Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.

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TM 11-615. Radio Sets, SCR 609-A & B, SCR 610-A & B. April 1945.

Transcript of Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.

  • 1. o 0 ~ .AI DEPAITMENTJ r CHNICAL MANUAL RADIO SETS SCR-609-A AND-B AND SCR-61O-A AND-B do. U.o...1 StuooC L'tJ Me, .... ;, ........ ... ~_,' " .. . . , PC' 101 ...... :::".:.t-.:::.:;;..... _;";"ioI;';'" .... "' ......) ... . . --'.'- WAR DEPARTMENT APRIL I9H

2. IV A R DEPARTME N T TE C H N I CA L TM IJ-o/5 MANUAL . T"" _ 01 _ _, T>I inltructiono for t...,ating Radio Set. SCR-600--( ) and SCR-6I()...( J ... .. .. . . .. . .... " Sttp-by.tep instructions fOr t reating Power,Su~r.~ Unit PE-12O""A . . t.., '" UNIV,RITYOfCAlJfORNIA """M """.."""., " """"OS "'" "n " ""TI " """"""""""""" """" "" """ " "" 6. ...... HVL ....10 ...,.uctlClHS. 47 S."'''. XII. Theory of Radio Receiver and Traru.mitter SC--659- ( ) , receiver ""'_ Uon. General ................... . ....... .... ;.. .................... 79 48 Fi..tradio-frequencyamplifler .ta~ ......... ....... ~ .......... ,. 80 49 Seo:nd radio-frequency amplifter a~ . ..... ............. , . ... .. . 81 60 Mixer ........ .......... ...... ,", .... , . .. .. . ......... , ... ,., 82 60 Cryml """illator ............................................ 83 60 Fint intermediatefrequency amplifier otare..... . ................ 84 51 Second intermediate-flllQueney amplifier .ta~, , , _. , , . , . , . , , . , . . . . S5 61 Limiter...................................................... 86 51 Discriminator and direct-current amplifier.... ... ................ 87 52 Audio-frequency power amplif(,r. ............. ........... .. ..... . 88 64 Xlii. Theory of Radio Receiver and TTanlmitter BC-659-( ), tranamitter oct General ...................... . .. . ........ . ..... , ............ . Reactance tuboo modulator and microphone cireu;t , ,. ,.,., . O.dllator ................................................... . Buffer-double ................................................ Radio-frequeney power amplifter." .. "."", .. , .. , ............ .. Antenna network ....... ................... ........ .. ........ . Stabili..tion of transmitter .... tinr frequency ............... .. ... . Transmitter ftlament and microphone elreuit ..................... . Met... oontrol switch SWlS .. , ................... ....... . ...... . Meterinr """ket S02 ......... , ................... .. .......... . ,tlr. Theory of power BuWly uniu. General ...... . .................... , . " . , ........ _....... , ... . Plate SuWly Unit PE-1l7-C. eireuit analy"'.......... .. ... ... .... Power SUWly Unit PE-l20-A, eireuit analy"' . ..... _..... . .... .. Cu" CS-79-( ) .. ...................... ... .. , .......... ... .. xv. Trouble _hootinr. Generallroubl....hootlnr informnion ............ , ............ ... . Resi_tanee meu uremtnts ........ .. . .... .... , .... "., .... , .... . Capacitor te.u .. ..... .... ....... .. ...................... .. . . . Tube cheekinr . .......... .. .... ................ , ... .......... . Tn t equipment .. . ........ ..... ... .......... . . ...... ...... ... . i MUmnr Adapter M-399... . , ................... , ....... , ..... . TroubhHhootinr pr-oeedu................................. _.... . Sedionalizinr trouble in Radio Set SCR-609-( ) ................ . Sectionali,inr trouble in Radio Set SGR-GIG-( ) ......... ....... . Sectlonali.inr t rouble In Radio Receiver and Tran. mitl1.~r ohort diot.ancell fl"()m a wtion..ry ground .-ition. Power for the operation of the unit Is lupplied by dry batteries. Radio ~ SCR-609-( ) IlUl be eon"erted to Radio ~ SCR~I().... ( ) (tiM. 2 ) by addinr the compo- nen.!. neceuary for yehieular mountinM and open tion. Radio Set SCR-6IO-( ) UIleS. 6-, 12-. or 24-"0It ( v) .to.age battery to IUPPly the nKeSS.ll..y power. Figure S in ov....-&lI illustration of Radio Set SCR-609-( ). Fi,... . R..... Sci SCR-41(}-( ), .....ONI ~i m,. Type autenna u.oo, Fixed oponotion ....... Tel~pi.c Anlenna AN_29-C. Vehicular opo....lion ..3-aeclion """, antenna. Tno""",itter output. Ll.w. Type of """,;ver ......... Fm wperbdu- N~mber of chan,..l" dyne. cry. tal. enlrolled """illator. Transmillilljf . ....... ,1-"lf-nn. mount- i.... block .-mbl1 and T,...",hlal Bo:I: TM-210 ''''!aIled In ill pW:e ""toni Oporatlnc with Mut Bale MP-48-.( ) lutalled hI the'" 15. lama.. Conliol Unit tM-29-( ) one! Ih_I. Control E'1utp'nt IC--261 TIlt temotli tonlrol unit. .,.1LNd with, but .... not I"'rt of, thae radio ~ ... Remote eoDtro] Uult RH--29-( ), fa CO!Ijllnctloll :with .. titld tel~boft, ulllt, pro- ,. vld", tor o:ommunluHon at point. ...mot. from the 'location of tho! radio .to See nl 11-308 for fllrthtr Lulruc:tlOILI nt.rdlne the 11K of thlaeqLI~t.. It. Rfmote Contrd Equipmeat R~t. III eoajulldlon with lIierophoneo: T_17 alld H~_ oet. HS-SO-U, pnwid.. for romote OJ)ll'..I;OII and ..olee eo"""unlatlon ",'U th_ r.dlo IO!ta. nefer to TM 1I-U.S2 for complete Information on th, UMI of thl. equlpmtnl. 16. eo..... IG-153 Thloo ilia ....w ~ptllent nnn. COYtr equipped with two IlIp openl,... for the Int.n....nd the conUOl ~ It Ia lIOt to be "moved from RadIo Set SCft...609-( ) or SCJt..4IO-( duri... oJ)ll'''lion. 17. ........set TS-I3-{ ) (~. 5) Thll compOnent eon,lot. of h.ndJet hlndle In whkh ... mounted the pl18h.IO) . wltch, the mouthpiece (mltrophont) .nd the .,.. pl.... (rec:th'er) unlto., Cord C~9-I Wnolnata:l I!, Plll" PL-66 ..hleb I. Iflltrtai In PHONE J..k, and Plu&" P~ wbkh 1.I"Otrttd In MIC JadE on tlHI front putl of the ...s;o ~Ya" and tn_liter. 1'. Ca.. C$-137 ~Ittal Cue CS-187 for 121l cryotall and ery.lal Holder FT_2-&3, Ia built In two compartment.. hl,..ed In th, middle ... that the UPJ)II" eompart- mlmt eoven tile lowfl'. Thla tue nn be tarried tile _ of Power SUPPlt. .Unit PE-I20-A. 19. Wlrft W_29 a .... W-12' Wi.. W-29 (ft&". 5) Ia IUpplil In 2"7-foot len,u.... It I, wfatllerprooftd, lnaulated. pboo.- p/lo. -bron.ed, . tnd"; ai,..le.condutto. wire with, 'IN!nrth ot 200 poundl. It I, ueed .. an auxiliary .ntenna for Radio ~I~. and TrlDamlter BC---M9-( ). Wi... W_I28l1lup.. plied In ' foot lencthllDd II "lied tor lbe In I.tnna Ie..t.ln wi... In ..dinllar lnatallatlona ....ho... the IDtenna and ndio IIrl .... ~ttd by leu than 3 t.,.t. ThilIt!ad must 1M eIIt to a 1tncth of u.cUr J1 i...l_lnd connecttd from th malt t>a.. to the antenna terminal. It the llepa tlon I, 181 than 8 feet; UMI till 811nclt InFh and eon Iny H efti. Wire W- I28 IUJ)II'" eed.. Wire W_1H. Field ex",rl~ Indltate that Win W- t26 II "....tW..tory II III lUI- 23. u,nn. Itad-In, beocallM the innlation deterIora- tion from u)IIure to wNther eventuallr ... ult. hi JTOIlndlnr or Ihe antenna 1.0 melal pt.N of vehlelea hi whleh the ....dlo Ht Ia in.t.&llecl. Section II. OINtI..... INSTAII.noN fNfOlMATION 20. Unpoclclng, U....ating, and ... GtNI:ItAL. The M. A p""klnr llip In nloistureproofod inclooure ltaplod 10 h, box i. furlher protecta! by a hea'-y ..... wproof paper coverin,. An or. nre b.nd pllnted .round me ""nter of the box Ind. &trIpe painted ""'tON eadI end indicates pauartna for upon.. E,,_ port ptlckin.. i.labeled. "Pr.c:kecI with dtbJ'd....t- i.... .,..,.to 00 NOT OPEN UNTIL READY FOR USE." All did; Indiateo that the box II part of I r.hipmenl One lllni three ('A) On box No. 1 Ia Interpreted .... MBa" No. 1 of S boxe. -212 N.". c-..It ,ho I..-n. '.... 1.........tIo.. I.r tho ..hid. tonper mHhod of mountln, Ter- minal IJ.o.w; TM_211. c.. Cpriate ""bit coo,,*-- l:n to diller tnd. Do thi. urefully. )lake .n .older Jolnt.l tillht and take every praution 10 t.l1'" the endl 110 lui the outer eaverl1lll' of the ble doea not frey Dill and mohtu.. annot ....p In. (2) FIlii 34 uplains the lie", neu....y III ..fRITY( ("'UfC~~ 34. in p...,parlnr the eable by fitting the eonnfdor to it. (3) QouiaJ eable Crd"ll'e CD-282 (made up from Cable WC-U2) tor Radio Scl , '" ",,,,,,,,,,,-_b ..~u c~, AS PRE ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLYSCIWIli)...( ) m.,I' be cut to the de.irllenlrlh for eaeh ""'l.uired Installation. When pouible, lentrth& of Cn:I. ge CO-282 .hould be between 4 and 9 feet. I~SUI..'OR . ... S~OULO BE rOLDt:D oYER DulU INS....UION. CO-2B2 MOI.D@."RMLr. 5C .r. '0'~E N @tD nNALL' fU1[~ CU"'@ (lVU ,",pU[ D BRaID (DO " DT CRUSM 8RalD ""EN .aSTNING CL. "P'@. 00g1l,.1 If"", UNIVE~lTY Of CAlifORNIA 35. PART TWO OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Section V. REeEIVlR AND TRANSMITTER CONTlOlS AND TllEIR USE 34. hWt.,and ~'ing Swltnlrol to produce audible .ili'naJa. ."01'l~I.....'kICY of tranunl..ion.nd """,ption.......ider the follow_ inll (111. M): (I) T_ia. (a) Hilla .nd """,ntailll boI- t.....n .tat""" limit tho: raqe or radio Il1.. When Op"rallng in terrain of thll natu.....leel poIltlolII ...Iativl>ly high upon the .loPM- A,oid ~tlo....t the baRof a I>Iil'l Or In. deep ravi... or valley. SIIll'C f_m 'lpall act nl"J mlldllike 11",,1 "''''"fl..........l1y di,~rted .nd .boo""""whtnev~. pOIIlhle .hOOM" location .,.hlth moot aN-. 1l" gi~.. liae-of-llaht .,.,....."un...tlo... (b) TreM ...Ilh huvy folia.. abeorb radio "'av"; leafy I....... have. moN adve... effect lhan t~r,l' H"'" To obtain th, maximum raofrption of the . adlo f,.. qUlI>e1 (r_f) ...av... C~) Buildi..p bet""' radio atation. hinder IN"omi..lon and ~ptian, particularly .teot. proed .. folio... : (I) ~moYe Mut Secti..... MS-6I. MS-5Z. and. &18-63 from Roll BG-5&-( ).nd 77""_ bIe (n.. 5). n.. eadt of the mAlt oec:tlonI Ire CO>Ior coded tor euy iMnlibtion. Endt of the ..010. ftt oIfl""'. )lut Section )18-61 or:re":. into M..t Section MS-M!. and MS-62 inlo MS-63. Sere. them torether tl,htly .Ith ilL' pli. ... (2) Ulle C]lmpa )1C-423 I nd ~rC-424 It the junctiou. of the m..1 """"ions to k~p them _u..... Clamp MC-423 (painted blue) ]ocllol"" blue end. of ) ]ut SectioM MS-lil and MS-62 toaether. Clamp MC-4U (painted red) 100:0 the red enob of Mut Sectiono )18-62 eel MS-63 toeelItt. Tiple" the I..." "".... fur ni.hed with tilLampa to prevrnt the .....1 oection, from becomin, u"""",,,,ed. If the .llmpa ..... not avlnlbl IMO friction tApe in the follo..inll' m.onn.r , (0 ) Wind ..,....11"",,, of tApa in I rounte. - .Iock ..., direction. Stlrt II the lower half of u.. joint 100 ",ind up....rd.. keeplnll' II l,1It .......nd the Junction of the mAIl _liON to p.... 'oml u~...i... u,win ...",mlona of ..ftre ..Ib....llon. (b) Put. Meond ..M~nll' of tApe pof Mut Sectionro MS-Ill. MS-1I1, and MS-II&' M..t &etion MS-IIS ..,..,... Into Malt Section MS-1I7.....d MS-I11 Into ~1 S-11 1, Ca,..,fully .."..... them I~htr with gaa pli.... lIel''Y pl'Mllure will crush th~ mlot oection. Wind ""erll tUrll$ of tape In """n lerclock.l.. direclion. Start II the lower hl]f of lhe iolnt and wind Upwlrd. keeplnlt It lilthl IruuOO Ihe Junction of the I11III1 """"io... to p... vml uMtl'f'Winlt under ""nditiOTll of _tre vib..tlon. Pul a 7 "1-( ) ..., ..~Ii ..! __hoI 0' .1001 S....,,~. !J.~~' .IIS-," 0o "";..r ffi...,. , 1Od .... .. . 11'.., Oft tho po_..t ,110 ,.....lIt... "2. O~rati"llll'rKOalioM ... Turn the VOLUME-OFF tontrol all Ibe ""1' On. When the dw.ed staUon i. heard. re- ,I",," Ihe vol.ame to the operating le"eL When """,mani.,..tion iA rompleted, tarn the VOLUME knob to the ld't to OFF; a click is heard when the awikh i. thrown. Do not lave the switch On when the r""..,tT b not In a..... b. ourf! the CIIAN owltcl> I. lurned to the ro.recl clt~nel; do nol ..t bet.....n stoll". c. With the met... switch at OPER. and tke pu"nto-talk . witch pruoed, read the panel mete. Thi. ohoald .....d from 1.5 to 2.4 if the tran. mitte. is faneUoninr properly. If the .....d inr I. mO... than 2.5, or leu than 1.5, in'.....ti pte for trouble. d. Do ""t: (1) Do . 01 carry r""io .... by Ita battery uble. Thi. breaks """noctio"," and rendera oet a""le&!. . (2) Do ""I drop or .it on radio. T .....t it with care. (S) Do "ot Ie..'. it ont in the rain unn"""",,, ..rily. U.. ""nvu or IOmethin, handy to ","u It. Rain and dampneM oeep in and deotroy ita efficiency. (4) Do IIot expect to work more than the I'lInl[e or the 001. Th_ milea O,'t, tn08t terrain iA a oafe marrin. d lilt ...Itll... terminal and r... I"" il between the knurled nul and Ihe ~u .., ultnna mOllnlin!, block. b. If Tormlnal Box TM-218 hu beE-n in.taned, put the chanre-over link in J)OIIitioll to 11:0 dirKtly to the pro!>", antenna t~Tmin"I, A bindina poel (ft. 30) i. built on thi. termin..1 box tor .t&(:hin. the wi..,. (The antonna 11 III ..fRITY( ("'UfC~~ 41. matching network of Radio Reee;'"er and Tran... mitter 8C--659-( ) match.. thi. f"I1_1""". antenna,) 45. Remole CO; CoNTl

lO" [ JOe . T- 17 ..CIllO."""" J .e~ the tran.mitter when th~ ANTIHOWT. I'HESS ..witoh i. depressed. (3) When local operation of the radio ..I i8 d~.ired ..,t the key .witch 10 RADIO and pro- ceIAL INDICA.'I't(lNS. (1) The normal indication. li,ted include the vi.ible and audible ,igna the operator perceives ...hen he check. Ihe itemL When the meter read. between the limits "p'edfied, operalion i. considered ...ti, raclor)'. A meter ..,adinl outside the limita liven i. a oign of impending trouble or misadjustment. II the indicalion. are not normal. the operr.tor should apply the recommended co....,li,. mea:;. ",~ (2) The 0p'..tor should familiarize him..lf with the operation of Radio Receiver and Tran... mitt.r BC-{;59-( ) .., that he know. the .hr_, of it. rettption of ~onna! oignal. By becoming famili.. with the operation of the Aet, he learn. the nor mal position of the "olume cI,_ PIo...01...... " PI.,,,,,n.L ......;_.u".."""'>[>I...... ." ,M "';lort ..,hl-talk .witch, nd the panel meter. If it I. .. than 2 (th. luminous s pot), it Indicates a ",uk vehicular batlery o. [rouble in Power Supply Unit PE-l20-A. Zero plate voltage po..,bly Indicate. a defective fn"". dcf...,tjv. capacitor, o. defective vibrator. (6) Located in Power Supply UnitPE_IW--A on the power pack .h....i'" the.... are four com_ ponents that need replacing during Ihe cou,,", of regula. operation. They are fu"" Fl, d_ bratoro vim (VB-IZ--Al, VIBZ (VB-I:J-A). or VIB3 (VB-ll_Al, .....Iifier tube VI. voltage ....flUlator tube V2. and mament replalor tube V3. Th~ .an be identilled in ftgure 22. All of th""" Items pin, into .ultable !lOCkets or recep- tacles on the power pack. Sockel arranll""ments a.... ouch thai nO error can be made when in..rt- ing the replacement. Suitable dill" a.... provided for carrying one ' I>"r. fuse and one Sl>"'" vi_ brator in. ide the cue of Power Supply Unit PF_ 12(1....A. Two . pa.... rectifier tube., two voltage regul"lor lubeo, and two filament ....Ru- lator lubes are .upplied in the repla""ment tube kit. When defective, any of th..... components may be removed by pulling Ihem from their sockela. The repl"",ments should be inserted 10 that the pins line up properly with Ih. socket hola. Pu. h them down firmly to aM"'" good contac!. (7) Check polarity of the A battery power cable to the vehicuiar battery (par. 28I i"'Ii_ .n Optratinr Intenfta rtH1 for uoe whenevn- ",!ulred. Thll .ntenn. ~ulrtl ..rtful hlndli..., ...p,- phone l no _)ltia! 10 the operation of the radio ""t. The..forl, the operator mUlt rlVI them the Z't u the ndlo ..t 1t..ll. Pnoventi,', m.lntenlnce work on th..., ittma Inelud.. In opectlon Ind cleanl~. b. iNane!' (I). i2llpect.ll o:ttmal.urf_ for ciUllIi_ and oo....ion. See Illat .11 uble connectl..... . Z't Urbt and pll2P.nd j..,lLa ft! toKtther properly. 12IIpect bak!!lite .urfaceo for tracl-e maintenance Of! Individ..... parta .re dlocu....t in _Ion VIII and .... not 1"I!pYted In thi .oedion. When perfonning prevent!... "",intt- nl""'!!, ...f~r to _lion VIII if more Information i. ~u l red for the following Il.em. All work II to be performed with the pOwer remDVed from the .qu!pment. Attn preventive malnt&- nln:. hu *n performed ou rlVIII day, put III ..fRlIY( (AUf("~~ 50. I"~ equipment into operation and ~heck ie for ..tidactory performance.. 65. Com....... Mat..ials N..,hci The follo....inl mo.ot be on hand bf:fo.... performinl p,..ventive maintenanoe : Common hand tool. (ocrewdri,...n and pliers). CI""n doth. Sandpaper aOOOO. Crocus doth. Fine file or burnishinlloo1. Metal pute I"'IWt (Sill C Stocl< No. 601516). Small inspection mirror. 0 11, Lubr italinl, Pr~rv&tive, Speci.1 U. S. Anny S~itlcalion No. 2-120. Solvent. Dry Cleaning Federal Spec:ifiea. tion No. P-S-66b.. N~". C...lino will .ot be.OI .. . '1...ln~ 10' any po._. Sol,. D.y eIM.lnr, Fod, 1 8"..111.. ';0. No. P_S-UI ;, duni"" ~o ",. t~""'uP ..' abli. hod .~pply ,~" .I.. 011. f"""I. llI_l. U.S. ~.ntr S.,..I"".I;o. N. ~_ IInR. ntOr be """" fo. loanlnJ po,_ who. d. y..,I...I". .01.... I. "'" at ~d . Co"". td....~~id o. ft", . ..i""ui.hi"" 1",0", I'''bon ......~""I... be..). will be ..od. If ....._.y. '.'......,. po", .f oJ",....;" ...;p.".'. 66. 'Mm 1, EX'I. ,iar of R"cii" Stoll SCR 609 ( ) "nci SCR-610-( ) OPERATIONS. , TC Cabinet&. IT Knob., handI..., and conlrois. REMARKS. Tilhten ali i"""" knot.. and han_ dl.,... 67. Item 2, AntennOi OPERATIONS. I T C Ino"lalo. IT C Mountinlt'. IT C Ma.t _ Iiono. Ie L Telescopio antenn... I C Ant~n na lead. REMARKS. Check to _ that th~ lead';n wi"" i. clear of all metal pari!. 68. IMm 3, aatteriH onci aatt.ry Co.. CS-79-{ ) OPERAT IONS. IT C Balteri... IT Battery Cue CS-79-( ). l' REMARKS. On in.tanationo usinl the ,..... hicular battery. ohec:k the rondition of the ""hieul..r ~ttery and chargina: rate as outlined in TM 11-430. 69. II.... 4, CaSed to the exterior of the ubinet of Radio Set. SCR-609-( ) and SCR--610--( ) should be tightened if I~. If paint h.. !>ten ohipped ex. pos;ng bare m~tal, Ih.... opoto. hould be touohed up. U... lubricanl ~paringll' and only when needed on the .nap fast........ A,'Oid retlin" lubri~ant on rubber in. ulation. 72. II. m 7, R"dio Tran.mitt. , anci R...;ver 8C-659-{ ) PRELT)f1NARY STEPS. Remove the 10 panel "'....w.or t~n Ihe Iwo catcb-("Iip.o and pull forward on Ih. fronl panel and . Iide th,> clIuIi, for ward out of the rue. o.;.~." UNIV,R!TY Of CAlJfORNIA - 51. OI'BRATIO!S. I C Tu!>H Ind eockeu. IT CA Capac.IO.... I TC Ra'&tra.. J T C L Swilches. IT CA Jld,... I C Vibnto. REMARKS. RepillCe R.dlo Rteeiyc. Ind Tn.,mitter BC-659-( ) in iueuelnd f..ten. Tat for CQrn:et operltion. 73. ' ........Ii.... Moinl _ .... Ch.o. Uti .. CUlDAI.. The folLowinr cht!rk Hat " lumma.,. of tile pff'entl,'iI ma,ntenallOl! opentiona to be perfortlWd on RIodio Seu SCR-I09-( ) and SCR-'lO-( ). The ti_ Inte""." On Ihe cht!rk 1"1 may be ~~ II .ny Ii.... by Ihe local CQmmlnde. For !>HI per_ form..... of the equipmenl, perform opentio". I t leal! frequently .. cIlled for in the check Ult. The echelon CQlumn indiclttl which opera_ tion. aN! lint teheLon mainten ...,. Ind whkh oPtntion. IN! IIOnd echelon maint........... s.dion X. 74. War O'port....nt lubrication Order l..ubrklUon or In.rect TillMen Cleon Adj".t Lukinte 'n.. Fool .......100 it l_p.I.......... It...o. Sow ICl_t , .... SC.....IO-( ). LuaalCAnON wile... lubrication II l"fquirtd, use lubricant Ip.orin,b'. Ex"",, lubricant run, oft" the..,rfa of the lubric"td p.ort and Ihe ",b~r inoulilion on adj.cenl ..i..... s.dian XI. MOISTUIE,IOOFING AND FUNGI'IOOFINQ 75. , ..0...... Encoun~... Th, Opel Ilion of Signal Corp. tqllipment in lroplrll lreao wheroe kmpe..turoe .nd roelll;'.. humidity .roe Htr-em~ly hliJh reQul... opeei.] ..ttentlon. The followi n, ilem, roepreaent prob- lem. which may be enc:ounl~"'II in o~ r.!ion : R. Re-iolo,", capatito..,.. CQil., ( hokes. t ran.. fo . mer windina-", etc., rail. b. Elertroiytif a~l ion t.kts pllc-e In . coil.&. chole.... t ..n5form~. windlnp, etc., u" In.. e.enilla! b....k-do..". f. lloo1e.up ...ire Ind cable ......lltlon break down. FunJlllll Kftleratet cleteriontion. d. Moi.tllN! fo""" electric:lllrak&ae P'otM on lermln.1 boartb Ind iUIllatln, , tripo. 76. T.oatmonl A mOlll u~proofing and runrlproollnlltrtment hal been de" iMd "'hkh, if properly applilPd. pro- vldN 0 re&IO...bLe dfrTft of protectloQ apwt (IIRIIIII j!n>WI.h, ,..-Is, corroolon. lilt I P"". and motlll"i!. n... Jft.lment 10'"1)1,... the """ of I molltul'l!- and (uogi_""'lunl "",,,ish IP- plied wilh apr.y IIIIn or bni.... Refer 10 T & S IG I ~. ~l oi"llI...,proofing and Fllngiproofm, Silmol Corp" Equ ; pm~nl, for detailed de""r ip- tion o( the '. mioh~pr;oy mtlhod of mol.t" ..... prooftn, and r"n.iproofin" and l uppli. .,. - -_. ~""'~,- -- -.",... ff yt.", ..- ~. _......,.......'. .-.,...,.,,-os,... --. ~.. ,,.... on fou. ""ramie (po.c. l.ln) deck.. When the Ic,. r i. thrown. tb. tuning eapacilon ""~ pondinll" 10 the channel ..Ioded 8r' ""nnected into the circuit of """,i,"er "_f amplift and mixer .~ and eaeh of the four tnn_mitter r_f drcuita. The pro)JCr crystal and "". .....pond- inK tuning (apadto "" ""nneded in Ihe re- ec"" crystal-oocillator circuit. 0...". .If . ~I UNIV,RITYOfCAlJfORNIA 58. 80, Rodio-frMl......~ Amplifle. S,toge (Iia;. 47) 'The limal il fed "t",", the antenna to the cont",l grid of tint rf tubOl V5, Ih",ugh loading coil Lt. anlenna capacitar Ct, Iran.miller .f tuned plale tank d...:ult L2 and C2 or Ca. and coupling o'" Circuit (~lr. 56) G. The NOactane! modulator va.i,.. the iff>- quency llf the master MdlJator at an audio rato. 1.0 the trld volta,e vari on the reactance tube, it electronically add. or l ub. tract. effective ca- p&eity acrOM the &M- Capacitor C30 coupl the antenna cir_ cult to Iht ,ee.;,'.r input, and .1... keep the tnn, mltter plate volta~ from the grid of th~ _eiver first , f amplift.r. 94. A" '-n.... N.two The .ntenna nttwor w ..o., hni of antenna loading coil LI and capacitor Cl in ..,.i", with 1'i,." S' . R04" R"Tation u indicaled by the in""rt diagram. in figure 66 and on the label under tho cha..iA c,. r of Plate Supply Unit PE_1l7_C. 101 . Power Supply Unil PE-12O-A, Cir(lit A"..lysi$ ... Power Supply Unit PF.- I20-A i. uoed to $upply Radio R"""ive. and Tran.mitter BC-659- ( ) with the cr.""t o!>"rating voltage from a 6-. 12. or 24volt vehicular bllllery. The oclIematic wiring diagram of Power Supply Or",. .If . UNIV,R!TY Of CAlJfORNIA 73. Unit PE-121)....A ia ahown in ftgu .... 68. The bat_ te". supply leado are app...,r.imateJy 10 feet Ion;. l..ow_volt.a;~ pow~r to vibrator_transformer TI is oontrolled by switchea SW3 and SW4 on the ba~k of the ,olume oont...,1 in R&dio Rec~ v.r and Tra""mitter BC-659- ( ). The vibrator circuit i. prolected by fuse Flo P""itive and negative lead. 10 ,-ibratortransformer TI ar-e ~II~.....:I by cap""itors CI, C2, and C6 and r_f choke RFCllo prevent hash from the vibrator plate l"ed from a tube cbec:ku are not .Iways ""n- clusl~e 1Mca..... condil;on..... not the u th_ un.........hidl the lube opo...t.,. In the lid. For th.. ,,-n. the ftnol teol of I tube must be itl replaument wilh I tube which I. kllO"'n to be rood. In many ...... it ilquicker .nd mo......lia 1:>1, to repl.ce I au.pected tube ..ith .,11:'00 ......... It; __ ___ _______ __ _ 115. Loc.,lizing Trouble in Pow... Supply Un;1 PE-l2O-A --I. ro....."...y ...od___ _. ____ __ __ 2. A ....' oo ll""" ... "'pp.... br_ uait: ... _ .... pn I'. :J. 1' ..,.,_.......".,,,,. 11 (+10'1:M .. "l _ _ ".... ---I. Blown r...:"'-'1... ...-;.. _ Cl. CJ. '" 00: __ M ,""". IIFCI. o,..a io 1'dokuI... ba,,",,>" 10.... 2. _"'-;_C7 ...CIO, _ B+ ...,..;"" CII: "'"'" tl>oU CH' .. M < V; oIIotI-. R.,Maoo ,..;tl>._ ..........0/-" ....... Coo ,! ,........ Cboor ...- , ....., (I od,_ ..pplo..l....., ".01'_ . P'oJt PI Un.." I, ioou< 17 _ ..,..i". 6. So .01,_", pi '...... (H )i . ) ......... . ........... (G-.opU .. ,",I... - 82. s.ctlon XVI. 117. leploc_ nt of '0"" .. C~lI'D L. c......1eo,o ""pl~nt 01 PIN 011... "",k.. new bulu il>l'Vitab~. Note the fol. IowinrPOlntl : III ~/ol'''' part il unaoldf:rl!d. ftOte the poai_ tioa or the leads. If the po.rt.. ....h u tran... former. hu numbor of ""nnectloru to It. ~ ....h le.d. (2) Be .I",,'ul not to dlma,., other leadA by pullin.. Or pu.hlll" them out of the .... y. (3) 00 not olio.. droPl of IIOIder to fan into tho ..t ; ther TIlly rlu"," Mort eirtultt- (~ ) A ..""le.al1eoldeTed ....._Ion m&.f C~ .1. a new flulL It I, '-..ry ImporUnt to ""'h ..~e.-..d }oint. ai~ I pootl)' IIOIdered }oint it one of Ihe moot dil!cult bult. to ftnd. (5) When I part I.s ""placed In r_f OJ' I_f ell' lem aa th.,.."" held to the oha..I' baH ..lIh machine """WI, washerl. and nut.. ,. MI8CELLA.~1I8 PAlTII.. Th. replaceme..t of other parta of Rl dio Receivend Tnn.. miller BC-659- ( ) doe. not pruent prd:>l...... O. lIna raoU)C'IISG FUSE. III te";.. with the trarumirter 8 ,uPP"'. th.... Ia a V.-amlH''''' fUM ...hleh pro!ta the meter when the meterin.. I. at OPER. If I Ahort c!.ndt ouun [n any o( the plu, 8 rirc:uiu of the trlrumltter. thi' fUll burns oot but ~ meter II not damlled. If rood Batt.ry BA-39 I. plurrt u"" the lock.....he... Pull the power cable int posilion and place the locking clamp in posil ion, lightening _urely. (l) To replace the volume control or mcUr .witch, remove Ihe front ""nel. Rtmo,. the conlrolleven from the meter control owitch, the channel switch, and the volume control. (2) aemow the four ..,rewa in the cornera of the reaued ....tion of the front panel. Remove th. le.d, from the meter. Loa..n .nd ,..,mo'. the damp holding the power cable. PUM the coble in through lhe front po.nel to alio" .umeient room hetween the front panel ~nd Ihe ba.. for Temo,ing and replacing the variou. parts 10- catoo di~tly hehind Ihe front panel. (3) Remo'e tho lead. from the PHONES and MIC j.e4 Or remO'. the jacks from the front panel, making AU,.., to hold the jllek. firmly from the back ... the mounlingnuuha,ebeen punched to .,old the ))O.'I$ibillty of l(KI;$enin,. i. METER SWITCH. Thi. replacement i. made in the "",,,ner aa the ,olume control. Be sure the Iud. are connectoo to the proper ter_ minals. j. BATTDltES. Refer to para,raph 49. 118. Radio R...i....' and T.on....ltt.. K-659-{ ). Nannal Point_to-poinl R..illance Vol".. G. G~NKIl4L. Normal r...i. lanoe values ob- tainoo by polnt_tI>-point m. ...uremenu on Radio Rec.iver and Tran!lmilter BC-6f>9.-( ) .... indicated below. Uoe of thi. dala in ronneetion with almilar mtaauremenu on faulty equipment e be made. (Rtfer to par. 10311 for additional Informalion, such voltagoo and parto location.) (1) Rtmove all tube.. B...ides producing ~r roneou. _ dlllgl: 1!i , ,.1 ! t~ it;. I , ! , sth !!j4 ~1! E jd :~ ..~ ':!-c I "' ,. ~! -, ", ., c, ~ -... UNIVERSITY or (ALIfMNt. 88. o ~ -....... ~~"" Vf.182 ..... s " 'IT_In ._-.. f1[J.. ,.'j '.ie,! ~ INT~NAL 'AU[~' .011 ruSf "UUI' 1A_411 t, eOHUCTOII ,;f, .:t. " 0.-.", ,If , (i.. @" ~ tm1 UNIV,R!TY Of CAlJfORNIA 89. .'.,, _ UNIVE~lTYOHAUfORNIA 90. 0 f~ONT VI~W 119. P"'t. Supply Unit PE-117-C, Normal Point.t...point Rui.tan.. Varu.. a, L:ATING TzouIn.K IN PLAn: SUPI'LY UNIT PE-1l7-C. Normal resbu.nce values obained by pOint-to-pOint measurements on Plate Supply Unit PE-1l7-C when functioninll" properly. are indicated below. Fil[Ul"(:s 79 and 8(1 show volt- agee and part. location. U.., of the daa in cOn_ nt"tion with similar "",uuremenu' on faulty equipment. eombined with lOll"iul eircult analrsi.. will dioclooe the oou'""" of trouble in an improperly operating Or dead pl.o.te supply unit. The readingo "'ere alren under the followinll: eonditions, and th..... mu~t be reproduced exactlr if ""mpari..,n m....urement. on a faultr unit are 10 be made_ f Cl..... (1) Remo,'" the r""tifter tul>e V2 and ,'ollage rea-vlalor tube va from their _Iret.. (2) Remove Vibralor VB--7- ( ) from iu. IOClret. (3) Dioconnect the power and eontrol cable from Rad;o Rec:e;'-er and Transmitter BC-659--( ) . (4) Dloconn""t the battery lead. from the ,'''''iml.o.r ballery. ( 5) Fwoe F U-.38 (Fl) .h""ld remain in the fuoe elipo.. (6) All meuul"(:menu. made with "oltohm_ meter in THt Set I-t.&-( ). In general. ohm_ meter . ""dingo will be more ","curate when taken on the upper two-thirds of the ooale. and where,'er pouible. the range ohould be (h ", - "..H .".' (, "!~, , "i.,,..... " , -> ; -,--, ,,-, -,, ;, --, ,, ,; , -- = .itj, 1- i~: . i,, ~, ~,- - E !,, ,, , , ,., .", '. "" .' , ~ ! .. , , - --~ ~ .~ , - ; .~ . , ," i : " .;: ~ r : f -~..:. I ! " '. ',.~ ~ '. ' , ~ .~ .,. ~ : ~ :., ..' . ,,., ., ,, ,, ~ ; ~ , 0..", ,If UNIV,R!TY Of CAlJfORNIA ,, - .. ... , , ,, ,, ,,, , ", ", ,.., " .,,~ ! ~ :; ; = ,,!,, , "~ :.., , .,! ., ~ :: ."~ E i - ", i, "~ 1 t" - 97. w..... ~AIITND1l"mt lMd by Anny G"",nd Force. or Anny Service Fa""," _urs ...... often than repair per.onnel feel is nor_ ma!. War Department U"...tiofactory Equip- ....1 Report. WD AGO Form 468 (iii". 82) IIIoold be filled out and tor,,'anled to the Office of tho Chief Sirnal Officer. W&$hiniton 26. D. C. b. When trouble in fqulpment lMd by Army Air Fo""",, ,"",ur. mo.....often than repair per_ fIOnn.1 feel I, normal. Army Air Force& torm &4 Mould be ftlled out and forwarded thl"OUllb channel.. . Penonnel re.ponsibl. tor Siinal Corp.!. equipment "",ould keep a .upply of Ih""" fornu on hand and Doe them ... needed. This ia the beIIt and quick..t way of a..uring elimination of bulta in equipment. The form b olon XVII. ALIGNMlNT AND NEUTRALIZATION 124. T, In.'N ......" for Alignm. nl and ,",,"alioalion The followini tt,t equipment should be uled for alimmen and adjustment of R.odlo Rth'er and TrallAmiller BC--659--( ): ... An electronic voltmettr tor measuring "J/Iage:!! at the melering socket. which may be: (I) Voltohmmeter 1-107-( ) PIort of Mainlenance Equipment :ME-I3-( ). See TM 1I--306. (2) The panel meier of R.odio R"""i,u and Transmitter BC-659--( ) in ""njunclion ....ith ALIGN_OFF .....itch or with Adapter :M...a99. (3) Any other eltronic ,oltmeler. b. Alignment Tool TL-W7 or TL-150. c. A mean. of ionerating a .~al at the inter_ !!Itdiste frequency of 4.3 me, ouch u : (1 ) Oscillator V0--4- ( ) part of Mainte- nance t;quipment ME-I3--( ). or (2) A 4.S-me: cry. tal. Included in Alignment Equipment 1oIE-13 (1Ia". 83), which ia uled in the recei"er """mator _kel. 12.5. AI;gnment 01 Recei"er Section C.uIiOfl: Only trained repair pCnoonncl aulhori.ed to perform ouch work in unit.. fur. ni.hed ....itb the ne",-,ery 8I""'al itenu of equip. me:nt may adJu.t i_f and dillCriminator trim me... Many ..,ta tumod in for ",pair aT(! inoperative only because of "naMtAoriz.d Iam_ perinII' with th.... trimme..... Do not deprive all outfit of a radio ..t when it i. fIOrely needed. A radio ..t turned in for repairs mean. that $Ome unit ia without ""mmunkstion. ft. Set up the equipment ... follows : (1 ) Remo,'. Ihe ch......i~ of the radio rei,"~r and tran.mitler from ito ease by removinll' all ""rews Or unfa.tenll1jf the caL::h.dips around the edae of the panel and pulling the cru....i. forward. (2) Set .wiL::beII SWI and SW2 to OFF. Sct !'Onel meter .,,iL::h to e ll ;':CK. Ch""k the pane! meter to lee that the pointer r""ta at ze",- Thero:: I. a mel~r zero adju",,,,,,nt ""rew di....ctly under the ..,.1e. If the pointer doe!! not come to rut uactly at zero. uoe a ."",11 scn""dri"er to make thl, .dju.tmen. (8) Conn",,1 Radio R"""i"er and Transmitter BC-659-( ) to it..!IOUrce of !lOwer by joininlf the two bah'eo of the !lOwer and control cable connedor. (4) Remo,'" both cl').tab from the oet. b. The follo,,";nll' .liiJIment procedure lUlng Maintenance Equipment ME_I3-( ) i. based on the "oe of Voltohmmettr l~l(17_ ( ) ... an indi....tor. 1I0we"u. any other et""tronic wlt_ meter "''''eo fqually ,,"ell, (I ) Set up and calibrate Voitohmmcler 1-107-( ) U Indic.ted in BI 11-300. Connect tho comm~,:~.a~l'lIlf"tor dip to the ch......i. ot UNIVE~lTY Of CAlifORNIA 99. Radio Receivead Tr'lUImilter 1IC-M9--( I. (2) &t ~p Oeeill.lor V0-4-( ) .. 'ndi caltd In T)I ll-3OEi .nd .e lit . ...ildo 10 4.3 1M. Tum A1TENUATIOSO .:ontrol olookw;... onl)' enoup to turn OIrl< ..It~ II ....k 1....1 .. _ Iblo. (8) Turn R.dio Reo:elvtr and Tr.nomitter 1IC-6.59- ( ) on witb the volume eontroL. Do not Inn! the mip) ot if nl'lfo......, T4. TIl. and T'l. in thai order, for "",,,imum on Volt ohmmeter 1_107_( ) (fill' , 13 and 74), (6) Re.djuot primal")' . nd _on(..y ..I n. n, .nd T4, In that order. I_t .mpllfter i. now . Ji,ned. (1J huert probf: in pin No. '/ of mete';n.. _keto Ulin, full output of o.dlLator Y0-4_( ) and Iowat .....e ot ...,Iunw.r. ad JUII terond.ory of dlkrl",h tor I..naror"",r Ta (ftr. 1~ ) tor UN> volt., (""'IiI1U'~M IIOi ......~." ,. (8) Inoen prot.. in jrl 8 ot meterinr _ kel and Idjul I T5 primary for muimum on Volt o~mmeter J- I07-( ) . (II, Chock -.>ndary of T5 .. In (1) above; rHdjul I to if """.....ry. Olll(riminator i, no'" ,Umed. (10) Tum ..1 oK. e1i_nntcl teol flqulpmml. and replace ",",.taJa. Be ..... ~ry'.I1t are in- H oled In the proper chaMel _k~ Cl..d: ~_Unr adjul tment.o tor both channell.. e. The tollowi... aUlnment proctdure 10_ Alirnment Equipment MY...13 (1Isr. 83) and the .Iilnmen! Indicator which I, bu!!1 Into Radio RelvI. and Trn.miller BC4S9-J (flquiv." IIniio Adapt... M-899). 0 ) Chttk tor 1M proper functlonin. of the allr nlMflt irtdiulor .. peaker moundnr ..,........ h plau the channel cry.tale In their PIOJK'l" .hanntla. Ret,,", Iitt HI to III UH. 126. """,oll%CI,lon m. NeulrlUution o( 1M 1In.1 p-6 ,tar e II not nmer)' unl... the orlrinal HIIln, of tht ~lrall1lnl capacitora Itu been .,h"opOI....:we them uneM II IdI1llJr bee F E ntt.I'".,. 10 i"O'ntUlrali.. Ihe fln.1 p-a .-b. To tltttk ntulr.Hzalion: (1) Rfmova ect from cue. Turn paMI met., Iwltch to CHECK. Set SW2: 10 OFF .nd G HA~ , witch 10 A. (2) PTflA mk rophoM . ",ikh ond IUM A; Ih.......h Ito ranI""O'.., -~--~--~--- b ." A...... d""""_..,] An...n. p" '" ""I Section XVIII. I'ttESEnlNG 121. Preliminary Cotoli"'ralionl n. Radio R...i,er and Tran.mitt~r 8C-659-( ) i. d""igned to operate on an}' fre_ qO>ency within the rani' of 2'1.0 10 38.9 m"ll"a rycl... The {Nquen~y o{ the lrans",ltt~r lind '~eive r i. cryllal-oontrolled for operalion on any 2 of tW differ.nt obannel. spaced 100 kilo- "" plate _tall"" ohould be , .... 01l,ned befor~ o~rallon. Wilh batteri... and tt)-Ital. in. t.slled and proper ronnedio.... made in acconIance wilh _lion II. Ihe .et can be operated on th..... two froquenci.... Check to .... th.t Ihe ...1 """ral... properly before Rttompl_ inc to chRnie the chnnel pr_tinp.. b The receiver ls pr....t r."t beeau... 11 con_ loi... Ihe crystals and II frequency . tabiliur 01 the oet. Then the IraMmitter i, pr"""t. The t, i_' and tbe di..riminato:>r ar~ not ad]u_t"" when presetlinll channels. but are &dju. ted ~pa r.tely al In.tru 00'/. I.. pNpn ....".n tD1, tune At (Bt) to ill IPPI"llltIm.ate; aettin, . lIo.... thIn 0", poak .m be found. CbooH the .i'und lOi_ _ up, M ( D.I) hu been moved too far. Go Nek to (I ) above Ind ret back on the con-ec:t pelk Ipln. Check to ION! that il i. now pooaible to h.... the voice In the pho~ when ,peaklnr Into the microphone. (3) Insert the probe in pin No. 6 of tho! Y TERINC SOCKT and tune A5 (86) for muimum meU" neaIIlnr. (4) Check to _ that the ponel meter .witeh b .t CHECK. The ""","ini... adjUltrnenta In made ulinr the ponel metft'. (5) Set SWI to ON. P..... mierophone .....itch Ind tune A6 (B6) for maximum r"dlnl on the panel met... (6) Set SW2 to ON. Turn pon.1 mete. Iwilth to OPER. c...tlolt : Do not p...... mkrophone .wltch until rudy to make the nut adjultment .....iftb-. It b lilY to Nn the JI-& lube durinr thl. ad jUltmenL In tune A7 .. Th;~.~~"~:~~plettl)' meter . ..Il. ChKk the alirn_nt indioato. before pre- oettin,. Set the OFF_AUGN . wlleh to AUGN, VOLUME-OFF rontrol full on. and nOl~ the panel meier rodin!j'. Turn Ihe VOLUME-OFF rontrol all the ..a1 back to the left from full on. and nOle the . !u.n in the meter nadln... If the dll'l'ererte:e I. more lhan one di"i,lon. intn_ chan.e Tubes J AN-306/ 1299 (VT_1M) in the reftiver a_f p..a _kel IIntil OM ia found that Is satiafKlO.,.. Thlo lube u.ou.lcI ri... a meter readi... betW.... 1.6 Ind 2.6. Nul lurn Ihe VOLUME-OFF control full on, Note lhe mete.- r.adinl ....Ith Ihe p~ fro... (held IWay from the HI): then aTound the probe 10 the c~...';', If Iht md rudin, does not InoreaN .t 1,..,.1 th" dlvillona. check Tube JAN-3D4/ 1299 And DI ll.,. BA....O. Replace either Or boIh If ned Irln-mill "","pldel), On one .hannel freq ...nC)l beron p..-ellln.- the other .bonne!. or adiPlt evh ...... ft,..1 on one thannel then on tbe other. chAnrinr the of the ....torinr _keto P",.. the miorophone .wlkh and tune BUFFER GRID A5 (85) for mini ",urn on the meter. (5) Replace th. probe in the Fahneotoc:k clip on the "~k.r rnountin!j' .crew. Set the on'- AI.IGN . witch to OFF. The remaininl &dju,t- menb! .hould be made uoinl th~ panel meter in itll normal circuib!. (6) Set SWI to ON. Tune A6 (B6) for muimum re.ding on the p.~) mete. c..ulion, Do not P...,.I the microphone awitch until the adjustment cn be made ' '''lfIly be- 'a"... the P""" tube may be damapIp of Radio Sel, SCR-609-{ ) and SC R~lO-( ) may be ..Iigned It, foll"wl: (, a. Remo", t wo ...t-s from Ihe Owe upply: instan cry.IJtI. .nd eonnt about 5 feet of wire to each an enna terminal. All ch.nnel-A c,.y.lJtls m~.1 be the "me frequency and .n channel_B cI")'.lal. must be the frequency. b. Set the front panel control. on both oeto .. foliowl: (I) CHAN .witch to A. (2) VOLUME full on. (3) Head"'t pluned in if speake. i. not ......( 4) Meter ...Ior . ..itch in any flO"il ion. c. Sel SWI and SW2 on the cba..i. to OFF. d. Set alignment trimmers Al through A7 and B1 through B7 to the appr-7. Repl.""ment of T.unk Type Catches il! a.dio Seta SCR-609-A and B, and SCR-610-A , .oR MWO SIG 11-61&-9. MocIlllcaUol! of Radio Set. SCR-609-A and B. and SCR-610-A and B. Filament VoUall'! R~atioa and ReAlttor Mountinr Braeket. TB SIG-1l5. Silica Gel Cont.lnfd In Radio Seq SCR4>09 A and B, SCR-6IO-A and B. SCR 609 A and B. SCR-CIO-A and B. TB 11-61&-eDt In Car. 1I. lft.....k M3A2. TM 11-2723' . Inllallatlon of Radio and Inl' I1I"',"e Equipment In 3-lnch Gun Molor C~ rrilll'" 101.10 and MIOAI. TM 11_272-1' . In. tAlialion of R.dio .nd Inlerphone Equip"",nl In 76mm Gun Motor Carriage 'MO. TM 11-2725, In.lallatlon Clf Radio EqulpoMnl in Truck. ",.ton. ~ )( 4. WtlPG"I COrri.... TM 11-2126. l"'tAllltlon or Rodio and FICIIlmile Equipment in T.....k. %ton. 4 X 4 Command Reolonn.llllnec. TM 11- 2733' . Inot.llaUGII of Radio F,quipment in Llrht C.rJl(l Carr;" .". 'II~{R IIY{JI' (AUfC 11IA 108. nl ll_Z7S4", i tllullation of Radio and Interphone Equlpm~nt in Tank R.... co'-try Vehicle M32. TM 11-27olS', Installation of Radio Equipment in Truck, l '/!_ton. 6 X 6. Personnel and C.rro. n l S7-250, Bule M.inunan= Manual. 10. Formf WD AGO Form 468 (IJnoati.rab....i ..i""1 rO