!:,r Tn€ T A K€ - Organ Historical Society · PDF filer ' ' ., -.. ,.·' '....

Post on 02-Feb-2018

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Transcript of !:,r Tn€ T A K€ - Organ Historical Society · PDF filer ' ' ., -.. ,.·' '....

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!:,r�Tn€ T�A�K€�« ;c:·



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Vcluh'I<': Vlll WINTER . 1964 N""'� 2 ····-··



Driv!ng RmWJ ;:m 1JA Rn;te fl on a hliny iJ.fln F<Sllrm\I'J\ lWZa ml n:mt<l to h� tM dulkt.Wtr rectW on. illt u,;,w u:�cirnr m,ran built h"/ v,n B<r..ker.J.th at L'l<! Umt"e::;tcy o! .f!.:C!:::-.cc-.C, YL� gin!a. we 1pot?:'rt "TM Epi,e;,pg: Ct11rd; Wel­comrs Y<lu" ;!gn at {LC'.'. rr"" ,s.r,_ct_ v.ith tinrn to �rmre.·eov� tom ru!l<M \\'t!iltWMd tu t!n<l o;,1 :'."o,;. ct,ure...'l. !t It; ,;,nv ol tbc;e ,·ha=ng 13tl1 eentur,· brlok bUii<.ll\\�; of Fn�l!�h ,lnll Fle"'-hh hond (,hut still remµln 1>\> ilnd. U<1wn t.l:\e 011et �oast, colon!n\ o!tspr!r,g oi '11-o Estti.hli�hetl Cl:rnrM.

Now, ·to get into \I'.& but.ding. Uut till: wa.s )'at;>?,· .s:1111�:.e. '.l'hr :llJdoui �1:�i< ,,,-, rock bi!eh:16 b�- ;Ix,:- er�'S\lnmrd the '.a:'�, t.'.'ll>s !my. (W<e r"''" kmne<t itin� ttun th! adgn.,1 !my "' 1"' "1>ie��g.,m,i that 11',h cne 1$;,, co;,,; ls,o;,,•esei:, the look .itl<ill h autL,t;Hk) Wi) enWrM. w fin<,\" ptalLm.wnw wrth ::rnttm to wmtd:t rn, rs,;er:o,.

A.."'.d th"'"' 1! s:a'.,, r.cA,m,d m tile gallery, l>.1 �n01n1:c .... 1y mid�tl!:..'>. �""'"'-rnry, Ge!'CI< ""''""! C3&<" thru bl,,,,v.led IVCll w!:h tl:w ether 1)'llc,::1tme,t.s e: <h,;, ,chu..."<:h.. Vie atet\tlu:J :t" s<""l' ,!..l:cr.s and opet:�d tlie r.ase. 'l'.v-0 Uwu ut oeni:t on " ,;nml! l<m:y trnmep!.s.te ffaHd almply ;'H, I'. Berger/ Baltimore". Th�t'll w,u,., th>M MoplmOOs on eaet side Qf the reo"3:,,,d 001100Je: Ltlt----F'lfteenth, OU:Ciana, St111>d Dls.pc,m-rL Baas: R:¢l,t--Pr1"olr;al, Stop'd l)fapa;;,r.: 'I:-cl!l"'- Opeu Olsp;o0n.

71:.e •><YJtJHim-, c: :..'i: key;; llt'A lr.:urlm \lf :te m';r..n WJ.3 ¢,plorisbl!>! Thl r!>VJ.VI• :,f rr,l� 3..."ld men - ;u�led Cn 't>l!,11 \!.td man7lml n:i,,ral _p\V('tl, !{t1>w,s.<i pj;w m<>«Ui-o, M4Tlff, mw\ "'*'-' nm,t,;, \I.ml other km<ie d fil!h. '111.!, l:urnd ;um;, hi<d IJW!l WJ:=hHl. -- Not enn "whthW Muhl be got out ct c,,,, poor t!>L,g

Downtti.ini on "' i;�� =e ,;rn found " bo.;,:,::

sell �r Q:ive ll to h mweum s.r,U bU1 � new organ; or :�1 mcorpDrnJx &ime M the <J;(l plp,rwv,k h1t-0 a ""'"' DrtW,n, The let\et included tho stetemant, ·'We w!ll never h�ve an electronic !nstrnment."

1 rnpUe.d tlu.t, it rnpu!1-,,o, the Ber;wr organ �hould 00 i1'1Hllll<i? ·'-'" 11se ln se!."Vice &ntl tu;wosted '.b.: it m;!. lw- �'.ij;.)f'WJ wit!). or lllf.Cl'))OtH-ed !Lt<; ::, t>H<:ln,·1=n:, ,ir(, ;-.skf\'. Jim_ "Why don't yon. ¢et- &\1\- wu: 44-;;:;;:;w: ?n<l w,,,.,._c:nwff !<.'ld !fe to ""-'i:k1" F11m!IJ t put Ju a ;,11,,; far ORA: "Our tr,­tuwt� mt u, wtk tmi ,:,\cl tv,trnme.nG md their haWIT, p,un:mw tln pn:nerni,lkm d !r..me, 1,nd atom a!!, 111-wm:t !l:lfi dertrnnk tmd,:."

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IW:Ukeli "0f!!E!l Frn:d", "'' Wb ten \l nHf mi. thE 1!11:"A\I ra,,tl org,,.n ir: !,he ch;,,n,:,�J one: cf r�'lt ch,;ce!ie We w;,ro hlll't::, to find tt:e 4ua\nt rhnro,, e.el<rcd what <:11,p,;,,;Jt.J<m would 1)(, mudr nt ttw :'.ili;l. i,lpe oi:eun; and p1·11i-·Gtl tll&y w,::,uld nu\ tel an ek�, tronk :htng,

Cntttz;xmdtnc:1 after �orr,;q,er:cCe»N• W�X¢ ex-:lt:a:iged ,·w. th.;s f'(ltt ,.,,,_cts, ant &:,n,e m<.,nlhl; ;,,.:,,;, 4/1;/!,t L\JVMi, hM>» :t!c,o--<ln<'.ed ;.7 f:lends ::i.c:d .i:.:Mr :r,tthhh wlii,,;, 1 !:ad �'.);;e work iln tror,il:H ,,tgnr-"', lb"- rm1trn�t wa..s ncgt;ti�Wtl til recomiit,o!l tht organ, tkdric blowerl�e it, use as much eJ<tfJJ\t pt,_wwork �� was retrievable, 1·e· fmlsh t-1:le �'""· Qtt. TI:w orgu1 wa,i brougll'. t� my shop i:l:i ManiliWtlS, Va., ffntl "'"'� eompletel1 d<m�


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Alxlut two w«sl<s later * mer lettw:- tam� fr@J. ,f,m,w M, .'1.w.ms., the 11t;;ank:-cll11irnm:.tcr, lif l:'.$.C. wad the oc,:.e �o ,t.� �=gICf1llt10!l :ml .;ptwon ui 111:ITTlli length Oil the tutme �·'. tho old :>."fi(\lr.. 'l1m:e alt..,p-cattvea hail. oo,m dis.:CJ1H1d: (t) Um•� U:w Ol,lliU wpalretl and ™"' it 1n tho Af'rtlr.:-11, (ZJ

enc. On P,:u,•:t.:CL S::n:ky, M�-""-" 3:, i!i<l�, ,ct E:'&C !n

;,:,.e m,;r,,u,g, !'.- WM, ::hd:C,alilrl -Tu u,., Gl\Jty :,I &ild �nil ln M;:,.mory ¢1 l)r, Jami-, Hart", who hl1d been l)l'&flfflm)t cl p6li\ki1,( _ocJ;:,,-.,w 2 t the Unlttmtty

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of vur""i"' ac'.d hJ.d <1100 ,n :11�1i. Tiw tmv:ta torthe reecn.ditk>r>lng l',ad """"' ,t:•en by Ji!,, mr,:.:'lill\::..L� M<lttl:ww 0. Hart_ Tm ,:wto:r c<f :h<I pu,a:, W:.t ,ie�. ;obn PhlllrHa_cison Me,0011, &:lem16,;,<1 the dtdie::�tWlL ?nlm no had:"'""' eha1:'4i. Am1 :,,. pw;,ptmw, Lfilm:rum Herrrr. rct:�wi,J_ T.rie ar1.Ctwm wru, fl.a4)hv,lughac'. Wllllil"."."z �rttlnr ,,: •,:, H1,1> Am.foDk AF.ThyDl>eIDr,p;"_ Tlv, ellurnh w;w flltd 1,:, <:m;>-!>.dty Th" raiiults or my wbun wo:e mt<f gmHtyinii:: 1folt likE,. kh,,,; r,l,imlirs we:-,, wmp;,,nt; oox teuld�uh mwrk come rrom a stcmhgly trNpanMtJlieee Qf junk? The JCMWC:; Many hollfy. d mttl• e;;fow;, J;mp,;thHlc e;,,us, llltetmhth1 with loviut­kmltness. ill !he utkn1mm, \lte ete:,m 1<1nt \scd 1n a $fl'/•

iv, \lf Ho;.y 3apt!Sm fc• th,, mt:mt, ltlimhtt!\ B·;�­well l';;ge. wll\ls:: M-}'�t !>id ;;Nat-rtanrlmc,tbcr. M.s. ftml: Fag,,. pli,pd thll t::pt:,n -,m;_;., her m�­te,, Xr.a. Emily 0-:cm,fll, 1i, �'.-0,"1 wrtl! nm nm.1.1-f.bte a:c¢ J�PKJ:s. £rs. Pn,:P. bM been 2I¥<l-r:id h, :�ts wlnm. tbe. ,,,ra;.:; "mcdc '.';;s !a:t gc,sp '· -:'0hea: h"r r>ln;• it agai,::: ar,c:r a. illj:•ae c,f 00 Y""'� \\'m'a thr-,l! 00,.-c,,-..d <;,esCTiptic,,-._ 01(! Fmk Church, so !'.:a.med keau�e 1t ls situ• ;;wi:l Wiltin 1,;l� folk c� t.!lS North Antu ani'l S<iutb Ann11 Rh·�r�, ls !!'.l Ht. Martln'a PMLSh �t trul 1q,w­eopnl Pw��a" of Vligln!a. Hanov�,· Comity. Thu i:re'itm tmlldlng ?.re�t"d about J'i:J..,, reploccd mi earll�r W<l<ld stn,ctute on the same spm;. H<;w the .Uerger organ found IW way to Oldf'ork is not certain. lt Li thought P"'-'b�bl� tha.t itwa� giv,-,a_ b-y st. Gem&�', Church, n"f<kritkilhur� P,m.sh tecmd;; Qf U:..e laJ,t.e.r chur"h not� th�t !n1674 the vo.stry a�1eed t� Qtsv= c'. :.Helt cll'ffu;:c.ii.nd \!- le '""""'-"d tt,_9-: it wen: tc S'... Ms.run·, FM. l.!!h, Mn; Pf,..-,J ff!<i,\M Urn� the c,rga:: \\f�s "'' Old Fnr/. wt.�11 ij'lf �;.m;;, �'l•:e '.:. 181!.2. st the· age :;f10, w:.ta"l rli::: ;:w...-im:a, j:.:.,;t rc-'.uc;:sd :tom Clllu,LA.'1'l, en er.<;,7 h: >tr�. �'I< wa,y :ccle.t�, ths.t k illi$ 11 fulr wm;. t.dd at Old Fcrk tc rs.lee f:,_-,d; k>N)l«ir Uw organ "n;,:;;,n,.,- ;.cqu;_"ect" and that $JU.'i'IS/1 Enlliml, Ncb'.:a:s ruuiu 0"' tl:.11 ch0l ;rtr,ew,;.r�. and,;r.1,1;. IL."% ru; fci!.v>r;,;

Or: trout (;{ tl,."'f,t; a. F. i+:,r-ger; Eat:lm=; Sept. "" QI, mkelt c Frimtl;mJ pipe: c ; Princip;!! ; H. Miqa, m11ker / Baltlnmre 11104 Qn ·tMllll> C Op{>!> Di,w&30ll p:;x,, C : Open ; H Milyet / mak'lr : Bis!Hmcm, / !EM 0:a :&nm: C F:;iv.,mt.'> ;:,:,pt: C: 15\fwm IM<c) / H.Mayer/ nw.ku Bil.\tim;n� 1 lUi On. cc� Btop\i ::r.np,w,n p.lp2· Ri•jlll-tr<m t:r 1(. L,Miti<!kkanft ; May I. J?!2 Alw on CC; Rt.op'I! OJ;w;:,,wr: pip�: 7trurougtLj,,werl:w;uw.! : & tuned by ; Pro: . .a. L Mlrlrl:e-burt ; o: tltu,;;,w::, y,i_ \fay :,t, rn12 o:,.DO): stop'd Dh:.p1J>on p!pe; Orgrn T!ll'.'>d / Nov.21st '.211) HM ily ! Mr. Will,s,mo or Rklm:.cr:C,Vu. / R R JJunus.., / ReJrc� Ab<:! eri DD; St<::p'd DLµu,,ur, plpe: 'l'µntiJ & , ,e.l)>l.ired 'by c. li. Wwnrr p.; hwt deuphne<l, thl� name Iii not elrnr) , Marvh 91-h, IB'rn On 1;..,;.1; pnM ot Ct.Ill" Pr�;.'lh 3il minutes / Oct.t8m; »5

. ,,; .

T;.e m-1:,"n h"" h;;\. r;r,� M·l<.ey m<mml 8.lli:I ru>re{fu:_,;_ Th.- Stop-d Dis.p,c.s,:,r.. whlLll rt:.vlde.l b(,-


v,.e.,r. ''"""' rs am! t,,r_cr F'; Prl,:::;:!p"'I; and FU• ......_ (Mn'.t. ,...., f11!1 c�m,.""""s. T".:ie O;;,s,i. D"';,:,.wr: and .; l;)n,rkm,i. "'" 3<-plpe reu1l<S ,m<l -..Ula& il'-<' «::lWl'r � µme: r.i :h� 5c,:,p'J =>ca;>a.'>ili", a.-. a "'-"""'"" b"'1S All nwwwt "'""'!:<W: Tr"' ln�,r;;me,-,1, amrcl,y whh-1n ,t� L>;,,""" "-'l£i\, I>"'� = �m.,t( sh,,:lc�.

fo lht rewll<ll!;.mkig, sci,w sc: t.h!e mnat pipe­w,,tk hl.d v, rn; rq:,J,.ccd, 1n<l a """' �fl Dinl,affinret W?A ,;,Mered f:rom ll dumwck µ1p�mulcer. �P-X't uruv<m wltb "ch!H'\ how0u �llgh!l;' ,i.ltttd,find wltll ty;;klli µ-;,;onHJay oold, lmrnh, �cl.ui:­z.K"' v.All<l m,i VAi mllll..l a lK;vy at bm, hot= lnortin ti, )fh'fvt th; ,1--anr,, mliti muntl a:; nesrfy 1t.1tbh'I! fr tl;w Q�<gfrml B> l)QMH)it,, d>�y l:lmi to l>1,nv,-,J<"fl<;l t<.m,:Mw;y.

Tlw cn:w W¥ \:.-:';,:;wct 11 se;er;;! <c.x.:� ::>f r,,.iI:tLvt Lwl t,J!J- rl!e<::ll:Oli dow1, U:m>u�h the yea..""a:.>d "'""' ).me :r1•u m iR &:SmH11,v, will� w1th i:,.,�tu::t dwr..xw, p,pcs gt.tiei. -:-ht w:.!cx; or t:'1�teN'nNJ <ctmrnl,; "?fut dM101a<I ,.-n<l g:,u,1 = ,i.ll-w.n:f:n!�t: ':rtw m1w:h nf.k i, :a�v.- The, <c!d llii!'.:d 1>ump,-., ,<! folctcd rvwr-v0h- '<'e�e replo ec.1 lly a 11�w 2' x �'i:<wer�clr, aud 1' ,i:ent. Bwisa l>lw..'�' "'II$ i!>sb.Ucd YIJ.\hlf, tha rAAt- 1't"- >,i.udi;m;<>>'-'c" !:; 2 T'4". Hl'�-,,,RY t,'. BIDtlJF.lt

AtMrding to an m,Wot?rt urtiele by h:!'!1ei. W.$1\ni.cl of the YO\'k, Pa. DISPATCH, "H(•ur)' F Berger loamed t-llc organ-buildln,i:tmcte ill rM old Nuritry if<lnl h!Jl father, B�1·1Ula&tde l:le111.r.r Bernhnrl wu� t,r,rn ht B.1�li1, nr-�r Tou­J,,,,ae, �·,a,-,ce. curly Ju tll4 1!1-lh c"ntury. Ho mar­ried L<,111& Vnn S11tb ln l{an,:,ver, Prns�la. lliode.J.\L1 n�CWTtd ul JJtS \11 Pdnt. Garmany, "'nd�ue hie wlfr i'.1\-ro <::It<!, "Etny, who WM c,·e 0i IY"'i"n om:io. waa Mm ln :;cm::: Gt:::uu,y, 1k msrr\00 Anna t:lmlei" m 15-.�. In h:,n.,ry (! 1;n::- :ollow!t.g 1"'*" he e,,.c,,.,

J> ::ht Ul:lted !!tat\';; w::h hb wJt, w,J brntller. Goorge, "'"" J._,._a:�-t.. ln fhtt1m,,1e 'Tlll'f(" n,i. ma,dedrnrcli �"" atJ.1. mueba.: ir,<tnun<.mtz_ '·Jn ; Jttnt)' Btrw:n mcvW th� ruetccy ID

J"1forsox,, Yvck c,nmty, r�. To,, ta,,t;,zy wa:.m.t.w,e. ;,,ta,ill la lthli W YMk. P:... a tnwn. 0: !!fr.O.�'.y�,000 p,)l)\llilhOl'c Witt! tth-M W;l.o;m!agw than tM'<!lhg,; of Jctfe.rs,,n prnv\i:\<'<:! '�.t:\lt W.1mthlng d t!m laJ1.ielry" "' 'i,i.rli., wh!!:ruh<! w<>., � ;k,,,�u or10,1> l11tl.d0r, wru, wcJ<mm4d !Ill

(I'/rn,v. lR�� !,; P,)J" 4)

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Tha 9!1' An,,ol Car,�,h,e �' OJt.$, wsll M hoi::1

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'1 ;� 1-e w..,,;, "'T"", t;, :'.'. "'f'Ji"W ""'� ro, •h,0ct d<>ys ,;,;,n=rci"I! Toesd<>t, !,"'1 ,U, 19M, wli. <>rt<>f>"'lcm�· fmarth d<>y, ,:,,,.;"{! <iW"19 Hm YMk "'� bw.,g -',� 1"cticm,! A.C. O. :'.;,;;,won-ion !hol<1,kl-

I phic ,�"e 12.11) 0°d :�,. bd<U"o t\w ,itfi 0' fo,y ,....._we&e•d, w� !-.ope tn!JI •wny wil, fioJ ,1 ,�nvonlm,t ! ·. JtD <>.tE.scl.

i hill hform�•;.,., w;II �a ,wb'i<Md rn ilm M•' JS,;,',,y) L�


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t this pul)llcation is THE TRACK8R. .s chosen because those wbo blll)\lecl .wn organs usually were In punUlt •Ith tracker action. Bence one whobe called a ''Tracker", and what beras a "Tracker" organ.ot meant, nor does it mean to laaplJ, :HE TRACKER or tbe Organ Bls-7 endorses or reJecta tracker acUon gans. Each and every indivi41lal ball cllces concerning every phase o1 tbe >Uilding (and I might sa.y the same�crs). I, personally, have been dl&-1-0HB members lmply1ng that., the, ___ ,..

in the form of editorial wandering. • , Recently we have been publishing excerpts from


Wllllnm s. Poner's "Mu.sicaJ Cyclopedia". Therewas a two-fold purpose in doing this. Viev.ing theworlt more than a century lat,er, there are nu­merous things' which appear humorous; at thesame time, it gives us a view of the musical out­look toward organ8 itnd organists ln the earlypart ot the 19th century.

I !eel that we need �o define a few terms in todny's organ world where we are constantly mis­u,;ing words, elf.her thoughtlessly or otherwise. Ainong O.H.S. members I constantly hear the terms preservation and rest<1ration. Preservation means to ke�p from injury or destruction; protect; or · save. Restoration means putting back into a.b unimpaired condition or to the original form. Both of tbefie words imply NO change from the original. Hence, any chll.itge of voicing, action, specification, etc., au�m.naeically removes any or­iran from tho catei,:ories or clther preservation or .rebloration. It ls not a question or whether or .not the changP" hnve been an improvement. It i�. obviously, a ch,\nged organ and is no longer an example of the original builder's art, inLention, or .ab111ty.

Probably the conect words should be "rebuild", "remodel", "modernize'' or some such. The.,e lat­ter terms lmpJ,y· e. change of some degree. In any caRe. let us call work done on organs by their cor­rect title. When ony cha.niie ts made trom the original, do not call It the.t which it can not be; nf'.mely, pre.>serv11,tton o_r 1·estoration.

While l am on the aubJ ect of nomenclature, let us look at the title "orl,lan bUllder." I look on air oriri,n builder as Olle 'who has the ablllW to completely build e.n orgnn. He knows all the lacl.'ts ot his tra.de. It is not an ablllty whlch t.s acquired eully or quick!y. Most of those who mls­use this term ure at best organ assemblers, orl,lan mccf¥\nlcs, organ maintenance companies. or what have you.

I hllvc no argument with tbese laUer classl­!1catfons. I know somo who do th�tr work In an excellent manner. but who $hOuld never be call!'<! "organ builders:· For a dl.iscu8•lon In more detail I would refer you to Aub1-..y Thompaoll-Allen's .FundAnientals in Organ Buildint, fOWld on page 47 of 'the May 1963 a.ue of THE DIAPASON.

Needless to say there has been some deU11ht felt by the Editor and Publbher to find the ext.s­tence and v-..iuc of THE TRACKER being nclcnow­ledged by O.H.S. writers of a Wide area. We can =� heartily recommend thelr' work for your worthwhile conslderaUon: 'I'BE ORGAN, April 1963 - "The Flentrop Ortca.n ln

Cambridge. Massachusetts" by E. Ponr Biggs.

11e�,..-on a'numlier-ci',� tiioUShta i11hii;, � ·Of�·wanderlng. , · · - · · · · •• w bian lleel1 P11blllhln1r e:rcerpts trom

Perter'1 ''MUalcal Cyclopedia". There •'- pufPOIC ·tn dotng this. Viewtna I.be

r--m: � a+,ii · t. century later, tbere &re nu­m-i t:1iJiao: tllbleh. awear h11111oro1111: t.t t.hc

.:� attu 1111 a. view ot the mu•loal oui­.. 'Cll'PU and organists In Ille early fflb. century.

� need i.o define a tew tenns In :�.where we are conatantly mis­

-.,..._,,._..,.,....,,,, -• _.,.A,..,..,-a Jr · -· �1.;'liot�,;ciw,:.. .. .t.-,,...,1$& who nun,e or tracked down organs usually were in pursuit of an organ with tracker action. Hence one who sought might be called a "Tracker", and what he often found was a "Tracker" organ.

This was not meant, nor does It moan to Imply, that either THE TRACKER or the Orga.n His­torical Society endorses or reJects tracker action for modern organs. Each and every individual has his own proJudlees concerning every phase ot tile art of organ building (and I migbt say the �;ime of organ buUders). I, personally, have bee11 <ll.s· turbed by non-OHS members implylng that the Society and its publication endor�e trucker act.ion e.s the "cure all''. of modc1·n organ building. I wasmost delighted to find that there was no suchmlsunderst-llnding among the membership a.t thePortlnnd Convention.

In truth we might be criticized for reporting, almost cxcluslvely, data concerning mechanical action. There ore two reasons why this he.s been the case. In the first place, by emphasizing the earlier American organ.� as there was no other ;\ction known. Secondly, organ buildlng slnce the turn of the century has been pretty well covered by other publlca tions and information is still readily available. THE TRACKER has been at­tempting to publish that which is not available In ot,her sources.

At the same time, there is no excuse for the members o,f O.H.S. not belng 11ware of the develop­ments in organ bUllding since the Civil War (or the War Between the States). An historlan �hould know all periods of his subject, although he might well be a specialist In a given area. An organist also should know all phases Qf the development of hfa irustrumcnt. We should know the reasons for the invention of all torm.� of pneumatic and elec­trical actions.

Perhaps lti the mad rush to preserve early 19th century exilmples of organ building, we are doing nothing to preserve examples ot the later period. IJl ruet, some members are actually aiding and abetting the destruction or them. If the time ls not already here, lt \\ill soon be when n workhig exam­ple ot tubular pneumatic action ts non-existent. CcrtainlY, they are II most rare artifact at present.

I ca.n hear many saying, "So what? That's lfOO<II," and "They are not worth saving". I say to you, "You are not an histo,rian nor a complete organ enthu.slast."

·rhis cal'(lcs over into•t.he 20t.h century. For-1\lnacely, the Association o! Theatre Orge.n En­thustasta ls doing Its Job to preserve and record the theatre or11an. Its members are no more �peclall:Ge<I than many or our own members.­Whet.her or not we agree with the art of the theatre, It 1s a Clnll.c and Important pha.se of organ hi.story. Electric, elect.ro-pneumatlc, high wind prcasure, etc .. are 1111 Important parts o,f the hlst.ory of orgl\ns. · THE ORGAN, July 1963 - ''The Lowly 'Armonlum"

by D. Stuart Kennedy. Example:; of the early 20th century orga.n.s of PAGl: �

Th1II name or ttactcd of an orpn IOUlbt mtg; often found

Thia W&li thAt either iorlcaJ Socl, for moo.crn hla own pre: art ot organ ot organ bul t!,lrbed by

,, .. �-f•" .,·'-• -�11'.t,-1l'''JllH"�-. ' -:.,-::· './·"' ,.

� n<lW i,rn allle> beoom:ni; wctlnrt. -rt.-0 :;,k.:<: llt'· Br=.,,t :"1 S,tl=�• m q@!U! llllito:ry V ire:�ce, !:.>t

·;- ui:� g,�.t m'1n a»d utlwM c;f lb11< JhlCtd o\<:l notl \!.V!)c c_,, va,..,,. H1'W(·Ot"C, t: " uJmMt Jmpoo,;!l;h '"

} (b:;.<i ;,;i-i tin:,;,uetwd ox�mrlft of •t.t!.r thw;t wctk.t'J:w futme- :,�ar- Lbtcr:ac. N:� makr tl::2 ume n,•marlw o,;,nw::ml:,"l(!, th� d<!ll�cifltlo,i of tlw lllWut!(1'4l llii W'1 t;;.;,,: me.;lf <'! .l'.c,io WHO Jtttt,;,yoct 1ht

:,: best urg;m:, of 1820, 1 "'''Je-r:;rau! trtat wul �I·· D::,11a'.:d Hanl\i-On v: mee:ln; hw- m,mt fote ar thm;cor ht'i !}redec?asor17···Crn1 �" ,wn L

What a.m l trying w n;;, 1 M>Y th&t we <lLY r.•i: tril or1a�n l:IWt(,rt<.JH, uor nrt wr: tn.lo It' Nt.�n W,t.,;,,f, unl�W Wf �twly unu P,:M""rn th;, bear. ot

, II.I\ !l�d0.'l�, We murt aM, thwc questions of <>VNY· thinr, aJ;,out U'lr 11\sl()I")' ct organs: l. What WI\� done? 2. Why WM lt done?

1 3. Why did \\ ct\O out or wily did it ,mrv!ve? ' Only aftkr th!:; Wal< clone ""-h we eva,luate �.r,y p�rt;- a::,f our heriWg,;\ :' X, p;,r1unallY, bel!evn thst tl!Ne ls ii t;;t,rre tn; Ameri<;a,-., organ hWldlnf. I alto l:K'lie>tl tlrnt the)·glory of \h1 pazf bul!dtts hcl.r,n�, tr, tct•"'- We,;•mmm\vw;, �an.not Gtcal thelt honor We IBU$t !,·,.! , \l!WJ.gute nur t'Y(itage, !nm th� le£rol'.t f:'()fil :he: PI\IA, 11,..'14 th•Ni ,:;n funh rn make nur ow» µla�'<> lnf11!.!litO-"Y- Only t:y 4dnk th'.t uu w,:; fo\"tt,;;,. Unk! b:I the �baln lf W-.:! tY)Y !ll\l; th!l ;=r. we wm' Mrttoinly ewt 4�tncy a hhnk, emp,y, ,.r,,;1 ;:,,,t­.lod. whinu Wll! t<.<L thom c! '.oM h1-�1>e tha.t .,..-en

hthrn;gb ,;rn tr.new th� ps.st we 1:Hd uot lesr:,:;. lc-Si' le>J.OU3.

On 001",,aJ <A myttl( und ';ll,: µuhlhl!fr, l wuuhl1 tJb. to m.nw tll&t rne TRACKER \Ju never t>ecn ; :klti<i L\ gill% b pr,gs fw: a:i:y J:'t¥1JEU Ill -)"'.:.Y t.c.Lg. l'ln t/l-c't, U'\ tht -p,:,_tlcd �t tilEM W'J\"" set <ls.ts� 'f(lf !)\lhl!ctV:/.t!, !t WWI til;!'!l'.y /,:i, l,-, ieav'.:n,i; (HI�

!;� nm TfiAC!Otll; h.w Wen held up m tlll ·1·;pa,,1, awm\i:nk ,:wvrmt:C.. :nfoi:--;-.,atiou (�t in , 11ffl), m- we.;!pt vi th� ka<i artwle, or ooes.s:mn­'.sl!.ll)' &!- tile re<juest cf the OBS pnsldc.m a! till'. tlllli!, , TltS nACKE:R has bocn late m roacirmg you, ; <ilU .m""1Wru, tar varlou,o other =- lndndbg jitb<i 11 8. MalL

, j · !king im,rn aµelfie, _!JM rut ts.sue, wlnell ""'a.id lJhave ll!lIIlUlliY "oo= true Sept.,tttbe� numner. w:,,�

• 11-!!ady to ,i:,> to prw,;_ l" ,;grly A(>,;«,t. W'c i,wuj,ieam1'd ttat ii w-.w um lo go cut until <>fw, the 1,<iuw wen: ;,md Tt::s sc: tt-.c Cr<'.-\: Ind, quLe e

1•.whik-. I, :J:le dC:..:-,e, tb:r: t-.eld u_p t.'le ..,,,ue 1mt:l ,,Jr.rt,,, '"" n-po-tts to! :.he August oouneU m<N"'"1.ng

}!Mril'lld.. The OO!'J wont to tt:e p.rlo;tf<r 11, &,"pt;;mtt,:;,:and ldt :he c-:mte� 1" tv, l'.xwl fo;m Jm:;,;; th�! -,ffNt week M D<-:-0ts�. Mea>1,.t:ilc "-'''" r:.r,t1u,s wentjioot ;,.__�,cl money VM re;;:c.treJ. . . . l , Agnn the.re- "'""� P'-'>l"-l <Cda.;'s. ;.n,I i: k my 1 · itndc.t�t.:m<il:-".;i: tha.: lt "'"' f!n;.Jly ,n tne III.I\L. ;.:, . . . . : <NnY<>mbe-t. o: ooUioe, ;� la rLt mfilled t,rnt �las,, ! :t,nd 1\!rthE!l' tl�l1>ycl C"Jeu=<l for ,,.,.m�. I �till c,o.ye 1�J10l te..."-e>-Ved thvse ev,i,c, =led tc me In N;,­l J 'retnbe:r! After t-�rth,;.:.- eorms?,Or-.t'�r.cQ, I rtn:t.-eJ, ·a ,me.cmd IIl.l\iling ill tlm" C,:rt C'hri-almm:.

".'11'.s ls:,ue Jett the desk af th" �t!l,-ot :;,n J;;:n\w,r;;

I-lel'lry F. Berger:

.: I " . -/-;'•!

,Pr�"' po� i} ;m '.:::;,>:\art a,:M'.:1on :u Lhe l"C,;,;-'..c11< Xrough's _,..,. · tmb:;y�·.x;. The :,::-gar: fa:t'-"Y ""' flr�t :..::ca:.ect m ti 'ht€!!-+,tCJ"V tnildJne o:: th" �""th ;,;J� 6f W�!t " " Mtvkx!l $[tfe'.i, abe>ut th,s, ltiJ.<%lc of the l>look, l>e­t,.,;;,n C(,dcllW, Ct('<;k r.nd Ncwbe�l-y St:re.ot. The J;w,h·"'·" l,)1'10))1>1'�rl f::.:m the- !ll'st, am! ;,,.,.-g,,,. quv­\e'1! we1.e ""'" ""qulr>"<i '['l\e, famC!y then moY<><1>rito a home ,m th,, we.,o /Ud� or C.ecrg� Street,"-�"'- Ohureh fl.lky. On the t<"'-M' of ch" lot. facingPBl1rr OmnmOII, a frnme t,dding wJJ< ertcted tor the faewry.

"On M�rch l!.t, !8Gl, the organ bcwry, with its.Mlltcnts. inclllcling three fini.shed cb.urcU wgans, valual.>l� /)il.tt�tna, oools, etc., was compl�tel)', !les­troyed by tll'e. The building, dc�plto t,b.e effork; offlr�men ts, �ave lt and two a<ijonilng builtllngo,burned to th� gr-<,un<i. The origin of \he fire was,_m,,,rtam but "'"'' beheveci i<> have b�ftn r.allSfdby a.n overheated Btcve. ln"urauce d the build,;ng and contcnt-S was inouffident tc rnv<>r the 1',em,,mt: th� mtstorturre ga,v<> lllr. Berger 2 backseat inbu5;m,s.s from which thcr� was litt.ie IITu.SP,,et vfr,,euve,y_ Moumh:.;:: euats c,f ,v�ry kmtl whichC!Wi� \\it:h the wur ma-ck tb." rnlLildllig .-,1 ':1"_,., tac:.Cry pI"aetic"-''.y pr-<;bi1>tt1ve.


··:tt,.-;i,,e """"'"ed � wn:rnrt !Tom a P.:om.,u.C�thoHc O"nurC:.'1. lll T\f:C'-'1. Oh:<J. •o b,i!.:<: an oqzym,Mr Berge� mcwtl trnm Y,:;rt; Oith hi; family tnXo·;�rnber 11<62."

&r-ge: d'.e;J J'-'lY l:-4, :ooi, F'l'M'.lm&bly wh:A oo';our ir. :-orx1tv, caneJe. wllli h.l.1 m•.u;:;.'.:custy::;; ·..,;ieu! �hl!d:;,n • Lcr�t"' :Km. s:o; Bml:t. Rut,,sell_\. A:nnu. Bin�n Lymll. f're;::\, a!\d Henry, J"th

Tllere J.S a; gre�t d�al of bfo<Ill&cmr: ""'-'"' ,ham,.t;;;: thctr £!.c,ry hllil no furthrr l:£a..."lll!)" on tb,,ir tattJ.er'g organ lJu!ld'.,ig �o:u;u: BWtH ww, fl:(,mllJtlli!hfiltc ;md l$ &> • .c-"'.b;;,:l ,.., havbz 1:ws<> ii :<>pa­ble mul;1¢lw,

Tc this writer's llliow!f!i.\,e th:, orl{Ml. a;t Old lt''-'I"k Clmnh I� U»" ;;r,ly nw h:, Ber)(\!t lt.mJw11 tc­n<ht too,cy that hM i>ttn authenL;mted. T!i,, Ber­ga eare m St. Aq;urtiuc·i R C. Chm-ch. ?luW.­dciphm, ti1'lt was wcr1 <!ndng the 5th. mmual Mn\· Vifil!km of th€ Organ Hbl,;tlql R,,;\f,ty \,; t!#IO,.IillW h,m"""'- " tt-!:r,; ·� Th" u:yµn M O\US2.l@m Luth"'"" Ct>wth, C.,te,mo;tlk. Mi:!.,-., t>4Uw 3:�· OHS C<mwnt.l;m m 1c:,e, t; th<:m.ifit tn ll0 l'!ef1;1W}, wttfk, �4! l\ hM lhlt 00<>,i )ll<)V!ld. lt i!G1l,lxf'TI "1'M U'rnt tl1m-,;- was al 01,a tbue a llW('fer � :n :m,,a &:m:.l.il-. :t l.t at ctl,N ()! hb or,µna exk.t, t.ht wrlt.iJr wn.,,c. "-P!JliXl!ah mf,:m:naf;!;::maoov.: ttem.

'Vld,;, THE '.l'EACKER Vol. :::, Nct. ;_ A;,ril, ll!M.pp. J and {, wLh w:::u.,lll\Mn11'q; rhll:o;;ra.;,llt.

4'.t- 11ml thil' ,1! :±e µubli:,t-.er o,, Jm,�acy :ltb, Tl>h * k�.,:,wn ,.,; :h,: Wlntr. is,;;e, T.'W l'prfllg, Lw.1a wlll go W ;m,na h:. Mnch pl'U\1Jul w� h1va �; reNt·,w:<. t:".t fm:tlldrom'.nt �onvrr .. Utm wt1w-up. ; ' Jct,:,; for ttv: annu&l t,·.smes� me.iunr and II JJ1t ()! c;md\dalN fo:r otr,cr

lfoppy New Yea,, Krn,rn\h f'. B1mm,ms



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"SOOK 'pr,,uJ<uµds, ·v�nq:J lNll"'U"lll -�=<in({) 'l'l%t • .hlOS '9 X0Siill01 • GN S.'.ldO

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"\HaJ J!"lll" " .-;;.ut..;J pcro :1u,.,,:;.id '>J'" =.u m:q ;\;:pt,;aq1 pm, '·.rt 9;re R w amn: 1n: :{B.rnlf:,J ;:,,ro ,,em-,�n) s,,tp;,d -.. t> {)CCU '11 B ,o mmx!Ul(l 1' ',;s, W[jl.'1'1o/,:Hlllm.<.rn >1?m1,mt """ u,sm« "<ll 01 .ro;;runun=w :wms-,, """//"" "'."S am"" ,Hill[ c::"l!l Dtfl.

1J g JG:fpur;;,i uaHpo O!ll 11 uo1s1.'1P 111,\f ii, W?qt;>)ll Mau ;a-qL "l1f\1H �!!iUf <r+r,i; 1m:wn 01n :,;,.--e1q H o:,t sncto ·;rm, uw,;��"�:ioo ,,; p,rJqy,9UI SK" :/�\'.{ill ·�!liJU!V,P ,Ul[d acp cr :u_,s,,;id C\SfV "Il"'"S w.i:; u. 1,,,nmfd'l1 _{'[i;;m.m;�, �ou;& 'Ofo'[! <;, .,, t l!JS�Ild ·:,= #'{] UJ p,;r_,., V '.ltt Mio io 1u�•n inn JO �oUI�q::i �11.L ·ott sndo 1" 101n a>1i u1 pw,01 ·-ii s mmp1na a,n ;;,1u ·�r :i >lrt'C!"W '>lf4 ;(> MSU;:-<J� S": ffiOU '11!��� "10£ "'IJ,

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x-;,,ftw;m �<ll l>'-"' '•=isp:l !'4JIU r1• .>!'ll "Mll0,

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u,,l1tt � puµ�l) .S """'!! "" ..,,,,"" ,,EC,,I st 1r.c"'1\'4' o,�u .t �,4.t "5 "'"'Fl"(]" .8,,,,;at €S '!P1�Jlf S "�!ilW J'dS>UUd ,;.,2,,,:, A O'�OJ ""''" �:; ""'10 A'""110 % aeado�,,-,-_;; 4 ffl\¢'1H =1'l1. j.'.! ""'';dg °"'!11"'1,l .� ••""! w; uirv. ., sa.l1ill"J -'l"""'"'q "l'lU .rsA\d fM ''"'�'<]"If .$ ,· .. """!'' S!' Vll"f'"l�'� ii "'°'""�� '"'•�<!= ">s Af •:>l1Jia;, V%'>lh!{! "o<I() S MN]"lliJ S<Su 0)j<>¥J>,>c)- 'i>it�>!'l St o,j,cl Jf O;i"1J. ',,,"'!"':) 'P11't'J1 ,�1' -TJ3H,/J S"�\d i't "'"!" z,7.S':H:i)d f".­..,;djil �� ''""'° a,; melj� ,;i"'"' gs '"1!( fl',

""di" l/\1sod]d "'

'""""".1 .� ,,,..-,µJl'J ,\J

\ \!>ndmJ! .; �,J]»<»J, .t/4 t

'"'"''�!J, OJTiiel ,t ••'"PO ,t�1ru�9 .R

hF<1;p4:lt(! -� uoS"W,�(J ,..-.f,ry ,s;

,msod"',,; Pd<., .!iT · TV1i:{·J.;;d\J ),{ o;p) Jl -,J tr uop.m·>f! /H "'"1!J {;! \;•>;So/H),) ,J: '""'." ,_: •""'!'-'""""' ,r, ·'"h'a::u:

't""J-1. 'l'J"JJlU.� 'q•=<o ll'l{l(ll(UW · o, ut11t · xos U&V Nos�nor - tir sa.ro

'�U011'11q;!:=b $uJIAO\J<>; "'fl- lf',f'\1 '01�1 U\ ',;!II'{ mp; WM JfUl.b i/\<Ll, !l�J.Orp µj:p,;l(tlO)'; "'1'.i '.'t1 '·��,aw 'PPt!19.M. U! i,)UOOJ � .<'.'l!Ul po;.u,d $� '" u ,:i,,, 1iu:,;nu =q1 �!r.m:,e ;� JO J/1lru:m:" uv

-c,�;s1r.1e1= ittut/110,, "I! JO �1mi am "'rn" = mr. UI01; l';Jl!{\1;> l!3Sq �,;,,,..,1., till Q]U�=1 ,q,t '(&) uomroct lt<ff!lpo �,�q1 HI l},HIIBjill UJJq �A"\! v,;d¢ pm, �10"'"'� iruµipo ()tJ.1 �·w_ wmn 1<Nn -�� "I p;>tJ\.>YH/1 ua:,c; =q n ·,0£.,,_q aiflw<lro.I1" [jJJM i!".l\�frr; U�l(& ec,s,;d!lld -'"Jd"!P •�/ l)OYII llilSfHIO UO�Ht/Cf 1f.>!ll'.'•'- SU112.N o/<14 JO CIUO !!"llb, �JIU,

'"l'l'.i."2 ""IH�"'Ud �tcr, JG ;;jdurnxo 1�an,ro� �tc1- S! "11,[.L·a!iul! tt l!'.;..>1 .fl "I '.XJ;) J<J srnd,nw 111p'.ld: " pu,1 ,.i:011 :s 11'.11& '" 01 D;:J JU =<!11100 r,m.mnn -,, Wq udJ;w �\lll 'H:>p\l]:J J[!l g; <YIN-" pa�.< -''"I'"'-"'"" 1J p;,pµ,:, 11""'! �Ill[ l"a-'-D .;r,p OJ. ·i1 91 P¥tw9t{J!]Q;;ic'l Olf) q .J"fl(!A :,imu tH1Jll'Fill<>l)U) 11lUNJ 1,

m;v 'a;::np:au1 'm:2.!c, 1'11\)0d "'IL "µ;>\YA,"t) 1oc: :;;

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.. ., , 'Vt..: .. , .... ..,'""'"" : .. ''. :p, �-- .

m:,-., fl1W:,t l?I'.:� ,;; ;a;¥/ (>; 11"..:;,l ;nnns l"J�.,;W ail«l! m i'l!-M 'tm1;u"i

.� ,nn JMJP l�.<J:J mt"' 't111tu�1nD 1]'IJ� ,wt :11n Jo auo ·pJAOJ:'.lii�P tmaq om,:

:iwa: Jtl """"" W!H '-"4f1HQ mp "l n5u:i: ,(t; {.'Q'IJ1C'>'0P 'm,l!Jil tn>>!n;;r O!Ll_

. ' ··­

-� l>P\IW l!'a&S �•n µv,:; w;;dw:m ;,;p,ad • ,)11 Vilo/.Xhlalj;i'l: "'�" at..":1 �1\M :mu rl'-"7t;wPClffltt �n,m 'z 'K ';,;!z.r,;;, tf;l?JW J(I U.WiUU ·o

:. . 'Ontq 'll(fl'f 1,tfl UT '"",:f'l'*G�(f UJ )JC)l�:."'ll. .•

-".rJl'.il" s.u·e11111um:_pg 1;:;q0o;: �u1;);11J1'a.1 'osrv •

"'UO)ll/JS,CCil� ,r.,u ,,.,n e1 1rnwr;,;,p ,qc i'D!!l ent."l pc:>'< i;,;::;"' !Rfl. ;;<> muq-1 p,:;<tjf £:llfil'."-'d P!"o"' r >a.nct1"V-' Pf"

· .mn mru; tnr.t SU;..oun:, ;o TI,>;tVimh "4l XI Pl"""'-� j11U;ffi')Ui 1!Mil! <,;; "ill <l'!mW '\,1l1illl. 1:Pnt"' 5ufln "'-'Os ;p,:,it.1 l'Jfl"'t" J. l:{ri�rh!'m m "'1'!!'4

..._ µ:q B(U '{Mhltuf> W)t 'WJ){{}",/n_t 1:UJ, ': ''>:,;_'JUA.'1".\ 'Ot ;;,h:;d U(I p.,-,;11u!'. 'Jill:�!$'!!! J<:l ;-.c� �,:,.;;JQ or.ff!" wtn t;))J;& nu+mw p�.14 ,ut>i;a�=>o

SJ.NHl'1:l\IO::.) QNV b"1.0rl0 'S,L!,01':


'tm;s'S'1s'iliX! 9,.W\{\fl1f Lj !£) ·;,;, do ·,n10,.!ll:1 {t)

':rnq,I""' m;-:: m p,:;-mnA itl

"3\\1J. U!\fl Jo sms>l,o ;;-�n,1 a11·1 UJ p;,,1wo�o �A'f!IA!B 1r.q '�:>/(M/ �1-Jt-;;"'1,uw:t vt �U<:l\W"JHJJ;,ds '.\'ft U! p;.r,np<T; l')u Anmw�- a.r&AI ;qh!&NO llh.'\ p11"£" lltntu:.n mt,>!Id</]# -'U, "OU\lcmJl( Jl<:l,'\ '1lt1 re.. �"",t,c, af::V'. n11 Y' ;pi,;s ;,ti; 14 P?Ptn, w;v ·;;-;,,Jis;:; >ITO!\ prm :e -Ufl!;)ff!!S -�uwmv VJl>ll1:mt PW1�'"'1 mrnft;<J rmµeit\U %il0;1'1':l'!.-,,..,.a,, J!<f!H t1! l[l1l.B'1� !rt'U:J:;i <:lM}

· a!(tm flllA'-"¥ =s '? ttW!l(f(!f Gi'-oqzv ·rp"'fl mn{ \W ;m:.q "QSfi! �4• JO 'm'til>'Jl<J £1'IA ;il,d(f\ ?',t,;;,(1

vru, ,o smnl,o �1.\1 uo ·Sv-:1,:"' ,.,,,._ �:.:0:\J�,,;:, :i:�r:v, JtllflUl ,t11,1c,w. atn lOJ PJ!m �'1 Mf>U PllWJ W\lll.ro �S"QJ. "Jij/1\0d ill)J:11.'I\Ot OAU\!l SJ\f) �,"\\oqa 111nuot \1\ {pt,,M .»inf pm:; sp�JJ P014�J11d "'il ;o- 001". mri ptt\l p;i;;,11;ru1m tHll.1:> ;,z; JO qq� ITTl"J. Jao,od spnHt.m 'l'Fttl mt!t;w "'11 tt; ·t,#tq ¢:14 11:nw�scm .Y::)1 ;Y)JJ"Jd ffltn Je lf'.,;muµ,,.,,_ "T,-™?.:d ·e;;;y, ;q f.mtt ;,,ur;,;;nq !!ml.ro j{l ;mnt "'!:; '™'\l\ uros; p,rn '<;s)s;m:M,11 J<:l � !l<rJ _;;q J"'-"'l" wir,w:q ;qnei, '""'<l''"- a;,.,,.

-.;pµ.,;.y. a1rnm �#Jfilf'l "'1'Ulll. m.1q om; llU!loa·; . .,."";1.11�a.j�u, '1t>°-Oll: tt, ;,;,111rn \f!f.'11 P�TII>'<tu

•9.1 S!.>11fa.W ]'8'1U1J!ll O""! O(tJ. £,{;,)I ijj; !l\ P�P''"l"K;�•Ml *"'l<drnoa J�pad aq1 pull '•m:�w 1nn11um aa.r11� �l JO s:uo.U1Jlll ou:+ uo �\� rn Jr> >sujmoa u 0111m aun:m,.:r =mc::on (rtfl amwoq 1, 'J!!R[ pGnruv

ffl 'Lli"t) £p:, pua,� '!(11R! "1111 '!!Sq ff, ,,.-,,;;, TI!M �s.uq 'mup ,mu 1<> ""l')mu<l "'41. -.-od;rt l1'J trn"'- m:, 1llll<1Q IKI l'u:t\.'>f 1"'1W: """ u arwlim r,,nu,mr �tµ pt."!! ru:.; "1<flf �'{l UT uom,:uo;:, 8'!j'U"'1�q SU-"' �d!d 9f- )0 <.,in$"1\fl "a !I� 'll:iUO,) ;ii,-,_ Jill!l 'la!fl W

j'llµ;>J JI.\) UT (l:luµ12) �""1"!J\ ·u QT u 10 uo!1�npo,1t:rJ ¥fi pua ·1uP�d mn uo w:vi-"tt'.\tt\� unu(l{) 1, r:z p-wontwt111s.m �111 =-l u•i�

·.m:ll.w 1l!Ll. ·1;lfo ·:;,:,;·"',::; ;m iz;,.m11;;, ,:,iJl!:tt1lJX"!"IM lltfl \;J ';:881 '809 k!HIO U'I f'if!!li\l!lf! S1""-l) \IJ!i\p,\ e,nom tt':lftn uo,ruqor -,, JOJ 1<1.MOl'.i rn axi.mo, "'.fll!U!Jo!J �OjOW ��j1J8 1' J'.O U�J1"\lWJ0j.UJ )�.II.I Jl{J.·111UJ.) ttrJ p 13':Imm.t ·1J g a;t uo cs1e pm 'f!'JX!dmp 110 ,t1mq1110.,_r. ·:,; 9'. '1tc, no ;,,i,rn ="- >� """")!µ; '.l!Mll ,;,.r, lrnX.t H&\"1 <tJO!U 11,;ti fr.) ;;;>'8Cf! """>PV>IA Ullj2'>;' '-N:> ;tptV p ;,;IW: V """ ,mu �Mu:.red :ti� 9,i;mpo-.nu; e;;s it :.v,suw:,t 'i:!�'*'1tlft-ssinr. 'Jii'l'!i!,IN,\\ e:: '..J:\<tt,;;;;i J\P\ll1!0 U'\1t1J:t:l'/t1;rnlld 1B m e:g mrto 110 ·uu q m•mmdo�, .,.-,, alillU JttUJ Olll,C, BJ;,"C[l stPJl!JQ JllJIII '1111 U(l.

·a,1.0q1J a,11 ;o,01au,u1p O\f1 JO �uu.!iJo u1 .!iuni::d o�;w. �9tpln,:p �<>,rems 114 ioi;s wpuo& J1"1lFi .-i 1J .. n1Mn1u(! t!J ;imc po<Y;M o:ii , <;[lfl "" ,i;ms �"'� 1r11M.

Nltil'll'flY p,m ud!Q ttt'4 !liOIJ' d<t;"""i>t(I mr m&TIM urol; !WO iJiTlUd "ii

.rah,q,r - :4,lµnn:a PIO m; UO\;\l)Xi\'\. �:) 'l::0'!«):,J; i,B!M.lll.ii $.#<ff\!t>1! fQ) ;IIU"Jr - i,C\:l.J. U,J '.;l,;.,;;'j 7 (',J):\IW'� "II ;n,izwoa- ' PTil'n�l!S j�c.1 llA 11ttil;r;r ; "[JV ·g lO&Bl:[,L"" J�OE 9"C[1 JO ff!l4't :o,�s 111<.!iIO ... l'lV "!·"'W qAV ,:sw1rct, ·i, p.Ill[;::W �P'-L f,:,p<Jtl!r,!JM :i!m,g ·z:


US!lllO atj) JC hr:dw,a l\llo/"--'aV 'r ll '>-'",!

"'1:et'il'"\11 .mo "TI"'cl ·�-a,z,:v,1 tron :v;i11q· g 1;,-p--:rnrr e ·o.i-.t �00 ,,,i,o ·c;.-"TJ!' -1:) · ,nrfll,»f J"-c\llll '¢!:VS ·s-�on�::,;-- uwcSH n11�p11ruv :�;ri.J1ml'.) ·z

qnnqo oqi JC w1u,:,:a.rn 'ml)Ud p,rotmt'ft ·;rw 1PHC ---- sl.>M1ft 1ft J"JU Ul

� taJlbWA p:;,t;t.;) :l>"TL"40 lnlillo - T ,_,

P'1X!!11h Jf')m 'l Uli. '.J.1� 11l)tt!!,P'1 111 I''-"" '=� to ?Yfll "omw:tm '.i;m:n;""B ,a.,"tW'I #fl'< IBJG "Ql!M ntb,•;;:, 11.lf '11(>lS•,g jil .r.>l"lfJ; J\.nlin,r w& !!(>J>i\lO.><> m:ic .o; 1«'!!'!11!.l:J r:1p�tfs ;;.-.:iJ. {t) ·o,-nw ·pw;paa 1,,;;,N tt\ l\0:\1110 ':11: 'JR 10a1·1s +m1�ua1J om 1u ·��Cr '11aqo1no uo ·P'1"�� ,;>.r,J S11& 1piq,11. \!l11ll'bid � SI �Uf.,l,11/lOf M:tJ,

-�;;.:i;;,;f'.'_lj(I .1! ;ipq_ """'"·m;;;;:mx, """"' 1no;nrfa.JJ111m £p,ia a1n JU � .np;.,:;g ;:m 10 amo1 10 ZrqxupJ: " ;m,n, a.rn-111 11'£ l!OQ at;-4 '.W 4',HW f""-£;qffi1 J'll'Nli II Ql!,'A ·�rru:,Kt; Rl.>1\dw:tn::,,;, "l mnrr ;;�= �m,t;o "'*''ll:<'1'pm;t;;.;z .trn� (!U_t ,:zi- '!MlF,,rnll'} 11'\llttt tt; 1m,ul!Z1<> ,:q $�'-'"'";�.!£ WI.\) l:lJ ;uw,.,,., " ..e. 1m:u il"Jil'Qt,

·ot J\.1pt,a-JSU! 'g,,d!d B9 P,-r',( ':!Qurtl8 1li; 11101.\ a\ty, ·;ool_O J\11 ;;o Pll;>'.J.S'U! p�sn S\J.M. 'I'll'-!"" '·1i: � ourr�n'.lloa Jlnp1� nos � 10; vfoo1.:o ,uon:,mJ;�'«is n:.:-i:m: 0q>. �mt "'STIJ:'( 'u<>;)'(Hlji,'.! 1¥ :;,1111 J:'&Jl n '"" 8t\l ffld()

'>&a:,j tl': "{l-;x)() MDI lffP'>d "'!4 P, t")>' '>ilAITTf IN ",e-:xJ �- ,q11m.rn;n #\fl ;r, =�- ?tU

so�;il;;,; •• �!d B!!ead1dl1· sa<!1<! OI ,..-1,,: �,

'· ' . ' '=-·,-. .,,.,�.

,Q�:�ru.�u ""';(: .i

"*FG oin�rn: ,f �[OJA ,,

''"il uo""d�[(l pa<ldo1s ,g "11"'4 w,�a'f\H r<<l<I<.� .F - Tt:lf«t�


' ' •

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<o :c•, ·.,, .. ,,. ·' <,< ·•< -�•!·•'·'·"''

_1 · ' • ·.,,'•. ;-;\·

M:,s. G!ltzman. ,iJ:wm-e a fdend h the Suc!ecy, lfl<lu;.l> not "' m.,mt&r. died Gil Au;n.ITT. 17, 1\16:!, , . 1,- · Mtur "' long ilL"""""·

·J --' . .



1·•1, .. ' •

M:u:r.ncy D. Smith <>!_ Willfamet-m,n, Mot,, , w:rln•:·'I nu\bl! wtrh inte<tllt )l(lttr listing ,;:'. Jd:c.tonorga.-:w w;lrl slii!ill be gl,m v., MIid the 1£.su"' ln whichro,- �u� un an m;;an nnl)t by Juhr.&,:in lnlM3 1.1,d m'lll'lrulf;y l:tatallt<:i In wtmsm,i Collegij Oli.pel Whrui ml' (b!W) Thfmlp&et'. Me:mc!"-'l.]Uhl\pel was bu!lt ;):1&:� 1901 th>t Jfik'\Wll :i:,;µ,nwas :mnvved f«>m !.l:w. old chapd u, th<! SmithhQu:)I\ at ua Milin llh'*'L lt WM u,ed hy my 111ILt,R�""1i« � 11 mu.sit t;1,u:l.e:, nw! hns -""'"4 tqnIn gocd 6mdUion to <late.•

• • •';\u, Organ Lil:cr.rt= F,Jun1l!\tkr,, Nmh,;.a, New

l!w11p,ili;:re, baa l:ffiuo:d a L.ew U,�u,, "ll", thf nrst m irolne fln yearo, rt k avanf'.ll::e g1·nti.s cy wJUne Henry Kart Bn.ker a� '.:h<> atove eddl':.,,,

' ' ' MrL a:e!ffl Ri;.rrtrra::., 2S{, Monnt-ail: dtr�,r


Sharon,�� h inierfff"Ad lrr tn� Jlfo a.nd wmk u1 f;;ugen& TIDOYl!r, Jll'()U'.l.nen'. Arnom:o::. tirg;i.,;lst ul ti "'1/l'!kfy ag,a. A"lYtlUt havlng teets, mw,,ic by. N;;prnn\J!, leW!"il. a:ntl r:hcr tnf,:rm<Him::i abon-; Dr � ts urged t<> w:,ntaot Mrs. Ho.m=n

. , . .in iituait !Nm. Veutcfy, lllbc:,, reacti;: "!'lit•

is..>tlone,:i; <JI iht $ITT, Satv&MT !.ulhemn C/Jorlm l\"'111 i:ndemdml wheUter tc tmy a ne-., m'@l"J ,,r\'<ll)Mt the old OIW wt:>ci:t hae JJeen t; the tlmrcb J;,a:<:W>.l' f;,r ll3 yea.m •n:.,y t.lr�d R!riliml lt,,sier, till � bWlda-, !;Q tel tlrnm wl".;J.1, w do u�aier �d tht tneumu;i:t t1mi roor;( the tits!�­"""' ot fout b,r,h, "'1tf ut dtM ,rusc,:;t:, and g ttT-t n:e org!lJl, rumd-¢ttfted nm yo.u� ;.;,,;:, in 0t,rml\11y (le(! =alul!:"lg *iit =nde:: p� Jk-,.ie, eshml!.Wd �t:e organ was worth 11t le�ilt $20,(/10, nrn ;mriA:� J,,,r1er1; hav,i, decided t<> I<� ,-..·,

• • C,:;ffll>'!ent: "I ;mi m, gW,d tu 1•""6: tlli, "'-,;uphU3io

ElliIB by Dr, lll=hfil'.<l tc1:cun!ng ,he dJ;>.:r.,;.;,rtl:llp ct an organ tlea.."'l!:g hc!llle. Tt:,.,; UJtl uI thihg j usr ,;houid llilt be t:lmw. Aho, l ""'-"? 4fkr. wand2...""'6. znd warrted cll<mt the Society snili\fv.ng �\1y tru1>�­ac.\cn t,Nlnz to Jo wilh tn,;i ;,,.;rdmu·, &>.le. ;re re�tumt!on or a,:,y orgn\. Wm>.1:1 b.'lero ,;,ver tw the ilil�Y ,;t a <>w-eu1t1"'

MCmht,r:; !IJ'e :rem:'\l"lJ tnift no:'.Cts \l( rv<ltd1, progran,,, whu'e hil,tod,' c,�;,;;,.;;.1 :>:re ernploy1Jd. <�· Jetlk,:tk,-,s. O!ld &unwer�,uy ,,i,tvkt µ::cg:rams, a.n.1 nfmrr facts ·�< Julen,;: to Olffi member� s:i�ulct ll!; tu1t 1.o -:ll"'- "<il1.-f -0! 'l'HE 'fR.ACRER fci: rn­cl!lll!on in Its ect..1,,1,w. • •

R<:•!nmtl,m of the HH Stw:,dtriti�e <ft'�t.n 1ll O.i,j_ Pipe s:.:-eet C:'lur;li, PiUlatlnpt:s. lwa µro­grOO'!e!l =.r ti:lr JMmm,0,ip ,:it lfobtrt F.cr,o\tflt,<.>tM,nllit M tllc rhumi:I. fu! ut rlw t'Wl Sf-Ops b,g"fLem:, put 111 i:,iaying ronditJon, "-"" J:w U!ltl wortwill.involve th& r,;wh, M!'. FJ.cmar< 11by�tl "- re­c,U!l ITT:I \hL ol'!W,!\ Novtmlwr r:.

' . '

'J :,� :<�:;�:�-:'fi"':).• ' l


BY RICll/UtO pt;EK 11,i =-!lent £:sample ot t1'.� -0rpL hUl.dM'il

ar _ as rn�rioetl by H1loon.e R<Je""'1"'-!l:,; .:-mmtl mh!� m>'--" nJ ln ElbUUJl Alem-0r..,,; Ghnwr,, Elbcrnu, Ill J. I!-:1111 m '.!?dJ, tl::k c,nly .ti!r'!!flet,rn- ehang� ill tlw tw0•ma.unal !n>el>w I/! th.e <ttld\J;,n o1 ar, el""­trw hlo1,.,,t.

Sinoe 4::e cl>mch H Uted on!y In auir�'lli'Y. U>e bu1ltlir,:; u u:::teated t.u::ne;: th.e "1n«>Y (et in Euc�-"""-"' ehurNiesJ an,;], aee:nding ,o Ui!I tur::er, the bstrm,c.ent staya ,emicrkably wd! ;n tune iroru � u, "�"µ)ll. f'btt<;;: at Lhe !�ITT"lt Ad� nf tlrn ehw1w are«, •.J'-4 m;.,,c,u;;,la sp� illreett, into the eh11rt'1 W11il.� :ti:, twc ODd!ll st,-->N, ,m a ft\J:U3M Nk.N rOOs:., ,Sl"'ak lnw th� :hanN�

T�uellJ< Cle rn�U'ull'.:nn: 14 n teautitl.ll c:;:aruµle :,t JUl-h er,,,,htt'; organ t·.;il;J(nif Wlth t.mt ¥>4tll· tlon et Hv Gt Mt W Ope:t VlzJ,,.,tun Wt.ict. ls rntlmr L111c t:y =-.t,:,mp,:;r,xy ntr,n<ltl<tla, tb> h<ilTldl.l;,.! �WN Me Wtll·YOkd ;it( the to:.::! ;;:.&i>::'::llu i& brl&hl>··YH wttJt :tw mlldn%s onr :u;sw:+;.v,, w.:ti low P"'ssure a,:;J tlldrr eb.e.,fa.

c: the ir,cl'.·;<-Oi'Al stol)II, the 0-N:st a' ;Joppt.llt!«­h outltan1rn,;. w;,h nUM u! tile th'.ckneas' l<wmd: in man;, ::.a\er iiicaEples, n µovtdeo a t,nn hDgh:­nea.s l.o the Great whi!lh. ruakee It a.n ldefil 3«tet\, lute foe th� (>r;at D;a;JJSWn 111 thr J>Tmcipal �r.nr• ua ii i:m.gh: a· Trumpet, & illrge.;;,,::Je 4' G"'mshom wM!lli ill big eno11f):, t,, &erve as " 4' P:dcclpal, a ru\J,o 2 J/J' Q"'-'lt, a �r'.rat.ing '.( Pk�1:o, an<! n llim,h,;m-H!rn E' Dule!&m\ C(!ll';;,i!lt.> !I'-" Grrn"'

G1-e of tho ,mum&! features of !.he Swell C<J;tul ls �'.le 16' Bvurrtc.r_ which h<H J <YYicterl �".cp Y--1:ut,. Hill top bl.l1 d whkh drnws QI<, treble, an<:t �ha ,mtl= hall! dre.ws the nc:wm. ucca n. The S' Viulln Pini'"*'" 11? scnllhl.t '.u chu-«�j.er :,; t f'r4ncl:I Gumm:. whi'.4 \hi< ,:,Qwr dr:ii. a o-�;e.,, ts ellll1iuu­tivo Th"'�, Sl<>J>:;:."d Dl&;,ruwn ll. l'-!lht ,;ni:J, by rom• _p�rt><sn W"',tll t.'>Y .,p�r!t'.e ot the O�at CupP�lf\l'k, qutt,, hl.&11tl. Th! 4' F.ut.¢ E@rmool;u,s lo brl;htet tha" m"'°' S'.Cflll Af thili ,;,;,:;.,. Wl'L� the 3 rank

( N.-,c, hu � �. ¢ff< H}

ttou�<l 1Y rue A.,tl()'l'tt O:w.n Comp,uv, Durmg She wor,\ It """' ld.entlthd m, ti;;.virw; �Ji h1mt in E.::;Crut4 hi 17M b; FlC'.ard llchl;:,', Si'.h."'-4ul�<1 tv l><s senq;;fmct not Imig a;iv. rt'>td1t fcr ,:.,. ;:,reserva· ttw, rr.mt go V• lNf<>lnY Wel:rua, ,;r');llu:ist, nf t:v tnnrci:I. A =1tn! "'�3 pla,tj ,:in tat, ma,:-=�rrt q;. t"1t�ruter ii :w $\un1ey Saxtn:,_,

Mt SM;tcr. aOl!�J kh�t the H/nnfl1 i<lld A'.b"'-nwan tc"'i:laer ,;c;;..r, L L'.bcrty ?r<:41,\Y:"'l�n C;"mtth, 'l':py, N. Y .• h f&r t1<lt M � ruooe-�: tigurt. It has tWII mrrnuw and l,)<''1!1( u,t, & t,,.nks. fl'ul! h:fon:r.�tlon m.>.Y ba!- u\:ltalned truru Mt, 'i'anner Aam '.l'roJan P1ps< O,:,:»i, Co., Tmy. N. Y,

' .Johr:1 Wright H.11-.,:,y, n.wfa:1rnt pnl<Mv:it cf

music M the Vt\iven;'�y ct Wi'l.i:'Ollsin, di,,«,vtred a Hin,:,era L"ttek�r t-x.lt 1n 101>4 nuw h 8� :,{m;y':; ft. C. Cbl,lr<;U, Pine Bluff, W!5, 'th& 1! mamwl r,rgm Is still tw.n4•pump,ttl Mr. H(\J:"V,:;<y pLi-y<id a re,oit&I - lt October Z8s

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•.'iilVj iQ'i !ij tmlim 1ll"ill1' il\U ]9.'M ;;t;i pu1• 'l'il\1.9 .r:,,:r,:, atn 'U1!9JO ;ix,;ll ilq1 'qJ'Bd WU.f) "1."1 1'"1>1A ---tp ;{fflltl!<t"< �) tn;J:n 1.;;nn�:,:, poo's 1r ·11�u:c; panw 10 �nd Knm:iµ,o TI" .:q �uw,;,mn1 "-" ll�m,� "l'.;>11.ji'.I 0091 lUO(l� '-T'\tel".J "41'11$ JHlF!!l ?t';j Q( mtt!$.l(I llhl3,,r, e<;.L ·AA-;<;u ,<,u:;;nuru � -l)M ?A>(>S 1}\111 '11lHfil$!:1 hiJ'WU ill<! P:IT/!J;, \tJllS JO �;;;jµ) siiT, }'f l;Ofj;t(lti O'iiff! Y -µ;J PT iJ 6 P"-1' :,;,H>J U ;'Z' Tu\l:Ji; t ·.11<1<ns i9 '1'11;\"';CPO tJl))!IJ? ftlll[lWtJI Vt{,1 'tH!J l!lll �"J au:u t)j)!wq 'sp�,ioq,wl! J""(, vt1Jt1U(I:I Pll" '.µ;11 �t Jo""'' zu,�n;;,.111 &>dJd oovq·m:rn 's<low 09 �Fl\\OJ /-'itu.WJ .;,;_.r. ·J,.mq;;xp ;r.1>< 'ru�µ""H *" ,!j}\j Pf,IDM ai:;-; Hj M;t?JO 1s,4Jxn �1 J� 0,"',l ·�; 111V ,1:,.1 o.;,,i so """ p:a:; 'rpt."f."tl «m z!,J �:,•·•w'1.•fill( #4, 01 �U<> ,;;QJJ IH)Jll. 'SriOlS ;,,<>Ul J() OA!fA\IWltiW o:; ru,,1 uw:r; a;w ,n ,i.<iM ,,.,;>)l;p �40Q1'·,t:u:r:pns ,.;it '*""""JJ ;mr:nu; p a.->r,dJ,1;w.rr 11 :t""-

8umJ1D JO UO\ld\,>� •nt

·irn,redt:ir nnJWtJ(l J't<'\tpo \:&'.; ·1;4; ot n1 V·Am J;,.>.� ,r.-,1, wi;,o<J l!IN>"l '1'41. ·1�of n m 001ct ,w:Jru,; �,"",11 ""'4";;,, uu •;:os�ct11r� t,,:;nqµ in ,,uo>l1d't1V Otf'.:- 1t1,,:n;,q '1.LHjW "; Stt\j)j,ITI o:ttw 1.il ,nan o,t: iajqg HtnO

'ilWJU:J Dr.J :t; Qun P""° 11"" •,:mil.,,; m:;, W l,lo<l oa<Jdn 0,n UJ llc'J� p;,D,;d!lle, SI t! '1{\"#l1'1N.),l µen:! ',11,n;x, 'Tl:JlJ 'Pai'[) "i; ">JO$ -vd1!tp efql ¥' =;un ai:n �m= ilwM;q ';;:im: t;noo:;. "l!Jtd �Ml ;o £::,n'ijnrnv ¢lt; tl 'v,urno ·st

·1au,oo '3'l) Jd(JJn m::r1 p-:,,e •,w:,1rnnt,1;n �'llt>,lff!J:> er ,,�ct ,,,,,,q �L� µm, '::i su,µ;w jtl P�P!AJP st do:;ll 3iU.l 'lnrs:,;.ru 11"1If< UJ "tlJ 't>w.a,.w-l-Jcra1o.1 '�um 'tnn=·=""" ;;:n ·i1A ''W--'"l>;J;i: �m O/lO<j1' m e.o;,11 JJO(i.\'. -JUJ, ill1tWCdllfl' ;n::; Jc" n·11'W!ll ·JlITI tl{'l "1 paun:i 's"'1;d y; '1)'.'.rnJ "-"W s,m:;:�mn;pull '�"l'&J '%.I:Jl JO .\rnp:v:nw pun ·iuawu·vu; J\N1jl\n0.'1J• "immm, ·,:to1� px:u, n '"'"lt>Jlt1:::>!:t;,g "11

11'.W[i/OOW \!J'.;J<'> [K, pasn '<kH )S'1W!\Jl (l.\'l:noo ,m 'UUJJU!:) .H

»�a)p w�w;iqr,s oui m ii'Jl!!\WJrn ss�c,::{UP,i ;;t,fludmoJ ;,,.y; ,, ""-"""'' pm: 'ru;;i:w:�-bas· 1,:,:; �,, 111:Ut; pm1 "P'!"l ,an ;o ea�irrumsw "'-11 �mi, ·QM Ui\',!'f.PVEGJ '"� ,nmj),ft!d\� :;, "''-""'"'1YJP 0\1�T{l\/,, um�"" ,:;r ·swmp ITT,'1 Jo !'Bad '"-H- nMJ<lm1 1'Ml qoou, """'''3'.1- A11 JJ?.:mfuq pu" ·w;,um.inur ..1qiui ct<>w rnJa;v,vd ",smJJ Jlf'l"' =.,r. ·puno: '"'·'1"-11'-"'Jill a�anpa.,,1 Pi>" ·�r,, Jo uon,;wp1 "Ill .tq "'"1-Olli ,\JO·>'lh"<>1A ,; OSU] l!\d �! 114'1» feC!]UddO rli(j l;J(I

•OB;: -,11111 -�J!lil� """''I JO �:'.liU\4 1' lti'-"- µ1q,J\1\l!\;�ar>-4 "! uadJ µue """ .i�i,,.01 ;,1r; ;>< �actJ01, 'VJ!)J'.WI\JQ r [l,lXlJ'. S! 'H,;;;,»i mu ll�[l\l"O kJp,,-) Kt'! Uj 'l."J..l =<>t ;,q: lV ·;a,tmn;1 3[jl S�][jln-'All -q,:ttd nip :io '!inmn �,:. ssw:L\KJ �!"t::-"' �,n t;$nom SPlld1"" £r]'lll'1u;.>li fl %\1JjjJO "SJ'llj UJ -.�d\UU.11 ,ilfi S'a''l/jJWI auc,; S,Wl]& '®)S a!ElO:\'"" PW-1 \'! 'HdW!l..U, ·,:1

·w�·'P mu 'fl'"' tJ:tr:;ut1 ,n '5&.>l� -P>""- 1nww,-;n:n tu-1sw,(d 1ro,u a•.p sn -;,;m ··�uom:;,�:'.l r.1

�rnmlt1U!P m:,. 11'.i!"' ""'!"'· '4 'k"l ··P-"'I e:nn a;,inrn: m ®')" """'" 'J:0,nn'lln ·11

·at(l\'!as.S\'! ;; .mµu�, <n rt µoo.11 ns 11wp1a,;,�! U �n1< :1Jtt,t. ,numq am l(Ut�.til,,_, "l papu,4 -u; !1f ;11q J�01("1 '(k,1s p;;,:.r u ·.itn1111111t Xl'.:-A ·ot

rulf1ld11JP xr; tu.;£ uo<11m UJ puv ';;ir.;s �,11 Jo 1uJ :,11101 mn ur Ai:uo 1n�n :-,uaumwm; llllll ;o �•1•:1n1mr t,,laJ" � '"o=eg 1

',"1""1''� q;,nw 111.e. ·r:;dp1.f!J<l �lfl 'P"' uos1un U/ '1"1Mimt,

Jo �-inn mm p �.1111J11,m &Mt " ·ann-:.,r 'Ii ·1tt= {)01

h;ru::t q>tt<,::w:r;, ,.,,,, 'n,'()S\:!d11n; .nn :n ... m:rs:·.:,:n 11T tr n : >dcr.)s J�"I'" x;1 ro Joo,n -.mm .i;;-,,;ia1� �.rom !l\:pq ""d!tl '1! tufi4 SU�l't!J PM!-'"P q l;J!tf!A ';,,:,uyjp:; n"u,;;am� ;;11;:_ni,Xi ;,; do1s " '111111!0%0 "L

"'-'1/'.JN r1n+ mg q µ�,!:otdmo Arm '1J.Jm>al1J\l QIU �.,"'f'l ,>-.":'l[l wfm,r 'f. v;,,rn1 ctms 8 '=J;i ·tr


:,mu� '1 ;m; s'!llii� 1Mo.u! mu ;m,,a'f �,11 PlW '.owr,m qnr.l{J trotmw<:> '.>I wnp " �ci1J:u11<mlf)()Z>€ :mi >M<>.::d P"-'·""=� t: i\!JOJ ':1"1pc;r.rd l,>'1'11 w.rom.1"-wv C>,'M nm A,; 'jDlfO[!UI" PFll P"-"-"Jtalll 1n;1=1;,q:; µu,,- de>p v:-tt.t ?¥<; r ".cp,;;,q; q �dfd 1•=or Drot\ft. '111,,mct111p JIP ""-"<l" �w.moo °"'' 'Q:JJ!d "'II um1; l'm'i\\1 41 a.::�p;-;, t,71'[& '10ft '1 ''ll�lM ·g

·11 Ml11dtutn�'IJ).)\\10\]¥ ''IU.'1'""--+'.J puv '"<lti))Uud ·�uom,'t%4> it\l'.4 ';ruij 0[j·1 "1 -,, '1jt:!K>t::UIOJ�ll �.I. ·;uo;,:, pa.'-'3¢ ->t.::OOVA! ""- JOU(;"" 'q,rmw �{U�C,:-'t<i �[11 JQ JU!J Wasa>d,� o; p�µa�1ui '<loss ep;;,1 -mro11'1!!tlv;p "-'A "�OQl:! 'fUlj pu>l W,tq:x, JO ".'.!l;JaA\1 t p;nm� S!If'q si; m:rui ;:,,,in .. .-,,.,r,uaµ u '<fo:� "111'4�"' 11 '1rmaA1.t 'V

-�do,r "''1:t" tq Jlt.!];tm ,:,'rJ ;;,_---.;guu--c\l muw::UJ:(>-J 'll 'qJUUQt]Q put UU11'1<:h<rp .:otn UM"'-)'1.<\ uon �� "fll?lm ;,.q1 <Pr<l Jll :;w<lJ IL\ ,<--.:rn,;oq ,ro�JJ<i '�Wl!U Ftfl .{<j \)+qr..J--".J(:1"1ll f.Jt,,,,-,-,Jt-,m 'li:tlfff"l;;ltJJP a111 awq11 04&.AC. un di:>� "flt'6W'-" 1l 'tlld(;rJt:J ·g

,�- mn �,:;-;•�!" m:::q1 t,;; -"'O]]Dm -:,·.rn 1;.n pmapUJl ;,; rtqs �;q I l'-' JUll'j 3G.1, ·;\c,1p��9.1,t �\tl fi, ,!uoj S'I! nm.; £ju,,, iflt�nb�s1iu,i pm, ·�lln:d oo 01.!d<l"O".£ m,poo� 'fl!" pw, RJ1a al:[� p v,hl:';V :poo& ;:, "l}'l!ITI ,tiuom:•.llil<l J..re '07;1 asomt. d<>F u 'lIOS11du.,i 'f",ddo,s, '1':

1<:1>/ ? J:O d01� 1J PlJVJ il)WEl SJ l-l 'G'l1iF+j "( Nl.P<I! S, t pu,c "j"'1f iJ ()J'I! n<:l(d ;,.ueij)W G\IL "Utl{8!'?1f ;;,�ctctc,µ, <l((t ,.u;;q \lOJj!<:.:r;�D ,, aJJo PJtlA:l '.1,,¢:::,., ¥tfl j"O �' i!l11<;,'/,, �q; £p\l:11U1Ut�O li"l'-tM '1�wui: p �p�m 11rs " ·,;,:,wd�l)) !.!M'O "\

·od;d ii%-tl<"'1 ;iu:;tq J')"''"ll�)�GP 1, "l'.PW& .� """' "111 '::msw tp;;\\p u µ, WcW Wctpc,p:<J ;,,:;:i ll.ru i.lt;H.410; Jt{J, '(1f)tmPI! $JM ,:IJ;j� 'JHJ}\WJ Jt!l UO !)It(;! :r!) -;>«,8, JO �;;d)cl :;,uiw� uq1 tt<tp;af'} pm, 1'--'1>1rr1;iq 'W>W. a;i 'Ull m 'U'"fe..,;J 'X,,::'.('.QQ SCI ',l;,!I,...,S>Q_ili 0\\1 .IJ;>.."1< it;; \ll.!-;\ 'aflrd AU ;.;,µ,-..1a1s 0.1nm 4Ql 'JN,>ttal1 ut ·nµ_'oun,; -"':tJ.;1 ':t;xtn:�; �,n �w•rF' '. 110;,.ss11.;; Ot.!1:1 'la!1F";O 'Joq1nm:; 'J'lni; "'-fl snnv.u:; ="" :Jm;nu iluri;;:t;'l " JU amm, """' 'rn1ltltJJQ ZX>t\1/> ·�,a; "'-"" Wo1s e>1ll'1S ·w..-;.;Ulµn;; or.p p S'S'>dhuM J\t: ;� µml' Jl)N,l l" 10 eftm(M J\l:) Cj�E\Mt{< p,i<>'\�J \"l,l') 'a<rt'.j flt.!1:1 s:inrnll \11 JtlIT"1!" w<'ijd JP UO\S)f'.:00 s 'SdO'J.S 'J

u;nnJ'.d lll r =r> ;,:11• 11acto w 'm:,l}:;o CTJMn mn ;� ,w,r, ;,;i:; Ol PJ$1'11W Oii]U t; �-,, :po11,,d,1 AI<llUJPlli-, 1''0) "" Yu;s:,;u.::: Aq IT'1'2\U pul\ 'pill!U]J £ra,s!f"'lli!l' ;;;:, J-em J'.JI!1 ·,pu:,:& l'lwo:nJd Lq 'ildJ1s �".ll l'� f'UJ\(111 Ot l]GU:"'811U \JlUOO �011) '!' 0\ OO"][d -do J(pax]j,Jd N"-" in,; '.u.,'Wt\!OJ\ 1001 a>-t; ;'5 d""!�1t: 01 pijqdtl1' S�"1\jeU::CS W:.:,Ej 1\ Gj 'S]'l'!l'-'d ,I

,,m,g,,o 0111- JO \lO-!'P"·''!SUO;),_ µ;rtr<:Wll NVCU:O UC �;a,;u---... ,: G\;1 p. ""V•IP'-""J a1n Ol"" 1111H', anr; 1� c.,c,,1J0ct r.c;;ii �In �;rq:noo , ·i:rH

""P"<l 'S 'rnM, A:1(


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[. ,est a__'\d londHt. T}uo choir ur;::..."l is :o accump;ir1 " :he smgus, &w:!. t.. thcrdare 1n>,-i:'. i>,n;J ,et:ll


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--- ve:,, IIOli:-. '.111& SW?:l orean 11 v01etc t!w- tr.mc. · 'f' !<c _ Tb:lr,:, 1£ iOOt:n�llr"-"" "- totL-.h dwu."--- fo; ttr pOOal· key;;. Suen ill'. orm,1. ¢;,,rJ,a.lnt n4out tw,:m.t;, atop;;,

11ml NG tloroo t;,,y �tm, the t;n,,:;; ,:md tn:ut a.re fro- fJ:W l,l'#!!.\ mean. tJm ml.1.1:lf l«r nu, ehdr cr,µ;n; ar.d tm, TI9i'<'t tw ttw Ottl'\L Ttw Rm>ll orvrn ew:..tw.ns the rtc>J>l,: 1. Z, J, + ii, IS. H. U. aru1 16, milll� rum\-,;, tile r.hrM mv;m l, 2, J, 4, 7, 3, and 9; nm! tlw sw!<ll l, l1, 3, n.13. cm\ H.

Tt£ clwlr � ec::;;uo.!M cl\ tlit i<Wf\1->W«',lil"/ tor a =II dl1ireh ,;rpm; v!::. !hf Wh1 -YZNW11mt, fillkiana, _;,rlnclp"-1, twelfth, Lfo.,trnU\, 11mi W>• w1Jalt£::<a, tl-n foUt bJlH ¢.mr,t.:t...: wl:t. a ;x-Jcl t.� talre nrr_ =£. the trt,mp� &;,;n an trriJA:l. w.nOJ<;ot about" lhou.;.s,n<I ,:,,:;,us, :" .,J,,lJ,;h:m to Ulli;, .,c gr-e�t impr....-em.-rrt we,;:,; N; mli.llt ty !1w ;vid­Lion d she t..a:, di"'P"-'""" ar.d fas tw.utboy :<il' th,i, ..we!� antl ill! c>eta.c a'1d a h::ll c� !Jb&Gs Jn W'-"-'d for tte feet, ..-hmh wlll m�lrn 111 af.Clthm d �ht,ut !IIJO doliar.s. The ""'"Li las a ITTTiail 0rran nrnucd, wl,h n <ioor made tD open and �huL hy mMr.t of u pedal moved by the fuot. oo a� to Jive to tho aomul tllil.t increase and t1immntlon whwh ttw wo1·d 1nd!e&te&

IV. P<>WM• and Use� oI �he Orgall


Of all :tm;t.rnments, this I!) ttw ttltit.t imble, tm,•tesalnll p;,wera o:t tels @rM.tMt rnt&�.t a:::d val':dy, ;u J:wsw,;,nJ..,• rc:m�s c: siliemn ;;:rn,de::r, l):tc>d�te e.'R nvIBt sublim.e aensc.tl:-..--.s, ;.ncl. rer.e�, !!; peculiar4 ir;.;t,;pt;;d io :tl:it sers1�M r,C '.h<s ,;mcdus.t:;- t::-.>Jand ,mci Otrm.:my a.tt spread crer wt:h :t.�,e :mtj�$1IC u-.;;t:ruma-,ts, fr, µrot,;"" ,<L'ic:y. Tm, ett�e\ �; ;J\¥ hlU;,e."l:b�'l! lfuru-'.<em .;;.-,,,m mn-passea e;cryillir,v tit(! nu:d m,a cr,r:eei»>; tW?? an won<k Whl0-1 eft':m to roll from the m<iee lmc tne deep 11l:!y10 ct ln.r.mE£S In trnl J_llli';tar.l"'!l urvtro d tl:m Dutch, Mthmg bm- JmillllO<lY ls "ver pe:r!nrmOO · a:i:A 38.l!i vuluss wmf!tlmM llflit,, ..,,u. one 0t thH<, grnnd crw,.M; whlcil blm!k, !Otth like th:: ·vm"" of m,:1,,5 wutww.' Nn inrtr1',,,1'f,t <m <mrtll can hf 00MP,,,!'m\ toµ)¢� tm Will™, maj,:,.sty, riclw©S, martu­fo.Ueu, .:m(I �llhistkm ,;! .sJuntl: "'1id nu 1m;trn-1Ut'-ll} -m:; tlwrf'tute n, sm!ed ta fae exdualvt, udon!k>n of Him W'lli'&il ''/"""" '.� rn.'.gt:t,,- in opsro.• tliln,- ruv:I full of ma;e,;,,; Pe:rhllps no w,:,,-,r )I 111R.". '1' <Jeno,, r,ai::: elc.lm equal "°"'"" ;:,C mooitlcg ar:"'1 nnwvum i,ne to,,&1g,s. Snlli ca I.he ;,ewer .end majemy of tl.w in•trumfill<. 11':?i it w:fl at a'.J t:mrn draw fctdl wta':m,or ,t_,, gM!ru, ;.nd '.nltnts i1l 111·..;, ag1 m1w µtW\l\'<s n !� �c 1,� r;,grcttP.-il t.'ut "" ,n­&trumeut of iu<:h powrrs stwultl not more generally ht mtl"OdU.o1ci irtto r.ur cllurvho�; anrl that men of rthg!om _prino!pk aml good tll8te fhnuld not ms.ke it a pomt <:>J: duty to le-flm to perform on it iI! such ,c rnarnwr a� to uatst ln t.he <l�vorlu:.2 o! pu�lic wmshlp, In the oplnbn c4 th� rdormem, '.he ed�ptwn of "" pw:t,r fnith and a S!!'!'_ple� form er W9tth\)\ tbilll \h(• R•:urnr. ea0.,,'k-, d:(! not re­eynlre t4'! roq,>1kwn of ct.o "'''"-- Most o: tt.e prnwmu-,t dm!'.:l'.ns on tt.e ,x:::.�'"WJ c: E"�roi.,,,, ;md· :...'w Chwr�h :>1' Er.g�"">'"'J ixr:tm m :te :::.,;e of th1I! t.eavenly JnAtumt-nt: ;,ml ttw S:Qkh Pre&­hyuwluUI imc. Etttl\t» ;li;;,ent;:i,. are cw,ocqutntly

."-1;,x.,e ln cw:� nwr&on v:, Li a:ru:mi ""�· -i:-m, s= "1)lrl� ct lwttlhty t:l ;ac ore,m whiell om fore-­ta� hllhlbe¢. In El',4hmt. when tb'> organ wrui

., .::., .. .. '•'"""''' . ' . ' '171·-.,..,,,--• '" .. ,�· _,'. ,,

,:lee,;e("!l:e( and J.',�lt Ly :.':I: :...':ltL llllJ.}%"1! EugCA.'l W,m,;-.:;,, a.-:c: we>lt..'l :t.er bMut:h: with th<!.:t, :,;, 1.l'sest &Jwr-�, we aN !<fad 'll Mr- lt grnrlu;,f'.y &Mu1,1 way. May tile c...".lurcht$ le thk ttiUuttY ,rnnn.l a:;ii-Jru,; (t;, a:mw, end fOrr..s«tde H, ,olmru::, tm<'lli t,, tllr- ,,,.,rn,,,. cf th" Lut1:1 uf hw!P

3J:t8cl .,.. Hand (h;;,,n,. eci::s:sts cf a mmm.me tnn:iltlt cy1b1rlf";,- en!le<l a tml'l"I. !o WfllLl, &re \n­M.rteil wlin iMtened at the fill.ill!, ""J ll"ti. r- Jttb e\e1·a.:Hl. aWw� lbe surfu.ms, which )'<lru. rmrnJ emeylhdr.r: aaeh mreu,t D! w!rec< 3ttlt p'.r,: n>trez· p\ln.W< with t-he "� O!'! '®1>t !ln,i m- sp;i,:;e 0! UmKW!. nn<i ea�h w!re '-"="•Pun<:h h leug!Jl tc d:HI r,ot,e v.Till:h rt mp.re.ems. A-S nw '.xi.:m! tw-n1, F.Jkh otip!� er pb """""'s a smsJ! h!K,k wbJcl'l ITT"""' 011 a li:ry with.::, ur o,e,,.;; ,. v,,h., "A

o.dm2s ""' ,_,, ,ru, pq;e ,:,; ra,s,::!. B><tn\l nrgru:u, are go:,-:,.e�a::y J".><taL:t:. il..<-:<l �\\ <:Wltrlv�<I !l!.fil1: tt,;, 2'\fil& ;wt'c,;; (If the t.a-,-,1 whlcll �u�,s. aw l>atroC, �"!J!lJ<�� tt::0 wind f;y givir,q u:.c�lon t,_,th" bllll<>W� lllH�ren\ tu11es aM prieli:sd mt :-J.e sam� bu:rd, �nd tile hcck.s are brnu�ht i,;;t,:, emt­teci with i4�m, by "' small llQrlzontal mot1on or th,;, J:w,,tel.

Uydrau!ie Organ, a musical illlltrnment.. tlla,; /Jl\1Y� by wo.t-0r ln.,t�ad of air.

0.-l(!lll B<tlld�r, :u, ;srH�t whose bTis!nesa ia t<J !Xl!'.Sttu�t, Mt\± t.; Nu� a11\± rer,a.1r orgm-,,; .ILvr m­gim l:u.'!<:10r. 4csltled posaesalur: a. IIiccl:y <ll!!crlm­matu,g "-"d cul-tlvatect <'W. an(! a �c,.und judg,,'.er.<, ill the -.:'.';,:i1,v,ry quall:lM c>f wo""1 =d m� ourth, n tx:- aeqndn·e-:c \\ith the :;:,r!1:dples c: �,;;eu­n::a::;(\\t, y:i;emll,/ Vf".r.-ml. ,,. pr,;�:�a.! me:l'.J...'11ta, nt\<:\ :ru fru::- mfo:rrortl ,r_ pie in "'-'"deqmmt- and Ms' ,1m;ilt:- donen•2 ,,_, � c.umpo..srtlcm11. a� lrr wnm raqµ-ce It. te cap;t,Je 0'. ;ry;m;- :te diCfer=C ,wps lUld f,,mtumt:oc.l! M hh own lnlt\r�mer:ts, Ul\G. d dJmr.,nz ter ht,-,-,stlt cm U.elr d:fee!S !n. p:rl.w:n:u:rnr.1;.

Orp,, Lr.ft, tho $iJ,1v:r ln il:1.mt cl the organ.. OrtAU Musk, mw,w � tor tl;.o ol'Ji.an,

or 1«q,;;nng th� vr;m, to p,orruce th<! ru:.irm err net.

O•Jrut J•m,,,, a J)',IA<'tte in whld; th& U:,dc m: <l<>!nill1:rn: ln mmtam<ld whlli- t.'le ,:,!l;q 1>.a.rts ot� ha ... --monr pr,;,:te..,, m 011m� ;:bgrw \nct�p,anrt­=t11 ,.,: 1t. Trw tn:::: b !l.l:W appJed �� a pa.me "" "':,�'..e

Organ.lot, s pc:-1<.!rn,e:r <::t U::w n,:s.11. Tn� qua.!i­:;c�t:on fa:r au m·i;::u-1bt am mnl�lfa.rlou�. E� u,m1 hAve a tho:rnui,i::\ !;,.'1.0W!e<lt;e "' m.us,:k, 1;,e .a.c­qus.iuwa wl!h hicrmvn::y and rructul�tm,,, a:::rt �kill In ":11£ ma.r,au�rntnl Jt tll<1 <ltlJ""· a.nd s1',;,\Uct be u= -0f w;w, Ju<:lgmrnt <!ml pwtY.

A; �\'/:"-tla Mt and outllt tn bo U>'"t\ r/JJ.efly for rleYO!lOhal j>tupOM�. tile Ul"@lll\)SC .,ho\llrt himself fo�l the etfoots of lk sr.,J,:mn \<mm; In e1miti.ng devn\lon�t frcllhta: ,,n<:l tlJcmlr;I regMd him,;elf as ,;!v, .,en,m1, �1 trtt nmsrey;,!lorr, tc at<I t-h�rrc it) th<,;, d�vot.l<'l',g

'.rh,, '""''tl/;F Of too dmrnh 1n:t1 th,;- <>e.lur� ot the mgan, �leany h::.dlcatt th.ac tile .\.lyla ,,. !T!IWG ,�., "J-.at tn:trnm01>:, ot .. ·,u:a ti<: v.:av,;- i,e.-.;ro, it--:d maje-stl�; allii very <:lhfowu: tri;Jr,_ ;t.4� w'1kil ts .a.b;,'.-eJ to tllet:te&, u1<:1 wrnlu t1>n1:erto, llMee, the- itu;.,w;>tiny cl a:n;>,:,yk,\f <>.tr<,ll$l.& ,t.a!. a,e eonnecttd w:t.h plilNlS Kif 7-:i'.k run;u,met>t'!. WMu ws. ct,,,--,q,:1.,, foc' t:>mpany tlhlt in:<t:.�r:: 4;.i:t_ ="""· om, f.,.,ll,,p ll"1l�Jy mm:tte<:t, tllil pm-




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,250 fo'1 ,>'l<rr<a! �e,, .o.-1<, �"- : · Donul<! R. M. i'<;,wr,cn ...... _?t<,sider; j R;:!.m J. keics .Vice-P,ollld�n, l "" - 0,,.,/d -"11,k,y Cottoo .... _______ ;,..,.,,,., • f-'""," c( • "" .

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41 Ed9<erly R<:cd • B""t"" H, Ma.,. i Al<ir Lc,ulo,�n ... .Co,re<pond;ng S"'1elw� · BoK '04. W�,t >i'JI, l'�tnry, V,,-,.moo' f"'d�rkk 8 .Sponslo, .lle<co,ding Secre,�,r 938 M:irlyn Rocicl, l'hil�delpf;ia 5l, Pa. Mo,.,i,.,,..h;p o"�" Rogulm Smtalniog (:nnTI'ibuting ______________ $4.00 Per Yaor .. $6.00 Pe, YM, .. $10.0Q or morn Per Yeor K@nMlh F. Simmoru; .Eda.,, 22!1 Poplar A,e. - Woyne, Po. t I Albtrt f. Robin><>n .,.,,, .. ,,,, .... ,, .. P�blisller ! 1� WW nth Slrsflt, New 'forl Z-4, 'I. Y. t --- ---


Nffl, l'uief <Kb um· osc<>oi..d "" /l.i, colsmn al $i5il p=<� .,.. :n.ioo fl"," Y"a' (fo"' L-ruo;j_

·-·· fOll $All\-:-,O.its. c,,,warf1= �ero,dtnll" - 1%\ �"''""', 1%2 5hir.,,1uk,., 19,1,J 1'<:rtlnod . ·.z· lt 33 rpm J,�,._•utd uniy. $4.91 Nd'. Ord"' frt:M lkd<>fy lhruu.-a,-{<>d<h,. 1,1brr"!).er:,l hab!W d -the m�a:ll!r-" tl::.emee,ves, :t.� ct",a;. &<)\kl' ,t! fut- :r.mlt-. ar.<i atyJe ;;it P,�l':orm,;r--"c, de­/ll� tMd",.Y t,;, r.(l, forth. t.Jw a:;,;ui.ru,eg ef tile ;rn,y 1\m1 tMtllna, we m,cy t"'<l.dlly �e,1,em, bow L.­n;,t II p.-tpun,t11,1n auth e111(1(M'lllft11E for,-,, r,,r " mwre<::. ,reni,:;(\ Su�;l iUl m1.mn:.n. 1;<..rr :ug J;,t,-; the f.hurth fut hlt i!!tl:>lmth dnt\11!;, f.tt<:'r tnui 19')UWJ"1:; :h<i ll-iMJk, i.rli M h t4<1141m th& oMt ;,,fWr aptndng the :mfil'l',h\# !lomt nf thw .ililltfil., dily 111 w, lffiru­J,;u- itndlo., Md µy,:etlOJ, d 1C l'!\.lt\ W:J! W«rldll' tm1TO!'S!<tt,.,n ;;r,/l. Wll\lliffil'.IH,t!I, ,;,;,tr,ew; 4Y the fu#t Ww:h <>l hs• ting� n-1 uw d:1fflilrnt h,<rnmrr,:., tiw, µrot\ille hahinde of hill'ttm::d. Hill 4tJk of mm!<c is illJure<::. 11y l:uz a-11:wew t:w:wi, tw ,m�;ud. mm«c ¢utru. U:te oontamhm1Jm: wlth ,;,:cuJs• Wl!e:: wm ,;mr ehu.rehes 11et as it they rn;:;m:tfld th>< mwik as JI di!1»ti();;\(lJ !lXtrdw, snd cm;iley llc)!l# "'-" ,p • ;;anli!Wi m 10:ui!lts wt:o wm wn 111rt Wm In thl.l ,mt,;(11 cl womhlp? Tu guMe tlw <\1ga.fl.li!t 1h plilytng !hi) h;.nr.0<1y. wit Mn; aid tl,$ mru:h '*°' ::,ur limitt wm ,Ji::,w, u<\dl!t Uw � Aeci:lmp,.,'-11:oo,:.:, tt:<1 puh::u:a:. )J J;'\jj'',\1'¢<1 Bt�, ln p!,l.'r'11f tl',s• tmnn«ry, It h :not. alW%7" n•="'Y l-0 1-r.l.r 1-!! !hr m::tM'i rd t!u, clil!l'fill; mil fa Gtm;;;,r,;;S, th,:, iW,Wtl& !>OW> ()( tl!.e ro= mus: be hlldr:m orult:t<J El:). Not•; T.:>Ls m:mci:ut!N t!m PSUTpill (mm. tl1'.lJ W'.IT'1 wllieh ""' :mm<! µerU11<'<11. tQ SITT' h> lere.13.

�i\·c,_;, '.'.;;J\,,;,,'_,_:,, .. - ....... :J.i,, .... ..-.-.,c,���h:..�,,'' "' , .. '" :, ,L :-,., .

' . ' .

The Ifilbome Roosevelt Organ'Fe;-, J•f;, <1CCJ.·tvt a ur:tleut>t•d\y thr hest wt.1th th'e wr!,;w Lus ht'iad 111 !IL Am�rlca:: ergRI! of :t.h Psld1Jtl, Dmw:, w.t.':1 th<e B' and 4 PlntM, o..-.d ;:>tt+.tcl ag.::_l<1st th<e a:rn:i:;x,::tlmeut A tt:e C:wat OQµp'2. tWte, :t l!l th!l rcrter� 1!111:ilum !w '.Xie i;trfo=-­n= ,:,t Engll!<h ,.n4 Fru,rh fiHt•:n,;, mm;\o, -::neW Obo,:, b av:;.:ti (;u tht l.1$ht ,w,,, but Mvtrthfi!Us mak!eil *' 1tf�d ;:n the em,�ml:ik ;,ru:t:rnlarly outk t..."><, d'i\iMh ltre!t Tt.e 1t' P•dai B�ur1<r.:; lo .;: :f4itl,' Lil'\l'.O trut.le ,md Js dc.;;igncd �-0 sui,port the ,mtl:re w,�emh!;i, w<lile ct,, B' Vio!b:o,,eilo 1s tr�nsp::uont 1\nd p\l:11,"tm:. Twor.ty..::•lie of Its hi!i:Y,s are evNklng f\1.eITTle pipe.a. "" ars these ot th� Otaill Diapason. /,rt!stle.;il!y thH� fa ,.mly OM li\Ck ill the tooll.1 eha.racter of thi� slngu!ur i11�t�umc11t and that !a " choru� m!><ture ou the Grent Pcrl!up& ;:,waronf thIB 1-aek. the buildar Im� prn,·!ded a Swellto Grfat 4' coupler WlllCh du�t prod.Ute "- \l;Mtl dta\ot brillhnce to th(, Ore.,,\ �""em.bl�,A Sw�ll tr�mula.nt, tour (oOlllJJooitic>n ))Nl11L,, and a Oreal \o P.eclal c�;-�r,;tble romplet� the®" tall$ Of (.his .,pecilirntion. El!eept !Gr mo 1.wo Pedal �tops ,md the Gr�at Dia1maoli aml IX>r,r,eL­flote, th<, entirn orga11 ls enelooetl In ,,h,> Swell t>ox. Ur.eoupl.ed, the ma"""' c-Oucci :� [1�m but not hca'l'Y, w;th the ret<flienee elli\rader:btle o-t the bes, "'�cl!ar:'.ca.l acli,m. Of N>\U'&\ r...'li at:hlltloe cttwo Efwei1 couple�$ tu the Gt�:.t tl�cs mc.r-eG..Se th.e Wfcif!'.ht cnnoidettlJ:HJ. A fa.shionat;e rnsort br m.:rny y�ato. ·t,.., re;,_ b�;cn commur:!ty Jllll e,M:3 uµ,m t,.'1e N'-"w �otl(area. f:,r ,:, mllli!c�J rasnu,-re:;, $,;L,ie'.� and nr=··U!E f�cm ;m:�. chUJ-ct'u,,; aa St. B;,stl\o1omew·;;. m,,� se-rv<'SC! '..!lo r.eed� of Ell:>�'1:lJ:. M•-:mm!a.1 ChurelL Nwrn;s.liy a qua,tH, ;;,rr orgnd,,t a.ud a cl!olr illrtts tx me ·.=!I f:,c till! mornL,: serr'.cw. while- :u, q;e,:,ia.1 musi=:. ser..-,"1'� a, .;_:,:;_s,.:,, �=�.-ct. 0 ;.:.il-1zcd. ·"- plaqm, at tl:!f, ,.-.,;,:ht "! ,be :nn,wle =m=­onte. ti!,;- se,,,--�,-.. oi Peter A. Sclmerkct wtio Wf'ltd �, ,::,eg-;i.r,-,1; of the C::mrc:! bom 181lt :,:, 19�. 0:R hll!'rn t.'l�t tiw church me::o::>er, r;;.aJl,o(! tile i;ij\t(!flec;n,:;,, D1 th!" ::r.s !rntrnrrHmt n;mn wl:Jlctl.

*"'''" m,;.,:prnns p<".l"!o:trr, =ct wlL pi:e,,er;-.,_ lt "sl:i>."<J:f!>Ly l:n tl:t fll.t;_;n; JS '..i:ll',' in;-,, in tire pa;;t. -<! ---

A Lulu of a Project >'NJlMNl by UM<m fbn1m:,.n tu 1;lli' tmlk ut my !look, "Mn,,tc 1n the Ll!e ot Albert SchW?JUe'r" ty Charles .R. ,ff>y, a;,peara the tW1;lro q�tlcmg comv,,;,0 b nos ;,.mi sent tow­g,;.rrhL Md cri(ill hut!Je"'- in (}a:rn,ar,y, 1\astri .. ,Fm!lei!, I!;;J:;,, Bwltz;;r!an�J .,,.,q th;, Ncth,t;ian&, tot1<11J 1ut wmt 1<i,,;1 .'lf an !>f;;:a,, Europe w=ted.'n',t re>e\ti.U n�n! the ea)fltt,,,tlim, ct th\' wm­mltttt Gf tl:w TIJU"ti c,mgrn1., M th,i lnWMBtwrn.i Mus:e &w:10:y. o;m,\l.lOrn. ':'he final �umq, """'1od i,po:n MNut HO qll'j;,tf,,:m<1ire% ,,;•1.s:w=d h'. det-&1!., hi mod tr,ti,re,Vr,,; to r=d. DT. Bcl>we,tw,, saysthntIlll>!IY ef tt'Atf arn,wrrn were lor;w r....··uUJ"" wra-thy A l:'1'.mg; pMrrteli. W<m!rt.Ct :l mo h'.t-&r-*'J'*# W :'.la;J out wffil U:re Jl\1WN'i!7" WPM' ;,_1tl wbee.e th<J ),...-,:.tims :..s> mf"f1Alw. t tlrt>J;: 1! 1"'.'Uld W m,;,t rtwallrig \o sm:.d tl!IW,f. ,amt r;1;,e%\lllJs nrnund ti) Ol«:! tmm::wr. llG'11.

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