Radiological Survey and Dose Assessment Report for the ... · Psge: --·· --· ---~ .• (>f...

Post on 05-Oct-2020

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Transcript of Radiological Survey and Dose Assessment Report for the ... · Psge: --·· --· ---~ .• (>f...

App E-Sub-Area 5.2 - COC Forms·

Psge: --·· --· ---~ .• (>f -"••• •• r---- ---• GEL Chain of Custody and Analytical Req nest GHL Laboratories; LLC

Pro.icct 1.L: HSee www.gel cam for GEL's Sample Acceptance SOPh

2040 Savai;c R<l3d

GEL Quo(c 11: _,. __ -·-·----·-· .. ... -··-··-~- Chorleslon, SC 294l17

COC Number(11: . -·· .... GEL \V()rk Order Number: l'honc: (843) 556-8171

PONumb~r Fax· [843) 71i6-l 11&

Client Name: Pllonc fl: Sample Anal}'Si& R~qucstcd t~l (Fill in th<! uuml:c: ofc(mtai11ers fo;·e~t:h ter.t1

-· ·Proje~u'Si!t Name: Fax Ii. Should < .•• Prcsor>otiv~ Typ,; (6) Jhis


Addre~s: «>nslck•·•ll :

Comments Collected by· Send Results To: Nole: extra sample is

'D~itr Cdl~ ... tr:•l ""TimQ

f·~c~J. r:n:i·:;i~c TSC required. for ~ample

rll!h'.i.:k1I (](' specific QC Sample ID (11hl:1•r~) CC'J\.·m F:ll~r~:.l M .. n1x Rn~I A {rran•dd·\'}) ~J "' '1KCU R•eu

" Pv• i..:amlr.idre1· • {m)ft.:u/e ·"'~1·1 twd .\',C)/J du!e//li.•:e (1il11nm) .. lotc;l JHO

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TAT Rcaul!Stcd: Norrnnl: Ru.~h: S!lccif,.: {Si:o)<!Ct to S!<rdcor,;'l I ['ax. Rcrnlt&: Yc3 I No Circk Deliverable. C of A I QC Sutnmarv I L<vcl I I Level I. I Level J I l,cvel 4

Remades: Are thiu·e any known hazard.i applimMe. to th!!se .rnmple.r? !f.w, plea.'{~. list th~ hazardi S~I!llll~ W!lk~tian Ti~M Ea stem l'ociOc Cclllrnl Other -····-......... -·-Mm1111nin

CJmh1 of Custo-dy Sign~!UJ"C~ Siunpfo Sl1lp11i11g and Delivery Det11ils Rclmquishcd By {Signed) Dale Time llocci•cd ~y [•ignou) Doto Tm12


l I Mctl.oJ ofS)upmom D~tn Shioncd.

2 ;! Airbiil#:

3 3 Airl•lll H: t ) Ch11i•1 ofC~g~(]Jy Numb~t .. c:r:~:nt 0~1crmme'1

Foi· la/J R~ceivmg (.(l'e 1),,(r '!) QC.• Cod';:r.: t1i1 .,_ Wcinn~l S;tn;p1!!, Tll e1 rnr. Di.n"!:\.:, Iii> .. F•cJd i);ir.Jk&:!'.!, 1-;n 12 l!~llt~.'tl;.'ll Bhu:k. MS ... M«ln:x Spike: :faa:i'~~. MSU .. Mait.rJC ~'pike n~:rf:c;11.1? S~111p,c, C..., f11:1b. C ... (\~mrel!l1lc

] } Ftcfd fer itljl.IHI ma:1i~~. ir.d~L:t~ w·;llJ l'.I r y. ihr yC:.!.1lie- !.:l!flf.TC wi:i~ fi~k1 flilcrcJ er .. I\: ... forsr1rnp!!:' ""'";!S •\ol lii;-14 fillccctl. C1mody Seal //1tcm?

) -5) Mo1mc Cmlc-1: 0\V=-:Ct111ki:1£ Water. C,,V,.·Gr1l:;1:~h11;u~c. SW··S\1rrar..:c Wo.1tu. \'l''\V,..W~~._Q Wo1{l:fl \\i=-\Vi,;icr, Mt=-M1so.: l.1;.~1;.I, SO··Stnl1 Sfl· .. Sv•finw·11!, ;(;L..-t;.'.~;l(~~. S~-.S~1lCd W:isb.:. 0·.::01~. I•' f•i]fL1r, t•·.rW~;,:ii.:, U=-t::Jiac.1'· ·t:-;.:;.il, N·:? l'ES NO ~,) Saint~e A.'1;,l~jl:1 Il~\:t:c~~u .\n"ly1i;.;.1I t.-:clt.l·cl tcqL!e•~-1:.l (,,c. ln6.00, ii()lDU/747llA.) n,-,~ 1r,.m1l;e1· of1.t,nmL1,c1sp;o\r;~cd fl;'r r:a.:h {1.c-. S:Zf.f)/J -J, t.G!OfY74lf.·4 - t ). Cm>l~r Temp. 6} PrCJi~P.,,1i\e TYiJ~; JSA ... l~y1l'!'u:l1lcric. Acid, NI ..- N:ttic Acjd, Slf ... SodJU!ll H~'!:oxi~tc:, Sr\ - S11H~1r1i: /\cirl, M .. Ai:~t'lfoC"'1, HX .. ~{e~.1t\C!, s,- ·· !"-c,ht.r1" Tl·11~.1.~ilfo1c:. Jf 1~-!:1 i~rc.scrv;i!i"'::! ::<. r,(1 ~;1 .. 1~;")\IC" fid!t M::;o);. c



Page·--------· ___ .. r -·--·--------Project II:

GI:LQuote!I: _____ _

COC Number (<l:

PO Nu111bor:

GEL Chain of Custody and Analytical Request ""'Sec \V"-' for GEL's Sample Acceptance SOP*~

GEL Work Orde..- Numbe1·:

GEL Laburalories, Lt C

2040 sa~~g~ Rllad

Charles1on, SC 29407

Phone: (84JJ SSG-8171 l'ax· (843) 76:;, 117~

Clic11t Nome: Phone II: S:unple Analysis Requcslcd <51 (Fill in the m11nberofcontoi11ers for each test)

Proj~cl/Silc Nmuc: Fox# Shuul<l

ll1i' .. ~-- Prc.'larvitliv~ Type (6) 1--------------------------------------------i Un1J11C he Adtlress:

Collected by; Send RcM1hs To;

Sample JD • Fr;r 1.:m1'!/mtti1~,. - tt~'1/(.:ft• . .;rurl <J!:1J .1!ttJJ d.:zlt'tlimr

.,... -, ,?. () ' I .'l.orJ.·w· I\. • .;).

S. -:A.e !(. S'. I 1-z../ ti f .•,-

'Tl;r;!? "°'~l~lcd QC (MIHr.ry) C:.:i.i.!t•lt (hllmm}

Vichi S<l~':lf.h: F1Ucrcd M.:.4r1\

[!I 14)


TS<: R:idl ... bi!Cf.I Rrgu .. l•l<rl )er"

Comments Note: extra sample is required for sample

spe<:ific QC

$ a, . & . ~ .) ; _:2. ____________ ~)-~.1~ 1-'-i -'--'-( 1_-:--t------1---+-----t--+---l-·f-+------t----+-t----!-----t--+---+-+------+---J-- -- --- ·-----

:). ~. 6 ((. (i. \ 1-z../ !I { 1f

TAT Rcaucstcd: Normal: Rush: SPc<Efy; (S,i>.•«I" 5"'<bcr11<l IF~-~ Results Yos . / No Circle Dcliv..-ob1": C of A I QC Summarv I Level I I Level 2 ' Level 3 I Level 4

Remar/is: Are £here any known hazards applicable to 1h1tse .wmple.s? ffs<J, pf ease li.>I the huzards Snmple Co!lec1inn Time Zpoe El•~lcm l'acifi<., Ccnuol Other _____ __ Y,..1cuntnill

Chain &fCmtody Signatm·es Snmple Shipping and Delivery Details Dale Dute


M~lhu~ ol'Shiornont Date Shim:ed·

2 2 Aitbill ti·

3 /urbillll·

I .) t l~Jm oi'UJ11~cdy Nu:nb~r - Cllcnr Di:Lcnr.n,;d .F'nr Lab Rec~rvifi.J! U.'iie 0 ,,(l· l) Qt VJ~;;:.""i· i"I' =- No.n!11ll Samp:e,. TB"' Trip Ill;i.ri.k, FO ... f';c:d r1L1J!l'.c:i,c •. Ell = F.qu1p-;r::.:riL nla.r'l, ~1S .. Malr1._ sii!kt S.arr:F!c.1 \tSn.,. M'illmc S;-ikc D:tpfo;~te: San·pk, -G...,. Gr.,h, Cw Cvmp;::l.!ill~

) ) f"~clJ fl~.lcn~d Fer lLl\iJ~'.I; w11!•a- y - rot )'C.S lhc Sil\'~P:~ wn~ Cii:~d lihcrc.d or-""' - r~ ~;lrl'r('t:c "''.;J!l a-J•. lid<! filtcicd Cll.\'!ody s~·al /11Wl'I?

-U ~taro" Cu~c.!l: DW··IJ1111lr.:•.c. \V3?..:r. G\V.:(jr111m1lwi:lt!r, SW··S'.;1fa.:~ W.11~. \\'W=:\\'t:$!.I.: W.1tcr, WAVat02r, ML··MJ~t. Liq:;!:'d, SO· S';.11•. :m··S..:·t.lin·:cru, SL·=:S:ml,ci,: 1 Sll·"S11l~~l W:i-.~1~. D-=OJ, l•··ft:ic[~ r Wi11r.::, lht:r: 1i.::, F rc..:al, 'N ·~1------=-)'"'E"-'S ___ _,;c,\_'I_) ___ __, 5) S;,i::~~!e Ar..aly~-a P.(!Qll~o.tcJ·. A~.~yt!1:~tmeLl:ai.J :rq:..i~t~J (i e: 82.MlJ, 6DHJB/7d'i0A) .c:;r.1l 6f c.oda~ne1s p1ov;Jcd, fur e.:i.dl (1.oi:! ,'i/!('1011. J. t.OJfJBJ1411M - lJ Coa/i:r Temp. f,,) ~tc<ct.O\IVO Tw<- II.\ 0 llyclrocl1:011c t\<101, NI - l'<ntnc A=t:l.511 ~ Sort;"m llyrlrcxi#, SA ~ Su!wr;c '""'· .\,>, • .'<!ce<bl< 1\01-.l, llX u ll<JO:>O, ll"I' 0 ~ocl<1:ill Tb:o"~f,110, ffuo f""""'>liv: 1.1 ,_trlod •• t<•Yo fi<hl ~!•r.> (;


l 1

GEIJ Chab1 of C.u~t9<ly 3i1d A.~ialytkal Re,q uest ~ :tSee \VWW,gel.~om,for GEL's:Siimpli,> A<;ceptuni,;e s~:>P"' ~

-.i.,~se~ ___ ..__ _____ ._ --..... ~ <:r.::.--.~.----~-----·. Prqj~~tfi;

· ._orii;: Q'yotclt' ·~--·-"""'~-,,...,.. .. __ ,_,_,.," .. _ ..

coc·Numhcr (It, GEI.;'W-01'k'Orc1lcr Numbef: l'O tl:imbc1:

. Gl!Lhbortitmib.~. I.LC!


(:lm_flcston,. SC :<9407

Phone: (a43J556·~17l ,Fitx: (1:'4'.l) iM.::t 178 l




1 · ). ~Cf 1:i bi r. f. (7\ :i1cdy_?\1.imbcr , • ~ Cfici1c. ! · .

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· · .Slwuld I · 1 !his . ' S;llllpfo·b~: ' r ~un•i~=~f 'I .-- . '!

I' .·S.trfij1~J!: ;i-sc.: i : .M~ul~· ·n.~1 A I

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C,f:.i.;. Labor.atciics, L LC

· 2040$ava,gc Road

'. <:1!m1esloll, SC :29·1Ci .. '· Phpr.c_;·(&43l Hu:s n1:

fox: 843' '166· l 1'18

;:';~-¥~- :.

_Proj~sl/Sitc Name: Shutild · 1

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c_· -·--·-----. ---, ... ~-------::~•··-----<

Ciiclc Deliverable': .C ofi\_ I QC Summ;at · !

llutc GEL PM;

,'J ' Mctltud of Siu 1111cnt:

2 Air!iillff:·

q;.("Ju1in a( Cv.;\1od:,.- N.11:-ihl" ~·-C:.Jlont pl!-t:n'nit1~,r

<;om111ents 'Nole: cKtni. sarnpfo is: 1eql;_ired'for·sam11!e


·-::) Qcc~1Ui N .. NQm~;;• ~r,b~pJ~- T!J.w.T!ip Hlanl-~;: r;n c;" l'.!tlrl 1>\:pll.f;!ttc,·RB·".l!q~·ir);' M.S c Mtiltt':'t Spi~o S!!tlJl!c. ·:.fSO ~-·li.!.,tt~J,S111kQ ~.l~tP.H~m~·Sti!1J°JlJo/G . .._'J!1.1b •. (~,n C•)l\•~t"i<Ji~c". l) ffi;(d·~:iituc-d; ti(Jr.iitl\..itl ~w~i~~~ i11d1~p\~ \\·1tl~.1 .. v.-~·fl}r ye:or; U1C-S1utipl,iw11:dl~l<i f.l7c.,J:li Dr .. ~ .... f<ipi~n~1,1e \';'IJ~;,,µ1.,;te1J.t1!.ti:in:~l - ' ' . - . c~1itrJtl\i·Si!al1r.tt1f't?. -4,} _ M,;ilri\: Cti,l·::i·. DW• v1·:nl:I?& ;W .. tcc;.9\y .. ~_Gr.~~~d\\ o'J!C.:r, .SWnSur-~3~·.: \v11~\!1,. W'\';.;.\\';;:!.fo·\ r''W.::-W .,'11f:J • MJ.~;_M1)t; l:f4)1~~: S~J:-Sl1:t.' S C>."".~·~dntna;;,:Sl0;"":i!tlt~;,~- Sfk·S~~;1~t W:a.J;!e.:·6:'"Cli!1 F~ Frh!!1, J1

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Pngc· -· ...... _, ___ of--·--·--.. --...


GELQuotc#· _ ......... -----·. CCC Number (II:

PO N1,1mber:

GEL Chain of Custody and Analytical Request "*See \V\ for GEL's Sample Acccp1'ance sopu

GEL Wm·k Orde1· Number:

Om. Lai>nmtnries, I.I .C

2040 S~1·"6c

Charloston, SC' :<~407

Phone· (843) 556-8171 Fax.: (843 J 766- l II~

Client Name: Pi:onc II· Sam pie Analysis Requested t5l (Fr II in 1hc nnmb~r of rnntamers for each lest)

Project/Site Name: Should

lhl• 1-----....,------------------------------------1 s•mpro lie

Address: cunsiderod

Collccrcd by: Scn<l Results To:

"'Tm'..e Ficld s~mr.!~ T.'iC:

l'oili:c:r~;.l Qr Fil tor<~ ~:11r1J Ri\dl A

1~111;ur)•J CCH(elll

'" I< Qil,tt R<&U ~blumu) re J:tt~d

Sample ID i. • Fm (;r'J1WJa.~ill'.~ - mdJc-..tlC' ,~1cu1 ur:J .-.1.fJI) claft.'1~ime

I\\. .. -~ I I L. f r- ~ 'r n I I o·:> '~ 5 , {> • T'; /( · • '1 ~'. c,1. fr. I'~ • •

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1z..(,; ()

JC'r o


I ~ I . I .•. t...... , • .,, :,,;

Comments Note: extra sample is required for sample

specific QC

TAT Rcoucs1ccl; Normal: Rush: S11cc1fv. {s.:,;.cr •• S•r<lm~<) I Fax Results Yes No Cirl:lC Dclivornbh" C of A I QC Sutmnary I Level I I Level 2 I Lt:vcl 3 I Lc>d ol!lhl~.ill!l11..Iiol. Zime Eastern Pacilio Ccniral 01hcr Mountain

Rp11arks: Ar~ rh_ere cmy known ha;;ar~s- applicab/('. to rhese ·:.~n~:es~ rS(I, P'.;t~·e list -~e:i,au'.rd.~ .Jitf_i\1.~\ !,~1 ;:_ i':> /,/\.. .)'1..i.·,;i-f,, - 4 l) :,Q ... ,i, ( .... 1 f-•1) ._.Lie: t••L......

Cb:ti11 of Custody Signnture.1 Sample Shil')ling and Dcliyery Details Ti inc D.alc Time


Dnte Shinucd·

2 2

3 3 Airbillll:

I.) Cbt;a C'll11:t.1'1y Nti~kt Ci:i~l'lt Jk11;rmrntd Fur Lafi Rf.!.cl'ivmg l)i;,.• Only 2) Ql" Cc;:!l~s· ~ • N\)n~Ml Sartpit!, TO.,. Tr:11 lllAnk, Fil .. r'ii:.ld DuplL.;•IC, ER .. t:.ql.ipn-'tr.a HJ:;n:k, ~fS = M:mi~ sr.:kc S:t:r.r.~. ~ISD ~ MHlru:: Sp:kc Duj\h.C::!lC S~11~plc. G ""'(Jra~. C' = l"3r.1pt:r'1~

3 J Field F'1hcr~d: fr;:1 l:qu~d h;,, 1r..c!;o;;;i::;~ \w1:;1,i - 'V - fer ye~ the ~01n1p:~ wa~ fo'.lld HiloT~d 01 -1' - for s:::.mpk \;;:a :1<:\ field IS!tcrcd Custm(}• Se(J.l lnMl'l? ·0 M..:.rnx t..""·'H.11.:~. 0\\'• Dril1k1ng \\.'Jl~r. G\\hGhit.r;~d·.Yakr, S\V 'SL:rfai.-.: W.il1·r, \\'W•·W~~t.:- \V .• ~o;c, \\".,,,.W~1-.:.,, :'VU.= M1~\'J . ..i:~1·:,d, SO·-:-S1.;1I, .')ll=-St:-llnn:::m, St.· 51u~,t: .. , SS·~~·lal \\'~~r~. c'J·..:(ljl, I•' r1lh.:L 1 r ·\\'11te. U· t.:r1:1.:., f.-.F·.:i!~~. :'f. ~1----)-'E_•S ____ ,~_·o ___ -1

S) S.w .. 1~li: AniJly:Hs. Ri:q:1ts.~~J A~::i!r1k;iJ u:c~hi:d rtq°Je~ted (le b'l60~. M10W74711A) 11s;ll ~~:i.;~hi=r cf ;:n;~i=i:~c~ pmvrtl~d fcncul!h (1.c: .• 1J'lrW - J, t:DJIJ!JtNJ:l4. - I) Crmler Temp. 6.) l'ros<r-0!1\'0T}I'<' ! 1,\- Uydrod1lorio l\<111, M • l'M10 J\<1rl,lili ~ Smliu"1 Hy,I"'"~' f>A ~ S..!f""G Au.I, AA • ,\"0101< '""~ llX • li'"l•'I<, ST • So.Jmm Tluc"lfa10, JI no r.10«1'""'" •< o~dz!I ·• ko•o f1olrl b!>o\; C


' • l'sge: ___ ,_ ··--·-- of -····---··.-.---- GEL Chain of Custody and Analytical Request OEl Labnr~tories, L l.C

Project#: <' 20<10 Savage Rt:ad

Gl!LQuutcfl **Sec for GEL's Sample Acceptance SOP**

Ch~r!es1011, SC 29407 .. ···--·····---··· " .. .. COC Nnmbcr {l 1: .... ... GEL Worlc Order Number: Phone: (843) 556-8171

l'ONmnhcr: Fox: (l\43l 76G-l J78

Client Name: Phone#· Samrk Analysis Rcq11cstcil (51 \f"rll in the number of conlamcrs for l!ildt 1esli

Pmjecu'Site Name: F.u. ff· Slioul~

• ... Prcsm:a!ivc Typo (6) 1!111 .ampl~~c

Addre,s: considcn~tl : I Com111enl8

Collected by: Send Results To: Note: extra ~ample i~

•n.~~l: C':·!l'<"i.~crl 'Time: Ficlu :ii<JL~tJk TSC: required for sample

f"oikt:h..\~ Q(' sp<!cific QC Sample ID (Mfllwy) {'adC' IU l~;ifrrd ~1.J•n.11, tl•di A

(mn1.-ild·~·~·} "' ·~ gacU R<!J;;U • Fr11· c.·mrUH'JSir(''( - m<licclf(! srurt .,:~d .o:Jm; dLllC/fhll(/ (hhnm1) .. l:t(r.d J~r GI

'S.J..1~.1(._\, \ l2h-s-/iS' $ .). .i.3>-i'Z- I ), tz,Ji )/1< S.-.>..6 ~z 1-J IV I r/r) ~. "d>· e. I(. I _(i 2..l 1 \Ji~

=I ·- ). ' 6. (l.. :u 11.../1 ,;,, ~ .. f---------- -

$ .J., ~JC J..J. 11.1~/1') ----·

~ . :1. ':.> ,.··:. ·~.K- ').1 f Z.,/ 1 ~--11 S'

'S.).. f) _{(. ).4 iti,511< S.-;;..R ~ J, <::' 12.) 1..r ·-~ - ........ I~

«: ~ ,.._)._ -K· ).l.,J 1?.,)1sl< i TA·r Rt11ucsted: Norma\: Rush: Sllccify: {S,1b:cJc1 to. Surd1 .. 11:eoJ t F.nx Rcsultt.. \"cs I Nll Cirdc Deliverable: (' of A I DC: Sutrunary l LQvcl I I Level 2 I Level J I I.o~cl 4

Rema1·/l.s.· A1·t' th~rf! any known /Jazarti.1· appli~able to 1/l~se .rnmpk.1·? l/.1·0, please fo·t rhe hazard~ fulmri.h: ... C2llecri1,n Iirni: Zna~. E<>Stcm Pacific Ccntrn\ Oihcr --·---·-Mountain

Cbaiu of Custody Signatures Sample Shipp In~ :md Deli'l'ery Details Rchoqmsl1cJ ll} tS1gnc<l) Pote Time RcccivcJ by (sill"'J) D;iic. Time


1 1 Moibud ot'Shi1nncn1· D~!c Shinoed.

2 2 Airb1ll#:

] 3 Aitbill #: t ) ( li:M1 of Cu.t,;tO:.i)I 'Nu,1bcr..:. (.'l1t1U Dch::111~1ocd

f-(;1· Lah R~ceMllg v\·e Only 2.) QC: C:odo• :I\' .... N''lrm~I Sur.ple. TB., rr~p tl;l:t"lk, PD -r1.:ild D\iplrc.-i1c. fi:ll '- f.,1mr1m:T1l Dldk, \IS~ Mr.1th SJ!-:kl'.! S~mplc, \f8ll = ,\f:dm: Spike t;)1ipl!U'c !)~1r.plc, G.,. Cifilb •. C = f°(!r':1pG·rnc

) } Fn~ld F1~tetl!<i: ~-or ll~·.i~d J!"'.:Alnc<:s. ind,c~!c ~vltk n - Y - fi>ryc.i. lh'J sall~p:.! \"-0:~ lii:::d fi~lcr~.~ l:ir - ~ .. fer s~r.1~:c W;J..,'i m:n l"fc:ld Cil1crozd. Crwad_r, Seal hrw£'1? ·I) M~:n~ C1•di:..,: ow~ 01mk1!11; \.IJ:d.~t, G\V ·Gr.,1•;~alw.1t<.•t, S\.V··StHf':i.i::~ W·.J~J, WW"WD.i;ti:: Wtl~i:1. w··\\'21~r. Mt=·!\.h!t: Llq!:al SO,,.S1.:1). SD-=Si.:1 . .hm~1Jt,SL·;Sh.11lg;;, SS ·~ol1tl Wils,;;,.0=··01i, li ·ft]:<'.;, I• ·\'ti]...:, 1J . .,.·t.~rnl;,,\ f ··r'''.1,1., N · • rES NO ~-l So:ripli: tit?.:dy:t~s Hcqi~~li;d: AnalyUC"al ·lic<hqJ rcq·.:ic::1!cd (1.c !fl60D. 60IOH17-'1-0A.l !Ji.ti :1~1;1.!~1 crr,.,,•,1•Hr:~ri;: pnh·:l!e:d r<Jl cm .. ~ (t I! .~]l'JfJD -3. i1lJ)l1lJ11471J.4 -1} CnolaTemp r;) P1~M!rvAti~·c TYJJe: UA-. ByL[rJcl1li?ri1; Ac~;_I, Nl .. Ni!ru: Ac:1cl. SH ... StJd:t;;n lt)·,rrc1'.i:t.::. SA :.a S:,lf;mc. A~?rl, AA- As;:-c-rbit" Ac1~. u,:,, "'He:-t;;inc, :.-r"' ;i:cnlu;m 'Tllinmlfon:. Jf 1w prtsc:r~?-•lV'! ii :u~~!td ..,. lcvve: ri:.-:M b'or;k c


App E-Sub-Area 5.2 - Field Survey Checklists


The MJW Companies

GPS Field Survey Checklist

The following field survey checklist is used once the survey team has walked to the location that they will begin a GPS survey. This checklist is intended t.o verify none of the cables or settings changed or

cables came loose between the initial setup location and the field survey location. Complete step 9 once the current walkover segment is complete


1. _._;2__verify the Ludlum Meter is in Rate mode

2. . Yr;; Verify that the Ludlum Meter 1s Jlternating display of "DUP" and "Value"

I . .- ;

3. < .l J '', Set Menu 1 to "Status" cind Menu 2 to "Receiver" I,

4. <·(1) Verify that Antenna ~tatP.~ "External"

5. I·· Set Menu 1 to "Data"

.-\ I'

6. <.j/·> Name a file to start the current·survey and start the data logger

~ ... ~ - ! i ! . .. . ( .. Filename·-··-·-· -·-------·::.-.. .:.::..:.. ... -'-···-·--·-·-- __ _

·' /' .,

7. _.-...::.......V·i__ Set Menu 1 to "Status" and Menu z to "Sensor''

8. _.-_·· +-<·£'--'?~·-·._Verify that the sensor field 1s re;iding the same as the display on the Ludlum i,

/.( ,(

9. ~..:.?__ .. _When finished, set Menu 1 to "D<ita" and close the current file.

4. '/ .... u !~:?~ Name: · .J ... · · ··· · ·- J -----· ······-····-· . __ ···········- Date:


)tPttUk· -rv /{' 1~-W\l W~









The MJW Companies

GPS fnitiaJ Setup Checklist

___ tL'--_· Complete ~ource check of Ludlum Meter ·


_· i/_ Connect the Serial lntetface ~lddpter (SIA) to the Trimble Unit

~-Connect the Serldl Ldblr~ tu tht: Ludlum rv1Pter

7 Connect the 5t!rial t:abl!! to the Tnnible SIA

~Connect external GPS antenfh1 Luble to tile Trimble

7 Powe1 on Ludlum Meter to Rate mode


9. / V "' ;1y thatthe l.u d lum Mdec h altematlng<f<;play of "DUP" '"d "Valoe" I ~ Powe• on the "fnmbleond wo;t fodtto wmp1"1ely boot /:f I will AUff ~ f'1 10.

11. '- I Launch TerraSync and wait for •t to load and <icqurre satellite~

12_ \) Set Menu 1 to "Statu~'' and ivknu .l to 'r~eceiver''

13. __ J_ _Verify that Antenna state!> ·•External'··

14. __ .J"'--·-/_ Set Menu 1 to "Data·

1s: _ __:)____Name a test file CJnd ·start the data logger

j 6_ _J __ Set Menu i to "Status" and Menu 2 to "S!:!n.sor"

J' 17. ___ _ Verify that the !>ensor field rs rE:adi11g the .;ame as the di.splay on the Ludlum

18. ---- Set Menu 1 to "Data'' and do~<' the current file.

c.: ·1 ---Name: __ _ Date:

,.,,/' ( 7". s ---·---·---

y-., -'5! ~

..... __ ...

The MJW Companies

GPS Field Survey Checklist

The following field survey checklist is used once the survey team has walked to the location that they

wiH begin a GPS survey. This chet::k!ist is intended to wrify none of the cables or settings changed or

cables came loose between the initial setup location and the field survey location. Complete step 9 once the current walkover segment is complete.


1. .' ·; ') Verify the Ludlum Meter is in Rat1~ mode

!'. ·) 2. ~ '.~) Verify that the Ludlum Meter lb alternatrng di~p!ay of "DUP'' and "Value"





,. q, I"/ Set Menu 1 to "Status" and Menu 2 to "Hectiver"

J ()

q ._:.;, Verify that Antenna state~ "External"

( i .< Set Menu 1 to "Data" ·. 7

/. ·':b NCJme a file to .start thu current :.urvey. and start the data logger (1 r

b~ ... I """ . (• ··~ - . ..... Filename:__/~'-~--=--·--~· .. __ :!._ __ -·--·---·--

.-1 /'> q_. j S- I ') 1

.,, \\ .. .._

7. L ;6·:, Set Menu 1 to "Status" and fvknu 2 to ·'sensor" ;··

. - ' r I ( . " I > j

.· ." {' ~ ..... ·./,. . ' . . ! , -~Verify that the ~ensar field 1s rea<l•ng tht' Same as the drsplay on the Ludlum 8.

.-··': /~~

9. """" .. ··~- !/ When finished, set Menu 1 to "Data" and close the current file.·

Name: Date: t I c· /- , 7.., I \.L!._._ ...










The MJW Companies

GPS Initial Setup Checklist

-~/_·_'_Complete source check of Ludlum Meter

-~/ __ Power off Ludlum lvlcter

__ / __ ··_Verify Trimble is shutdown (not in suspend mode)

__ / __ Connect the Serial Interlace Adapter (SIA) to the Trimble Unit

/' Connect the Serial cable to the Ludlum Meter

__ / __ Connect the Serial cable to the Trimble SIA

---'/'----Connect external GPS antenna cable to the Trimble

~, Power on Ludlum Meter to Rate mode

/" 9. Verify that the Ludlum rvletE>r i<, alternating display of "DUP" and "Value'-'

10. ~Power on the Trimble and. wait for it to completely boot

11. _L Launch TerraSync and wait for it to load and acquiro satellites

12. __ Let Menu 1 to "Status" and Menu 2 to "Receiver''

13. i4ify that Antenna '1atos "htemor·

14. ~ Set Menu 1 to "Data'' ,,,,.-· V Name a test file and ~tart th~ data loggPr 15.

//' 16. ____ Set Menu 1 to "Status" and Menu 2 to "Sen~•or"



~,~Verify that the sensor field is reading tlH? same a:; the di.> play on the Ludlum

/ Set Menu 1 to ''Data'' and close the current file.

Date: /A·/5·/S­&J:z;~

./ .·. ' ...

App E-Sub-Area 5.2 - Instrument Field Sheets


. \ .;,


Instrument Field Response Check Log

1. Instrument lnformation1

/ . _ f"""''-d-..?f !_ J Ratemeter: Make/Model: c-vJlf f-v Detector l: Make/Model: L._,)fr.1tc 4''/~1 t:S

Bicron MicroRem Meter:

Serial No . .POGtY1~ Serial No. 'Pt?..//,;)..6'f :L. Serial No. ft./ ff 7

2. Check Source Information: Source 1 Isotope:~ ·)52 Serial No.: l (I Activity: .:::0. I units:· 1vt:.!

Cal. Due Date: 0 ,Yo Jj/ G

Cal. Due Date: cC/t~f/ G.

Response Acceptance Range (+/-20%): uRem/ht +20% ~-·- uRem/hr -20% __ _ Assay Date:¥.<S net cpm + 20 01?"1 ?$? net cpm -20% 3S'Y ~

Source 2 lsotope(5j.>7 Serial No.: uq6p-/;2.- Activity: o. o;... units~(:.· Assay Date; Nk Response Acceptance Range ( +/-20%): uRem/hr +20% ~~- uRem/hr -20% ___ · net cpm + 20% 15 275' net cpm -20% ~'T'-f1

3. Technician/Worker Performing Checks: Name: _'"");£J}..,.,;.,·.j)~ ['{'f


4. Site or Location: Slte/Job:.__..~---1--'-......... """"'--'-~"-"--,,..­GPS Coordinates (when required): I _,,.: . I

Instrument Field Response2 Use Acceptance Criteria Remarks

Rev 110/18/15

Meter Bkg Bkg Counts Source Source Response +/-20% Cnt (cpm) or Cnt (gross cpm or source

Inst. Battery Calib. Check

Time Of

Ambient . Temp.

Initials and Comments (add'! Info: inst. Condition, etc.}

Time uRem/hr} Time uRem/hr) gross cpm current (Y/N) check (cF) or uRem/hr (Y/N)


Rate meter Ratemeter





Bier on NA Bicron NA Bicron NA

1. 2 •

l. 1.nformation1

Ra.temPter: Ma~:e/Modal: rctector l: Make/Model: Sicron MfcroRem Metar:

2. ~hec.k SOfilC~ lnfoil'IJ.i!tion:

lnstrum~iefd Respon.'7e Check Log

LUDLUM 22Ll1.::J __ LUDLUM 44.:::...lO •.. ____ ,

Serial No ...2.62nL_ 5eda! No. _.f'..R 111127 Serial r~o. -6.i2~4=U,___

Cal. Due Date: ....9.L211.6

Cal. Due Date: 8/4/16

So~1rce 1 lsotope'. Ib::m_S<'.!rlal ;110.: JJ.6 Activity: .~0.!...L ... units: .l.\!;i .• }J..ssay Date: .12/..3-Q/10

Rev 110/18/15

R.eo;pc.m!>E' Acu:dHrKP Range h/.·20%): uRfm1/hr +20% ... -·--·-- L(P.i'm/h~ ·2.09·:. __ ---· net cprn + ~0?1i_l2926 f1t•t cpm -20% 15284

S:n:rce J lsot(lP•'!: .. C~.:-.l.3.Z ... Serial Ne.: ..... 82E13"o1.3 ....... Activity: Jl.D..2...._ ___ ;..;nits: .JJ.ti...:.. Assay !)c;!o?: .lil.DbO Re<;pM::e .£..c-cert3rKc Ranee ( .i./-20%) uRem/hr -1-20% ___ uRmn/hr .2.Qq{ -·- ...... • net cp:T1 + ;:0% . .lillS__ nr:·, com -;?.OW, ... 8819

3. Techi:ilfJS!.t!LW..;;i.r~gr Performing Checks: Na r-:11! :~']f:;__y_'~'.-... Aj ·:".'..~,~'.::'.'. Title: k"'' -r -'-~·-· ····--· ...... -·- ·-· ...

4 ,!!l~i;:..q.r.1-oc;,!!t_i~rr S:le/lob·_S• 2 .... ----~·· ·---- .......... ··-~ to.:.::ition Dr.·cr:r!plir:f~·_woDO_.S"'-------GPS C.::ort.iir1ifl1~~ (wh~n.n'quired}: ll.-CoorO._..l~t!:i.Z~ ;,i~ 3£1...,_li'.: __ · __ Y·Cnord·~..'.'.~~.J.~-·-·

·---,----In$!. ; Batten,1

Calib. ' Check current (Y/N)

(Y/N} ctieci·:

-·----.~·~.~~"·· .. ·~-·-.......... -~"-'. Remarks

· initials and Comments [i!dd'> r11ro: lnS'I. C:ooditiM, etc.)

...... _::;:


·---~-----~-1 ...... -·"f



'Instrument Field Response Check log

1. Instrument lnformationl Cal. Due Date: D 7J=1;/ C Ratemeter: Make/Model:

Detector 1: Make/Model: Blcron MlcroRem Meter:

Serial No. riX>C.01~ Serial No. ?/c//;;z..,;_.:r2 ·Serial No.----- Cal. Due .Date: __ _

2. Check Source Information: Source 1 Isotope: -f7'.-.J.).L-5erial No.: J { \ Activity: 0 · \ units:/LC,· Assay Date:~/~a Response Acceptance Range (+/-20%): uRem/hr +20% ___ uRem/hr -20% net cpm + 20% ?If: net cpm -20% 3'~ ~(:.

Source 2 Isotope: LsJ 57 Serial No.: ) l~f .::>'3 ·-fA Activity: 6. 6~ units:;u(; Assay Date: &__ Response Acceptance Range (+/-20%): uRem/hr +20% ___ uRem/hr -20% ___ net cpm + 20%1~)7 ~ net cpm -20% <G[{4 7

3. Checks: Title: -~f2<-=--<::"_'-r __ _

4. Site or Location: Site/Job: A,,-,..,, £). GPS Coordinates (when requlred):. X-Coord: NW 0 3/ 'Z;6S"J"

location Description: ____ ""'w,,,_,,,,,_,-c""c"'(/.---"-5 ____ _

Y-Coord: W 2f.,5J? "if/. 7"7 '? '"'

Instrument Field Response2 Use Acceptance Criteria Remarks

Rev 110/18/15

Meter Bkg Bkg Counts Source Source Response +/-20% Cnt (cpm) or Cnt (gross cpm or source

Inst Battery Ca lib. Check

Time Of

Ambient Temp.

Initials and Comments (add'l Info: inst. Condition, etc.)

Time uRem/hr) Time uRem/hr) gross cpm current (Y/N) check {oF)

or uRem/hr (Y/N) (Y/N)


Ratemeter ().....·

Ratemeter ."\I'

Rate meter

Ratemeter Rate meter Bicron Bicron

') Bicron 1. Instrument designated check source is listed on calibration sticker. Record check source response (net cprn) prior to field deployment for all check sources being used. 2. Source and Background count rate should be deterrnlned from the average of three static counts at the same location. Repeat counts should be within 20%. if count rate diverges

significantly, perform additional counts to evaluate instrument stability

App E-Sub-Area 5.2 - Sample Data Sheets


Date:~~_(r:;- Project _ _ll'~SC{~.0.~ ·---··-

Weather: ck .. c.\~'4-?-~-'-'V""'·c..._. 0

...... )'-----

1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation: S--~ ··--···-·-·· Description:--''._."""·.J_•:ir_'~_ .. "_)_\ _i.~_: __ _ SA Origin Location: ____ ---·····-·-·-·- Coord. System:-----SA Land .Mark Description: Coord: ·

-~--· ~--

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID:-=~~: f\. ((. ! Matrix: S,r:: t_,_ Location Coord: ~ )' .,, I 1 1. ~I_," /J _J_'"l .. '-;'(, '_l.) <-/ r~; ,, L )

Alternate Location Measurements (distance fi-om SA origin and Local Coord.) X Dist. from Origin (0.0) Y Dist. from Origin: ___ _

Slte Sketch Attached (Yes) A I I . I '

Sample Location Description:_ {\uJ q1'--'"n~ >··u",1-L +rn. ', Jl,.r:i 9vc~1r.d ur,J"d.1 JUJuc'l Po: l.~ S ·) ( c ! ."•J-1·· ;> _ _. • .{_

Canopy Typ~'. In~· .:i.L\ '·\ r. 'i >.-, Land Use: _b, b r~±L__. __ Soil Moisture (Wet, dry, etc.): ~-"'t 1 •. , \: 1·v.+\ ,_, ~·~·•'"" -:.:J...J,."-7"-·L \

3. Location Radiation Readin11:s: ---------,,----------------~

2x2 Nal Bicron Notes (cpm) (uRem/hr)

4. Sample Informatiri.n:

D b D escnpfion 1y ept.1: -·-Deptlz Soil Type Soil Sample ID Sampli11g Description .

Interval (Org; clay; Color (Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention, (cm) sand, etc.) . refusal, s!one or rock, t~graphy, erosion features)

c-~$ f'~<>:l ,\ .... ~ b..: .. >- ~--~. -1\.K r ! i-~. ., r;;:;-J-..> f-----·-· -+-=

' ~. J • .4.,<,. -,·~-t). '.>(' """?~ .. , l f;·).'.-,,,1• ..... .c·,....i ( ... ~ "'------·· ... ".)c, (,C• ~ .r • <, ~ ~ ~3'-l~J ' 5.J. ~1- 1?. r.:; .{:, (" ~- .. :-!--5 l '~: .. _ _,,,,....,,

Li;· J d ""~ -t ,.,;..~_"::. ·,_ fs_~"itl j. .. ,:.'· ..... i..-. r ;I. ti--*~·;' rt.~'c r:. ::t J ,,

=-- ·=r------- ·---·-1----·--·- ······ _,. ____ ---

-Sample R~corded on Laboratory COC form and Container Labeled:(® (N)


Date: I L\1~ \,-:;- Project: [\I~ ")GR. P·-A .. ·---


Name: ~ (~l"Ot."'l')

1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation: _S_. ~J._·A ____ _ Description: lA,c,:.-:.J_,J_-~(at'-.·--- ___ _ SA Origin Location: Coord. System: _.,.__.... __ _

Coo rd: SA Land lvfark Description: ------

2. Sample Location Data:

Sampk: Area ID: .. 'S. J. .-4 ... ~(. J-. Matrix: ~i { --·--Location Coard: ~ "'": ~I ' ·1 . :.:, '' f .j

Alternate Location Measurements {distance fi-om SA origin and Loca! Coord.) X Dist. from Origin (0,0) Y Dist. from Origin:~---

Site Sketch Attached

Sample Location Description: ~\C\.+3.,•" ,"'.lor•1t +c~.•.'. i:i-vrl ht=.,,~<.( 1;.f•.:J·). ~-:=;;A. h:''..i•'.'> ( c':,~ "~.!)

Canopy Type: '="P.~-,,JJ...,, L"('I? Land Use: h.k:•2.j.. .. ;;,.i"C. __ Soil Moisture (Wet, dI)', etc.):~fr:~ hlk1

1 ~ "-i'll'? '

\ ' 3. Location Radiation Readings:

1- .. 2x2 NaI Bicron Notes (cpm) (uRem/hr)


.. Count time lcm :I Im lm

(min) . =-··-. ... - -~-~·

=·~ C, =-='=~ .. ~- ,·~-··~ ..

·. (),,~~-:." fL-~1(.1~(""" :if-14''(1 --(~! rl11,• ! 11i~ ":t3~~ 4 i,,111

I "t'f·G~ "=f'-l~'-i L~I_,,.,,, "'1..-l 4 !- 2._'lt LO!,,ti'-lli --. ··-------·-'--··--~··-·-·· ' ..... _,_J__ 1#~ .. 1+11\ 'i"tih.!. ~'/~ re:'-11- l['ZC'l "- ( LfJ cl.u ....

H·f1t~ 4. Sample Information: Sample Area ID: ) . ;;t. -A.-((. . ). I - (,_. _

D •tt bDtl escnp on lY ep l: Depth Soi/Type Soil Sample JD Sampling Description

Interval (Org; clay; Color (Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention, (cm) sand, etc.) .. _ _refusal, stone or rock, toposraphy, erosion features)

c·-:<;° ~1- ~.~-t r,,,_""\ S. }. t't IZ. J, I ~L,,_.•O,,_;.". . ~r •. ---f-l:· .

b,o.,,~ ~~ . .) . fl- 1( j ~-~-- +~:....--!.-0.~' I~ • _,,. 1.t-'-~:<-· ··. y. bl -~~<>.\ li~A+ b~'" 'I ') . ~..I . A- . I( . j 3 I !.-IGN_ ,~:=..?- ........ _ l:f; I l'~• +~~· \?1l." c·I \1~A~ b~"'"'' ~ s-. J,. I+ ((_ . ;., ~ t\lu: ~ r-c-ts <.6(~"t. l !-(~€.

_· .(,._,, ' J c i'c, ~_J_ tl<>~~.b"-'...H'": s. :i.. /+ t<. ~s ( rJ·-L5_._ . . -- s ,;',.\. ~·.f .,~t.,-IS- ~o -\-<.~:;·, r .. br-.:.·~.i.""1 .C:?.-.s.J n;:;-k

--·-· <

Sample Recorded oo Laboratory COC form and Container Labeled: (~ (N)


/ ,,,,


Weather· .,~,l'M--c-~-!.l..~)l/'.l_~_-_:§9~·~--

1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation: --~.._A,__ __


Description: W ood_..,___s ~---~--SA Origin Location: _____ -·-·-·--·- Coord. System: ___ _

SA Land Mark Description: -·· Coord:

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID:_. 6, <..B ,ll..,3 __ Matrix: _s.ii~l-

Locaticm Coord: .N.Y...2"~L.b.~- c,. ,..... __ _

Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coord.) X Dist from Origin (0.0)_ N !A ·-· Y Dist. from Origin: N f A

f I

Site Sketch Attached {Yes) ®J Sample Location Description: \iJ e;.c.:;J~t-l.G,111.e, ke_s~. le.o,...JL.5

Can~py Type: ---°fei+---·--Land llse: ~L\~,Yl-)·--- Soil Moisture (V/et, dry, etc.).~--··...... . . ,

3. Location Radiation Readings: r·······--·- 2~p~;r ···---·r (u~~:~r) -·---- Notes

4. Sample Information: Sample Area JD: '5, 2A ,R..3. l·I

Depth \ Soil Type Sqil Sample ID ! . Sampli1lg Description ~ Interval . (Org; clay; Color _ [ (~urface litter type/depth, sample dept~ retention, -:-(cm) l~and, et~.) I _ . ______ , ren~~al, stone _c:r rock, topograph)'., erosmn features)

0- 1-... i.-SQ\\ ~:&~ S.~J.\...:~~.~lv__,_l~fr-+------------------., ;: "f-"'~- \~j~~<A~u_.:s __ l-+·-v-c ___ ~_s_":'1-_-_~_~_J._. ----------l r------~--·-_______ J_ __ ----------+-· .. --- ---·-r···---······--+-·------ __J --··-----+---~~------! c~=t-- -- --·i ----- ----·------i __ -·_--_·_ -_--_---=----_-....,,..:;--~-=-=-=======~

Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC form and Container Labeled:@ (N)



Date: .JJ-.t_l-:l_f __ Project:_ N Y51;1?J)fL__ _______ _ "' ' ---, . ;-.:ame: on

~ ~"' Weather: _(_Q-~_v....fl'°-¥-,£.····---

1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designarion: ~,"2,.._f\_____________ Description: ~._,o"'-'-,;,d""'· ::..'"">----------SA Origin Location: ---~·---· _ ___ ____ Coord_ System: ____ _

SA Land Afm-k Description:-----··---··-····---- ·Coord:

2. Sample Location Data:

Sampl~ Area ID: __ _§•kfh i<-.'..':f__ Mai:rix: ---S~--~ .... Location Coord'. NLh• ~-·' Di...t.-'1 1 .... -~~.L~---

Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coord_) X Dist. from Origin (0.0)__}.,!_Ji\__ Y Dist_ from Origin: · N /A

Site Sketch Attached (Yes) @ Sample Location Description: Woo~S. ; \lt'.:l'j \19ht bri tiV\ l t:vJfL ~, L~(I,,...{' S

~~)~~~--~~~~-~:~~*~ __ Land Use .. Hi'JGvic.J __ Soil Moi~ture (Wet, di).

3. Location llildiation Readjngs: 2x2 NaI e Bicron (cpm) {uRem/hr} r- Notes

4. Sample Information: Sample Area ID: £ 2..8 . "K. Y. 1- Z.

Soil I Sample ID_ .... i Sampling Description ····1 · . ~ {Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention, I

·-~-'----'-----'---+-----+-····-_______ J r~fu.sal, stone or roe~. topOPE:£~...L.C;rosion features)

~-----"---+-=:::c=->i'--'-i __ ---l""' ·-=-----'1-5_. _·<.._;..A .iL. J·LL __ ~faru · $..L""' ~ , w- ~......... ·..J· ..-uc

E~---· · t ~4(,)..\\ , l..1C\. •. , j, l.. I '.'.rnc.\\_~_.1;.~i ~..,.. ~--------i

~=t=~~__._____J __ ___,____·-· ····-~---------+-~-----~:·.-.~---~. ---·--~--··_·-~---l ~-----'--~---'-----'------··-·L---- -----·----,"--H-...,-,----------'

Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC form and Container Labeled: (Y (N)



Da1e: .t.f...:ll:~1 ~ _ Project:-· N ysg_~fi_. -··- ··-· -... . ·-u. L~ ~ame: Jo~. ~~->-----..~-

Weather· _C~~_. _ __s__~ll%-·.2Q"'r~

1. Sample An~a (SA):

SA Designaiion: ~...'._2.,_'B..__ ___ .. --·-· Description: __ W_'_o_w_~-~--------SA Origin Location: ~-·--··-·--·- .-----~ Coord. System: ____ _ SA Land Mark Description:---------·--·---·-·~- Coord:

2. Sampk Location Data:

Sample Area lD: .. E, . 2.A .i<..!_ S Matrix: .. S..o.·;_ .\ __ _

Location Coon:i: _t.l 'f2."'i$f_2.l,;,,. ":ll.... --tcl 7 if" '5"~' ·n. L ___ _ Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coord) X Dist. from Origin (0,0) N/A Y Dist. rrom Origin: NI A

' Site Sketch Attached (Yes) ~

Srunp le Location Description: __5..c..? \ i N/ t· . 1c.~5 .r__ fr..,y !. , '.°)

Canopy Type: __ &p..en__ ___ Land Use: lli~·-'!'.L~- Soil Moisture·{\Vet, dry,

etc.): \>.0:j ..... ..... ---·

3_'. __ Loc~tion Radiation Readings: - ... ·-····-·-2x2 NaT ~ Bicron --r.-------N-o-t-es-----~

(cpm) G (uRem/hr)

4. Sample Information:,._ Sample Area JD: f;. 'l.(\. R.. 'ii . 1~2



Date: .lZ ~J1_-1£__ Project ____b!_Y.§_~-~-r Weather· (V.. \V'I>. SO(lD¥-f· .S.:-0 •' ______ _

1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation: 15'. ·2 <:l_. ·-· .. ,, ___ .. D . . \J~$ . escnpt10n: ----------~--

SA Origin Location: Coord. System: SA Land lvfa;·k Description: _____ , ___ _ Coord:

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample A.rea ID:_'§_. U~. ll- .. 1=:> __ Matrix: fu_;J_. __ .-

Location Coord: ··· IIY.-1~ ~~,,_~....::.2....i.::'1·_i __ _

Alternate Lrn~ation Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coord..) X Dist. from Origin (0,0)_-11.JA_. __ ).- Dist. from Origin: ~A-

Site Sketch Attached (Yes) @D Sample Location Description: ~a.J \-e.£. 51 m•'l \,'y J-, el l::wv s""-h41__,U~t~""vr"'-'-··_,s'-------'--

;t~)~Pg-:e.: .. ~ __ Land Use: --11'..k:J--- Soil Moistur~ (Wet, dry.

3. Location Radfation Readinus: ····--"-

2x2 Naf Bicron Notes (c m) (uR:emfhr)

4. S:implc Information: Sample Area ID: S. 2-'A. R. u. 1-2.

Soil Sample JD-·T . Sampling Description Co/qr . ±1

(Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention, _,,____.__-1--~'-----'---I--~ . __ ,,__ refusal, stone or rook, topography, erosion features)

~ S"' a~!.)~~J.."\- \t.~ .. ~:~ .... JQw...:t ~_)r.1,l-1+- t-vt:-• hd rec

1$" <3u~~:_)__f.~~-+:l~\,.\-b.1:>.-~ . 2..A .~...::-~~.:Z:+;9w'-\.'- ~--c;'\S 1 rp'-\C.'7--------·--------i

~~>---- -1-----+--

----· -· ,_ ______ ... " ....... ·"-·~ -+-.. -·-............ -- - ..... _,, ___ ,, ... - -·-- _,, ____ _

·---!"···-- .. •·-··----·--------

'-------'-------'-~---'--------.l----~---~.:,.----------Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC form and Container Labeled: (Y (N)



Date: _ fl.~ lJ.- !£_ Project: ___ bl_.YQ.f:.IDA__ ____ _


1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation: ----~A -·-- -·---~----·­SA Origin Location: --·---

Description: -----'\,J'-"1


Coord. System: ____ _

SA Land Mark Description: -----·---~---··· ····-- Coo rd:

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID: .... -~2..A.. ?::l_ J\fatrix: __ ;>o..\ . .:.. ..... Location Coord: tJ L/2. 0 31' 05" , '} ""

Alternate Location Measurements {distance fi-om SA origh1 and Local Coard_) X Dist. from Origin (0,0} N /A Y Dist. from Origin: N f A


Site Sketch Attached (Yes) 610, Sample Location Description:

Canopy Type: .:_~~-----Land Use: _h_:_~\/\,T __ Soil Moisture (Wet, dry, etc.): __ ~----·- __ _

3: ·-Lo~ation Radiation Readings: 2x2 NaJ I Bicron


Notes (cpm) (uRem/hr)

4. Sample Information: Sample Area ID: ~ . LA . R. l . l - l.

Descnption by Depth: --~------·-·~·-----------------! Depth l Soil Type Sample ID \ Samp/illg Description · · -~,

I Interval (Org; clay; I l Surface litter type/depth, sample depth r~temion, (cm) I sand, etc.) t refusal, S!~~~ _o!_rock, topogra£!!y, erosion features)

:0-1s .L~--\ \~~+-------+--5_:__21~ ~.1.~ _ _ l'jJf!:.____ ___ --------~ i'S"-~o I~\ l(Oo<..~ '5 .z.f\. ll...'"1. 2- ! fl...t) __________________ --i

Fi~..--± -------·-=--+--·-·---···-_-·---~------I r-· -t ·-·+··-----·---.L+-_··.-·-··------·---·-~---------1

L.···-·-···-~----~ Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC form and Containm· Labeled: @jN)



Date: { l..i:"-j.1 "' Project: _ ll i "·, t !__ .. 0 4. .. __ --·--Weather: [Aj ",..~ , u '?" ·~ e.r .. l/ {; S

1. Sample Arca (SA):

SA Designation: S": ~ G~-----··. Description: _ __l_(J,~a-0-o-'-':J_~J._·. ~· _/rrf'-"-'·------SA Origin Location: . ---·· -·--- Coord. System: ____ _

SA Land Mark Description: __ ·---·---·---- Coord;

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID: ':( . ·J,. r~. ~·I Matrix: ja. / ·-

Location Coard: L.\_-;l" s I'. '5--. t1J ,. /) 1 '?."' •: "",:; .•. 4 LI • .. ; I ) -· ·~ .; " ,J. . .r- l .. • ·,

Alternate Location Measurements (distance &om SA origin and Local Coord.) X Dist. from Origin {0,0)_____ Y Dist from Origin: ___ _

Site Sketch Attached (Yes)

Sample Locatlon Description:

@_°]) -{..~f !ll-~-o:l 1'Ji~.~"H-.t"~t\. ...... d~;d b0,vt5 { < i~J.r•~J.)

j ' • '

Canopy Type:-s\1~W..(.'1 C:.f•"\J..,

etc.):--'1U.:!'!~.--Land Use: ~.1 1 ~'; : •• , _ ;+L- Soil Moisture (Wet. dry,

3. Location Radiation Readino-s: 2x1 Na! Bicron Notes (cpm) (uRem/hr)

4. Sample Information: r - ? ,, I f .1 Sample Area JD: ::; . .,\. L>. IC . - r

Description by Depth: ,.------~---,.-~---''"---..,-----,---- -·- .... --... --~-·

Depth Sail Type Soil Sample JD Sampling Description Interval {Org; clay; Color (Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention,

(cm) sand, et?~·)--+------t--.........,.--_,___+-----r_efi __ u __ sa_l, ~tone or rock, t?EQ_~hy, erosion features) C .'; +--\-_,, ... ,_.~,~-~1 _l __ .,._r~lo~.-k b.,_ ~:. j. t?L I(. I ._l_fl __________________ ___,

i, ~) ' ~t· + ~ns~ ! ~ _,.d=.i.~~)_i.. l~"'-" ·_......."'_~~~· ~~~ ._{)_,_~'._! ·--~-· +--,:~·Q._-..~,.· J...L.~ :1 ----------------! ··· •'1 J. I I . ~. ,.· •. ·.t~.".' 17. .{ '.·: ··"·· .-....I-::?.~().l'\[1 r..~ ... ;~ ·:J ' ,_ ·- . ' ~ .... "":" '·

I~'- .. : j".:• -.-~i''' I ,:4i'C{ b._..... 5 . .:;. . (?, ((. /. •.f . "c '.,,.~ .. -' . --------------4 i-------- .- - ---------le----+------·-··..._..,, ___ .,_ ·--- --------------!

--+----...,1---- ----..-----...... ·······-·----------------~_,

'·sample. Recorded on Laboratory COC form and Container Labeled:,t(Y}) (N)


.~~ ~JI.»



Date: 11.,( rdr ) Weather: U•l"'A'l.n,.1.;1..1 ll]/;;.r-Ltu's

1. Sample Arca (SA):

SA Designation: --~-·~d.~(3,~---~

Name: :J". <3101 ......... I

Description: ~~/1.d, {d SA Origin Location: Coard. System: ____ _

SA Land l!vfark Description:--------- Coord:

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area JD: S. J. · 13,. fZ.. ;i, Matrix: _ So; !

Location Coord: Y:i· ·~!' L/. L, 1" M __ 1J~1-. :.1 r. )'-! ,, LJ

Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Loca[ Coard.) X Dist. from Origin (0,0) Y Dist. from Origin: ___ _

Site Sketch Attached (Yes)~ '.

Sample Location Description: .(] n...-f- ~·'~.·irl 'Sc m~. +<~.t.) I J ~..J (~ I i;lJ.V-t.S Cc r ».).J'""...d)

Canopy Type: f M •« ll. \ c 1 v, Land Use: h1 k r ;~) . ~.l-c etc.): ct)JV1f

3 L t" R d" f R d" ·oca ion a 1a ton ea mgs: 2x2 Nal Bicron

Soil Moisture (Wet. dry,

Notes (cpm) Cu Rem/hr)

Count time lcm Im 1 cm J lm (min) 1:

r qsC"I ""r,~~I '!> ·-+ -n Hiv~-. .'n1vt. :Z."-'Y\ * l<./t1 <.c: j r.\A.~<! ~' I <:i ~-ljq '"61 f "/ ·----··--~-·-·-· ·J&i.d(~,!'\, z,~~J-z.. "fl; 2.1;C1:·n

·-(<Jl ~1-l \ ·-~ l. •,:> ' ... , l.:. 44 · tci IF t'f. !il1..'il. .. -1 -

'•( ' ' I '(.

4. Sample Information: <' ~ ' , -I Sample Area JD: ::i • .?. .1..J. ;;; )_ I .. -.

sample 1n -·r--- samplillg Descrlptio11 · {Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention,

refusal, stone or rock, to o ra hy,.erosion features) i---:>---.<-+.---'-----'----h--1 .....-+-----~--::;--. ---i------r - . 1--~_1_<;_------l~+"'-"---'-r-----+-'"-[1.~ 1'1--- s.J.,.t'.1.f~-+-1r _ \..~--.o'""''"'",_' '""""'-ri~'·-h.......,.... --------------1 !---'--' \'-----'· :i'-c·---1---~>=-''-'----l-l-'-', 1 r.,..,_.'~,,...... -"¥""-· .. .=.j, :_:.h <"_,_, -"-'-:i.._e=-·-· R.. 'J... J. r +?,. •. , t.!!.,r+ ....... , ""-s ___ .--- ____ _

·· t, u· Q '. 1. i+ . (, · · - .Je..J..31--__f_~~"h--·-----------i 1--"-L:L_'•_· i'--f.-"t------l--'-'~"-'--'_...~,,,.. "-"'l"~l.0...1"+'[,~J:=t. -""=S°-'._,,J.~. t', .!~.J.-4f d1<.r~. fld.L_+f ..... f:._..f...,,.,---'-'c~,·=lr..~.,,_··. ________ ---1

~C>'---'· 1:.-L.-~'-"-"-...,._.._,____~l.t,__,. __ b,'"",r'""'"•·'-+" ,__"\""'"'. ~· :t,__,§~1L~· ~+= ~!o:'. .. n.tlL ___ _' ____________ ---1

1-.'::...;t)_·_,,_l,"'-c-· --J.......i.=.i~~s=nn("--'4-. '""'l_-i-~. c=•r•=;..."-t· _s--. ::i .. t.d~.l.. t __ ~; .. f'ii:·.;..1

_,_____ ____________ ----i

Soil Color

Sample Recorded on Laboratory coc form and Container Labeled: m (N) •. ,e



Date: 1-z-l 11 (rr Project: ,N'\ ~t:~_94 _____ _ Name: _::J. (Z..ii'1?~"~----···-···-···--Weather: ~._:.,'."lnLj ,\-,_\.:,., so~---

1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation: '5'. "l &_ ___ Description: G-Jo_o. 1iJ J fe.!- ··---SA Origin Location: ·-- ··--··--···-··- Coord. System:---~·-·-···-SA Land Afark Description: -----···· . _ __ Coo rd:

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID: S · 2. · IS. K .3 _ Matrix: °)c. _J_ __

Location Coord: Y )_'' ·-, l ' ~ -3 L '1 !J H··--

Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coord.) X Dist from Origin (0,0) Y Dist. from Origin: ---·--

Site Sketch Attached (Yes) (~.

Sample Location Description: __ f(cd-1 :":>\ifl(ll. +r-1 o4~J.d I .?_,,1 VI (J_d »rt<~_:~----·----Can~~Y, ~)pe: 1Frh~hy G\'f> Land Use: bib.1~ ,cl"l: Soil Mojsture (Wet, dry, etc-}.Iiw.11t--

3_ Location Radiation Readings:

r 2x.2 NaI i Bicron 1 ----- ·-·-·--N-o-te_s_ .. ·- --~

. (cpm) ~ (uRem/hr)

4. Sample Information:

D b D h es~n·ption ~y ept Depth Soil Type Soil

Interval (Org; clay; Color (cm) sand, etc.)

_9-1~_ ~~:(>'! ~!)...It l•.-,,~ 1:S"3o +.-"?<'.'~ii. r r.k·k~·rf....,~

...___ --i

~----· i -

~{ I I~-

Sample Area JD: S . :,} · (3,. (<'._-SJ_· d-

DT--- Sampling Descriptfun j (Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention,

______ 1_.!:.e::fusal, stone or rock, topog_Qphy, erosion features)

Sample 1

" :~-. J. c.,R. .3 __ -l. .,_:tl.l.t,L..n~-t 5 ·--· '') ~

~~~±--~~~~-·· ___ , ·------~....2-B.:~~ ... ---~-- ....... -

··--·----+------~ --·· --·-· --·1 ·····-----------

--------1 -- ·- -~~-···-·--Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC forni and Container Labeled: «!!) (N)

± __ --


Date: .dLJr.s_ Project: f../·l~L ~.iJ4 Weather: :.1.f.ny, lov~ ~.;o' °">

1. Sample A.rea (SA):


7 Name: ~~·i,1,_. ..

SA Designation: S. ~,;_G Dest~ription: /a{- ···------SA Origin Location: _____ ·-------- Coord. System:~-----SA Land Mark Description: Coord: ---·---

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID: ~ · ), .g -£ · ~ _._Matrix: '.>t•j_l

Location Coord: ~p.~ SI '<( . I 4 11 !1J .. !.'X~.:_)1;_1_ -~ '). ~ ;-/

1 I.)

Alternate Location Measurements (distance !Tom SA origin and Local Coard.) X Dist. from Origin (0,0)___ Y Dist fmm Origin: ___ _

Site Sketch Attached (Yes) ~

Sample Location Description: __ f b+, '·" rn"- :h..'lli...~~~:d l v:f .. .Jt) (c.i ·'."r>J.\ Canopy Type: \-:or\- ,:1Jl LI t.r~•'\ etc.}: d;W»'('

Land Use: _b~.,~n;, __ .. Soil Moisture (Wet, dry,

3. Location Radiation Re~ding~·-·r-··--- --~ -.-... _ ... --.. ---·---2x2 Nal · Bicron Notes (cpm) \uRem/hr)

4. Sample Information; ..- - .n ... l( I I Sample Area ID: ·'. ),. !) !~-=-~-

Soil ... Sample ID1· -_________ S_a_m_![l_l_in_g_D_es_c_n_'p_ti-011 _____ _

Color (Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention,

___,__,__ _ _,_____,_ !--c----·+-.---,-,-~. ___ --· t· ~£i:!~stone or rock, topog~p~~osion features)

'--r)-:~_i_.:~ .. '._()_ ..... ..,._~_.,._.·~---+- :s~~,, ~~r 1~ ~~- u~~-- -

--+---------·I - =··--± -~---·--

<--S-am-p-le-l~~e-C_O_r-de_d_Ofl-L~a-b_()_ra_t_O~ry COC form and Cont;J~-er L_a_b_e-le_d_!_,..f (-)1--(N)-------. / .. -


-- ---~


Date; Id••(;•: Project: N-1.':::h.f-~I}-·--·-- t., -r

• • 1.,1 Name. ...., . •\ .. ·_, ...... _ --~ ......... -~-··-······~---~··-

Weather: '·; ..... , ,1 : · ,._.... s;·~ ::,

1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation: S ;l. f) ··-----.. -SA Origin Location: .---SA Land .Mark Description: __

2. Sample Location Data;

Description: L·Jc .: d ul f d--Coord _System: ________ _

Coo rd: ·---·-·- ·-·-·

Sample Area ID: 5 ~1J~ l~_-.2._. ____ l'vlatrix: .St·_,.,_/ __

Locati.on Coord·. ; '' ·:' 1 ! ... <:··_, ' t} ~..:::·· ~ \., ._)I-·• •· '•

Altemale Location Measurements (distance fTom SA origin and Local Coord.) X Dist. from Origin (0,0) Y Dist. from Origin: ~---

Site Sketch Attached (Yes) ~ ,

Sample Location Description: Li_~+ ~i-r-.... 0 d . ~"1~ .Lr((~ •._J.) ~.:1..:...i ! ~1 v~>-. __ (c!{)J r~) J ··---~..i..:....:.:~~~.___ Land Use: f,,Ki,.,~t-/f:!'.,., ___ Soil Moisture (Wet, dry,

3. Location Radiation ..... ··-··-T·-·· ·-·-·· ...... _.. __ . __ 1 2x2 Nal Bicron · Notes

(c m) · (uRem/hr) ~ .

4. Sample Information:

Description b D h 1y ept Depth Soil Type Soil

Interval (Org; clay; Color (cm) sand, etc.)

i:-,-1<;" -- -\..~ ".>r· I cla...1:.h~""' i\. )G +·~~:·:I J~--~ ~-~"'" .--.~-~

, -

··-·-' Sample JD

·-· s . .:.. e i<.S ( s. J.. ,:.,_(.-~ .J..

Sample Area JD.- l_;. d b. K , 5 . ( · :.\

Sampling Description r .. -.(S: rface litter type/depth, sample depth retention, ~~~one or rock, ~o.~aphy, er<:>sion features) refus·

+~ .. ,. ~7\s ·-----------"-~w _(:~------------ ----·--

r --·--·--·"----~·---------l

- .. ··-·---·-·------- ____ , ----~- .. ·-··-··---- ----l

g= Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC fonn and Contain;~· Labeled: (M (N)



Date: \2.( 11 ( 1< -····-·-

l. Sample Area (SA):

Descdption: -----SA Designation: _S_.-'--':i_-"'6,,.... SA Origin Location:

. SA Land Mark Description: ---·-·- __ ···----·--Coord. System: -----·'·---­


2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID: 'S j .r; :.r<:._(·J···- __ Matrix: ~~U--··-Location Coo rd: 4 ') ~ _) I l ::, • s ). •I r,/ 1-g··~1: J_t{.),'d" I,.)

···--·---·-· --~~':,._. __ Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coord.) X Dist. from Origi11 (0,0)_ Y Dist. from Origin:----~-···~

Site Sketch Attached (Yes) ~

Sample Location Description: ... t:{~ttv-.v0d +t\sti::~_cl~-{ lQ..J.V~~ (.d~.:1_f~J\_ .) I • +-

Canopy Type: -¥£~:h~J1.y tf~') Land Use: h ~. r:..;...Jc Soil Moisture (Wet, dry, etc.}:_~il,.~~~

_±.._ Location Radiation Re?-dings: 2x2 NaI


T (u~:~o~r) - -·. -·· - -···-·--N.-o-te_s_·-··--· --·--

4. Sample Information:

----··· ..... ··- ...... --------------Sail Sample JD Sampling Description

Color (Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention,

-·· -· ····---- - ·~· - --

F·-·t L_·· .-· ___ ·---3-~---- . ·-·-=·:---· Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC form and Container Labeled: ((\! (N)

>----~~_,______ . ___ ... - .. Ec:fu~al, 5tone or rock, topography, erosion features)

ct<1.)l bo..~ 5 J . i·.-~ ~:)~-· \-··-~ rt;-tl - . --·---<

1' ...... -...,,-,1"--J -....i-:-h"""" ... p..i;:.-+---ll-'·"''tl-.=I ::: ,. "'·''~¥~-"~ ----------,.



-- I',• Projecr: rJ' i '.L r.()r.:i- ________ _ Name: · .J . lS1-t.\,.-. )

Weather: ~\.-,H·1q, r~·: 1~ .. _s_o=0~--

1. Sample Area (SA):

s.4 D " ' < - (/ 1· • , I J I : ).. , es1gnat10n: ... d .L.'----·-·- Jescnption: _j_iDt::.-~.--... ------

SA Origin Location: --· .------·· _ Coord. System:~-- .. --SA Land Afark Description: _ ----------- __ Coard: .. __ _ ----··--

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID: S . ), (;. <? . · 7 Matrix: ·~) c.: I . .._ ...... ,_,.,. ·-~·-·-

Location Coard: 4)' Sr' 3 o'; '' 1 i _.,'i:. r.-: <. .. - ,, ') •. "I J _! ::...._-"~. d·'1 ,c1 ."~

Alternale Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coord.) X Dist. from Origin (0,0) _ Y Dist from Origin: ___ _

Site Sketch Attached (Yes) @?.}) Sample Location Description: {f'1o.+··q,~ .... ~·d: ~,U''•-;t!. jf·-t~2_,_J~, /.;,0-1.1?', {c(p,~r..:i.,?!). __ _

Canopy.Type:t::J,L;( r:,7ui Land IJse: _b~bf'i.~ .. ~h etc.): S~1cltiti'i . t1.:·~I'

Soil Moisture (Wet, dry,

3. Location Radiation· Reading~-- ·----·---- .. -···-·---- - ----- --·--·-2x2 Nal . Bicron Notes

Count time (min)

-·.- . .. .... ·~-·

{c m}




4. Sample Information:

D b D h escnption 1' ept : [Deptlt Soil Type

interval (Org; clay; (cm) sand, etc:)

o-i<:' ..+o<;>•,c, I 1~· . )I.' +o..,.~o,;

·-· --~-··-·--····1-· Soil Sample ID .

---------·-------Sampli1tg Description

Color ~ cs urface litter type/depth, sample depth retention, usa!, stone or rock, topography, erosion features)

<;;. J..f'. .. K. 7-.T-.. ---t.·!.1' b1:. .......... b.:~L·,.\"\ I ~ :LB ~- , ). _ _i_

t..u l">.:tS ····---· IVi.i)~_ccn ___ -------··-----

---·-·--·· .. -··-··---~---------

·---~ I-·-··-·--·----- ~--""·· ---·--------··-----·---------·----~ ·---~----·~--~

-·---~ .. Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC form :rnd Contai~~:iab·~-le_d_:_(~.,..(Y""")-(N)----·--···--·----'




Date: rz..\..•.dr~ Project: Ui "it-((.G?J.. __ _ Name: --r . .l~~-L~ ·~---··-·-

1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation: C, , J i3 SA Origin Location:

Description: L1 • ,., ~ ·( .1 ~( I J--·· .Y~: ...... -·· -· -·..--·--···--··-

----- --·---·-·-- Coord. System: -··--· Coord: SA Land .. MarkDescription: ·······--·-·----··---~ .. __ _ ------- -· ·- ---

. 2. Sample Location Data:

-; (J?~1 - 'I Sample Area ID: _,_ ::1.u .k_._Ji __________ .. Matrix:~--

Location Coord: 1..p," ';I' ) . c':;, '1 tJ _11__: ):S")'i.? 3 11 (,_j ·~--

Altemate Location Measurements (distance from SA vrigin and Local Coord.) X Dist. from Origin (0,0) Y Dist. from Origin: __ _

Site Sketch Attached . (Yes) ~~

Sample Location Description:-· f.\"J· 9,1K1nd,~_~m<1. .\-r.u..~__J;iad [.?ikvO ( c l~J-OJ{) Can~py Type: y~ . ...:i-,,.1lt-1 oz~'1 Land Use: J1d01l+./b::.-_ .. Soil Moisture (Wet, dry, etc.): :sli '\h4 ... 1

1 _tld.m~ .

3. Location Radiation Reading_s_: _ _ 2~p~f -- ----(-u~-;-~~~~;-i--- -·- ----Notes

Coun~ time l cm 1 m l cm i· 1 m ~

~ ... J~inJ ~--·.~-~pq .. --.. '-J~ ra·~·, ~'~"5···=:·:t~-3~·~·~;p:;~~ll:C:.&~~1.t1ri. ~e .. I h~JI~ 1c,

1 i~s~ __ __]:Llj_ -r---- ... I ...... -. _jkd.l....11 -z.2ttr-z.:J.-t:C.c,~L ___ T~ i __LJ-l, 1>1ch.-. 4<1-ic f. Wll.'-Jz. <-d ;:fr.;.:

4. Sam~~:;;1formation: Sa~ple Area ~D: ~.d-~·~--!~ .·~-. i-=--6__ . 'I 1 1~

Descri tion bv De th: , Depth Soil Type - Soiil$~mple ID 1...... Sampling Description

Interval (Org; clay; Color I (Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention, (cm) sand., etc.) ___ _ ___ I_e_(usal. stone or rock, topography, erosion features)

o-1?"" - ::ic;\ .. .tb,l; .. { . .J..e,.R.?LI rGri:> ··-·---1~· ""\O - ,{.,[l.h&...·1 ~-_Cl. .6.K.:'°6' .~_.__, .. f----_l"_t~_'"1j=------------___________ ... ___ _

-··--~--·-- --1 . ----t= I -··~=-=~ _-_· --- -- ··---~

Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC form and Container Labeled: ® (N)


App E-Sub-Area 5.2- Static Survey Sheets ·


Date Elevation Coordinates

Collected Sample 0-15 cm 15-30 cm 30-60 cm 60-100c cm

1'2..l 1lJ l1< 5.2A R 1 1 x 42°31'7 .46" N 78°58'23 .4S"W

1d1Yl -s-· 5.2A R 1 2 x ·- i 1' ,-• L. . ! · !." •. 5.2A R 1 3 x ,_, ( .. ,/,{ S.2A R 1 4 x ...... , . ~

,z_ IN .1~ 5.2A R 2 1 x 42°31'7.33"N 78°58'22.60"W

IL J'- f r S.2A R 2 2 x "

IL l "i ,.

S.2A R 2 3 x , ' u_/ 1·1

,,,. 5.2A R 2 4 x . .)

;~ r i'I . , -: 5.2A R 2 s x, / ,-; S.2A R 2 6 .. >L ·.-

5.2A R 3 x 42°31'6.91" N 78°58'23.91 "W ..... 5.2A R 3 2 x 5.ZA R 4 1 x 42°31'6.91"N 78°S8122.46"W

5.ZA R 4 2 x 5.2A R 5 1 x 42~31'6.SS"N 78°58'23.18"W

5.2A R 5 2 x 5.2A R 6 1 x 42°31'6.40"N 78"58'24.01 "W

5.2A R 6 2 x S.2A R 7 1 x 42°31'6.16"N 78"58'23.19"W S.2A R 7 2 x

,, \ \.I

r-- -~- -

r ··


Date Elevation Coordinates

Collected Sample 0-15 cm 15-30 cm 30-60 cm 60-lOOc cm

(1.. -1'1-1\ 5.2A R 1 1 x 42 °31'7.46"N 78°58'23.45"W

12.-1';-1\ 5.2A R 1 2 x I Z. -1'-f-f'( 5.2A R 1 3 x l"t -1 t.f-1{ 5.2A R 1 4 x a .. -1 'i-1..; S.2A R 2 1 x 42°3117.33"N 78°58'22.6011 W

\""l..-1-l-1'\ 5.2A R 2 . 2 x 17 .. - l'i - If" 5.2A R 2 . 3 x t'"L -1 .., .. ,.; 5.2A R 2 4 x rz.-1'1 ' ,- 5.2A R 2 s <x 1t.-/""i-1 \ 5.2A R 2 6 x

)'2.,J// -15' 5.2A R 3 •• x 42°31'6.91"N 78°58'23.91"W

!1.---t 1-1~ 5.2A R 3 2 x 1-Z..-\1..-\~ 5.2A R 4 1 x 42°31'6.91"N 78"58'22.46"W

rv-11--\s 5.2A R 4 2 x i"2 - I\-\<;""" S.2A R 5 1 x 42°31'6.SS"N 78°S8123.18"W

17 -\ \-~-r- 5.2A R 5 2 x rz.-11 -( S" S.2A R 6 1 x -4:t 03:t'e.4"" ~'

_,..Q--,~ JI - .. .

~ --- - .v·..L YV

l'Z..-'l l-1 s' 5.2A R 6 2 x \1..J\l-i 5' 5.2A R 7 1 x ~!'.fll Z8°S8'2.J..l-9-'!W- 'tJ·

11-IH') S.2A R 7 2 x

AREA 5.28

Date Elevation Coordinates

Collected Sample 0-15 cm 15-30 cm 30-60cm 60-lOOc cm

i -=-(1s I,') 5.2B R 1 1 x 42°31'5.00"N 78°58'24.42 "W

. ~J /"'; (, -; 5.28 R 1 2 x •42-( '·~ 1 · 4,~ 5.2B R 1 3 x ii.-(,.., i, \ 5.28 R 1 4 x


·~1<.;- I 1'$ 5.2B R 2 1 x 42°31'4.69"N 78°58'25.24"W

r·d ''° l1"S" 5.2B R 2 2 x

'l..""' I•"\ 5.28 R 2 3 )(

I<.... j j.;; J ( 'f 5.28 R 2 4 x r :..Jr~. lt<r 5.28 R 2 5 x . rl.Jt){ 1< 5.28 R 2 6 X .


d I I Jr <;;' 5.2B R 3 [JI x 42°31 '4.36"N 78°58'24.3s"w -Ir I(• { • · 5.28 R 3 2 x .. . I .

iJ 11{ 1• 5.28 R 4 1 x 42°31'4.14"N 78°58'25.32 "W , ;._( ,,(:'.."' 5.28 R 4 2 x l~ ll ( 1 ~ 5.28 R 5 1 x 42°31'3.57"N 78"58'2S.23"W

1-z.l 11 / i ) 5.28 R 5 2 x 1·z{ 1: l1'S 5.28 R 6 1 x 42"31'3.52"N 78°58'24.28"W

1d .1 j ·; 5.28 R 6 2 x 1d' 1 (i'; 5.28 R 7 1 x 42°31'3.0S"N 78"58'24.90"W

,.,_f ' ! /, f 5.28 R 7 2 x 17../ • i If., 5.28 R 8 1 x 42°31'3.03"N 78°58'23.93"W

,~(I• (i"; 5.28 R 8 2 x 11.(.; I,.;


AREA 5.28

Date Elevation Coordinates

Collected Sample 0-15 cm 15-30 crn 30-60 cm 60-lOOc cm '2-t -r_,..,') S.2B R 1 1 x 42°31'5.00" N 78°58'24.42"W

rz-1')-, ;;- 5.2B R 1 2 x 12 ~ s-- 1\- 5.28 R 1 3 x 12-is-1 > 5.28 R 1 4 x f2_ -1 ~-1 'f 5.2B R 2 1 x 42°31'4.69"N 78°58'25.24"W

17""' r--1~ 5.28 R 2 2 x 1'2..-1 s--1~ S.2B R 2 3 x (Z...."'fS--~) 5.28 R 2 4 x rz ... --i s--t '5' 5.28 R 2 5 ·- x L"Z.~)-1.;;- 5.28 R 2 6 x . -

/2 - {I_,,{ ( 5.28 R 3 .JI x 42"31'4.36"N 78"58'24.35"W

1'2.-i.H~ 5.2B R 3 2 x f'Z--..{l-1. \ 5.28 R 4 1 x 4r31'4.14"N 78°58'25.32"W

11-ll-t< 5.29 R 4 2 x \'Z.:·1\.- l~ S.2B R 5 1 x 42°31'3.Sl"N 78°58'25.23 "W

f7 -\ tAf' 5.28 R 5 2 x n ..AH I( 5.28 R 6 1 x 42"31'3.52" N 78°58'24 . 2 8 "W

/'Z.....A.\.-1\ 5.28 R 6 2 x (Z. -l\-l~ S.2B R 7 1 x 42°31'3.0S"N 78°58'24.90"W

!'Z..-lk!( 5.26 R 7 2 x 1-Z.~H( S.2B R 8 1 x 42°31'3.03"N 1s·ss123.93"W

n -u...(.., 5.28 R 8 2 x