , inalres had been mailed to own- >. »isi .of 108.000 calUe In Twin FallJ „ o t be h‘y* , , , hla of:h e couniy commUitanera pre- rd a t the m eeting. Chairman L. noalUo

Hawkins aald following the curren eUnf 11 Appeared the county conver im luloners would enter Into ah wllllnt eement P riday with the alale nuclea I federal departm ents of agrlcul- , K h r> to work townrd cerUficaUon to eni a brucellosis-free area. arma i

[ouse Okays ^^e^Fealral“ a ' Highway B i l l s

WASHINOTON. AprU J7 W -T h e . wsl roadbulld lns program in hia- "

81 !i blUlon dollar coopera- ' aUte and federal project-w aa “ “ V .Jl

rovM .oy tfl't ' fl<suie~ tAdt y - n wI to the senale., carriea w ith I t 'a »U,800,000,000 J"* •ease In U xea for Uie people who _ the roads to make the program -financing. Levies would be ier on jaao llne and Ures among

he blll'a mAU» provUlon U a 37« on doUAr. 40.000 mile ayitem of rstate hlghWAya connecUng «« caplUls And M per cent of All l T ± d ai orer 504)00 populaUon. he next s te p 1* up to Uie aenaie, l l I year the aena te pasted its own JU Ibulldlng p rogram -A fire-yeAr,)llllon dollar pU n, , M*n3he aenal# bill carries no tax pro-

oUi Bepubllcana tn d Democrata club's i ported the bill in the house, bu l ence if trencea arose on aide Usuea. ^ 8 ^ h# house aelUed a dUpule o a re- Uon of UUllty Unea by adopUng “ e jui im endm ent to perm it tho a u te s ah' ollow the ir previous pracUces on _ ment to uUJlly companle*: S a il La

____:______________ wlil an' unusua

aseball Today S"’SB r U i j i r f P r — . " ' S i r '


; v „ « ___________[on .....- ................ .....:..000 0 0 -0 Iinen and B erra ; Brewer and

8H(rtland _____________ 001 001-S thoUB'rolt ........................000-0f f«i.— .ni4- ■A.varlU:- l j r r ; ,A n n

« • ’ T»A 90Z\jtitwa C i ty ----------------Any

ttow '''and '”Ai'tTOUi: Pierte And ^ ( . U

iltimora a t Waahlngton, n igh t ^ g h w e. , fo r m

' n a u o iSaT l e a p u e j j ,”" ,tUbursh At Brooklyn.. Phlla« X a t N e w Y * k . SU Lom a.A t raakre.- Chlbafo' a t ClaclnnAU, il{ht c a m e s . . .

; r “ '------------— ------------ -------


► ^

l a l N e w ^ p e r S c n r i n j__ ;


rucellosis Problem (

I J^ - > '1 ^

I ^

een Belie and OneldA tb a t U na( eral dUtricAtlen a i a bmeelloaU-fre« area. P. Behnclind eonsly otflelala. r r ta e n t a t a sf agrlcultl. Dr. E. II. I ta rd . OoodlBf. fed- engraving

B ix P u p i l s H

F l a g p o l e IBURLEY. April 2 7 -S ix Overlnnd i id 16 others were h it by debrifl wher ; the pupils were Rettinff ready to fill iticnlly injured third jtrader is Line iikinson, Burley. She haa been taken

ieds V/ant to U._S.-Soviet

LONDON,-April 27 <U.PJ-The Sovi ritain today to help case R u ss Ia 'k rclni Ates attd hinted they would halt an iddle/Ewt. Soviet Prem ier Nikolai Bu 1W8 cOiWerence Prime Minister Anthoi I inviration to visit Moscow and s&id o.jlitTDOst importance to Soviet-ni ijljattft •and'Sovlet Comrtiunist Leadiev. left London fo r P o rts -" :--------outh I t end ot their press nfcrencfl to board a Soviet i i I X . i l uiser for home and end their -day vi.iit to B r ita in .^ V r i l rhey made «ve m ajor potiiU In

80-mlnute news conterence In ' T rt Ich Bulganin did a lm oil ail ot _ _ J t v U

AccepU InviU llon WABHIh:den has accepted a n Inviuuon President vlsll Motcow but th e date has nounced f ; been » t becauae of th c preas of day, with

offlclil duUes. -delighted'rhe Soriel Union U shlfclng lls HU ann< ilUon on dUarmament from lls House aft Tent policy of dUcuaslng only President. ivenUooal arm cula. Now ll U ticket for ling lo dlKUjs conrentlanal and ho "•'‘e an ;lear ann i cuU simultaneously, was In IDS Chruthcher aald RussIa U ready EUenhoa enter an underUkln* lo atop had lold :

na ahipments lo the Middle East own cbur» an agreement ean be reached would like ough Uio United NaUona 'o r AppArenl ierwUe," unUl TTiun

RegrtU Strained ReUUena £Uenhowei >.tlgnnln rjl1i>«1 nn S rtta tn tn thB Vlce 1 p Ihe Ruastnns Improre rela- him a "fUi IS wlUi the United S tales and The ma_n y .reg re tted the Sorlet-A m eri-w as unprw I rtlaUons wera - fa r from auf- one arw nc enUy normal." remember,lulganln said Uie Ume has come EUenho« Uirow out Uje W esfa strategic James C. I 18 embargo because ••« U a pro- era ahorUy ;l of Uie cold war" and invited was sland U«»»-bu»lMMiiierH<H^lml-praett' N l « o » ^ l and delleau wty»“ to back out aries ^ f o r the American-backed embargo, ne« . He 1 •fter the news conference the university uians sped to Victoria aUtton the room, i sro Uiey Warded Uielr apeclal a seminar i In for Uie BriUsh naval baae of been meetli IsmuUi. rden and F o re lm Sec- Finally- j try Belwyn Lloyd saw tl^em off. and^b

~ loaded the

[any Dogs to i. “S_ ^ - UiB delega

Be on Display[Any entries hAve been received n BoUe, Ball U k e City and Wa- P /PAlU fdr Uie T»'ln P*IU Kennel I's aecond dog ahow and obedi- H iaertv t IrUU scheduled here Bunday. „m*** egUlraUon for Uie ahow will be » _1 from 8 to 11 t;-n irS u n iliT in jiu „ u « r Junior high school gymnaslunl, n -h u d to

I show aUrU a l 1 p. m, A f s decUcmformaUon Judgea wlll-be-from TheselecI ; Lake Cily and obedience Judges ^arrive from Idaho PtUs. Many

sual breeds have been entered, oubllcans sona will be awArded local dogs “n , "Uie compeUUon. AU purebred chuselU. Un I a r t eligible for the ahow. greetedair. or the gate recelpu wlll go Hon EiMnh ocal achoolJ fo r'use or under- llegedrchlMren. - Uie conven

' ; I next Augus'

SHII Closed m ^BHOSHONE, April 37 — Evenough highway 83 orerji Oalena ,Blmlt U open, the road aUll U ' J . U Jtfrttllrx losM r-ofttciali-in -tS er '^WASHIWlie highway office hero re- senale flnarted Friday.- - proved lejUAnyone who drives, o rer the hi d ro u g h t.n m lt does so a t hU own rlak, west.:icUU u id , Considerable dan- Senator ;r exUU from snow tildes and anonsored thway officials feel It la unsafe• moUirlsts to use th e road, omnlbua Ui>jwa are at work on th e high- itn ra v ld ey. widening Uie cuta through hare l ? r e «

audt*i wiiclaia » id . Income■I ' I stock. .

t ' T"

....... ................

T t w in f a Ei


11 G i v e n S t u d y

U trlet veU rlnarU n; L. W. Hawkins, cou inclder, Bolae, director of animal Indualr] ricDilnrc, and Haory Crow, county con vlng)_____________________________ ^

i u r t a s S d Topples i nid elementary school pupils were hen the llaKPole on top of the si file into the school for clnsse.s

..inda Wilkinson, 9. .dauRhter of cen to S alt Lake City ho.spital b. -------- --------------------- --- five chi

) Eiasc “'Pi'"' son, Roa

t / T < • M ort an.TensionSoviet leaders called on elationa with the United ‘J arras shipments' to the f° B u la n in told a jammed hap eiuie ;hony Eden had accepted day m om lid th e vi.ilt would be of '?»« -a id B ritish relations:’' ;idcr-N iklta-S. Khrush- David oi

l o n T e U s o fand the i

i l l i n g n e s s t o

[ u n - i f J N a m e diklNQTON, April 27 ifl-V ice boys, Dee ;n t R ichard M. Nixon an- aaw Uio i d fo r re-nomlnaUon yeater- the Injure vlth P residen t Elsenhower's Tho aei ited'* approval. U ken to tinnouncem ent. a l the White transferre

a fte r conferring with- Uie hoiplUl t :nl. aewed up the Republican companlec for 1858, aa of non.'. I t will mother, a : a n d D ick” asalh ,.Just as 11 ^

Ihower aald laal M arch T he lid Nixon to 'e h ir t « u t hU \w rae an d ^ te ll ma w hat h e j * ^ ; ^ ^ ^ like to do,« n U y , N ixon didn 't U ll him huraday, fb r bnly Wedneaday iw er told hU newa conference _ a ce Prealde n t had no t glren JT X U l"nrial-An-cnjennrte'Tflswer:-----------------maimer of the announcement iprecedented. ao f t r t a any- J T l /C )und ih e W hile Houae could

how er'a 'p reaa s e c r e t a r y , L i i C. H agerty, called In report- rUy before 4 p jn . EST. Nixon JEROM) Andlng by .'Hagerty'a deak. tlvea of t

efore jetUng: down to busl- Uio OrysU Ie Introduced aome CoIgAte pany Ui Ity a tudenta In the refir of and Niagi m , aaylng they were p a rt of FalU And lar group w ith which ho had Thursday eetlng. proteaU fcl r p lck lns h U ' words with by Mark Id backing up from tima to engineer.I correc t h lniK lf. Nixon .un- The mee the news: , • rome Rod iformed ^ e Prealdent th a t presided i svent th a t th e Prealdent tn d heart, prei legatee to the convenUon Isallons n i the decUlon th a t It was ing. in ad< » lre for m e to aerre aa the were t t ^ . e of tho Republican party Ine,; Jerot > prea ideot th a t I would be Twin FaliJ I to aecep t th a t nomlnaUon fourth dU s I was and aa 1 did In 19S3,” Idaho PUI rty. atand lng near Nixon, Southern 1

- „ , - aoclaUon,: Prealdent haa aaked me to chapter ol gentlem en th a t h s waa de- aocUUon a to hear o f t&e VJca Preal- pany.

lecUlon." . ■ Prank,R d e c U o n o ra v lc e 'p r^ d en tla l and James le th lsT car-w A soneof m o n ratalned.b luaUAl concern for Uie R e- represent ; IS, Ing. The : Joaeph .W .'M artin , M asia- p rolesU ar I. Uie houae Republican lead- Ing for d ted the newa wlUi a predle- U ken a t senhower and Nixon-would wUI notif] n in a ted 'b y ■acclamaUon'';at teaUfy'»l-t irenU on i n Ban Pranclado Kulp ha iguatr. . iJlace for

— :------- nounce he

Relief Eyed0 Aid Stockmen g ' j snHU'X'UN. 'A p H n 7 ‘W ^ W « wlsh’lo p r finance commlUee haa ap - may aUle leglalaUon to l i r e U x relief the groups [h t acricken ranchera lh the proleau.

or B a rre n . R;. Wyo,. who ' CO id th e proposal, said .the BOISE, ee. h as Included I t In an Northwest1 U x blU. ' . can Sbcle rides th a t ranchera wouldn't opened lU repo rt a Batn. from livestock hero toda; irced by drought, provided were ex pec m t ifaa Teinrealed In Ure- the aesaioi

SaUirdA)' I

{Y, A PRIL 27,

y O a i S j B S S Unite

civil net Falls, s ix mon

bo in

Tlie UAL hi other W nth ln tl

Iho presic. county eommluioncr; Dr. A. ber of Co lualry for Uie lU le departm ent officials Ii

eommlaaloner. (KUff pho to - cUlon to Bcrvice U

' the fa d•« ' V A has filed 1

jhool’s r ;------ ' Of United

1 Burley IIIere injured, one c r itica lly . *'*2 siytj le school building toppled tion givin se.s F riday mom injr. T h c pcrmnncn • of Mr. nnd M rs. WilHa !tl by airplane. The o th e r ,1 "'

children injured by th e stem s to n g pole anti debris a r e that local (hen Falk. Bruce H u tch in - should rer Rosalin Spurgeon, R o b e rt dlateciue.

t .n il Donald B adm r. All 5 trea ted a t th e C o ttag e rit-i.. thus lital end released. F i r s t Uie board 'r ta on thc accident..indi- forUicomii d th ree pupils w ere in se- s condition.e 18 h it by debrU in Uie mU- "rllher conUnued In school P ri- |noming or were Uken home by ■"f.® ®‘ ‘ parents

3t.’Bem e9'W riileyaald the ae- t happened a t 9:10 A ,,m . as . Ah.® oh' I Olaytal* and Phllllp Jones, ^or a "itoi gntdWA-were raUing the flag **«n. UjJ

le fU spo low h lchsltaon .top of to I 'f gable. He sa ld 'the rope atuck early mat Uie boyi yanked to free It. In - n la f V“ ‘

o t freeing Uie fUg. Uie pole th a t time I p a rt of the gable fell onto the "economic ren lined up In front of the th a t for i ll,' ha u id . The poi# la IS fee t factors of

■ ■__________ coa?ldentig lerrejjoH ea'lw o Wah a c i i ^ operaUng Dee Marsden and D. Taylor, Cutting

Lhe accident and Uled to help resu lt o t ‘ ijured children. shurfllng”> aertously injured girl waa country.L to Uie hosplUl here and th e n iferred to Uie Balt Lake City ^U l by alrpUne. She waa r c - | i n i anled to S t ll U ke Cily by he r ^ I n l er, a nurae and a technician. _ L> achool U one at tha oldest in r l V y bui had been Inspecled only * * 'J r e e t by the building superIn- i-v -. nt. Wrlgley said. A t Uiat tim e P l j «le did no t appear to be In atned eondlUon, he added. p ,

direclora \

■otests Are I concemlnj

‘repared for 3;-.; Use of Waler *f."vthn matiei

tOME. April 37-R epreaenU - Mny B 1 of organUaUons which have tho protea

iiys tld Springs' i r t gallon coin- tire area i to use water from CryaUl directors i

Niagara apringa and Salmon blllty of 1 and Rock creeks, m et here In the nel

Iday night to consolidnte the ir Jerre Co lU for the hearing to be callcd g ran t Mini [ark Kulp, su i« reclamaUon w ith Uie ] eer. tends to fcim eetlng.wa8.eaUtdljy.the.3e- campa. Rod and Oun club and was Donald

led over, by Marshall E ber- meeting r . president of Uie club. O ntan- groups pro ns represented a l the m eet- nnd CrysU 1 tddlUon to the Jerome club, Uon. t l ^ North Side CommunlUes. H e repo Jerome, Wendell, Ooodlng and talned two PalU Chambers of Commerce, DrolesUna i dUWct Wildlife federaUon, gShllc h?a

PUh and Oame departm ent, n ir tc i« „ em Idaho PUh and Oame as- ion. Twin FalU: Uie Twin PalU er of Uie Idaho OuUloor as- loa arid Uie Idaho Power com- *J,» P™am

Dfc.ReUlg, Jerome And-JAjnes ames. Ooodlng. attorneys, were ed-by Uie represenUUvea to f “'e n t aU of them a l Uie h e a r- m g J h e lr j rhe lawyera will compile Uie «»d 4 and U and Uien call anoUier m eel- « o also or decUlon' on steps to be Ing to r 194 •a t the hearing. They tU o e r t area w:

Mtify wlUiesses who are to He urgo ■ Al th# hearing. the nex t vp h u not -yet set a -time or neadky nig for Uio hearing but did 'a n - —e he probably would hold it igic Valley to r the convenl- »f the Intereited parties. ,

onaniiaU ons protesUng th e ^-W hat aUon of Uie IrrtgaUon tom - .D o n t miSiSav'sssKslU le Uielr <k)JeelIons UirouBh unpara w p i whlch’have fUed formal -dcftag oi

to be In_ _ J ________ _ SU tea UlCONCLAVE OPENS a c w rtln i

SE. April 71 W -n iB Pacific “nd poi weat conference of Uie Ameri- Bbclety of Civil Engineer* ,“ ,7 .J lU elghUj annual moeUng .®‘ today. Newly 100 delegate*! expected to b# on hand for eaaions which will wind tip I ^ AfttfDCOn. I —

J Is 'in e I r r in a le d I d a h o C o u n d e s -

UamWr M Au.lii fl.

Q A L t o

O f F l i g

C i t y !U n ite d A ir line.*i s e r v e d no tic i: T l -v ice to T w in F a l l s . D u r in j : a .•'pci :^’_A l.l.i)niey .H u b e r t .N ..A V .-B a lld sc c rv e n lio ii . T h c p e t i t i o n o f th e n il ■il n c ro n n u tic s b o a rd in W inK lrlls , .Kiiid t h n t " i t m i g h t b c i ----------:'m o n tb .s o r a y e a r " b e f o r e j T V

orclcr.-t U n ite d s e r v i c e to J l j tiiw o n lin iic d o r c o n t in u e d

T w in I-’ii!l.s. ^h e hearliis »ill consider ilm linr . I L requeiU to dlscoiilliiue flights other area.i of Idaho. Oregon, shlnjton. UUh, Wyoming nnd W A 'ada. iinMs(<:. C. Jon«, ipeclil awLMant to ' ,i“ V presldenl ot United". Uild Cfiam- t It of Commerce members and city t*''

IclaU here thnt the com pany's de- C h a in on to withdmw its tru n k -lin e m iltC( rice to T ntn PalUTu based on ,ln lln r

f a d th l i West C oist A ir lines f lledK sow nappIica tionforserr- to Uie city.

Havtew O rd ^ j l R e nonM ssld thU icUon on th e p a rt x l C t J Jmted Air llnej'was taken In vfew ‘ the CAB order K hedullnp a re- | 1 V of nil local service In Uie Pacific •ihwcsl to determine th e carrier :nrTlcrs best QUBlUied- to perform I » a service. Ja s t year congreii enacted legWa- I . giving Uie local service c arriers < * mnncnt ccrUflcales. 1 : „ . . 'n iU Jict, combined w ith th e ,B drcblon giving ^ uch carriers :c routes ind additional au thority ns to Indicsto a federal policy ’ t local carrier*, In seme instances, ‘v uid render service to th e In term e- * ctUes," explained Jones,It Is Uie feeling of U nited th a t route cannot support two c a r - . »“

k. thus the airline U ask ing th a t “‘ fking board consider' thU Issue In the 8 « ‘ ter

hcomtng case," Jones said.

^lllng^«Ud’* ^ B ^ tM t move hy

wiUi lha temporary disconU nu- e or two dally flighU a t Twin Is laat'Jan. 9.- T hai servic* U to rortored.8uaUy.hO><Sled. h# O hM i\brtT »C oni:^a .C A llN lA ' - i t o n a W t n ^ . 'K t J h a a a r f m United unpunced I t w ag go. ’*

to l«iaporarUy.-,.ellmln«l*. tb e “ 2 ^ ^ ly mamlng eutbound * o d eve- r t-esUwund flighU. C u ttin g At . ' f r f . I time Auribu^d Uie change to momle reason* based on th e fact on w e I for a period of Uma th e load ora of Uiese tTo fUgbU haa been “ *b-ova

uttlng said Uie U test move U a °f lit of “general adjusting and re - “ * * ffling” of altiina service ia the •

* * * * ' trlcts. H

hamber Sets p Sforest

’rotest OverMeUie

Plans of U A L K ' mger. He

aln PalU Chamber o» Commerce of tlmb ctora voted m d a y to file a pro- are sUic

of interrenUon wiUi th e CAB the basi ;emlng the curtailment of aervlee u ; -Twia-PaiU-by-Uie-Onlt«d-Alr» k iUik —

Ithough the board was undecided u ^ it m Uier to file a fuli proteat. th e ^ o i t « on w u Uken to allow th e cham - k , . nno full righta a t aU hearlnga on »!, matter.ny B U Uia final d iy fo r filing w ,

..................._ J j l ^ larea as>well u Twin PalU , the ^

ctors also dUcussed th e powil- | I f y of holding a public mceUng he near fuUire. _rre Cover, representing th a M l- I it MinUUy, acquainted th e board •I the program the m inistry In- i to follow a t Magle Vallfey labor . ps. avenue i)nald '"B aT ley"^rte< l 'TO“ the ling Thuraday n ight of the pa proUsUng Uie use of Niagara CryslAl'sprIng water for IrrigA- -niureda

5 reported the r o u p h u re- »d two altomeyi to preaent the sus ssUng facUon’s c u e durUig th e cadlUao le hearing May IS. j ^ s Clrectors, .who also p ro tcs ted .th c BreedUii in . l u t Pridiy, voted to ahare .James ot the attomey costa a n d alao avenue

provide A wlUieas If th e N orth - coats Id Chamben'request it. , Thursda

■nneth Montgomery, aecreUry* He w u njrer bf Uie local cham ber, re - sU te pc sd Buhl and .Filer are celeb ra t- highway Uielr golden Jubilees on Ju ly 3 miles at 4 And July 38. respecUvely. hU Ken I Also reported-Uie land d raw - Wayni 'or 194 farm tracts In th e H up- Duane irea will be held May 12. were fitI urged all members to a tten d IWday I next valley-wide meeUng W ed- DaUs ’or fcy n ight In'.Oakley. Mrs. A

' w u fineIT ~ JusUceBoom? “ SS

Vhat d ^ Uie future hold? she wu n 't miss Ray Tucker'a colum n man Wl je a r in ^ o iu h e L ^ to c U l -p A g a .-------- -

;npArallelS*^pro4perl^‘ b o r- . U •tng on the fAntuUc A ppean Bwut. be in store for Uie U nited

Ilea Uirough Uie next deoAde. S ? ;? ,” ? * rd ln g to fo re cu U o f bUAlneaa r pollUcal expert*,- ,TU ck«

Uglier and bHgbler a tA ndardi .llviBg Are held -out fo r a ll lerlcana. Read about t t In lU y K bS ij; iker's column from W aahlhg* “ pS joo '• for and '

' ■ J ' ' ‘'o U '

g p — E]

iM • . I

~ S e e k E

g h t s a t i

S e t s P r ,Thiir^ilny i t iilatis to fiU> a politi

.•<pccinl mcctinjr o f th c c ity comm ciscn w ai.inati'u tL ctlJ.Q _ |)rcpare . airlines will lie j)rcsuntc(l fo r a J

iKtnii, 11. (■'. Al C u ttin g , U nited i

)emos Aband On 90 Per Ce

WASHINGTON. A p ril 27 f/P)—Di use yc.sterday abnndoncd tlie ir pla :nt o f 00 per cent o f p a r ity in ne\

th e 'face of s tro n g Republican lairniiin Cooley, D., N . C., o f th e Itee announced he wa.s droppin{ Ilar farm bill he w ill in troduce to •ijld include provi.iion.*! fo r a aoil

' Kisen

langer Tallc On Problems "“k!

Held at Meet r lAngera of the Sawtooth na tional covem :si conducted the aem l-annual crops i ger conference T huraday and “ * lay studying new leglalaUon. ri- iclal deUiU and lire prcvenUon. • h e meeting w u opened by Por- Supen'Uor Charle* I. D augherty , ,3 ?.“ > reported on a recen t tr ip to lonal heidquartera la W u h ln g -

'e a'uted Uit rorest te rvlee U em - . ^ king on a renewed pU n for Iter efficitncy to aave bo th time■ money. j, 'Ucusslon or Uie new U mber ta le g u , ^ trac t recenUy adopted, by th e ip r;i| ^ rice w u led by MauriiM Picket. Hop<reported UiU conUvct U th s compn

jll ot meeUngi between tim b er u rein 18 and forest service officlaU farm I I U beUerad beneficial to bo lh . to EU lana for Uie rpguUr fire f ight* Ona o; .cllnk*-t|r(r»vpt8aent«d-i>]r.««if * K dm nl Ybumler and- I ^ i i u i a n n j t Tile dlniea are condueted m eh 1«>P< uner for aeiaonal .peraoan<l. - by-the evJa CUrk, ranger,' p r v c Q t^ •O'nuii ,8Afety pUn and ihowed » m orie i< Uie aubJ«U P f « ho resur O. W. CarUon reported overall picture of grAtUig.Janda .

Uia SawtooUi forest la b rleh ter ” lough aome secUona a tlll ahow la o f delerioraUoa ‘I also reported o a - llreatock ’ le and wOdllfe manAgesient. C — , . J . Schow dUcussed tb e m eth* i ^ P J

o t finandog th e -ra n g e r -d U - -I- ts. He noted all funds i r e m ade l l i liable by.Uie appropriations of J.TJ ^ess and-U U;Uie d u ty o f - lh e : s l aerx'ice to budget, theae lies to Iniura Uie best poadble . . .J lltA' , .:cUiodj of pricing Umber, on . ° 11c lands were dUcuased by L e- .

Whitman, aasUUnt foreat r a n - He .reported the oper«tlng cost

timber mliU and logging flrm a Jff.T T aUidied and Ui# resu lt used aa base figure for salec ■ . ' e u id Uie forest aervlee li now ^ n K -U m b e r-a lm o s t-to tlre lr -b y iHriiuSl TliU benefits Uie fp v e m m e n t ^ 0

t receives more Uian expected In in r in t caaea and also gives th e tim - w its • operatora a chance to obtaila land a t their o«-n price. .

-----------:---------------- '.'• "BoUe

idvepJEined^5n Charge in S ITrafficCrashS^^

irold M. 'Rarmoo, 704 Second ed .03 i lue notUi,.wu lined >S0 a n d t3 >»» in ptdiee court T h u n d ay on a trace a ‘ge or reckless driving. He tn d iie r drirer were cut a n d bruised T tm t k Uarfic'accident a t i:iO a id . prtdicU raday on Kimberly ro ed ’n ear th e w te m n FolU Auto Parts com pany, tb t ran im ion's drlrlng privUexea aUo sa degi ; suspended for 30 day i. H is IMS io« ^ lUao rammed Into the re a r of a range- '■ Chevrolet driren by 0 . Ic e trom ii rdUig, 337 Adams atreet. H ish ime* R. Cheanutt, 322. T h ird dudwl lue e u t , w u fined *17 and t t LewUU I In Twin PalU JuaUce c ourt ho Pal raday on a charge of apeedUig, m Boli w u clocked l u t Sa tu rday by > lo v e police using a rad a r im it.o n eluded iway 93 a l Berger trAvellng 83!S An hour In a 4&-mUe zone In 0 . 11. jKenworth truck. • h o ^ l Ayne J . PhlUlps. Jr.. B uhl, end ne D. }.tahachek. CAsUeford. I " ' i fined. 410 And 13 coata cach 1i^ Ay bx Buhl Police Judga Ployd -T18 on chaije i of ^ leedlngi BH ra. A. B. Henderson, Id ah o PaUs, April fined tlS and costs ThurdAy by court

Ice of Uie Peace P ra n k Dice, u aIhone, on a charge o f ^riving Mrs.nlles an hour In a 60-m lle w n e . -reponw u arrested by B U te .P i tro l i r - . . “

I WlU ydBaker. ;

Union N a n i e ^ ;npJoyei ef'W cay^ a ^ d . A w ^ r , W ^ a roted re p rea ^ tc d .to te e |d, R ^ Q r i n t s '£ & o y e a ^ £ d i tof .balendera’ intemaUenal tmleta,'iir* a ^ -Mled WIU) Uie A n rO X O ,.« t :a a ^ 4 ) ,Jon conducted''by th e Id ah o .'uiS 'mI d ^ r tm e s t e f Ubor T hursday : «itaM

K*«uSiiSttl«« ** o( Swn o o ^ of W rayl safe voted l l l l vaU rr ind * against and th e m ajo rlty ll * • eoU'a cafe voted 8-3. 1^"," ■ ■"





T . F . ;

K o t e s t setition tn d iscontinue airline mmis.si6 ii a .■(hort tim e la te r i r e .a - le ttc r -a n d -po tition-of— a Jlhy 9 liearinpr before th c

cd Air Htic.s ag e n t in Twin

[don Plan ]ent Parity—Democratic leadera in th a• plan to fo r th e equiv- new farm re lie f legislation.

:an opposition to th e piftn, th c liou.<)c a g ric u ltu re com-

iping it from a tw o billion e today. Coolej^ said h is bill aoil bnnk, which Presidant isenhower w an ts, a n d m o st ' th e noncontroversial sec- ■ ons of th c facm leg isla tio n ’ itoed by E isen h o w er la s t eek.The ibandoned “com penuloT; lymenU- plan would h a te guar-' iteed fstmert a subsidy corertng ' le difference between- prerailing ivemment price aupporti fo r majec ops and BO per cent of parity.II w u cleared by Uie DemocratiQ idershlp In the house W ednuday ght but Republicans prompUy UId )«-n a heavy barrage against It. While Uie Cooley blU wlU no t mtaln t t e e o m p en tt to rrp a y tte o t# 'ea, lome DemocraU u i d Uiey Ul intended to make a floor flghtt Cooley's announcement eu n e a fte t

conference wlUi Rep. Ho m “ an su . senlor 'RepublicAn on th t [ricuiture' committee. Hope'* rc i sal to go along w ith the crop aub< ly proposal was beUered to hjtv4 fluenecd tbe J ^ o c r tU o decision^ Hope said he regarded w .a “fa ir n iprm U a’*: th« Cooley- p r o p o ^■ reintroduea prerlo ila ly r e to 3 tm blU wlUi featurea objecUonabl*I EUenhower txlmmed o u t ot It. , na of Uiesa'objecUoaable f e a tu ru

t^ f lg W ^ -w p p o r t* •• ^ pC-p»Pltr.> i r.r --fJ.*-J f o i ^ d «UQ :i(a sd l|ir .rrih ead p id iin tlm ^d em to d 'tD r iranee ip u biuk> pA ym entv .tlilf> lac to fa tm en U kr. ft!Tcenuge.'or iotwiff-«BmUad.eut - 'p roducU on!hlB9r'.'T :'''r-

aen U16 blU reachBi U je .floo rT ^T

i p r i ^ R a i i i s :i M ove Slo^vly f

A c ro ss ' Statc)_' By The Aaieetotod PrcM !

A aprlng atorm jn o red -iowlr'. tou Uie jD te n n o u sU ln .a r ta .A lr y. bringing h e a ir r t ln to soma - rUoni. More Uum a n inch o f Tal&'-V il aVsoise, In aouUxweitem XdaSa^ ■ tVeaUier bureau foreeaitcra ' e ito n n .lro n t w u m o r ln f tiomtj '

t expected low—h e« rtre « i*[ In aoma aecUona—Friday Blgtal - th t warming trend Satorday,

-•'Eala aiaeki*" ’BoUe*! ralnrall v a a .tn e sso rtd . t t e inche«..wlU> tb a a torm alack-

:o Uie area from th a aouUiwutk' lh h u ry ttln fa U reported aUo l a - lUona of CalifomUi and N erad a - tUa UounUm, la so rthern . Ne* da. reported 44 of a n Inch. - [n eattem 'Idiho, PoeatcUo I'epert^ .03 of an I n ^ wlUx only a tn c « Idaho .PklU. Tw in FaUs had •

ic« e a r ly ,.- .......... -------------- ------l_Lev T ta p a t t l o w .

remperalurca below f n e d n g w U f (dieted fo r lome areaa o f aouth* Item tdaho PMday n ight,- w i t i i . i.rang i expected to be f ro m S S t^ ,. degrtts. In aouUiweatem Idaho -

S g e * ^ t ^ M t o . ^mi 33 to43iHigh, lem pen tu re t HittrBday I n i . . Ided’ TI in Balt Lake Olty,- OB In - wutoo, 6s in.pocAtcno. a in i d t - - I PaUs, 63 la T w in n U a 'a B d ^ i ■ BoUe.Low temperaturea early Friday la l Ided a Ul Salt Lake a t y , 46 la :wistbn. 4S M BoUe, 41 In T w lv.’ ilU, 40 in PoateU o and SS In Id a :• PaUs.-- • . ' • • •

Fines C o lle c te dBHlMkONK'' April ‘

(p r i l ' l Itae Bhaahcm '~'!jpeaSaS» u r t h u coUected w a-te in iiK B fl IS A ttso u -o r t t t f D e ; f ta b « S ^ B an. H uel. A ^docder

I j j I

i d S ^ S ip m iu a ^ l a r tb * d i l r ^ \ I ig.’hablU'Of O m b o n e reslden l^ < adM sgldVkllex.reaideDt«driT< I

^ i t i d . . J£ only traffle violaUonahBhiS-. ■ 1 i b i e s ^ lA'rUie' I u t few-day> • I tve ^ . t e o amltt*d by

»aey-,' ■ .'•:,''I i


I ..3gAflBX

-Forest ?ires~ 4; Scorch Area V IriSoutiiwes

j - . • - Z f TM M Trm V* B lnM .'di7 'vln3ii)isb< d *

.<berUad in New . Uexlco'J 1<1° «

'Dick tu> Tclocitr todix., T hiee hundred joUler» from 1

iBUs*. T u t , Joined 600 other flr IJghter* e*rljr UxUr W

i to Itop the Tha ilre »n u r Atamoeonlo. but do pcpul»l-

< u t u were m d ta je r .'' EtK W hereinUiSDiUonthewaUer w u rainy o m most of the F

■•Weit la d e«5tw«nl «croai,the nori to the O reat Lakes.

• The rains le ll on<lnr far Helds in the M!dw6st. but ofdcU

•rea red th e r » « » no t he»ry enouj to lU re o lf & ttareitenlns drousn

« In Monton* and South DtkoU, U t ^ p l tA U o n took the form of snoi

Tempenttures climbed in the cet •tr»l pliln*. jo ln f up i t f i t a to : tod iy « t HUI City. K u u . But * ne

■^c^d wtTB thored JU w»y down im ^ ■ d e , ^ ^ n f ” U»e leA liraliii

- l f l d t m o to 30 * t Mlnol. M. D.Early temperatures Incluaed 3S i

•<SUmBrck. N. D.. U a t Omaha. Ncbi '68 a t Memphis. Tenn., «ad M i ^Washington, P . 0 .________

; J a y c e e s S p o n s o r

" W e n d e l l ] ^ a d - e (. WZNDBtl., April 27—The arniiu ■'toad-eo sponsored by the Jaycee . will be held M*y fl, Deputy Sherlf •D ill Buno, chairman o t the eveni

teports.• Bunn said the road>co will be opti

lo a ll p e n o u who have no t ntO w . th e lf M th birthday by Auft. It

S n n ' contestant m ust have i , TtUd drlrlnff license and shall no h a re been found guilty of a mor. in r traffic TloUUon w ithin the lu i

; alx months.T hs ( ta te ’contest will be held al

Burley June 10. State winners will be Kiren an expense paid trip U W ashington. D. C., to compete ir th a naUocal finals in August.

;! ; Hospitalsi ' Magic Valley Memorial

' y isiun* hours a t Maslo VaUey

1 ' ' Memorial ho^)ltal a re f ro n a to 4- ,« o d -1 to • p . o . --------------- - - -

• ADMITTED, D iane Paynter Mra. Oarmen • O oertun , l i n . H ow art B lato. tU

- f Twin' Falls; Robert Coad, M n. . M. B. MitcheU and M n . Jack Rill, • a ll Buhl: Robert Qlbaoo. Wendell; ‘ M n . Rudsoa Powen, Kimberly: M n. , WllUam MelHT, Jerome; Ralph ’ Broadhead. Rupert; Ralpb Bennett, : W eill, N ev , aod Richard Carey, •PTOTO, V tah.■ D lsm SB E D ■; M n . Oharlea Annstroof. K ennett • Bale, O lynn sm ttlu M n . Harold Alt' : te r and daugbter, M n. Paul Bartei . and dauHitor, Joseph T reat an<

; ^ M n .O e o rn W u b k e r.a U T irlo n a is ; ’ Mrs. B tanler OuUck and U n . Wll-

i • . Ilaoi W att, bo th Buhl; Mnu cat] i, : : Toopia -and aoB, Haaeltoa: M n

~ Raymond Httrley and daugbter, .• PUer; O yda Ktng. Bortey: Ben J.

i B i ll . K ing BUI, and R ichard Carey, ^ P r o ^ D ta h . _________ __

f Prlday % taa was .bom to Mr.t r and M n . Roger Boyd; Twin PaUs.I' = T hunday a a « i w u bom to Mr. and M Mrs. Jam es Riwlcr. and a daughtei

I I * B u h f ' ^

= ’ ; St. Benedict’s, Jerome

11 < VlalUng houra a t a t. ' Benedlct'i I . • h t s p l U l s n f R H & a t f t i a a d l t o t ■ , p . nu■ . AD M nTED■ * CarmaMaEseUi. Pen y Reaach and ■ - .O regory Hurless, a ll Jtrocne; M n I *R hea Oorwln. Bhnehone: .Thomaj '■ • Lowlar. T w la Falls, and Mra. P a n a r

. Chandler, WendeU. '' • DISMISSEDF. ' aeorga B ird and Mrs. Thomai

: Ne«-man and dauthter.- a ll Jerome — an a-M ri-T feS tf^n H erT R rc h llf ld

Goodin? Memorial'' VUlUng h o u n a t Gooding Couot>

. - Memorial hofpltal a re from 3 U 4:30 a a i 1 to «;30 p. m.

DISMISSED 'M n . VCiu WiUllflU U b aaughifi

i; and Mra. Amy ru?ua,-boUi Ooodlng and Dorothy Baughman, Hagerman

A daughter w u bom to Mr. ani! Mra. BUI SUIfler, Gooding.

Rupert GeneralADAnrXED

. M rs.LeahM olmeraQdM n.Roberi • P it . both Rupert.

DISMISSED ' Mra. Dick Fuqua and Mrs. Die)

! , Lcwla, boUi Deelo, aad Uta. Rober lUewm an. Rupert.

B lBTnS A daughter waa bom lo Mr. am

Mrs. Robert Pry, Rupert.


The teTtl of Snake rlrer w u blgl Friday a s ahown by the flew ere Shoshone falls ( IU U second Ie«l e water going o m the brink). '

WeatherK agie Valley—Partly eteodr to

I ■ Blgfat a n d toao trow with a fei

I . M tte ra d sb o w tn . High Umorroi W (o SS; lew to a l ^ t J4 to 4t. Loi laa t a lg h t d l. 44 a t ■ a. m. aad &

. a t aoon. .

E B = E ^ E .T a :S||1 ; ; KI . s.ii^«0 ...-------••— -M ll .jr(l ' . fij.lU*"* ! ' e t I#

.! T ? ? jA " r iL i jT ™ : ': : i : « 4' .T r.I . Wuhlngtcn ______ ;i to ■I.- Garden seeds In hi-lk a t Globe's

seed A Feed C o .-A d r.


3 K e e p ttio W h lt« F l a’ ' , o f B a le ty F ly ln

BUhty — -- — \jf-tim- - .................... ' - ------Jncoln ' • ' 3

I miles ir and X f lwould

jin F t: fire- JVou» J7 days w ith o u t c ttempt tra ffic death In our Magit

»3s H u g e T a n k e r _ „S SpiU s,D um psnougli - r*

G as OB Koa<snow. le w is tO K , April 27 Ml—A Canu » “ 2 : Oil company U nker turned ovi ^ on the Lewiston hUI yesterday a t t

a new eoUIilon -with a ear and 3tW galloi 1 o l- . .* a s o iln e - sp U l« J -o u t-« n - tt

ground.I Ne* Perce couniy sheriffs office

- .u , aald Uie tanker, driven by Ralp Marvin. Clarkstcn. Wash., was golr

” down the steep, spiral grade and w« slruck on a curve by a car drive by Richard UcCannon, Pullmai

p W uh.*’ Kenny fit. CUlr, also Pullmat

a n *'*< passenger In McCannon's i t DoUj were sUghtly Injured,

nnual ju s t as the U nker was rotlin lyac* over, a third car driven by Al Hal nerlff ley, Pullman, wllh Bud Copelani jvent. Pullman, as a passenger, cam

around the cune. offlcera aald. T h open tide of H atley’s car w u scraped b

the big U nker.* HaUey managed to speed up a n

• dodge tho full Impact. The highwa mOT- * “* accident fo r Jlv

' InvuUgaUoo of Uie accident 1 , , conUnulng.,11 The t i f lk e r . wo* carwing <.Mi

- >. gaUons ot gas from storage lank ' I- a t Spokane to Lewiston. MarvU

wasn't h u r t’

Antitrust Lawsuit _ Gains Settlemeni; . t NEW YORK. Aprtl « tf l-A fed-

eral anU trust suit against thi aUey American Newspaper PublUhera aa. to 4 socUUon was aettled by agreemem — yesterday w ith court approval. -

T he JusUce department had ac- men cused the ANPA and five oUiei , tU publishing or advertising associa. M n. Uons of conspiring to restrain Uii HUI, business of developing, placing anc dell; servicing national adrerUsIng.MT*. AU defendanU had entered de. alph nials.nett. Federal Judge John M. Cashln en- W . tered a consent decree term lnatlni

tt)e acUon against the ANPA abou ^ two h o u n atua- the assoclaUon hac

neu i concluded lU three-day 70th an Rit* n u d convention here. ’ ■■tfker H ie ANPA consented to an orfei ^ e n loM oi > id t o M n l n , It t tm

requiring, requesUsg cu- urging lU W ‘: membera to engage In adverUsInj ^ praetlcea th a t would violate th i ^ flhennan act.

^ Rifles Are Found to In Cargo of Ship

VERKCRCZ. M alco, AprU 37 MV- ;^ter Port auUiortUes u ld . today thej L u i found nine crates of Wlncheatei

Hflefl aboard Uie Norwegian freightei Avenir, wrecked by explosions a a t

net's dUtely w hether the rlllrs a re con- to 8 iW tred aa ct®it»b»nd, or w hethti

th# Avenir carried ammunlUoi which m ight account for the serin

land of erploslons which set Ui# veue M n. on fire.smas Earlier announcements sAld thi J ia n io,ooo.ton ahlp’a cargo eonslsled ol

coffee, copper and broom straw.

sousj g j ---------M a g i c - V a l l e y ---------

F u n e r a l s

uoty JERO M E-Funeral services foi I to Mr*. Pay# ily rick wlU b« held al

2:30 .p . m . Monday a t ths Prea.

fS tC llan; Perdue ornciallngTftlenda msj ding, call a t Ul# WUey funeral home frorr man. 1 to 9 p . m. Bunday and to tim<

ot aervIces’on'M oaday. Concludlnt and B t e r ^ l be held a t th# Jerom<


B U IIL -Punpm l jfrrlcM for Mrs Ann H. Daly will be, cotiducied a'

,K .ri ^ Saturday a t the Duhl Plra ttbert Presbyterian church wim ihe Rev

Norman E, Stockwell. rector of thi Church of the Ascenalon. Episcopal

Dlek la Twin Palls and Buhl, omclatlng ooeri The body wUl be taken u> 8«U Lake

City for cremation. The family aug EtsU donaUons to Uie Cerebral Pal

. and sy school In'TwIn Palis.

RUPERT — Puneral ser\'lces to: i^ER eondueled a t :hl*h Saturday a t the Ruperl Melh

7 odUt chureh with Uie Rev. c»rl Ad . , ams. pM tor oJ tha P e n l e e o a t a

churc; OfflclaUnc, Last riles wlU b held In the Ruperl cemelerj-.

For fflre l Uwni pUnt Globe'j faner Uwn rra s wtd. 11 lb.—Adr

r to- I” -


.M I Flowers express your.message Tr.i j more simply, mora sincerely.

•'M pnO N E23f

F o x F l o r a lb's I . U 7 W EST MAIN t i |

^ j Alaska Okays State Plan in

[ Decisive VoteJONEAU,.Alaska, A p riU 7 -JR -.

Alaskans, who turned out a t . the ____[poUs.In rreord n m b e rs *n>^ay,

stttutlon two to one and abo backed a -Tennesjee pUn“ to press for sUlthood on congress' doonups. .

Returns, which sUlI were being gaUiered Id some remote areas, were incomplete, but there was BO doubt

f a U » t boUi proposaU had been ap- id c proved. And approval left no doubt

th a l a majority of Alaakans stUl de- sir# sutehood for their territory.

— * WlUi M« Of 779 preclncU reported.the vote on the Tennessee p lan .w u

' 11,033 for and 7,920 sgalnst.T he vote r — on-the-constltuUon--waa-l3,10l-for

and 8.234 agalnsl. f f i In Uie presldenUal populsrtty

contest, which h u po direct besr- J ing on Alaska's delegates to the na-

a Q Uonal pollUeal conventions, Presi­dent EUenhower poUod 5,795 and

anus, Sen. William P. IpiowUnd o t Call- over fomla 329 on Uie OOP ticket, and

a tte r Adlal Stevenson 9,139 and Sen. kllons Eaies Kefauver 4.1(2 on the Demo-- t h e c ra tlc-ballo tr........ ................... ...........

The proposed consUtutlon, framed ricen last winter a t a convention a t Uie (,< talph University of Alsska. has been de- _ (olng scribed by many pollUcal science n, 1 was aulhorliles as a -model" docuroeat. rtven ---------------------------- , r

Complaints Noted S On Scale of P ays

,tiing BOME, April 27 (fl - AlUiough H at- moat Idaho employers have been j,r land complying with the sU te 's minimum ^ m e cenU an hour wage law. there ’T he have been some cocnplalnU from ju d bv restaurant employes. W. L RobUon.

' stU e tabor eooualssloaer, s a i d i i yesUrday. • • V

iwav “Bome resuu ran t operaton have attempted to make Uielr own In- - terpreUUons of tha act," RobUon

» said. I‘TenUUve sgreement was reached Rt

I Mn year." RobUon said, "a t a con- w« ference of emplc^en and repre- Ba aenUUvea of Uie various classes of he employes affected, on a few ad- ca mlnUtnUv# InterpreUUons. ml

"One.of. Uieso w « th a t tips could ' i . be Uken Into account in determin- an i t Ing th e minimum wsge for restaur- wo

. an t waitresses and th a t tho 6S-cent- a t f i t an-hour minimum w ould 'be per- In

mltted un4er Ui# tenUUve agree- ale fed- m en t Some employera have failed • . th e to meet UiU minimum.” Robison an aa- u ld . “leading to compUlnU from lls:

sen t oUier employera u well as em- ne- - ployea." - ..........................- - - Bua e- Dnployen who continue In vlo-

ther IaUon of any provUlon of the act -fi e ]a . a ra liable ior unpaid w a tn plus X tb e penalUea prodded by th# law.

and RobUon u ld .

“' Church Move Set s S Towards Merger"!

MINNEAPOLIS, April 27 t*1— bu MeUjodlittycJterday cam# up wllh « '

• " * ft n e w T ^ ^ l t t »Wn for leallng cu ^ eccleslaslIffi'rtl&VwUh th e Prot- P»

esU nt z tlieopal c h u rd i-a a a atep • toward evenUial merger.

The plan calls for mass coosecra- g* tlon ol^the bUhops of each church " 'J by U « bishop# of Uie oUier chureh . • -U iu s giving boUi group# official 5® clerical sUnding In th# eyes of Uie

___ Blahon.lvan Lee Holt. 8 t. Louli,» ch a lm a n of tiie MeUiSSUrccnunU- ^ J t P elan on church union, disclosed the [V

plan, picturing It u p a rt of a wove toward bringing “the entire CbrU- Uan famUy U>geUier."

I t was received a t the MeUtod- > UU’ tiuadrennlal general conference, om the church's top governing body, as An a basis for new negoUaUons wlUi

™ ; ^ p to .p .1 ch.,,1 .. ■ T .

ther T k i. T T l ^Rent Is Free ^aael OHICAQO. April 27 W _ The

Democratic party will get the In- n . M,. temaUonal arophlUieater ren t frre rro

, for Uieir nomlnaUng convenUon * ' UiU summer. . “ t

The New York firm of Clapp ■~1 Poliak, Inc., will pick up the esU- _ f

! nutted t23.000 Ub In return for per-— fm tuien-to-sU ie-an-|nEluslrrRl n - _

position In pa rt of ttie amphlthenler ■whUe the Democrats meet during |

— Uie week ef Aug. IJ. a company c to r spokesman aald. •:

I a t -------------------------- - ^

n iiy By United P re n ' 'rom Idaho's flood th resu had essed :lme —( I iM it temporarily-today as’ . ling cool wenUier over-the sU le dropped o*ne the levels of swollen streams.

The fit. Joe river, which broke * Uirough a second dike near St. Marle.1 yesterdsy. w a s reported

j., “ r dropping slowly. The drop was ess- *“ n i t lug the river's pressure on remain-

Ing flood' control works. i—

GAMES SCHEDULED ; X 6H0SK0NE, April 28 - Dn.vballl ^ teams from the Boise Junior Coliegel pJ^ . snd Ricks college, Rexburg. wlii play '

a doubleheade: nt the Shoshone bsiipark. beglnninK at i p. m. Sstur- ,

to r day. ”, l 5 - . 7------- = - = ^ ------------------e th-.

3O n r A m h u h in c e

• - S e rv ice D ay m

— ^-v-T4" HouTrTIs

Twin Falls '' Mr. and Mrs. BUiiIcy Phllllp!

I j ' •

Twin Falls NO M tcd m atorU n J

____3Evebm .i>eK r*aier.-.-T w ln-Palls ..p h u been elected historian ot the i ^ fligma Epsilon sorority a l tha Col- 1

leg# of Idaho, CaldweU. ie' ' ■ •y, Case FDc* Beoovail

TThe flies of. two clrU acUofii'fUed 1 jH in T w la PaUs district court were r«- J J, moved Thuraday and 'P rlday by a t-

tomeya. P ra ac ts E . H unter illed a ^ civil ncUon against Joe Hunter P ri- ' r l day and th e file was removed by ^ her attorney, Robert N. W. BsUel- *‘ f tn . .AU™ D .V II.U J lU ol > d .n . c !

^ Uon Tliursday against Dave De- ‘ , Veraux «nd the fUe w u removed by •* her a ltom ey, Ouy L. KUiney. . '

J Fihn oh Science ■ —ifs Planned Here j

y " r t 'c u Of P llth ." a film produced .. by Uie Moody Institute of Science, r . Los Angeles. wlU be shown a t B {. p. m- Bunday a t th# Oraea Blblt r. i church. nI. The picture U th# fUm version o t ' H “Sermons Prom Science." a Klence ,, , demonstraUons produced by sclent- ,, ' UU of the UisUlute. „

'! .- In .tb c L .J U m ..P r .^ ia J ^ o q n . .dU ^ . rector of lb# InsUtule aUows a mil- “ ° Uon volU o t elK trlctty to go through .* hU body and out hU fIngerUps, V* making long streaks o t high volUge ^ ‘ lightning, I n oUier demonsU^aUons‘- ot "F a cu o t F^IUi.'*'Dr. Moon fries

an egg on a cold stove; breaUtes In a- lungful of helium « t k h ^ changes h ts voice; floats metal „ r ln p in the air; breaks a drinking '

7 glass wlUi a beam of sound aod Z capUires th c sound made by a ' '

piece of m etal when a magnet it ^ ™ brought near. The public U invited. A-freewUI “ offering wUl be taken fpr Ui# in - *'; __________________ S‘ Woman Is Found ■'

Dead by Husband;;;SHOSHONE, April TJ-His. Jerry ot

1 Reed, who lives north of fihoshone. Ti• w u found dead in bed by h e r hus-. Bsnd a t fl:SO p.^m.-Thuraday when J« C he relum ed home from work but kl . cause of de a th has not-been deter- O

mined.I Physlcana report Mrs. Reed died {■ around 4 p. ro. Thuraday. Reed, who■ works In Shoahone. relum ed home . a t 6:30 p. m . and found his wife■ In bed. A t f l n t he thought ah# w u• sleepUig.I . An autopsy h a i been performed e<] I and t£sU a re being made to esUb- Ui I llsh causo of deaUi. Meanwhile, fu - Bi■ neral aervlcea are pending a t the

BuidsU m ortuary .- . - - - - ce

: 10 Pfcople Die in « Blast of Building „

PULASKI. Va_ April 27 ilfV-An « explosion demoUshed an apsrteien t he house he re early today and 10 per* of

, sons were believed klUed. dqPolice sa id 16 persons Uved in Uie

. building and only six have been ac- I counted for alnce Uie explosion oc-

' ‘ i t ^ i n i ^ 'I Thkwcploslon occurred shorUy be-

fore 6 n . m . EST. when a resU ursnt of owner a ttem pted bt Ught a ho t water Br h e s tv . In

T hl.explosion W t only one wsll 14. ' a ad p a rt of anoUieraUndlng. Houses 1

wlUUn a mile and a ha lf radius felt usl Uie. blast, Windows wero broken sei wlUiln a two-block radius. bs<

Man Faces Count ho

On Embezzlement»A former Tw in PalU realdenl and

one-Ume represenUUve for Oold Arrow Trad ing company wIU be ] brought from Pendleton. Orr-. to An Twin P a lb sa turdsy on an etnbes- Ed ilement charge, . * 'h e ;

Benjamin PrnncU (Duke) Sulll- fiu van U ohftrged wlUi embexillnff at 073 In trad ing atamps from the com- = pany while acting as lu agent here. Deputy SheriV Paul Rosa w lif drive from Boise to Pendleton Friday to gel Sullivan.

Rois w enl to Boise Friday morn­ing to deliver Alvin W. EngUsh snd return Jame.< T. WhlUock to Uie sU l« penitentiary,----- ---------------- -

SDmellmei the [uy « h e triei to act tool aa a encurabtr winds . up In a p ltkle jinyhow.


1 w altb lor special

C IT Y FLORAL iMr. nnd Mrs. Orlo Wliilams I J

il l Ilk Kirftt a*alk IDitk «r U(i,4rr) | ]

' T

ce Ts at Your and Night.


3 'M o r t u a r ymips and John


News‘in Brief 'ils. ^ l T '^ } t t S S f i a U a . J i u . b e e n Uu admitted to tl i e Twin FaUa CUnlc tol. hospital ior tTMtment. »

• Extlngulsb F l r a ......... ..................... ;Neighbor* exUngulahed with a )

led gardett-hoee W'SmsUJlre in a garage , r , - a t » 0 Jefferson sU te t a t 6:SS p jn . J , 1. Ihunday .- • ’ ' ,

X eaael Clob to Meet b> Twin Palls Kennel elub will meet * e l. a l S p jn . Tuesday in Uie Idaho • i j . Power corapany auditorium. Re- ‘

freshmenU wiU be aerved. *

I'ost ParklBg B«b^ , ‘ “- RuUn BIckmoiJ, Dave Evans,

■ John Baker. Ida Haber. Jack Cubit, P E. D. W auon. P . I. F irm er and Jack f Roselund posUd t i bonds T h u n - ' dsy w lth'Twin PalU pollce for over- “

*d * c« • CelUcUon Asked «=

’ SUtewlde AdJusUnent b u r e a u . . Inc , seeks from Jess HUI. in a com- “ pUlnl filed Thuraday In probaU ^

^ court, I 1M J8, <22 for altom ey fee, “ ^ and COSU, contending the money (s "

Uie balance, o t 13NM HIU agreed to ^ ,, pay for a 1942 Dodge purchased from { y l Glenn Oi J e n iiiH o’n D ec.'lo rifiS Sr *

\i Services Held for j i” Man in Shoshone “

SHOSHONE. April 27 — Puneral a ^ services were held Wednesday a t the H ^ BurdeU chapel for Oeorge -Banner "5 wlU\ the Rev. B e r t PowtU, pastor i “ of the M ethodist church, official- J

^ Oravealde rite s were conducted by 1,, Uis American Legion post. Hal Ross

and R. W. Orove were colorbearers, Roy Bate and C. M. PeUiIck were fi color guards. E lm er T erry was chap- cl lain and Thom as Conner w u in a charge of th e firing squad. Dick ai

d Oneida. RusseU W entworth. Earl oi Voss, Charle* Peugh. DennI# Everett and Oeorge M erritt were members p(

ry of the firing squad and William ct le, Tanska was buglar. , U s- Pallbearers were E. L. Oomes. Tom le

:n Jackson, Ross Borden, Howard Ad- lu u t Uns, A. h. Butterfield and Jack w< r - ChrUtensen. g>

----------------------------- S)

io Officers Installed I « For Merry Maids;;

The Merry M aids 4-H club Install- al ^ ed officers W ednesday erenlng a t

the home of Joanne Madland. Janet Pi J . BsIUer, reUring president, was In- B. ie sUUIcg officer a t the candleUghl at. ceremony..............

Ann Irwin spoke on “good aporU- monshlp in a group." Twelve new j- ffitsnben were inlUated. Charlene Jh Bengoechea was guest.

y RefreshmenU were aerved by MUs ■9 MsdUnd and A nn Krellkamp. Tlie “ sewing group wUl m est May B a t Uie « home of Barbara Sass. The meeUng Ai ■ of Uio cooking group h i s been post- Pi

;; Burned by Lamp SRICHFIELD, -April 27 - SheUa q

I- B rlgu U convalescing a t U19 home gr It of her parents, M r. and Mrs. % R. ir Briggs. Richfield, a tte r being burned

In her room In Oraveley hsU a t eej U Idaho BUt« college last Friday.4 MUs Briggs had fallen asleep while it using a sun lamp. The lamp caused D serious burns U> h e r face, eyes and .

back. She was ^ u n d by her room ot

Following treatm ent a t the college w hoapiui MUs Briggs w u brought <<..

^ homa Tuesday evening by MUs j

d ---------------------------- wai PLANS RECITAL enie KIMBERLY, April 27 - Sandra0 Ann OIII. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ^• Edwin OUI. Kimberly, will presenl

her senior piano re c lu l a t 4 p m. M• Sunday In Slatchley LltUe Uieater ■• the CoUege of Idaho. Cnidwell. |



[ KElKERSfUDIO I1 5 1 6 .A D D ISO N E

(A cro ss f ro m ]L M«’Wig g l A rU l -------- , _

' , 72

f ™ ; TBAnr MAI

(An AminotriozoU

^ H ero'* th e g re o f new herbl<

1 I b e tn reo (]in g a b o u t Jn t h t laa

k i l l : CANADA 1

RUSSIAN KN,N o n -se le c tiv e— D o ts no t

T h e re 's n o th in g el Kill y o u r reolly to u g h

________!iU ilJJJ> f.A I.U L .ID 0*V ..»tlli6

A M E R IC A N CH E M IC A L fA |ll» l» ril rhfi«l,.1, n i'l.l.. . Sl

O riglnalon e t Aminotrisi


Rogers WholesKim berly RoocJ _______


~ | S o i l G r o u p t o

G i v e s A x ^ a r d s

“ ~ F r a ^ € o 5 t e i t s

___ SHOSHONE. AnrU 27 -W lnaen inUie Wood R lre r soil.CoMerfaUon

™ • district poster ecmtest wUl receive awards a t a conservation meeting

P-®' a t 8 p jn . M o n d a y -a e Lincoln school auditorium. *

The contest w u held In the lllUi and slxUi, and sevenUi and elgbUi m d e s of Ul# Uiree couniy schools.

R i ! Awanls wUl be presented U> Uie Indi­vidual Khool w lnnen and the names of Uie county w lnnen will be sn- nounoed.

U l, The pregram wUI aUo Includ# a Lihlt! P w e l discussion on Ui# esUblUh-

m enl of Uie dUUIct, problems of u „ . Ul# area, beneflU derived from Uie

dUtriet. duU es-of the superrison and reUUonshlp between Uia soil conservaUon dUU'Ict and the soU conservsUon aervlce.

Mont Johnson, chairman of the board of sapervUors. will be In

^ cl*JUge of Uie meeUng a iui wUl act f ,7 as moderator fo r Uie panel; OUier

membera of Uie panel will be Mrs.I Jessie Danner, prealdent of Ui# “ " Women's auxiliary; Paul Bancroft

an.;-O tviile -D avU ,-supenflsor*-cf the dUtriet; Don Prederlcksen, presi­den t of Uie Idaho ^ ^ I t U o n o t 80U ConservsUon dUtrloU. and Luther Jones. Tii,’In Palls, soli conservaUon

A -musical program wUl be given eral and a conservaUon fUm will be the ihoa-n. 'mer ■'

Hearing Planned In Knife Charges

tr s , Preliminary hearing f o r - Lyle fere Shockey, 18,314 Fourth avenue west, a p - chaw ed with aggravated a su u lt on

In a 14-year-old s tuden t wUl be held )Ick a t 10 a. m. Tuesday before JusUce u n of ths Peace J . O. Pumphrey. re tt The preliminary hearing w u po*t- >ers poned from Friday to Tuesdsy be- lam cause th e eoUrt was unable to ob-

^ U ln a court reporter. Shockey al- 'om legedly cu t Daryl Thompson on the ^d- Imnd wlUi a pocket knife whUe Uiey ack were on ihe.T w ln PaUs high school

grounds. The complaint against Shockey was signed April 11 by Uie Thompson boy'a mother, Mrs. DorU W. Thompson.

J ■ Th# complaint aaya Shockey “wUl- 1 B fuUy. unlawfully and feloniously

committed Ui# a c t wlUiout JusUfl- all- able or excuuble cause."

a t On recommendaUon of Assistant net ProsecuUng Altomey Robert N. W. In- BaUeUcn bond for Shockey w u fUed gh t a t 11,000. AUomey J . Dean Mosher• - represenU Bhockey. . . - •U- ----------------------------

ene Final Honor Paid SS Mrs. Emma Reedthe Puneral services for Mrs. Emma Ing Ann Reed were conducted a t 4 p . m, a t- Friday a t White mortuary chapel

by the Rev. Ray- L . Aplet, BuhL A duet waa aung hy M n . Myr* Lee

Woodruff and Mrs. B ulah ChUhaa. Mrs. Helen Allen was organist. .

,, Pallbearera were G ala Bt*ercombe.0 . W. wlUiam. H arry Slater, How-

me ard E. Reed. WUUam W. Reed and Audra K . Reed.

'ed .P lnalrltcs were held in Twin PalU• t cemetery.

« Office Changednd TOKYO, Aprll 27 OB-A portion ,Y o t P a r East a ir forces headquarters

w nrbT h iW id ft'om '-iaiyoTo'H oho- ce lulu in June, PEA P announcAl to-

day.Reports from W uh lng lon reeenUy

said Uie a ir force high command W0.1 considering movement of the entire FZAP headquart*ra to Hawaii

„ but th a t no decisloit had been j.| reached. >n l —~

^^^U'HUTCHINGSrey '••fl *

bulldlni rr

t1v« yeu VII on JB (I>* flr* Iniurtnr*

tnr-thnn.-yri'MtM- ' J rP reu ii>

I P H B M £ ! S FlorMi.SEE O R OALL

DON H U T C H IN G S j728 ORANT AVE. - PHONE 3192 \

l i i r i jIK M A R g." V.

i z o l e W e e d l c i l l e r )

h e rb lc id * d i ic o v tr y y o u 'v * 1

\* le a d in g fo rm m o g o x in « * .

U S ~, THISTLEKNAPWEEDII n o t s te r i l is e t h t to ll

ing e l ie like it . - lugh p ro b le m w eed* . »'AKe-BU4.t,STlH-0N-neuOKItr < -

:AL P A IN T C O M P A N Yl«« • SIIm. <'»llf. . AiakUr. r . .nolristol# WiedkUlera • ~ •

iu:t k i) b v , '

Resale Supply--------- V • ' ' T w in Foils ' •

I Seen Today•. D U tnct c o u rt BaUiff ja c k Thorp

quoUng Shakespeare-foT'fOur'atlot118 n«y» • • • Sm all girl alnglng m

rocking doU . . . B lue pane) iruc n i n wiUi b right yellow -Ughlnlng-llk lUon flash painted on s id e . . . O lrl trip kItc e l-d e to u r-a i* Itlng u ahe looks a t n e w ' car* on du icoln pUy . . . Rudy H ochhslter carryln

bouquet of lilacs in to courthouse. Him Joe K. KAy reading advertUemen gbUi for glassware . . . Man calling fo ools. basebaU nilea book to aetUe argu .odl- menl . . . Pekingese riding abov imes r e a r seat o t aedan and yapping a to - pedestrians . . . M an reading weaUi

er forecast and Ih e n going outdoor j j , to look a t aky . . ; C ar puUing Inl

curb maUtjox from wrong aide « j 0; s t r e e t . . . D rugstore clerk trying t Ih j decipher note handed him by pre

Ijon boy . , . C hild trying to plac mil pair ot sunglases o n dog's noee . . „11 Woman aUidylng HawaUan vacaUoi

folder . . . Pickup truck loaded witl tree wlth ro o u tr a p p e d In burls;

, And oveijieard: “Everyday h, , , knows mora and m or# about les

and leas.-

H Candidate Hangs — L a b e l on W e l k e i

Soil LEWISTON, April 71 W -A lv li Uier McCormack, candidate for thi Uon DemocraUc nom ination for senator

asuUed Sen. H erm an Welker las iven night as a “pcculU r" senator whi

be "U busy w ith invesUgaUng Rus. alan u U o n " instead o t working 01 farm problems.

In W ashington yesterday, Welkei demanded th s expulsloo of Arkadi Sobolev, chief sov ie t United NaUon

p q delegate, and any o t hU sU ff in- volved in the sudden departure 0:

L,yle five Soviet aeamen for Russia 11 test, days ago.. on Said McCormack: “W hen mosi ield oUier senatora in W ashington ar< lUce busily engaged in try ing to reach ar

agreement on a fo rm help pro. ott- gram—and one th a t will help thi be- economy of Idaho—S enator Welkei ob- U busy wlUi InvesUgaUng R uu lar al- u llo n .”Uie 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 ^ 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5

11 OFFICE r SPA C Eislylfl-

FORher _ ^ _

RENT'd S h a r e m o d e r n , 3 - ro o m

s u i t e a n d o f f i c e e x - >pei p e n se s . G ood lo c a iio iu

R e a s o n a b le r e n t .aa.

^ m^rtndAvelE. PHONE 131

Ion . ■ .ers _ _ _ _ _

io"; -W A R T T O I^^A K E ^

s A H I T . . . 1he *


"W O M A N "?! j

\ - T T T G r r y

? . FORi] . — ■ •1;

p Jl i ...........r . ' I [•: ---------

J ' 111' ' ■ ‘ rt

(I s r

| l '

The G-E Mobile Maid A t t guaranteed unconditiont

.: plete sa tisfaction is gu 'J drs7ie3*cTeanefI “

' — F/fE:£ T J i /A Z JN YC

; N A M E YO U R 0


w;: loUr awBl ,.laR — IJ - — "I{

."•“ i a ;MUon •'•IU t« i1 with '"»• p re c H io iT ^lurlsp “ "neuverins ly he -VouUis who «iu v. ^ ' t leis afler August m»y

The three Iki.1 ^


oator. “ ‘""W will . 144 scliolarshlp; se c o n d

who «bo!arthlp, and thinj RlU. Mliolarship. * ^ lig en Standard-'and auioitmi. ^

mission cars kih -etter byi-kody O 'f* O. Jenkins c l i t r Z ^ lUons companyr in . Reese Motor c o m w u T ^ * 're of .^■nie Jay-c-Elles . u i n - , . la 19 Uie dny-long event.

mosl I are

5 ONLVsslan



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Sc fttdu /td Loeal Sria


HER A - .^

tM A i ii: tiisHW ASHa- B


■ NO ■^ InslolfaFion I

CostsI I

NO BILLS , 9 for S

P LU M B IN C ia

_ 1 9 5 iForm,rl)r

Autom atic Piahwaah t f B ionally to give yoai guaranteed to wasn j i^ M


S O W N T E E M S l

I D e l e c t r I Hb e r l y j

- raiDAY.

b ^ A P R r L . . 2 7 . - l S 5 °

Chi . " i

I Khool. » i 'o 'J ' '

m^.rn^ jm r fl»b aiB»*r •raeo*»

K»« IS* T«J-lor r*el»r».f e ? J Jt». r.ll»«.hlP - i 'l KJ. In.

p s s S - M .

L - f ■ S ” 3 % a t -»6;

Iw"* “ 7 »iri bflnr* tf***®"Yt It 1* un<Ur.liX«l .nd

a - v" t S i L K :

S ' l K

W 11?'* /r j5 , will iBCludt It* follow. ' " 1 “ ’

E v.'." '" ''!* •""J , . „ , |p l b. r«l»J«<l-______

t ^ iS iT v i ' .v.ffi"’..'!".™!:;E £ “s i i f . " ' . v K i i S r a

s .r o \^ v.cT

e - V s t J i s A : & :■ .« !: „ . . S s r e : - ’ v u s » * ;F" r.kiMU C*mn fi'* »'»' niut f!''llMbii «. P-i"' WwlBMdir. lunior J ' . * ' n u ^ d .r . rwculh.

„ ci»P T\rt CIrU;____ Cll1 riM ram tB T iA N L ai,^ moa« norlh a t (ihnbeti*»lin«Joloj McPhtrtiEjiSu'iUH ef’D .f^ . ritr»»l which l«

ShiTi u J.I1«»II No. I. S tSO p-n... at Ih. _

t W«t o( £utii

LuVXlwi ■w t«nJro ll» furi.I.brf. JIMV*njS^WreNEME8 ^

tll^Mu^JunlsVr.**WiUhSTirtf *H1b1* ,il^inU xt. ”r<iIJ Tim* B«r>Ie»~« Gl«r> .Lj

Bobfrt McWlllUmi. • Now |^mrMiitJU>« af lh« WaUlitawkr m>- ,}L r lU »Wl Twin K«IU lha w«1i ol Mar nJI|.V[ J |UM(klhtllb; bMlnnInc Tundtjr Iho P'L u ii i t Iho ■s>wl J WHk ar* MhfdulH lla b n it^ t p.m. Tu«*d»r. ThrocralJo - ,p S T b S i l n i u n ? * ^ g l

Mtanl Vol. i. iltwhrrw uriptum ,i

hiu^r: tB&jKU -b>. "Th. r iif tt to »

V iU S r CHRISTIAN -----------1*41 lltrbtim avonu* «tit

t f TIIU. *4 Inlortm ■alnUlir

|j:^WflJ inuilt. y rMn.^ 0Yy!°5!MT "

nfcu^ from *nf ^boird mcmKr'or^Chl


* im , M hool,^ a.m.. »or^>ll^ '

*ouniEnN~nAPTi8T *v., «»3 lllfhlanri '

, ll.-»u Dlllman. p .ii .rs T ; ? p ’;;:rh : <

Irni’mwl/t.r’ Thuradir. m ular \

* Colgate's n ewaerosol Insecticide a *KaMOr ®"

' i n n o s q u H o M

t w c h e ^ ^ Z

i n t S and other b u ^ .

rl^ s te i; easierthan an / *

Bother type p*“b u ^ k ille r I t t

I i t 's m e lls . ! ■ ■ ■ — \ ^ ^ _ g o o d . t o o ---------------- -----

I S s ^ s r s ? ; ' ! ^I r - s S i S t F t I S r i ^ H S » o c ,

M u l l FiW Kt I g " g

hurches, 8T. EDWAM-8 CATHOUC •

iBndir WAJS h l . i ' ; . ;;;;; s i * ' ' ;lU d a lf ».in.ti)nJ«.lon.;».m ,d„.,,^ Up Uji‘J i’S t - M i ' u s

iiu > «lh» 10 oVI«k m.u .,„ Sunil.T „r al .o r WheL V .'r ? h ^ ^ ^ ;r 'rb r iv -v :L '; '. ‘.\rb ::tar>. U3 itrrrnlh i>rnii> .411 or i.hoi., IcadCMI. Inqulir data <onHurir« in thirtrh hall ______ifr Tu«wlijr and TbutiJ., f.cnin*. Mo f " ' '

CUUftCH o r T ilt ARrKSXtON IE m corA i.

. K*r..a K. MlMb.all. r^i.r

).i /aulh Ullowihlip. t 11 ni. Xonda'r. Cuh I>ula. 1 p.m. TUndi>. v.,irr inr<ilii(. t : l i 1..» . Wrfnaadar. hol, r.imn.unlon .rd .biP; "rab/.al. ja^a.nt.^ WrrIftr«Ji|r,^hnI, 11,.1 n,f,r S«ouU. « W.^ne.Ja’r'. llu, «7<.gu! nV»l‘ rhfcm. W^cadar, ••, rK»ir rrht.rial. fr.r ilf .10 p.m. Thunrlar. Aic«nilr<ti CulM nir»1> muaK.Ib Ura. C. a Urrnfr. 1(0 Krrrnlh ar«nu> M'n >1rlh. 4 p.m. Thu»»ilar. JiinMr thoir la- l-i-.hlpira.L nm., ll

rittsT B A m sr It E Craw ■■■■■p *h.C.^K. Ur»a. MlaUttr .1 Marallaa .lar/ll..,

b* Li>lnr Wenl Is /(pan." } p.m. Hon. l.':40 p.Ilor Kcouu. J;10 p.m. Tuf.d.r, Vol. foll.i..:

. callinr, I p.m. ThunHar. KUatinr l"r • I'l drraon tlicl* m«li wllh Hia. Urn Wink, waul h : Caulla I I .rlan cirrir marii wlih Mm. JgJr Cl fl, Ktion and Jfan l.urlirr cirdr m..t< ('art Hi h Hra. bi, C. ChadJodi, I p.m. Thura. xmi, "I '. choir rabi.ntl, loilmon

iMUANUW. I.|7tHKBAN rli* ' T-aurth a<rnua tail .n.l .Satoml alrrrt WrJnri.l

Ariaand C. Haillft and Lflhcr K. Raaairl. ptilaii 1

Iba church .nd l.utharan'achtMil. V:}iT ) :SQ . '!’lO a.m.. aduU lllbla J a.m','chl]|r h''ihV’v

idV/. LWMl/al pali'iVh^V’i p*.m.°W ruuik c»'mV rallj ‘a l^ l '7 .r 'i;l! p'm!‘nur.*d^^ Daj."';'' Ir concart at Iluhl.VICTORr MtlWIOSARY HAPTISr I a.m.

Stfond and I.octiii alinl .SundarEUor J, V. f . , . nular ifr.l,..,

t a.Di.. .<lu<idar tcbool. it a,m.. .oralifp ::!0'Irf. 1:10 p.m.. lltbla aluilir. t:3a p.m., Trlmarr• hip. flpfcl.l (irih Bufldar mrtilni 1. H'' a~l'ln( Krldar. » p.m.. April All dar P m. Thi■lc»a 8«lurdir‘.nd Sundir; alntlnc and ----------rial prcacblni hr >lilllns mlnlalfra. Hr*.

rrtlr.l tn*«llnr racb arcnlnf ai Till ., followliif lilih (lunriar mrtllhc.

ciiuBcii o r THE BtETimiN - ' » •C r ..r of T hl.d^ .,.« .^..d ^ourtk

:4t ».m!!*?h!i^b*.i'^ir!l’ i.m., wor.1; itrmon, "Should >'.diiriUan [la Chrit* ‘''5;. L ■ r <i» P,m., f.llow.hl» hour. < p.m..'n!T^r.da°r.'l'or vom.. T,«p IT '/ J : r iL t ir^ Md'lfri! cloria'cuJ^

______ ablp; IP UNITED nBBTIinES

w rb i r ’; ' a t . : r ‘ L ^ / - -ln.m.. Sundir tchwil. ll ».w., »or»ht^: nOB. I p.m.. ChrUllin Kndr.vor. ( |v*J,KtllilJc afrylc. I p.m. Wadn ilar; Seed* I»r a«». : p.oi, TJiuraHar, w.W.A, S e rf al tnMt at th* homa ol Hrt, Garald A*.

AMERICAN LIITHEBAS" ■ '■ " s ' . 'n . - j .E r i i s . v " '” '" ' J L:4i ..m„ Bund.r achoul and adult Dibit jic K i t. It a-m.. wonblp; r«<tplloa of mtm- X f l j

and ctlthrallon ot Holr CommunloB.>>minaBd You la Iho Sa>lnc ntalltr el k lo . Word" will bt Ibt aubjtct of raitor N G a'a parllnr addrtta.--------- P l» t«

. . FIT

QU>P boa

p i M T ^ \ \ y t

r C o ^

® -jfN O W !—F iv e your (hicks a S•YcmThich-jheBld f6W-ifM 5i%4« pv pound of talD tliin em beforaP u ricu icicflttsa b iv e done I t a g a in l '

even I u t year 'i wooderful fo rm u li to a th e / a l t e r g r o w t h - t h e b e t te r .c o lo f : fea iberio^ .

97% IIVABILITY. U st year over 11,000 ord j 00 2,i64,S9l chicks proved th a t livability . T h a t it 97 chickj railed o u t «

LOW IN COST. I t CMt] 10 lictle to g ive y< ful scarc o a Super Starteoa.Feed ju ic 2 chick o r 3 lb*, fo r heavie*. T i a t i t a il p e n n ia - to grow big , w cU-feathered y(

K’eekt old.

Wll)’nicewwcctturycbiBcawJch K E Ed b e w w b ra roa can do w smch

to protect their health (et only a „ _ . peoBy o r o r o a chick. DWnfect

lb* b fo o d v hou»« w hh PurJoa

U fa with Purini Check-R-T»b».

t w i F T f a l l

Feed & Supplyl i c K U N E , . ■

- ' .i;

7 ~ • t :

legregation Probl M ethodist Mee

%*ASinKOTONr AprU - r r W — dfnly remi :rreatk)ii on Sunday tuu atlrrcd m immine)

Ujc iiiarpM l moral coolrovm y Inal rfmI . Bjitat* Amcri«in_ Churth life Amerlw. ce the -ilarery (ltspBte-of-*-e«i» —Somff'cl 3fc#Ko. church. UlVhen the luprcm s court ouU aurd nioml Icne int dlvlilon In public KhooU, InR behind dcri o( alt denomlnaUona aud> ine nhal

- brothcrhoc. , . , , . [Tlify den'N e i g h b o r i n g

C h u r c h e s- _____I Uiry iaia.

m ill. IIIIST METIIOUWT :n am., Sundar Khool. II a.m.. wof Jcctloiublc

•-V.clorr Sundar" wh.n aH frirnd. legnUj-. TIl.'’\;::lr.V.nV;h«‘r1ln:n^lI:^u'n;:i'ri‘'f=‘; tlon. M «I rhurch trtr-. aermon, "IlrllOvn—A Cllrd pa&9

ihl|. hall; Woman’a a-xinr will tcr.t. * FOCeS.

. for adulla; Ihrma will ba "lltleinc MlnnMpol.

.SVw Hrmbrr l.i lliow." 7:10 P.m. Mon. tlOn’» lufRi r r.bran.l .n_a_c»mml..l.a .n flnancr.

nim i. niur.w A iU ) Ltia ‘m e bis lai

0 p'm faif'and inu'monr mnllnr aa cm tm l JU;: Sonr, -W* Thank Tha«. O Cnd, Of Ul8 Ch'

a I'lnphn : Invocation. Clartncr Hub! : n fr c fn l 01II huiinr.a: clrl'a proiram apraVrr.r CIvrna: Aaronlc prinlhaod apcaVrr. M rs *fe U

', ! r ^ £ ' ':?*’!**= *‘V f P » ‘ ' moSr ."‘J'cT? « « / "O Tr'Mouliu'h: “UD !1": Unr,lltllan. Harold AniJrrv.r.. : In the NOf nra.i'a". Wlm»rr.*«P*rfcTJiir.d'ar. 5iA!

J — — churcht* 1num , riiisT cipiSTUN incrcnwd I

« i7 ‘i " A ,iV i.^«ut « r o to MVso ..m.. lllbla ichMil, >1 i.m„ commun. BTeSatlOnj,

J/''" ' ceptton ml l : ,* ." '? . : S f " s . S l » & i" i E « tu ol u

adult lllbla aludr. * P.m.. arrvlct; per Cent Mfmon' 'TTia K«urt“ 7im‘mVh'l!-tiod'a" ;Tto"'p.m. Mondar, iio" Scouta. ' ‘ w w w w w i

nitllL SECOND WARD LDfl j I C f t f l t.,m,. priralhood matllni. 10:10 ,.m., 5 lar achool, 11:10 p.m.. aacramrni.i ( - Dp.m..* itrrlcn' und'r'dlrKlfon of' (h« I K i E E l

i.rr oTfaaiialloB. : p.Bi, Tutadar, Hr. 1a~lri, » p m Wcdntadar. MU. »:«» t J23 8hO«hThuradar. Prlmar,.---------------------

GRACE DIDLEtto T1>M a<rnu» north ■■ ■■•■•M. E. Ntiaakh, p u u r a

a.m., Sundar achool. n a.m,. worahip, g ■#■ I n„ r.IIY|-. * p.m.. th* Mpodr Iniljluir I K |rltnc. film. 'T h. racu of Kallh" will I I X b l bown. 1 p.m. Tuttdar. n.M.S. prartr , 'ln(, I p,m. Wadnrtdar. prartr mm- ■ Am3 p.m, Tluradar, (i.M.l will m»I IMrk iluih Bhtldon. I

iL C R A v is i i n ^ i i c n o r c o B I i*;sa_1*» Wrai n irr a»«BUt .

t-aa CarBtr. paalar _ do-a.m„ fluBdar achool. II i.m.. wnr> ■ uo-

; ipralitr Utlla Talalaff. mlatlonarr « ;W_Jamaica. I p.m. Thuradar. iilbit aludr ■ ;00—

loeaa «l Mr*. Camrr. «rNorth'W^ah.' ■in.................... ............ .... .............. , ...

!edi of all klodi a l Ih t Globe ■ * i«-!1 and Feed Co.-A dr. ||

' ■ *:10-|

Q U A LITY • ; i » - j DEN TA L ;

r n f ^ REPAIR U B : “ » - i

4ew D entures $55! |Itea Bepalred - Teelh Replaced !

PUtea nellned { ./ .WHILE U WAIT I : ; j - j

'I T RITE D IN T A L U B "■ i j t iPhone u s e ; ioLi

QUALITY D EN TA L U B "tiOBa O Echard 8-5691, Borley M ,‘|J r5

----------------------------- 3 i .«9 :»-C

^ 0 , ,( t_ r


W n ^ i i> C V M / / —■ - J l:00-A - “V ___ • t:o»In

iiitsW ^ V w _ *:Jft-Y^ ■ f T P ■ I0;0i-Mk ^ W W ^ ■ IO:J»-T.

; ijico-K:

"‘ V N t -

S u p e ^ S ta r t ! | j | |f a ttu r nn 7 R . la^e Narf «

ra on Purina Startena! ■H tilW-III

l l T h ey have im proved ; - i*io»Iw! 0 m uch th a t you can ie iitlT a, . . ■ lilOft-Kl:l o r i f l g - tb e e x tra f in e ,

............. - . ............................ “ Jies-R»000 folk*, w ho kep t rec- ‘ 3

a t they could g e t 97% . g JIoE K u t o f every 100 bought. J

O «:00-.Ad« y o u r ch lck i a wonder* ‘ jSSlcut 2 lb*, p e r amall breed 3 i IboI^-w

a il i t t a k a - j u i t « few , SiMrTa'i1 young puU ea abou t i I ii-oSTwil

: Md

e c T " * * ! ' i i i i ^ ■ L " ■

E A l t H Y

^HI r. • •lOft—Tall

w w ( w T r \ R r v » ^ ^ r , • JOii»-sa*i

U .... - ^ - u i s s r in d :JiT^ • lo iit—Cbl)'

- p i ------------------- ------------- ■ "■ ihoftHti'JiJ.LS : i i t s ,

• IJO-Adri

^ C en te r : f E |• .PHONE 1740 ;

t% % W m

T IM E S -K E W S . T W IN FA]

blem Rocks Chu eeting Tackles ]resllted 'tha t th e ’church ww dinomlnai nlneni danger of bfcomlD)i_lhp Melhodlst real leeregntcd In aU tu tisn ln BnplLit.j 'M. -------- churchc*e 'churchm en-'8 .ild“ thBt the dentjmlnai I. uould-.forfeit aU claim lo Deplorlr Iciidershlp If ll continued to clear vlo

hind secular bodies in pmcllc. gospel ot hai It preA C hf.\about the clI.oJ Chui rhood of all m e in ln ChrL^t, ita tnembi deniinded ih n l the churth non -senn lhe beam from Its own eye nl ugrrcatcd

rrs saw the Qur.itlon In a dif> the &<iijtl ' light. SegrcRntcU worsiilp, taljen aln aid. is the votunt^iry choice o( demnlng i :ace.v and therc lore Is unob* ]|(e. lable morally nnd unDasnllnbir But the

They denied Uiui scgrega* omy U su It such, is un>Chrlstian. and tanUsm. Q pauagcs ol Old Teslnment meats oFl ire to support the argument U)e pracli lod ordnlned separation of the por cxai

iKO TlewpolnU collided nl of the Ei npoiit, Minn., where the na- noltcyatat largedt Pro testan t denomlna* attitude oi he Klethodlst church, opened which lel iidrennlal general conference, rncea aiia Ig issue a t the two-week can« dnful » U w h a t-to do nbou l-the rm i to r a 1 JurU dicton,'the subdivision agencies ~I church in w hich abou t' SS cooal dioi nl of Uie 374.000 N egro mem- .dopled ai re set a p a r t reaoiutlonpattom of separate »or»hip nothliis'm through a ll denqminmions, mrv recoi North aa well u th e South, mcea .

n u m b e r of Interracial Its In the United SU les has led In 10 yeara from vtriually I several hundred. Mixed con- r l A i ions, however, nre aUIl the ex* • . 1 rather than th e rule in all S U - 3 of llie countr)-. Well , over 90 cnt of Uie nniion-a Negro K I N ' Ians remain grouped 'In racial

i d a l T r b t i s M n e l-D A IL Y S E R V IC E - t

ED O M P H O T O Sawihoshone North - D ownaUln OUa S U G reea SUmpa *”

c u 'x s r i i " ’" FApril ts throogh May {


fj#I-?.mr‘jl!*Th“r5i"c!lS) P l:M-ln Anawtr In Your Qunlloa ilO—Aranlurr iCllSl :>W-Oul nf Darhnnaa fCllfil ;00-llopalont Caialdr INIIC):M-Tdfph0B» Tlma ICUS)•otThJi laf* - ....................I ---- 1:>0-lnduiIrr on Tarad* ■:M-(1K Thtaitr (CHS) ■:10-r>lT.l<> Srcm .rr I:00-IL«IThr-U vra 1 ilO-nrd mtlinit ICII.S)':»0-i:d Kulliran Rhow (CR!i|

Iha" n«ra*( H aC )""



;U-8rel»l7llOTm I*CiVr*:J»-«u.»n Jor a Dar (NlIC]00-l>lnkr U« iNliCi 0»-TtItlhaaltr Uallnt*0»-XLIX Xoir Ilandt Club It~Douilaa Edw.rda N«w(

E S ?0»lRoUn^*Ioed (COSI 10—Dactmhtr UrId* (CBS)»-CraBd 0I‘ Oprr . iO-Rurna and AlIrn (CnS)

m S S -------------------Ot-rtndulun I»-Ttltlhtaltr Bft-KUX lltadlla**

TUESDaT M-Carrr Moor* ICIl.1t UlS-Hr«rtl Atorm iCUHi I» : K . - i S a , " '” ’ ■)0--KUx'Kni H.nda” xiub . | |It-Douflaa MwarrU N*ara iDSj IUIft-Nama Thai TUn* I>0—Adrtnlur* II

l £ s S - w . s “ ' IIO-Wtl*rfront I I /i»-!1uIo. b Show TImt ***>Ift-You-II N C .t Rich (CDS) —lO-^Vtalhtr i^MrJtrrr Th«aUrS-Trl«lhr«lrr ' i | p0-Klli lltadllBtt


= TJ L

O-KLIX Knw Handa CTuh *-D«i^^lu Edwarda Naw.

fcA ?ri;.i“, ; “ * '0-Klli-lra1—Waalhar^ > ._____________t‘- l- t.i;a l.B a rr tl ICBS)>-nadM 714 (NDC)»-<iodfrYr and Frlanda (CDS)>-1111 Tarad* (NIIC)

^ ^ a ll« Thai UaB >-k' u llMdllntt

nU U DA Tl-Rak Cr«br ICBS> ..............—Satrtt Slorn ICDSI >-Qttttn lar a Rar (KBC)

—8*1. Prtaloa (CDS) • - . .

k b c-trunth aod Dt. '—Vord n ta ir r (NDC)= ?.svs:“ " " “’ “p"'—tCA fluV Sta«*-KIU Uaaailsaa . '.i ;»-Hu

tdgnavox EsSliO-Or

rUDAT-laduatrr on Parada !{JrShISSSI ? o f? D .,I r n i ' T •' 4 :ia-Y .-KLIX Kpw II.Bd. Kluk {iitZwl: S a . ? ? a : £ s , i f t a

riS -'TK i;.- i t l-Fararlta Slorj

io :o?Tb;,^■op th* Mualo Jllo jlnfj-s'ail lih* Wr^lllB, l i l l t J u

--------------^buKhn of Uac?« Valirr

-Ul'a Tab* a Trio -Adrratur*-14l,blr M«». P;arhoua.

IJ:JO—Em-wintr Dink |:00 Mid-■Ai'"t»Oah>^ l i l t—S*t•>ord Slar Thoalar lt>»—Kra-CatMr'a Hour 1:41—Car-L^wrtnc. Walk • Si»-.«iirl-aia(t Shew ::l»—Wg■Ttltthaalar li}»—E4i

FA LLS,.ibA H O ~ ~

lu rch es;. |3H" 3jRace_Issue;Hl:inlnaUoM siirh ns Ule AJrlcaii ?f5“ ; r ’ ,‘f, Ddlst Epbcitji,il or Nillonn! A

S S 'n 'i’l ’ iis ™lor Cll. . . '‘"".'■ 'P ; ';Vlolftlloii of thf - ChrlMtnn “‘t - / , f “ i :

I of love,’" llir Nationnl Coiin- Churches h;i* repeatedly i i r s e d i r . ' * ember b0l'.l.• to work for -a l5 , . m sfflrejateri church in a no"-isi^ It^-i :atcd soclely." Mosl of th ri* ,I n s denouiin;iiioiu, including 1“ '>c »ou

Southern I'resbytcrlaiis. havel“! “ - strong official stands coii- | ^ " 7 ,

ing racial b.irrlers In rellKlousl|,i°|p j* '"

the traditloa of local sulon- Prot” Is strong ;i> Ameiican Piclrs- im. Dcnomln.-'.lloiml pronounce- I often hnvc little cffecl on radices of member churches. H H H example: fVodluiFeb. 23. Ih t national council

le Eplsclpnl fliurch Issued n ' sta tem rni declnrlMg Ihitl "any de or'Acl in lhe house of God I seta brethren ol dUIerenl

a part fium one nnolher Is . . . desTRrcKBtlon mu»i be llip i

tor aU c h u i 'c m iiR litu l lo n ra h d .............. !les." Bul on April IB. tlie'Epls-

dlocese of South Carolina ‘ ed a t Its niinunl convention n tlon asserilnK thal "iheie Is , , :ig'morally wrong in a volun- “ .If recognition of racial differ- i . ... volunianvallgiuiicnts can & f£i


Exclusive a l— topioof.MuSit.PlfmSfl

iw yer's BorbecuoSOS Main Avenue Wesl

■ • • ■ .............. .. ■ • r . T . . • • JTicU }

Cali 264 for | | j | Prom pt Service

h i g h f l d e l

^ r f l Tll# Magnavsx 11 . - MAONASONIC2IO ----- Mahojiny, osk,

I scoujlics^ cabinet.

Xmk J l magnillc»nt

[he grealesi name ii


BOI c S L 2 i | SIp ril 29 throogh May 5 « i? s lu u '

•U N O »tr.« .

i i f ii=5:r»rc,”“ ' SiStKiJ-Armcbalr Ad.rnlut* «l3ft-ClinS—Plarbouaa U .l-Chapal of Inipltatlon . l U P ^ i»-Tel»pho«. Hnur wllb


t S t e .»—Jatb Dannr 1a—Toaal of Iba Towal-Tba Wan Callrd X Il;i0-E>iec>-F.lB0Ut PIrhouat 1 ;M MhS-da s f e , " “ i i i t s :tS ! i - .S S S “ “ - ■ i ; ! t ! a>-lt»rBlac Utadllati . 3>S0—Won


iisSiif'—S*cr«t Riorm *»l«-l Ma—KrarOi for Tonorraw lisa—Talai—Carr Woora . ]0:00—Mih—.*<lrlbo II Illch lllOO—ntflE—Waman'a World ll.-OS—Hatir -E d n y tN lab l• • • • i .................. C U P (

; /■ .

oth niitural .tnrt C h rlitian ." Tlie P r Southern Uaiitlsi convention of New te.- a resolution In 1554 uphold- courngli ih« siiprciiiK rourl's ru ling oii niovrnie 9l sccrcgnlion nnd Implicitly chip. S cmiiliig rucl.-il (iivuioiis I tr all churchc 1. Tlic Rev. \Y.‘ A..Criswell, pas- church, of the dfiioiiiiiinllons’ blKsest Park Ai ch, fit Dallas, T ex , aa^erted re- Iwve In ly. hbwcvcr.'-'ihnt. "those who r ™ ^ cntr.‘ r3cial:~tntccn[n0n ~ iire a h of Infidels In dlrly sh lrta who ^(Icu'tl from t h r iTeck'Vjj'" cIcslo-Mlcal' iiulhoriiy carries *n grealcr wpIkIh in ihc Rom an a lOltc church, bul l u drive for jrcKntioii hns e t i c o u i i t c r e d X Ig locnl opposition In some nrens le soutli. Through firm m ens. J

the Catholic church Ima nl- y nchlevcd a degree of Integra-

which, while far from com- , exceeds coiuldernljly th n t of Protestant denomination.

i a p l

S m i r n i ^ I ‘“ VODKA 4


g m i^ Q Q I ^•”<CL1P ON T m s LINE i T - . . . « . . . .

T h e o n l y I

l e l i f y p h o n o g r a

a t a l o w “ t a. Here’s full i

Iyou m uiic w


^ $ 1 4 0 5 0 -Only

- IN M A H O G A N Y we«Paya

c m ■

i w f f i r o x ^

me in high fidelity

> O E T T E R M S

la - i ^ * of LU* rcBS)

l i S-»-lo«b»7 TuBt. . l i i r r gt s m - - , [ ii t!

t S f i l L i i i t j4-Xarla Pandit

• j | §

I AF V l a g n a v o x ' i j i i t s


0—Eacor* ThaaUt

' m i r - ^J-WoiMB-i WotM

------------- - i S s_____________ «


‘J M»-Tal*at Scouu • llF -UWlh CaBlury Fas Hour . «lU~CII

^ lltf lu M .(lardlB*r 1i»»-Ml—Hatlnaid Oardlnar I 1SO—f tp M m iu Haadllaa* ' * iO«:-Tb


he Protestani council of Uie city 'Jew York recently reported "en* FIL E rnglng" rciiilu. In n clt>--wlde and #p< ■ emcnl for "open door” .fellow- p. m . T 1. Some ot h'tw York's Inrgest meetlni rches, sucli ss the Riverside i)UUdinj rch. ot SI. John and k Avenue Chftstlan church, now T reat e InterraclM.eongregotlons, JM t fei

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ^

: YOU CAN'T B ' Buy Anyw ►

► . N o

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Exclu-sive (Ime Un« control.► selector—buill'In sediment rem

l i p !

' l u l l c b h s b l e "

' a p h -

t a b l e m o d e l " p i

nil Tsnge High Fldelity-tnie rq>ioductii idible 10 lhe human ear. A lO-wait amplil ed power Output. 12-inch in d S-inch »pi ic wilh concert hall realism. Special 3-*p< c changer plsyi any lire records-auloraa jm ent lite r lu l record.


Ttit Magnavex ^MAONASON tlon, isme as toove, plus ti and lelective AM-FM radio

• osk. or cherry acowtical UalwiaDy, $ 1 9 3 5 0 Oi

. w to n m A T r j i . * m o -c i

■ i i 3i*~ mS ^ ^ i««“ * iiSZo

Laoniy Taat* COO—LIS-UtUa Buub 4ilt—SStn id lttllU B *^ *1£ l*l»-l'»* Gal aSacrvI ( l ^ L! t ? £ ? l ' i . S ? i 5 . - J . K

la—Itowllai Hb* I iOO—T

BIUUDAT P.K, ■ •^ .V lV M

y * ^ 3 l i g

K S 3 * i ^ ; ? « E B s r i f i ! . !i!S=S“u-coa M«winal »i»»>Coi

............................... r

;_______ PAGE THREB '

pSIEETlNO Ci'* •'ILER. AprU 3 7 - n ie r 4-11 leaders 1 sponsors council will m eet a t B m. Tuesday in th s counly scen t's e t l n t room In U » 4>ld hosplUl __ Idlng. Tw in Palls____

‘rea t yonr lawns now wllh Globe's t fertiliser A worm coolroL—Adr.

^ A . A A A A A

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p r l c e lluctioo o ( evety Smplifler provides • .tt speakers bring "■3-speed inlermix • ,loraaiicslly th u u . ■ ■


r I s i

■ ■

■ISONIC combina- ’■us njper-senjUive _ -»dio. M ahopny, P "ical ubincL In <«

Only ‘ t l T Week. gPayabU M oalU y '* ■

10—Cllna* ' ^, I -

naoks.rM . ■ -.r

' ' I .ia-s*areh fee ToBCtnw ■ .

^ M ^ f l l f S m M ^ - 2

s M - ' : S■ ■ ■ • ^ 1

i 4 a g n a y o x - ^ ! ^

•^aSB *! S T W M , . ' ‘■ v '*4 flUra

I' ’ ;* p a g e f o u r

- ? — j v i i J a i s S K f f l '

— : W idiTMlfc PM o o n . W"««'

*» »1» — ■a> u« 7 * t ------ — - — ^

i;» B«n

'"' HOSPITAL COSTSN o t 60 long ago. w a po in te

'■ V alley M cm orinl, like m o st , t h o c o u n try . Is co n fro n te d w t a g c o s ta o f ope ra tio n .

T h lfi w a* c a llc d to th e p u t h o p e t h a t th e p c c p le 'o f Mo

- r - t r y to J in d e r s ta n d Uje pfobU J InB c r i t ic a l o f a n y s tep s whl( • e s s a r y t o o tf s e t th e se Increa * E v ery o n e know s th a t goli ? I s e x p en siv e , a n d certo in l> > m y s t b e k e p t to m ake su re ll 5 do n o t g o b c y in d V nt r c a c h

-> o f t h e c itiz en s, T h e bo ard m I V a lle y M em oria l, w e a re coi 2 t h a t in m in d .• T h e w o rs t p a r t o t I t Is. th t • ' a c h e o f m a ln to ln ln g ndcqua ■ Ic e n o w p ro m ises lo be eve l A n a u th o r i ty h a s w arn ed th i - -h o s p l ta r c o s U to Tlso a b o u t 5

w Iy f o r a n u m b e r of years . i ' T h a t la th e p red ic tio n of : : p r e s id e n t o f th e A irterlcan I L 't f o n . w ho re c e n tly com pleted ; - p l t a l c o s ta a n d serv ices du: p 1946-64.■ 'i T w o s e ts o f f is u r e s he h a s i t l l l u r t r a t e t h e expensive o u tli ; \ " T h e a v e ra g e co st p e r p a tic :; t c r m , g e n e ra l h o sp ita ls In I

1946 w a s J9.39," says D r. B ro ’ K I v f r o m th e J o u rn a l o f th e A n

' a a a o c la tlo n . “fiy IBM th is cc 2 $21.76, a n In c rea se o f 132 p e r

li ^ T h la sk y ro c k e tin g c o s t esse: ’I - e d b y th e f a c t th a t h o sp lta j> ; la e r v lc e In s titu t io n s , acco rd ln i •f - : J - 3 t - t a k e s - a - lo t - i n o r o - m o n e y l*i - t h e s e d a y s , h e says,

j S " Q y c r t h e y e a rs a h ea d , a s t: i lo r c e c o n tin u e s to recelvo it: ^ o f t h e p ro ce ed a fro m In c rea s ^ h o s p i t a l s w ill be com pelled U

i n c r e a s e s I n s a la ry w ith o u t cp p f i t s f ro m in c re a s e d p ro d u c tlv £ L a c k o f c o m p e ti tio n fo r f e r

V ? o tld w a t H k e p t h o s p ita l • ‘ ; I n th o s e tim es . Now w o m e n , ' I] p e r cen ii o f th e a v ^ e h o sp i I- a r e I n m u c h g re a te l -^ e ih a n d p r i e s m u s t b e u p g ra d e d to m e d ;;; r a t e s o f In d u s try .

“ D r . B ro w n f u r th e r a ta te s th n a n d 19M t h e n u m b e r o t p c r s

h o s p i t a l s Ju m p e d f ro m 10.3 to 100 o f th o c o u n try ’s p o p u la ti

— H e T S B in i i e ie ' s ta t is t ic s g h t h o t im e h a s n o t a rr iv e d w h a b i l i t y t o s e c u re a d e q u a te 1 e n d a n g e r e d by th e m o u n tln c a r e ."

T h i s Is ‘e n co u rag in g . Y e t 1 c o n c lu d e d t h a t every A m er: a f f o r d h o s p ita l care ,^A nd I f i t h e r e Is n o te llin g how m a n : s e e k h o sp ita liz a tio n .

S u re ly , a close w a tc h m u s t h o s p i t a l e x p en se s u n d e r c o r p o s s ib le . B u t a t 4 h e s a m e t u r g e s th e pu b lic to ^ to r e a s o n s f o r h o sp ita l e x p en se f o r Ju d ic io u s uae o f th e i r se i

f l -------- ANOTHER TRI' • NO' d o u b t th e Sov ie t U n io n I j l i t t l e p r o p a g a n d a g lo ry fro m . 1 d e c is io n to d isb a n d th e C o tr

t h c m o v e o n th c eve o f th e B i ; I c h e v v is i t to B r i ta in p ro b ab ly

i — A t- f l r i l B l im f i^ h e a c t lo n lo i k V • U k e a r e s t a te m e n t o ( t h t o b v

i n e a t h i t Is m ore.; Tf?e C o m ln fo rm w as s e t up * I n 1047 a s a k ind or Infor:

B l h o u s e fo r th e R ed sa lc l lllc s t' t M a rs h a U p la n . I t w as a Ur J f b r th e o ld C o m in te rn , ag en c j j .a l .c o m m u n is m , w h ich th c F J W o rld w a r I I o s a s c s tu rc tov ; e r n a llie s .; B u t by th e i r oA'ii p re se n t

t j R u s s ia n s h a v e n o t found th I m u c h r e c e n t use. E v en ts lv ; E v e ry o n e is aw are II hns i

, * 60 o n th c s u rfa c e th e a n n o i • l ik e a r e p o r t t h a l th e K ren • t o b u ry Its dead.

J I t Is n o t qu lle th a t . T h e C * o r o th e rw is e , w as a sym bol

. * tw e e n E a s t a n d W est, Sue I K r e m l i n w a n ts shoved In t J F o r t h i s Is th e e ra o f "coopei

• A g a in by th e ir ow n le s ti A la n s s e c th c d isb a n d ed or h a n d i c a p i n a lim e w h en t h " p o p u l a r f r o n t " a s th e y d id l

k T h e i r g a m e n o w i s to weosc ■ o p e r a t i n g g o v e m m e n ts by col.

H t h e y c a n , w i th o th e r le ss r a H m e n t s .H : T h e t r u e s ig n i f ic a n c e o f th V m e n t o f t h o C o m ln fo rm Is ■ ^ n o m o r e w t J 3x_H v t,c Iab o r«i f ^ e i v e c f "iover n " Ior the Kn if/, J day operations.

_J^_i__Th.ofio_Djferation5-lnvol v«- ft • •.[i z /ort to win the world by eco

•JItlcal warfare, abetted by ps' ,[ • vices. Thd goal, dearly, Ja the J; > the Soviet leaders were pressln >' ;a n d pupjiets to employ guns. ( 'J; • pons and the tactics are dlffci


. W I110 SmOdJ eUMt W«U

- W ASHIJJO' M u a iJ m J. tu re - fo r Am

£ * W iS>VANCi - 'in y th ta ff in 1 - >•« decjule.

Z in ADVAUCl , ^ • ’

- ia n j O~ ___ r z r * i» .»br vrrltr ol court «>ap«Unt

J r «ill U publlihrd Ib,IKi.81 la .S>e. «0-m CM*. ■ r*€lut

In i.W lth It fT ^ w c u r « C.IK. unprecedenuifl

<JT<J r r IM B NIXON-8 VIb l b L i . l I > n OM IBTS-AIUIn tc d o u t th a t M agic d«yi. nobodjrlo s t h o s p it a ls across poiuic*l im pu id w ith e v e r Increas-

p u b lic 's a t te n t io n In R ^ e v e l t - ^ u 'M ag ic VaUey w ould T he politic*!

o b le m - ln s to a d of bo* i t w h ic h m ig h t be nec-c re a se d c o s ts . - lgo in g to a h o sp ita l ironioilly . «m iin ly a c lo se w a lch i* tn* lo sic ii•e l h a t h o s p i t a l c o st; n ^ g ig p o na c h o f t h c m a lo r lty (»te ot Tiny in<d m e m b e r s o f M agic com porboa wl

c o n f id e n t , h a v .. forecfttU :

th e f in a n c ia l h e ad - De»pUc reco;n u a te h o s p ita l se rv - goodi in th e ieven m o r e c h ron ic , enonnoualy int h a t w e c an expect p u r c h a s e

i t 5 p e r c c n t a n n u a l- probnbie U iat every enr oa

' . « _ 1 N everlbelcu, i, o t R o y E . B row n, , „ j „ „ t ,in H o s p ita l associa- within five yeiIted a s tu d y of hos- The IMO mo d u r ln s t h . pe rled

.. J , , j , ferent kind orla s co m p U ed vividly the carbu re to r lu tlo o k . ,a t l e n t f o r a ll sh o r t- "in th e U .8 . d u r in g Re<5nUy-reveB row n i n a n a rtic le w iii'have th e «A m e r ic a n H osp ita l um today. T h

, c o , t h n . r ise n top e r c e n t . iqoq allahllys s s e n tia lly Is sp a rk - of th e mlUlona p ltm s a r o pe rsona ld in g to D r. Brow n, u id fum lahinsale y to h i r e people a tove-o r-refrlt.

within five yewIS th c g e n e r a l labor> i t s - r i g h t f u l sh a re iimpiieUy will I'e a s e d p ro d u c tiv ity , The m arke t id to g iv e e q u a l in - w pand m a rk r tl

c o m p a r a b le b fn e - M S n d J: t l v l ty ," h e . no te s , “ -nie a irU n e ."f e m a le h e lp be fo re Jeu and u ^ j

,a l w a g e sc a le s i wjn , w h o m a k e up 80 by th e m iutap sp lta l’s w o rk force, eonunodata th e a n d a n d th e i r so la-n e e t t h e g o in g w age W

tired by Amerlc• But the dle'soU

s t h a t b e tw e e n 1.4S ■'“ " ' . S S :jc rs o n s a d m i t te d to venUonol tuela} to 12.6 o u t Of each nnd some formlla t io n . fortcnsl th a t fo:

g ive e v id e n c e th a t { | ( ^ ^ t j |u o i u ■w h e n " t h c public 's wide um of a(<

te h o s p i t a l c a re Is biuiom in exp< i t l n s c a s t s o l th a t

; t I t s h o u ld n o t be V I E Wn e r lc a n Is ab le to ( i f r a t e s w e re low er “W ater la e e t

,a n y p e r s o n s w ould

. . . ■ , , are so lns to h« u s t b e k e p t to keep nre wiiiinB to i c o n t ro l in s o f a r a s « t « r poiiuUon e t im e . D r . Brow n t o u n d e r s t a n d tUc -n « n a tb i? “ ' tn ses a n d th e need mcchnnicai me^

s e rv ic e s . (enilcr U Indiu il srowlHR by 1

- - Indui-lxy. Cleanr R I C K tupply. AAnluci

ro m i t s a n n o u n c e d3 o m ln fo rm . T im in g uitjutc! B u lg a n ln - K h ru s h - uiird to iwo ub ly w a s n o a cc id en t. jS V ” " '. '; ! ; ;!D looks' p r e t t y m u c h tfrn u or iiie «ObvlOMS. Y t t w n d ei- tfoUam to r m an

a year.

. u p b y J o s e r s t a l l n

. f o rm a tio n O earlnB » i'tre rcdcm i i: s t h e n b u c k in g th e MtM«uti mwous, l im ite d s u b s ti tu te Rovcmi:n c y of I n te r p a t lo n - pouonmc ot miC R e d s s c u t t le d In a Mmrp p ro t o w a rd t h e i r W esl-

■ luUon control <i

ic n t a d m is s io n , thc i t h e C o m ln fo rm of utin i i i i.% a i I h a v e o u ld a l td U, M rfum p. IS n o t b e e n nctlve, n o u n c c m c n t sound.'!I rc m lln h a s dccidcd

In u t l IctU re C o m ln fo rm . activeib o l o t w a r f a r e be* nt, problem "S u c h trap p in g .^ ih e The trouble i:n th e c lo s e t todav . twhnlclBM. MeJD oratlon " 'jp c ra u o n .e s t lm o n y . th c R us- ituim u-ncom p 1 o r g a n iz a t io n as a bonu.w . ii . t h e y a r c p re a c h in g Id in t h c la le 1930’s.•o se l t h e i r w ay Inio imntiinB armii c o l la b o r a t in g w here Ptn^Uun. anrt ; r a d i c a l I c lU s t e le-

QUlred,f th e o f f i c ia l I n te r - in our soeiei

Is t h a t i t Is Ju s t |? P * y tffhn iei w a t o ^ s l l c W y - t o n - ; - j j - t K r e m l i n s p r e s e n t - would n e t find

>■«!»i - f t - t re m e n d o u s e f- toe«ntjy< e c o n o m ic a n d p o - S ’'.n“ 'i i p s y c h o lo g ic a l d e - in the end. i t v

th e a a rh e a s w h e n one> /eiiow.1 ss ln g t h e i r f r ie n d s w u * ^ f o u r de. IS O n ly t h o w e a - o n , , '. n c r e n t . • c u a g o D aily Nt


:«0 1 0 N—A opUiDljlle: eeeownlc Im*American* haj been foreeait by bualnea* cal experu who have never Ifreed upon In tha paaL tn tbe lr opinion, tbe ISOO-mo ,,*eU a* me y e i a preMdlM, It. will wltneia

peaks ol p r o tr tu ahd profpcniy V . ■ never • before experlfneed by., the

' r - . United a u te t . .• vice j>re*ld«nt BlehaM UANUwi

uflvelted adm lnliuiillon economUl<‘' expecUUoni when he predicted tha l

*1 national a rou output, which repretenU the total or gooda and tervlces produced, would exceed 500

m billion dollars within a few yean. He noted, to give his remarlii more mesnlns, th a t igsa will be' the first year In which nallooal cross prod-

dur uct pisies <00 billion dollars bring, t maximum employment, hlah wa*ei -and it<^ consunicr demand.

I VIKWS SHARED NEW DEAL ECON- Althoufih these are highly charged political dy disputed NUon's itatem ent. detptte tls ipUcatlons. But the startling fact Is .thst re sbnred by new deal economists, notably ofewor Sumner H.'S llchter of Harvnrd. Ke quent White M ouseadviser during the rrum an era.ical slgnirtesnce of th is prospect Is'obvious, s-l^ft-im portanc«-or-the-'N ovem ber-pre«l- ^ome, For Ui# party which controU the : Ihroush ths anticipated period o f pros- Id bC'ivble to reta in powtr lor a long time, assuming lha t Ike is reelected. Nixon might cal Republican candidate In 19S0.

OR FO RCCASrs-However, Ihe political individual cr party h » i tvo Impoitance py | w ith the promises held out for.lSS million i

In U)B rorm or higher and brighter stand- , ng. Bo, here Is tbe basis for these happy |

Jecotil purthasea of consumer and tSuraWe .e Iasi rev years, th is market will expand I In the following lines and allied fields: ■ j

SE ' o f n e w c a r s —Automobiles; I t Is | f tt ISM-SS-M a a lu ,vUl have teen almoat . 50 Uie road repUced by new purchases. , I, manufacturers expect th a t th e se ,c a n ct few ye an ’ replacements will be obwlete i yeors, ,models will be U th ter because of trea te r i inum. The intricate and heavy machinery e ood wlll have given way to an entirely d lf- $ ol engine, wlUi direct InJeeUon replacing d o r system. These Innovations Will permit t ^ -rad ica l style changes. 'Today's car own- t be caught on Uie road with the current t

evealed ImplvvemenU In color televUlon e aame effect on Uie forty mllllan aeU Jn T h e great obsUcle to expansion of tbU been the excessively high price. B ut forth- ctlons will eut the price to approximately « l ly more. They ,wlll soon be within reach ^ na now watchlna b l^ .a o d -w b lt« aeta. ^

OJRNISHINO CHANQES-Today’a homes x)ga will become old-^ashloned. Hardly a ^

irears, The forthcoming housewives’ cpn- ‘ ^ e homo ot tomorrow will pop with new )nal. deslans. Comfort, convenience and { 111 be the main motifs. ' ■ °e t for durable products will change and cedly. The naUon'a highways. schooU nndII require an expenditure of more than llora for labor, materials, machinery.u have 3ust plsced billions In o rden for *

Within five years, however, these c ive to be replaced w ith commercial adap - li e faater-ihan-sound planes being develop. » lUtaiy. Hardly an exlsUng airport can ac- t theae m n n i e l s / ^ , ‘ • • •

ftEFLACCMENTS—I t Is only a few years «0 loat coal-bumlna locomotives were r t- t erlcan railroads in favor of diesel engines, « Bis wlll soon give way to turbine-propelled y ;sentlng billions In replacement costs. q salo:use of atomic power Instead of con- » els wlll revoluUonlze industry, agriculture h )rm s ot tmnsportaUon. Nuclear expects, foreign purchases o f Atomic reactors will £ -b llllon -dol!arin»rketr"B rU «P^5vIH ni^ g IS and Incomea in backward Iw ds, world- atom ic power win create consumers for

x p o i^ of commodities they cannot'now


getUnjr to be our m ost valuable resource.” seohower said only the other day. w ith in ts th a President and h is idmlnUUatlon1 have a chance to show how much they to do to protect th a t re.uurce. Tho 1MB lo n conlrol nci wlU expire Juno 30 and •3 to take ill place are before conjtress,Uon th a t m u it be dealt wWi Is simple. t water Is being polluted ftiiter than m eans are reclennalnR IU Tlie chief of- dustry. Meanllme, the demand for water »y leaps and gulps. A chief coniumer U ean water Is w ju lred also lor ComtslSc lACion. IrrlgaUon and oUier purposes. In years the demand to r clean wnter Is ex. luble.sed by the irnate last June would con*0.000 a year lor live years lo Celray one } thirds or the of stnte. Inter-state ml sewage purlflcallon projects approved _

‘ senate measure and adds to ll a billion ^atehlng grants w tallng up to »100,000,000

are deficient In enforcement power, leav- Intlve to the slates. And here U exncUy »1 Iglllatlve U mMl needed. Many .iwies, OUK lt«m . a te 'iltvin* and walling lor ihe :m m en t lo Iom pnUrnce wllh Inaction i Ihn l they do something to ha ll the

inter.'iUtc w«ter* from the federal Kovfrnmrnf. foi- conUnulng p\»h, la needed to kpi pni-

3l o tf dead center. Mnny state.i have Iomr T lie Li thnt ll hw nol come be- ,x>cnl inltlntlvp" U a rine phr.ue. but nol a mUnotJier for rederal mncUon. Inter- I poUuiloti is K primary ie«»iaVblUly ot Rovemmeni, How do the executive and

'Paie to meel It?—Sl, Loul* Poit-DlipMeh,

MORK OOLD RRAinrle r to the PitsW tnv dUeuxjiTiB hi* riitH- eeplns men m the army, £)efeaie Secre- 1 Rrew plnlnllve. And well ho might, (or

Ll uTll-nlRli Insoluble, lie Uial the modern army depends upon

Men wtm kmw flrciros\ics, molon, ,ilr- ■e like, are In great demand In lndu.iiry,

arm y trtrs to mnlch the itralRht pay. it mpcle ttilli llie frlnse brnrfti.i, the Christ-1. the freeclnm to live with m d clill- tiere one plewes. The hl»h Uimover is not

<racle.i hnvr r.i“ver hud m\icM auccrM with -mle.1, l l requlrei the ir.nppiiic.i nf im- nrt the accompunyitic power, lo Klve pro- Idlers the preHlsc »tid U\e stwairis. mak.

aort rtf privilesed caaie. Uial neems re-

Clety. 11 ahould be pcvvilble fnr Uie nrmy n lcinai enoush to make ll *ttrncilve. Dut m uch tor..ji .jot!lltiL-ta-.<t<y-in-i>e*m',TTi¥ ' for a war. and qiany talrnt/-rt men Jimply Ind si;eh a life rewarding enough tor his

tJve-prep<»eri-b ;^ .\tn-W iW in—*Uch~nTi ~ ne. penatan.1. medical cste tor depnid- e like, should help. But we au.ipect that.It w in be pnirloUc duty, and recojnltion aw.i of thni value of th a l seh'ice. ttini defense tenm.

are bettiK toa cowervaUve with the coid ° h e r visible evidences of sppreclation.— , News.


.. 'e*r

\ P o t

S “S h o t s ^ ?IWOlessrtly _the GOOD Q U ESTION^

Maybe oho of-yog -iiod consUlu- x«i ent4 eould eome up wlUi tlw -wiswer, Sts' bu t It's one of Uicw questions no h s t one wtu ever be able to an tw er com- ilch pjeuly.tnd The fellow asks. ' ’W hat would SOO h iv s happened this past winter If in . (he cloud seeden had been operat- ore ln< like they did • year afO?"In t There's something to keep you od- ffuesslng. Would the snow, h a v t been ng. twice u deep? Would it have been Lad about the same as it U nov? O r

would there be u y a t all?W hat' i t boUi down to la thU:

IN. Can the cloud seeden actuaJly In- cal crease the amount of p reclpiuuon?

PUPS POB x m s D E ^ . bly D ear Pol Shota:He WUl you'p leasa help » « find a Ihe good home for a Oerman ahorthalr

dog?'She la about % year old. The lUs, couDtiy would be^best-ror h e r but s |. anyone-can -have -ber-by- plwning ;he 37M-J.M. ' Mra. H. L. LewUne. ■ (Twin P*Ua>


There oughu be a law! All the foDca who put oul postera, handbills,

Ion window cards and .w hat-h«ve-you '<1- should be required to go around py and pick up aame a fte r they’ve

served lhelr purpose.»le Ju s l take a walk through the nd business district and you'll te e what

' J m ean .'Y ouH 'find window ta rd s , publicltlng evenU th a t have been

over for weeks. On telephone posts, you ll tlnd faded posters of candi-

“ ■ dat«s from the U S T elections.‘r t Now with ne*-elecU ons coming Ite up thU year, i t seems it wo^ld be

an Ideal time to gel tome Uw which e r would make It mandatory for can- ry dldntet—both the successful and un- if- succeasful ones—go araund and take : ng down all their posten rig h t after ' Ut the elecUon.n- Surely we can find better decora- ' n t UonsI ' ,

Im a Voter < )n (Twin Palls) (In . . . 1lU GOING UNDERGROUND? I iJ* T here haan't been any new* about , ‘J church persecution In Twin Palls. ^ although maybe some or you read-

e n hav* heard ttpo rts lh a t t*nd to ' „ Indicate such persecution. '“ -H eard about the M e t h o d i s t 1 ( . church golng.undorground7''-<V'guy - . asked on the streel the other day,. We Wl. bu t 1{ you w ant to save 1

your face. Just drive past th e M eth- , odUt church. The reason for the

Jj wUecrttck U pretty obvious, huh? ]

. POOR TlM lNGl iThe son In the family. Just a t the I

3f age when he figures ho has to have iIS everything tha t anyone elso has, wss i) . Inquiring cauUously about the possl- <}. bUlty of getUng a new car. Seems 'B. the family of one of hU friends Just i

acquired a new auto. . iH e w u Informed th a t the (amlly t

rs was In ths prpefss of wearing oul It-, Uis family J a lo p jK jin d ^ t process -

would last (or a td u i another elghl <!d y ean . He took U aU In. did a little 1

quick arlUimetlc, and asked If ll (1- was rig h t tha t In another e ight years '''e he'd be 17 years old, 1 ts T hat's when h li molher looked up.Ill £ x c la lm ed ;-:7ha t's -no -U m »-to -b» <p gelUng a car, much leas a new onel" ‘

FAMOUS LAST LINE |^ . n is ‘gel.ritb.qolck* K hem es )

alwayt dU ef poverty!"





i: B u ild -it ;■ -yourself


3 ' "1. 4 2 " REOWOOO 4 C ' ! ' r- Roil F e r e . I t. ^3r

“ 4 8 " CEDAR 0 0 ' ^ J,' P ic k e t Fence ft. U v J

l'.‘ 4 2 " W IRE « J , , - T I

34’/2M;h1.V , " *I- • . .

I _ -A n d e r I L u m b e r


a P H O N E 41


-------- 1-------_____;________

n l H O V r T H T N G S -

. PEGLER’LouU W aldm an, a lawyer lor

unions a n d union bosses, cami to the coocluslon a few months sgo th s t

- ths natJOOal labor reUUoos board should b» sboIUhed. Ha would tub-

—^ a t U u t e r e g i o n a l ..............labor courts oper-

Uiu- u n der rulesbearin* *o«ne' r e - 1* *

. semblance to the , 'SH*,v)m. regular consUtu- <1

Uonal courts of fiuid federal and

sUt« systrms.TWa U * dras-

Ing from one who ‘ ,knew LeoD T rol- sky as f smelly loafer In a po- Wwiimk r«U»

" llUtal eolfeehouse belote to# au- Ihl*. tumnrevoluU on o( I917 a n d b ilh ad

huTjelng wnonK unloneen and forr ,J^ r e aocUllsts ever since his

childhood. I t comes also, however, frem a jn a n w ho has seen t te art and board th e ir w ont In the po­llUcal m anipulation o( Uie long,

d a ahoremen of th e east coast, Puerto hair Rico, and th e ^ f .The Wfcldmin w as ' atUnney Jor .the but Inlem aU onal L on^orem en 's as.

ling sodaUon and-personal attorney lar Joe Ryan, Its president, for many

U y e an and prealdent emeritus tod»v ■with » pension. ' *

For reasons (oo obscure and com. plex to be dsd n e d here, Tom Dewey and o thers se t out to crush Ityan

the th d deliver hU membership to a ilUs, P'lPPel un io n fo r which a disrter you w as-U su ed -b y -th 8 AFL-belore-il m,d ever had k member. Loyalty rank and (ile to any unloneer'ls rare but

Ryan's meiuxspeclally Uie west side jjjg New Yorit "W sh" and Including

rji»t m tny Nejtroes. are devoted ta Ryan, and he h a s twice beaten Dewey's sUwges In labor board elections to

u lj detennlne w hether Byan's old out. id ll l i t or Dewey'a new one ahould be

Uis "bargaining agent.” ling • • • ■

be Mr. W aldm an has come up be- ilch Intedly w im th e word UiU the Jsbor an- relaUont board, alitlng as a-court un- with power to decide Issues Involv- ake ins many mUllons o( doUan. Is "in. fter vesUgator, exam iner, prosecu^r snd

/udge." O th e r Americans, not all of ,ra. (hem lawyers, saw this obvleus fsct

while ih e a c t waa tn congreas jmd there U a b undan t evidence in | 0v.

) etnm ent hearings th a t Uie board waa loaded w ith communlsU (rom the very sta r t,

IU preseot condition la Uils re. Ksrd cannot be lU ted wtUioul long

^ • hearings bu t th ere U no reason to concede th a t It has been delpuied

" of U 'alton u nder EUenhower. He . , didn't delovse ColumbU. and Uie

‘ Intem aUonal labor office la.Gcneva, which'' he paased twice a day Ust

' July. Is a com m unist boiler plant re- lated to the United Nations and our slate departm enL

At any ra te , under Roosevelt. Uils ’ board was a mocking af(ront to the

whole people of these sU tet but those few who knew UiU Jutlglng

the by Uie earm arks and a n U a o( the >ve reds, had to w ait 10 y e an (or con- vss flrm stlon of th e ir opinions which, isl- or course, w ere "smears" a t the Ume. ms Two out of th ree mem ben of lh ; ust actual board ftt one tim e were com­

munists. And last I>ecember, Mor* illy tim er Riemer, Cleveland, testified be* oul fore Uie houao committee on un. ess American actlvlUes th a t he wss a • Jhl trial exam iner for the board from , :tie to I M l And tha t he was nol

It only a com m unU t himself but a member o f » cell of communist Isw. ‘ yers w ithin th e tMard. '

m, The tria l exam iner U the buresu- £ £roLJVho_AC^iai!y m a k esth e tie; cUlon alUiouBh the invesUgaUng agenu In th e field, many of^hem reds, o in s la n t th e facU so lhat even an honest examiner would

set have to decide th e ir way.ThU board's dirty wotk comes.

i w ithin th a t field, i specialty ol, Felix Prsnkfu rter, which is ctlled

, All the a d d e d b e au ty snd privacy oF a d ijfinc live new fence eon o o iily b« yoofi from A nderion 's c o m p ls l# l in t oF " fentm g m o to fio l i. D o ie n t of »iyle» y d p o tle rn i . Moke your yord to f e fo r your chll. d 'firt . . , Iceep in tru d e ri and blow lnq I,Olh o u l. W hether you build .il.y o u n e lf o r hire a w orkm an, t e e A n d e r i o n ' i right ow oy (o r ex p ert lug . o e jiion i on exR pnd ing Into your bock yo rd .

N o D o w n P a / m e n t

^ r s c w n - .^ .S f



S-A-PPE'A-R-FROJf l ’S A N G L Iir to r sdm lnlstraU ve l a w . ' l ^ U a schei to th e to ro b tbe litigant o f .b is day 9 Uiat court and subject iUm U a i t l tm board iw -« p p e]la b le declslont by hls eo i aub- mies. ThU peculiarity was spotb , belore th e a c t was paased bu l Boos MOfii veil b u llt l l th rou ih and th a js s

o f InjusUM. aod ' i w i ^ wHliDi l i accum ulated under thU aiKhorlty vast beyond calculation.

T h e agents .and admlnlstralo wera arrogant. .In one New Yo

' - ' 7 ; cate, « regional director threateni r # ' : to punU h an employer for prlnUt f J an artic le which truUi(uUy aDalyz4 * # ' 'I the law and the board'* conduct ai I f , sending I t through Uie malU to h

employees. ThU was called coercio In a n o th e r case, coercion w u four

•*!•» Where an .employer had nlsed0 au . w orker's pay. T he board held th II had thU w as an a ttem pt (o' convince U d forr employe th a t he didn 't need U X his union to fight for raises. . wever. Prim arily , thU act and board wei le a rt c reated to (oeter Uie CIO and w po- drive new m em ben Uito the unloi long- u ie AFL. I t had and tliU mail

Merto u in s a bigouy against (he boiand parlU U ly to Uie union, ho»

r ->ne jver . corrupt. One of lU etrlle. » “ • rulings held th a t the employerw-i ty for guUiy bf ■cH m lnfl'v 'lols.tlon-irr

dared te ll hU worken (hat Uie pres den t o f th e union fceklng Jurlsdlc tlon over them w u a traitorous rt o r a racketeer.

^ *ey W aldm an doean 't'go far enougl nyon Tjjg federal govemment has n » » r l s h U u l JurUdicUon over prival

isrter business relations between worki nnd 'em ployer.'T he worker U a c it ic n of a su te . bu t a communist n; p tr a tu s o f-th e federal govenuner h ta d riven him by tb s Ui«isan

uding inta un jon under con Ryan, aubject to ruUilea rule «

slra n g en . The act should be r( " V* Pe*>ed f in t . Tfie b o ^ would dl

»“ t«waUcaliy. . , X . - '

lE G A L A D VER TISEM EN TS, k . STATE I.ANO SALR1 w NOTICE IS HKRERr filVBN THA Jsbor Mlamlar jMerlM in c l df I.t.court b«laBiliis In lh* flU>U «r »n/ ilti ,vaI, ilxl In TWIN rALL.1 Counlr *111 l '' 5,' nirtrtd ror ■>!. t l ixiblle aurUnn >| ili I In. Couniy Court Ksux In Twin f.lli. Idih.r tn d on H.|> 21. 1*11. t l t o'tlKk p.n., Uoua

i^and aMtiid. •ppnli.ij at tUlO.00. fc - Unit No. J-WVi. Sk. H, Twp, 11 8„ *°1, Bit. IS r . n. U.. conMlnlnc.llO wrM

Mtrd ot Itpd. tpprtiMd t l it.Tto.ep.iron _ yK nsis o r salkThli )tna In W mU In unlli ii lUl.

• koif. and no bid el )«•> llito tk« ap»rtl«» S re. prirf wilt U t».pl«i). long On» T'cith 11/ 10) of lb. purthti. prl«

tnd in ltrn l t l four p<r on l K '.l oi btltpc* f t prinelpti tor rrixilndtr el r tti

>Uled ctab oe d tr of n l* ; btltnu In forlr (*0 ; He tnauil InalallafnU tl.fnir par ccnt (47r

' " ^ ‘'bMdrr «UI >» rmulrxl Is mk* . neva. <l<potU wllk UMMlllnrainl in IlntmcoB

tait of 10'.;, er Ih. tppraUrd ttluc of thJ*!*" ltnd t l or btfer. Ih. llm. of naliln.* Wt «r»i \>W. ta a »uat*»l«. Iktl 11 W< t d our Ike tutcMaful blitdcr ha *111 cifCut. wll

0 the adrcrlltcmant for <tr. bf Ih. Ruic « hnt liltke. Should Ib. au((Miful bldd<r fti

J . I . , 10 tonipWu t ronlrtd lor purtbtM c ag ns lh>«a land., thc full amount of »U drpoal( the wltl U ImmRlialrlj’ dKltrcd forrrltc e^n. '<> '•Ktx'ul aer furtb.

b lth , Sl'ilydJma^A /or^.utVftllurl'li coJpl.l' Ume. Ik. at]..t Ihn All d.pailU ef untucccwlul blddcra «1' U iclurnKi on tk . Hr ef talt,com* lm p„„m ,nu U ka a«U f.r I.Mor- full on ,ltr of tal.. M(th*. AN I t ln a rt mtdt aubjKI to ta r >all.

Inl.rftrlfll riithla wklch nar kt«. ciliU-un* lo ika dtU «{ aaU IbMi {e'SS a which tllowanc. I> mad. ktrorllh,

1 not ARTtlim 'WILSON.ut a llttl. Ltnd <^mmU»lonrr

Publl.k: April ST. May 4. II. H, 1H» Roset have bow arrived a t Oiobi

•esu- Seed * Feed.—Adv.

^ A ■ ■ I -■eull ^


UVnever before have

. . ■ into 01LAW N-BOY give* you t>

s. law n you’ve e>’er h td wil

e f f o r t Prsclicslly makes

' i p o r t o f cutting grass.

• UfWl W ^hl aivailtiin k*ir>ln|

• kinrfla (ar tcmfarickl* «, S C«ii U ct»«i>W wi.h «

you have to see (and ti)

cheme • • i i i iT l i i j i i lJ

iSa^! F acts Gained .. ^ Viewing Canenoose- -O V O l-T H E -B IO ISLAND, •j H aw aiiftq_A tc_u ii»_ ':you -r,h b u flybig over th e Halntlcua-eoast.-l f ity U te r know n as the Scotch coul,’’ s

our purser. Below.JB lon us U th e m ost p r o - l f l p ^

York ducUve soil In the r '‘ tened world. A s jn u c h u r - . ^ T r V t 'InUng 300.000 pounds o( ’' j S M l U alyzed lugu - cane have“I ; * ? ! . P * ' ' • * ■ 1 bis , c re or these plan-;rcioo. uU ons." * f ^ d -H e could have '

’■ s.dde(l th a t fromL <h. 18-m lle.square J h X 9 E i » ^ * a r e a , s l I g h t ly B y 3 S 9

U rger th a n th a t » * ■ ■ ■ of New York CUy. * " • • •

I were H aw aii p n d u c e t over one -mHl nd to to n s 'o f sugar, aboul onc-rourUt ^ ‘ons nil the aiiBar manultctured In m ain. u .S .. pointed out my lellow p . “ •s senger, Itoy LefflngwcII, o( i now- Haw aii Sugar PlanUUotu auoc

srllesi Uon. " i t 's Hawaii's main Indr was : ________ ________I f l l e - I u n d e n tan d army and ni P™fl* dum p m ore tplld cash . . . " I atari

lo aay, b u t h a pointedly Ignoieil " barb.

. "Y ou w ouldn 't Uilnk. looking ai , *"• rrom up here, tha lsom eof th a tc i

below us grows 34 (e « high, woi rivatc jQy'jr n f / ’' "H U kes a barrel of water to Rf It an* h e volunteered. "We flgi

about a ton per pound of sugar, uj*nd one of our planUUons puir

enough ,w ater dally to aupply .£ lla of Francesco and New Orleans pul f j ° : g e U i e r . . . "(J "W here did augar gel sUrted, a;

way?” I asked.------- "No one knowa, (or sure. Perhii r c India. S ou th Sea Islanden had i____ veloped a' good two>lnch-Uilck cn

of th e ir own before the white m (Vid W ith a soft rtnd. u

i aitu- which m ade It good for chewing, t'l' thi f*®''Idaho. Polynesians brought cane al6ng wl Houa- Uiem to Haw aii,". . I saw a ball of smoke rising fr< .<t«i a cane field and Inlemipted to &

“f e l t th a t a cane field on fire?"su g a r m an. he seemed sing

larly unim pressed. I repeated: “Is: „ otie Qt your tu g a r fleldi on li t e r

"O h, yes. Happens every dny. Y see, o u r growing season U conUn

i f o‘n '*’® harvest Uie year 'roui' year. Takes from 31*3i months to gn r '« [ c&ne^ .<*7r) -B u t Jjn -t th is a sUndlng cr

Ilk. a burning?" I protested. mcoBi - -O h . r g e t you.'* He'trled to'keoklnf

NKRVOUS, TIREIIe lha i r you a re WMring th a t look i >r ibr >YalM old tired ou

depressed, o r suffer from alee; IM ef leasn«ss,consU paU on,laekora|

Sliouk b e caused by irro 'poor blood c

aplti. ■ ly a te n starved for nature' . 1,1 essential v itam ins and mineral

' I f so. yo u ased sufTer no more.

"iM ' S T O P S U F F E R IN G «*{« In iu a to n ed a y D T a g -N O T T at , , l e t^ higb-poteocy inm. mullipl

v itam ins and blood-bulldlng el« m eats ore in your blood<strean

■f auTT insoew atnngthandanerg ; li___ to s l i p a jts oi yout body, T h f


IW N- ^ 6man what a mowei

m s i *1



IWN-Bive so many wonderful feat I one economy priced lawnIU t)ie im oolhesl s Miil«l»» I

I with I lol less •

skcs s lum m cr

tparallta Uwn-tw .............. ■

I tiy) it to believe it.. today, s

'wfwM Wmi

t 'Ho weni btck (n K,

. „... - Jpct."AboatiOpfr£^.'*f*»«R;, o ' lhai lu ikhigh, lsn‘1 It? Yeitm^*''**^. >

D, wlUi ftoce'n .now Shows io u w h.i r f i t^ s ^ ^ 'l ast.-bet. - I pointed lo iO T rr* ^ * st,"aatd menibelowuj ••Youv.f‘*” l »

»‘s S M tp « c e o tin r^ L ’«=*tmcni used In s s S ' ^ ^with rin.lity.

B . - S < ifve:opf4 \^

wed my W esi indiea" '

togro*' 'I 'n l Mlly to-'..I figure ‘“ 'OW, Uie larseii .uT.-

u i a “ " " " I®pumps r'**" million ^loundi, 1 jly .S an on Snn Pmncisfoh,, j pul to . You ouRlii to vW ii.- '''-

T linl's a lol ot cniorlej*:d, any- _ ’'Stored enerRy," i,e .

Mountain cllmijersperhaps Unceswlmmers u se ju sir.J^had de. of quick energy. NoUiin, ck canc to get back to tha t cslsrtii; ,te man Uiere's been a lot or vicio:^ rtd. wo. K»ndi. Vou know U \ t i t w £ / I n g jn calories to the spoonful oIcJS

ng.’iSto say. under 181" ^ ‘

. . r

. <,Rfl...rf b, MrClu,.li te r ' Br «p«|jr tfMn’itmniMi

'round, on ntlurc tnd wlljllf, a

a 'k n p

RED, AWAKE NIGHnPook of watch your eliminsUoa. A b

la n ay bsginoing to leave yon

t o '? : _ NEW UFE 'ncrals. ^ b e n you wdl f««l ■ —u lorfc « ^ g t i : the yean w ill ,*

I’Tab- haWt-foiTBiiig Drag-NQIUullipls leU (rich ia Iron, VIUbhLig e V B ,, B „ , C. plus OtherTibiiIream. and am srals] asd smiw g y 7 days er your mosiy k iThen' Oaly tt-98fcraiacm tii'tiq |l)


KPer MONTH^erl whai a prtcel

o n lyw buys'tfie'~

' new 18"


MYeatures been packel_ wn mower.-

■ lewi'-tW tfg jj n ,’*I irt)*u>i • «'****.• '

ly/step up to a LAWN BM,

,V' ’

IlnitiQtipn R itu a ls i H e l c l b y e h a p t e r

I for Eastern S tar

1«'<1 'Of ■

mIbefU. IT*"** P * ^ iP I of ItUJio; Mr*, f.r

l ? '* ^ 2 J S ^ 8 h o e h o n e . worthy I ° * T « r S » A r t sm ith . Shoahone. .

■*'’?^!:;^mfDt» wt™ « r f « l by M n . ;,

I « s 3 s js -s r ir s “iii S t i S J . j in . P nnlc J«U ln* »nd £i S Z l Dop.^*- , , a

IConstitution and BI World'’s A ffa irs’ ■

Used fo r Lesson "

I f f o T u i ” •cltnce l«son of| S l i s R«llef * « '« V T u « d .y * ft- I iL lhe church.l% T -W u d S. naw jon ,condin:l«l ___

how l^ U n lu d . ,«'<! ‘Isvelopfd from .■

U> »trengUi under * policy -J /.r n S i U d b r W iahlnitotJ .n d v ;

‘h“ in «U U on to g -IS S d»« itn»5nMlu w jw docUina wm expUlnfd by p | | l u n . Rou B0T<1- MI U rt ,L ..T .8 < « n « n » » » l" * h i rs e ' / ?I«f the bu5lneu m eetln f w l^ K • l u J Dllle »n‘l Hep- • W.IlLh orovldlDK lhe mu*lc. Prtyera ^U Mn. B ..M " « « •

plans Discussed Of Fund Project

I WCHflELD, April 37 — P l t n i p K en dlicu««d by tho Wom«n’* H f ^ l e t , of ChrUtUn 8«rvic» T uei- fdrM i mehotne of M n . H in y Holt for» Jund-r*lilng project.1 n i t event tcheduled for M»y will

Ibe held lo »ld »tudenti to £o ui the tufluner youth camp thla lununer.

f X C. M. PTldmore j»»e the dmiUoni tnd teporta on lh» ChrU- , tlin Mll«e. AUsk»; and lhe J e w _ t « tiwe.- 6ew»rd, AU«k*. ^

■me M*y« m eetlns will bo held »t L b « . . ^ M r . . K . U 8 W e ^ L Bobe

I DES8EET 8ERVZD I BUHU April 37-M r-i. Lm J mj. how tl enterUlned t h e Syrlng* Irlnnfhi* club w ith A dMMrt lunch- t m Wfdneod»y * t h e r home. Pr»n- lm SoiUy w u « Kue*C.-PrUu were Th'

b; U ra .-W u d H ukey , Mrs. tow n fcmllW«r> tn d M n . O n t D »lu. p —

I Marian M artin r B atte rn i

I y^V* ’^ j j But t

11 I ' *>07 I i ; ] l \ f y :

VEII.SATILE S T n x S ut^fM to clty-Bolnr ftih lon— own .

'"{“ On oo the coU uettel A m d'e- ‘Tindeffully ver«atlle tty le; fltU er- I’S - - Wllh Koop neck, novel yoke, —f " o is - to ^ lln„ above 1(4 grtceful klrt, EM,y K w tn j-w e ar H *U f“ ' ' ' frouEh wmnicrlU « ^ i i J138: m im m - s u u 12. H, 2^ !!L

“ 8lie 18 d r e u re^ulrei y«r* colliretK. H B

TJ'li p m u n i B lv u ’ PJiL Complete. lllu»lr»Ud J

c . **’“*■* you every ilep. 1 Send ihlriy.jive c en ti In coin*

"r 'his nnttcm -ttdd flv^ cenU for A C "Ch p iiirn i tor f l r t l - c l i u mall- SLI'?.*’ Mftrtln; c ire of

. York 11. N.Y. P rin t f / 3 Iilnb name. A ddres w ith » o » , / O

*tylf number.__________________

LEARN TC. . . ond your poychec


m T Y P IN G — BRUSH -U P b o o k k e e p i n g ~ o f f i c i

tw in fa ll s busine

Couple Honored t

l & X ; f .

;- 1 .

p - , . ............. ..................................


I . I--

MR. AND MRS. JA' (SU ff enfrtvl

* * * *

Former Miss Ma Lite Honor

Mr. and Mr*. Jnck Llle were hon - veil < ired a t a weddlns recepUon W ed- coror leaday evenlns t l the home of the bouqi )rlde‘t ptrenla, Mr. tnd M n. And- rouni tw H. Magnelll. p^i

T he former J»niee Mtgnelll and gand. <lle. aon of Mr. and Mn. Roy Llt«. Qreg }ol«e, were united In m irrltge W ed- bride letday morning a t the LDS temple, earns daho Fallf, by LDS Pru lden t W ll- e«. Q lam II. Kllpack. They were accom- Andr itnled by Mr. tnd Mn. Joe Sail*- waa i lUry and Mr. and Mr*. Sam Shaw, po( »urley. cho*eThe bride ehote a bnUerlna leng th red i

own of white u l ln under Uce. H er bnby

Care of Your' S y A N G E L O F

A home U left falherleu. T here "Hi re In th e family, beside l i e widow, ua »l] 3ur children. The oldeat U a boy HI* I t 16, then follow two younger boy* come nd % girl. There 1* Uttle money, done .fit enough to aupport the fam ily H l*,i * u*ual. The children muat go to knew chool and the moUier mUal wo>K in r t leaat p trt-tlm e outalde the home, th a t A fam ily needi a man t t the head, To k

apeclally where' there ar* young tha t oy* and glrU to retr. In thU need; tmlJy the m an U the oldeat son. know [e iakea over u much of th e re - feel ponalbllty for lhe family u he can meet nd *UI1 go on with hU eductUon. plnea lut how? aon oT he boy I hav» In mind talked °*}ly

'1th h la teacher, tn understanding * la a w ith boy* of hi* own. " I h tv e } go to work. I need education If > <hiic

tm t« help my tno ther and m y }?■,•/•? rother* and *later. How I am to0 both geta me." he aald. {« " " "Lefa aee. Looka to me th a t you n. y;

tn cover moet of your work herey awltching to tflemoon claaaca. _IT tttend ing morning c1»m«, If yOu ?**** tn get a part-time Job, Attend Ighl school.. 1 think }-ou can make ■ ■ , I t dependa on what Job you get l» / i hlch way we will work It. You get I A le Job. Dr. Bnice I* In’charge of lat. K e will help place you and ll he lp you with your aehool pro--tm '.' You'wlirm anige aom'elloV^;’ -------He managed. He u t In hla f*th'- .■'* chair. He helped hi* m other llh th e younger children and they « n looked to him-for help and jidance. He atudled and worked id . aa the year* paaaed. the young- ■ children helped ihemaelrea more id more. Their older brolhw In- jled th a t each of them get a i good1 education aa he could. He aaw ich of them married and on hU ra, while he remained to aupport id comfort hla mother.An old friend u ld to hla mother. /a n t I t too bad th tl he hod to m ake Lich a ucrlflce for all of you? Ko ^!e of hla own, no happlneu of hla L« '’ ■ ' ' ^


F a s t e s t - W a / t o R e l ie v e

w id Indigestion ■

O T T P E , [ [:h e ck -Io rg e r. ■



J a t Reception Twir1 ^ ^ “ a t - Calm m _ p t T “ . W

P""'" I ' marrlagfatuRhwi

'V -V ' i<(>Ecni.j MAdaen;

^ 1 Tv^ln I'B f c y y > j w .w . 'J m tij , The I

March 2 U le a s r with « I

n i e bl■ p H V . of X Delores .

;. ' i r u . ,• a lavrnd

cesaoilea gray ena

Mnd.^1___: fiS liiJill

yeara wi '1 msjorlns

I mento ji> In S.-icra

ployprt a pcration.

” Replr

SHOSlA- ' work WB.

I F ^ S / d S F A McAnult: \ V ’ bek{nh-

' hlght a t Anully '

.......... ....................... ? repreaeni' { from ih(

' a '^''a. -C. -J 15-yenr

■ ' •■'T i l . ’ •"Vi.uiJi. 1- '^ Venable,' preaenlet

\ X Noi ' ' Taking

' ' J N H B b Chane)';' Ines Hn

V‘- un-aen, :

Mabel BlJf ••. Anna Ft

JACK LITE . Tlw w.riTlni) “ “" W "

* * * * "P** * * * - countrle* I I I . lodge ha

lagnelli,I . 1 1 countries

)red at Homefll of matching loce wna held hy a tltn r and ironel of while flouer*. The brldnl Oueata ouquet waa o( w hite orchids aur- Arlz.. anc lunded by pink ro.icbuda. HngermaPatti Drown in a yellow-print or-

indy nylon dre.u and Barbara Itefreal iregg. Salt Liike City. In pink, were rldesmalda. They carried Ians of ° ^ n k . irnationa th a t matched Uietr drea*- 1. Gerald Laraen wn.i best man and ndre Magnelll, brother of the bride, aa the uaher. '>"<1 »hFor the reception Mrs. .Magnelll lose a white and red aUlped dreaa. p ‘‘“ ™ d acceasorlcs and a coraage of nl

tby orchids. Mra. Lite wore a bluea t the pi

ir Children ^) PATRI------------------------------------------------' K a y U"He ha* Uie rlclical, fuUeat life of ground i I all. He 1* the happiest of u* all. Mra. AI la I* tha t Inner happlnea* th a t Camp, C ime* of the knowledge (h a t one haa Gregg. J me what he thought waa hi* duty, aerrlng.I* lather would be proud If he A ahowlew, and maybe he does."______ _ Laraen. ?Inner happmeas. If one can have ^ la t ha haa the beat life can offer. '0 know th a t one U needed,, and ■tt one h ta meaaured up to the ,vted; to know th a t one la loved and w “‘ *i low* tha t love haa been earned; to t.. . , . el Inner strength aufllcient lo eet every need—th a t la real hap- g ,] . T,ir, neaa, the beat rew ard any dutiful ployed In in or daughter could hope to have. Magic Vn uty done, with love—how wonder- i l a g n c e l f . h, hlg

V .. .K.iu ....t t t : i . i. h . .<hlMl Intitid lunrd rour (hlld u ilo it where thl * mlirrnblr for • •mill child, l!«illtl p.|.

0 , U» H. autlon n, N«<r york 1*.

It««e* hare now w rired a l Gtobeled « FMd.—Adr. M f

f ^■ ' Rtbbfl

C u IF ■0 0 smooth ■ Z M U it Iwves you U »^2m | ICb r ia th l e s s

-VODKApf«tMi*fcomlOO**rjl«i'«<ji«li*lJio. S o 6«. Plim SainMI flL Iftc.Hurfort.Cwo.

H | | B NTlSea

— t l S T E N E I t - " ^By O T A R IO N

. A* AdverlUed Inl if e M agatlne / f

W O R L D 'S FIRST• Na E ar Bolton

• MfllUple Traw U tor• IM ft CordlM*

neadB<JU d.B nlll Cenptetaly'- t a u u n B e fslar Eytglaaaea r /

- t ;

vin Falls Man, ■ lalifornio Loss H W ed in R ituals Hord haa been reeelved ot th e - . b B rlagr of Clara Olivia Rogers. K W :hter of Mr. and M n r T re a m iia c a im u ilo . and.non'ald L. aen; aon of Mra.-H.-E;-Mad»en,I >'alla. 'le ceremony w u performed ;h 22 a t the Cathedral of the a a e d &icrament. S.icramento.A reception following. ’

e brtde^ choae an ankla leneth I of uh lte u tU i and carried | ^ 9 •oMhe-vnlley on a white Bible. ■ ■ res Roger*, alster ol the bride, m m the brldeamald. Richard ^ p e y best man. M n. RORera wore

i-rnder aftemoon dreaa and ac- R S fJ llle* and Mrs. Madaen choae a IM A enaenible.

id.^n waa graduated from T \iln : high achool and aerved four r* with Uie nav>-. He la now irlng In aeronautica a l Sacrn- IO Junior college. They wlll'ltve acramento where they are em - ■d a t the Aerojet Oeneml cor-

pVSentotive Conducts W ork ™

lOSHONB. April 27 - Secret 'waa conducted by Mr*. U iurn ;,

nulty. Hagermtn. for Opal R e- llh- lodge membera - Tuesday 1®I a t tho lOOP hail. Mra. Mc- '' ' ly wa* Introduced aa apeclal Beaui ’aentotlve and-received a g ift nvither

Iho lodge. ] « i pina. 'D . O. Mitchell received h e r u i t l e a :nr Jewel from Mn, Alcthen *, dt«ij ble, Bellevue, who was In ^riap 11 ;e of an Inleniatlonnl program /Ma-a < inled by women of Atayflower ■• No. «. Bellevue. , ,king p a rt were Mrs. RuUi K A ^ r r lej-; Mr*. Rosa Ollllhan. Mra.

Hatch. Mrs, Beulah Shnffer, I P Denn Hammond. Mra, Lorene I—L»

:n, Mrs. Quen Slmi. Mrs. Joe ALMO . Mr*. LaVon Laraen. Mra. Taylor.!l Beck. Mr*. Venable and M rs. Leo Dur I Faye O’Donnell. tended »e women were dreaaed In coe- M alta of a representing 33 countrle* and ficera fro rrporta of lodge work In thoee doka *ta Irle*. Itw a* stated tha t Ice land a pre' I ha* aent a gift lo Uie h is - work wa tl building, Caldwell, for dla- tctlvlUe*

and th a t there are several clety mai Iries-wlth lOOP lodge* bu t no « id *ocl kah lodge*. In Cuba, lodge hall* The dl open dny and night with th e dU-ecllon and Bible prepared for vlaltor*. Mr*. EpI eala were present from Mesa, Harper.. tn d Filer, Tn-ln Palls, Jerom e, Q arrett. rman, Sellevue, Buhl a n d w igh t. I hum. of tablefreahmenta were served by Mr*. Mra. J lea Pendleton, M n. • T . V. Durfee i ik. Mr*. Cecil Dudley, Mr*, tlclpaled

Free* and M n, Dora K irk- chorus, ck.

white cheek afternoon dreaa Q n / - white acceuorles and a w hite d coruge. Iigy Jones. Elinor Mollter, B etty ,■. Burley, coiiain of Uie bride.3iane Camp, Ooodlng. presided e punch bowL The gift* were jun ior iged by Mr*. G n n t OUlette. j je n of i Lou Reeder, W anlU MagneUl m ia will Audeen Watkln*. Lol* Lite,. .ab ler of th* bridegroom, waa w.ji y h , arge of th e guesl book. S""'.. * i.'r U t. Jerome. pUyed Uie back- id music. Mr*. Ken Staynor, The C>

Al Aucrnlg. Mrs. Valdem er im t *aua », Ooodlng, tn d Mr*. Harold 8:30 nm . r. Jerome, aulated wlU» th e Punch n Ig. dancingihower waa given by Mra. C he t rollow A n. Mrs. Auemlg, Mra. Oeorge '.n, r J i r r - P T t t n r T i i n r H r r ' ^ : ley and M n. R. T. Bell and by Brown nnd M lu Mollter. n n n '4ren Bullock. Salt U ke City, w ta 'g Uie gueela.. F A II. Lite w u graduated from T M I Tlilla high achool In 19S5, a t- do fali

d the LDS Bualneaa college, »ben yo Lake City, and h u been em - g'd In Uie X-ray deparunent o f JiutiB e 5 Valley Memorial hospital. k u on r ) waa graduated from Tw in 55®"?"

h igh achool. In 19S4 and la no rum ' ned wUi the navy In San Diego Jnr. Oet i they WlU make Uteir home,



ibblt eara 'tr* for rab- V ■ ■ *1 . . . let 111* rtbblU I l | | | |ep Uietn. ■ T '

F you btve aa tindabl* TV picture

F ' yen hav* a Jittery picture

J yon wtnl-eualom TV ontlela In every room ef yonr home

■ you w ant a lale model Emerson TV » ] nianlha FREE Serrlee a n d Antenna . . . price* aUrUng a t flSS.OO

» D e l B u > t « 7 f i e l d - ' l 8 0 7 A


N O W ! H E A R Through Y ourran hear nor* natarally a t ear lerel—] erd* or » batten ta (be ear—oaly » Uny trm e-to-ear-w H taU — ----- --------

Choice e( Fnm e« In P opaU r Btyl . ,.rre*eriptlon.or P lain L u

K« P n u l No Bother! No O J u t Pat en Y ear G laau* an

Por InfemaUoB abonl tb e WSTENl m e at wllh LUtener rtpreaenU U re>««

LOU SCBIPFGEN a t th e PERRIN Wc*t Main tn d S b o a h e n ^ T i




Frothy Frills T a k e I

i K . ' ’" P . -

' ' p j f c i " i"

Setullful, bouffaat drewea tn nylon erga Ither to do up, Dig iltler, le ft, wear* full a pintfore, Ktlloped and embroidered a t th Itle aliltr'a d rtu . right, h ta overskirt and i dealgn that'a rejicated on the bodice. Thla ap through many w uh b g a b u t 11 m ust ba EA .S'ewifealurel________________________

embers A ttend bliss! LDS Convention laoclfly wLMO. Aprll -27-Mra. ArUiur home of lor, Mn, H, E, King tn d M ra. than 100. Durfeci LDS alake olllcers. a t* play and

led ^ convention Wedne.vlay In ta of Relief society exeeuUve of- ra from Uie Rati River and M ini- a aUkea, f

preview of the coming year's kxssqcG k waa given including work day g vlUes, vlilling teachers. Uie ao- S ^ ymagazine and Ilternry, theology fi social science Icisons. 5

he dinner w u aerved under th e 8 U cUon of Mrt. Joieph Hepworth. s r , Ephraim Miller, Mrs. Rawlins i per. Mrs. Ploiile Smith, M rs. f _ reU/HutchLion and Mra. Blnine J • ht. Mrs. Taylor « u in charge S able decorations. f Ara. Floyd Knlaht, Mra. E lbert S ^ fee and 'M n, Leo' Durfee p a r- 5 ‘ _ Itled In the Singing M othtra’ jg •

;!!:— :----------------------— J - 0 ^

locial Calendar | ' ------------------------------------------- 1 5 D ile Catholic Women’a Icnsue Q - Ung Monday hat been canceled. K ^

« ¥ V Q Allmlor Oleaoen and Junior M - S

of Uie Tailn Falls LDS aU ke g. will apontor a dance a t 9 p.m. nirday in the tuke recreaUon S

The .theme la "Hnwailan h o li- A p I J I'■ Eieryone la Invlled. g

le Calico*SQu1iret\ill hold th o g * ^ aquare dance of the season a t Q (Oor p.m. Saturday a t the DAV hnll. g , , ,

:h will be aerved during th e 0ling and a poUuck aupper will gaOOOCXa w. All sQuare dancen are In-l.mml aaked-to hriny a covered _________and table aervlce.

o n ' f N e g l e c t S l i p p i n g ^

ALSE TEETH ^10 falu Utth drop, dip or wobbl*

such handleapa. rASTEETII. an ^allne leon-acU) paw darioc^n- on Tour plalfi. kteoi lalM i««tb nflmiIrMi.OliMcaafldcairNl- ■

et taeurUy asd *dd«d eomfert.

t eounur. .W.tni.tnimi



j antetiDu.are fo r 1. channel 11. . . te t 'a 'h t J‘ ooe en IhU speeUI o f. j I

' le r for tl> i». '

C all 3992 ^

Coll 3992 i

Coll 3W2 j ,rv wiui , j .

Coll 3992 i NCNC

7 AddisSH A ^ E T I -------»92 I "

R; ■ ' r Glasses!rei—yet yen b u r withoutJny irantptrenl (sbe from j

Btylea and Color* aLcaiea. . lo aoUie* Nobel e* tn d Hear! lEN ER and' *ppoln(. e» *»e:r in e pnA iu tA cy ' .W^ T i» la F tU * i J I


-P. O. B ei U it, Bolae 318


ce Easy C ore Teg' ; ,r ■ r ' . Je’r

"... : Ft. I JEKO

, ilay tea. . . . ..- j J,-------------1-------------- ------------No. 1:0--V ■ - Memb

I *'

Coa Uip hoit en b y S '

■ ■ Swanwimntif.

grand, tlons to

■ V;Mrs U

M k M B .

y g p g ^ » r i i cMrs.

m V ; th W J f l the lode

for the >utcd'.-i


,DI ergandlt are no problem for KIM! • full aklrted d reu »U b a lee v e b iuke f I a t Uie hen » llb paaUI flowert. the Boo : and underskirt embroidered tn club al . ThU nylon organdie will aUy Klmber ual be touched ap wllh a n Iron, contain

be Rive---------------------------------------------- - Max ^

Gl'EST FETKD l*ugh‘t^ILISS, April 27-T lio annual to brliii

Ifly wna held W edneadny'ni the BtRBBf ne of Mrs. Leslie Pnraon*. More F n 100 African violeu were on dl*. ' y and there w u a -p lan t aale.

iarden aeeda In bulk a t Globe'a d * Feed Co.-AdT.____________

d I e n t a T I „P L A T E S

8 I

• D uplicated | \S• T j - a n s f e r r e d , J

• Re-Lined ' | • Repaired I •

' H'e fn v iie | •D ifficult Cases! 8 Wi

CREDIT TERMS gA ll w ork g u o r o n te e d g I N (

McDow's I ! PUBLIC DENTAL | : H TECHNICIANS |-(Opposite Idaho' T hea tre) B j i o

131 Shoabooe No. Pbone 603 g j j

^ V E r


SETSA L L N E W M O D E L S . . .

. N O S E C O N D S



* 9 9 . 9 5 MAKE I

_ J s V a n j i . B e a u t i f u L M o d e W a r r a n t y . . . S u p e r i o r


I D ^ Qn s So. L incoln

eg P lanned by Elks lerom e's L o d g e ' Bai For Day in M ay

EltOMf. Ajiul rt — A M other* jntea lia.' breii iiUniied tor 2 p .m . dinner

V 12, by Svriniia ncbekah" lodge of the (i:o at ilie.lodKC-hall-------------------

lemben m n Monctsy a t the ,)K hall for a "home on the iilll" fMluriiiK llie Odd Fellowa ** T , „ie. Caldticll. Mr. and Mra, Rob- gj."urdsCoad ihowftl colored slides cf uerlschhome. A rrcutdliig of t.-tlka gtv- g]g.\v;

by Sui«rtiUeiitIcm and Mrs. Fred or Mrs. iiison «M played and a donntlon

Irs. \Vill.irri Sliroiislilre. .vice p | nd. teiioried thal the aollclta-is tor the canccr drive were al- GLEN.1 romiilcled. Mra. Slft-oiwihlre. Tft-eniy'I. Dale Johiisloii. ■ Mr*. Hnrry ed to Nllfia, Mrs. Lcrov Benlrlner. M n. Margannard Uiip and Mrs. William party I;rll nre a.uisilns w ith the drive, the f i tIrs. William Hart announced the LaiI the Tliimblr club haa given escortslodee halt a clasa top table, iwo A tkllIra. t lamp and an electric clock Anderso

Ihe ladlr.i Inimge. She abo John Ded '-U iil-y ie-c luU -aU l-be-d l* . Mrt_Alldrd imtll tu r llw noUce. son,'Milr<. tMcnr N'raves reported, th a t real Jot -ral mrmber.' accompanied herthe Olenim Ferry lodse wiiere ~made her report of tho g rtnd I I J

se meetlni; In Chicago. I I I* I

Dance S la te d . I:iMBEHLV, April 27 — A "May I 5 f ( ] ket" dance will Ue *pon.iored by I ' Boots and Sllppen Square Dance I ■ ■ ^ b a t 9 p. m. Saturday In the nberly Oranne hall. 'Hie bnakels. I Adjiui italnlng hoihemade candy, will I ^ Riven aa,ay during the evening. I U I X Moffitl will call and the I ippy Sfluare Polka" will be I ght; Theae attendlne are aaked I ‘J** ” bring cake. Rij! or sandwiches.

iB88B8888a8ffl88888a888Bffl3 MAGIC VALLEY APPROVED & C

APPLICADONT GUESS . . KNOW YOU: When you buy Johns-Manvllle Pn applied by their approved and a

WE SELL a n d APPLY—• Johns-ManviUe'ROOFS and 1• Johns-Manville SHAKES and• Aluminum ''C-Thru” AWNIM• Aluminum STORM DOORS a• Rock Wool INSULATION!• ALL KINDS OP ROOF REP Wfl guarantee our prices and o

competitive in every NO JOB TOO LARGE —« r -

F .H .A . Terma — 5 Yei

Magic City Roi120 North Rose S treet •

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U S A N O FIidels-Xa,£boosB. Froml.-..^ ior Quality. . . Better Price

M S I F D E S i a ^ D t — i


, b ■

Iks L adies Slo'.S Banquet T u e s d ^ _Jidlea of Elks tnslAllatlon b, et will be held n t 7:30 p jn . Tu f In the lodge d in ing room. 1 inec will be served hy the wom.- the Chureh of th c BreUiren. JrT.~H«rry~Cohcn^Trtll-~bc ■ mia;—: as of ceremoniea en d a musica- >gram Is planned.Ml reservaUons m ust be made by turday by cnlUng M n . Domer risch. 3SIH: M is. Jam es Gray, l-W: Mrs. Harold Orovca. 3452-J. Mrs. Cecil Pfost. 0277-J3 eveninga.-.

¥ ¥ ¥

Pin's A w ardediLENNS FERRV. Aprll 3 7 - enty-flve year pins were award- to Mrt. Ralelsh Colson and Mra. irgaret Sims T uesday a t a dinner rty in the city haU celebraUnp : n th birtiifiay a iin lve ru rv of ‘ Lady Plrem an. H iubands and orU were gueat*.V skit wa* preaented by Mrs. Phil der*on, M n. Roy John*lon, Mra. m Davey. Mra. K enneth Huklll, *_AUce Estes. Jam es ilobe«= ._ I. 'Mrs. Sid. Root a n d Mts. Por*I Jone*. - _____________________ _

Heart D iseasea ad

Stomach Trouble. . Can O lu n Ba Corrected 6y e n t l e , accurate CbiropracUc idjiulmentil

Dr. A lma H ardin.CnUtOFOACTOS

W M lln North - P h o n . U »



s P ro d u c ta . . h a v e th e m f i id certiried ap p lica to rs . 0 -



id our products to be R very way! 8« r - TOO SMALL! B i Years to Pay . g

!ofifing,C o.||

D u r i n g

rhis B i g . . .


)E L- : n r .

)7o m

Console i

T O i i l

-■■■■ ' . 4 1

i i i i K i

P A G B F I= ^ '

I ” T ^ a i n e n

■ - k k i i ia tr f U ul Amb**»o<

-- y - v / X a o b o l O T ro««l nre Ru; • -r iw n e n to f l « up uyium »

iOnlled S U te t tnd Ttlun' new• . > £ to ( r t th fy w « t .b « k o t ■■the:

;• i t o ^ w ly «pras»«S »U>"i ‘ A i the c i tn o r la l dealil Is n A u r t here, Sew . Welker, n.. W»

/ i D d Jemwr. p . , Ind., p rettrt de y / m in d i In WMhlnjton for the ex / ruW on of Sobolev. »ho h»« ott ' c h ltf Soviet deleftlfl here ilnc* l«i

Welker «nd Jenner ln»Wed ev tr Soviet n»Uon*l connected wHb ^ u o Ihould be expelled. n T f te »t4t« depwtxneat. hewevei ttidicated U conildered tfte cm c loied wIUj i u noU Wedneidty de nun d ln * .Uie rec*U ot two lo«-r»nl fiovlet deletciUon memben. A'e* « n d e r K. Ouryinov m d JJIkoU Turkln. Tlie nole ib o wirned Sobo.

_ J w _ I < L lU c tJ o U-whlla In Ihfl Unlled fiUlc* ofi'UlpIO' DuUc lU tu i^

L. M. Z«my»ltn, Sobolev'i ehlel . jwlltlM l Ilde. u ld *11 im nsem enti lo r Ih# return of the men. wh" hid Refected from it ntuitaii tankei w hen 11 wa* aelied by Chlnf»e n»- tlonilU U In JBS4. were mnde by * jBovlet eoniu lir offlclil Jn WiAh-

In Mokow, Uie ta llon held i ne«9 xonferenco im n i e d by the foreljn ^ In l i l r y . They w ld Uiey h«d lived

. in the United SUle* In Urtor for »ix moaUu, ■••uirounded by lhe

- “We H tn lubjected lo UireiU »nd Jjitbnldfttloni.'' they mW. ‘•Ouc m ill . v u Inlercopted," One a id repre- w nU Uvei of Ui» U. 6. ImmltnUon KTvlco in d Church World service

•threatened them and l^led lo force :them to remain In the trnlled •fitalei.• In New York. Jan V in Hood»lrat- Ufl. fttiUUnl.. d irector.of-Church.

.W orld Serviee, u ld Uii charcei ..«ere rldlculoui.

Death Oaims !^s. Daly, 73

BOHL, April « - M n. Ann H, 'D aly. 73, died a t 3:90 pin . ‘n iu n d a j'

. Vit th e Magle Valley Memorlil hoi- V ‘p lta l foUowlnf a llnterlns Ulneu.

N9he v a s bom Juijr M. 1«S2, tn Rey- so ld i , m .

1 e h e w u married to E .J . Daly Dee.

im , IMS. tk K lndrtd, K. D. They cu ae to Buhl from S t P au l Minn., in

• I91B where Uiey realded tuUl I ttf l • > h e n they mored to B olu then re*

' ^turned to Buhl In 1M2. VUlowlm 1 'h e r buabtnd’i ^ U i oo AUf. 30,

t Mrs. Daly had worked u anll «aeeountaDt In Buhl.I J P rio r to h e r m a it lm . M n. Daly

It (And two Klrl m e n d i hooetteaded i ) . } o o » farm In South Dakot*. She w u |L > tnember «f the Buhl Splicbpal Q church, tbe Buhl Order of E u te m ■ s t« r , .o t which ih e w u a p u t ■ . a u tro o . Kfld o r the P u fM a tro n 's n club. She w u & member of the EUa • eJub. D auchten of tha Nile, and f ' th e PBO SUt^rhood. Buhl chipU r 8. .1 She w u B p « tt president of Uie I! Idaho BUt« PEO eUlerhood. r SurrlTlng t r o ooe n o . John H. f Daly> Twin n U l . and one daughUr. f H it. CjQthU Daly .Sanger, Tivlnf ITBlb, and two granichUdren_____r -------TOsBMnihrlcea wlU'BTconduaedI: a t 3 p jn . Saturday a t Uis Buhl First

Preebyterlan church wlUi Uie Rev,> N orm an E . Stockwell. rector of Uie i I C hurch of th e Ajeemlon, Qilicopal,

I in Twin IW li and Buhl, offlcliUng,’ I The body wlU be Uken to SaU Lake

City by the Albertson funeral home ..| lo r cremaUon. T he family sugsesU 1, donations to the Cerebral Palsy I Mhool In Twin Palls.

I FOf feh c t Uwns p lao t Globe’s ■ fancy U w a g r u teed. | l lh.--AdT.

| Q ! B E 5 E * ir f EN DS T O N IG H Ti M argaret O'Brien• I W alter Brennan


j j i SA TU R D A Y ON LYI Jo h n W ijme - Jasjm eD ra



RM dolph Scotl . Uatla Po»en


: I " Q u o i t fo r th o L o it C ity"

' I * A Documenury In Technicolor

i RIO REY; ' 1 . Url*hl«i Dfl.»-Iii ritiur. Ib ,I I ENDS TO N IG H T

K | . C»rfooa.

B j S A T U R D A Y ON LY■ ■ ■ O ienn Plord - Barbara SUnwyck


C a rto o B .C o in ed > x A d a ,10c-Mc

l i j ! F R ID A V -S A T U R D A Y'I:.-,' John B lsco n - M arl B lan c h ;^

; ; R efurn o f Jo ck S lad o) •[ Also', Sable Scarf and Cartoon' " M O T O R M A N IA " |

® M a g ic ^ 'i r i ------------------ ^

K A Y T -.........K B im e ( « • KU«eye»»Jj ilTL 'UA T ^ m o i1 dc- j i . . . A Oor Tflt»dar «:«S Tep '0 JfetniBi J-Sfl?**'."R«»* tIm w«.th»i jfw ni^sw

im In llie >w iiM t i i u wiuim

S f ;"lhelr i:M Nnr>, Wtilktr I l l i Ttrt« 1- l:0» To»0-IhtMorsiM *•« JJ*"*

>• 1 - w . a . , .! ;!! K ' S ,'S:;' ]o<eu N .. . . w .,ib ./ «.«.e ex- m;gi Nsmi lfc< Allltl :MHuil€TIbeen i»iia. miibMrt :«Poii»Ti

' }S:!5 Ill “ ’S.”'lUOS N..<, WMlk.r :■! IfllAn I

ev.ry M:.» «.rch m . -1 lhe 10:30 Uuiltil

■ I lOfl « •-• . W..lli»r 11:00 IHfluttlU il i

/ d e - ?•»* Uttiopcl■rank ' !m n*/-". wJ.'ik,» 'i7e» n tr r . Si\lek- :M I'olk. J'JJti*"*'“»»* liSorM V c,)0bO- lot MdltiM VirldlM I:»0-nifiurInfSS N .. . . •:»*IPIO- JjOO N*!.., W .iih.t ii«0Pln».r»

4in( IllllkotH Happ<i<ehlef a n jJk-.lenU «:00 N '* |' Vinrtni

PTA Meeting Hears Experts On Ediication

and COEUR- D ’ALENE. April 27 f^V- tnall O eltsaU a lo the Idaho PTA eongrw! pre- yesterday heard a grouaof sUt« anc Uon naUonnl experU In • ^ n e l discus -vice lio n of educational problems, orce T h e moderator w at Allon B. Jones ,l(ed Bolsr, sd ile superintendent of public

Instruction. Tsklng p ir t were M n ra t- K. O . SUnnett. Jr., AusUn, Tex., na- irch tlonal PTA represenUllve: Elvon r |« i H iunpton and Merl Stubbs, bolh

Moacow, sU U reprascniaUvea; Pau K tu s, M o e (^ , president-elect of th e Idaho Educational association nnd John C o iltll, toUIIu I editor o{

' Uie BolA S u t ^ n .H am pton compllrtienled the PTA

9 fo r lu support of legislaUon which *J would change Uie required major­

ity on bond eleoUo&s from twoH, th irds to eo per cen t

day fitubbe urged parenU lo take more IOl- of a n In terest In Khool budgtls and e u . to parllclpate In budget heirlngi, ey* InsU ad of "griping afUrwards."

K aus u ld teachers. In effect, re- )ee. plkce parenU for a Uiouuod hours Jne % y ear and ahould ha t* a sympa*

In the tle undersundlng of young peo- fiSfl pie 's* .CorleU aald many niwspapen are Ing trying to develop columns aimed a t 30. dereloplDV beUer cltUens out ol an lh e lr readera. He u ld Uie IdUio

“family** p apen were working out * ly a p rogram w ith U achen to Instruct le d children to read the newspaper de- i r u tp lto th e cotnjIeUUon for the young >pal people's tim e for olher media,« m ■ - --------- --------------) u t TBIAL SLATEty an’s CAIRO, Eirypt, April Tl W-Sev* Bla enty-ieven Jews charged with fdrj- in d Ins passporU to smuggle Zionist r S. refugees out of Egypt will be tried the by a crim inal court here, i t w u an -

nouneed yesterday._____________^


5 S ----------SOc-------“ ADULTSUie 1 -L lU

S: SUNDAY and Mikeme

i | a K i l ^

! '


10 At 7 MO nj PluB T h is Second ]

I F e n lu r e a1 fl:1.‘: 'I O n ly --------------------- W ■

:{Janie.<i M. Cain’s Explosive

‘ Sere

' M ' F m m i m

............................ ■_____________ L_______________ __________t

; Valley E adio S<iA R K E E P 5

UDAY . »•«» >. TawS lies llsmlnr Tint C t s m

I::# j*tb l 4 l ^ .K fy * f 7 i r > ‘ ‘i * ?

S ' " -- -1!!! iiii SSktlUII « i» t i n -WanB uai Muilol* «:<! >117 l!l» XU UltlM 1:»4 KJlkttlMlI " tu t MiuIeaU »;H *H

! : ! ! K f o ? i T ; S ' ‘i'.SSS" " " " •1.71b. IATUROAT l ; l f nu

ffiiSi.. i s M iK ' I I I■ S:U Mornlnf Abair T|3» *111RcW Todtf 4U# CdllteKItll iMIneUt ’ ITS Wnlhff. Ro>4« T:i«'SI>l.m llouf J;2»J.iNT.xl«rBb.- 1:00 Wda .. 1:00 .l«tu(d*r rikomr I;1S llail< N «a m t l K.<llll«a t:IO >N<I. n«U N#«t » :»fl.lunliT Sb.»P«r 10:«}{*lDpollu* Ow» p.=. II;00M«I.. B..d All 111 0

■ c . . , . : ; . iis s s1.00 -

n‘i*»*8$k I»I** j !w kccp"?^ ^* ^ . slot ninB.I ITOS'HMdt In Mualo *:0I D«n

am I/>pn <:» N«»i Kftumlup ISiOi Stn(rirliux Onh. <:S( Mooda In Uuall l«:>0 'Rm

ki vim»» Oitfc liU o in tu t p»m ii> « oil_________ TiOO H.lurtliy T.rty UOO Bif.

I Potential Fund ^

WASHINGTON. AprU J7 ( f i - Paauge of th e highway bill would make available 000 for i n ie n u te rffads m the “ i l weslem s u ie s , RepresenUUve lr Mack. R„ W ash., told Uie house 7 Thur&dsy. . .

Idnho would recelvk tU4,l«S,- P 000. he said. ^


S Claim Is Filed in pi «" Collection Action i.1

SUtewlde AdJusUaent BureiAj, wHJ Inc.. seeks 1151.10 from Tom Van

“j Scholack In a compUlnt filed i._ Thursday In p ro b au court, con- I oj U ndine the sum Is owed for med*

leal services and hoeplU llutlon.■TA “I^ e bureau claim s Van Scholack ■Ich m edical services ren* tylor- dered Ust August by Dr. Marlon T two Klinger, O oodlnf, t7 i for hosplU l- M

luU on Sl Ma«ic Valley Memorial J t lore hosplUl l u t September and >S9J0 Uld for hosp lU llu tlon In Ooodlng th ]gi. County Memorlai hosplUl la st Sep- *

Umber, plus InU rest and coeU ofre- suit. • ' -- --------------- -- R-u n William H . Bakea U atiom ey for ^pa- the bureau.eo-

Aide Resignsol ReslgnaUon of Mr*. Jessie HusUd

iho u secreUry. twokkeeper and office out deputy a t th e Tw in Palls county u c tah e n if 'a office w a s an n o u n ce d ! de- Thursday by Sheriff James H. Ben­in* ham. The vacancy, will be filled by

Mrt. Plora W acner. formerly on Uie office staff of Young's dairy.

U ra. H utted haa )>ten on t h t sher*«v* Iffs sU ff for Uie laat eight yeart. n - Thursday she aald aha had no Im* lU t medlaU or defln lU pU ns except to led "take life easy” a t home. She s ta r t- _ Uf- for th e c o u n ty in F e h n u ir ,



^ e W > /M A dI



) nnd 1 1 :0 0

^ •'idr M ndnee n t 1 :1.5}£ 7.'ic a f te r p .m . Sunday

ive Nnvcl — A Bomb on the crecn!

m w w g c o x iH f ™ l i

W iH W o n iim

r : / riMES-WEWSr-'FVWN-Fj

SchedulesK L I X , „ K T F I .

IJU KUacyclei) ( m » KUocreles);XHisuul2lBUr«U. .. .rtUOAX___^ ’UC

r«D A » ,I ____ l a t w ^ u m ir.yru»r x iu x lu k S:H jNDC/IfbW

i W ttlU i' * ilt xNDC N m

■ s r i 'i i ls E ” ‘S S ,i Call ta rn ;a r I'lM T<rp «f MaralsK1 RUMxUi (or > S ir ii i ( Valin' AcrUuUurt I II»ll/a relllM 7ili nt.ak(aat H lth») Hall/'t rd lln T:)OiWorM I Ifall/a relllM 1:U zAUx Drltr •UariU Afr»B>k/ liiO UuilntM Mllloa

! Mato K«>< SKI Tap TuatTIOMi-Shlaa tiaunda OU tiOO ilToDlUir t;ah i Bonta l»d« Mtledr Caraar ilappf llftllr I ll l l Ham* fiapattar•Na Mbeal Tojir 10i<i llalodr Ceritr

' MtlailmtfUtmtnl p.m.M«Mla*e(Vamial l i i t l Naaa Kaw. ,

liM aKaL r a m Haai. ICam* af tia Dir l ! » iHoallar Koala Thtt Kill 4i>0 xUanllsr Wuala UttUCIU. SiM Nawi K.L>I'X'»a. atwa 1:01 Parad* at llllt

S r J ” _ . is a£ '£ £ C !DtBC n« Ptfir • ;« Bob Hepa -Dl»< i<( Ptrif 7:00 ptrtda af }{iuBan« nr Tttir 7;»» xOranrf Ola Oprj

D tneasP trlr l:MzHot>IU>jSant Of P in / t:00 R.O.C*Raal Ban*)» 1:11 Na«i XuiUln Ktll UsnUaraif» aff_________I0;00 iDtnet Tlaa

■ Innocent Plea IsMade to Charge

Robert J. Lynard, jr.. IB, rouU three, Twin Falls, enU red a plea of Innocent In Twin FalU police court Thursday lo a chsrge of disturbing Uie peice. Police Judge J . O. Pum* phrey Mt l^nard 's trU l fo r 10 a jn . M iy s , ,

J Lynar^l li accused of following- Carol Bever on Third avenue c u t Fourth avenue e u t th e n ight o f April 4 while ihe w u walking ' ome, and of atUmpUa* to moleat

1 h e r by gnbblng her., The bond of t(00 which I^ n a rd■ poiMd whtn h i w u arrested w u j conUnued.

Divorce Askedk Prank Roult cTurjes m enU l cruel- • ty In his divorce com plaint filed n Thursday In dlitrlci court against- Mra. Fay .Routt. They wero married I Ju ly 31, ISM, a t Elko, Nev.0 There are no children. R b u tt u k s1 th a t the household fum lshlngs and . a IMO Chr>’sler be given his wife. t J . Dean Mosher, Twin Palls. Is

R outt's attorney. ■ r y — — — la. - i » . » ^ .» ,a ^ iA



i Ara»a«"rtalIf-t.ylnaon»«urflra


Orphenm BIdg. * lU M ain N.j

l O O A Y ]

' « ' r ^

Cinemascope 55 brings you • Four times more photographic detail. Greater depth y• Increased sharpness ^ ^ I• Heightened audience / # participation! It M makes every seat ,/ i A the pertect

ti4tSr / ^ i

MMxii'a't tMiciiBi.


I Today!1 n p E N i - . 'S ■ I I

-P A L p,-:roA H O ^----- --------

”1 Probe Aisked o J U.S.PriyateP.

LOS ANOELES. A p rl l.r r .W —The i> American 1>ubllc Pow er associaUon, 'Ut: by resoluUon'yesterday. aaked con-

g reu to JnvesUgaU ''propaganda, Ida lobbying qnd pollUcal acUvlUes’ of

prlvaU pow er. cooipaiUes.■«r The -rew luU on -B sted-for-le* lsU - — tlon -io -p ro h lb lt-p riv a te companies

from llnanclng propaganda or lob* bylng acUvlUea with money from

’ electric consumers. .I t c h id e d th a t p rivaU electric

r compianiu spen t more th a n 1< mil* Hon dollars from IM l. to 19S3 on

f„„ -propaganda atucka'* on public :h» power and u l d su th aeUvltlea "se*

rlously contam lnsU th a public ,, mind."




E' n cX d FOR

ut SU N D A Y , A p r i l :• (QuanUtles

est O ur shipm ent o f sh ln j ' nea* nlcki clear o u t ou r p resen t stock. Prli

rd medUU clearance, p u r lo u Is you u

- W E NEED T<^asb registers m ust b U rniahed nickels'. —

« . j S ^ W E L L^ . D lx ie^ Gorgeous Gid — ■

“ SATURDAEnjoy th e m usic o f tl


A t 5 :3 0 P .i


Y m m m m m m

M f ' w ■


p l J 1 1 J | T

1 on Activities of ; Power CompanieI—H ie —in-olhcr.resoluU ons th e .u s o c l UUon, Uon: , •• •I con- Asked contreas to itre n g th en u (anda, public uUlKy holdlnc com pany-a; ea’ of Calletl for more rapid develo

d e n t of atonic power. _ _ . !*lsU- * ^ E n d o re r t: r ie ^ u d n -fc i r feder Mnles construcUon of-a hlgh*<lam a t He: r lob* canyon on the Snake i tv e r betw o

frem Idaho and Oregon.Wednesdsy Rep..EdlUi O reen . 1

lectric Ore.. u ld the pUn backed ^ tl I mil* Elsenhower sdmlnlstraUon for 52 on se rf* of ]ow-level dama a t Hei public canfon, to be developed by th e Id) I "se* ho Power company, -would be pubUc 'cosUy folly."_______ T he assoclsUon also called fi


■ E ^


ICKELS a a )R JUST l « w U. r i l 2 9 ' i - 1 2 l o 3 P . M .nUtles Limited)>* nlckeli Is en the R’sy. and n-«.,must k. Prices have been slashed for im- Is your galnl

ED T H E ROOM!Bust be cleared ef all old,1*. — Boy now and ^ e l

,..* . .T U E .. W E D ,-T H U R .

ELL BROWN"MUS G ift to BurlesQua

OAY NIGHT; o f th e R hy lhm R oscols



’R U S S O S

i»»*. .Tiai6Ri!« MM------- =--------- ------

T . I Jki

f IDAHO MAT. G E T O FFIC I H WABHINOTOS. AprU 21 Ufi~: , lU m er Budge yeaterday ad>

1 0 8 ^padfic Northweat p ipe line coq

isocU* aUon won't change-IU m in d al • k . general headquarters

J t t i B ..I L O . C llr I h ,^ , U . c l,.n ,

S ’

ederal eonstruetlon'of th e propoaed' J Hells o*y dun On tbe Columbia rivet

tw oen Dje f«jeral govem m ent r a th e r t - • u a parUierahlp projec t w ltn I.

Interesu gelUng th e power. f t h e ------- ----------------------------- .


L L . F R ID A Y . S A T U R D A Y■ H Aldo Ray - p h ll Care'y

and "Ul.pauko'' K lm u ra ."THREE STRIPES

il IN THE S U N "

— “Biggest L itt le Th

' ( g x eI

SPEC. K IDD IES' S1—GincmaScopc C

2— S h o r t S u b j e c t , '

3 .— F e a t u r e . mJust Love


f mStqrfs T O D A Y c

2 BIG FIRS1--------------- S S t O T f ' r ^ H O - -

f r o i


Plui T h il COM PA

[S o S© < ( » { $ DMKE-WIdU'

-----------------F H 1 D A Y ,-A g j ; ^ "

.d . l» « l H-«,h ,,

s „ ‘::ated In EiigUih comiM *

river by p n '


f ■l^Y

K I ^ " r t h s i i l e T T -, , Trut Lil. O.omo

FBI F,l„


£22’ .e n d s sat.

c h a r l o t t e ®g r e e n w o o d C T

' SATURDAY MATINEE‘ C a r to o n P ro R ram

: t , “J u s t P e ts "

H orec You'll

U S T 2 0 c A D M I S S I O N - .

J J ] e n d s SAT.

I m


M MANSON“ b i« t .M MUQOO “


o i m S b HBU -A U «IV !M -W I[«I»W :

cqW ^Fifth In n i By Both 1 For N in e «

w V alley 's Cowboys blasti me Mrieii h trc T hursday niBhl

S r t «nil on Satorclay M am cg ? P . I I , . l n l h e t h r ' ; e - g T O e » e

^ve Recordj sJ^^sGiFv-Gets* l B OOODINO, ApHI 2 7 - K iva rec ^ ' h « ~ “ .^ - iv e - .c v e n th a n n u a l - in v i t o , 1 1 £ '" ,? C » d in « s ta ta .chool. T h . '■ ■ r - - “ Tha CleiiM F a ro - te a m r

I R o y s t o i i H as do ,

■ O ne-H im r; | S I Valley W ins -■

*'lnnlns pllcher.H I ■ no-hlller unlll Chestnut

in " 'i ';

■ & ‘rrScrc.lSF ;:,i- „n ovcrlhroir «t liiird base.

B S h « r i banjcd » tr ip le /o r Vnilcy■ in^he sixtli bul »'M Ml'cd oul for , '«■ int louehini! M «nd bi»e. Hoyston

I ■ f , m e k out M »nd w lkcd three, --e I J I w i wni the losing pitcher. H e ; >>.

Hall »lruck oul lour and walked

eommllted three bobblesH , m i e

i ' i 'S n lin'r-■ s’h r -m m . 5 i ” »

1 a 0 r .f i ]_ _ « J | ______

w l l H ’ * » _ t ^t y « o « - «

m m h s I^ DfDUHTRtAI. I.EAGDB O J

T(!!i I!! iU a"!',

}•''!• ...........— - ii; ij j }" JIJ in tl - - - j | { |;H }i} M nlnic

H ---------------- .»......... ,4 nblei

■. . L no 111 lli 1“^■ U llrh rll .................Ill l i t Ht C l OH

Wlllitnit ....... ..... Ill- Ut IM .Ilmil

..................... rir i.i.“ ‘ *'* threiIts i : i i]i s n Be

■ i “ ”" " i l l..ITO ^ j n nmin

41( SroriH v . y.,t,r . IU 1*4 14 JU SIVM

......... • liJiLiUijsiss^uhiit ................ 117 i:o II i ; i bii*r'

— »'i.i hi

’'■ Siu"i

jij III ll jj[iiMRin., ;...■ "■;...U9 u a _ i»

T.ri.ii .. , . ' m ’lo: 1111441 i.iiij'

III j"-T..I.!. , _ 'i l l " iii l i n B n,.p SH<. "■••t"-" Itt i « UJ i l l nnd ■;■ • I*' i ;‘ ! '• *:S team:► i^hrM . . [?I [i} Ij ! J " T h u r^ - I m t n . iJ, winniT.H.f. ' ' '*

H.tS.KllI; ’ ' ■ ■ •I'o rc■ •“ ,i* ; |}

■ m - l ! i - • u» I4J J H Jonea

... - _ "L'"‘ m”;ROWI.KR Of. 7„R Ko^-Tn

....» .;?£ ;& RaJ i p I iiiil;Sai

mnnis! Mi'rth »nt! April: SE>'■•"n j ' lV’, ' " ' ' I

p.m.' «onr!.x. n.'« Ull_ 6-1 »n

UAf.-IlI! 1 * " ^ '

:fS"-..■ i “sJi;; N,.,„ - - •*----- ” J Sulllvi

I' " ........."! II 41 ■ ■ - 'zii!."’’, '"■•"•■ IJI; UoUfh'T, ' .

^"."rr’ r't li'"- ' "I Ibl bilf, W,« rroduc*. ♦ •• •■

FBroAT'tfBtt 27, 1356’

r s BLAST ing Slugfe Teams Ace of Sixteen

a s t c d Mis.-ioula’fl Timlicrjai-k.-^ 10-f ijrh t. T h c tw o te a m s w ill ar; ric V nlley w ill open a n o th e r th ree- ! s e r i e s w ith M i.ssm ila , th e ' opeiiitiK

is Toppled |fes-Vietory— -Rlr e c o r d s w e n t by th o w ay .sidc '“"d • i to t io n n l t rn c k ' m c o rW c d iie .s - T h e m e e t wnn w on by G le n n s m', n r a c k e d u p 82','^ po iiit.s, fo i- one lo w e d by W cndcH w i th 48, p:i-- C n s t le fo rd w ith . a O i j nnd G o o d in p S tn te w ith 5. G le n n s T e r r y R rabbcd s ix f i r s t s a n d uni (hared In mioUier. HiKh poini men ilicr were Drndshtiw. ■Wemlell. 15 jwlnt.v nro ■ nd Jim Pnrtin, Casilclord, » . The (ir.« new record* were ie t In the mile .'fcn run . the «0-yard run, the mtdlry on r relay, the discus, and the <40.yard ed relay. - ' • tlie

The aummary: irlp:i:n .,.r.l hlch hur,ik.-r.,iiB ,'r',.,i,. Tl

f«r.l, (Ul.n.,.- I> ,„ , H,p|

” ' i J " ’ '' "I'd Them.. l r , ,,,. M'inTh.II lUUor'; •'"’d■rrrr . M.rbU i i. ^ ;il|,S. N .- Hen dmI. DM r~oM. t ^

Iv'Tr’,” »P :Von W.lkr. (Wr-ulrllt, M X S . . Hild

S : . .... ..... .. fS"iS“

' Mo’-xird run-HlnIe iCIrnni KfrrrI, 'Hie7Zpl» iCIrnni KM7 I. Wlllli. iCIinni ytrrri. I'lm!

kln>"|(‘lrnV>"Wrrr' >1 l*Vrm>n IhetoMj. lie /ar .fourlb. » Irti, ( Iticbt.. - runS

Dfiru.—KlAholi <Cl<TBi Kfrrri. W.—l. p .• II iW«M»lll. Trippl. iCI.ntx * 0llrnnfll (WcndtllJ. i : : /mi. 2 Inch. N»w wlUl" lliiii K.rrrl thd ?„^Jj

Vriv'i '"'‘'".•vv Jyw i

► rrr,). Dlion (W.-.,l<lll- l» f..i. «l«h„. Vflni

--------------------------- Cott'

Sin«fle GivesO in lc

6.5Victoi'y S To Salt Lake J

SALT LAKE C m f, AprU 27 (.fl- K iMl-mlnute ilngle by Mel Oeho vioit: n Uie home half of Uie ninth In- D Ho ilnic (fftve Sail Lake City a 0-5 vie-

Tlie Rinsle ellmnxed a ihree-run Abmi rftlly in the ninth Inn ln j th a t en- \b led .lhe Bce.n to even their Pio- wmt leer leosue u rlea wllh Bllllnss a t nim< I Reme aplKt.

Snll Lake’* rally ■came nfler ■ y^,,, ilm ilar nlntii-lnnlng etforl by Bll- u >ki< Ines In which the Mustanij.i scored iire e rtxns'to take a 6-3 lend. 5*“^

Bee hurler Dallax Oreen kepi Uie ou. i vliuUnRS pretty much In llna unUl .ha eighth iniilns.

niLLINRS 3. Kilt Lik* < ;:tolU

K 'W TMIIfiSW ' SIrorcrlb 4 I lOAninlMlb S O t w lnt i/n S ^rf* J 0 e'KMtn»f5b S I I _iinqMdef 4 1 oiBriph If s a o «ho*OB'« I 0 *:Oftir>««---- -*-1—J - ^ r

l l i Sl A. I l l r i ” !Sj| . .................Toul* I 34 ’ Mi V fl* ” 'I*"'"'

t ■Klt'ffiif;; IUrl?./A.n.nit..

l«m*r, lllitloft. llUnrklni. ail-lll«nc)ilnl. . ....111-f.urrhxl i. X<>rK. (;<ho. Vlnitrd. f InqurllfM, Hirn. tll'-lllirxhlnl. Jahn-jn •Bd_«:fnrY-|nO—r«rrj 4 } 'j" .SIb l"

KII— S.' :r»»n "iV Soiiftin ), I'rirr ». U, I. im -Cr«n 10. I>rrr ». *., , 4. n n r -nt p»fj,^cAn.riU.i_. ij>^L«

• I, Wlnn*F—AnHrv*r«, l^ . tll-JoSr«i(i :. T-1;0:. A-I.Oll. ^

Jruins Win Ball JameatShoshone ~SHOSHONE, April 27-Shoshone

nd T*’ln Palls hlfih school baseball ^a^ls played a practice came here ch in r Tiursdsy nIUmoon wlUi Twin FalU lnnln{ 35-1. wuhinWes Jone* 'and Kin, Klncheloe ii«.i-.-.

iinred Uie pllchlnu duties for the n* '" '' :rulns and SUn and Eden worked u.m,,. n the mound for Uie Indians,Twin FalU ro t 34 htLs. meludlns i > ^ ,

w n en iM -b y "Je rry -M arty , W « -i> 6 3 ones and Mike SUwe. v ^ T he Drums play fhelr next jam e I n I uesd iy a t Buhl._________

tainiers Trounce S lan Francisco 6-1SEATTLB. April 37 - SeaWe wm j, •cned Its homecomlnir aerlM wlUi college m Frsnclscoal 3-3 Thursday nlghl by Ho , the Ralnlers Uounced the SeaU 1 m an error-filled PscU)e Coast H H aRUe basebnll came. >The win pul the lUlnlers back Iq I | i

L”‘SE .’rac^K ".% -•atUe ....... ......30J 010 COx-« 8 4 I'schroll. WUIL* (8). Slack O) and I illlvan: Fracchla and C rtelt- I

( C a n v a s D a m s IA» 0 S o v in g i ;l

S u r p l u s S a l e s J! i Block Wesl or Teat Orrie*

r M i s s o i iestcounts n R uns ^lO-f> in th c s e c o n d o f n th re e - ' nfjiiiii F r id a y n ip h t u t Ja y ce e rec-Kiime h o m o s t a n d nK uinst 1 inK n u n s in t h e P io n e e r teap u c \ ba.'<el)al! .sen.son h e ro , th e ( ow- , V bovH now h a v e a tw o-jram e ' J odtie. F r e d D iip re e w e n l all J tlie w ay on t h e m o u n d f o r th c Dwbojs, aiiDported by some heavysliiKKliig an d aham fielding.______ k_______T lid tt'a y throus>> the" game both ' k le.iriis erupted In a seorefesi thal Bk - Imd the fniis on th e ir feet Uirough- ^ B j l mif mosf o r tn o Inning, “ | H S

Miiuoulix touched off the aenrlng n f l f l In (tie (op ef th e second by piuhlnE one nm across. Paylor drew a free ■ ■ ■ pnui, xiole second and scored on a W 0 ^ double by Vandersee. ^

Tlie Cowboys eame back In tlielr liiilf of the tecond. U klng the lmd . u llh iHO runs, Pascal singled nml t®"' ‘ (licn went lo second on Espinnr.rj riror ihiil aUo lel Mouney live nl lir.«, Mouiiry V u called out nt .ipcond when McColW r renched flu t I , € \ ' on n Iielder's choice. The piny pu^lI• V .^1*- rd P.iscnl across homeplate lo lie tlie score, McCotter scored on a I | | | irlple by H nrlm an. U \ \

The Cowboys p u t Uie clincher nn th rlr lead In th e Uilrd by racklnc up three more runs. B hbb.flrsiC ott. «liool i tioy Up In the third, singled. Hernion Pomt nnd Plcclnno wnlked to fill the bn.w* “ and Pascal singled lo score Bnbb and nfiemot llermon. A stri

Wnnt* WM rnlird from Die Hann- P'‘f'onn lip pen IU Missoula relief plidier top iiid Im m edlatcly 'w alked Wrislii, f { Mouney Inced out n high sacrifice ■ ''' * riy u> Korc Picclano, Ji

n ie Tlmberjncks threw a *e,ne ,7 '* •''' nto Uie Cowboys In tho lop half ot :he fourth when Pnylor. wlUi one ivrrr k 'i )Ul and none on base, slammed out ,,I homerun over the leftfleld fence, 47o!;'m, nie homer wtis the I lts t In Jaycee iir^i. rc>< jallpark this season. „

Everylhlns broke loose In Uie fifth ' "hJi r-»i nnlng. The Tlmberiftcks collected nii«onh 'tiur nin* on five h its nnd two error:! '"J-0 take th e lend mninenlarlty but he Cowboys eame back with Jive

For the Jacks. McKeon led olf ibVu !’'''" «IUi a double and Wnnts singled, isplnota nnd Soto /nnned bul Vlotto ..iO i* ''''' ilngled to score M eKeoa Paylor * 'u” . h .injltd . .storliVs~W(inlz; nndH aclt •" ''‘h 'Hi Ived on a catcher’.'? error lha t let !>*'*’:'■ ’ /loUo eome home. Pnylor scored on ,/andersec's single. f K . i

Mouney bla.«cd a homer over left *Idd fence In th e bolloni half of tlie _ - Ifth lo Ue up the riuhc and set the y q r « n e lor the Cowboy Jnckpot. Me- -*• « 1 :otter walked. H artm an filed out. _ }upree walked. Babb filed out and T-s^ J farmon wns h i t by n pitched ball I l l U n load Ute bases. Picclano singled, _ coring McCotter nnd Dupree, nnd 'ascal singled to score Harmon and ,’iKlano. _____— . york pll

The box score:MAGtC VALLEY 19. ^ IIIROULA I J "

iluoula kb h elUigle Val. sb h o Thi M in(« M s 0 3'n»bb If 1 3 crowd o?nul‘ rf 4 ? ?K M Jim tS i r ? . ! i ; K S “ » " ! ! hitttr 1[‘i V ' ^iWriMtef 0 s r fo rh U s:™iT^^4-S-;;SSS™rr4-! " f !■bmnlhr If l o o‘lUrtm«n •• l J was chnj rcKfon a a i 4'Duptc« p o o Tlie '

K * i l lToUU 33 B 341 ToUli 71 t 71 te r '^ O IlIuouU .................. ...010 140 000—« DolijntdUKic V .lle r .............. 023 OM OOx-10 ^OUgniQR—vioui. r ir le r 3. McXeon. Wanlz. Lumpe t

i*Bb. lirrmon .2, Picclnno. Pwf»t }. single. Uuarr, McColUT 3. Diipter. &-Bpln- n , . ^

:«m. iioi-rM cni ■!. Manner 5. Pled- knocked no a. Ilrrmon S. V»nder>c». PuTlor 3, ji r , . ni tollo, l.»er-W .nls. aO-Duprt. (. PJ/fill 2. W.nlr I. n.m cy I. nB-D um« Yanks n

---------------------------- cngo by

Standings—'— ^riONRRR l.RACl’E While Ea:

, V II 'J' 'i to *iv* K.ll. ------------- 1 0 I OM Uie Atwiiiinei ................... t I .580 1 Carrasi

............ .........{ } ’iliS I home rul.-ii.n.*..:::. r.V i ! ilco } *tarl*r 2liM . - ................. 1 I .ooa ii; he cle*n(

- ...................I " * ■»“'> * off Jack-------- Km Uok-

w 1. ivi. fin scored th -------- ---'J J •.*;„* Bobby A

* I :*:i • r ’ »cor#d si1. in » re ................» 1 .441 1 nlnUj.

! • '.m i ,„ilind ....—. ......... • , 19 .»5» 4 lf» as ma

. . . . . . J1 KATIONAU LKACUE ’ . Nfv York \ W I, PfI. cn ll.llln.»r.

1 i ;i4 Hrr>«. hl»iuk» ....... ...........- ... 4 J .417 U lr <•!. •ni. l 'Uli ....... ..................S 1 .m <7 thd Smith.

3 J iisJ c iw 'i’ll.'i*'» Yoik ..................i 4 . . i : i ■ K<ni>i C'llillihiirch ........ ..............3 4 .<:0 i Wrnn sn’H""*" ..............._ » » -HI i ^ m . .«

AMKniCA.s-'LKARiiE , p m r . i i ;

iruil . ---------- ......I 4 .lil 1 “ B n:ii! i ' ' i " M

lengalsWill Run- j ^ n Pair of Meets I ,?OCATELLO. April 37 IR -Idaho [ ^ale college plAns to send a 10-man v •_ un U) UiB Rocky MounUln Con- • tn c e warmup track m eet a t Oold- . Colo., Saturday. | {rhe re tl of the Bengal track team 9 *. , II (D to the InvlUUonaJ a t Ricks M liege In Rexburg, said coach Dub- I ' . Holt.____________ ■



MACHINECall us a t 486. We are equippe

; , anything in iron and

”2 7 ■' • 1

JLA 10-6Easy Victory f(

Pormer welterweight champion Kid <ia roim by BriUln'* P e lrr Waterman darinj n. Gavllan floored Waterman twice am ener hU dUpuled Iom lo Waterman la^( I

arey B ests Rict ►ual Track, F idMIEV. April 27 - C.irey high , ) »1 cinder performeix uilled up ||,w r'*’ lOint.i ngnln-'t 34 (nr Rlehfleld lo i'ni> .

a <lual meel here Tliursday moon. iC«'rV,i IMroiii;, gusty wind held dnwn

onnancM In iniMt evenl.v Among ^ top performances wns a leap of I l | « ^ ri, 7 inches by T. Pen-y of Cnrey V - i - ' he high Jump. He abo won the id iiimp a t 19 feet. 6 Inchea. I | * | ie .iiimmaiy: ’ X X I

V .li,- illrhflrld iMilU. OllJ.u. CORV

-r.Mi Ht.ii-^KiHt».i«» n'» .fri, oiiifu the thrf.(lrl,l.,_^rrtind.r ................ WWib, [ , ,1,rii>—KI.IrHc .TtrrTI, Ifllwnrtll »Clt- The V Hul.*inllli lKlf>i(i«l'll. I0> fr»1. 10 jwcep 01 ^ r-m-WII-r.lh C.i.,1 Ulllfr llrMi. l‘rl(« <Cirtr. KIrklinil 'iCirtri. man. hi

•IU n f»l. « Inrh...____________ Idaho

• -I mrioles Trip 1£1 m h ‘ankees 7-5;

Idaho .

idians WinBy The AMotlaUd PreM

ilthnore Jumped on four New c pltclicrs for nine hlH, Includ- homers by Billy G ardner and I” '" " Triandos. U> whip the Yankees ^ T hursday belore Uie smallest ^ 'd of the season here. 6.2S0. ■n Wilson, lifted for a pinch ' ^ ;r In the seventh, got credit lls second victory. Tom Morgan, f irst of Uirre Yankee reliefer*c H S rg e d ^ lin iie n o w ;--------------[ ----------ie Ynnks sU rted off with n* r. scoring four m ns in the flrsti Iff.e Collins tripled Into deep cen- scorlng H ank B a u er .ja u Me- jnid and Yogi' B orya/ Jeny _ _ pe broughi Collins home, with a H I

le defeat snapped the Yanks' | V game winning streak and also ked tha New Y orken oul of

place perccntngewUe. The cs now have a .778 mark wlUi ■ ■ ' 7-3 m ark compared to Chi- V I ’s ,S00 on 4-1, On a games,won V l lost basis. New York leads Chl-b y a .g a m e . ____K ansas City Chico Carmsquel I ■ t l

! - i lfe -m U « ra b le - fo r Kansas I B l pitchers, driving In seven runs | E ' Early W ynn pitched Cleveland I I " 14-3 lend, four-h it victory over; AUileUcs. -Irrasquel lil t a bases-Iooded 9 | I n in In the third Int\lcg offl er Lou KreUov. In the flfUij e tned the s4icks w ith a double ack Crimlan, who hnd rellerediIny with b w « full. Chlcol _____d threo Umes. comtng Tioms on ■ ■ y AvIU's home run th a t also d slnsllng jIm Hegan In the

n n notched h U ^ c o n d victory m any starts.

AMKRICAS~ LKARtIR fork _______ ! I - H

. •Kli lUrri: Wllwn. Zurolnk i;i,mlth. TrlinHM (71. B Khintun ■! IlMtoB pMlpon«.l, riln.‘B'l ................I« 040 101--11 i: II Cllr .............0I« IM 000.- 1 4 II. .nrf Hft.n : Kr.llow, Crimltn (I).. <«l, H trrl.«t HI «Bd ClBiWn.r ,e i3 ir5 '.rr . ': i ir5 rr r r* -r :;ii i '» ’

MAYFLOWERO ff e r* »h# H n « i»

w o y • "

S I R V I C I I ^

Twin Falli Catl 2546 ] ptH A R R I S fj


:H W E C o. voaL Y O U R W y la

. f a n . I

HING IE WORK?ped to do almost' ^md steel ',


J N _ S E aforKced .

^ 1

P S ^ W Cr- -

* * 1 ^ ' n f t i ' r n' \ . ! B u b i '

P oi

w f i V w OffCavllan (rlgliti bloflii a left pOC.>

aring the ir 10-reund go In l.on- lello pl!I anil won an e»»y ilecMon In srroiiil a^( I 'rlruar.t. i.NKA Irlrphntiil conM tr..

chfield in d d Meet

I'i (11 i,i h '" i ‘"i

>regon State ■ ,?=7,' rips VandalsII Marathon:0RVALL1S. Ore.. Aprtl 37 i/Pi- a- s ,‘„, rgon Stnte ouUeoied Idnho lfl-13 n maraUion NoIViern Division rorin-iiv eball game here Tliursday. Tliere " I'- ' •e 28 h its and 16 bnse* on balls In {"i.’,',’. ki

three hour and 20 minute con- iirr.onSlrlni»r,

'h* victory, gava-Oregon Slate, a i'"!;'.**'!' ep of Uie two-gsme Idaho series. *•, erry Bellendorf, OSC first base- «o M.'il n. h it two homeruns to lead the nii x ters ' attack, and also had two JIta.“TJeltendorf'drove’ln six runs, t - : : 1». laho catcher Oene Arnone got ee hlU and drove In four runs. X U V iii . high wind gnve outfielders a r r l l l l I lime In Judging fly balls and r n ^ n l>ed contribute to Uie high score. 1 0 IJ lick Wilson was the winning SPOK Jier and Oordy Tlegs the loser, worth ciho ............ :021 024 031-13 13 3 id«ho ti■gon SUUi 030 5M 30X-18 13 3 Monlnm legs, Branom <4i. Anderson 'Si. m d trat slergren (7) nnd Amonc; Znn- Whllw -.Wilson <3>.GuldottI iS).Pearce s ta te In and Lovejoy. } cnln had

^ . I V . '


i n <THs Wyfi

‘’• • ' ' “ PP*O ^ U l V V j ^ ^ Z ^ / y / ™ .*roun«J/roB

priWoos lai wotchas hoi In any w ay running dai *h»«k.

fHE iNarux lAuiNa wh« i ,**";.I f .P ro f.e « n fl fc.arl of ifc.Vy/*f ;n ta « M ./» b4-v.*-i wllh »*etur«a ofh a ih o e lc . . . ^ul/y gwaroafatrf eoursa It.doiga/nst cfamagtl ihould alan

- ih» iiaaW al

tM w ^ p n d d o n lihava Ih# fli


TIME:S U N . A fte rrto o n , A pril 29»h

; D u rin g G om o w ith Idoho Foils

’0 iL .C A » i- W IN JH i.S _ W A X .C H i j»S^ylar I n c a f l ix will b« a w o rd e i l FF on . D o n 'r f a i l to ba th e re .

.Steriin^’ Bonk & T r u s t Bldi


]Q N D ‘GAj

jrooding Ean Crown; Enyai

( ;O O I ) IN i; , A p ri l •J7— C n o d iiij; ! f t i 'r n o o i i jn th o ininual c o n fe rf iu - lu h l w ji^ si'ccind w ith H i ir ln .’i t h U:P J e ro m e w us f i f th w ith

-----------!*ocatello Gets sijiia

r-4-Victory T"'" r'l 3ff Idalio Falls "i”POCATtl-lXS, Aplrl 21 ',r-Pr>ca- llo piled ii|) six riiii« In a liecllr roiiil liinliii: TlniiMlav niahl tn iii'>‘i' inM tn n T-l I’loiicer Ic.icue vie- .Ji, ry uver lil;iliii J-'alU. .iVi,*nie bl(! llmliiK w-ns mmkrd bv a ..'" 'f luliaiU lll;ll^awI(t(lho^•J>Jl*D'I<■h- i '• Ted T nIr oiden-d oul of Ihe hu.. line for protesting ton much on a ’ '!!• .Pcc.itelln opened It* iiaynlf Inning iiiuhu ter two .were out xvUli lour walks,Miisle ami two rtoublf', m,,".,;!rdl'ATKI.I.ri^J. lll.tlln KAMA 4

a n ! .siJinc'- i**:h I J I i“V n " j n s

" i u ! i . J i I f " ' * ' '

-''.".n ?.*"iliIv^V I*"'' I"

:n. V.iM»"j*'in'T‘i/i?Tiui'.o'''r’in iiiJckbi.Uxih'-. I. Klxi I. P.m. J. IIMU. Irr. »:Jtill Mt1hr«. 4, Klnc I. I’flnl. I. .Sll— 44»-», VcK i. .rirn.|^Mi.»^:.

l^hitworth, Idaho ® ™ 'o Stage Meet S:;”:SPOKANE. April 27 W - W hll- Wedni jrtli college got the University of l* r fn a lio to pinch h it Wednesday for nsking ontnna S ln te college ss a week- Uie I« d track m eel opponent,W hllw orlh was to m^et Montana j)te here Saturday but the Bob- * tji hnd to poatpona I t a week. . ^

r , ' ®

N 'D


n c a W-o-x--- : ----s Wyfsr fncaflax Mrofcfi will ropp*4l iqOO faa M o lha id frem an a/rpfan«. In many >us la ils « f Ihls kind, Wylsr las hava. nol b«an damagad y w ay - • hav* tu p l rlghl on ig daipll* tha Iramandaus

s dremvtic damontlrotlan Iaslxas lh« ^»ckf« iliton l |raa of W ylar Inealltx. Of II ll.doas nel.m aan (hat y«u |j alam ihia watch agalnti |flaWalk « r sbu ia li In any 'Mw a y - o f i a r all a wotch l la Ion liisdianlim . Iv i yau Ih* Arm «warcinta* lhal If ilanw wfiMl, slirfr er jtwali

s r* 4lamag*d^ lhay will fc* rcpolrad er np locad fraa.

U i > { t « < ’- i i l« - d r O p , - » h » t r — Ji id FREE to te m a lucky >

. Y ................&

■ ^ ew eiry- ^• I i t

"~zEr~ ■.................

i . ■ .


ms .Big Sevei art Sets JumIK' hik 'h w on Ih l' Hits' S rv c'I'lii-i- n u 'i 't . T ill ' S i 'ii iilo r c indern ; r icv fin ish i-ii th ir d w itli 2 H '- .; Mi th ir > i . . : O ak lcv w as .Mxtli w ith• ilh n . f -

A j iu s ty w in d a n d r a in .¥ > iju a lls hc liu ’il lo |)r(‘s c i : v c f : I i ( lO.i! nf llie iiUl riiiilnenre r<-i'Oiil,i. pfkHnK-s Bntj Knvnrt sei-llie milyl R . ew re,-oid ullli a Iri.p n( 21 ffel, l l < 'j liirhe» in llie liinnil jump, T lie l '^Irt ie(ord nf 20 feet. R mcl1e^ u»s W i . rlrl by Hiib'miili of Ruwrt,

NKo tl I|lii>l»*i. ill.iMl, Bovci

..I ,i;...Unrl W.i.hl.-tcrk. i II,itI»>. I'iki llluhh. ond

'M: V . , r- ,• ,Mrn^ .iiJhi'i'; iihrhi',’ ^oiiov

1.11...1.| nm Nrl.-.n I ,.„ . jollcCl h . ’jV-VrnJ;. majo;»>ii->.r,l ruR-.Hnillli' ((;,—(lr.fl “ ' '" aluhl., IJ.W'r •lliirkri, MiKh.ll AU

... . ,, ... ., . veal11..m. iMiTi/ioii'!! Yorkk. ,i - n . i

.'-Vli.V.hl, Vi; .il'JI^.n ' • S,"]' "'I'O

.” ..''^V ,rr.‘.’uci;.'l'm». llLVlrV.'ui/ll’oi:;,->>..1 ,m' rfJuHrrl. rUOn<

llrhr.'lvi>' • •iJl-’i). ri'ir* Illiiiltr) an.! fourti '.nim iM|i.lH,.k», >1. I«r flr.1 .M W uhiMhi..'iil'"/n7 <h"!r.'n.'i Mm

' Irti. «s icifiif., for n

:l ff.1, Inrb... N .. rrrnrH. Iild U nt.I ‘••III. 70 lr*l, B Inrhfi, li/ llubimlili, llu* 2 i al<

Mlt'V;i.V~<';o.-iln» K iri... n,Thorn. '«ckLrV*Sl.i“ M"*Mlntl(.Vt.' Iluhrnuf- ^0 . iiiii.T. In wllI4».,.r.l r-l.r-n .ihl .Plp»n. H.n.Irirk.. rwtf. I.o»«). llurlrr. Klltf. CooJlni .

---------------------------- Setll'.

Sasketball Coach P ?ARKANSAS CITY, Kans.. April 27 '—Dnnny Knhler, Arkansas City ' mlor college bnsketbnll coach, said ^ ednesday lie hna received a lel- [ r from the University of Oregon king If he m ight be Interested In , U* e hend coaching Job there.


I want6 YEAR OL.D jB O N D E D B O U R B O N !.


D IS T IL L E R S Q U A L I T Y ^ ; '

E w t i i i

________________M n i



• > .

SE R IE Smen Cinder up Record■'fvcn track rro\vn -Thun<d;\r lernicn rackod up' B7 points.: Minitioka ciuiiily w hs fourth itll 8 nnd F ile r wa.s scvenlh

Boyer Pacing Redbirds With Sizzling ;556

NKW YORK, April 37 (iT - K rn Qoycr. who lilt only JS4 as a rookla aal year, t* off to a whirlwind sU rt ind lends the N atlonnl league In inttlng while giving Qt, Louis Cards lollowers high hopes.

In h is 'fu s t seven Bames Boyer :ollrcled IS Iilts~ the most In the Tiajors — on 27 a l - b a U for a MB iveragf.

Auoclated PresH figurea also tt- « a l tha l Bill Skowron of the New Ifork Yankees Is *ihe American eaiiie pnce setter among player* ivho hnve n t least 30 at-balJ. Tha iiusky first bnseman hiis a .<S4 av- ‘racc on 13 saf'eUcs In 3£ trips.

The Yankee.t' Mickey Mantle Is •unnerup to Skowron with a .182 nark and (cammat* Yogi B trr^ la ourth with .417. R n rl OUon of W uhlngton Is th ird w llh .433.

Mantle nnd Berr* ar« dead- ocked for homi! run honora wllh our apiece, and Uiey’r* also Ued or most runs batted In with 13. 31cV T etuibach o t W M hlnjlon U hlrd in RBI's w ith 7.

In the N ational leap ie , BUI Sam i, tlso of Uie Carda. Is » rather dls* a n t second w ith .440 on 11 h lti In :S al-bnU. 3111 B ru toa of MUwau- :ee U .Uilrd w ith .43S, roUoved by )ale Long o t p ltU b u r th wllh J8L

Jablonskl top* th e National leaiua n homers w ith ft smd ru n i batt«d n wlUi II.

-fiM 4«>«r-j>n-Unda-ftt-U)a O l e ^ lee<l'BBd Feed Co.—Adr.

Deepw«ll Pum p I n tu r a n c t


U7 Main E u l PheiM IIM

I ■ ■ . N *


I B ~

• I

nD O P R O O F . [

) E D B O U R B O N j

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A H S o u j 1 " a

lUCTS CO RPO RA TI.bN . ^ IQ U R D O N W U U K C Y ;, -i^:

'“"p ag e seven

^ H | L

^ ^ B - - - :— A W 8 5 'silmecl.

^ H r - - a '* i E t h l c r i ' '- 28 M<J cin

■ r r ' - s s j - ' ^H | - r - - 8 -12- U m ^ « ' -cho lc* '"— II naUvt’ 4l.Givefort

H E i r ^ l n t ' ' - time• r « . R e e r e t 43 .r«v i'fr '

S lS .C lty in 44.Twl<ledM • Geori^t 4S.lminerKB | r • T .P o ^ o a - 47. Symbol forW i 5 S.’Whll* germaniuraB k . • OTor 48. IOO!.n ■ ; l .U n b ip p f - 49 .su y in f■ I ' 1 S tR o o k ’i c r r powerH • 4. Drove 52. Kool lever■ 9 ' ; S .L ow h iun t 65. Unit or■ h , 9.Christl<a work■ I I e r*:»bbr. . 6fl. Thin fin#19 l__L «.ile“ctil__-------- -nuU et 88.H*vedebUU l l «t S i rc c e n tr if M .W ttfh ^ ■ 1 1 '2 P‘<ce narrow lrH l l S S 3 .S ln g lo | eO.Rob

^ .b k d i 9l.£spousi


eURPRlSg F0fiy(5U H lC E C liv * TMArJ THA.TTBlPl.6 eADIiHV '/OO SRfiW tA5T VeAR.'-^/* tH8 H00PU5 ARE 6DIH& *)TO /ACNBi 1 <soT -m e MViiJ

l ^ ’SliKBTHAl

“It Bays you can’t lick it

: T O E G - W P 3


■ f~ '^ llt IJ y ou'ne NEXTM aTCwn givTw

. ’ II

loss _ ____

b b m m s

loot; - •

f ' . ' P Apr m p p t e ^ ^

r» , . B^^RllfllO lgK M lToCT

I Ie{l Is Ii: 1 t |a |kIe B e |i.I^lor ••tu tiM of V «iU fdiy'f PutxU

DOWN JO.BtsebiU 1. Son or Noah

. 2.Ja p .o u U * it n - S tm “ 3. P a rro t S ? n ^ ^

4. Human r a r t jO .P r i 'u y '• S.A bout p lantr.T— e .H a v e -----------

reeouna 23.Wor*hip

I S^B.Focelell aa.G rind ln*

W 30. Double:

■ ■* i l f r m i t d- — i | 3 --------- — fabric*- — ------------S 4 :D r e a u i 'a -7 —t — m ;t } in ju ry .

I 39-Eye: ScoL— J ^ V i l a s-T rea t

^ \ m \ 1 1 <2. Faint "P / b r Tryi— — **■

P w I h a n d ln ca rd ir -~ \jg I “ — « . FniU»tont»’ r * 48.M yielf- I — a a ifo Witnes*

I m _ 3 0 .& d e av o r ^

■ ’^duL"S*5 u f ^ ~~ fJ p f M. W indmill |

r ” 1 5 0 3 5 ---------J tW e n tr a a r _____ forw ard

- 2 ; « _ ________________^

m - M A J O R H O O P L E



/ AND 3CMK VARD APEB■ I \ /L L THE65 V e A R 5 /~ ^/ \ WHY IT'5 LiKfrK . \ HA'JlNS TAXES 'V 1 \ DSCLA«BDU M -.... r?iiP-y-rt¥ r ----

■■■’ |j{ :II' ■

A T B y N E H E R

1 -US-AWOE^- —

"jt off and i t will last nil dnyl"


e s t s ? X WCWT ASK ] ^ «(M FOR. A FORTUNe. (


! O U T O U R W A Y

/ / r r r T- 3 HM&-WXIWA y/t '*' ^ ' ^ 1 >MP rTAUKES


___ s a IPHECOWESi— ----------1, OME VvtOJUS

, ______ /..KUJ6MBKWCW 0t»JP7M '60i

____ [ _ ^^.THCPglWE


r AMI T- J ' §

Jir ✓ f j a |

• ' '

■ ............ V .

''W hy not have a few expcnsl' Im married I”


“Here'ft a dinner recipe I’d lil I” tnke a wife, a cab, a ?20 bill ar

1 night clubi” . .

I OLD SKIMrtlMT.'-^ . IF Mt UTO AIL i n t VTOLrS ^ P«

s a p AT « y PgET, HEt> StsSTILL Be IN MV DE&T. -ClM O , t WOMT AUKE TMtt CH


B y

^ y*^-A(CO«ENNOv\i')| ICa^P

te iif. ' M C


T I M E S ; N E j y ^ ^ iy i

, B y W n X l M l S

' \ \ HvfclDCO / ^e&MlMSO \ > l& K O TfyiA \

’ JIWP5AN’ \ . , ^ K*JOW»MES-}-- ----------V r.......... ..........I'eoravcwe/y' • . .

^TE -

B y G A L B R A I T H '

J k i


Inslve meals? N ext week we’ll t


B y D I C K T U R N E R ^

4 ll -S i M M A

j h f i ^

. »->7 ♦ R

i like to try some cvcninfr— u 1 and KO to a medium-priccd "

WCW IV6 cor LMN5 ' ^ }PWOF OP ■me OLD ♦SAVING. 'CHANCE GIveS \f •cy ^OLlR i?euTivES-- r CHOICE 6WB5 W O R r r

• PRlliW S/ J-'. - i l

- ;;5 L

/ i^ C 4 ‘ ‘ ‘ A

' eL - ^ — K 3 y W A L T D I S N E Y

DONT iSAy iTi; s : o r "S

, m , - L

X r A / O f e , ! \ Ey

^ ^

C y p f .F A T J ,S ,‘-m A H O ---------

N - w f e

h ■ W j K m W ^

a - - - 'A

C B B K W r ~ /on.Mg-ij

p — B f e f f e g T I ^ h v z LA ' ^IN .

sX V / f H U I

SO K E W T O in t B S T S t B 4 0 0 , « U . r—iw t K u a a n 1^

i I

? H & 3

■fWm.T> I Mr ^B ------ l«-cTT ^ u . R E n jS ry t j? \> ^^ I U O P E R SOON'S i r J UG I GET, My BALL.5 OUTA TO'0 ■ > T IJE E,

V EL/MEI?(J f l S t J LB

u ^ \ d ^ m tLN ! 5 ^ '

N 0 - E ^ ^ =- - Y —

1E | [ | M O T g

u m i V

MUSTkM W lU S IK R T T t^ - '

^ c ^0 r .R L f


t tM m l ir

- L '1 CSc ftS HEriPu. STOAWGUNG HE.7 Iji AH I



A B UMk-Piiiu 7 out iw--------ML— s « - O G P -^ tm “ ;wxC5

^ ■ r a l . ^ 0LL' ^r [W V.'HA.T 15 T> I5? I f c o i n g ■ j

0 '0 'p IfllllQplj^

CMy- ■ lunjB ECHO* FROMr COM£ o u M U M S -W NARROW CANVOM- ,3ESrA«<7Ar BrajMUlfnTOMABOl

I r ^ p R / ^ y B I ' f f •> y

i P / ^ i p S I

<,»^iAcKEe7X W riH6 0L0 iflMFJJir.tPV1M( TO \ BUlPUJa ti VfOOOf :E WHEE& MR. UU5APEt IT &IOMTDI lL &TAKTEP-/MMr cOa^P>^ SefCKB n» ciiMft n Aanv uoimnt( soihbod 5UC£E^5V 7 /to J — WRGIVB»— v r ^ - - N i l R 5 « sJ r^ n .

( f

1 II O^KT I I OEU., SOOJ— 1, VO MOO r r ^ BE

I T>4 > K Uom<^>^G



: f M . .

| ] j 4 —e-T—b£^ , J "i . n/[|T|{/

® -n

a i s ^ B B ®

w i n i ^ V I ] ^ MV-'torv'4 '.V \ J o m iSf '


ffilI B B m ixLuwMTMf

W B 'V / /^ H Bh on WfTTI MVj a r I A U . .f,eit»» H _ • _____I^ANDicAMS££ M m S S s S m M ^ 'mERENDs a ^ S H H H i S

V^DS? r \C ; OH.IM SURE JRE \NEVER5EEN / NOU K«/E,■ IW N AW aORA / D O C ;.O N iy_ lW X C5-/D RrTW 5“7 'T H ‘-TD(M \OJ

BERDR£- tf 6AW It INJ M5 ■ a SOM&WW J

9 If I m

^ i i

S ^ r L ^ S s C T o B l *

IHpcr, i\L 6 N6 vou / CLL ms«,\ TW»r& W& 1 r 00f0K.rB«m-[ i n n o IswuBABYiTOREUOVBIT V S A L ely lU 66T » « i w«ri^ij'0N->yLr<<ww>»«>i5 ■( :»5t>v! jptfVER n / V o p y o u - J j1¥BW«56LF1P J U illOU 'iO tiiy/ Ij ]J h

Joo n j OMM 'Dol I S't»R\OG.n\W BEEW HOM r> U M W m G t

H ftW , - TW1M «, n w h U . < n - _ - —> , "ROt)? ftvio ‘toO'B

I mmI

r " vHW5Aee<ZEAL /

i r > i e u t i H > l B ^ 8 H i S O f t !

[tffegiBpSH ^ ____

^ [n % a h ? w h a t \ I I a r e VOJ T i. f o r m d m x j J - . . h o m u M:--------THiNk'- d'GCWE-ft^OJ SAW IT f COALf h IN TIME:w5 m iM n w

i C ^ i ^

>& t>OL3V>SlT £AW... ^.U. ftUOUWD^OO... T - T T so-Rt c^sK m a? ^ r \

f l y

f=( Walt, w a U u p T v ^ ^I R had ,'i .• a vou go-rtg ro <-jy K

( i s -------

V i i X I f v i s

i i i i i H ’/ THANKS. >\n JM )sy W

1 I * S S 1 H

■ — ’r-

m)M aUXT,\yw , ii M O T M e F IE N O m .T - r-* f

o u T C n u a \ m w 5 r o j - ^ .

I l r r l r f ^ l ' u lR9 1

• Sttfcis ]- o cn ri0 ^ S im ,

Iu «''■’ •“ * '- '“ ' "HlW*' -lop poiiTi

, p ' “ ‘' l \ . ......... !“ = ,•‘cru*„7 , j i % 9 .___________ J


{ ^ w p A lre % lT.*«i“ a

I. vf r* i?S

K « p i k ^ “| r | |

iiwck ...... — i ’’[My '

stock Averages ] : S ;A*^I»I'^J rm*^ s:j.|iV'ib

InHim nn'lla U<H. S<»^<

H s 's f c r j l ! : ; .!!i:i !i:i !?l:i;;3.‘S

I Polatoes-Onions “£ |v

nilc'ACO, A pliri7'” (UP»-r"UI<iM; C1IICA( ^■ A r< l..h I}. U«k :*«. loul U. «. .hliw

iloni Biii tlul

^ ^v iix ihM III; W«l)itB*10ft IIS 111 i: nt.

H Sum ..If.; .U.I.W «,».«.U; IM J^ ■ ilw r tourtd rrdi l.oa.(.:0 ; Klin* kiuhdlni^■ufix.hM :i. infh ninlmum «.60.l.1i. S0'» '"

M.i” '"'*" **“ “.“ *T^tIj, I

*!:'». ^Iri- |,"|*J'

i ^ ^ i Vo-.■ l U l l t , ” 'i‘c!.Vli C*1lf«f«lt lonf

^ ^~~ ^^^-n•n-?u l.l ,.,-„i.,i £w^»«il■ * u .« ..ln ’(io ri„,iTj8 I Ul...-rt.i».i:

R»rmui!«»'tii«dluBi 3.J0. f*w !'“ 1 , . ^ ■ .. .1 , } Istb and l» irr I.:i.i54.'/«» J.iS:H s I 'rf . m' uI ''' ?SM.n7(

■ • .?! .■• ' ' Ullllir .n.

I n T w i n FaUs \ [ ^■ Livestock PricesM L I ;int:« <1.

■ livestock priMi w e »'{,?,•„**■ £ tD ^ fd by th e iv in P»1U Llvcitoclc uilr: h .

compnny bwed on Uie « «»;: « luctlon u tr April 2S. •I ‘Wm..'»17;!0 lOllO .h \“ lif«‘

™ OtiMlochQlcelicltcrs »Ifl.18tO»18 ^ ^ " n n r r « ajij cuiifr*„$ 8 to'tlOJS Jv i i . «

■ fc? "......

I T w in Falls ft a■ I, , '.iVKSTOCK■ |!::-- _______

I !'''\'‘‘"' -:.:„r--- '!!H!:!l- SI V ; - '- ----------—m 1 . ,” — ■ ' N«-.

I j ..."' — | j | ’| |

*“ '* «» IMtklJ iDttiM B

s a n d E i n* *

Livestock4X;UKS' r i i t r

cnrw . April .i;.>nM -^tii. .n , Iin.i:‘j ^ r.i’'.;.*'"

:lv ..........


DiiTi^SD. Of*. Ajirii ;: iiJTT*—• lUr. ior WffH. 3.1M, 1n.r4.fl »cthf. I'‘«l'.r. :III U Me liliiht^^_4:i clutri aun

D.-'firw-^lCh-elnw-E>rTmnrr.--f>1hrfiinfrcul l8-17^M.^mui;r IJ -ll^Choij t Is'*""' h«t«tt l»-aO. so<xl'1: jo.ll M; c*n- I’'”’""*' t n a j iM tr cow. B-ll. In . »»If. u>

?ivf»r »nV Wfrk « i ; m titrl .lo d riT»k, lrut»iiCf» I.OO lo»»i un fhuicf. ‘ ' ' ' ''Vr.n;;‘5S! P ‘\cVi;V. : ' r : i r * c r

>ip'T« fi*tn *n'’ un''"'^'

i>*»'for Wfrk, i.Tli. Uiikfl. clwr^(iNniiKl tor tio. I and : lou limit- V’'

on^murt —

3i*l72-v'’hr»v1rr*»ii(1 ll|Wff'much. unctcit^ M.MMA: towt 300-M0 lt» u».H.»; U l *o«» «od htttlcr wrliiiu j^ , ';i«p Ior w fti l.joo; o5 ciop I«m<i« f,'^‘n u iit r 'p “ ,*V»*lir’'^ n i^ U m ta

0" t*w u’tnw. u V ir id * l-w J t w f 35S.J.M. cull »nd ullllly 2» -

___ _ • KANSHAN KKANl'lSfO • -‘'h , " / '

\« niANCisuo, April :: irp i - n... .1 i: JIN .-C .llir for -..k '.T.J:fhtfr row. prr!iiiml'n.lin»; .mii u«rral'Ir a c tlx ; r«». " r . l la mg.ilr i'l .1 tt.i’,9 i jjV iu.i!»^^on. lo.d MjW hjlf. J...0 o m ;

” i;!oo:'ffw \~V -a V-^'ho*f"!:i>o^ ' ’^ 'io nir. IJ.OIVH.OO; mi-l fc.mmfrflil S«ff Jl>r I:

rnwt n.O'l'lt.ii'i: m»ii ullKir rnw. Ilirlp^

i i l l i l l i H i s; lUBptr iTiiulflflrnI lo tullr IMI "nr- _f.w »ood 3fio.«iln Ik .tiuiMrr r.I.t. T

:o’oS.‘'- I s>c. ailalilr for wf'V T*l: <iiinr>r<1 wllh

(}iV:** :4o. : i!’o iii.^.tfm .’. m.fs; iro- p r i n

‘;i.Vi’ ‘’?.:“ '’.'.iv ‘'i-5;”.oJ:r;f.:i oonvictl» l w».k milolr .l.uililff d rcued

.1 UmU: m<.l«.lrlr .fll.r: .l.uiMfr verslty

chnIci--il.«sKtfr .r’inc ti-rb. clBSSrOC « • JTn. Inf *ioi 1 1 Ih, ’rh i" HIM"ffop Un.lii with No, } pflli 1<,'^; WA2 nn^Lx i^.iTMled.old^ctDBJi l-jJT^^^^^ tll»-«or ;"«Hd hf.rl - ehoifr wivilM tl.uihlfr lie WftS :.00; one lol full .hoffl .«« M». AlTlcrlCI

■i.os'AMiiiMa «n un'i 'IS ANT.KU-'- April :J (,r)-irSMNlllir ;;n ; rlf*nup iilf* towi 4n>l __. .If.d r; rommrrsUl mil tn« iixnI *»a K,.00*1 S&: itocwj Ar.d rholir hrlfrra ntlCC St

; 2 ; ' " - '’■”•■"•"■ S'SJb«a <*n« Iflt US No. 1 IH Ib, thrOC y ip “ non.;‘' ■ »«■>•«

•-- - - convlcU

MK 3D0: nn> lo«d rholcr 101 IK (hom asa eo' hijr Unil- No. I « d 1 h Iu 1» hl.b.,n S0«: ff« •»I'« aU^ir: /»» ilMblt T h e 1:Ti'i'u' iV7’: - 'J ”-i.i: V u , ’ . i * *«'tl Ibt. n.&Vii.oa. t« su lrr

oMXiiT , , 1 )® ,His *i>e

t h"fhrr’:"*mli»cl No. I u> » iridia tn d hO <0 Ilx. moallr lt,0»-U.:>. Uf' li.'Tt.Ill* 40n; o lv r . : t i rKtlpli Isn tmall akt fair Iral nf tntfkrl; few aalra rt A CTO' ioo.Ur_alr.iJrJ ullllllr w »ommrr*lil 50 j(

■ greetedriricViTo - 1"

IICACO, April 21 (Un-HISDAl-a.ltblr rrcrlpU »,K>0: roatkcl .low, SpeeOl

■ ' ■ ? “ ' Vl huni!rr,1 h.«rt inclujln Wh MKh- "nd «p nil inw. :5 w ■> "iu(1i >• H la-.r; HIM mc.■ : * v r . K “ ;..r. 1. 1. ■*i» "« iir mlcroplii 'K " , .S r l . " 'i . » A'-'..! “S',"'.

, : : s

.ifndT; tprlnklin* loodandtholfi ft<i KferTCd 1 |j,0#'5u.00; ftw fommtrflal .l»fr. |.nrr* n t

u w n .Ihm n.Ofl; frw ronmcrrlal eow. HIM Wl

f«w^l«h fomnnrtlal roun*l}!«0;'”ul‘Mir '•'"I *’ull.'M ^ ih l 'r . Vl.oilVooTr^ll 10 T«m. T A t* r |iS fiplri* Hit ilM n. ralrr. tn< rtullni I l« •»*p7oo': tt.r.»ff aupplr alauiWrr larnU JERO]’’iTo'’[ ^ " t p l r n i ' l a X * wld 1"*IJ Myrlek,

__ j Clyde M

J u t t e r and Eggs" < ber of tl


i"d^S[r.*Vill.i i n " prS ;...^ lotf ronl, amA^i.4J: ll 40-41; c t t.i t In«i8 mlt

punenorr »«U: * ' **S= carlot l M 3:30 pjTJT; <• aco/t M’i- t«rl«n &

." i;'.i'l.S " .“ lS.- n .m p , • rfnufi ' mrdlnm tl; .undird. call a t-(l"rVrni r« .lp u dlrtJt. « : 1 « 9 p* ** • _____________ ' . Mrv'lccs


sinid; N-Noml«.ll g p ju j j

. ' ' ' ■] A 100-pt

Markets . . | » ^BUTTTBirAT ‘" ‘nie“ Jl

• '• '• • '’“•S im

Kbuihat-----------~ i } . « btn lt *n— "■ ' ------the car

___________________i i « fatiier. 1

T r« * ly

V f r ' ‘i =.!.;•■.; r tr fc w v a ~ Goi— r~ ~ ~ ~ -------------

. ‘diaim 0“| ‘

-----------lltf set QSCllMJ k-i»w w *

n a n c r p S* * * * /

GrainBA LTL,

lio .'r;";,,^^ ';, •^.'iir.7.*,j'.7i:; i;;;. ?ov . nob*. -hi*k rf-i,r..(.,M,-ih, i-.r4-ff ...Hr d ln n tr wllr. Ai om Ilmf ok rrop »r«n> »«tr ] „ i u IkIiI. ,‘.,| r'f t 'lilf'k. .lrr . Iralu.f ” 1 1'“ ^hr nnd Uie dl

? : v £ ! E rnr. r;,..f.| , . i i , l„.,r, Mar tllflr »Utf.

.’.it. •'"|V deal'V l.'.-fl** ||'H«bfr."Mar*l AmonC 0r.n. hl£ r. Mar ."H party wen.-‘■«ar •i’piu'5** pub l'w n P• .. - •■_ on clilckd

CASH CBAiv about toda'

W 1 0.1. o„nr. Uf.o ..II ipcakfr.w iv .o mral i:.>0.ja,ni., II..If, Slliylle, *

.0. 1. p..)ll-, .hoir. 1S»..0. frr.1 v , „ p r « |------ -- m em U u l

, 1,.^ ,. told « ne»'o i-i . in'ih ' u - Clo.. 'X iurdtal

h»»i . rndoi.'fd* iJ r i5 ; drlfRfttlon

:i.i: :.i,>. r l .^ : " S j ^L-^nl: I* '. ,» S m :>, MT'. OOP Itate

. ; i s t n ' . J ,n '. Idaho Repi 1 u s m s l i t Nlxon'A caiI.M;. I.US 1,1* . “I mink

- - t . j c - i - .» - - - . , 1 . 1 - - , p „ rm - U ii M » . lix '^ iii i* Smylle*i

• . .I ...• . . . P re iJd e n tl■5-’*. '‘- ij • li^ candidacy,

:»> iiTi; : . ; i | wouw b«.TI'. .T1«. .to ', .TI the Prealdi

M 'lj. j.«i-, n - . —

tiv-Jji.; isiActibiKANKAS CITrciSAIK Tn 1\NKAK CITY, April II utl-W hr.i: 1 1 1 J

,n r . 'n rd J"* > lr ,i“ i?:T"- 'i‘o‘ i* 'n: D liirle i.1 i : : i lo i:.44N; Sn” j iVh tu Thursdayn'- ‘“l^' r \« *«r,J;il,‘'',;orh..rf.l l„ 1'“

.'ci No. ‘" i iV V u r V i ; t4Nr so P a rr agalr” nm mn"””r.; Nil far.- .fn«n 'ir lo i.f.**' No. RIOVl hllr «9<;e lo TtcN;'No. i ' i f 'i e 'lo parenta (fin mtlif CaS»U COIftr i: . : s - |0* 'is',jiK. Burley, r i i . n lo Ii.att.s-. TJie judi r w ln V l 'i jM o n ti- .N , an Injuncll

-------------;------------------ Issued carl

i s s ’ A d d ress.1 « dismissed i

s G reeted u i Q u ie t M anner s r i “IINCETTON. N, J„ April 17 W - BaUcrton vlctcd perjurer Alger Hiss ad- 'no j''” * ‘he •led n group ot Prlncelon unl- " "o a fa lw i Ity eludenta on foreign policy J ’0|

n ls h t in an atmospherB of 'no rtu « 7 i iroom c alm r - • • • wna.wacnt,« • nppcnrance on Uie campus nn orderly event In contrast to * * •» » * ♦ <controver«y-w lilch-nrose-«he» +------t'ns Invited to Prlncelon by Uie I M rlenn Whlg-Ctlowphlc society, ■ I m dergraduate debating group. m I

F ln t Appearance ^waa Hkss- first public appear- » * * *

; alnce he was released from a ra l prison a t Lesrirturg, Pa„ In ***anber. 1051, where he aerved e y c a » nnd etsht monUu ot a n e i •year term for perjury. Hiss was K f l I 'Icted In Iff&O of charges he lied n .h« said he never stole govern- • • . V t M crcU for a communist spy o r *av# them to fornier esplon- courler Whittaker Chamben.

went to prison In I#51. ..................le invitation to ipeak a t Prlnce- w ns disclosed April B, and pro- : Immediately began to pour In. le form er sUte department a arriva l was met wlUi slicnce.

h ^ f r by a rear~36ar:-----------------------------' Greeted In Silence

crowd of aome 300 studenta and J 100 newamen and cameramen ted Hiss In silence th e n he a r- I In a stAUon wagon shortly be-

th e scheduled start of his cll in CJ-year-oia Whig hsll. lose outside Uie liail cheered applauded as Uie Sl-year-old ^m ounted the steps. Some booed I f

1 n television crew brought a Tophone Inlo the crowd to get en t reaction. .B13 apoke (0 hU audience of some Itudents and 4S reporten with- I '*ie s t o r notes, n ie speech which d less thnn a half hour w u |< iily_ii,boiit_ln5t_ycRr‘8_:bl£Jour" ________U;vft conference and occasionally ■red to Uie ISIS Y alu confer- 3n t which Klsi was one of the P residen t Roosevelt's advisers, wns npplauded before, after

onco during hts Ulk.

rome Resident M itieTBrD^fh--- -GROME, April 27-Mrs. Ftje I*?!ck, M, died nt 10:30 pm . T hun - tejjt t SU Benedict's hosplUt. [ ^s. Myrlek was bom ^pne 1 .1»2. |itrtford, la . She was married to •! M yrlek a t Des molnes, la., onh I I . 1011. Slie had been a resl- f,'-'. of Jercm e for 10 y u n . moving from Wendell. She mu a mem-f th e Presbyterian diurch. | ':vlvlng are her husband, her f • lo ther, Mrs. Lue Parsons. H art-and ft ha lf sister. M n. K ather- ^mlUt, also Haitford, 1le ra l ccHlces will be held a t j.p jn . Mondsy a t Uie Presby- ( ' '•t c liurch wlUi Uie Ilev. WlU t 'Perdue offlclaUngi Prlends may { t-Uie Wiley funenl home from 9 pjm. Sunday and to time of f [ ' xa on Monday. Concludingwill be held a l tKe Jerome ► .

’xry im der the direction o f th e • . 1 ■ funeral home. . ' V . • ^

Slab Kills Girl •U N O m U ) . HI., April 37 (IT- • )-p6und concnte slab, Ioomu- - V' ' a boll of llghtalng. drt^ped ^loora last night and Ulled. . ' ra Stivers. 19, who w u rldlnx car w llh her father.• chunk was tem looee from « m lc e of Uie P in t .National a n d fell Uirough the. top ef

:a r passing underneath. The P . A. 8Uvers» was not in-

k... _______„ ,

kt yonr tawus naw wlUi Gleba't e rU lte r A wonn caBtrcl—Adv.' •


ioloniol ConcreteNow Using Wood Blver

Saod and G ranI ^.PHCUt f W

ill’s Leader Ephrs lys His Debt m ™0 Gem Chief

r LAKE c m ' , April 77 « * - ,®«b«fi E. Smylie of Idaho lu d ,

1081 waa Gov. J. Bracken Lfe *’? ^ e dinner InvlUlion p.nld off a * “: lodi lasl year. The two Re- compnnied ns wagered as lo '.h lch of U lM would hflve the loar.M * '“ • | death toll in 1953. Idahn won. K'ven by , ne oUier gu e ju a l Uie dinner * « * Cen were aeveral of U tah 's Re- NieUcn. J n party leaders. They dined Ssnforil » c k en .a n d hum and talked a solo '‘ .u oday’R state GOP convenUon. accomiinni * Smylle will be Uie keyiioie benedirtioi•................ — .......... ...... ...........James Hnale, iL'ked la ler lo commenl nn Prllbean ’reaidefU Nixon's aniiounce- Len NelM h a i he'll seek a second teriii. NeUoii. R newscnan: Psge. Flo's tale convenUon had strtmgly Jensen, Fi •d without InstrucIlnK the Elhel Horr lon lhe candldaclr.% of NUon llsskeli. F .lenhOwer. The acllon of lhe PornUi, 1 .tate convention Is. I think, held a l Pir llepubllcantsm's answer lo Mr, Jensen gav1 candidacy. ’ , __link he has pretty wide sup- r e a D TI! I U i'e^late," --- --------- --le said two monUis ago. after ■nt Elaenhower announced hb icy. th a t he "expected" Nixon be renominated along with |-u iden t. ‘

ion Dismissed I District CourtIct Judge Hugh A, Baker |ay dismissed a complaint t last week by Mrs, Laura A; gainst two o f her b rothen m0 of h e r s ls ten lo keep them | , noving the bodies of their L1 from Hegler cemetery In

counly to a cemetery In TRU'

judire also ordered dissolved :ncilon and restraining order ■ ■ ■ earlier, noting the matter n settled and no further con* H i B / remains,-equest to have the complaint ed was made by William H. j

Twin Palls, attorney for ■

had brought su it against Batterlon. M n. Elsie Hlll. lorence McDonald and John ,on U> prevent them frem the bodies, of the ir parents,

ilnst n c tta Payne and G arth doing business as Payne ^

ry, with whom ahe said a r- .en ts had been mada - for - 9 th e bodies.________________ ^

‘Keep Idaho-a B u lnM ^In Idaho" ^


Cud 81. W. Phoae 2SJ0 'totally Owned

I t ’s t r — t o p s

^ o n r n t a p , ;

f i■ - J

t -


hraim Nelson’s V otii uneral Rite Held c„„,(ILEY. April 27 ~ ritr.i O C U J conducted W pdnjiday «H n- _

for Ephrmm N'eboii 111 Ihf I.D5 d wanl clinpel with UljIuh' * ” n . 0flKU:;;;L,- T lir Uiiuly r a t the :ni';tiur>-_wM f:iVfn by J. H...IC11 - - . .B ,c«n .on

lud* and prorlufle u rrp pi»>r«i'" , . * ‘ m. Mnne Dnlley. A viulm njIoI, * ' '1'’ * Ilnyed bv Alla R..miius.%cii. ao -:'" '!?>’ .nled by Mi.v D.illey, The »llan WHJ c;ven by D;«vi(l Uu.l ,The .Hid remarks Vkrif''*^'” bv BlAliop l.<iiT<in 8l»enkrr.^:'’' '‘l * Gene n.ukdull and A(liiniJ,'’''f '

m, A durt WM sung l>y S«lly;‘ ‘" ‘*»®‘'” nl nml Sli.iion Snnfoid kiiiI mnrlea,I ^ ,l. . UI■..; by Fred Thoin!o:i." 'ipnnifd b> Cnniiie NeUoii TMr Uemocrstic irtlim w,i.' pioiioimced by 12 1*'35 priI HnsmiLvrn. ....... 'n ie -JaU.bearers « rre Calvin NrLviii. rcniisylvaii VelMii. G1..IU Nelion, DeViiii «eek whert :i. Reed AiiOcrson and R o a ;'o te hsd d

F lo»ris w rir Ciirrled by VerA,"* compan n. Fern Jrnrcii, Malirl j|oni,|crflHc votlr Horn, Loiraine Haskell. Clevonl Stevefisoi ■11. Fern llrnii.soii. and Lucille a news cor tl. The foiii-ludmK riles weie arrlvnl.frniII Plea.iiim. Virw cemetery, Iloy night csmj n gave Uif grnveslde prayer. loua Miami


It's N ot Too Lote "

SAFFLO>AThe New Oil Bearir


CLEAN-UP SP‘ Last o f the seasc

• Red River Valley ^ | i Bliss T rium ph ^ ^ 1• Early Ohio ^ 1

P o t a t t

GLOBE SEED ifruck Lone

>s— jJ L

. • • • m W

h l c " - ' •' I


uting Trend Nipf ieeii as Boom To Democrats th a l Jur:AM1. F1».. April 37—Adlal eon.ilrtpr enson said U il n lahl he had re.->pedr( 5 a - trend in primary voting The ft year which gavr rncourasement olds: D Is h0|>es for a Democratic vie- 6. In Noveinbrr. *nd Thtthe e ight pilniarles which have Ws.ililni: held thus far. he »»ld Ihere ^

been a decline pf from 13 to —cent In Republican \otlng n.i SUF lared to U ial In Uia 1853 prl- ■'

th r s.imr time, h r i.ildi the ^ocratlc 'O te had increased from 35 pn- l eiit,

e -Ja tc st..lic n d _ ca m e .-ln ._ th e J .....sylvaiila prim aries earlier this « . where, he said, the Republican had dropped olf aboul 36S.OOO ompared to 1953 white Demo* c voting was up aboul 138.000. Iivffisbii made his comments In t , oi ws conference ahortlv. after hla - n t al.from NeW York Jor a one- ' t csmpagln atand in lh» popu- **»■*•* Miami area.


:e T o P la n t I M

WER I I□ring P la n t ' I H

& FEED I IP H O N E 4 0 1 I

SPECIALaso h fo r

i E | D:oes

& FEEDP hone 401 J


W hen you visit yi draw those glass b iib b la rise twin head->and kttp x

I Sip th& beer anI gently-extracted I' touch of sparkling

- • -tion-of-hop-flav temperature, a n

Sparkle you car characteristics of able brewing cor

____ gift of lower atmiof years'of brewi

^ H | H Fisher draft beer favorite tavern tl

B | just a few houn. 1 in the delivery ol

■ B o f shipping, han B | delivery retains tl

• . \

r i t h t r B r e w i n g

ipponse Prefer I - c o l l :

ibraham Lincoln a - J3AKA, Japfln, April 37 'IT—A ^ponsore t j .confliiciM by.tlie .municlpnl College ■atlonal insiitute shoied loday

Junior hlch school boys hrre H H Idrr Abrahnin I.incoM the "most erlfd" of itreat -world figures. le .'urvry included 1.073 16-yesr- ; Dr. Ilidry.} Noguchi, a Jap- le bscierlologbt, placed'second Thonia.^ K,-lljoii ililrd. Oeorge I l i f *

hlncton was lOth.

S U R T W l'R E -H O V lN G - i - l ^ T h e l a m t o« ■ver t

"If Ono Forid Con'r J Move You — J 5 Fords Con" I rturS'

S r ' 2 2 7 - -f o r d \ m

r r a n i f e r & S to ra g e C o . t H j i KCOMMEBCIAL STORAGE 1

Haying Your R O lP - i

y c o n A e / o

p e r c o H

__Feed value loet between foraghay in the manger can amoui annually, research workera havi I Saving hay'a ridi feed valua round bdek made by Roto-Bal

. . hales teal In proteln-iicfajeavea- umbrella. What’s more, t W n <

_________ Start.caJch lng .up .oa ieed.lawhen your hay la with youi built by AllU-Chaliaen. Com< you the advantages.

tOtMAlU I. m

A L L II.C H A L NlAtfi ANa iiavfcf

TREVINO & JG‘win FqIIi ______ ' .

it your favorite tavern, watch the i lasses o f Fisher Beer. W atch, the : winkling ahd sparkling to the cres ■ep rising.

and note its finer flavor— delic :ed hop flavor that gives just the ri iing zest to your drink. Gentler exti Havor-ii-the- result -of- lower-boil a natural effcct of thb altitude,

can rw —sparkle you can laste . s of Fisher Beer resulting from fa\ conditions at this altitudc~-natu itmospheric pressure—plus all the ewing experience here! ^

«er comes from the brewery to yi n the same day, in m&st instance n. This assures/raAnrxr—so import y of draft beer. There'i a m inim iiandling and storage—*c os the clean, crisp flavor.

19 € • ! « S a l t i a k t C l l y .

APPOINTED OLLEOE OP IDAHO. ClldweU. - 11 77—Edward Mansfield. Twin Is. h a a . been nsmetl .to th e xe--... lu iien t eommUtee for a dance isored by Plnney hall i t the lege of Idaho Saturday.


-8A T .-sijN . t HOliIDAYa - -----

p.m, Uit^rtlura trlp*al r>i>9. *

ur Own • i^ L E R .. .

b save $72 ow each yearorage in th e field a n d tno u n t to 512 p e r c5w <h a v o /o u n d . j

&lu« for y o u Is th a j o b . B A L z ad o b e s t R oun div e a - ^ a h e d ra in lik f lM - ............. ji^ra e u y to h andle, t m .

d .lo 8 i.lh Ia .y e a r..-B iIa _______y o u ro w n R o ro -B A L it /3ome in. L r t Ui ahow t

WMn Wimiii. _ )

L M I R S ^fic# • ? S r

lOHNSON: ' ' R u p a i t

he m an , 'the tiny •creamy J

le lic ite ,. jlle right , , Iextrac- •boiling— :— ^ ^— 1 .

steI favor* lature’sthe a r t ,

to yourncea in Iportantdim um'..... . “ ■cc*cold

t y . u t o i » - . . m■ .r v l


I a ^ RlStudrals^ B ^ i W o r A c t i v i t i e i

W :.i^ .5 s ? ^ ,a £ a a .s- 1 VM to«M Bt 10 p. n .-71ui»(U r I

* &c*a followed by OuU> Brown, iw H ^ 9 I friv t hadTTlea p reddtn t. lo d ln f Ul

• fUidcDt bodr in tna rU f u tu u .^ K n i '- Jo h a■ r a . 1 n t . in tiodund BUI W bitull. <u W H I J frn t bedr. p« iid m t..» lM le m fl « ■ i r a ' ~ ' ' n u t « r or cemnonles for the pn*

coUiUons.I ^ y i ' v t n l l r b u ie tball a s im li of Irl H l l i ? t t n ’« r emblem* were pm tnud b: ■ U ' U \ CoMh D «J FoUiln* U Bob w*iwr ■ r l l J pfpper Aim*. U n n H u ise a Jlra Me

1 OleUMJ. W a Jonea. Olenn PotteJ m m -M cfi«rte»-Brownr;JerrT M trtyn, Ken ■ ■ i AjicerbAuer. Eddls P n tc r , Bob Cm i ■ ■ . u a Al KeUhiun. •K p > te o n Tenvldc. Junior h ish tamo m m p h r s l ^ eductUon Inatniclor,

> leUer» ta Iho b«lwU»U Junior r s r ' tlty tf-"^ Including Bren t Btunicrt I Pete KcUy. KelUi Jone*. H#rr) ' tig h t , MJke O ny. Ixmm Demond I Vlo B e m tt Bad D«Te Fix. 7en*id » f* re rKOgnlUon to T erry lUndolpn.

Rnn W atuD, Tom M um y. D»»« l-rP0K en,-M ik«-Bt0K*, 0*J* Herndon

• and Vcrn WlUlama. U r r y Henman ■ ’ and Je tty Nejftian recelred man-

•. ager lettera and emblenu..:• WhltaeU Introduced Larry PJott, ■!-8U club praldenl. who presenUd !> awards tc club memben. Ski letten i went \o Alan , lyB vlno.. ^ n i^ a

Bchow. Mike Dftty, Joha Magtl. FnU ■■ Jonee. Howard Qerrlah. D are Fowen.

Bob Barton. Mary DavU, Betty• Bridges, Oens Oould. Beth Black- ' bum, Janice Mbum, lU lph May*. ; Bob Bhowalter, Sharon Turner, Jack

D I Holloway, Nancy H opie. Mancy H : Trail. Slutron C n m - ConnIe*Abes-| 1 I Blen,DlekNell*en,D«nIlirf.Lynett«H ' WUemoxi. U e Mattaon, Ann MuuerI I ! Lynn Mesaman.JuIlePennock. Larry H • Plott, Bobby Lee, Joan Cowlea, Robb ■ I : SmlUi, Band] Hemplemon. P(t« m Kelly and Onry Nelson.H I s u d u b second year le tte r award* W •; wers B tm to Fnuik HUI. Harold D j Stiles. Bill Routh, Tom Jonea, U rry n ' KJtlnkopf. Q arth Drown, Ray Scho­l l ■ •; ler, Thayre BaUey, V en iu Turner, t l •' Barbara Sande, Art U ndem er, Ron- D ’.'a id Jrergon, Bill Hodge, eonl Hlil,

: Martha Perry, JoAnn Reese, Bill ' Stowe, Tom R atdirre and Carolyn

’ , .; BUckbum. i A rt LlDdemer, T hejp lan dub

.■ prealdent, auperrlied recognition ot Thespian duK member*. Thoae dted

:■ a* honor Theqilans h a r ln s earned : •; four o r more ThespUn polnta were \ :i Phyllla Brannon, Mary D. Airing- ; : ton. BlU Alworth and A rt Llndemer.

t Vemon O. H edner,,hlgh achool ' ' ipeech Isatnictor, um ounced the

I ; beat actor and actrew of th e year

Ce w l A bV EB T IS E M E N T S ~ ^ o n c B o r BALB o r b u l u t a t s

E85S5? . W o ? ' , , ®, la lb« m tw r e( Uu bUM of W. A. Olk-

A ICE OUVIR, *iM lrU «f lb« L*H Will

•; tit* uia, iuUfct te U* MBSlrm>ll«n at lfc«■I akoi* MliUM Cnn, a t or iCtar tb* ltt 'I dl7 «f H tr, 1>I«, klT tb* rlfkt. tltl*. InUr- *> «il uA ttUU M uM W. R. OUttt,'• kaowa >i W. tUy ollrtr, d*c«U4d. al tM ;• Uma ef tila dactw*. aad iIm all tb* ritbl. .< till*, tad lolarMl lk*t aald aaUW, br op*r- ,• lUoa ef U« or elbtrwUa. a a r bar* ac

, .• 4uIr«J eUMf tbaa, ar ia • Ibal i , ,' ef laid d> ^ « it at tb* Un* or bU dMlt.' I . ' tt, la, and le all thal ttnaln r**! er«Mrtr

f Mte»\*4 la tt* C«aw et T -ln r»fii. luw

i¥ u . .S :Qfltmr^ (M EH 8 EW), of 8«tlon

: s S - H S S S

l - l i I Toftlbtf iHib alRnproxnaala and8.1:1 r . w f J d X f f l v . i . f t ' ; * | : i : | ■ a w . ' S i S . a . t e . W ^ i . K■" >n f«rr» la cenoKllon wllh itid W U ,>ada. SubjMt lo tu n . «aUr chart**■ K i.«ad all i r ^ B f t tn ler th* r*ar Iltl,

n t : f t 'i : f x B i . ’r s . ' . ^ s r s »|M { i te b* aa folleni n<» p«r cmt ( I 'd |B I > cub wllb «rltt*a efr«r or bid. and Um ba)> ■ H l l *ae* •( tb* Iln* et (onfiriBallen or aaJd ^ ■ |< Mia t>r Ordtr of Ceurt and dillm lnr c( Ab- H i r l*>ti»nc* aad D*«i.

w. ! * ^ '? a 'S'i» !f> “ Sd trepanj le >>* rrt* I . ' f aad el**r «{ all *acuabranc**. a inp t U »iI . . wdlllea* aa mar b* d«i*rtnln«d br aald I l'l la atcordaaca with tb* protliloai

'l i


iB A N> I T I

i J / Tho PRIZE „; isgrow ingl

and Growing!; ' J i A nd GROWING!



. South

' ■ : i t I

o-^GAP-and^OG^for Ja Gooding Set Met

’ b o o D 'm o , AprU ar—The cov • ln« squadron, d i l l a ir patrol, « I f t S lid d exerdM* from #:M t. m.

S;M p, m. May « In cooperaUon wl a ' as- the Ooodlng ground obK rrer cor ,fh~ii a t Ihe Ooodlng a irpo rt to tra in CC liy In peraoand.

Maj. Jack MlUer. Boiae, a ir for idn in WaS»on of Hetr, spdae to-C A P au

m emben Tueaday on th s orsan 1* the eatlofial and ailm inlilratiro rrguli it Uons and procedure* of Uic* a r ind- patrol- H« th e formaUon i

Itu* cadet squadron* which are compoM td as of boya and girl* from thd Bge* i CR*- IS to IB yean.

The newly orRflnlied Ooodlr I Irt* wtuadron 1* eompooed of 40 senli t i bv members. Tlie cadet squadron, no siwti. being, (ormed. Is under tho d. , Me- rectlon of We* Thounson,. .Bttcr, ----------------------------K e n t--------- - ELECTED- ..............-Crwd POCATELLO, Aprtl :7 I fl-Jo h

' Peacock. Kellogg, wns elected chali <Jiool man by the *Ulo board of educaUo gate yeaterday. Ke succeeds John Remr Tar- berg. RUPert The action waji on

mcrt, of the final actions of the boar iarry meeting here._________

to b« BIU Alworth and PhyUU Bran olpn. non.

Thla year’s best Thespian aa^ri w a i - 8 I « n - l o 'K a y e ' AngerbfluVi

‘ 1;" Thespian Vice president.L. J , Sehroyer. Joumallam In

,, ,, structor, InUoduced old and net members of the Quill and Scroll honorary Joumalbm sodety,

I C l a s s i f i e d

i t I W A N T A D R A T E Slincy |Oa**d oa *eit-vaf-«*ri) , beg- 1 Ua»________________H P»r werf

!s :,’: = = ! : s : : : a K ; £ ;

r«t *M u h u wiftwt— w * - ? j r r n i r r * V a ^ d - d a 7 r :

.. ____ i» .I t r t t j i ___‘f“ .« l.l« _ l1 f l _rold — M------- I.t#-------i . « t:«eirry ------ i r ~ : l~ L ii~ l— m I *.i»? f ; Ual**j rear tt«dU bM b*«a *«ub-ner, cut, a u t ^eOBpaar ard*r.on- OEADLIKE (sf CLa*aUI*d aalri IliM Haada)'* td* - I p.oi. Saiordan Blllj Tatadara ibregib rridari - ilyn I P.B1. Dar D*far* luartloa.

taadara - t p ea. Stlardtrt.JUb -miDd Ad." ar* aukUr wnfldtaUal

ot I aad a* lAfarBalion <aa b* (iTta la ^ r twaH ia Uu adtartlM^. aed I Srr*r« *b»«U-b*->*e*Had laatdlal*^ •re Ir. Ns allawaae* will U nad* for aur*

£aa sa t U tsm et taMrUsi.Thb »tp*r rMtrra* Ui* rltbt le *dlt

W j aad r a ^ . aar atauifM adMnUlas.


S at; «tb av.n-. . . . t . l-hon*_iK-W. _---- UIAHIS FUUNUATIUNS. Un*.pirr* wblt*r* ^*lMilr. Lutlll* Do»l»on. rhnn* 8116-

^ VEHA-a .IIAS3A0E. K.rnlni. onlr l^j

owa y»«l»d br aarooa slhar than airatlf.prl- VraaWIn P. Rng».__________lb; ADJoininSS ABsnrauuai wiintKl*;.Itb 1,10 P.B.. CoBrt Hau*. WHl* D«i it

‘iJS -S U S lL iliL ______________________

ib“ I MAOIO HOT BPRINOS I Hei MIa*ral Oalba I

i g ■ - "


’L), , W,»w. H.C8 ap. AnuU. n*a<H» Salan. I

K hJU-TK M utr airtu* »r «d>ue*d ■* atadaat* at ^iie«d prlt*». Jaalor alu-

^ llair strllnf li Our SpwUllr. UtumnId Itapplfra and Una Amtt Invll* rou teS' r«n>* la and (mh«n up wiih a nrwI al m r JS: Or pbon* <!l for appolqunnl.ini. * IDAHO BARBERfjl'f andbill BEADTy SHOP •aid I *«i.


PUSS 2555Ofn<* Or«r Wa*l»ar(h‘<

d INSURANCE OF ALL KI.VD8 ?*4.| Paul R. Tal>ef J r .

g 5

i l l 'G ! ■

rtb on Nlwoy 93 e» K e ro d a Sfe

- tOST AND FOUND 'LOST. D*b*f«J« .)IW *n^b»t--.

eet '30tld- ^U^biu*!'b!t?it*Ma'b*br l5tll a i^ f*»-K»f , nr<ii.. t^n« m *r »I«1-JI- •

r .iS .corps nniNU'i Tt*'‘M l »1«M la Twia faJia I* ^ COC bur ar uad* Uwaaewtra. AUo ab«rp*a. c

s i r u A T i o N y A > q i ^ ^

ea of UABf *** ' *** S>-AtllLr Itealoii aad Bna'a aWna. Pboa*

enlor ^ K il. tiai ®

dl- UAKUKN plowisi. aad hamiwlac. l<b«a* COC.M.I. AKr^ JoT n^n.__________ ■«

INBIPli, uurtlii palaUDX. p*p*rban*iaf. .

John rhon. Iltl.NM fnr MClmau*.hoir- tU#7(JM mad. driMnfi aad *llp .o*tn.atlon ^ ~ p

„ S

ran- ^M L flll«r'rhai!i"f»l^ 'lUriiarPhtapT. IKUNIMJ la mt MOM. C. C. Ma*. ~

»^rd Wabb. »« lib a»«nat gertb. fbea* t>0*. luVr, l-Alh'iirJli., Ikl.riw *a4 *«t*rlor. r » w -

anil wall rlHflfi*. I.m KIckflion.

mil. n t ,Pbon* lUft-W. i

----- WOMAN IO d» all trpr* of houM «I«bI ^

d waju aad caUlata. ( W r*(«raM«a. Pbea* 1

UUIU-TltUM;. l.aMfBi. lawna. »n^ — farm *er«Mtn. ford lr*«u>r mounlad _ IllWf. fhona SICt. K*nnath t - Da»li.

" WHla “|S>1 ‘h l . ‘

tlVfcHVtWUtU roB«f man w.nU p in Um* Job la Mrrk* ilalUin, irocarr ator*

r f nr,r. rhnn* mt-HM.__________[I; NKW i» n bulldlnt. Intlliif. t t i l n t . Top " MlU^Pbona U7I-M H.jar^. U n d w la i ^

— DIRT MOVINO g I truh t i r r tn l MraMr

i " I Anrwhtra la Miflc Vall«rI rhon* iOM ITT (lArflrld S.tttU. - | L

i r I RO TO TnU N O jGirdtna and lawai. i: '4 h.p.

Ari*ni Illltr, dtt« tillat* -Carl Aan Phone 3407>W

I OARDEN PLOWING IIlaVrowInf and PiKint j

Our tard*a tratlor wUl f t t inte Ibea*^ I -ba«l.u ,* t . |lM ,U - - - - . ■ ■■ . . . - --

^ ROTOTILLINaCardtni aad lawni. II'* b. p. tllltr. dttp tlllaf* If dnlr*d. rttaionabl*

.rat*a.,JZaxJt>jiai^rbaa*-SU-Nbl___ —

p l CUSTOM SPRAYING “I Alfalfa weevU—cut worm—wire

^ worm,■<>,"• Phone OArfleld s -sm

or OArfleld 3*UU ri



Phone 1314 ?;__ W« bar* Ubtn Haton Frodue* iila. ' BprtrlKt Btnlrn ati

6 * >I lirttn Sianp*I r«

-H EI;l>-W A N TED =FtW A lnrpBCIIUUI. flrl far tar bop. K«*olnf* and ___

»*«li.«B(f». Appir In p»r»on. Bawrir'*U ll«rh»tut. ___

* UI'KKI>;m ;KU walirtM. lulI or part IIO-I— • lime. Amir la p*r»a. TloiartoD IfoUl J»—, Coff*. hhcp-________________________ M. HXt'l:;i<iKNCb;U >allr«ai wanted. AppIr Bl e bi r*Tlo'i! C»ff«* Shap, slm-' WANTKO! MPtmnttd hcuttknptr In a f; 1, . Riodtrn Kama /or t ttatUman..prUata H

nxini and hatb. tictlltnl worklny eondl- VVA:

ITIlMANrjiT potlllan for“iomtB K-Jt. W i:«niral n{(ic* work, mull know how to utlr optrat* 10 k tr addinc maehlnt. Rtal* ijc

J— 5 — Stect'and-lrR li/iinal----- 5

I S U P P L IE S • r iS SM <th A « . Wert . PhonejSttS &

______ VAH

, ^ J

B E iy iiiSlo tn Lina - " V

^ ^ ’i l

Ital y •

t*r '• S ! S S I 3 i M g 5 l i i M n

f H t l f

— tUor— th.- Am ^ObaatTM, -OeUtt*. Ort«*ik

_ ram •‘■■''j

lUadr work, l ln r r Beboddt. Ji*«bura.— 4 Idaho. Pbon* Ottbard S.76H. Uutkr.

— Mr Wrtu D«"r-“

*■ . Ibortr quaJffljaVlt**'" aBdTJip^^_ *nt«. Writ* Uoa r . l t . */o T im ftirw . 15- £xvetH£i^CIU> /arm band. IrrKaiar pr«-

ftrrtd. Small modtm beoM. I aoutb. I ’■ l"H*'^l"?b“'w i ” *"*” • *’*"“* CArfUId

r wtrt'. VoSd*pi5’.‘ ^‘l^Contatt. Ntvaca- ___ ___

** whtal farm.'rumlibtil bouat.-WaiTr^n,L abowtr. wajhlnc ma<bin*. hot waltr^futl : :

[F ----- - ' POSITION----------- •i: w ith RELIABLE Company^ a t Pller [>■ Nt«l *ip*rl*nr*d malt bookkttptr. Muit ’ . b* abl* 10 trp*. Vaetll«n and al(k |>ar. . r. ^ p l r In ewn baadwrlUac. Bex r . t c/e C

■3 ~ . ' — -------

; | LIV E W IRE I .1 Appliance s ile sm a n J ^ ^Ouarantee P lu s Com miulon

; SELLINO T O P LINES ^‘ Wonderful i ^ r t u n l t y for quick -

advancement. M edical coverage, I fgroup Insurance. Inquire todayl i I



BTATIONS. INC. j;Il^ojvtBln^ for^awjt* _

TW IN PALLS, ID^H Oraid Whll* Tralnlnr “*0-HOUR WEEK p

' CM Workirx C >ndltionaI -------------w a „ " .M , 7 --------------5:

UIO r*r Wentb -Aflar OB*-w*«k traialaf N

, -A ppir A t-

. STANDARD S p T IO N- — TW TO -PA uis^^D A H O-------- -

JUNIOR EXECUTIVE ?400 a Month Salary -

srt-h’s«*-mi?uv:‘m'a': i«afltr ll.wttk trainln* ptrlod. Kurlbtr ‘ adtanttmtnl dtptnda tnllrtir ea ptr-’ ,

If rou ar* htlottn-U to ti. ar* wlllinc -

!|I Salarr durinf Ualnlnf r»rlod. planatd

altp br tttp protram of adranetmtnl. national lalta tralnlnc achool Our tom- panr hai U«n In builnrai ntartr half a nnlurr. li tba larctal la lu (Itid aad atill irowinr. •For p*t*onal Inttrrltw, rali'jiO Uob- j } rtir, Turtdar. Wrdandar.. or Thur*. . &

; i,I • I ij

i:O.M DAILY. Btll lUmlBOua deor pUtti. {“ Wril* Rttttt. DtpL No. 2*1, Allliboro.Manathuwlta. >-r*« aamPltt._________

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ,CUKi'LeTE tqulpntnl for eUanlnf rad. tl

fura tor*. auto upbolilttlac. PboB* a

WANTUi U dr or coupl* te tart for aoarlffitflt boun. Aparontnt fumUbtd. '' Writ* no. r^tt. t/n Tlm.a-N.wi. b

UNK UK arta'i nlctal inoUlt. Uood loca- * Iko. buiintti. Conaldar houi* or farm. Ttrmi n balanet. Writ* lloi >M0, c/o

^ A U . CA»r. iRiilntat for Itaa* or lalt. *’ builntii In fail arowlnf town. _

^Inat* Lunch, Ruptrt.^ IJate, c;o flubr __

WjLU HtXl. mr tdM r In imaN roorairt and Hr* wax aparlm/nt'Tor. IlrlnK'quar* J.rem."'*"* ^“"dl*. I'bont 7U.W. J"

v « '.7 p r I. v . i i„ KVtrr eltiB ilock. cood fUturt.. »trr o. food Itait. Thli tlor* ha* alwara ahown _

hvMtlfata. Writ* nox t/e TImr*. t!

“iTuDifttBt, “iiulioint. Uu It. iront,~1nUfllffrj.S*"ul?dTnr**:“ ?l.*"froBl *b I----Sbotbana Slrtti.


Nl4 ll;Vrt'**»llnr'’ b“ .*rn‘4!"*i"a.'rilIbU 5S,

s im « «S“» ^ i« c t^ .r w " v ‘ r S r ; ! ; ir^fltablf wllb Irtrlinrr from »»it rf '

J . E. WHITE AOENCV ! . .m Main A .BO. tU.t Twin falli | |

F o r S a lo ' i ■ BY o w n e r • :

G r o c e r y ' b?,

store :In imiU XUglc Vnlley toa-nl I \\l Good opportunity for right p»riy. Presently grositng m excea of *100.000. ■

REASONABLY PR IC ED j —Por tu rth ff Informauon. write r - —

Box p.13, c /o Timcs-Ne»».

Fu r n is h e d r o o m s — *■Ru-t' ....... , ■ "r,

.... M


[ T I M ^ N E W S , TW

E' U M f u a B H E B - A f l ^ V

. S t

Nmt 1 J(Uailb.~ aedtra. ILadUai hMi. waur. ut*. t tm asd t« trtnn i0r «uatah*«; rboa* __ tw vj.B(l*. ONr-UlUJKOOM aMrtaMni. M*wlr d**- II of eratfd. <lr eeaditioatdi h*at, water, r»>___ frlfartior, ato»i fuml»b*d. Adalt*. r ^ *lura. * ilUUMS and bata. U#a<lU waab*r. raat*. tl»T. RfrlccraWc. waur fualah*^ L»>s« r w rard. m n * IIIT-W.

Slora aad rtfrlc«ralor,' btat aad hot - n ; waltr prerldtd. *<*. rben* 2*1*.H ' ' ri- dara. • I


^ Pnfumlithfd apartm fn t, 3.rooms-{j[vr«- and bath, fireplace, waler and IjPiili radiant h eat fum lihed. E w ellent |____realdeflUal area.

ijaS PHONE 3315 • lj

^ f u r n is h e d HOUSES " I ^ or ’uu!' PtoM I^ —UNFURNISHED-HOUSES ^

TWO OLUKUUMS. nodtrn; r*f*r*nct* r*- oulrrd- UO. rbont ll»l-n er ! i» . II

■ » “ ‘r r f U d,l J llt)Oil» tB^d^^a^^t^loM 1". l t t iBd av*.

_ n^^h!^rhnn* tlilT ar

!” ham, tu t paiiar*. Adulta. i aoutb. « w*tl. U lOUth *f Wtndtll- Dob Younf.


uafuralibaJ roiUL J

HOUSE IN COUNTHY or Twh rail*, nicr. Xfmbtrfr. 2>ocl«r IIBd Ailull famllr. rbont 2011 er tJ tl. ||

i ; MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENTHUON for to h*ad of caul* tor tuian'r.

UAIIUKN IIolo-Tllltr for r*nL Ueunula fltaift Impltmmt. Tbon* ill .

A F i n " D i > m i 7 i r c s r n s 7 r ; s n ; ; ;

lOKU WAKClioUBE for rtau rboaa

roil ilENTi Warthotii*. m w . Ha* iratk^ ai.- Phnn* int-W.

- TAUbU-aad <ha», fo r- ;ir^ .» o g .. iT -ttrmouBiala Fu.l Phon. ltO-________ L

NKW KLOOK aaatar aad poUihtr; Ctfde — OUhofl Loiab*r CompagT. PhoB* <tt. •


pnoNE «8 I I' ‘ I— (

MONEY TO LOAN ‘UOME aad tana »aaa- * » tU ptr e«al. '

St* i;. X T * ^ . Eqliubl* U it iuaaf«r, /

■ a II UKBEN Blamp* f iM ea~lecal a o ^ ^

I ' j sFor Sale —

BY OWNER pI 111 ACRE with : heuit*. On* modtra 3'. on» »-tw>ini ttn).ltiB_titt»l^a»t_CtWt— 1 -L ' 'in BeU>tTf»IL 2 catafra. iltdurrd prlta 1 T I for aukk aalt. TU North Oik. Klsbar- u

Ir. EmaU houi* I, rtntal unit. | ol

■ ¥

’• BEAUTIFUL NEW. HOME 1 0* 'ner WIU Show .• 1

. Nrw brlrk Kofflt en North O.lrandrr I - I. ttrrct. No. KS. Can U at*t< .-lalLirdar ^

and all day .HuBclar. Owntr will ahow ~_ r»o I bwlnximi, tin* Iar*» IMnf room. I • ' r firiplarr. Tbii knm* oannoi b* brat for t !■> L iSt monrr aiktdl Nlr* Uwn. doubl* : '*

built-in tarait. S*. thil placa inildt '*: aad rou will bur It. I “

LaVerne Baldwin i ri “ —B R O K EI^- ' ' ;: Phone 35M —or— *J82 1 fi:

: b r a n d 'N E W II S.Udroom bomtOB KImp A.tnut.^Now j “

full biMmcnt.” n^drip*i*«t?Li'tM*ii'r '^ Z drain in h*itnient.,Tht h»il of matrrlali and workmaniblp art Wine utrd on thii

J Att»r.i« now.

; LLOYD ROBERSON A O EN C ^. S2J Shoibona North Phont i l l t /

"Vou Namt It-W* Can Iniuta I t r Inj

I-l NI im IT,

"n > : 1 , I



- ,| Dll


I" a f i ^ location ar* hard le flnit. Th.p i i wtll roo.l^titd ; b«irry)m rtwtr Art^ m t il ntar tht Btw klih .rh.wl, it fin,hai an titra iiic* U»4. (iKataptd lol »lih f.ncfd back rard. Tht wai full ronoftr bairmtnl ii partir fin- I hai•1 f«"tllon mom. win

I ' l i . a . ’ " ' ' ” ■■■"■■■ I ; ; ;. HAMLETT REA LTY I

|] I;™

|— ~ ----- j ?h U

ONLY 5',; DOWN • i

f . : : z ‘ sI -"XvM

rn'ri'in* '**“ 'K'il hom. «an- j i r v ^ U o o s : " . i : r

t w in FALLS REALTY i And In.suranccllJJl.loA w nu. » . l

sAiKTr i)i:r<isiT u d i l s fo n r»:.ST ,

n r o r F A i i s , i d a b o ,

. ■ W m i s F o a ' i A uT iiH f ® r T O r = T B ™ - r a - K r i ;

a a ra. • ' — -

m J i f -F O R SA L E

A Four-Room DwelUng to B* r W * Moyed.

LEK A. CIUriK -P H O N E 11»-'

I 1 Btd room boa*,la Nsrtbwttl awtlon.

Ill S Otdreem bom* oa *dft of tswa. Nic* Bod*m 4 rric*d risbu ICt!) I t.llt .

das-U-GI«aa 1 Iltdroonj lo FirtTiart-Br-t«wnr ind IJ rail biitmtat. eil turaac*. III.OOO.

' “ I £ & ; ' r ' . 'n - J i - t . ”a v , s " «U Mtoom bomra. It rou want lo a*» III B«w U tb* Um*. W* bi>a pre*p*cta,I ROBINSON-FELDTMAN

_ J i Orl>t-la Rcaiun ____ I t4T Uala Att. W*«t TaL t i l

I • ,.. U tabtr Uultipl* UiUaf

$ 3 -V E ST-PO C K ET-R A N G H O< Iltrt'i a compact 2-b«dreeai (loor plan.

■•.“K.11. plar room, ta rtft, ara^loui corntr lot.

nortbtait locatios. rrlctd al 112,000 wllb ttrma.

j^Ibi; WANNA' HAKE SOME OOUCHT ll'a iik* baeklBf r<n>r mootr whtn m r*.

“ call* iboa* rtnl cb*<ka tath moaltl.‘ ComfaruUa {.btdraom apartmant for_ owner wllh (our (.room rtnlaia lecal*« oua*. BMr Cltr rark, )ltr*'t rour opmrtaai. lb. « lr. Prtc* llt.lOO wltb t*rmi.

« IDAHO R E A L T Y» l Bb^boot Bt. £ ^ t Pbn* lild

^ Mulllpit LlaUnf MtoUr

I PRICE RTDUCCO FOR QUICK BALB Drirt br Ibli famllr ill* bom* al 220

I t th A.« C. 5« It TOU doa.-( thlBk II Il worib lhaptic* nf Ili.TOO. CaU Ui— w* will h* bippr 1° ahow >ou throufb

----- Ihla food bur. tmaiadlal* potMailoa.

TWO DRAND NEW »>*r. bo»*i-b«ib I W roomt-'oll h ta l-___ (arac*-«Ba wltb baiamtnl—LocatedTHa m raalritltd dlilrbi—Finaac* a«aliabla.

S*T*raI ntw bone* btlni compititd- -7— cheoa* rout colora. Trlcad from ltl,OM

to $2T.OOO.


-------------- ^_-Phoo*-Ml--------------- -

n FU LLY M ODERNI ] __________HOM ES

^ f;s''.' 'b“a'.f"'JsNa ‘ri' u"nd!’*B';:vSKl:- achool. lit,too. Or }.b*droom fram*

oa aertb Hilmtr*: larfa Jot, 11.100._ And a marttlout J.b*dTt>on 7rtm* al— Cook-a Addition wltb doubU aam*.

br*«»-wir. r*al bartain at I1T400.&-_ _ ctlltnl irrmi on all tb*.* hvn**. Maar.[JJ; A dandr SlV *'""*'"* **''«*

camp, all Ib bar. l2.Tt» with «ze*Iltat ttrma. SpltndlH <0 thr** milt* front

— Twin. laiproTtd. III.OOO. Ttraia* . 1

^ J . B. White Real EaUto Agency |<» i. *. Whll*-nEALT0H5-C. s. Looat/


] SPACIOUS BRICK RAMBLER “ I -ljOCTit*4-1ir-TTtotrt-m11nHli1-ir*i=- t I Tbli il esa of Iht moil Uautlfuilr land-

iciptd bomta in kfatle Vaiirr—A few_ J plac* Inildt and on palio—Doubl* (ar-

Ulihwaihtf—DUeoial—storm Wlsdowi I —Elc. and mor*—W*U worth lb* ti: ..

ICO aaklBf Prict.O PPO RTU NnY

; ' For a ouillfltd trttran whoit Incema

: > location—7iil2t.fool lot. — lltauil(ullr ; ' landicaPtd-< numi aad balb-Piui 2 1■ I

I wood floera—Bpicloui dlnlnf. room—I rrlcrd ai onir tl,IO»—|t>S down In-I elude* all coila—Monlhir parmtnU In-

I i 5l^f"Mor*nr*‘ m.DO^Your^arrlf’bti won'Uait aa lont aa rour r*allnf bab-

"1 ■“ M T O IC T T X IIE Y niE A L T y ' i i Insurance Co.

. I 121 Shoihon* Bl. South rhona 2t<l

I/)W COST BUPLF.X. Uakt 'thli Inrntmtnt a muiu Cmt IT.tOO and rtturna a mlnlmun ct lO’/r Incrtait te

- wa'lkln'^d7‘’l*nc''"'fV* '” *7 ^

I- l NEATlNtXrrj<S|yE2 Wro«mhoBia


' bidrno^^ronTi^hii’l ™*: UaJuful Ji°fi** loV a?5‘iVt‘l i« l Tr"' ”

*?"' *" *• "“f rl-rlr* ll.tOO. I/iw down parmtnU NKKn i liCnnoOUKT Iltrc Ihtr art r tl/S I Fint ll.lnr room wllh, bullt!in , bookcai* and wall 10 wall cirt^ct. iarx* Wltcban. J hath,. Ui.mrnt. doub t (arair. btaulllul rard. all ftnctd. Ifa aomtlhhx. Stt ill Will Ukt saad HIA loaS. , • ***’ ;UIIURY FOR LESS. Vtrr modtra

■ I and rnnitmporarr bul rol radical'. DIKFCnENT b«;au. it alia law and != rwnblta. Yea wtll {01. thU Uwtltul i1 brand ntw I bedroom homa. Kiitrior *

la a (aicinallnf blrnd of rtdwood and 'atont. a cunrrd driittwar winili thrtuxh II th* front rard and inlo a douhla tiraxt. Ip a hom. liu on a iirt* lot in tountrr IArrt. iub.dl>iilon- Th* kltchrn U of , fina f^ah blRh hardwood with I ,waib.7and*dlipJi*“ ''Th* »VrT-n ^«m ‘hai a hlfh op*n btim calllnf. plctur. window and patio; 2 bathu If rou

II ran thinf of aomttblnf alit nlr. thltI homt hai ltl Hhova br appolntmintII onlr. Sc* ll tn<lar.1 I.OVIXV ALMOST HEW > Udroom {

|l hardwood flJjri "’voun'T |_:| -111 AV fVr'n.SCrdownVDM'l’ mul “I IhU opport^nllrl —

I BUILDIN G S IT E SI I-arf.' and aicluilrt. rr.trlclxl lo luh.I «rl,an IlrlBf and rountrr alrlH homrv

Inri'.IrJl'-' ConTpal', ?nr'“ .I. 1 1dr.lrat01itr and PUICC wUb any ansl „•■•nrllnf Valut °wi* o*ffrr.''Y-^a*t l'’ •t»~n niu. ^ k n iloulrrard Norlh b:

j In’bu"l5?iJ,” l't'’,,:''‘''8,i;


«:i UalnlA.i. Nortb. Phon* i:i» I 5- Utmhtr HalUpl* Llitinf

' J 'L -


—^ lUV^n-baUaUtl d« ra p a ,» « t* partr wItk a Mroora mod• U w ._g* broker..rrhont »IT.IL •

B , YOU 4 ^ Ilk* Ibl* pltaiaai. ^^Jli" I b*dr«>ia bom*. U rf* aunnr too doubl* faraff.-nic* back rard. Ih bt lo*cb«l. ttOlrdSaaL. Pbon* 1»0*.|

UNE.UKUI1UOM modem bona on ia [at. Will Uka Uta mod*) car. pickup ■port trailer on down parmnil. Termi

— I f c " *'■

i r aJimr-I l-DUPLEX rloa* lar-MP»m»'fur»aci,000. I »'M-bulidln.

ll JIM VANDENBARK ,;ji; III HI 8bo.bon* H. Pbon* 2M orln ;.y

* " I LOW DOWNt l parmeat Two badrooma, n til te B.i

------- icbooL llandrman can Inerraa. lblalu* ef Ibi* oa»-leUl prica M.7I0.

I Q . -------- C L O SB B V --------------laa. 1 DEOROOMS. Full baiement. el flu btat. ^lalda ■»

% S v S r t S S S11.000 down.

V i 13a SE C U R nY AGENCY X 318-R E A L T O R S -2 037for ‘ 2Jt Mala Ar*. Writ

Mtmbcr Muilipl* Llitinf

IM REAL e s t a t e FQR SALETlini:K A cnu on lllu* I^k t, boui*..

I ncrth- Phone » . Duhl._____________4 L oia fcr aal* ea J*l» Wliiaora. rho

i T l “ hv^r. c;it"t0.r*wJi^«» lUPHUVUIcltr lot* aouli. ot lown. T.rr

'* or tradr. Phon* U ll.__________ __CITY LOTS In Victorr addition. No do>

‘‘c parncau. l i t p*r maath. Call III art.

1^' $200 DOWN PAYMENT1*4 Will f l i t rou Immtdlal* Poumloa ot lie. Ibli homa. tialaaca parabi* lika rant— I— IK a moaUi.»00 WILL TRADE aouthilda SO acrra for

dalrr rancb wllb pitntr ef pailur*. HAROLD’S AGENCY -

~ M O T E L

IJ Orchard In BoU*. Pboaa J.S700. E»*- fb alaii 2-00:z.' ^

i "I "RANOHEa”

!2T ACRES of cbolc* land. Saalt dowa parmant. Good nodtrn bomt. Outbuild-

I- iiifi. Waltr rlfht 200 ahar*.. Land ^ nadr for pouto planUnf. Prica 121,000,V. SaT *"“-a LUKE'S AGENCY

I ' W. MarioaJIammend-C. U Lukt. 8r. Hemb«r Uulllpla LItlInc Sertic*

rf i n Nnrlh rhnn>-l»If ^ -■ -------

RANCHES and FARMSU rou bar* a food farm or ranch thal

E will atll or trad* for aomitbinf ;/ii food-onir amallar o r lartar. 1 * mr "Swappfn, DooU- ea. WANTFJ)! A food eatlU apr*ad. Surer bai a beautiful pltc* of dirt ht will

5- will pan wllb bU •■COOP KARTH."' 2 tlFOROOU HOME with caraf* on , PmldtBl atr»*L Nawlr 'paialtd. oalr [; i r ttn old. I1.IOO.OO.

VERY NICE mil* ^b*drooB boot.( Saall dowa parmnt.

A. G, HOLLANDOfflca ia Iba Hollaad Rulldlar

' —

i I . Public

i j A U C T I O N

Of^lbi Jtll* Wj Carptalcr K*lal*. S a

aail 0! roil Offlc* *t ^ I f i ' t . Jdabe. To U wld U tU b u w Mddtr will V*

, Iht tollnwinf 1 Larf* Z-ttorr hotti build.' inc and 2 loii and tom* tumltur*; rt*i-

>ltnea and 2 loti; i vacant Inu. All T — lola ar* adjactnl In on* black wilh ” 1 irlct’ la 'ceodUf '* ***^ hoaintM di*.

l« acctsteiL llalanca muil h« paid In raih wbtn tal* li approved hr rnbat*

, S S s 'r;..? .r.',;" j.,r ,5 :v s

r rchaitr and dred in atalulorr form ^dillTirtd 10 p^cehiMr br admlftUUa-

Immtdlal* potieiilan of all properlr ti-

HURRYI HURRYJ Ntarir ntw 2 bedroom hom* nral aa a pin- You Will Uka lu beautiful tivori. uljilir rwrn* au«Vrt‘ '‘' “ ‘deVful rard 'btiutlfullr'un^CaptdVBd ftnrrd. NIrt location. Itnmadlal* po*. taaaloB. Onlr IMOO. Ttrma.

SOUTH SIDE FARM S « ACIIM rtrr cloi* to Twin Falli. Idtal far atock. A tood har.IraSn and bean farm. Onlr IIMOO. r fla rtar'f

“ om* !"” VbS"!* ’’th"''h®"{^D‘o^o"”' ‘U ACflKS trad. A dalrr barn.' 2 mod-

I *rn homei. food land. Oalr UI.OOO.I *'"• *>c<Ptlon*I oul-buitdlati. I lj mllei from towo. III.OOO.



3,000 Acre Ranch

I7"0 TDIal.le river boitom. aandj b ia i'•■.II. W.:no potato ttllar. la.tlU 'jKwi*.•

I ««m. trilpm»nl. ampla waltr, Tarlor• ‘BUr fit,lfl, ,!,si. to iJ.too tern black | . „ , full prlc* UH.OOO. T*fai.

Contntl K. W. ASVIDSON Pnlrlicld-Suliun Realty

j M7 Jilblcion St. P h . HA B » m I F.Hrricld, Cnllf,

Z _____»'» ACI!Eg;,„p

~ " ' S i ,— ____ --’ti

't li kti.1^"biSk •5“ ' :o ^»o*.nw 1 "- '“ J ll,. .'•I'ii o

= q iJlheait , homi, r - I l ' i ' . V ' * »■'«i K . ' ' ™ ' s ^

I nai.!,OowJlns, IdUw

e » . w S U M M E a D A V B ^ ^iu,'in''''o,f *• “• k l

!_____II tpot f,„ Tn* *t;

‘■bafi! 1 i> ;T ar(:•lm*nt 1 and .ttiiioB 1, ,1.

ly : ' i n “w “v, I QU 4itT»* «rai7r **'*»« ^

I THE F. J. BACOV .r-« ! » J J ^Cl.u,l. ll.o .i ,“ * _ ° ,


1953 Model D.J


New ll.too t .I'T J DUc on R u i ^

■a^^r Phone 3M-W-Ooodin,


----- _ i HAVE-YOU N o n c o

i How T h a t H»5 U Otoi*j,

roRFord. Feriuion. 0ll.„ u

____ Intrrnatlonii 4M InjUn

■ i! PA U L EQUIPMEST u'lTd; • & WELDING SHOPiooo, jl raui.

iP"^ ^^ G O O D U S E )

s M a c h i n e r y


'Jfll FOnP Major DImlJluL. -----AUil-CHAt.J(r.RS'**S-Tr! tl* OLIVER -nil- Dlee.i

OLIVF.R "M-' Uai „",J j OLIVER - l l -

jnON-AOE 2.r«w P.Uta Uul* DIXIE nett Tbinntr

, MABSEt-llARRlS BUa lUmi OLIVER DIic.Hirro»

1 MOLINE Dlicllarrow[ BEARS DIaclIirraw

OLIVER No. T2 llinrta rir» ^ . . l OLIVER Ko. II llinita Fl^t'------ . OLIVER “21“ Trail pit*— ll ' JOHN DEERE llir Cbopjo

I CASE Har Cbipptr GEilL liar Chopper JOIIN DEERE liar Dilrr


l„ . MECTION Waod J!»rn.«


) Phone 3M 139 2nd Aii. 8cdlla-


i " ! J E R O M E

USED TRACTOBa "• IKI TO.I* FFJIOUSON Ttutir.ttIf- 121 hour......................... 1*

iNTERNAT?ONAL ’■H." Co«4condllloa ......................... ■

---- - JOHN o w n s ”H." Beal cittt.

„ USED MOWEM•l ALLI.*l-CHALMERS Trail «*»«•'" Ntarir n tw ------------------ --------------------------- Pnd MINNEATOLIS-MOLINE TnUI*. Mowtr ^

DEARBORN Mowtr. Lait Wl -H*I, USED LOADERSIj OLSON Manur* L>adtr------ ^ 9

USED SIDE BAIBS ' DEARBORN Trail Rak* ll/nd 1 ^

I. USED BALEHS»• I CASE Autolaall* Sular Dllir—I* .

' ™ “ £ r “ 3 : * ^

I ■ T W I N F A I A S__ OLIViat Crawler Tractor. OraW^

(-ri>od -------------------------

FOHDSON Maier DlattL I»» ^

^ , m a g i g - t r a c m b _

■ S i m p l e m e n t COBP.

t w i n f a l l s - j b m i ®

Pbea. «»-PHONS Til

•TTour 8ervlce-M lod<^ . PORD T R A W B


**5rii»ii^^^"*”” '" ’ "


H I WILLIAMS j£t r a c t o r COMPANY

^ ^ b a r ^ ^ ^ in s 1 ^ ^^j|i::

}Im lV .,p ^ m ^ h ^ A « “n'j|*:M


f P H ----------- - ^ R 'T I F I E D ------------- ^

”'”l , - i - ; a r , : S S i ”



i g g s i | i

f S = = i, u . s . A PPRO V ED _ £ “

| S f ; ^ S l


"'"V *'»:. f.r In . ,h. n « l 6kr- ^

SW IFT h a t c h e r y {'^rPALLS . PHONE SM4

m arket place magic°valley


».r.u.. ii. -JlmojB; Iiouu I, B« : j, IT”

* r i> .T" V'r" ^r*''il.’.,,''‘‘:" j''’h«H l ~r^.illnc . t» r i or i;..«i.a AMfi


bOOl) HKU"^«r.rr plc|. ; ....nh, -r..,*; ipiilh H<kuth J'.rV. I'hi.ti* niT i.r.'.

&LAUlilil'M(IN(i at ,.:,r l.rtn. 3711! TTTiHutrhl K.rUr, OJ-'.-jr__________ “ i;,

iKDl.STKIN brifrii. .iid >'ii- .11

I'WU l;UbitN.SKr ^ilnUlrl.. ruR.Ini :r.l TvT

. „ s s ? s s . . 1=

= = i REM OVAL I

of D n d « d U .«lea 7o«



h'ed" V ^ i'<U18. I lf 1= !10 MB-J 11* H. 1


rretttng Coaiptnr. TUlU«. |,J

: ' ■ t

■ •? ■ : ■ ■r

" H E !


Ir.'n it.n.1. >:if<llrnt rundlll"". r'i"'r

tun *';■ V " i ^ ' 'i '

‘VlkjI'r^-.^IlVn l.irelln ln ° > * » l> > / '

MA.N'. iiMil. l>i.t>lr.J .11 •>»l ■' <’lrl>.I;>>i..| .1,11. Ulll. . l lh -h ll. Ifl'.It , **‘5 <

« p f s | ? P

n E A* I |***

W m im m z= g ^ s 3 i i i ! B


u .i , *•

' 1

UHT AltltlVfUi! An.lti.r^.f pp

' j i f e S f i ; Iin t r o d u c t o r y o f f e r I

v a w t o k m o d m 3

T,»v\*p]rMSK‘o.r. [‘"“’•"

A U T O S FO B S A L l-------- 1

B O Y 'S USED CARS ----------

a . L. o lJ l H

- i — - - - t a

• • . ' . " , I

.T IM E S -N E W S .T W IN 1

A U T O S FOR SALE ______

p - CAR

O '


, u ; : : : ;

T - R - A - D - E I - N - s

J. KOHD v.l Co»...ilbt, - I

-.1 rt.VMOI'TH Cl..). K..(.i -lib . ' '» » J

'i ; <'II>:viil>I.KT Drliiii t-Hiuir bIi>< '




AT WHOLESALE- ‘" ' i!P rlc ra l »

“i r i s i iS i r S .

' s i


---------------------------------------- 1' "OLDSMOBILE ri

^ I



D I E B C T i3K;yCiL£ SALES A SEflVlCg • MCW a_ur.u,7. «■>. m . » . M... B. SiHuTTr,

' . L Z i N E n s ' i p r F Z ' ' '" " '"

Tli’m" *..^S

A U TO S FOR SALE I >- - - - - ,

CARS - X nU CK S- riCK U PS u .rv i i i>Jd MKtlL'llHV 4-d.wi. - '* '— ■

IHO IIUirK ni...lm..;,r 4.d...r, ------- }

Wl n!S v.l111 »ORD • •■• J.ilT m i r ' I f i t W'nroU i l'lVMni;ii|'*i".,i " J " " ' * ' VAluf.

SHAHI'l' * ” 6(H M

T W I N F A L L SK qu ipm i’u t C o m pnnv

TRUCK LANE ■______


. . . i

' s

” 1

■‘v i s a - s t ' t e s r o s r ' " ' -

Wo'll P av You

C A S H . ' i ■ p o „ .TOR VOUn CAR

— -YOUREE-------- -—MOTOR COMPANY ' ' ‘ | ---------

BY MAY 1ST! :These Cars



- |

Y O U -PR IC E.TH ESEI i»«7.sti

M.»;™ » « » , . .........

i - ^

f c S S ' r . S * ' AN

""Is !


JF E S S IO N A L . . . . “

r O R Y - =M 0T0RC1CLESIjT uW rr. Pt. ■». 4.t M.ln A.^_K m , RTIPLUMBING & IIEATISC: : ” 1. ■■luo.b.ny ,n . u „ Pb.n.:iAi .k .|


A U TO S-FO R SALE - - |

" B y O U 'N K R "

ll).')r) Biiick S pcch l *’**----------------— --------------- --.

3-door. Fully ruiiliuifd. DcAutlfulJ-toup ffrt i>ii(l while finish. Low m t mllcngr .-(nd fxcelleiu onf*ou'ncr cnre. T h u U » Ifriidc buy for i»Jo lomronr! Prlcrd well hflow bookvAluf. Tlii.i Ml- nny be if f ii nl PC6(H Mnuiice *trctt, evfiiliiKn. ' 364 1

PHONE 37i8.Il -------

.......... “LOOK”-— -----------


' “ l S S a ' = ; s ; - ' - : : s

'■ '■ S S r t e “

n :;r i : r ', . ic v - , \S ; 'T -

E H S b S ; ? br

“ i f a i s = ! =


- A l - i ]



rwin PalU Phone 3097 j— - l l-

R i c e C h e v r o l e t 1 1>»


■’“i S i i ^

' m S m u,

■“i e m i : .

I S E s ” 1


o 'J r .V .s , ,” , ; ': " . . ! " ! '; ’,;. ™‘ E

A N a S l S lO W E R . I '

A L W H T jjR m iuSG I m i J

" i i i i i i ^ ""I

r ; ^

JSI =“ ' .■.. r

“^ S p g'‘‘J3iX5SS;.JK,rL«: L_. '“ K K a ' 3 . ‘ r . i \ T . ! : ,


1 \ . '■


P R I C E D T O S E L t ! I

l iM. nI.V ’ ,* '" " ' “' . ' " 'm ' ) U ii lt>» H.llf. v.l :.,l,i>r. U.HI,., h-.^',

JJH yAlilU.M' iVur. li.Vii;., t.,i;. I»M


364 Mnln soiiih Plionc «3 • 1) j:


_____m r g a j n s _ , l1

“ s ’i i s t s ^ j i f c ; * : . . . .



6 _ 6 "r.'SELECT USED ARS I Im i

MtehnnlcflUy A-1 >»'*'NEARLY NEW TIRES!

’“ S .”a r S V , ^ . 3 G'


•‘‘ S S 5 ; , ' K l “ - a = ; ' ' : a


ruS X m'-H"

S e e ‘WILLS


"SHOP” ■“ '=

p ■ -

“ ' « c

“■5KSt?Ki‘t»¥r'* "

'“ K S f S s S "

'‘ s s — S ^

K a K ' & ’l i r n 0

■ ’51 P

" “C" ' I ' '•.V.'lK.l'.'a.'.'M*. Ill GL.

n i c i HONE |1.».,TW 1» i-A iu i ,,■ r t . „ c . . . ^ , . . - . T t . „ r , i . , . < . - | | . ,

' J

PA G E B X E V ^ ’



N tit To 0 « r O ar»8i-

_0 _ N e a s t 'M AIN

15JJ MKItCUllV :-.l...ii. lUdlo. tii.lrr' uacdrix, Uiit fm n. oiij

hritk’ fin'rit., .1IIAHP..... ~ ! .u in

iiBiih. s ii . iJ ir -------------- H3*»


u u »OHI) V.l I.i-loi.>io><, llfbl critn

i ) j : niHivnoLKT >;.toi. ritVu,. Ccnid inliWr, hra«r. >irt tir.n , br.n4


GORE'S JWe Hnve The



H i) AUSTIN «-door '■?im NASli SUtonXB Mosr .ri

' :V

G O R E U S E D C A R S v

6 - 0 - 2______H S f f lT r - S f f lx s :— 4 - -

Phon . IM . A ll lor s u n C U


April . I I

■ s p e c i a l< ' ■ ■ - ' i


40 CHEVROLOT.i-Door. ^ , 5 6 ,

48 FORD 4-Door - . . . - , 1 ^ |

47 BUICK 4

U B tnC K 4-D oor-------- r-~*US I

49 PLYMOUTH 4.door ..—134»W CHEVROLET 3-Door . ^ 4 3

Sl HODSOS 4-Door — tMa" lj50 rW D b* 3-Door ;-------~ - « f t 1 ]

5 0 C ^ O L r r 4 ^ _ 4 1 ^ |

, . C g g R o j l _ J |-Sl F o n p ;a .p p o r:

;j]^ G/JENKIN§ I

' • ' \

H ^ ^ |a ffi|R ^ d ied^B|fei^^JtI^^Te9t

^■fcr^-^;--TlO K O I,TO .W A pH l‘n - im - c^■ K -^:-< U U -«f^ -U i«-4M k- fore*- «h(cb ■

.•'.•'»te<«-tbU >e«7 'DUelMF tuU ^ ■ » - . . r - B K in a .M l4 - 'to d « 7 in<Uc*t' H H K : : : i ' : - U B . t h i t th a p i t f n m viU-itan

i liiiliiliil Iillli I “public" II-b( ■ H W th o t u o u n d U ay t. ,^ B b . - T h e t e i t , to-lN .w ltncuad br ^ n w ’ newtmen, Will b e a high «lr bun ' ^ H P f f *n H ’batnb equal In powtr lo i t t r ' ' cf«I mlUlon tons ot TNT. I t vlll ■ ■ • I f ': plode (bo re th e w ile n nesr BIk

Znfonned lo u rc tt u ld l tu /_ B I HB ' — llevB'U lt' Weipon' iT n be dropi H i f f i br a h lc h 'f ly ln f B*5J Inlerti B f l l UJienUi J e t H-bomb«r. I t could W t H deUverxl by i n ob»ole*cent B-39 ■ B A . ^ RiMlum r u x e Jfl botnt■ » ■ ------- ta jT tt* « fla*T *vorv3 tii« iM rp :^ ■ W ticujarljr th a ble B>63.■ B m ' n s i r a lo ^ l 'M tB P H I At le u t tvo B-53'« hive floW f H l i bera In recent dtiyi to undB 111 cluetf . de tU n ttion i In itie v tn n They could hive becA hmded JU I W w ttok. Elklnl-a pa rtn tt »loUI ' l ! tha Picirie p rorins sround.■M The Ilty 8 ihoC will b« big enouM , <0 pick up n lli io iu or toiu of r«dlI n -------- tcUw n rth - tn a -w ^ te rrif tip io d^ ' l e v enough lo r It* lncinde«eew l (tieball to con tac t th e auritce.M . But mindful ot {allaul Inclden1 | ■• dccomptnylnB th e ISM H-bor| f l tetta a t £nlwetok>BlUnl. the weU pcrneert Uila year Intend to expIogl . « ) ie :b j£ C j:B M jiJ fh « w jj |n o tJ»M ■Tinftut'aenace.-Ifla exptclefflb'iM oil a t le u t 10,000 leet vp.n Headqearter* Sei upB , • M tan’ahUe. the la ilt Jorce li #eI I Udi thincB ready a t the provliH I i| . iround, Publle Information beacH I , .-S u m m U b e ln f f aet up litre »ndlH I Blkuil. Some of Uie reporter-ob«enH I . ’ cn a re here already and oUitn wlH I I report by M ay l,B l They wlU live and writ* Uielr dUB l P»tchea on th e U SS Ml. McKlnle;B l * Wwld w ar I t ainphlbloui com■ fniM ifaip wijicB h a a been c e n w tm i ea Into a aewa eommunlcaUons an<P t — »«U »*TV-bt«adca»tlnj'7ve««r7oII , the public teata,

.^'” '8 Ml- McKinley ,U ( o |n i uiTcujh runa to d e t « ^ n e uliethe

Taylor Speaks to N. Y. Democrats

NBW YORK. AprU 27 MV-Id«ho'i r JOITOT aenator, OJex Ttriar. latl i I n lih t called t h t Haenhower ' ad' f- r jn l^ lt»U on one of "money chane- i • « 1 a ad “coueetloa of moneybaje.'

I -.VS5iff§5S/K'S

If ^■ 1 « U « U n f eTBty drair^ ■ I o f Uielr pound of f le th tm ui e n n

IkIB **‘<1 th« raU I t Uien ar-

I f


1 ^ i £

r f r ^ ^ ti

y C H u a \ WAGOI


; » J • cefery■ ^ 4 C r e a m e d new poj. ( ; f l i > a n d peas, ro ll a n d t

fS ^ Ii

i i


'Ieh-»U1 teata in UcaUona



Iropped ilercon* - )uld be


flown ;undLf ‘ V - .1'-

v'ed for



:pIOded "

xplode t a

*° Chriatopher lyB cb, pM teia I wJU preacat a ceoeert a t I:1S p.)

, achool a n d er .lb e auiplcei ot St. J.S“ ‘ tenor will ahare tbe coaecrt it i

Sonia Vargaa, Pen irlaa plaxiliUS h . * » *

Catholic Chm'( 5.W, Plans for Ccom-

ivert- OOODINO, April J7-ChrU toph I and £,7Q cb..JyrlO '-t«nor:-Joan-Thotnt i for lopran?, nnd Sonia Vargaa. Peruvli

planlat, will preaent a concert i ) l n g Uie junior high achool audltorlui elher a t «:15 p jn . May 4, under Uie au taak. Pleea of 0 t . JSllzabeUi'a Calhol

church. .Lynch, w ho waa bom In Ir« ln i

became a protege of John McCoi m ick. 'th e celebrated Irish teno Hla flral teacher In Dublin waa th

i r S wmo teacher who liad worked wll .. McCormack. McCormack, «ho ha

“" “ f reUretl. worked wlUi him unUl h. death In 1M5. Lynch gave a fe recltAlJ In Ire land and then went I

“ «* lU ly to atudy.In IMS h e arrived In Uil* countr

hiade h ia debut in Carnegie ha) la .N ew JgoritjD ity - --

iifg" ~M lu~7nroinaa u a native of AI I d . bany, H. Y. M 10 ahe began to Itud

,' In - “ u*lc a t th e Troy coMerratory bu tn g . after a year of atudy Joined Uie hav;

and became » Wave. In Waahing I In ton, D . a., while a member of Ui t n t t a m e d forcea, ahe coaUnued to aUid: jn iQ mualo and, when h e r leavea woul irery Pennlt. ahe aang aeveral profeaalona tady engagtmento a round Waahlngton.

Followlnc he r discharge from th I a r- navy aha w en t lo New York lo atud; Irely under Oeorge Pickering. She wa n is girea an audlUon wlUt Lynch whi

was aceklnc a replacement for Joai

>Y h o i a good t im i a f th

om'qn dow n a n d join iii th

SU N DAKR E E C A S H p r i :

ALL EVENING SATURD. All Day a n d Evening Sum

p o lo lo e s . !nd b u tte r .

--------------------- ^ I___________

IS " . ■” -;t

K ^ B O S f t E ' ^ . - ....'

lo tha cclatrralcil Joha McCormack.I p jn . May 4 a t th a Goodlog Joflbr high St. EUubcth’a Calhelle cbarth . Tba Itith

sUga w ltb Joan Thomas, sopraoo. and •t-

# * *r * ..rell in Gooding Concerl on May 4

opber Walker, th e toprano w he h a d loured . otnas. WlUl h im -bul who-now heads her uvlan own foticert u n i t r t a t M iu V argu , who Is fn h e r early >rlum SCri. gave he r i t r t t rec ita l a t th e age au>- ot 6 and two years la ter mode a

Ihollc concert tour of colleges and .uni­versities In Peru. ’A t I I she was

< 1 ^ awarded a sehofarthlp In Chile and, ^ r . ' a t Uie age of 15, launched her ph>- enor (eulonal career.I the .She has toured throughout SouUi wUh America and Europe a n d ta IW» had granted a acholarshlp to sUidy

I his In this counuy. She made he r debut few here In 1860 and h u played In con-

n t to certs throughout th e eastern part of this country. ________ .


g ""Wof B lF fT " " I MOVINGa p h o n e '

r 2 4 6 8A L LIED V A N ULNES

Wholoan \ ^ B B ^ B B B P B i W B B i ^ f

S J th a HORSE-SHU ^

th o fun




I—IZES y; O A Y ^ ^‘ y ------------------------------------


nous 49'er MFried Chicken yM oshed p o to io e s o n d

flrov7 , G elo tin so lo d , '

H o t roll o n d b u tle r . ^

4 9 e ^

i i i l ^


~ Negro'Hoflse^ I ' - Is Blasted by

TNT ChargeB O U aN G H A K Ala.. AprU TJ (V)-

A d r sa m iu blaat aJlghtlr damaged - a Negro-dweUla* located between

iwo wh\\e h o n e * h e re U s t nlghf a sd - shook Uie entire nelghbortiood. po­

lice reporied today.'n i e ezploaloD t o r e 'a big h o lt 'ln

window* of th e h om e 'o f a 29-year- o ld ' Negro maU c arrier wtio had lived WlUl w hite neighbor* wiihout previous U ^ u b l« -lo r-ao ra« ,ihTce years, police said.,

-We haven’t been able lo deter­mine how m uch dyoiim lle was used." a police spokeaman-jMld. " I t rocked

■ h ousu all along th e block.?The occupants,;Jobn H. Sargent.;

his wife and two children and his wlfB’i ^ ^ e n t a , a ll wer* uninjured,

Tha explosion waa th a firs t racial violence reporied h e re since Uie a t. tack upon Negro alnger N at King Cole on Uie M unicipal auditorium « \a t« x%s'Ms m cn^h, ptfV^t tald.

For yards, playgroaads*~Glabe's _ playgoand .m lrtU tc , Ja c -U u -A d v . _IS YO UR T^V

HEALTHY?If not P h o n e 64T _ .

T o r on expert 'technlclon ^ to serve you.


2 7 1 B o ro h A r « . W . - P h o n o « 4 1

td ................— -

j, - Irt

r. •

Iflra ' '

;TwiN-rAiii3,:iPgLH0^NegrqesContiirae" ■ B ^cbtt on Busesy MONTOOMEBY. Ala., Ajirll 3T in ' • -i-Negrees waged a 20-wi«l:-old. City. (W A wW t bua boycott today w ith a n e t g c demand for ouW ghl aboUUon oi

oJtidalsitlw eaU ned ' i i»Wd e o u rn e s to f UiftNaUonatCltyLlDea

a ttem pl to 'in te g ra te 'I ts 'b u a e t the N egroe*’moit>y a tae t- -lo ,lh a lr .« w

• «»• poou-or walked. Only a few rode U« sUU-segregated buses,

le 'ln A throng o l Negroes a ttending a front m aas-njecU ng-Iut-iilght-thnndered rear- approval of a resoIuUon to contiDue had U)e- boycott until th e ir 's ta tu s Is

hout "clartlled .' Thelr s p ^ e r a Indicated twee Uiey meant-dewgreftaUon:_________

eter- ■ ' 7 ‘"'

r IT'S ptam.h i sired.

, S e e .u s f o r y

G A R D EH ond a ■ W O S SonI f . _____' ________________ M

~ ' • Anaconda Phosphate om• Cwtiflcd and uncertlfic(


• Bkphant brand Nitrogei - . Allalfa,' Clover-and-Pfia!

Twin Foils Fc;j^PH O N l

PRICEn the world’s Cl

i S ii p E

I '%j jH L V n

, -c- • ■ ___

P®~| Partners[ g e S M E M P H lfl.'ltam , April J7 W

P^UI-istB^ttUtedtawJnUdpo1 3T on h as decided bU faiUif1. c ity - YiB,. ought to rtU re .to* ZoctoU offered l^ 'g lr e my ac:lop of oensloo'C heck” to r Uie borae I

; rode fo r 13 9 e a n a s d Uke T t:nea a re tl ra n e D ta riU ih to r - ' -LlDca' I • • ' • '

S S ; - -- rum x^aA iB U E B E R U K . A pm r r i» - A

glne Soviet plane soaped a chui ling a steeple.In dense fog yesterdays , d e ^ c™ aed-in-BmM t-Berto-sU:bu aUnue Three passengers wert killed.

^ t e d F e r yards,. l iU y g r e m a j- O lr t ptoygroBnd l a U ^ 7Sc lh.-Adi

NTING TIME!o r y o u r n e e d s i n

a n d LA W N SEED , ,l a n d FERTILIZERS

_ 4 f a o — _________________:e ond Mixed Fertilizers •tified Seed W heat and Seed •

r o g e n a n d m ix e d F e r t i l i i e r #

- P a a t u r e 'i S r a s s S e ^ f f - ...... ..

Feed & ice Co.[JONE m

E REIChampion Bow

ii i w 8 > ^


f & i

I Purvey OtiairWworl » re araUtble to caadi

c h u ^ ^ o o l for

_ Msist to the m j« ve ta t« gaitact Mia. Keim McCK^

chuith ^ V W W V ^»y and


:lf HO- m o- 1 — GQ Al

A S m O f P h a n e I

ql: 0Ei Building J

I ^ Phon* 2 3 0 4 -R — T i

DUCEJurbon . . . 5 yea

B i u^ c h e n l e i i

EIGHT d ) Y l

Straight Bourhoi



The o n l y n tU io n a H y fi

O ld , n o w a t th is n c

C ham pion is iruiy u

ijQ utbons. J ts unuaua

ila clcganily amoolh

llic bourlK)ii-lovcr’« he

vantage o f this renlarJ

h u / Cham pion Bourbo

.»CHtN«Y OISTllim CO, N tw \

■ ■"Mniy.r

ow nn-n7 ------- •

aspjultSSioisE7i ,§|

m . M B o s W l ' f t .

IClD“- equipped

>USE►VERSa n y w h e r e

le U s for Information

n e r a l1 Movers, Inc.

T . i „ F o l l , _ P.0 . 1„ j , ,

;dlars old


f o n W h i s k e y

LUE i f f ITS


y fam ous 8 Year

new low price, <

f unique a m o n g _

lau a l'lig h tn ess- . ' I

ih taste delights ___ J

1 heart. Take ad* J

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i r b o l i today! • '

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