R. S. Ram et al- Infrared emission spectroscopy of NH: Comparison of a cryogenic echelle...

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  • 8/3/2019 R. S. Ram et al- Infrared emission spectroscopy of NH: Comparison of a cryogenic echelle spectrograph with a Fou


    Infrared emission spectroscopy of NH: Comparison of a cryogenic echellespectrograph with a Fourier transform spectrometer

    R. S. Ram Department of Chemistry, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85719

    P. F. Bernath Department of Chemistry, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85719 and Department of Chemistry,University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1, Canada

    K. H. HinkleKitt Peak National Observatory, National Optical Astronomy Observatories, Tucson, Arizona 85726

    Received 9 November 1998; accepted 22 December 1998

    The high-resolution emission spectrum of NH has been observed in the near infrared using a Fouriertransform spectrometer FTS and a cryogenic echelle spectrograph called Phoenix at the NationalSolar Observatory at Kitt Peak. By using a large format InSb array detector, the newly constructedPhoenix is calculated to offer a large increase in sensitivity over a Fourier transform spectrometerfor measurements near 5 m 2000 cm1. In order to test the performance of Phoenix, we recordedvibrationrotation emission spectra of the free-radical NH. The infrared bands of NH wereproduced in a microwave discharge of a mixture of NH3 and He. The rotational structure of fivebands, 10, 21, 3 2, 43, and 5 4 in the 22003500 cm1 region has also been measured usingtwo FTS spectra. An analysis of these bands combined with the previous electronic, vibrationrotation, and pure rotation measurements provides improved molecular constants for the groundelectronic state. In particular, we have extended the range of measured J values so that the newconstants are suitable for predicting line positions in high-temperature sources such as stellaratmospheres and flames. A comparison of the Phoenix spectra with the FTS spectra confirms thehigher sensitivity of the Phoenix spectrometer. The relative advantages and disadvantages ofinstruments like Phoenix are discussed. Although designed for astronomical work, cryogenic echellespectrographs have applications in the ultrasensitive detection of molecules in chemical physics. 1999 American Institute of Physics. S0021-96069901412-9


    NH is an extensively studied free-radical of fundamentalimportance. This radical was first detected in 1893 by Eder 1

    through the observation of the A 3 X3 transition near336 nm. This work was followed by numerous studies of theelectronic spectra of NH from the visible to the vacuum ul-traviolet. A more complete review of the previous work onelectronic spectroscopy can be found in our previouspapers.2,3 Recent experimental416 and theoretical1723 stud-ies have been motivated by applications in astrophysics,2434

    atmospheric science35 and chemistry.3643

    There have been several infrared and far-infrared studiesof NH aimed at extracting precise molecular and hyperfineconstants in the ground state. Far-infrared laser magnetic

    resonance spectra have been observed by Radford andLitvak44 and Wayne and Radford,45 while the zero field purerotational spectrum was measured by Heuval et al.46 using atunable far-infrared sideband laser spectrometer. Improvedmeasurements of the N10 transitions have recently beenmade with the Cologne terahertz spectrometer.47

    The infrared spectra of this radical have also been stud-ied by difference frequency spectroscopy,48 matrix isolationspectroscopy,49 and Fourier transform spectroscopy.5052

    Bernath and Amano48 have observed the fundamental 10band with a difference frequency spectrometer, while Milli-

    gan and Jacox49 observed the fundamental band by matrixisolation spectroscopy. Sakai et al.50 and Green and

    Caledonia51 have observed these bands at moderate resolu-tion, while Boudjaadar et al.52 measured the vibrationrotation bands up to v54 in the ground state.

    The high-resolution measurements of the v1 vibra-tional bands of NH are important since they fall in the 3 matmospheric window. In fact, the v1 vibrationrotationlines of NH were observed in the star -Orionis27 before thespectra were measured in a laboratory. Vibrationrotationlines of NH have also been detected in oxygen-rich andcarbon-rich giant and supergiant stars.2931 Recently, the NHradical has been identified in the solar spectrum using thevibrationrotation32 and pure rotation33 lines.

    In a previous publication, we reported on an analysis ofthe A 3 X3 transition of NH measured at high resolu-tion using a Fourier transform spectrometer. In recent work,Morino and Kawaguchi53 have made far-infrared absorptionmeasurement of the NH, NH2, NHD, and ND2 radicals.Their NH measurements agreed to 0.000 62 cm1 with thelines predicted using the constants from our analysis of theA 3 X3 transition.3

    The deuterated molecule ND has also been studied indetail. The electronic spectra of ND were studied by severalworkers over the span of several decades.5458 In the most


    55570021-9606/99/110(12)/5557/7/$15.00 1999 American Institute of Physics

  • 8/3/2019 R. S. Ram et al- Infrared emission spectroscopy of NH: Comparison of a cryogenic echelle spectrograph with a Fou


    recent study of the A 3 X3 transition of ND, Patel-Mishra et al.58 recorded the v1 sequence bands usinga molecular beam source. They combined their measure-ments with previous work on the 00, 11, and 22bands5457 to extract equilibrium constants for the A 3 andX 3 states of ND, although with a relatively large uncer-tainty. The N10 transition of ND has also been mea-sured recently by Saito and Goto59 using submillimeter-wave

    spectroscopy, while the infrared vibrationrotation spectrahave been measured by Ram and Bernath60 by Fourier trans-form spectroscopy. In the FTS work, the rotational structurein several bands with vibrational levels up to v6 was mea-sured, and molecular constants were reported for the groundstate of ND.60

    Although Boudjaadar et al.52 measured the vibrationrotation bands of NH at high resolution, only relatively low Jlines were measured. High J lines are essential, however, indetermining higher-order constants such as D

    v, H

    v, and L


    for a light molecule like NH. These molecular constants arerequired for detecting NH at the high temperatures found instellar atmospheres and flames.

    In the present work, we have extended the NHvibrationrotation measurements to high J and combinedthem with the previously reported pure rotation lines,33,46

    vibrationrotation measurements,48 and A 3 X3 lines3

    to extract an improved set of molecular constants. We havealso recorded some NH vibrationrotation lines with thePhoenix spectrometer in order to check on the sensitivity andperformance of a high-resolution cryogenic echelle spec-trograph relative to an FTS. Although Phoenix was designedto look at weak astronomical sources, it may prove useful forultrasensitive laboratory spectroscopy.


    A. Spectra recorded with a Fourier transformspectrometer

    The infrared emission spectrum of NH have been ob-served in two experiments. In the first experiment, thevibrationrotation bands were observed as impurity duringthe search for CoN in a cobalt hollow cathode lamp using adischarge of 6 mTorr of N2 Torr of Ne. The lamp was oper-ated at 230 V and 330 mA current. In the second experiment,the NH bands were observed in a microwave discharge of amixture of 200 mTorr of NH3 and 2 Torr of He. Although thesecond spectrum was much cleaner than the first, lines in the

    22002500 cm

    1 region were stronger in the first spectrum.The emission from the discharge lamps was focused on theentrance aperture of the 1-m Fourier transform spectrometerassociated with the McMathPierce telescope of the Na-tional Solar Observatory. The spectrometer was equippedwith a CaF2 beam splitter and liquid-nitrogen-cooled InSbdetectors. The use of a Ge filter and InSb detectors limitedthe observation of the spectra to the 18005000 cm1 spec-tral region. The spectra were recorded by coadding 8 and 20scans, respectively, at a resolution of 0.02 cm1.

    In the microwave-excited spectrum, in addition to theNH bands there were molecular lines of NH3, thew 1 a 1 transition of N2 , and many atomic lines of He

    and N. This spectrum lacked strong impurity CO lines nec-essary for wave number calibration, so we decided to usestrong atomic lines as transfer standards. For this purpose,we chose a separately recorded spectrum in which both COand the atomic lines were strong. The atomic lines were firstcalibrated using the CO lines,61 and then the calibration wastransferred to the spectrum of NH. The spectra were mea-sured using a program called PC-DECOMP developed at Kitt

    Peak. The NH vibrationrotation lines have been observed inour spectra with a maximum signal-to-noise ratio of about15:1. The measurements of the strong and unblended linesare, therefore, expected to be accurate to 0.001 cm1. Athigher N, the three spin components of each R branch linebegin to merge. The three components are almost completelyoverlapped near the band head. The estimated uncertainty inthe measurement of these broad lines is of the order of0.003 cm1, and they have been given lower weights in thefinal fit.

    In the 22402390 cm1 spectral region, the lines of NHare overlapped by strong atmospheric CO2 absorption, andsome of the lines could not be measured. The NH lines near

    the edges of the CO2 absorption features were also givenlower weights in the final fit.

    B. Spectra recorded with the cryogenic echellespectrograph

    Spectra were obtained by focusing the infrared emissionfrom the microwave discharge with a 15 cm focal lengthCaF2 lens into the input window of the Phoenix spec-trograph. Phoenix is a cryogenic echelle spectrograph oper-ated by Kitt Peak National Observatory and is designed pri-marily for use on nighttime telescopes. The instrument is

    operated at about 50 K to reduce thermal emission. An ech-elle grating is used in high order to obtain a compact high-resolution instrument that can be mounted at the Cassegrainfocus of a telescope. The experimental conditions were simi-lar to those used in the FTS experiments.

    The Phoenix spectrograph employs refractive foreopticsto image an f /15 input onto a cold Lyot stop. At the Lyotstop, order sorting is performed by filters which limit thefrequency bandpass to approximately one-half of the echellefree spectral range 100 cm1. The filters are wedged tominimize fringing. Following the filters, refractive optics re-image the light onto the slit. The collimator and camera mir-rors of the spectrograph are combined in a reflective

    RitcheyChretien system. Further details about the spec-trograph can be found in Hinkle et al.62 and on the NationalOptical Astronomy Observatory NOAO web sitewww.noao.edu/kpno.

    The detector is a 10241024 InSb array manufacturedby RaytheonSanta Barbara Research Center SBRC. Thearray is a quadrant device and the array currently in use inPhoenix has two dead quadrants yielding, in essence, a 1024512 array. Phoenix requires a 1024216 pixel swath, withthe long direction giving spectral information and the shortdirection giving spatial information. The pixels are 27 mi-crons square. The read noise is 60 electrons and the darkcurrent is 1 electron per pixel per s.

    5558 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 110, No. 12, 22 March 1999 Ram, Bernath, and Hinkle

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    At the time of the observations, the performance of thespectrograph was limited by aberrations coma in the colli-mator. Coma smeared the image, both spatially and spec-trally. The collimator was focused to give best spectral im-aging which results in a line width about 3.6 pixels full widthat half maximum FWHM. This corresponds to a resolvingpower R/ of 56 000. The microwave source filled the4.4 mm long slit spatially. The coma degrades the spatial

    resolution as well, but in this application spatial resolutionwas not required. In the spatial direction, the FWHM of apoint source is about 15 pixels.

    Spectral coverage is limited by the length of the array,1024 pixels, in the dispersion direction. Slight vignetting ofthe signal is present at the small wave number end of thespectra. A defect in the array at the small wave number endalso reduces the spectral coverage by a few percent, about100 pixels. The reciprocal dispersion of Phoenix is 5.0104 cm1/micron at 3000 cm1 on blaze 63.4 deg. Thepixel size of 27 microns results in a single pixel covering0.015 cm1 near 3000 cm1. Typically, the bandwidth of the

    spectrum observed in one integration is about 0.47 percent14 cm1 at 3000 cm1.The array does have pixel-to-pixel variation in both the

    sensitivity and dark current. To remove these, each observa-tion involves at least three exposures, one of the sourcelight, one of the featureless flat a W filament lamp,and a third dark exposure. Ideally, exposures with thesource on light and offdark would be obtained, allowingcancellation of spectral features along the line of sight to thesource e.g., water vapor lines63. However, for many labo-ratory sources this is neither required nor practical.

    An InSb array detector is similar in operation to a chargecoupled device CCD in that photons cause charge separa-

    tion and the electrons are then trapped in a potential well.64This charge is allowed to accumulate and is read periodi-cally. The Aladdin array has a well depth of 100 000 elec-trons, which translates into 12 000 analog-to-digital unitADU 1 ADU8.3 electrons, where an ADU is the basicanalog-to-digital unit used by the array controller software.The wells should not be allowed to fill to more than 80%i.e., 10 000 ADU of the full capacity.

    For NH, the array was read every 60 s and a maximumof 3000 counts ADUs was measured. Two exposures weremade of the same spectral region, and they were added to-gether after reduction. The images were reduced to spectra

    by using the IRAF Image Reduction and Analysis Facilitysuite of programs available from NOAO. The ratio of lightdark/flatdark was calculated to correct for the dark countand for pixel-to-pixel variations in sensitivity. Residualhot pixels were removed with an IRAF routine that re-places the signal level with an average of the values fornearby pixels. An 80-column-wide spatial dimension by1024 long spectral dimension image was selected and con-verted by another IRAF routine into a spectrum, essentially byadding the 80 columns together. The detector had been care-fully oriented to make this summation possible without ad-ditional image rotation. The first 100 pixels in the spectraldimension were discarded because of the defect at the edge

    of the array. The resulting spectrum appears as the upperpanel of Fig. 1.


    Our spectrum consists of five vibrationrotation bandsof NH in the v1 sequence. Each band consists of three Rand three P branches which can easily be recognized, par-ticularly at lower N, by their characteristic triplet patterns.The triplet splitting in the P branch increases with increasingN, while in the R branch, this splitting decreases with in-creasing N values. The three components almost merge nearthe vibrationrotation head formed in the R branch. The Rheads in the different bands are formed at relatively high Nvalues; for example, in 1 0, 21, and 32 bands, the

    R-heads are at R(N19), R(N18), and R(N17), re-spectively. After the head, the returning lines again showsignals of spin splitting, but only a small number of returninglines could be found because of their weak intensity. In gen-eral, the P lines are weaker in intensity than the R linesbecause of strong HermanWallis effects.65

    We have extended the NH vibrationrotation measure-ments to include substantially higher N lines than those re-ported by Boudjaada et al.52 For example, in the fundamen-tal 10 band, we have measured lines up to R(N26) andP(N13) compared to R(N17) and P(N10) measuredby Boudjaadar et al.52 In the 21, 3 2, 43, and 54 bands,we have measured and fitted the lines up to R(N)25, 23,

    FIG. 1. A comparison of a part of the 21 band of NH near the R headrecorded with Phoenix upper trace and the Fourier transform spectrometerlower trace. The rotational lines have been marked with their N quantumnumbers. The grassy features near the head are probably due to a largermolecule such as NH2 or NH3.

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    18, and 12 compared to lines with R(N)14, 12, 9, and 7included in the analysis of Boudjaadar et al.52 The observedline positions of NH vibrationrotation bands are availablefrom PAPS66 or from the authors upon request.

    A part of the spectrum of 21 band near the R-headrecorded with the Fourier transform spectrometer is also pre-sented in Fig. 1 lower panel for comparison with the Phoe-nix spectrum. While comparing the two spectra, one mustkeep in mind that the FTS spectrum was coadded for 90 minwhile the Phoenix spectrum was obtained by summing two1-min integrations using the same excitation source operatedin similar conditions. As can be seen in Fig. 1, the NH mo-lecular lines in the Phoenix spectrum have a better signal-to-noise ratio than those observed in the FTS spectrum. Thegrassy features observed near the 21 head are not noisesince they are reproducible in each of the recorded scans.These lines are probably due to molecules like NH2 or NH3,although we have been unable to make specific assignments.

    The ground state 3 vibration of NH2 and 2 vibration ofNH3 are expected to have transition in the same region. Thisobservation suggests that the Phoenix spectrometer indeedhas very high sensitivity.

    The observed rotational lines of the individual bandswere initially fitted separately using the customary 3

    Hamiltonian. An explicit listing of the matrix elements forthe 3 Hamiltonian is provided in our previous paper onNH3. In the final fit, however, the lines of all the bands werefitted simultaneously to provide a single set of constants foreach vibrational level. In this fit, previous electronic mea-surements of the A 3 X3 transition of Brazier et al.,3

    vibrationrotation measurements of Bernath and Amano,48

    the zero field pure rotational wave numbers,46 and solar purerotation lines of Geller et al.33 were also included. The com-bined data set was fitted with a standard deviation of 1.127.The weights for our vibrationrotation lines were chosenbased on the signal-to-noise ratio and extent of blending,while the previous electronic, vibrationrotation, and purerotation lines were weighted as claimed in the original pa-pers. The rotational constants for different vibrational levelsof the ground state have been provided in Table I. The con-stants of Table I were used to determine the equilibriummolecular constants for the ground state, which are providedin Table II. The equilibrium rotational constants of NH pro-vide the ground-state equilibrium bond length of

    1.037186019 , which is in excellent agreement with theprevious values. The calculated dissociation energy D0 ofNH is 27200 cm1 77.7 kcal/mole.23 The observation ofvibration rotation levels up to v5 N12 of NH, therefore,enable us to map more than half of the ground-state potentialwell.

    It has been shown that a cryogenic grating spectrographsuch as Phoenix should have a significant gain in sensitivityover an infrared spectrometer using an analog detector.67 InFig. 1, the signal-to-noise ratio S/N of the Phoenix spec-trum with an integration time of 2 min is at least a factor of3 greater than the signal-to-noise of the FTS spectrum withintegration time of 90 min. Correcting for the difference inintegration times assuming that S/N grows as the squareroot of the integration time for both instruments, this na-ively implies that Phoenix is 20 times more sensitive thanthe FTS. No attempt will be made to correct for the differ-ence in resolution, which would further decrease the advan-

    tage of Phoenix. A meaningful comparison of sensitivitiesinvolves discussing some of the nuances of both instrumentalapproaches. As is well known to laboratory spectroscopists,the FTS technique is far superior to a grating spectrograph inmany aspects other than sensitivity, and this also needs to beconsidered.

    The sensitivity advantage of a cooled grating spec-trograph, such as Phoenix, over an FTS is due to three fac-tors: enhanced performance of InSb array detectors, a coldnonthermally emissive spectrograph, and a restricted band-pass. In astronomical applications, which are typically pho-ton starved, sensitivity is the driving design goal. Phoenixwas designed for nighttime astronomy applications. For

    many laboratory applications, unlike astronomical applica-tions, the source can be made brighter or brought closer tothe spectrograph. Hence, the gain from cooling the spec-

    TABLE I. Spectroscopic constants in cm1 for the X 3 state of NH. Note: Numbers in parentheses are one standard deviation uncertainties in the lastdigits.

    Constants v0 v1 v2 v3 v4 v5


    0 3125.571 782135 6094.872 099261 8907.594 381404 11 562.315 424660 14 056.147 702921B

    v16.343 272 27345 15.696 430 17399 15.050 538 14835 14.401 978 5149 13.745 873 3191 13.076 662 4434

    Dv103 1.702 842 1342 1.679 474 8275 1.661 615 1653 1.649 965131 1.644 414127 1.660 696603

    Hv107 1.238 29113 1.174 461638 1.110 79174 1.004 57387 0.710 44225 0.738 8237

    Lv1011 1.459 8146 1.454 04462 1.694 6146 1.838 4359 0 0



    7.190644 0 0 0 0 0v102 5.486 37102 5.178 41137 4.882 10248 4.583 27397 4.257 71626 3.963 28926

    Dv105 1.544 71658 1.402 54397 1.330 82734 1.226 4126 0.854 3245 1.203 8837

    Hv1091.438 0895 0 0 0 0 0


    0.919 893 0248 0.919 961127 0.918 447243 0.915 377421 0.911 319630 0.904 334826

    TABLE II. Main equilibrium constants in cm1 for the X 3 state ofNH. Note: Numbers in parentheses are one standard deviation in the lastdigits.

    e 3282.721 2992 e 0.650 379173ex e 79.041 5798 e 10

    3 2.308138ey e 0.366 8232 e 10

    4 2.659399ez e 0.051 57217 e 10

    5 4.348375Be 16.667 920 6601 re 1.037 186 019

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    trograph is often minimal in many laboratory applications,since the internal thermal flux can be overwhelmed by sourcephotons.

    Similarly, it can be argued that restricting the bandpassof the FTS to match that of the dispersive spectrographwould improve the FTS S/N. For instance, the NH spectrumobserved by Phoenix covered only 14 cm1, while the FTSspectrum covered the entire 18005000 cm1 range. The

    signal-to-noise ratio in FTS spectra in the photon-noise lim-ited case is inversely proportional to the square root of thebandwidth. If Phoenix were an FTS, this would account for afactor of 15 of Phoenixs sensitivity advantage. In reality,this gain is seldom achieved with an FTS because a filter asnarrow as 14 cm1 would probably result in detector-noiselimited performance. In this case, the S/N becomes propor-tional to the source intensity, rather than the square root ofthe intensity. Also, for many applications a very restrictedbandpass is undesirable since broader wave number coverageprovides more information on the spectrum. Light moleculessuch as NH have very few lines in one setting of the grating.The section of spectrum displayed in Fig. 1 was carefully

    chosen to cover the 21 band head in order to increase thenumber of lines.

    Since Phoenix is not an FTS, the bandwidth of interest isactually the bandwidth on a single detector pixel, 0.015cm1. The square root of the bandwidth factor of400 morethan accounts for the sensitivity difference between the twoinstruments. The missing factor in the Phoenix performanceis easily found in slit loss and other throughput losses. Hallet al.68 found that the KPNO nighttime FTS had throughputof more than 50 percent. The throughput of Phoenix is 13percent before the slit loss is taken into account.

    While an FTS is the ultimate broadband spectrograph,

    more advanced cryogenic spectrographs will provide muchmore extensive wave number coverage. Phoenix is a first-generation cooled grating spectrograph and is designed toimage only one section of one echelle order in a single inte-gration. Currently, much more coarsely ruled gratings areunder development.69 Future spectrographs employing thesegratings will have a free spectral range matching the size ofthe array. In a spectrograph of this type, cross dispersion canbe employed to map adjacent orders across the array, record-ing an extended section of spectrum on a two-dimensionalarray.

    In the extreme photon-noise limited case of most labo-ratory experiments, the read noise and dark current of the

    array are of little significance. However, for some applica-tions and, in particular, for nighttime astronomy, low detec-tor noise is critical. With analog detectors, the signal-to-noise ratio S/N improves with the square root of theintegration time. In an array detector, the spectrum is inte-grated on the array and, in the detector-noise limited case,the S/N improves linearly with the integration time. In addi-tion, each pixel of the array has better performance charac-teristics than single-element InSb detectors.

    Array-related gains in sensitivity are not easily gainedback in an FTS. Placing an array detector in an FTS providesspatial coverage. The pixels at the FTS output port could bebinned, but the advantage of the low noise in the small

    2727 micron array pixels can be quickly lost if extrane-ous pixels are included in the sum. Also, infrared arrays aremuch more expensive than single-element detectors, andeven though the cost increases only as the root of the numberof pixels increases approximately, it is clearly not cost ef-fective to use a large array in a pixel binning application.Arrays are now made in standard sizes, with large arrays theoptimum.

    To use an array in integrating mode, an FTS would haveto be operated in a step-and-integrate mode. Most FTSs op-erate in continuous scan mode, but both commercial and cus-tom step scan instruments are available. In many laboratoryexperiments, however, the dominant source of noise is fluc-tuations in the source, for instance, in the strong atomic linesin a molecular emission experiment. In this case, the noiseover the entire bandpass is seen by each pixel multiplexdisadvantage. The multiplex advantage of an FTS onlyapplies when the dominant noise source is detector noise.

    The disadvantages associated with dispersive spectro-graphs like Phoenix are well known. The wave number cali-

    bration of the spectrograph is the most serious problem. Wehave simply calibrated the NH lines seen by Phoenix withthose from the FTS. Fortunately, the wave number scale ofPhoenix is close to linear so that, in principle, two widelyspaced lines are sufficient to calibrate the dispersion andthus, the absolute position of all the lines in each setting ofthe grating. Using calibration lines not present in the sourcefor example, lines from a hollow cathode calibration lampis generally not satisfactory in high-precision applicationsbecause the radiation from the lamp does not follow thesame optical path as radiation from the source. The stablelinear wave number scale of the FTS is an enormous advan-tage. An FTS still needs to be calibrated because the HeNe

    laser and the radiation from the source are not exactly coin-cident but the shifts are very small typically less than 0.01cm1.

    Both the operation and data reduction of dispersive spec-trographs are different from that of the FTS. For an infrareddevice such as Phoenix, several exposures are required foreach setting of the grating: a light, a dark, a flat, and perhapsa calibration source. These are familiar to observers withCCD grating systems in the visible, with the exception thatdark exposures with the same integration time as the flat-field exposures are taken rather than bias frames.63 When thegrating setting is changed, the procedure must be repeated.

    Data reduction involves the manipulation of images usingimage reduction software such as IRAF or IDL. Systematiceffects, rather than source or detector noise, can be a domi-nant noise source with a dispersive spectrograph. In contrast,an interferogram from an FTS requires phase correction andFourier transformation to provide a spectrum. Removal ofthe system response in an FTS spectrum also requires a flatexposure.

    At the moment, there is also a cost advantage in favor ofthe FTS. The budget for the construction of Phoenix was inexcess of $2M and the detector alone costs over $100 000.Detector costs are decreasing and the current price for anAladdin 10241024 InSb array detector from Raytheon is

    5561J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 110, No. 12, 22 March 1999 Ram, Bernath, and Hinkle

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    becoming much more affordable if purchased through afoundry run. However, there is no intrinsic cost advantage ofan FTS over a dispersive spectrograph. Phoenix is a novel,one-of-a-kind instrument with high engineering and con-struction costs. An FTS engineered and constructed in thissame way would have similar costs.

    An FTS also can easily achieve a resolution of about0.002 cm1 by using a longer 6 meter optical path differ-

    ence. Such high resolutions are at least an order of magni-tude better than what is currently possible with an instrumentlike Phoenix. Since the resolution depends linearly on thegrating size, and the grating in Phoenix is already large a200400 cm R2 echelle, increasing the resolution signifi-cantly is unlikely. The grating in a dispersive spectrographcan be double passed but the Phoenix design does not allowfor this. In a laboratory instrument, this could easily be in-cluded in the design. The higher resolution 0.02 cm1 ofthe National Solar Observatory FTS can easily be seen inFig. 1, where the resolution of Phoenix was about 0.05 cm1.The triplet fine structure of lines can be clearly seen in theFTS spectrum. Work is underway to improve the resolution

    of Phoenix to about 0.03 cm1 at 3000 cm1.In summary, the only advantage of a cryogenic grating

    spectrograph over the McMathPierce FTS for laboratoryspectroscopy is sensitivity. The relative performance ofPhoenix compared to an FTS improves at lower wave num-bers where thermal emission increases, and for weaker sig-nals. We see two applications for a cryogenic grating spec-trograph in the laboratory environment. One application is inlooking for very faint emission features of free radicals andions. A second application is in spectroscopy of time-dependent chemical processes. An Aladdin 10241024 InSbarray can be read out at 10 Hz. A single spectrum could berecorded in a much shorter integration time by use of a shut-ter mounted at the entrance to the Dewar. It should be pos-sible to detect an emission line with an integrated flux at theDewar entrance of a few 104 photons.


    The emission spectra of five vibrationrotation bands10, 21, 32, 43, and 54 of NH have been measured athigh resolution using a Fourier transform spectrometer.These measurements have been combined with the previousA 3 X3 transition,3 vibrationrotation,48 pure rota-tion,46 and solar33 measurements to provide an improved setof rotational constants for the v0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 vibra-

    tional levels of the X3 state. The rotational constants forthe individual vibrational levels have been used to evaluateimproved equilibrium constants. NH spectra were also re-corded with the new cryogenic echelle spectrograph calledPhoenix. This instrument has higher sensitivity than a Fou-rier transform spectrometer and will be useful for the detec-tion of faint laboratory spectra.


    We thank J. Wagner, C. Plymate and M. Dulick of theNational Solar Observatory for assistance in obtaining thespectra. The Kitt Peak National Observatory and the Na-

    tional Solar Observatory are operated by the Association ofUniversities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contractwith the National Science Foundation. The research de-scribed here was supported by funding from the NASA labo-ratory astrophysics program. Some support was also pro-vided by the Natural Sciences and Engineering ResearchCouncil of Canada and the Petroleum Research Fund admin-istered by the American Chemical Society.

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