Rabbi Weinberger 5774 Night

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Transcript of Rabbi Weinberger 5774 Night

8/12/2019 Rabbi Weinberger 5774 Night

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Rabbi Weinberger 5774- The Heart Changes from Stone to Flesh

ד רי סופרים ות לו-ר' צדוק הכהן מלו לין

 עצמו  )תהלים ק"ט ד'( ו ני תפילה ששם עצמו עני ש ין צריך להתפלל רק הו על דרך ש מר דוד המלך ע"ה

עורו מפני רע ונו עד שחשך משחור ת רו וכל גופותפילה כמו ששמעתי הפירוש כן, כי עני ההולך ערום ויחף וצפד פצעים ומכ ו ים וכיוצ , זה כשיעמוד פתח צל מי שיכול לרחמו עליו ולעזרו ין צריך לד ר קשתו כלל כי כל 

 עצמו תפילה, וכן היה דוד המלך ע"ה שפל רוח עיניו ומכיר נגעי ל ו וזהו  רו הו ירגיש מ וקשו וירחם עליו והו

 דע ני שגם שיחתו תפילה:דרג


R Tzadok asks what does it mean when it says תפיל


? When a person comes and asks for thingsו ני

one can be suspicious but there is a Halacha if a person comes to the door and the entire being is

screaming for help you don't ask. This is why saysדוד המלך

 I amו ני תפילה tfila. We are saying

Hashem, look at me, I am Tfila. Do I need to say anything? On this final Trisha b'av sitting on the

floor do we really need to explain things and say words?

Hergesh ofתשעה

 ו ני

. We all feel it.

זכריה פרק י

 יגדל המספד ירושלם כמספד הדד רמון קעת מגדון: יום ההו )י ()י ( וספדה ה רץ משפחות משפחות ל ד משפחת ית דויד ל ד ונשיהם ל ד משפחת ית נתן ל ד ונשיהם 

ל ד: 11 In that day shall there be a great mourning in Jerusalem, as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in

the valley of Megiddon. 12 And the land shall mourn, every family apart: the family of the house of

David apart, and their wives apart; the family of the house of Nathan apart, and their wives apart;

How can it be the day we are waiting for is a day of ?? We are waiting for a day of mourningהמספד

We have been giving eulogies for years why would it be thatיום ההו we will have a Eulogy in

Jerusalem? Why should families be torn apart once again?

Rav Simcha Wasserman ( Son of R Elchonon Wasserman) gives us a beautiful insight from the NAvi


יחזק ל פרק לו פסוק כו

 ה ן מ שרכם ונתתי לכם ל שר:  חדש ורוח חדשה תן קר כם והסרתי ת ל ונתתי לכם ל 

.A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you; and I will take away the

stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh.

What is the ה ן,ל  the stone heart that has to be removed for the flesh heart, של ? Rav Simcha

explains the holocaust survivors of fires of Europe should have gone crazy and lost their minds,after their family members were murdered and world was destroyed1. For example Rebbe told a

story when there was a rat in his new home so he called his father and he came over with a metal

stick and killed it. Rebbe couldn’t believe his father wasn’t scared. Rebbes father told him when he

was in mauthausen concentration camp he once saw a rat with a baby's head in its mouth, and

1 Intellectuals give answers but they didn't live through it. Rav simchas Father was murdered in

the Holocaust

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that’s why he wasn’t scared of the rat in rebbes house. And rebbe asked how did people like his

father not go crazy?

Rav Simcha explained we have aל ן

 which gives us ability to survive after seeing these

tragedies. If it wasn't for the stone heart they would have gone mad from everything they saw.

However to walk around with a  all day we would not be compassionate and Hashem wantsל ן

us to be people who feel the pain of another person, never to be cold, not to see others and remain

without empathy . But in our exile we would need the stone heart to have been able to survive. We

need the stony surface to protect us from all the pain. Soonמשיח

 will come and we will have a

warm heart. We won't need the hearts of stone. Hashem will peel away the heart of stone that

protected us. Our natural  will be exposed once again. In that split second we will beל שר

overwhelmed with all that we didn't feel all those years. The emotions will come rushing out.

Many Survivors didn't cry during the war. Couldn’t go beneath the lev even. Only when his dad went

back home and they slammed the door in his face did he cry? At that moment he cried the tears of

five years. Children of survivors know the parents never stopped crying.



there will be tremendous tears. Could it be we have ל

all year? Rav Simcha says wehave three weeks, 9 days and a Tisha b'av which is a great time to empathize and access theל


. It is a time when we feel the pain of. The dancing will begin right after the pain ofעם ישר ל


enters our heart when Mashiach comes.

Reb 2Shlomo Katz wrote a book with stories of Rav Shlomo Carlebach. On Page 72 there is a story

of the tzikiver rebbe. After WWI he was sitting with his Chasidim and he said what happened now

is nothing compared to what will be. He cried that he should die so he doesn't see it and he died the

next day. There is another story of the Bluzhever rebbe that died in 1931. There were 12 Jews

killed by the Germans accused of being spies in the First World War. The Chasidim came to rebbe

upset looking for advice. The Rebbe closed the door and begn smoking a pipe and responded that

there will be a time when millions of Jews will be killed and I don't want to see it. Rebbe died the

next day. Chasidim forgot the whole story. R Shlomo Carlebach told a story that one of the Chasidimin the room with bluzhever rebbe suddenly remembered the whole story when he came to

Jerusalem in 1967.

When it comes to Trisha b'av R Simcha says a Jew who wants to can always remember. Even though

the whole year we are protected by the stone heart but on Tishri b'av it's חלליהעל ל י . I

can't stop my eyes on Tisha b'av from crying. Tisha B'av is a taste at the end of time. Geulah is

getting ready to happen. Something big is going on. Millions of goyim suddenly remember how

much they hate us.

Story of R Moshe Arenstien. He was asked when he got to Auschwitz why are you here he

respionded I don’t know. He almost got killed. They asked him again and he answered because I am

Jewish. It suddenly hit the whole world that we are guilty of surviving. Arabs are killing each otherall over the place but nobody cares. But just like Rudolph Hess the Nazi said there won't be a Jew

left in Europe. They were searching every stone in the forest for Jews.

.יגדל המספד .There are many families that will be alone Now people go to payמשפחות משפחות ל ד

Shiva calls. The Chief Rabbi Lau spends his whole day going to visit families. But after Shiva when

2 http://www.amazon.com/The-Soul-Jerusalem-Shlomo-Katz/dp/1937887308

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the cameras go away who is there with these people. The Faces of the boys we see in the magazine

and appear and half hour later we forget but that boy’s mother will hold the picture her whole life.

What does Hashem want? This is the last one before the big news. In the beginning of the year we

forgot all Jews are our brothers and sister. Hashem wants that it will be יגדל המספד ירושלם


ר שמ,לילעליוכוהית,נשמגמלי ר ששכנתחשמעשה

.משכונתוהוצי ותלמידי הכירלמח.עיניריסשנשרע,כנגדו כקולגמלי ל 

Story of woman whose son died who lived in the same neighborhood of Rabin Gamliel. At night this

mother cried all night. Medrash says Rabin Gamliel heard the cries at night he cried with her until

his eye lashes fell out because he remembered the Churban until eye lashes out. What is

connection? Tragedies of our nation began at the time of the Churban Beis Hamikdash. Since the

Beis has been destroyed there hasn't been a day that hasn't been cursed. When a Jewish boy doesn't

come home to his parents that's part of the Churban. The source of the tears of the mother crying in

Raban Gamliel’s neighborhood is the churban

Tonight we have to daven for a  not to have the anesthesia to feel others pain. We have toל שר

feel the pain of the families who are alone. Children without their fathers Source is the Churban

פרש(ו )ריכה

'דרג.המקדיכחרחורישסילוקהוקש.חורלש ומועעלקר 

יהוד ל תולת



 Medrash The death of Childrenis more horrible theהמקדיכחר ן

 . Rebbe said because the

place of Mikdash received the kedusha in that space because there was a Bachur went up to be

killed and the Malach said stop and dont kill. When Sarah heard it almost happened she couldn't

bear it and she died.3. But Hashem didn't send a Malach to stop the Arabs from killing our boys.

Yitzchak was almost killed and Sarah died from grief. What should our mothers do? How muchcould they take?


4 עמודכרתיקוני-חדזוהר



Zohar 23 talking about Shiluach Hakan. What does Hashem do? Gathers all Malachim to him. מלמד


. I don't hear any of you being melamed Zchus us on our children. Yisroel  and the Shchina in

Gauls. Yerushalayim is destroyed. Nobody is begging for compassion. At that time Hashem yells and

says למענלמעני .

R Shlomo. Carlebach was once in the French Riviera for Trisha B'av and he saw they had a minhagto put a candle in front of them and at the end of Aicha they extinguish the candle and lye on the

floor and start crying. The Ruv then lights a candle and everybody relights. One yid couldn't relight.

Here we are. And we have so much to cry about. Sometimes they feel like the candle will never be

3 Rebbe said over an Aish kodesh in previous years that elaborated on this point

4 Rebbe said it was in this zohar but I couldn’t find quote there.

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relit. We have to hang on a little longer and such candles will be relit. Every street will be lit up real
