R co hh presentation - sept 3, 2013

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Transcript of R co hh presentation - sept 3, 2013



Tell everyone: • Your Name:

• Major/Year/College

• What you want to do when you’re out of Rice…

• Why you’re here…

Many Sandwiches Ago….


Many Sandwiches Ago….


Basic Math • For about $1.50, we make a sack lunch…

• Just asking a few friends, we could raise $200-400…

• In about 2 hours, we can make 200-500 sack lunches… Total

~3000 sack lunches.

Many Sandwiches Ago….


“Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.”

- Mother Teresa

Homeless in Houston…


Facts at a Glance: • Houston has the largest homeless population in Texas

8th largest in the nation • > 40,000 people experience homelessness annually

Over 13,500 people at any point in time

Over 11,000 students in Harris county

~1 in 5 are identified as “chronically homeless”

Homeless in Houston…


Facts at a Glance: • Houston has the largest homeless population in Texas

8th largest in the nation • > 40,000 people experience homelessness annually

Over 13,500 people at any point in time

Over 11,000 students in Harris county

~1 in 5 are identified as “chronically homeless”

Homeless in Houston…


Group Mission…


“So… what’s RCoHH?”

“The Rice Coalition on Hunger and Homelessness is a student-led service and advocacy group focused on

tackling systemic poverty and homelessness in Houston.”

Group Mission…


“So… what’s RCoHH?”

… Basically, we're looking for ways to help the folks in need stay well-fed, get them out of poverty, and have the

rest of the world be made aware of their existence.

RCoHH Difference…

“How is this different from…?”

• More time spent understanding the issues

• Larger focus on creating repeatable service events

• More focus on long-term solutions

• Greater emphasis on policy/structural change



“Aren’t there better causes to care about… like Malawi?”




“Aren’t there better causes to care about… like Malawi?”

“Invisible People”



“Karen says she feels invisible. At one time she had an important job and lots of social interaction, but now she says it’s rare to have a conversation with another person. Earlier, Karen was parked near a public park and was cleaning out her car. She was feeling invisible and hadn’t talked to anyone, then a dog came into the park and caught everyone’s attention making Karen feel even more invisible.” http://invisiblepeople.tv/blog/2013/07/karen-mobile-homeless-san-diego/?autoplay=1



“We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and

uncared for is the greatest poverty.” - Mother Teresa

“Invisible People”



“At only 14 years old, Elaina made the decision to leave home rather than live with her mother’s drug abuse. That’s a pretty hard call for a young child to make, yet today I met a few homeless youth in Salt Lake City, Utah that felt the streets were better than home.” http://invisiblepeople.tv/blog/2013/08/elaina-homeless-youth-salt-lake-city-virgin-mobile-sevenly/?autoplay=1




“According to California Progress Report, 65% of youth in foster care emancipate without a place to live. 40% of persons living in homeless shelters are former foster children. A similarly disproportionate percentage of the nation’s prison population is comprised of former foster youth. Less than 3% go to college and 51% are unemployed.” http://invisiblepeople.tv/blog/2013/09/jacob-homeless-youth-foster-care-salt-lake-city/?autoplay=1

RCoHH Mission


“I’d help, but what about the…”

RCoHH Mission


“I’d help, but what about the…”

Creepy people who just get high all day!

Causes of Homelessness


From Search Homeless Services:

Causes of Homelessness


Demographic Information • 40% have mental illnesses

• Over 50% are African American

• 1 in 20 come from family of homelessness

• 1 in 5 are gay or bisexual • 2 in 5 had been in foster care

• 1 in 3 homeless youths have children

Causes of Homelessness


Demographic Information • 1 in 3 have substance abuse problems

• 35% of homeless mothers physical abused (nat)

• 40% of homeless mothers sexually abused as kids (nat.)

• Up to 54% of homeless have spent time incarcerated (nat.)

RCoHH Mission


“Can’t they just get a job at McDonalds?”

RCoHH Mission


“Can’t they just get a job at McDonalds?”


RCoHH Mission


“What is RCoHH doing to help?”

• Sandwiches for All (Food Distribution)

• OWLS Consulting Service (Re-Incorporation Assistance)

• Rice Invisible People Project (Photojournalism)

• Annual Panel on Homelessness

• Lots of speakers!

RCoHH Mission


“How can I get involved?”

• Help make sack lunches on September 8th!

• Apply to be an officer online!

• Spread the word!

• Offer your ideas!