·~r ENCLISII PAINT $2.90 OAtlON ~ . Hay E....

Post on 08-May-2018

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Transcript of ·~r ENCLISII PAINT $2.90 OAtlON ~ . Hay E....



.. '

ENCLISII PAINT $2.90 OAtlON ~ . Scythes, Hay Rakes, Grass IJooks, Scythe Handles, ete., E. SIMMONS


Government's Retrenchm Plans Announced.

t , er eliminat~d...... . . . . . . 900 00 j

I One Carpenter eliminated . . 1,080.00 Eogioeer Court Bouac aalary

. . . reduced . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . 200 00 Tbe Government 11 now '.n a Outporl Court Bouie salary

poai\ion to rcleaac fo r publ!cal1on. red uced • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . 500.00 de tail• in part of the ccooom1e1 that Snperlntcndcot Mental 8 01· · ca me into e!Tecl in the d ifferent pi la l aalary red uced • . . •. 1,000 00 de partment& OD Monday, Aue;u_1l lat. ClolhinJ!' aud Furnlabing or

Aa baa already been 1lalcd 1n the hoapltal1 reduced - --·- 2,000.00

P.re1&, the Govcro mco t. to balaotc Laundry ~I an at Sanllorlnm B d h 6 'II ' dollars saluy rtducoo_ __ _ 180.00

1111 u i:et. ave \'e m1 ion 3111torlum 1uppllea ' 'Olo to· for expenditure cluriog the heal duced · li,000.00 year 1932- 33 Thi• iacludea fifty thousand dollars for able bodied DEPARTl\lt:r;T OF POSTS AND TEL~ relief, t he ovly amount that wu • GRAPDS voted 'o"- that purpose durfog fbc Gcnoral .rcd 11ct1011 ln E llmatea last aeaaio1l of the Lcgiala re. It to t:o am rn1:ctl by tho t.ttnl•· ia tbouirht that addi tional pcndi· ~~~f~:f~~·gg~n~Uh •ub- ~00 I l ure in tbat-rc~ard will hue to be u udert3ken. Committee of Council and aub commilleca of Cou1l'll. have been working for the put two weeka to diacovc r where the public aervicc can be rcductd, They arc atilt workiol:' a ud other aveouea will have to be found. in addhiou to that now p ublished, where expenditure will ha ve to be curtailed.

DEPARTMENT-OF CUSTOM• Re<!uollon In lh• \ ·010 tor

Clnlh lni;, Quuautlne, Print· Inc, olc T,000.00 'l'he Oo,·er1J men L I• also conaldorlaJ!

tho clo1lni; of Ibo lJli;h Comml11loi.er • 0 1l1co In London, u a t 1bo ood ot Aoi:utt.

Tho iln,·lnn notod abo'l'c total appro· x lmmtoly $1:.<1,000.00. -


adio Serviclns and Suppti& Elecbic ~ and Repairs of all Kinda.

Motor Car Tires I Tdbes, Batteries I lccesaarles.

~~~-TAXI~--------­AvAILAQLE AT~ HOURS.


Phone 47. Raidence, lfarve)' SL HARBOR GRACE.

Aa s tated in the prcn. the Gov. RAil.WAY

~:~f~~~l;~:c7~~~~rt~~~i~i~i~~:;l · 0:~~~t!1',c~~:{~:~~1~~;·5:: Hol1and1·a's World-cam°" H8WP' Bulbs.

Grau l lowe r t han ~1 00.000. 11 will Dock ~ht1p•. llaltway ~hop•, I J I 1 bU UI • be re membered ti.at t he late Gov. <"lcrka. foremen, oto ., sa:ar1u c rumen l reduced i t i63.000 du r i o~ reduced by 10.000

· f t h L · 1 t I Rallwn\· Mochanlce, Dock Mo· t he last 1ie1&1on o c f !:'UI a urc. ch<rnlc:1 reduction 35,000 and this red uct ion came into effect Stc tlt10 n1on- J hour off per d.iY, a l the bcl:'inniog of -1931-33. reductloo --.- - - - Z.000

T he followiu~ a rc s~me of the Ai;cn!P, Opar111or1, 1 r1>lnmcn, E n· . . I r bl' s . . I iilnecre, Round Uon1c mco, ote.,

rcd uct1on1 1n t 1e u 1c erv1ce Ill re"4Jcllon -------~111 fo rce today, namely : • Gr.:iup l11suraoc•\ reducllon _ tG,•..00

Tl11• Prime Ministe r, the Honour- I Othl'r. roduo1lon1 not • pcclflo.I :ible I". C. Aldc rd ict , bas ,·olunt3~ily M~~~~:1 11cudirncl', miiict!Oii= 1~:~ offe red to ta ke uo sala ry aa Prime Couta~ !St111f, rt'<lac1IC1n c;ooo Ill iu ib tcr. thcrcty nviog !t3,COO per Other reducllon1 on Stcame;:;;-Otc.; '

RJ1proxlmA1clv ___ _ 2.;,000 year. 'rhc•o rcd11cilnn1 wlll approximate

L t:GISt.ATl\'E Cou s c tL ~~J.lOO ror lt~r.?,.;ts.

Sala ry of Govcramc~t ' MIS UTt.: Ot' Cou~CIL VOTES . Leader reduced uy .. .. .. $ 100.00 HP.VOKE!>.

Councillors 1cd uccd (eacll) . 50.00 Duri"~ t he las t days of the la t e HousE o i' AssE:.tnp· Ad111iniatrat ion, the lollowinJ? Vole '

were made by Minutes of Cout c1I •s alary of Speaker reduced . 250 00 which were promptly rcvokci u Chair man uf Committee eoon aa the new Admi niatrotiou to Jk

reduced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 100.00 dl1ce : 27 Members red uced e;icli . . 250 00 The B iJ? b Comminione r ·e Office Aasiat aut Cle rk reduced... l i'S 00 waa ,·otcd fo r ad vert isini:- in the Prlntin~. etc. reduced .... . 1.000 00 I Sketch, the Gr:ipbic. t he Mi rror and

' Clerk of Hou1c reduced . . . . 600 00 otl;i.e.c London publications for in Law, Clerk climiaatcd • . . . • ~.CO 19So..::£ 227 IO 11, ~ ,

PaU11D lhxtaTaa,•a 11ou l"Z50 ... o\ed fo_r 1he AaUDr B flh'Cormnt 11oner tn Lo'l:ldon on

Contiugenclca Vote reduced 2,000.00 ~rsooal account for 1pccial cxpeo&ca

R cgiatra r's nlary red Deputy Reg istra r's •

redu;ed Typis t eliminated. Total reduction .. .. . . • •

DEPARTMENT Punt.IC ELFAR:I Old Age Pension Cle

n.larl eliminated.

rncurrcd by him during 1?31 32. $500 00 was voted lo Captain L

C. Murphy lo rcapccl of 1enleca In connection '!ilh the War Bielory of Newfoundland. •

A.$500 Bank Nole wu paid at the Ins tance of Magi11tratc Somerton of Trinity, which :imooot wu r3i1cd and e:rpcodcd by him in making payment• to widow• and o ther poor of bit dlatrlet. (Thia amount wu paid by. the Coot roller of lbc Trea· Yotc \If Accoun tant for

Shipwrecked crew ac· count eliminated •. .

IUr.J ) 360.CO [ 103 2 8 waa ordered to be paid

to a4e11r1. Whitehead M<;rria, Ltd., for atatioocry supplied to the Prime Miolaler'• Department during 1930

P UBLIC El£At.TB Junior La~atory A11l1t·

ant eliminated. . • • • . • • • • 800 00 Clerk ... . . .. .. . ........... 1,350 00 Iateraatioaal Grenfell Ai·

HClatloa •ote reduced ••• 10,000~00

D KPA•TM&llT or JosT1c& Chief Clerk and Reglatrar

of Sap1eme Coartrcduced.1,200 00 • Depaty Re1l1trar of Deeda

ellm1Dattd Iadeslar of Deed• ellmln·

ated ............... :. .. 400.00 Reglatrar Juror• eliminated 1,000.CO


lo1pcctor of Boilcra aatarr r educed • • .. • • . • • . .. . . . . ~78 GO

One A11l1taot lotpt clor of

Sir Richard Sqolrca who rcalgned ae Reparatiooa \..omml11ioner before Nomination WH rc·appoiotedon the 27th, June by Miout~ of Council for the complelloo of t he Reparatlooa bU1lnca1. (Oi1ml1ul took place oo Jane 291b .)


All Coaocila 1ad Sollcltora billa in coaoeclloo with tlie Newfound· land Bolcl were rcfcrred lo Sir William Lloyd, Rcgiatrar Supreme Court, for taxation. (Nothing baa been beard about them alocc.)

Boilcra retired. Salary of 1emaioiog Boiler Joapcctor reduced. Two Deputy Sur•cyora of Shipping diacharged. LlgbtbOUIC mecbaola aalarlca re·

1t bad alao been order d that billa for profc11ional tcnlcc1 f Sollcltora io coooecfioo with Ger aa Rcpara.

' tlena work from 1928 t o date, be

d uccd. Herring ro1pcclor1 nla rlea reduced. Fi1b To1pcctor1' 1aluie1 re· daced . ,

DEPARTM£?1T OF J USTICE Judge• u larlca to b: 1ubject

to the Reduct1on Act paned al the laal Sc11ion o f the Lcgi1lalurc, namclJ 7" p.e. a nd 5 p e., making aulng of . .. .. .. . . ... . . . 2.500 00


Deputy Mlol1ter of Mince retired. '

Deputy Mioiatcr of Agrlcut. t ure retired.


Bouoly oo Ship• - vote red a ced by . . ..... . ...... 10,000.00

D1ed1ing- •olc reduced bJ 500.CO


referred to Sir Willi L101d. Re· gi111 a r. S_gp, r t, fo r Jan· tion. (lf"othing beard from them alnce ) lt bad been o rdered t hat from the

Vote for General Contlngeociea the aum of $1500.00 be paid to Lcalie R. Curlla, In rcapccl or 1crvicc1 in the

' enquiry re the 1011 of \be 1. a. "VJk· Ing," together with . tfle amount of lbc d iabuncmenta made by him lo tha t connection. (Sec dclllila below re 1. 1. " Viking" fo r rcduclloo of amount)

T he au m of $855 78 wu ordered to be paid t o R. Guebue, E 1q , Solici­tor. for prolc11iooal acr•kea lo re· apect of Drown·a Dock Arbllratloo Soouiala.

£ . S . Spencer wa·a o rde red to be be paid $300 00 fo r laying out roada io Corner Broc.k during 1930 31.

The NOd. Railway wu ordered to be paid for pauagca for dcatltute people ordered by Mlol1tcr1 and member• '!J. t he late Bouac of A•· 1embl7~ouollog to $988.19.


Or~er Your Bulba. ~ect from Hollands Beat Bulb Farm. · \

Encouraged b; numerous orders lately receive« from your coun· t ry, wo htwe decided to c:rpAnd our bu11ine1s and maintafo a perman· en l mnrkeL for out world-famed collections of Dutch Flower Dulba for home nnd garden. We nre therefore making the following attracti\"'e o!Ter of I\ ne w e-0lecticn of vnrietiel', mndc with e!·a1 regard to euit-obllity to your clirunlic conditions by p roCesaion xperl.8. The col· t~tion will be found to be unique for ila skilful binnlion of rich colouringo with delightful scenta.

By Taking Advantage of this Supreme "Hollandia" Collection You Can Make 'tour Home and Garden a Flower

Paradise for 25 Shillings. Jn view of lhe Iorgo number of orders which come in daily we kindly ndvise you to order enrly. Please write your name and address clear· ly on every order. All correspondence, ordors, etc., mus t bo 'llriclly

addre&ed to : •

HARRY BR.UHL, Managing Director of the Bulb Nurseries "liollanCtia"

Voorhout by Hillt!gom, Ho~ Europe. G.ar w•gnifiCCDL «>Ho.nioli c=-r.C!la o! ; ._ ~

O do11on Darwin Tujlp1, In G•Flno Colors :! " Oottai:o Tn lp1, In 4 nao Colon I " Lily 1-'lowerfng Tulip• I " llonble TullPf

Your own

l " Uyaclulh• tor Poli!, all Color• • l " Uyaolnth1 for lleddlog, a ll Colon choice of colors

r. " Cro~:u• ID various Colora 3 " Sno"·drop&, tho ~Queen" or Spring Ftowor1 :! " lrlt In varlou1 Coton Clln always :! .. Sclllu. tWCloi 111110 FI0\1' Cl rl !! " . Naroluiu• (DalTodllt) all kind• be

330 Flo~r Dulb1 _11_"Hol ndln. Novelly Bulba" FRE E

1 coneidcrcd. .

I 3.iO 1-' lowo Bulba ror !?.i 1hlllln1:1 . Doublo lhl1 Colloc1lon (iOO Flower Du Iba) ror 4S 1hlll111g1.

I Prompt eehice; d elivery never lt1tl'r thRn one week before plu1ti11S· time Delirery FREE of chugeol deslination. A '!5ti6cate o r health is furn ished with every order by the PhytOpnthC9Cal Seryice of

I Holl•od. All varieties ore paoked and labelled 11epara tely. Illus· traled cultural directions in EDglisb, French or German aro eenl free with orders. All orders must be accompanied by remittance for the full ngiount and· should bo addressed oe 11bove. Specia l terms for

wbo1esale orders.

The Leading,Fum in the Bulb Industry.

Rcpo1 tcr1 • • • • • • • • . • . • • • .. ~50 OP Bali ff • . . • • • . . • . • • . • • • • . .. 7S:00-.

Note : Payment baa already been made lo 1hc Chief Juatlce for 1cnicc1 in tbi a Enquiry of $1,000. T otal $4,'238 74.

' · SIR WtL LU.X ElfQU ll\T. "

J ud go Morrl1 -'600 00 Captain Dallon! AHHIOr- - Z'lOOO Captain Rood•I , A11H110r- - z.'iO CO L • .R. Curw, Ooan1ol- _ - 6CO 00 L. R. Oort11, ~irponH•- - - 13217

Total $1,cm 77.


Judge Morrl•- - ---~~ Mr. Ou1huo (fto taxed)- -- M3 ~

E xpco... - - - ll .,. Slen1>grapher 120 ~ D~tr oo ~

Total : U ,0211 oo. PAYME1'TA OuT Dow!f.

As alal.ed above, tbo10 wero Ibo bllla preeontcd to tho now Oonromant. After con1u llalloo with tho Conh oller ot Lho Trouury and atudy of reportJI anbmlttod by. him, the Governmou\ do­cldod to mako Ibo foll,ow)og pay· m1011 :-

Vnttl'fo El'fQU taT. Aatet1ore, oach ConnHI Reportere each liallla

Sill WtLLfAX El'Ql7ll\T. Jnclge Morrl• AueHora, eaeh Oonotel Ropor\Or Balli tr

Poon A.1YL1i.M' El'QlimT. Jadge llo rrlll Auuaon, each Co11111el Repori.r Balli tr

$:!00 00 800 00

25 00 JOOO

f2l'iO 00 7600

160 00 16-«T


$250.00 7600

100 00 1600 1000


IN STOCK.. -------~------·-~-----






Fresh Stock Moirs Chocolates 1 's and 1-2's.


w.nlen. Shortly after the new Gonrnmcol SuperloteadenlPubllcWorlre toolr office tbcy were coalrooted with· omco Qf S.Cretar7 of State, Aag.11&.

aalary reduced by . . • • . . • 500 00 the bills for three (3) Eaqalrlca or.

.......................... 1 A. O. PfAVrR N. P. HU~T

lm,.,i Md "'"" r retOit ror­

Wo attend promptly to the Jm· • ~~Ill and &portios or Uer-


Saperioteodcat G c n e r a I dercd bJ the lul Gonromeot, bat Cooatractlon reductd bJ . 500 00 for aomc reaaoo t bey did not booour N &WYLD. Woll JC Ell 1a Caos no BT

Ioapector of Heating' •and the aceouata of tho.IC tn&'&l'cd for Tauer: - Sydney Aug. 3 - Thomae Plamblog redoccd by. . . . 450 00 the parpo1e. Billa came belore tu Coo way, thirty, 100 of ur. and Hre.

Mcchaolcal Superintendent new Gonrnmeat aa follow• :- Daniel Cohway,Coaecptlon Barbour reduced by . ... .. .. . . • • • 570.00 V D NewCouadlaad, waa cruahrd under

Clerk la lhperlotcodent'1 l&ll'IC llASTU. a beuy hlfhway traclr aearhere to-Otllce ellmlaated •••••..• 1. 180.00 Captain Dallon. At ... eor •• $1,000.00

1 dey aad died oa the "P7 to boepltal

Go•crameat En11inec1'1Coo- CaJ!taln Readcll, Aucaaor. 1,000,00 I Bt wu employed la a pit eapplylor ea1t1a1feeelh1wD1ted .... 1,000 00 IL. R . Cartl1, CouaMI . . .... 1,500.00 rrnel for the traa•Cand• bl&h

Do•eraaeat Oil Store Keep· L Jl. Cut11, ezpeaaee ,... 213.74 wa7.

• r .

Notbla:':, 11119 or too lllllall &o receln prompuueotiou.

Quick Se"lce. lfoderate~

I NIN. ferw ..... I. T iJ'

-o.. I P.O. In - Giie ll'S., ....... 2322. It. ........ deol«,ID -. ........... , ........... .

___ .... __ .,, ... __ , ___ _ ! V !LOI TILIPHOHI SYS'l'll [!](!J(!j!l•l•l!I!l!I!l•l •I(!]

' WE SELECT WITH TASTE KDowing our cu11tomers and ho" 'pa.rllculur tboy are Lo bavo custom made clothes tbat a ro individual u well as approprilk. we lake great cue iri the MWCilon ol mfttairials from 8CUO!i to "°119\• • • &otla&•• something to mePL our mnny and 'diversified requirements. \\'e are sure that you cnn find in our s tock the character of malerinl you wont.

J. A. WHITMAN & SON, HARBOR (1RACE, Tailors since 1887.

Guardic1n ., Fire and Lile


Subac;ribcd Capital. . . £2,000,000 alg T ot .ii Jovcated Funds

upward a of • •••. • • : 2.750,000 s tg Annual Income up·

ward1 of....... . . ... 350,000 at g The GUAR OIAN being a fint ·clasa

Eng liah Inaurance Company offe r• all thoae adnntagea moat deairable lo in1urcr1, •iz., undoubted atabili· ty, lavorablc terms and prompt &cl· t lcmcot ou claim• fo r lou .

The uodcreigned having been ap· pointed Agents for Newfoundla nd arc prepared to iuuc P ul icies agai111t 1011 by F ire.

; T . & M. W1NT£R, S l John'• . G. E. STEVENSON, Br. Grace. A USTIN ~4DDOCX, Sub-agent, ..



............... LEGAL CARD.

R. C. B. MERCER Solicitor and Banister at

Law. New Martin Building,

_ 161 Water Street, St. John's.

P:-0. B. 811. Phone No. 3 ~· ........... .

·w.s. Goodwin, D.O.S Graduate of Philadelphia Dental

College and Bo1plt1l of Oral Sur1ery.

Teeth extracted abaolutelJ with· qut pain by u1e of •ltalis:d air or perfect aaaeatbctle.

D&"T.t.L Orr1cz : · V ictoria St .. next door to tb1 ST.u10.t.ao Office.

"·P·E AC 0 CK" A Good Paint Moderately

Priced. --•

paint la Juat belll8 Introduced in

to a demailcl for a medium

priced paint which can be reUed

The Standard l\jfg. Co. ltd. C. CHESLEY BUTT, Agent,

P. 0. BOX 12. Harbor Grace.


has stood the test and

proved the BEST.

Sole Agents.


.~ Just Arrived a New Shipment

Dry Goods and r Novelties.

Mrs. F~ W. McKay. .......... .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. .. .. . . .. ..


Big Dry Goods Sale. ladies' Hats l~ss than Half Price


ladies'1 Gent's and Children's Hose at Bargain Prices ...

Quilt Covers, Fancy and White, by the lb. White Sheets. Pound Goode of all Kinda.

Fancy Dreu Goode by the yd.

. Cupe and Saucers from 1 Oc. up.

Enamelware and Aluminumware at Greatly Reduced Prices. ,. . .

· · Full Stock of Groceri• and Frovlaioll8.


ArclhWd'a Shoes are Good 8hoe• 11'9Mw ......... H~ ...... P_A,....R .... M~IT ..... E"R ........




. , 1 . .

,. ~HE HARBOR GRACE. ST.&NDARD. ~Buy Advertised Goods.

....... ,

Dangerous Days "At the lint &!;ms of pttYishncss or iU· n~ In the b;it, ll')ins; months of Sum­mer. l ghc Nb)' Uab)•'• Own T:iblcts. :ind m 3 lhcn lime be Is well and unil­ing bis lhanb", \\'Tiles Mrs. Allon

Pa rcllc r , Glcn:il· mood. Que. Rdlt,·c &implc lever, colic, upse t s t o m:icb, COMlipalion. Cu­tlflalc of s.ifcty in each 2Sc pacb~!)

Dr. Wltttanu'


Sell N ewroundland Stlmps on World Flight.

An a_greemeot has been sigoed by Aerial World Tours laco1 pora· ted aod the G:tYc_rn m~ot, through Mr. C. E. Huot ad'ti Captain Ol$ea, represeotalh·es for the fi rm here,

,.-. for a special worlJ'tOLJr lllji!h t io the course or which Nev. found· laod postage stamps will b:: sol for a special airmail B)t b GoY·

../ eromeot 11nd repre!eatativcs or Aerial World Tours were ,. ry re· ticeot OVl'r the f r 1~10Sll which i! that a Oying- bo:il appro.simaling in size the DO· X, oow u:idcr Coo· s tr uctioo, will s tart Crom :'.Iionea· polis about AuJUSt list, fiyiog fi rst to Toronto aod Montreal aud thence to Holyroo I Arm. Here a Ncwfouodlaod postu1as~~ will be put ou board and apparently the ship will become to all io leuts aud purposes a Ncwfouotllaod post offices.

The plane will then cooticuc its fl ight Yia Greeulaud natl lcclaod to Bergen, Norway. cootinu(og castwartl through Europe aod A ia, tbe exact route not b~inl{ disclosed and ;rcssio~ the P ucific 10 Alask:i , thus roakicg a rou::id· the-world tour.

· A special i:>sue C1f 400.0vO ai r· ---........._ m~il stamp baa been or will be

lffi>\•idetl, and a Minneapolis dis· pac sav' St. Piare wi ll a lso is· su 5,000 stamps Cur • lbe same pu :ise, though rcprcseotalives b re deoicJ aDf koowl dge o( Ibis.

E:<PRC'I' TO NKT :.:30,000. 'l'be Ncwq Ins been told that

the Government cxp:ctcd to net ~ 0,000 by this ventu re, but G;;v cramcot reprcsentati\•es, beyond ndr:iitl iug that they hoprd so, would aot commit themselves. Uesidcs the mai l pJrt of the pr gramme tbc vcn turc will also gh much consideration to meteor I · gical Investigations aod com le data.

At rial World T -.urs is und r­s tood to be a subsidiary of P • American Airwa1s, the liHg t airway concera with flying rout outside Uaitcd States territory, aad Bernt Balchca, 1'"Cll·koowa ia this country is mcotiooed as tbc filot io charge. The machine is uadcntood to have a capacity for from twelve to twcaty pauea· gen be1idn mail a11d fuel, and will h1•c1ti1tatc the possibility of a regular airmail route.

.\aaouaccmeat was 6rst made b7 Mr L S. Clarke, Miaaeapolls, oa Jaly 25, wbo 1tattd : ••our ca· tire plant ban beca laid wilh a 'flew toward making a safe and uae 81gbt," Mr. Clark aaid. "The route we propose will in· elude atops at Toronto, Montreal, St. Joba'1, Nlld., the bland of St. Pierre, Grecolaad, Iceland, Bergen aad Oslo, Norway. 'l'bc longest water jump will be 7SO miles from Icclaod aad Bergen. Two govcramcots have author· i%ed the iu uaocc of special s tamps for mail to be earned. The Gov· crnmcot or Newfouodlaud bas authorised.an i1suc of 400,000 air mail stamps, while the French insular possessions south of New· foundland will iuue 5,000 special stamps," Mr. Clark said.

·-Daily News.

• Otrv11s AND Csansa.-This is another way to serve

cream cheese as a sandwich. Break up the chtesc with the fork, season with cayeooc pepper aod salt, add finely chopped olives aod a squeeze of garlic j uice.

l astead of makiog a double ........,_ sandwich, here you can use small

fingers or pastry and spread each linger with the mixture, garnish· ioir with fioc slices of pickled 001001 arranired to overlap ooc aaothcr down the cca tre.

The Railway is oow loading pulpwood at Terra Nova for the Anglo Ncwfouadland Devclop­mcot Co., Ltd. , at Grand Falls. About 10,000 cords will be moved By arraagcmcat between the Railway aod the company 32 cars will be loaded per day tbia year inst:.d or 16 ..... dooc last year. Terra Nova wood will be clcaoed up by tbc middle of this moatb.

Oa the West Coast about 6,000 cords •ill be mo•ed by the nil· way to Corner Brook for the la· tuaatioaal P.>wer & Papu Co.


The fo reign markets show oo impro\"cment sjnce . last report, due largely to the fiaancial s tringency. Europe is well sup· plied and the South Americao troubles arc not yet orer, !O that \'Cry lit tic business is beiog doac t;c· Locally the fishery is pro· g rcs iog favorably · a nd reports fro many centres a rc most ell· couragiog. DuriDJf the last rew daJS o.peratioos have been inter· rert'd wi th brcausc of the scarcity of b3it. A t a fow places rquid are to be had, aod·in tbese pl3ccs the fh bermeo are doiog well. T be Straits arc sbowio~ up sa tis· factorily, while the news from L\brador received duri.ig the ~eek is much better than antici· pa ted. The shortag e ur sail re· ported at the oorlb ward a fort· ~ ago bas been overcome, aoc it 1s hoped tberl: will \>.! no ru'lre

)lrouble on lba l score. A plt!aS· 1ng featllre or the lhber y situJ lioo :~ tha t th'! {j,berm!n ·arc m?re hop!Cul and op:lroi,· ic thJu for ~ome l ime. T bl! price while no t all that could be desired is 1oucb better than las1 s::asoo. and with a bouotirul c;itch as indications point to those engaged io the lo· du, try, will likely be much better off :it t he end or the sca,on. We publish here ~n ex tract from a Canadi:ut contemporary dealing with the G!bery situation: ''Most of l ~e forc i,:n mar!!C'ts fo r dried fish r~p:>rt supplies there to be small, but for nil tha t, pri ces arc lower. S:llioir cowpctitioo from the large proJuciog countr ies ex· plaics lbis condi tion, au<l in view or this, an iwprov;?meot in values locally cannot be cxpccttd for some ti111c. Also most or tbe cor:suroiog c.>uatrics are a t a low ebb ccooomic1lly. Uesides, tbc sta te or iotcruatiou1l nccbaogc se ri .>usly a(f.:cts the price si tua· tioo- lo su.:h an extcu t, indeed, th;it it almost precluJcs sbipmeat to some t ouot rics that formecly took dried r., b ia large quaati· tic~. On the otbtr band, tbe fac t tha t supplies arc l.>w in the fore ign markets is sigoi fic;ia~ . The low prices a t which con umers 'n those couo lr ies have been able to buy dried fi sh h ave resulted ia an in· Cicasc iu const:wptioo. U afor· luoatrly, it bas no t yet registered itsl!lf ia lbr price obtaioa1Jle ~y cur c:<port ~rs. T he rep1'rls \Ybich ha Ye· come lo. haod wi th respect to the remits of the fish eries or Norway, Great Brilaia, Iceland nd the Faroes, show that the otal catch is oot quite as large

as las t year, bu t the supply is s till abundapt . !t remains to be seen whether tbc increase in coo­sumption in the foreign markets will be able to overtake the sup plies that arc obtainable in the countries mcntioaed. Meantime, the acws of tile Newfoundland aad Canadian 6sbcries gives rca· soa to hope for auccusrul voyages, and if the j oint catch by these countries should be luge, it ,.m swell the qu;intitr available for the foreign markets, aad perhaps offset to that extent the improvc­mcat that a growing demand might lead oac to cspcct.-·rradc Review.

Norwegian Fisheries. The fisbiag for spring nr feed·

iog cod io Fiomark, in Northern Norway, it is reported by the F ishery Board for Scotland, was again hindered by unsettled weather duriag the week of Jupc lllb, when tbe catch amoun ted lo 60,~69 cwls Prices were till low, being fo r gutted fish cqu a· lcot lo from 2,. 6d. to .4s. p wt. The aggreg ate c:Mdltn areas for the currcat se;ison to date umed amounted to 3,227,900 cwts., or some 47,534,000 6sh, as against 2,4S0,500 cwts , or 39,· 4 t6,000 fish , to the correspoodiog date last year. The quantities dried as stock·fisb aud klip-lisb are returned as 1,490,000 cwts. and 1,536, 100 cwls. respectively, as aJraiost 1,088,500 cwls. aod l,· 213,500 cwr.i. last year. - The total quant ity of mcdiciaal oil produced was 2,054,500 gallons, while 341,2 10 gallons or livers were left over for other oils, as ag a.iost 1;290,500 gallons and ~90, 160 galloas respectively io 1931.- Tradc Review.

Miol sauce made with lemon juice iostcad of v· cgu prevents iadigcstioo.

To:iuro AMO Eoos.-Wasb aad wipe dry as many

tomatoes IS required ; cut them iato small cubes and put .into a well-warmed frying pao with some bultcr or drlpplog. Not much of either is needed. Cook until almost doac, stirring coa· stant11 ; lbea add the errs aad continue stirring until the Jatler arc cooked. Season wltb pepper aad salt aod 1cr•c bot oa toast. Allow three eggs to OJIC poaad of tomatoca.

Shop, Where· Y 9u Are Invited to Shop · GLEANINGS.

Oae L:indoa railway porter can wear boots sized fourteen if they are a broad make.

The shortest man employed by the London, Mldlaod aod Scottish Railway is 4 Ct. 3 in. in height, aod the tallest is 6 rt. 8 ins.

Mice are becoming s,uch a pest in parts or Victoria, Australia, that they even attack cats aod run over the beds of slcepiag people at night.

P laying-cards are s:iid to c originated io India, probab be· ing brou1?bt into Europe wan· dcriag triQeS or gipsies a out 700 years ago.

It COllS ocarlv SIS. o.<foo a year to supply L:iodon · • water, wb1cb c?mes from the River 1' bames aod Lea, wilb a (cw springs in addition.

L:>ndooers buy something like

Voronoft's Cancer Tests rravelJ..lng Auditor ' on _Monkeys. Fatally Inju.red.

Dr. Voroooff, known all over lbc world for bis njuvcnatioa operations, now hopes to 6ad cure for cancer.

For four years, at bis bead· quarters at Grimald i, on the llal· ian·Frencb frontier, Dr. Voroooff bas been working on bis ciuccr research.

Be claims to ha•c succuded in grafting the cell of human cancer on lo monkeys and tb~o to have cured tbc mo11keys. ,.,!,

Dr. VoroaolJ' is oow•in England 1100 pleasure. 11

•·Ia two years," be told the "Daily Herald,",.."l shall be able to tell you the result or my work."

II Dr Voroooff cfaims, so br, i bat be bas OP.Coed a new field for research. l

Fraak Maher, travelling audi· tor of the Ncwfouadlaad .Railway, died la Lady Nortbcllffc Hospital at 4 o'clock Monday moruiog as tbc result of injuries received wbc& rua over by a train at Bis· ~op's Falls Sunday night, accord· 1ag to a message received Crom Magistrate Fitzgerald to the Jus·· tlcc Department.

As far as caa be learned Mr. Maher, travcllia2' auditor of. the Ncwfouadlaod Railway, was so sucrcly iajurcd that be died a fc• bouts after bcilig removed to L1dy Northcliffe Hospital, Grand Falls.

12,000 toos or rut fbwer:1 cve,y RBJUVKNATIO:t Qvaa ye:ir.. . 'fwei:ty·fi•e spcci3 l .trai?s "1 have 6alsbed with m1 re•

It seems that Mr. Maher was OD his way home from Corner Brook Ho1pltal, where be bad bcea for aomc time uadergniag treatment for appendicitis. Sua· d17 moralar he boarded the cs· preu aad at Grand Falh,dctralaed aad motored to Bi1bop'1 Fal11, wlaere he jolaed the eapreaa •• •boat 10 p.m.

cur11a~ spr:r.g .o<?"crs arrive •a juvcnation work," be added. "It t i.le va.rious t~rm101 every d.iy. 19 kaowo a~r the world, aad

Arll6chl silk h3S been mil.de ia 'accepted. America from su~ar·.cane wa~tc; ''l have dcmoaatrated mr opera· the sug ar-cane mills tu the U :>. ~. tioa and lectured oa it. Aad, af· produce nearly 500,0011 toas of lb11 tcr all, that ii aot a Yltal aecea-su~staocc every rear. ally to life. •

Wbiltt pauiar tbrougb tbe aecoad clau car to 1et 1>D tbe fint clua be fell aad oee of the wbeell of the trala weat onr bit left thoalder brea1rla1 it la two plactt. He waa picked up la aa aacoa• acioua coadltloa. Dr. J. B. O'· Riel17 aad Dr I.lttle rendered &nt aid aad RCY. Fr Hlacbe7 admla· lttered the last rhea of the R. C. Church to the Yictlm before be was placed oa p •rcial traia aad ru1bcd to Graa Falla. At 2 o'clock Moa~y moraiar ia au endeavor to uvc hi1 life aa opera· tioa was performed. but death ea· sued about two hours later.

In o_rder to. ~reserve the sc.crcc1 "Now I am worklar oa caacer. of t~e1r med1c1ncs, some L1.o~oa "I have latroduc:ed humaa c&D• spec1ali3ts have bcea prescnb!afr cer tt' 72 moakeya. The fint by using ~umbers, the meaaaar year, all of them, 20 or ao, died. or tb~sc bc1og understood by ooc The aecoad year, reiults were a cbcm1s.t only. little better, bul uot much. Tbe

Pr.ec1ous stones arc subject to third year very much better, aad fasb100 w~ims. Rubies,. wbi~b the fourth year . ••• were firth ID the popularity list "I have aow 22 monkeys which las t year, l;iavc -.oow advanced lo have been grafted 'iith bumaa fi:st place, followed by\ emeralds, caaccr and have bcea cured. diamonds, ·pearls, and i;-:iphl.ns. "I have tried to gtvc them can·

Homeless persons fou11d 111 the ccr again; but they cannot be in· str~ets. un.der arches, au~ on fccled. ~airways 1u LJodou during ~ "E1ch year I have modified my E ebi;uary census oum~ercd sevea· me!bod, and now it seema success· ty-01ne, ruoro--tban twice as many ful so far as tbe monkeys are coo· as there w~rc t welve mootb3 ago. ccrncd.

~r. Maher was about 50 rears of age aad for the past 15 years had been 1111 auditor with the Railway in which service be bad been for thirty years. He lcavu a wife and 10 chitdrca aad a large circle of friends to mourn their lo".

Saakerb:les h_avc caused t~c " Later we will try it oo human dea~bs of ~ver 2:i,OOO persons 10 beings." Iad1a during the past twelve mootbs, in spite or the treatment given by district dispensaries, which arc the means or saving thousands of Jives C\"er1 year.

Loadon statistics show that there is a decline in the dem.iod fo r scaling-wax, slates, carpets and rug3, and boot and shoe pol· ishes. T he drop in the pro'duc· tiou of roofing slo.tes bas been made up for by the increafed de· maod lor tiles.

Eagland's population, which was between three and four mil· lions in the reign or Qaccn Eliza· beth, did oot begin t'o locrease rapidly until lbe oioeteentb cea· tury, nod by.1900 it bad become 32,000,000. It ls oow over 37,· 000,000.

"The young woman clerk or eighteen or nioetcc11\'bas an ex· traordinary amount Lor vitality, a11d she is at least equal In ac· tivlty aud general ability to the male clerk," said S ic.Joseph Sura, general manager or the Prudential Assurance Company, recently.

Some of the standing orders still ia force in the House of Com· moas arc over two centuries old. Aad old Normao French is still ia use iapertain tastaaccs, 'notably the u1e 6f the phrase, "Le Roy le veull" ( the Kiog wishes it) i giYiog the Royal assent to a. Bill.

Nursery 11Nevers". Never Jene a child in a room

with aa uagua-rdcd fire or a oake.:t light. Children have a rucina· tioa for fire, aod will take cbauccs even though waroe<l against the dangers.

Never give a baby "pain re· licvcrs." Pain is a symptom of some error or fuactioaal distur· baoce which the mother should try to discover . Medicine is a valuable agcnt1 but, apart from simple remedies, should not be given to a baby.

N~ver frighten a child with bogey talcs. The nervous system of a child is highly sensitive aod much damage may be done by frightening tales. For the same reason a small child should not be taken to sec scasational pictures, oor sboulducitiog bedtime s tories be chosen. Maoy a sufferer from insomnia and nerves ia adult age can trace the begiooiog to some h arrowing cxpcricace ia infancy.

Never teach a child to walk. When the legs aad back arc strolfg enough to bear lbc weight, aod be bas 1ufli.cie11t confidence in h imself, walking will follow auto­matically.

Never wake a child from sleep to "show. him off'' to admiring visitors. If you do, you caa scarcely complain If be rcfuaes to drop off again.

T'O wash sponges, add a dessert· apooaful of ammonia to the soap lather.

Let potatoes ataad for a quarter of aa hour la bot water btfore putliog them la the ona to balre. Tbl1 auca fuel, for tbc warmed potatoes bake YUJ q0~lckl7.

W!:eu makia~ starch, stir with ~ ca~dle. It gives a gloss when ITODIDg clothes.

London is lo be taller-but there will be oo skyscrapers.

At a recent meeting of the Lon· doa Couoty Couocil tbe Buildiag Acts Committee wit! recommend

. the removal o( the SOft limit OD bulldiul{s in the Greater London area.

The rccommeadatio«> is made on the advice of a sub-committee, which bas conducted ao ioqui ry, uodcr the chairmanship of Sir Robert Tasker.

''Lifting of the ban oa buildings over sort. docs not meao s ky· scrapers for London," Sir Robert said. ''It merely meaos that it will be possible to construct buildings with straight sides of SOft and an additional sloped roof or 20ft."

An accountant came me on leave from Iadia, aod thought bis woolag would be more ccrtdn if be promottd himself to the posi· tioo or chairman of bis compaay. ·' Oo the voyag-e back to India be oegan to break the oews t<Jbis youog bride that their posltioa ia their acw country would oot be auch an ~mincnt ooc as she bad b'e,ca l~d to believe.

••Oa~.tJ as to make the best of oneself-lb~ fact is, I am oot the chairman-I am ooly ..1bc general m101gcr,1' be.explained, aCtcr the vessel was a few days out from Fngland.

About midway through the vo1age be reduced himself to chief accountant, and the evening before they reached their port be conftssed that be was only a bumble clerk with ambitions.

The astonished bride, relating the story to her bosom friend, said: "1 cao'l tell you, my dear, bow thankful I was when we did a rrive tn 6od that be was not the office boy .11

Mrs Maher left by the Carbo­ncar train Monday morning ac· companied hy her four daughters expecting to meet him. She w~s ooti6cd at Kclligrcws by Father St. J olJu of her husband's death. She returned to the city at noon Moaday. Arraogcweots were m:.de to have the body forwarded to the city by firs t train.-Tck· gr aw . - --Do Not Judge Too Hard. Pray don't fi od fault wi th the man

wbo limps Or stumbles along the road,

Uolcss you have worn the shoes be wears

Or s truggled beneath bis load.

T here may be tacks in his sbou that !iurt, •

Tbo' b idden away from view, Or the burdcu be bears, plac_sd on

your baclc, Mig ht cause you lo stumble loo.

Do11' t sneer at the man who's down to-day,

Unless you have felt the blow 1'bat caused bis fall, or felt the

same That ooly the fallen know.

You mighl be strong, but still the blows

That were bis, if dealt to you Io the self-same way at the self·

s ame time, Might cause you to stagger too.

Doo'l be too harsh with the mao who sios

Or pelt him with words or stoacs,

Ualcss you arc sure, yea, doubly sure,

That you have no s ins or your own.

For you know, perhaps , if the tempter's voice

'Should whisper as sort lo you As it did to him when he weal

astray, 1Twould cause you to falter too.

A Chapter of Close Calls. AccKSSORV· TO·TBB· FACT, -

The second officer of a certain Rct1cws, Aug I, 193:Z-On Satur-sbip was very aoxlo'us to take day last, three men, Thomas Hayes aomc Scotch whiskey ashore with aad his two soos left here lo the him. He managed it ia this way: early ~rlliog fo r their usual B e put a ship's cat, a wild, ftigbty days fisb1ug. When they arrived creature, in a suitcase, walked at the 6sbing grounds they dis· down the gangplank and ifartcd covered that tltey were short of legging it quickly for the street. water aad coasequcotly bad to go Wbcll.r-' customs guard stopped a, bore at Seal's Co•c to get a bj_ip;' be brushed rudely by. The supply. Oa coming out of the guard pursued, took him by the cove, a brcalllag sea threw their arm, and said be would hue to little boat high and dry oa a rock. sec what waa in that bav. The cider son pulled up his hip

"You can't," said the second of· rubbers, jumped out 011 the rock, 6ccr. "I won't opea It. I got ud with the help of a 1mall sea the ship'• cat ia bcre, aad abe 1ucccedcd lo roftoUlor the boat. would get away 00 me " Be held faat to the 1tera IS it

"Thal'• too bad.'; eald tbe ·1trded off the rock and ia tbla way guard. "Opca her up." be waa able to get aboard ia time.

The 1ccood mate did, aad• tbc All tbr.:e were aow coue,.iag cat acuttlcd for the ship. The of· ~b oac another about their nar­ficer purtued hotly. Aboard oace r ucape wbeo a squall of wiad more, it wn •ery 1imple for the rack the malaaail aad threw the mate to fill the aultc:aae witla JOU{lger aoa OYCrboard. Tbc father wbi1key aad walk oat a1al11P A. HW 'him aad w~uat la time to be paaaed the 1r11ard, be tald, catcla him by ·t &agers as tbe I wlsel1: "The aoa-of·a·pa woa't I tbe boat wn •'•r· Ordera , ..... , , ........ ~-· ............. ) ........ ,

Bowlers. tbawla.

Herrlop ro about the aea la

the ealfae immediately aad come to tbe raeac of bis drowaiar brother. Thia waa doa, ia a 8nb aad after coaalderable diOi· cult7 ia the height of escltemeat tbe7 aucceedrd la rc1cuiar the youar maa.-Tclcgram.

AbraJaam Lllieola pa ~ I• a llttle Joe cablia ••& •• UJpecl bis fatberfO biibd.

C,aalde ft lb pollOaoai tlaat '?DI drop of it OD a dOf9a tnaa• wlll ldll tbe 1~t maa.

A lkeletoa la a maa wllla 1ala iaalde out aa4 lalt oui.ide off.

MllllOllal is a IOrt of material Ulcd for ladita' 1toc1rla1a.


. '

~ . -

Newf oundlan.d Railway Pr,s,qt Sc~'dul' Carboq,ar Braqc~

Dally Rall Coac~ aqd Tralq. Now effectivc,-Trains leave St. John's 8 45

a.m. and returning leave Carbonear 4p.m. DAILY (Except Sunday).

Rail Coach also leaves St. John's '6 p.m. and returning leaves Carboncar 7.30 a.m. DAI LY (Except Sunday).



Reduction applicablr to fi rst class, second class and return fares on crain.


-Do You Want -.



TfiY ·


The Standard Office .. OR


Letter Heads

Bill Heads,

Note Heads,



Office Forms,

Church Envelopes,





Dlank Forms,

Church Lists,

Circular Letters, #

Gummed u.bels, •

--AND OTU1Ut--

JOB PRJN1 ING WORK. ==============:=============








The Standard Olli<".e, ,.. Victoria StNet.




·~.{ .. . .

. .


1932 AUGUST 1932' Further cuttanment . I s I r.i I ·1• I w I ·1: I ~· I s I in Official Salaries.

I I l f 2t 31 ·II SI 6 1 ·1 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I 11 112 I 13 I . I H I 15 I 1<1 I 17 I tS I 19 I 20 I

21 I 22 i 23 I 24 I 25i26T2i I 2:11-2·) 1301- 3,-1-·-1- ,- r

r - --a: =--

Echoes 'Under the Sea.

When the ill·ftlcd submariue M 2 went· to her grav; beneath the waters of \be F.oglisb Cbaooel t be exact pl.;cc where ~he was suok was cot lrnowu. Yet tbe wreck was located io a compara· 1 ively short llwc, largely through the help of the ccbo·sounder, oce of the wost importaot of all ma· ri nc io\·eo tioos .

If you go a pl act? where there 1s an echo :inll call Ol\t " lli I' you will liud tbt?~ au appreciabl t iwc between your cry ace.I th echoed :inswer . • Sound travel t hrough :lir al about l, 100 ft. a sccood. If the reply reached you in three second~ that distance b · tw.:eu y~u aod \he ca~sc of the echo is one aod a half tunes 1, 100 i t., or 1,650 ft .. for io the th ree seceods the souud bas made the double jouruey.

T he ccho·souoder, which is at· tachcd to the bull of the vessel, sends a sharp, clear oote straight dowowards. The sound travels to the sea floor, aod tbeo comts back again. T he timi~ i~ ~one automat ically and the calC\Jlat1ons :ire worked o.u t by the i q~trumeot, the depth bc1og shown 10.stao~ly. So accurate arc ccho-souod101Z' machines that with some patterns a depth of only 1 ft. cao tic mea· ~ ure1I though sound travels a l a ;pcc1l


oT nearly 5,000 ft a scc:>oc.I t hroi:gh Slli water.

'fhe machine used for searcl: ing fo r wrecks or submcrgeu rocl1~, urav:s on :i shee t of paper what 1s

--........_ r.c:illy a picture of the oc~ao b: d. --Over the p:ipcr moves. a p10 po1ot

~ch \races cut coottnuously the th below the ship's keel as sbc

ves fo rward. Aoytbiog lyiog at the bottom of the sea is sbov:o co tbe chart !Is a little bulg.e. in the line traced, aad by sa1hog over it from different dircclioos its sb,:ipc aod size cao be fouod .

The ecbo·souod is u3cd a'!o for mapping seas, aod it helps fisher· meo to add to their c:itcbes. o.\·er 150 tu•lers and other fisb1og craft oow have ccbo·souoders an.d before the ecd of the ;ear s number will be more thaa doub d. At first fishermen fouad it ar to beli~ve that the icstru cat could help them much-but ow they koow. .

Bow cao the ecbo·souadcr a s1st ia the pursuit of plaice. tur ot cod, aod other fish ? Nearly a I fish arc bottom feeders, aad re· cords have been compiled showing the depths which particular kinds frequent at varieus times of the 1ear. The fishermen is out, we will suppose. after. plaice, aad a ilaace at bis tables show• him that they are most likely to be fouad at, say, thirty fathoms. Tbe echo sounder is set to work, aad wbc.n that depth is recorded, dowu goes the trawl - usually with ncelleat results.

A blgh\mare of tbe trawler maa la bJgoae daJs was the uncharted wreck at the bottom of the sea, for fouliag oae of these might meau the loss in a few moments of the whole of his gear. Thanks to the echo·souader, the poaltloaa of wrecks or other obstructions lying ia aoy of the fishing grounds caa be located.

Tbe echo·souader does m11cb more tbao indicate the depth of t he water below n vessel's keel ; some patterns actually indicate the aa1ure.pf the sea floor. The Jines traced out for a ~oolh bot· tom nre firm aod evea ; they be· come wavy OVCI a aort aad muddy bottom, aod show sharp jags where are rocks.

A difficulty sometimes uperi· eoced is that outside noises late~· fcre with the ecbo aounds. This is overcome by sending from the apparatus sounds whose pitch is above ao7 tbat the ear cao he~ The receivers of the instrument

-.......,_ can record them, and they arc thus aot interfered with by audible souods such a'S those made by the eagioes or propellers or ships,

To clean aod gi\'C a brilliant polish to chromium plated taps aod fittings, rub well with a cloth dipped lo paraffin. --



To comply wi th the :iitrccmeot made with tbe Bault Syndicate and no:iucierl a further relreocb· meat and curtailment of a number of Government official salaries

~.ll be p:11dc shor:ly.

be curtailment of the rail way s ice is urgent, aod ia coose· 9.ueoce a uumbcr of pJsitioos will likely be abolished aod the sala· ries of high p1id officials reduced. Wbeo aad wherever possible minor depntm ?ats will be tlls· peosed with or clubbed together under ooe bead, thereby eotailiog less expenditure io upkeep as well as salaries.

As au evidence of the amount of business done a t present com· pared with that qf .two years ago, 10 Juac mootlt past· ooly 176:\ cars op atcd airaiost 364(.\ io 1930 aod 32S6 in Juoe l!l3l. The paueoger traffic was ae\'cr at such a low ebb aod freight haulage is fully 30 per cent less thau 193:?.

The reduction ia salaries will take effect this mouth. It is re· portec.I lhat a number of Superio· teodeots aod high salaried offi · cials arc being substantially re· duccd. It is nlso le:iroed that a further reduclioo is being made io the scssional indemnity of .members of parliamcut.

Drowning Fatality in Freshwater Bay.

The third juveoile fatal ity for the week occurred a t F reshwater Bay pood Friday evening wbeo Michael Coady, aged 10, sou of Mr. aod Mu. Tbos. Coady, this city, lost bis life by drowuiog. The little boy who was a g raad· sou of Mr. !\licbael Coady, Presi· dent L .S P. U. , was v~sitiog his aunt at Freshwater for a few days. He was out io a dory with bis au:it when tl;c boat gave a lurch aod he fell overboard. His aun t imwetliatcly j umped over after him aod bc:og a sp!cndid swim· mer, ' she succcedeu in catchiog him before be had goac uoder. She s tarted for shore with the boy but bdorc she could reach there became ub:iustcd by her efforts aod she aod the boy were in danger of sinking . Their pre· dic;imeot w.is seen by Mr:J Hutch· io~s, who lives io Freshw-ater SaJ, near the pond, aod she 'Railed for bothiog more but set out after the pair. Mrs. Hutchings i3 also a good swimmer and she succeeded io getting both to shore. Lillie Mlch<icl bad, however been smothered by the water · aod lire was eltllo<:l wbea be was safely lauded. Everything possible was done to bring life back, but u ao doctor was near at hand aod there was no apparatus, tbe efforts made were fruitless. The police were commualcated with aod Friday night shortly before mid· a :gbt the body was takea ia charge by Undertaker Myrick who took it to tbe morgue. Later Dr. Beaaett held a post mortem e.u· mlaatioa following which the body was takea to bis father's hoble.

Miss Coady was quite ezhau1ted by her efforts ia attemplag to save the life of her little nephew, aad was unable to come to the city last aigbt, but her father was making arracgemeats to have her talreo la so that she could get proper medical care.-Trade Re· view.

Oriental House Keepin •

Countries with servant pro­blems Wt'IUld do well to ad pt a Siamese custo~ _A _!Pleoei abor· saving device UA<lortb mother of the family. Each person 'washes up bis own ea ting· bowl as soon as he fioisbes bis meal, aod placiag it io a basket nod lets it dry for the next meal. Or they might copy tbe Japanese. Domestics arc highly respected aad easy to get io Japan. There are various good reasons for this. ~ tbe wife waits upon her busbaad, her children aad her parcats·io-law, it is inevitable that she be io close contact with the servants. Aod upper servants must have very good maooers. For if tbe post is out aod ll visitor drops in, it is the upper servant's place to cbnt aod have tea with him until the the boat returns. Aod servants, at any time nte allowed to join la the cooversat! a aod laugh at the jokes. o..J.. ·

V icar aod squire were walking home lo!fethcr after moraiait ser· vice. Vicar, very peeved, bunt out : " Did you bear Robinson snoring lo church this moroiag ?"

•·Yes, I did," aald the aqolre. ''Disgraceful I He woke me up I"

SP11mo Tome-Cut up oae large grape rtuit aad place la a jug. ·Add about two quarta bolllar barley water aad conr until cool. No augar mual be added· Tbe drink la rather bitter, owlar to the qulalae ia the rlad, but it ia aa acelleat toale.

$f.OO a year in advance ; otherwise, $1.50

Noiseless Riveting. Io the work that the New Yor~

Noise Abatement Commission is doing to reduce the wear and tear of our much too audible life the deafening pneumatic riveter used io structural steel work Is receiv· iog nttention. U oder the di rec· tioo of Dr. A. H. BIJer, of the Department of Engineering, Col· umbia Univers ity, aad Professor A. J. Krefeld, a aew type of fast· coer which doe3 away with rivet· ing-, aod therefore the ao' of Jhat process, is oow bei ested out. ,

The place of the rive is taken by a river.bolt tbe sba k portion of which bu a seric;s O(__ parallel ribs that rua lengthwise auryv the bolt a diameter oae lbtrty· second of aa iach irrealer tbaa toe puocbcd bole. Bolt aad aut. are beld rigidly together bf a ilf. locking screw-thread. Onl a wrench is needed to tighten tbe rivet. Pillars add beams are bolted together ao tigbt11 tbat there is ao slippage: andsljppage be it remarked, is a daager whea frames are riveted lo the usual maoaer because of the teadeucj to shear.

, Tbe use of ordinary rivets calla for a crew of at least four mea (a beater, a rivet passer, a rivrter aad a bucker-up), aot to meatloa healing equipment, a rivet JUll ':lad an ·atr compresser. Oal1 a bamm~r aud a wrench are required to fasten beams and girders to~ getber by mcaas of the aew rivet• b:>lt. The '&'uard·rails of tbe George Wasbiogtoa ~ridge were erected with rivet bolts or less advanced design than those now under test.

First Aid for Burns. .. H.r a Physician.

It i~ a tortuoate thing that so m<UJy mea nod womea take aa io· tcrest in First Aid Work. Tbeir value to the community at larg~ is very g reat. First Aid is really ao art, but it is fast becoming a science which is a pity.

To be able to do good work the First Aid worker must have a good knowledge or symptQms aod sigas to make a correct diagnosis

nut the best remedies which be lias at bis 6oger-iips are.Qfteo not pro~ral.tle immediately. ,

Few people set out for a picnic with bottles of picric acid aod tios of boracic oiotmeot, yet burns an:l scalds are common accidents.

If you haven't brought a ebm· plcte outfit.with you, you have to treat these injuries with what you hue. Aad that is where the real skill of the First Aider comes ia.

He knows that t~ miia object or treatment is to elude air from buras, aod if possi e to prevent septic iafectioo.

He takes care not •to break blisters. aad he ap)>lies butter or olive oil frotn the plcalc basket and binds· up the injury with his clean handkerchief.

Summer Freshness. ThtY1iousew~ho b~s gone to

the trouble of haviag all her cbi'1 ae1s SWlpt is often aDD<!)'ed ~y haviag aa overpowering smell ctf soot prevade her aewly·garnlshea rooms. The dowa draught through the fireless grate causes it, aad it ls easily remedied by burning a thick "log'' of old newspapers lo the grate. T-hls sends the draught la aa upward direction direction agaia, aod the effect produced seems to last for a good while so that the bit of litter lacurre'd is hardly worth consider· log.

Fireless rooms often gather a slightly musty smell even whea windows are kept opea io sum· mer. A sple:idid fumigator is made by putting ooe or two tea· spoonfuls of oil of lavender ia a small bowl aod filling up with boitiog water. A refreabiog smell of lavender soon prevzdea the house aad is a deterrent to insect visitors.

By the way, if you are using aa insect atomizeot aod keeping pests at bay by usiag a spray io your rooms, why aot add a little oil or lavender to each filling ? Maay people would almost prefer the iosccts to the smell of sQme atomizers, but mb::ed with ·on of lavender, only a refresbiag smell results. A special, cheap quality of oil of lavender is sold for this purpose.

A tourist was crossing oa the ferry. Near him aa Irlahmaa ,.as puftiag at ·aa old pipe. Some gulls were followlag the boat.

The Irishman looked over aad said : "Nice flock of pigeons."

To avoid aa argument, the tourist made ao reply. But whea the Irlabmad repeated his remark, the other said : "Tbote are gall1.11

Whereupon, the Iriahmaa . re­plied. "Well, fUlll or boJS. tbefre a daraed fine 8ock of pl~oaa." ·


Clear The Sink. There' is oaly ooe more dlscour·

aging sight ia a kitchen than aa i.ll kept aiok, and that ls a stop­ped up sink. Aad there is tDC} surer way of encouraging trouble with your siak than by neglecting it.

If your sink needs humoring, be very careful aot to throw down quantities of greasy waler. Noth· iog so contributes to stopping up a pipe as aa overdose of grease. Remove excessive grease or fat from fr1logpa11S, tlo~, aod sauce· pans with paper ; or'if it caa be used agaia, melt down aad pour off lato n basin.

Tea leaves are bad for a slok, but coffee.grollbds will aot slop it

p. Tea leaves tend to swell. 'lps and peel lead to swell also. A little paraftia sometimes

works wonders with a alalr that la lacllaed to be stopped ap, or boll· lag water aad soda are al'lo very helpful. So la a slat pump-ob9 taiaable a~ap 1torea for a few ceats.

P.araftia allied 'lrlth salt ls also very useful aa a alalr cleaaer, aad \here are, of coune, laaumerable good cleaaen 011 the market. A alak bu'ket ls au ablolute uecea­alty. The teapot 1bould be em• plied lato thiL Before wuhlar up it ia a good plaa ti) scrape au pieces from plates, etc., 011 to a large aheet Of aewapaper. If thll caa be burat at oace, ao much the better.

Appropriate Food For Chijdren.

Greatly diversified opioioas lbat are beiag bruited about are mak· iag it., difficult for mothers to know what to accept as true aad what to discard as passing fads la cbild·feedlog probh!ms.

Upon a good maay important prac.tiscs d i,etitlaos arc well agreed says Jeaa Simpson in The Ladies Home Journal (Philadelphia) but neo child specialists diO'.:r ia their rccommeadatjoas abo!Ai some phases of child autrltloa. Sbe goes oa to say :

" How maay ::aeals a day are best for little children has loag been a query. By the cad of the first ye.r a healthy child is ready to be placed oa a three·meals·a• day. Oaly aa uceplloaal child needs a mid morning or mid-after· aooa luacb. Aay lunch wbfcb spoils tbe appetite for the aezt meal de(eata Its owa purpoae.

•• Tbere aboald never be a great lapse of time between &DJ two meal" aot more tbaa aa latuval of 8ve ho11n ucept the overairbt period betweea 112rper aad break· fut.

" A cblld'1 motl beartJ reput nf tbe day ought to come at aoou. Sapper 1hould laclude au ade­quate amount of go~. aoarlllalar food, but it should be tlmple and eullJ dlgeated, to pne tile waJ for souad sleep, 011 the other haad, breakfast 1hould be au ua• hurried important part of the day'• re1timea._..,

T. he Cost or Liquor Revenue. " Ample time for leisurely eat· ing is of the firat order of lmpor·

A recent Canadian preas cle· spatch from Or.tawa called attca· tloa to the large revenues which governments provincial aad fede· ral hue received from liquor uo· der Govcromcot sale. These figures are impressive. la order to fill out the financial picture, social studeals will aced to put alongside these total revenues the totals speat for liquor 'Sold in the vjlrious provinces.

To colltct $35,Z'H,390 liquor re· vcaue ia ten 1cars there was u peaded io Butish Columbia 1139,· 725,768.

To collect &14,872,131 liquor re· veoue ia seven years there was expended fa· Alber~a $84,315, 108.

To collect $13,558,683 liquor re· venue ia six years there was ex·

feuded ia Saskatchewan 65,445,· 39. To collect $12,560,fSl liquor

revenue ia eight years there was expended ia Ma:iitoba 857,487 ,087.

To collect 143,796,453 liquor rexeoue ia four years five moatbs, there was upeadtd ia Ontario $235,575,320.

To collect $68,032,472 liquor revenue io tea years there 'Was ex· pended ia Quebec $598,944,914.

To collect $5,329, 788 liquor re· venue ia four years there was ex· pended ia New Bruaawlck &16,· 666,844.

To collect 1774,35 iquor re· veoue la four years there was ex· pended ia Nova Scotia $5,602,823.

There bas been ixpeoded io Canada uader Government sale a total of $1,19~.762,613. It is some· tbiag claimtd that the indirect cost or liquor is .?qua! to lb(' direct cost. /-f tbls be so the cost of liquor sold lo Caaada under Q.ov~omeat snle bas alr~dy reached aa amount more tbaa tqual to"tbe total aatloaal debt, which is over 2,261,000,000 apart from that arising from the Caaa· diaa National Railway.

Halving the Apple.

Cao you halve ~ apple without catting the skin. ? It souads im· possible, yet it caa be doae.

You want a long needle threaded with stroag thread. Push the the needle into the apple sideways at the eye, the opposite cad to the stalk. Leavlag a long eod, or thread bring the point of the ne~dle out through the skia about half a.a inch, away.

Put the needle la again at tbe place.where you drew it out aad pu1b the poiat out agaia ~alf aa lacb away. .

Keep oa doing this ualll you bne run the tbrda all rouad the apple under theskio, brloglog the needle out at Jut beside the loag tb~·e d left haagiag at the apple's " e c. "'

hea by pulling the two threads you can caa cut the apple la two inside its skia.

taa~ for children. Tbe tendency to bne gas from the stomach will sometimes be entirely overcome by glviag time for relaxation aad mastication al meal time.

11 The 6aal incentive to a good appetite is attractively prepared food. Always choose the method of cooking which gives a tender mixture aod rely for tastiness oa the good flavor of simple ma· ttrials.

•· Make the cbildrea's meals so attractive that they are appetiz1ng to the grown-ups. Only occa· sioanlly is there aced for making aa u:lra something to be cxclu· slvely . for either children or adults.

" T ea aad coffee arc of ao value lo children, aod they cultivate tastes that are undesirable for them. Serve milk or aoy of bis other l?everages to the child as his owa specfal rightful portion.

" Ao excess of sweets ls better avoided, particularly as they spoil the appetite for other things which are very esseat'ial.

" DJa ' t nllow a child. to use water to wash down bis food, for it will get.him iato the babit,...qf b~log lazy about his cbewiogv-ot> ligations. A glass of water be· fore breakfast aod several aiore between meals duripg the day should be given-more tbaa this, of course, if wanted.

11 Finally, don' t keep asking a child what be would lik'e for breakfast, dinner, or supper. Rather, serve him the things be should have, nicely cooked, · aad with nriety from day to day. FoR A CBILD's DAILY RncntRN, Mille.-" One aod a half piotsa

day day is good practise, oae quart is better. .May be used as bever­age, served oa cereal, or cooked io it, io milk soups, dilute cocoa or malt cocoa, ia milk sherbets, custards or milk puddings or o.tber dishes.

Cereals. - " Some cooked bot cereal for breakfast, at lea!t io tbe cold weather; preferably from whole gra in, three times weekly.

Vegetables.-" One serving of potato dally aad, in addition, at least oae serving of aoy other. properly cooked vegetable. Coarse stringy ones 1bould be strained uatll the child masticates well.

Fruits - 11 By the ead of the first year a child should be eating oae whole egg daily, or may even eat two. Cook it so as to be easily digested.

Meat, Fish, Poultry aad Cheese. -" A small aeniag of chopped meat mai:. be given daily to a very young child, aad by tbe second or third year the child may be trained to chew mca\. alread7 cut ia small pieces. Some authorities recom­mend deep sea fish lo lbe place of meat oace weekly for its iod4J coateot. Cottage cheese is good for email children, aad grated cheese of aay mild variety may be sprinkled over vegetables.

Desserts. - "Fruita, ju11ket1, gelatin dl~bes, custards, blanc· manges or cereal puddings are

Macpbersoa had married, Some best for young children, or plain weeks later be.met a friend. cooklt1, or occaaloaally plaia or

Remember the thread must be a atroar oae.

"Well John," said the latter, spoage cake. "I suppose JOU bad a Jot of allnr SweetL-"Browa sugar, · mo-weddlag presents ?" 1Jsse1, aud the slrups are more

"Ay," uld Joha. "Mostl ~aluable autritloaally lhaa graau· silver they were.'' 1 lated sugar. Dried frulta ue bet·

fer than caacl1." "Aud what did your_father

llYe JOU?" -"Dad rave 111 a bottle o' acid

to teat tbe •liver wl' n




FOR THE SAME BABY Thia it what Mn. Albert Bolton. of Toronto, wrila: "'Om Uulo \iri. ~ Jean. •• mmed for tho mat rew IDDlllba. but this did not UIWy her! I W head ahOut.F.egt. Brand ..a. to try it. Sbe took to it dght ..,,.., ..a there .... troahle alDce. ller&ah Ii &m; JonlJ, ltnight ~ good bone clnel...-. aad ... II IO COD­

~ I.at September abe Wm tllfid pdle at tho C...Mip

Nllllaaal Exhibition. .. 102 eafnm: I/ 'If"' •re aaahU to ..,,.100T: owa N6J,.., for Bo61 Fd/••~

FREE I A Wonderful B8by Booklet.I

NGIM --·----------Atltlrcu ---"--·----------------

The World Owes .Much To Advertisers

ALL Of' US would be poorer if th?rc

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Advertisements have been called the

"Poor man's University.'' for' they are

wonderful teachers-wonderful mirrors of

the ·wo rld's scientific and cultural develop· ment.

It is advertisements which keep u.s informed about what is being accomplished

by the world's best engineers, chemists-;-'

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field of human endeavor-in the realms of

radio, motor-car, and tir~ manufacturing,

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domestic and personal h}'giene, building

materials and constructions, and agricul·

tural economy, home easements apd b eautification.

II there were no advertisements in o~r ne wsp:ipcrs and magazines, we'd all slip

back-back to the levels of life of 50 aod

l OO years ago. W e'd read less, move

about less, lower our living standards, be

conte nt with p9orer machines, eat coarser

foods and wear coarse r clothing, live in

unattractive homes, do a vast amount of

distaste ful labor, wear ill-fi tting shoes, see

ug liness everywhere, have more illness,

meet with more accidents, have more tooth·

aches; and our stores wquld be very dull

places indeed.

To blot out our advertisements, would

be like blotting out the sun-the source

of light and energr.

Be grateful to advertisers, and show

your g ratitude brbuying what they bring

so faithfully to your a ttention·-in this

and other newspapers.

And always remember that advertiaera are the world's civilizers and your tr~e friends.

, . Thie ad•t. i• apoaeorcd bJ the Caaadlao

WeeJc11 Ncw1papua A11oelatlo11. J



. .

I \

STANDARD WBuy Advertised Goods. Shop ·where You Are Invited to Shop ..._

Co.nception Ba.y Adverti~er Li prir t~-11 n~d JlUhli3hcd C\'fry frid11y il\'Uning1 I\~ tho "'T'\Sl'ARO 0l'l'ICll, \' ic· tori.i :-.ucor. ll11rtx>r Grno.•, tw )lunn ,\ Okc, fll\1tuit:.0l'I!. •

Subecrlnt.ion Rllte:s : -To enbecrlbe (OhJ AllJ n'tl\v) rAVISO Ill .\l>\1ANU, $1. per ve:ir ; r;o cents per bnll yenr; to the Uniie.I Kini;Jnm or Unite-I • tnloa, " et>ni., 11thlitional tor posll\l;I). Sot pro· pl\kl. $1.fiO.

EST.\ Ul.1 ' ll ED I ·,n. .......................................... -... _ ...... ~ .. __ ... __ _ r~IUDA \', AUGLl~T 6, 1932.

------ -~ ----Further Economies.

l~lsewh<>rc i:o1 pullliahetl n ellltO· ment of tho ~•'t'TNn ry or $ tnle as to recent economie:1 e1tCorced rect"nlly by tho Oo,·ernmeot which ore h e.Ill· ed bv thc...!.2.!untttn· 11ction of P · i'lini"cter AltlbJic<1.


in refu, ing l nc cept the sJl11ry of ~3000 nllocatl'I for Lhal pilsilio:i <:I t b e:tpecl.:d tha t further rutrencl11nents in Govern· ment dP!i:lrtruent '' 111 lalt'r bo...kr­fcc l<'cl in nn nn endca,·or to lower the c t or runnin~ the country nod rthnbi!it:itc ou r finances.

Nfld. Delcg.ition Hard e.t W 01 k.

· Aeling Prime Mioill ter. Hon ~[r. Wioter. K.C . rec~ivcd n mc11nire from Premier Aldcrdice '.\l:>ildi\y re !alive to t he \\'orlc h:! a11d £1.ln. :irr. Erncrs:io a nd their ayiaera at l ht? Imperial Conlcrcoce a. re dging io the interests or Ncwloumll;ind. Elon. \Ir. Alderdice'a mcss;tgc was Indeed n very eocour:iglog one ;i.nd. j udging by the general text. splendid results mn'll be the outcome of their de· l\ber:itioor. Hoo Mr. Aldc~diccaod h is collc:igucs a rc member~ of al­most e\'ery important c()ruuuttee cooslderinj! Empire trade, particu­larly confcr~g ou products m:inu­facturcd 1n Newf: undl:ind.

Tbc schr. Jc:in F. Anderaon. ar · ~ r ived here on Sund ay alternoon from

0Sydney ;ind is d1sch.irl!iog 01 c;irgo

t co:ila at Meurs. McRae ,\/. S ous premises . • .

Wedacsdav 'a alttrooon tliunder-&torm lu this se.:tiou was bric( the centre or t he storm being lo t he Northward. The accompanying r:iia '"'as fai rly b:ird but was not ot Jedgtlly duroition aud within ao hour it had all p:tsst d followed by :i bcauliCnl evcc iug .

Mr. Dou~lu F raser, of St John's. ia bin new Curtia- Robb plane· fitted with iloa te, m;ide a flig ht St. Anthony from St. Jobo'a on ~ n y wilb a patient Mrs H. G. yw d. fo r the boapllal there. e trip north waa made iD 5 :I hours

The 1. a. l'ylc. Capt. Bur 11 ar· rited here on Monday cvcoio from St. John's and ldt "liter t ak a qu1otily of freight 1hortly after wards on h er way to L1brador . The abip waa joined here bJ Me11r1. Lorenzo Pike. Ralph Pauona, C. A. Jerrett and J. \V. Blacock and Mr. &lld Jdra. Colin C. Jonea.

-.--Mr. Georite G. ff. P.1r1001 of St.

~ha"• came here on Sunday after­DOOll from ahancla in hi• fut motor boat. Tbe boat, while not a luge Olle, la capa~e of a apeed of 35 milet per boar and came lrom Manuel• In eome tbree qrsartera or an hoar. Be left abor\17 afterward• oa hit re ta hr.

The annual Regatta at Sl John's waa beld on Wedacaday and oiccord­log to \be report• was a moil auc­ce11fal affair. A Dew feature thi• Je&r wu a •peed boat race which added greatly to th~ proiram. The weather was good until dinner boar wheD ralD ahower11 prevailed clearing •rain 1hortly afterwards giving a beautiful afternoon. ·

Mr. f;. N. R. Trentham bu been appointed by the Brili1h Treaeur1 to take t he place ot Mr. J. B. Pen· 100. Coot roller of the Treaaury. nod ~Ill be leavio.: En;tlaod about the middle of thla montll for St. John'•· Mr. Peneoo, .,ho bad been anxious to return to England will rema in for about a month with hlr. Treoham before he return• home.

Motoriala who were out Colinet Road and Wbllbouroe way on Wed· aeaday atate that very large hail 1tooe1 Cell during the thunderalorm. Tbe bail waa deacribed by ao~ of t hem as being up to an loch in dla· met er and iD a very abort while tbe road• and g round wu coYered to a depth of tbree or four ioche1 In placu. Doubtleu we shall bur of damage done to crops by the hail atorm which while qot being lengthy waa aenre.

• Satnrd1y aClcrooon Jut, Mu:well B. Wood man. aged 23 ycara, lo•l bla Ji!e"fl drownioir wbll1t 1wlm· ming io Red Iodfan Lake, ae~r Mlllettown" It i1 uoderatood that wlteo returning from a long awim, he waa aeiud with cramp•. when about ten feet from lite 1hore and aaok io ai:c feet of waler. Sia mother who i• ll•lnf al MillcrlowD wltneaaed tbe tragcd1 from the w indow of a nearby realdcace.

The dtce11ed •••for eome time a member of tbeat11J of the Bigbroada Commiaelon Ill \be city and wu lreeol1 lnteraated lo \be Old Fcildlao A11oclatloa. occnp1iof tbe.poaifion of Hcretary aed maaa1er of th: football team -Dail1 NcwL


A Puzzle! I

Why is it that so many people


pay their good m~ for flour

of indifferent que!~Y when for

a few cents more ~an buy "


~, ecanada."8:Best1'ffN1c"! ,...,,..


Mro. W;it ta of St. John'11, wh? b;J.d been here viai tiog her dt1ui;-h· tere. Mrs. G. E. Stevenson aod Mra. f,. A. Whitman, re turned t o St· John'11 on Tue1e1day.

Mrs J . T . McRae and Mias Flor­ence Noel, who had bceD visiting friends ~l St. Jobn'1, returned borne by car on Monday.

Mr. :tnd Mrs. Ivor Morg:tn, t1nd family of St. John'•. arc at present l'isilioi:- Mn. Morg;rn 'a p:ircnta, Hcild Const and Mra.' Bullett.

Min Gladys F,ngliah a.nil Mr. R. I". Martin ol St. John ·a arc here on '-vi1lt tlie guests of Mr. :ind Mrs. W. e. B:trris.

IMr. Gra.ha m Wells. operator of llic l\oglo-Amcric:i n T elegraph Com pany, is :it present on holiday•. (Jc 1a being relieved by Mr. R, lfarQa.

Opeu Air Service at C. of E. Cemetery.

On. Sund01y a!terDoou a flower 111:rvicc \VII held in the c. or E Cemcter1. b ca.r the restiuf?' place of the loitc C:iDon Noel\ bciosr COD ducted bJ lbe Rector of St. Paul'e, Rev. G. S. Temp\ctou. There waa a i:ood cou~rci::tt'on prctenl and t he rer\'ice, co11ai1th•i: of hymoa, prayer& and a abort a.dJrtta, was heartily followed by thoae,preaent.

SborllyJllft"erwarda the members or the Sona of England in para.de viaited 'the various cemetrie1 t1od de coratcd the srravea of their departed

'brctlireD with roaea t1nd 101:ill Union Jacka.

- ··...,.,_ A dole aee wa.a before Judge

Caaey OD Monday when the a.ccueed man w011 con•icted of receiving dole under falec preteocei. and waa fined some forty dollara. th~ voilue of tbc orders obtained :iDd coats.

~rs. Bealricc Noel, of St. Jobo's, came here with Mi1& Margaret Nc· Rae by car oo Tuc1day oo a ,·iai t to Mr. and Mr1. J . T . McRae. u

Mrs. w. T. Bellamy, and daucb· '""ell symfa~by ia e:cpreaaed fo r tc r Koithlecn, who epent the put lhc fam.il.f o the late.. Mr. Frank 11ix wccl:s or ao bere retu rned to ~:iher. :an accoun t or whose accidcn· thei r home at Bay Roberta ycsler- ta.I dcatll occurs elsewhere. Mta. day. • Maher. "\Va& a daughter 0 £ the Ide

Mr. and Mre. Eby ward Noaewor- Mr. aDd lJra. John Tliomcy of thl1 thv, of St. Jobo 'a. came here on town. and •~e and the deceased had Tu~day 00 a vialt to Mr. Noae- boala or f~aenda with whom the l worth1'• parent&, Mr. and Mrs. STAl'IDAlU> JOioa lo cxtcodl.og aym· Hlcbard Nosewortby. pat by l<' the berea\'Cd Camtly.

Mi1& Doria Bie;gioa, daughter of -.::--= = Mr. and Mra. M. Higgins of Bell ON .rrur SPOT. Island who apeot a couple 01 week'• I ~ nl:I • in town vlaiuug her auot, l'dra. W. ~ • Regular returned home on [•'riday 15 aacka ho1ce Hand tut .. She waa accompoiDied by Min Picke P. E. J. J.;' lorrie Reyular. I

Rev. G. s. Te•npletoo, who with PQTA T.Q1r5 Mra. Templeton accompanied his ~ • i 1 '£, • mother to the hoepital on Friday afternoon la1t, returned home OD •EW fRESff fRUIJ. Satorday night by car. Mra. Tem· r pletoll 1r. wH found to hue her B 6 t • A thigh broken and bope1 to be able ananas, ravens em p-lo return home 111 a couple of moDth"• ~las, .California Grapes, time. MrL G. S. Templetoll la CJ:·

pectcd t o return home tomorro,,. ali"fornla Pears, Gr~ne Maater J ohn Bnerldre IOD of Dr. ~

and :'otra. J. Bnerldge of Glaegow, f II Pl Q Scotland. came here a fortaigbt ago ru ' ums, ranaas. oa a •iait to bla grandfather, Mr. , ~ J:amu Croa and other nl1ti•c• Fi Muter Be'fCrldge !' .. . here Sn: resh Stock year••coaccompan11ag-b11 pareot1. ~~.will return home late io septem· Tomatoes, Cheap.

MiH Blanche Yetman. of Mon· -------------­treat. and daughter of ~{r. :ind Mrs. lew Lobster in Tin sue Ea. Benr1 Yetman of Bryant's Cove waa a guest of her 1l1ter. Mr• P . I<~. Fresh Sausages 25c lb. F'orruter, Detroit. Mich., rr m Jul1 Ch I B I 5 1tt11 to July 26th. D Ce aeon 2 C lb

Mr. \V. A. \Vel11, Speci Aireot ' ' ' of the Knight• _gt.ClW.J.!J ' 1. will be D kl •itllln~ Dal-ttffi Council here OD. .. an ne, Sunday evening next. Mr. \VelU. f h S d Bl , who 11 well known to membera of re, 0 a 'CUits the Ofder in this country ia n verJ' • nucot speaker. aDd hl• 1ear11 vi•~ls Price SOc Tin are :ilway1 looked forward to with • • ph:a11ure by the different Co11ocila.

Mre. (Re• .) L. W. Bluodoo. of JOSEPH ROSS E11cx Junction Vt , accompanied by

Phone 52. Harbor Grace.

Statutory Notice. In the matter of the Estate of

Mrs. Margaret Fitzgerald, late • of Harbor Grace, in the Elec·.

toral District. of ll&l'bor Grace, Widow, deceased; All persons claiming to be credi"

tors or \Vho hnve any claim or de· m11nd ogainsl tho E:ttato of Mrs· Mn.rguel Fitzgerald late of Harhor Grnco aforesaid, widow, deceased nre required to aeod p1uliculars of tmob clnims to Patrick J. Fitzgerald of llr Grnco, Ret ired Fishery Inspector, Trusteo of the snid &.late, or to the undersigned Solicitors for the T rus· tee, on or beforo the 4th, day of October A. D. 1932 o.fter which date tbo Mid Truateo will proceed to dis· tribute the said Estate bavinl; re· ga,rd only lo tbe claims or which he shall then have had notice.

Dated nL S t. J ohn's this 4th, day of Aug. A.O., 1932.

• PARSONS &. WALSH, SollcUors for Trustee.

Address :-New Marlin Building, 161 Wator Street, St. John's.

Satur.i ry,

June 25th., Our

Jee Cream· Parlor

will be open

for buaineae. ..

Let us Serve


and. p lease


STR!PP'S PHARMACY .. bei two 1on11 Mastera Robert aDd John arrived here oo MoDday lut,

on a abort viait to her mother, Mr11. _ ~========================~ W. B. Pike. nod ot her frlend1. Mr1. -Bluodon 11 leaving here agaiD oo Tuesday for Coroer Brook where 11be will viai t her a iatera. Mre. B . P. Jerrett, for a few daya before re· turning to lier home at Euex Junction.

Miuea Lillian Godden, Doria Bea l b, Mre. H. Noaewort1J1 a.od Mr. A. Godden motored to S t. Joho·a on Saturday morning and re turDed that night.

11111 .Eia.iei'Sbeppard, returned home oo S~da1 f(om R obloaon'a where 1hc attended her 1l1ter'11 wedding.

Ru. E. Davit, Rector of Cochrane Street Churcli, St. John'a, l[re. •Dul• and family arri•cd here bJ car on Toc1day t o apeod a mouth'• hollda1 with bl• mother, Mra. 0. Dui1.

Mi11 D11i1y Crocker. daughter of Mr. and 1dr1. Samuel Crocker. of Corner erook, came here by yuter­day '1 e.spre11 oa a •lall to relathea.

The • • · Miry Srallh and lb• 1chooau Norman 11. Batatoae were oa dock l11t week for onrbaallnr • aad p&iatlof.


ST A B.-1 LI TY. Since its inc~tion the

~~~g.!~~!~!· fi,!~ig!f ~ esteem. stalwart, stable • . . stable as the 1'lorth


Rates and other infonnation wi~ be forwardql on application. to

GEO. H..1HALLEY Ud. ft?. T. ·JONES, Agent.


Concert and Dance by . Pnblio Charity Committee.

The eoDcert held iD Coughlan Ball on Tue1day nealag uader the man· agemeot of lbe Public Ch.arlty Com· mlttee "H moal enjo1able. The alleDdaac:c was a fair oot, moat ol the cbaira being occup~d aDd all were greatly pleased with the· ex· cellence of the programme provided. Mr. JolfD A. Davie aDnounced \be n r ioua iteau which cooaiated of 10101, recltatioD1, quarlettu and muaical aumbera. The performers Including- talent from St. Jo)lD't and Clarlte'a Beach aa well aa local were all beard to adnntage llwr readitlon1 being of a ver1 h igh order and all were encored. The followlog waa the programme :

Qaartctte, &leadamuJ. Walla and Vatcher, Me11r•. L. A. Wbi\mao and J A. Davia.

Solo, Mi11 Bowell. Recitation. Ml11 Joy. Solo, Ml11 Ca1e7. Plano Solo, Mi11 Pugh. Violl11 Solo, Mi11 R1all. Qaarte(te. Solo, MrL Bellam7. IatenaL Plaao Solo, Mr. McLeod. Solo. lllaa L. Bo"1e7. Solo. lllaaMaDa. Violl11 Solo, Miu R1alL Solo, llba D. N0Hworlla7. RecitaUoa, Mr. S. Wood. Solo. llr. W1Ue. Some Sweet Some, MIH CUe7,

witb bummlar accompa11imellt b7 the Quartette.

Goel Sa..: tbe King. Followlar tbe Concert a Dance

w&1 beld la tbe Academy Ball aader lbe management of \be ume com­mittee. The atteadaace waa a Jood one, many from ool alde place• belor preaeDt. Supper• were IC"cd at 11.30 and daDcing wae kept ap aolll t he early boor• when the NatloDal Anthem brongbt..a moat ple11a11t CYenlng to a clo1e. The mutic was by radio gramophone while •omc or the Dumbera were given bJ Mr. Ro1 McLeod of St. Jobo 'a which were moat enjoyable. An elimiaalioD dance waa woo b1 Min F. Goodwin and Mr. C. A. Rote. The procc.cd1, which are for charitable purposea amounted to a.boot ninety dollars.


MRS. ERNEST Pow&R. There paned peacefully away at

her home :il C11rijone:ar on Tucaday !bet 2nd !oat. following a lloj?ering illoeae, Bertha. wife of Mr. Efneat Power. The deceased was a daugh­ter of Mr. Mallbew \Veils, oC thill lOl'fD who w;ia lo11l lo the " Green­land" diaaater Left to mouro b cr paaai,llg. bc1tdc1 her buabaad, are • her mc.tber, Mr1. Alfred Sheppard of Montreal and one brotllcr Mr. Otto Well• of St. John 's. One brolhtr, Clarence, waa killed ' lo action while aervioj? with the Royal Newfound­land Reiriment. The many friendaor the family will extood their 1ympa­th1 iD their sad bereavem_e~

United Chlrrcb Sunday Scho~aruc.

The annual picnic of the United Church Sunday School 'l\at held on

· WedDe1day afternoOD at Connell'• Farm and pro•ed to be a moat 1ucce111ful nod eujoyable affair Some twelve motor cart took the pupila aro1U1d the towD and then to the ground1. where the arteraoon wu epent with outdoor gamca and amu1ementa. Tea.a were eerved early while caDdy a.ad fruit were dialributed. The picnic was brou2ht to an abrupt ending at about 5 30 p. m. when the lhuoderatorm bcgao and the children were Immediately despatched to their home• before the rain begao. --------Christ Church

Sunday School Picnic.

The a nnual Picnic for the pupila of Cbria Church Sunda1 School waa held atCoooell'1 J.;'arm yesterday afternoon. The cbildrcn congrega­ted al their ball ;it 1~30 wJiere some tv.•elve motor cara Cillled for them aDd drove them around the town to the cour1c. Tbe wea(hcr wu exceplioaally fine and the afternooD waa apeol with gamea and various outdoor amu1emeDt1. Ice cream and leas were !1crved aDd caod1 wu dlatrlbuted and the young folk• bad n moat eojo1abl~ lime.


Church of England. ST. P•OL'S.

8 30 a.m .. Bol1 Communion. ll a m .. Mattina. 6 3<J' p.m., Evensong.

CllRIST CHORCO. 11 a.m., Mattina. I

ST. P!TER'S. 3 p.m., .E•eoeoag.

Umt.ed Church. 11. a m. and 6.30 p.m., Dl•lae Ser­



LADIES' VESTS. Regular 25c Vests, Short Sleeve for 20c,

" 45c '' " " " 39c. " 45c Vests, Strap, for 36c, " · 6oc .. " " 54e.

35c Jersey P•ints for 24c. "

Regular Soc Silk SB Bloomers for c, Ladies' Gloves. · Regular r. 1 o Silk

98 Bloomers. for C. Regular 1.10Silk

98 Vests for C.

Swede Lisle Fancy Gaunt· let, Regular 7oc and 8oc value, C~oice for 49c.

Children's soe Silk Vests for 39c.

Regular 1.35 Ray<t'l Silps for $1. 08. Regu1ar Rayon

Night Ro $l '>9 tor .~, •


.. 1.50 Girdles .. 6oc

Hosiery. Ladies' Regular :z5c Cotton Hose for 19c. Reg. 45c Silk Lisle Reg. 6oc Silk Lisle

lor .................... 33c, tor .................... 44c. Reg. 6oc Silk Reg. 7oc Silk

H ose for ...... _ 43c, Hose lor ........ 48c. R eg. Soc Silk Reg. 98c Silk

Hose for ........ 68c, Hose for ........ 88c, Regular 1.70 Silk Hose for $1.25.

Childr..en 's Hose. . Children's :zoc . Children's 25c

Hose for ........... .J Sc, Hose for ........ 20c, Children's 30 and 32c H ose for 27 C.

" 25c Silk Socks for 20c, " 35c Silk Sock~ tor 2Sc. " Regular 25c Rollf Tops for 15c.


Men"s Shirts. Men's 1.30 Broadcloth Shirts for 98c.

" 1.34 Sport Shirts, Large Collar, Short Sleeve, for ..................... $1.15.

" 90!: Blue Work> Shirts for 78c. " Summer Shirts and Drawers for 45c. " "

R eg. 95c Medium Weight Underwc.1r lor 88c. R egular 9oc Mottled Fleeced Lined

Underwear for .. - ........................ 68c. Men's Reg. 11.50 Mei_is Reg.

Tweed Pants for $1.95. 90C Overalls, 75c. Men's Re~. 1.30 ..i· Men's Reg.

Overalls for ........ :,il. 00. 1. 20 Caps: for 98c, Men's Reg. 2.00 Men's Reg. soc ·

Caps for ............ $1. ·70. Braces for .... 44c. Men's Regular 3oc Cream Pongee Collars for 22c.

Canr;as Shoes. Childs', s ize 71 S for SSc,

" 11 8, IO, 60C. Boys', size 4, 51 for 79c. Women's,size3to1.79c.

Men's, 6 to 9, for 83c.

Towels R eg. 2oc value, 1 Sc, Reg. 3oc ... value, 22c, Reg. 35c . value, 29c.

Boys' Overalls. & to 11 years, 53c,

12 to 14 "

15 and 16 "

62c, 68c.

Boys' Reg. 85c Caps for ............ 68c.

Curtain Scrim Reg. 28c White Scrim,

37 indies wide. Be.1utiful i?'Oods. Assorted Patterns, for only 19c.

Jam Pot Covers f6r 1 lb, Crocks.

Infant's Regular 45c Plush Caps for 32c. Few Girls' White Silk and Tusca Straw Hats, 7 3c. One Only Child's :z.60 White Coat for $1.90. Mdn's Regular 20c pairs

Socks for ......... _ ................. 12c, 3 for .... 30c. Mefl's Regwar 35c pairs

Socks for ................... ............ 20c, 3 for .... SOc. STRICTLY SPOT OASH. NO GOODS.ON APPROVAL.

The death or Miii StneD1 occur­red at the rcaldeoce of Mr. aad Mra. Theodore Par100100 Friday ennlDJ Jut. Tbe deccued wa• a 111li'fc of Labrador aad bad beeD lo the acr­•lce of theParlON family for aome thirty &ye JClra aad hid llO rela­tl'fCe. &r funeral waa held o• Satorday'a eraooa. RC'f. R. Vat­cber co11da Jar the H"lae and Interment •• made ill the United I Ch,accbCC ry. - M T JONES

O(\lO'BD TlON Lii'& . --• _ · •------·---•-


1 ..