RAAF Dog Handlers Association in PDF & Word Formats/RDHA June... · RAAF Dog Handlers Association ....

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Transcript of RAAF Dog Handlers Association in PDF & Word Formats/RDHA June... · RAAF Dog Handlers Association ....

w w w . r a a f d o g h a n d l e r s . c o m

All measures and means

to minimise the

vulnerability of

personnel, facilities,

equipment and

operations to any threat

and in all situations, to

preserve freedom of

action and the

operational effectiveness

of the force.

President’s Report 2 Photos ANZAC Day 2012 12

Doggies Announcements 3 Butterworth 1973 15

Lest We Forget 3 RDHA Shop 15

On the sick list 3 Bank Details 15

ANZAC Day 2012 3 Articles for Editor 15

New RDHA Members 3 A word from our Treasurer 16

Naming of Charlie 4 litter 4 Pack Get Together 2012 16

Security boosted on bases 5 Author Nigel Allsopp 19

A $230,000 dog 6 What’s Happening at

After Top Crown 7 RAAFSFS MWDTF 20

DVA Gold Card Holders 8 More photos from the

A Blast from the past 9 Pack Get Together 2012 25

Increase to Vet Pension 11

Force Protection

is: 2012 JUNE In this Issue

Newsletter Volume #5 Issue #5

RAAF Dog Handlers Association


On ANZAC Day we had approximately 20 members marching on the day, and 14 Handlers & Dogs

marching at the rear. As you are all aware the Committee has not changed and we hope to be of service to

all members. Maggie Perrett phoned to let us know that she could not attend our march due to a bad case

of pneumonia, I hope Maggie has now recovered and that she will be able to make it next year. I welcomed

Graham Wilson, Steve McNaughton, Ian Wintle, & Tony Routley to the meeting as it was their first or

second time they have attended an AGM.

We had 25 apologies and may I say it was a shame that we didn’t have more attend for our first march

under the new banner. I have one more apology to add to the list, Max Foot OAM as he told me two weeks

earlier that he would not be available to join us and to give his apology. I apologize Max for not submitting

your name.

I did have one complaint in regards to our flight, as there was one person/s talking while the Ode and

National Anthem was being played. I cannot stress to all within the ranks, that when the Ode, the Anthem or

General Salute is carried out, that we are to pay our respect and that is to take your hat off and remain

quiet. It is not a good outcome when the crowd behind us, hear the person/s talking and NOT paying their

respect. Please show respect in the future there are eye/ears everywhere on the day.

The AGM went off very well I thought and the venue was accepted by many as very good. The Association

had to fork out $100 as members who said would be a attending the luncheon did not attend. It was an

agreement that the minimum amount for the luncheon was to be $600 and the Association reached only

$500. The meal was buffet and was excellent at $20 per head. The Event Coordinators may have to look at

an alternatives next year.

Since ANZAC Day I have attended three functions. The RDHA Association has donated to RAAFSFS a

trophy for the “Instructor’s Memorial Award”. This award is presented to the student who displays the

highest Military Working Dog qualities and attributes as assessed by the course instructors. This award is

presented in memory of past Security Guard, Police Dog, and Military Working Dog instructors who have

since passed on. ACW McMahon and MWD Gambit took out this award and it was an honor to present her

with the award on 24 May 12. ACW McMahon is from Brisbane and posted to RAAF Base Tindal and I

wish all the Basic Course members Session 0025 the very best for the future.

The second function was at Robina on the Gold Coast this was the “War memorial for Animals” 27 May 12

and I must say this was welcome by many and was very well presented. Nigel Allsopp who is one of our

members and a civilian Police Officer was the instigator of this brilliant day. See plaque Photo below.

Nigel has a new book out and if you would like to read his book Ray Thomas has a special deal for RDHA


The third function was at RSPCA Wacol Brisbane 07 Jun 12 for the unveiling of the special day in

recognition for all dogs which is now recognized by all Associations. Peter Scot from Western Australia

came over for this occasion and is wanting to join the RDHA Association. Peter was a doggie a few years


Before closing I would like this opportunity to welcome new members to the Association, who I didn’t state

earlier in the year.

Des Andrews

President RDHA

Presidents Report


We would like to wish our very

best to Bob and Gail McMaster on

there 46th

Wedding Anniversary

back on the 28th

April 2012. We

all hope you had a great day and many more to


We lost a great Vet and person Paul Henry. Paul

was the vet for the school as well as the

Queensland Police. His funeral was attended by a

guard of honor by the RAAF MWD Handlers and

dogs as well as the Queensland Police Dog squad

plus RDHA representatives.

I know that there is some guys on here that would

remember Paul Henry, he was the schools vet for

many years and his commitment to the school and

giving us 'doggies' greater knowledge in dog

husbandry went beyond and above that role. Paul

has over the past years been battling cancer. As a

vet I found Paul excellent, he did not believe in

over medicating animals. He did the right thing

instead of looking at the dollar signs. As a person

he is someone that I admire greatly - he was an

extremely generous man who just potted around

and enjoyed the simple things in life. Paul will be

sadly missed by all that knew you.

John Smith

Grant Teeboon’s son David

is not well and was in

Intensive Care for a while.

We wish Grant and Deb all the

very best and a speedy recovery for David.

The turnout for ANZAC Day this year was not as

big as in the past due to the day falling on a

Wednesday. However, the day was still a success

with 24 members marching along with a

contingent of MWDH and 16 MWD’s from the

Basic and Advance courses plus staff at


The night before ANZAC Day was a gathering of

doggies at the City Golf club in Toowoomba. It

all started out well until we were asked to leave a

certain area as we were making to much noise for

the patrons to hear the bingo calls. Moving to

another area, the night kicked on, still rowdy but

well received by the patrons. It was closing time

when three members were asked to leave. Who

would have thought that doggies would be still

there at closing time.

I would like to welcome in our newest members.

Greg Barker (WA)

Johnny Maher (QLD

Chris Walsh (VIC)

Brett McCormack (off last Basic course)

Melissa Jane McRae (off last Basic course)

Shane Geisler (RAAFSFS)

Jamie Peake (SA)

Ted Tooth (QLD)

Dean Norman (NSW)

Laurie Lord (WA)

Robert Leonard (NT)

Jodie Ray Dell (SECPOL NT)

Darren McCartney (NT)

At this point in time we have a membership

strength of 131.

Lest We Forget

On the Sick List

ANZAC Day 2012 Doggies Announcements

New RDHA Members


In April of this year, we had the privilege of naming the Charlie 4 litter of puppies that were born at

RAAFSFS. It was good to see that there were a lot of names submitted. After the Naming Committee had

completed the selection of names, the final outcome was as follows:

Boys Named By

Canuck Named in honour of Canadian Defence Force

Chimo Named in honour of Canadian Defence Force

Chief Noel Fuller, Kol Kajanto, Jamie Peake, Liz Smith, Bob Warn, Des Andrews, Pedro Routley.

Capone NIL

Comet Noel Fuller, Liz Smith, Bob Warn, Charlie Magarry

Captain Noel Fuller, Jamie Kennedy

Girls Named By

CJ Nigel Allsopp (Named in honour of Councillor Grew Gold Coast City Council who was

instrumental in supporting the War Animal Plague at Robina ANZAC memorial at Robina Town

Community Centre on 27 May 12)

Cleo Graham Purser, Bob Warn, Des Andrews, Petro Routley

Cassie Pedro Routley

Cally Christina Millard

The breeding combination is Axel z Pohranicni Straze (RCMP Axel) & Kampftfrieb Diablo.

The Naming of the Charlie 4 Litter

POSITIVE changes are unfolding to increase the protection of Defence personnel and establishments in the

event of a threatening security incident such as a terrorist attack.

Defence personnel may notice an increase in deterrent infrastructure and Australian Federal Police (AFP)

presence on their bases and establishments as a result of security improvement initiatives being implemented

by the Base Security Improvement Program (BSIP).

Coordinating the program’s schedule and reporting on its progress is Mathew Couch from the BSIP program

management office in Canberra.

Mr Couch said the program was established in 2010 after a security review made 33 recommendations to

enhance the protection of Defence personnel and workplaces in August 2009. “The AFP and a number of

intelligence agencies foiled a terrorist plot targeted at Holsworthy Barracks in 2009. This led to a review of

security across the Defence estate with the intention of improving protection for personnel serving on

bases,” Mr Couch said.

“The threat is real and the base security enhancement is for all personnel to be alert and proactive.

“Under an intelligence-led and risk-based approach, the BSIP continues to deliver security measures aimed

at mitigating identified risks.

“By tailoring improvements to the profile of each base, identified risks will be reduced and the safety of

personnel against terrorist-based attacks will be increased.”

Security Boosted on Bases



A component of the BSIP is the Enhanced Self-Defence Capability (ESDC), which builds upon strengthened

self-defence legislation providing a more robust framework by which personnel can defend themselves and

others in the event of a serious incident.

The EDSS capabilities focuses on protecting Defence people through a deter, protect and respond model.

ESDC Project Team Leader LTCOL Wayne Higgins said the capability included an armed AFP presence on

some bases to provide surveillance and an immediate response. On bases identified at most risk of an attack,

ADF wardens with access to weapons would also be present.

“If the need arises, uniformed ADF personnel, who are trained and authorised, will draw weapons,

ammunition and other equipment and take up positions to protect approaches to designated safe zones where

the bas population will take cover during an incident,” LTCOL Higgins said.

He said onsite AFP would be the first to respond to an incident by cordoning and containing the threat and,

if was within their capacity, resolving the situation.

“The AFP will do what they can by in large the state or territory police will come onto the base to resolve

the situation as they have jurisdiction.”

Security program and self-defence capability developments will continue as systems are brought online and

supporting infrastructure works are completed.

MINNEAPOLIS – Don’t call her a guard dog.

When she costs $230,000, as Julia did, the

preferred title is “executive protection dog”. This

3-year-old German shepherd, who commutes by

private jet between a Minnesota estate and a home

in Arizona, belongs to a canine castle that

combines exalted pedigree, child-friendly

cuddliness and arm-lacerating ferocity.

Julia and her ilk have some of the same tracking

and fighting skills as the dogs used by Navy Seal

Team 6, which took a dog on its successful raid of

Osama bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan.

In fact, Julia was sold by a trainer, Harrison

Prather, who used to supply dogs to Seal Team 6

and the British Special Forces. But then Mr

Prather switched to a more lucrative market.

“Either rich people discovered me or I discovered

them – I can’t remember which happened first,”

said Mr Prather, the president of Harrison K-9

Security Services in Aliken, South Carolina.

He and others in the high-end dog training

business say prices have shot up thanks to the

growing number of wealthy people around the

world who like the security – and status –

provided by a dog with the right credentials.

Moguls and celebrities new routinely pay $40,000

to $60,000 for a well-bred German shepherd that

is certified as an expert in the sport of

A $230,000 Dog That Is Part Pet, Part Weapon


Schutzhound, which means “protection dog”. The

price can go much higher if a dog does well at an

international championship, as Julia did.

John Johnson, Julia’s owner has six protection

dogs, all German shepherds, and normally takes a

couple in his car.

“It’s for both security and companionship,” he

said as Julia nuzzled his leg. But when an intruder

emerged near the tennis court of his estate, all it

took was one command, “Packen!” (the bit

command from German word for “seize”), to send

Julia racing across the lawn.

She sank her teeth into the intruder’s arm, which

was encased in padding for a demonstration, and

hung on even as he lifted her off the ground. She

let go only upon being commanded and then stood

guard over her new prisoner, barking and

threatening to bite again whenever he made a

move to escape, which he wisely did not try.

Julia was a controlled ferocity, which trainers

distinguish from the anger manifested by ordinary

dogs. When two dogs try to intimidate each other,

they stiffen, growl, bare teeth and stare intently.

Protection dogs are trained to continue looking

around and protecting their owners, not to

establish their own dominance. And, when

commanded, they are supposed to switch instantly

from attack mode to pet mode.

“The client is often a guy on his second family,”

Mr Parather said. “He travels a lot, leaves his wife

alone with kids in a large house. He wants peace

of mind and a dog that his wife can handle”

The price of a protection dog has risen because of

demand in the United States, Latin America

(especially Mexico), the Middle East, Asia and

other places, said Mr Prather and Wayne Curry,

the owner of Kraftwerk K9 in Rochester,


Mr Parather’s dogs are trained for three years in

Germany before they go to South Carolina for

further training: “I’ve turned down offers of more

than $200,000 for one of my champion dogs,”

said Mr Curry.

Ro clients who can afford the $50,000 price for a

typical well-credentialed dog, there are lots of

ways to rationalize the price.

“When you compare the costs of a full-time

bodyguard versus a dog, the dog makes a lot of

sense,” Mr Curry said. “And the dog, unlike the

bodyguard, can’t be bought off.”

ONE military working dog handler is determined

to take first place in Air Force’s top dog

competition this year – and the first female to do


LACW Cheryl Chaffey, of 13SQN, and her dog

Pax have a busy year for both the Bill Perrett

Competition – for best Air Force working dog and

handler – and a deployment to East Timor.

She said her focus was on improving her dog’s

tactical skills before deploying to East Timor,

however doing will this year’s top dog

competition would also be nice.

“The Bill Perrett competition rewards the best dog

handler team in the Air Force each year,” she said.

“A female hasn’t taken it out yet – it would be

good to see that change.”

LACW Chaffey has undertaken more than 18

months of training to get where she is today,

including single and tri-service policing courses

and her military working dog course. She said she


After Top Dog Crown


always learning about dog training.

Becoming a handler was a natural choice because

she has a history of animal training in her family.

”I’ve always had a love of dogs and have trained

German shepherds previously,” LACW Chaffey


Doing shift work at RAAF Base Darwin can be

exhaustive but she enjoys spending the time with

Pax, particularly when patrolling and training.

On a typical shift she spends a couple of hours

maintaining and improving Pax’s skills as well as

leaning new ones herself.

Her primary motivation is to produce a reliable

dog that will perform the job he is trained to do in

“real time”, not just in training.

LACW Chaffey said Pax had learned some very

handy skills such as opening doors himself.

“That can be very useful when there is a danger to

us entering the room,” she said.

“Obedience is also a very critical skill we need to

maintain as it is our means of controlling our


Being her first deployment with Pax, LACW

Chaffey is looking forward to using their skills

operationally as part of a security team.

She said Pax was a bold and confident dog.

“He is a very intelligent dog with loads of

character and loves his work.

For a dog, Pax has a great work ethic and really

enjoys doing his job.”

Earlier this year after submissions had been made

to me at an AVADSC meeting in Brisbane I

approached the Deputy Commissioner in the

Queensland Consultative Forum regarding Gold

Card holders being required to pay for Medical

Vaccinations prior to overseas travel, I have now

received a positive outcome.

Prior to 1st Aug 2010 DVA has not provided

coverage for medical vaccinations for DVA

clients travelling overseas, the approach was that

these were privately incurred expenses.

DVA has now released a new Business Line

where in it now states that as from the 1st Aug

2010 all GOLD CARD holders are eligible for all

required vaccinations to be covered under the

Gold Card arrangements.

Any Gold Card holders that may have incurred

charges from 1st August 2010 are able to seek

reimbursement via DVA. I would expect a fact

sheet covering this to be issued shortly.

I ask that you make this information widely

available to your friends and association

membership, I will send you a copy of the DVA

Fact Sheet once it becomes available.

If you or anyone else has any questions ask them

to contact their nearest DVA VAN office.


Gordon Blake


QLD State Advisory Council

Australian Veterans’ & Defence Services


A Woman's Rule of


If it has tyres or testicles,

You're going to have

trouble with it

GOLD Card Holders

In the lighter moments of World War II, the Spitfire was used in an unorthodox role: bringing beer kegs to

the men in Normandy.

During the war, the Heneger and Constable brewery donated free beer to the troops. After D-Day, supplying

the invasion troops in Normandy with vital supplies was already a challenge. Obviously, there was no room

in the logistics chain for such luxuries as beer or other types of refreshments. Some men, often called

"sourcers", were able to get wine or other niceties "from the land" or rather from the locals. RAF Spitfire

pilots came up with an even better idea.

The Spitfire Mk IX was an evolved version of the Spitfire, with pylons under the wings for bombs or tanks.

It was discovered that the bomb pylons could also be modified to carry beer kegs. According to pictures that

can be found, various sizes of kegs were used. Whether the kegs could be jettisoned in case of emergency is

unknown. If the Spitfire flew high enough, the cold air at altitude would even refresh the beer, making it

ready for consumption upon arrival.

A variation of this was a long range fuel tank modified to carry beer instead of fuel. The modification even

received the official designation Mod. XXX. Propaganda services were quick to pick up on this, which

probably explains the "official" designation.

A blast from the past - Spitfire “Special Delivery” Vehicle



As a result, Spitfires equipped with Mod XXX or keg-

carrying pylons were often sent back to Great-Britain for

"maintenance" or "liaison" duties. They would then return

to Normandy with full beer kegs fitted under the wings.

Typically, the British Revenue of Ministry and Excise

stepped in, notifying the brewery that they were in violation

of the law by exporting beer without paying the relevant

taxes. It seems that Mod. XXX was terminated then, but

various squadrons found different ways to refurbish their

stocks. Most often, this was done with the unofficial

approval of higher echelons.

In his book "Dancing in the Skies", Tony Jonsson, the only Icelander pilot in the RAF, recalled beer runs

while he was flying with 65 Squadron. Every week a pilot was sent back to the UK to fill some cleaned-up

drop tanks with beer and return to the squadron. Jonsson hated the beer runs as every man on the squadron

would be watching you upon arrival. Anyone who made a rough landing and dropped the tanks would be the

most hated man on the squadron for an entire week.

Make love, not war. Hell, do both.



The Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Warren Snowdon, has announced that from 20 March 2012, around

312,000 veterans, partners, war widows and widowers will receive an increase in their pensions and income

support payments.

Mr Snowdon said improvements to the bi-annual pension indexation process are part of the reforms

introduced by the Australian Government in order to deliver a fairer pension system.

“The increase I have announced today as part of this indexation process will assist the veteran community

by providing the extra support needed to help cope with increased living costs,” he said.

The first full pension payment at the new rates will be on the pension payday 5 April 2012.

The table below highlights the key changes to fortnightly rates.

Pensions are indexed twice a year in March and September by reference to the highest of three measures: the

Consumer Price Index (CPI), Male Total Average Weekly Earnings (MTAWE) and the Pensioner and

Beneficiary Living Cost Index (PBLCI).

“From mid-June, members of the veteran community, will receive additional assistance through the Clean

Energy Future Household Assistance Package to help with the cost of living impact of the carbon price. This

package includes up-front and ongoing assistance for eligible veterans and their families,” Mr Snowdon


Pension indexation rates and details of the Household Assistance Package are available from

www.dva.gov.au or by calling 133 254 or 1800 555 254 for regional centres.


L-R John Dean, Ray Thomas, Graham Wilson, Des


L-R Pedro Routley, Jack Willmott, Des Andrews,

Chris Burgess, Ray Thomas, John Baguley,

Graham Wilson, Steve McNaughton

L-R Des Andrews, Gary Blain, Chris Burgess, Ray


L-R Chris Burgess, Kay Connolly, Tom Connolly

L-R Steve Palmer, Kathy Palmer, Liz Bagully,

Kath Routley, Marie Hodges, Kim Hodges

L-R Steve Palmer, Kathy Palmer

The night before & ANZAC Day photos


L-R at back Ray Thomas, Des Andrews

Seated Sue Dean, John Dean, Trish Thomas

L-R Banner holders Steve McNaughton, Pedro


The line up prior to march

John Baguley and a MWD which he borrowed

At the end of the march holding new Banner

Sue and Ian Wintel


The MWDH’s boys/girls & MWH’s from


Off into the march

A couple of youngest marching with the RDHA

L-R Joshua Clarke (Ray Thomas’s Grandson) and

James Emes (Bob Emes’s Grandson)

L-R Ray Feldman and Stan Willoughby

John Baguley addresses to Members at the AGM

Back at the bar L-R Steve Palmer, Steve

McNaughton, Graham Wilson, Ray Thomas, Des

Andrews, John Baguley


RDHA Car Stickers

$1.50 each


Also peak Caps. $15.00

RDHA Lapel Pin is of metal and

3cm in height. The cost is

$10.00 for members and $13.00

for non-members plus postage.

Key Rings $6.00 each

Stubby Coolers $6.00 each

When paying your annual fees or purchasing any

RDHA merchandise, please make out any Money

Orders or Cheques make it out to “RAAF Dog Handlers


Mr Kim Hodges Bank: Westpac

3 Power Court, Name: RAAF Dog Handlers

Cunningham Rise Association

Goodna BSB No.: 034-108

Queensland 4300 Account No.: 464902

Email: rdhatreasurer@gmail.com

Please place YOUR NAME in the Reference Detail

area when sending electronic transfer.

The RAAF Dog Handlers Association (RDHA) is

produced with the object of keeping every member

abreast of the more important actions taken by the

Association on behalf of its members, as well as

keeping them informed about matters of interest.

The Newsletter is published quarterly in June,

September, December and March. A copy of each

issue is posted free of charge to every member of

the Association. Members are particularly

encouraged to submit brief articles for

consideration for publication in RDHA

Newsletter. Articles by members about their own

views or experiences often stimulate wide

discussions and alert other readers to particular

points not previously highlighted or appreciated.

Butterworth 1973

RDHA Shop Banking Details

Articles to the Editor


Members are also invited to send letters

(preferably no longer than 200 words) for

publication as “Articles to the Editor”. Material

for inclusion in the next edition should reach the

Editor at the email/postal address below, ideally as

a Microsoft Word document attached to an email

or by Australian Post, no later than the 25th day of

the month prior to publication.

The views expressed in individuals’ signed articles

are those of the authors and do not necessarily

reflect the views of the RDHA Association.

Liability. Although material used in RDHA

Newsletter is checked, no liability can be assumed

for any losses due to the use of any material in this


Ray Thomas

RDHA Editor



Married men live longer than single men

do, but married men are a lot more

willing to die...

When any member deposits any monies into the

RDHA Bank Account, after doing so, could you

please send me an email of give me a call to let me

know that you have deposited some money into the

account whether it is for subscriptions or

merchandise. There has been some money

deposited into the account that has no name on it

so we don’t know who it was from. If you have

deposited money on or around the 16th

May with a

receipt number of 0059853, please contact me and

tell me how much you deposited.


Kim Hodges

There will be an additional photo gallery on the

photo page of the web site which will feature

photos of the Pack Get Together Darwin 2012 once

I receive the photos from the guys that were there.

Here are some below.

A Word from our Treasurer

RDHA Web Site

Pack Get Together June 2012

Trish, Zosima, Chad, Laurie,


At Darwin MWD Section

Valsta, Peter, Jen, Robin,

Laurie, Shirley, Mandy

RDHA Itinerary for the 1

st Pack Get Together in Darwin 2012


Nigel Allsopp has asked if any RDHA members

would like a copy of his book “Australian War

Dogs” at a discounted price plus postage. If you

would like a copy please contact Ray Thomas.

Also Nigel has a new book which will be on the

shelves of major book stores in July this year

called “K9 Cops” Police Dogs of the World.


“Australian War Dogs” by

Nigel Allsopp

War Animal Day-27th

May 2012 at

Robina on the Gold Coast





Ladies and gentleman of RDHA, this year 2012,

there were some changes with staff position. As

you know SGT Jamie Kennedy was posted to

Townsville, Combat Survival Training School

(CSTS), CPL Andrew Meadows was posted to

Amberley Military Working Dog Section,

however his posting was postpone for six months

due to RAAFSFS deficiency of instructor’s. CPL

Tamara Hayward went on maternity leave at the

end of 2011 and will be discharging upon

completion of her maternity leave at the end of

July. FSGT Kyle McQueen will be leaving at the

end of Jun 12 and is going on leave without pay

due to his better half being posted to Butterworth.

The following will be a breakdown of the courses

conducted so far this year with some training

picture for your viewing pleasure. Over the last

six months, one MWDH Basic Courses, two Re-

Teams and one Advanced Course have been


Current staff are listed below:


FSGT Kyle McQueen, (Course Director for all

MWDH Courses in house);

SGT Ty Trost, Advanced and Re-Team Course


SGT John Kingston, Basic Course Coordinator;

CPL Tony Baker, Basic Course Instructor;

CPL Tamara Hayward, Basic Course Instructor;


CPL Andrew Meadows, Basic Course Instructor.

Courses completed this year are as follows:

MWDH Re-Team course Session 0051

CPL S. Pratt, AC L. Webber, LAC A. Mattner and

CPL C. Gigg.

Start of MWDH Basic course Session 0025

Rear – AC Karaitiana, CPL Kennedy, LAC

Powley, LAC Holmes

Front – CPL McRae, ACW McMahon, AC Sykes,

AC McCormack

This basic course started with eight students,

however CPL McRae (front rank, far left)

withdrew from course, leaving seven to graduate,

as you will see in the following photo.


MWDH Basic course Session 0025 Graduated

Air Commodore Oddie AM CSC and his wife

present AC Karaitiana with the Academic award.

Air Commodore Oddie AM CSC presents the

DUX of Course award to AC Karaitiana.

Air Commodore Oddie AM CSC and the man we

all know, Mr Des Andrews, presents the new

RDHA and Instructor’s award to ACW


MWDH Advance Course Session 0018

CPL D. Norman, CPL G. Stoeckl, CPL F.

Pandava and LAC M. Douglas

MWDH Re-Team Course Session 0052

LAC S. Richardson and CPL T. Wauhop

For those who had the opportunity to come and

see MWDH Basic course Session 0025 graduate

earlier this year, the following photo’s are of the

dog demonstration conducted after the grad



The graduation Course performing Distance


Obstacles conducted are Fire hoop, Window,

Stairs (not called ladder anymore), Hurdle, Plank

Walk and Tunnel.

The Scaling Board is no longer conducted


Everyone’s favourite, the bite work. This is a

straight out bite with gunfire.

Search and Protection being performed by the

good old Shepherd, displaying his strength by

pulling a 100kg+ man across the ground


These pictures are of the new Dutch Shepherd

performing the Muzzle Attack.

Belgian Shepherd Malinois (Mal) conducting the

muzzle attack exercise.


Graduating course, one of 2012.

Copyright Warning

The photos contained within this letter are official

photos taken by a Defence member of a Defence

event, therefore all of these photos are the

property of Defence. Please use these photos for

your personal viewing only, they are not to be

uploaded onto any other sites.

I hope all have enjoyed the photos and I will

update you all on the second part of this year in

the final news letter. I hope this has fulfilled some

desires of when you trained dogs in the old days,

some not so old. Again, if you are in the area of

Amberley, don’t be a stranger, call in and say hi to

catch-up on old times. We now have a security

person at the front gate, so please give us a call

here at SFS before rocking up and we will make

arrangements for a pass to enter.

Hope to see you soon.


Ty Trost


Events Contact

E-mail: ty.trost@defence.gov.au

Mob: 0439 730 494

W: 07 53613783

More photos from the Pack Get


Steve “Chad” & Zosima Fleming

Darwin SECPOLO Jodie Dell

Ray Thomas & Peter Chandler