Quiz about Turkey

Post on 29-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Quiz about Turkey

1. How much do you know about Turkey ? 2. A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 1. Where is Turkey? 3. A. 2. Which one is the Turkish flag ? B. C. 4. 3. What language do people speak in Turky? A. Arabic B. Greek C. Turkish MARHABA ! 5. 4. What currency is used in Turkey ? A. Euro B. Pound C. Lira 6. 5. What is the capital of Turkey? A. Istanbul B. Ankara C. Izmir 7. 6. What is the largest city in Turkey? A. Istanbul B. Ankara C. Izmir 8. 7. What is the official name of the country? A. Kingdom of Turkey B. Turkish Emirates C.Republic of Turkey 9. 8. Who was the founder of Turkish Republic ? A. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk B. Queen Elizabeth C. The Ottomans 10. 9. What is the most popular Turkish dessert? A. baklava B. cheesecake C. doughnut 11. 10. Which one of these buildings in NOT in Turkey ? A. B. C. Colosseum Library in Ephesus Blue Mosque 12. 11. Which one of these cars come from Turkey ? A. BMW B. Ferrari C. Anadol 13. 12. Which one of these is the traditional musical instrument of Turkey? A. saz B. castanets C. guitar 14. 13. What is the traditional Turkish headdress ? A. bowler B. tiara C. fez