RadControls for windows phone presentation

Post on 22-May-2015

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Transcript of RadControls for windows phone presentation

Telerik radConTrols for WindoWs Phone

Help you build WOW apps. Drive engagement and revenue.

Drive engagement and revenueRadControls Application Building Blocks - TrialReminder, RateAppReminder, RadDiagnostics and LiveTileHelper are inspired by the Marketplace environment and help your app drive higher revenue.

Build fluid and delightful experienceDesigned with the end-users delight in mind, the product is your shortcut to creating intuitive and exciting Windows Phone apps.

Get exposure for your WP7 app – join the Showcase GalleryYou’ve built an app using RadControls for Windows Phone? Why not increase your app’s exposure by joining our Showcase section?

DOWNLOAD A TRIAL @ www.telerik.com/windows-phone

DOWNLOAD A TRIAL @ www.telerik.com/windows-phone

Components that RadControls have on top of the MS Windows Phone package• Animations• BusyIndicator• BulletGraph• Calendar• Chart• Gauge• LiveTileHelper• MessageBox

• Pagination• RateAppReminder• Rating• SlideView• ToolTip• TrialReminder• Transition control

Telerik radConTrols for WindoWs Phone