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Transcript of Quit Smoking and Start Vaping · START VAPING: A BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES . THE...


Aaron Courtice | TCN 800 | 2011 | Prof. Beth Agnew

Quit Smoking and Start Vaping i


The Basics ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1

What is an electronic cigarette? ................................................................................................................................ 1

How does it work? ..................................................................................................................................................... 1

Does vaping feel like smoking? .................................................................................................................................. 2

Will an E-cig help me to quit smoking?...................................................................................................................... 2

Reasons to quit smoking and start vaping ..................................................................................................................... 3

Health ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3

Are E-cigs truly safe?.............................................................................................................................................. 3

Cost ............................................................................................................................................................................ 6

Convenience .............................................................................................................................................................. 6

Responsibility ............................................................................................................................................................. 7

Summary .................................................................................................................................................................... 7

Assessing your habits ..................................................................................................................................................... 8

Questionnaire ............................................................................................................................................................ 8

Results ....................................................................................................................................................................... 9

Choosing your first device ........................................................................................................................................... 10

Shopping for E-cigs (online mail order) ................................................................................................................... 10

Legality ................................................................................................................................................................. 10

China .................................................................................................................................................................... 10

Canada ................................................................................................................................................................. 10

USA ...................................................................................................................................................................... 10

Electrical terminology explained ............................................................................................................................. 11

Current ................................................................................................................................................................. 11

Battery Ratings (Volts and mAh) .......................................................................................................................... 11

Cartomizer Ratings (Ohms) .................................................................................................................................. 11

Common E-cig classes .............................................................................................................................................. 12

ii The Basics

Mini ...................................................................................................................................................................... 13

Big Batt ................................................................................................................................................................ 14

Box ....................................................................................................................................................................... 17

Class summary: Mini, Big Batt and Box ............................................................................................................... 19

E-cig resources ............................................................................................................................................................. 20

Forums ..................................................................................................................................................................... 20

Reviews .................................................................................................................................................................... 20

Vendors .................................................................................................................................................................... 20

Glossary ....................................................................................................................................................................... 21

Works Cited ................................................................................................................................................................. 22

Quit Smoking and Start Vaping 1




An electronic cigarette (E-cig) is a handheld, battery powered vaporizer. It is specifically designed to vaporize liquid nicotine. The user inhales this vapor just like the smoke from a tobacco cigarette. Unlike tobacco smoke, the vapor from an E-cig contains no carcinogens or hazardous byproducts.


An E-cig is typically assembled from two parts, a battery and a cartomizer. These parts fit together to form a cylinder that looks much like a traditional cigarette.

The cartomizer is filled with a fluid called E-liquid. E-liquid is typically a mixture of propylene glycol, artificial flavoring and nicotine. It comes in a wide variety of flavors and nicotine strengths. It is commonly sold in plastic dropper bottles with childproof lids.

To fill the cartomizer with E-liquid, a plastic cap is removed from the end of the cartomizer and E-liquid is dripped onto a wad of synthetic fiber within the cylinder. When the fiber is saturated, the plastic cap is replaced and the cartomizer is wiped clean.

2 The Basics

After filling, the cartomizer is screwed into the battery. The user activates the battery by holding down a small button on the cylinder. Power from the battery flows into the cartomizer, heating up a metal coil (atomizer). The heated atomizer vaporizes E-liquid off of the synthetic fiber and the user inhales the vapor through a small hole in the cartomizer cap.


The act of vaporizing (vaping) with an E-cig looks and feels very much like smoking a tobacco cigarette. A cloud of vapor produced by an E-cig is virtually indistinguishable from a cloud of tobacco smoke aside from the odor emitted. E-cig vapor has a very faint, sweet smell similar that of vanilla ice cream. Most people find the odor pleasant and non-irritating. The vapor is warm, and the caustic nicotine provides the sensation of a ‘hit’ in the throat and lungs.


Many former smokers find the E-cig experience to be highly satisfying and have used E-cigs as a means to effectively quit smoking tobacco. Unlike a transdermal patch or a gum, E-cigs deliver nicotine to the user in a fashion that mimics traditional smoking, satisfying the psychological fixation with the act of smoking and the physical sensation of smoking. Although an E-cig will not put an immediate stop to the your dependency on nicotine, the transition from tobacco to E-liquid vapor offers such a drastic reduction in health risks that some doctors consider it comparable to quitting altogether (Dr. David Baron: On Electric Cigarettes). E-liquid is available in a variety of nicotine strengths. If used responsibly with the goal of quitting in mind, you should be able to wean yourself off of the addictive substance by steadily decreasing your dosage over time.

Quit Smoking and Start Vaping 3



Most smokers are aware, to some extent, that smoking tobacco is harmful to the human body. The consequences of chronic tobacco use develop slowly and often appear later in life. As such, it is easy to ignore the cumulative damage that is being done to your body until it is too late. But the danger of chronic tobacco smoking is very real and the facts cannot be refuted. According to the World Health Organization (World Health Organization: Smoking Statistics):

• Smoking related diseases kill 1 in 10 adults globally, or cause four million deaths per year worldwide. • Half of long-term smokers will die from tobacco related illness. • Every cigarette smoked cuts at least five minutes of life on average - about the time taken to smoke it. • More than 4,000 toxic or carcinogenic

chemicals have been found in tobacco smoke.

Faced with such dire consequences, any reduction in health risks should be welcomed. E-cig vaping offers a purported 99% decrease in health risks compared to tobacco smoking (Phillips). It is such a drastic reduction in risk that some doctors consider vaping to be tantamount to quitting altogether.

Many users prefer vaping to smoking once they have successfully made the transition. Even if you find that vaping does not surpass smoking in terms pleasurable effects, consider the following analogy: If you were told that, beyond a shadow of a doubt, switching from your favorite name brand cola to a generic store brand could extend your life expectancy by 10-20 years, would you consider it a worthwhile compromise?


Vaping an E-cig is so much safer than smoking tobacco that the associated health risks are negligible in comparison. However, in speaking about health, the risks should not be overlooked altogether. Some institutions, such as Health Canada, have passed moratoriums or temporary bans on E-cigs until further research has been conducted. Concern generally revolves around issues of quality control of E-cig products.

4 Reasons to quit smoking and start vaping


Currently, the majority of E-cigs and E-liquids are manufactured in China. Suspicions of lax quality control and a lack of official regulation of the E-cig industry concerns some health officials. These concerns appear to stem from a preliminary study conducted by the Food and Drug Administration of America.

In 2009, the FDA reported that the purported nicotine content of several Chinese E-liquids tested varied from the advertised amount put forth by manufacturers (FDA: E-Cigarette Questions and Answers). The levels found did not constitute a dangerous deviation and could not be considered to pose any real danger of nicotine overdose amongst users. A much more serious finding by the FDA suggested that there were traces of diethylene glycol present in some E-liquids

In response to the FDA’s report, the world’s primary E-liquid manufacturer opened its factory doors for public scrutiny. In a public video tour conducted in 2009, the DeKang E-liquid Company of China demonstrated that its production laboratory remains tightly controlled and that it continues to meet quality standards expected of manufacturers operating in North America (DeKang-Shop.com). In a rebuttal letter addressed to the FDA, DeKang asserted that its products are confirmed to be safe by the SGS, Korean FDA and German TUV LFGB. The company added that its factory has received GMP ISO900, ISO13485 and Canadian CAMDCAS certificates (DeKang to FDA).

Regardless of whether or not the FDA’s 2009 findings were properly substantiated, no subsequent reports have been published to reinforce the data. Additionally, no cases of poisoning or E-cig related illness have been reported in North America unto this point in time. Viewing the situation from an objective perspective, it seems safe to assume that issues of quality control regarding E-cigs pose little danger in comparison to those posed by tobacco smoke.

Quit Smoking and Start Vaping 5


Because E-cigs are a fairly new technology, official safety studies are still ongoing. However, there has been extensive research conducted on the main constituent of E-liquid – propylene glycol (PG). PG makes up an average of 70%-90% of most commercial E-liquid. The remaining percentage is made up of vegetable glycerin (VG), distilled water, flavoring and nicotine.


PG is a clear, odorless, viscous liquid with a faintly sweet taste. It is a non-toxic substance commonly used in pharmaceuticals and processed foods. According to Health Canada, there are no concerns for oral, dermal or inhalation exposure to propylene glycol based on the low toxicity observed in studies. Exposure does not present a human health risk. (Health Canada: Propylene Glycol)


Like PG, VG is a clear, odorless, viscous liquid with a faintly sweet taste. It has a low toxicity and is widely used in pharmaceuticals, beauty products and processed foods. VG is added to E-liquid to increase vapor production.


E-liquid flavoring recipes are considered to be a trade secret. Individual flavorings are not often listed on product labels. Due to the nature of E-cig atomizer

technology however, all flavors must be free from oils and dyes. The common consensus is that the flavorings used are most often water soluble, synthetic candy flavorings produced by companies such as LorAnn, Capella and FlavourArt. Some E-liquid manufacturers include natural extracts suspended in alcohol or PG, although this is expressly stated on the label as natural oils are potentially damaging to E-cig hardware.

Thus far, only one potential toxin has been discovered in E-liquid flavoring – namely diacetyl. Diacetyl is a natural byproduct of fermentation and it occurs naturally in alcoholic beverages. It is added to some flavorings to lend a distinct, buttery flavor. Chronic inhalation of diacetyl has been linked to a lung disease called bronchiolitis obliterans (CBS News: Healthwatch). This realization came about when employees of an American popcorn factory began to test positive for the disease. Diacetyl is not purported to be the sole cause of the disease as genetic predisposition is a strong factor. With that said, inhalation of the substance should be avoided. All reputable E-liquid and flavor manufacturers now explicitly state whether or not their product contains diacetyl.

6 Reasons to quit smoking and start vaping


Nicotine is an alkaloid found in the nightshade family of plants. It is the main factor responsible for the dependence-forming properties of tobacco smoking. Nicotine's mood-altering effects differ by report. It is classified as both a stimulant and a relaxant. At low doses, nicotine potently enhances the actions of norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain, causing a drug effect typical of those of psycho-stimulants. At higher doses, nicotine enhances the effect of serotonin and opiate activity, producing a calming, pain-killing effect.

In terms of toxicity, 0.5-1.0 mg/kg of nicotine can be a lethal dosage for humans. It is unlikely that a person would overdose on nicotine through vaping alone, although it remains a possibility for grossly irresponsible users. Health Canada has expressed concern over this issue. Spilling a high concentration of nicotine onto the skin can cause intoxication or even death, since nicotine readily passes into the bloodstream following dermal contact. Additionally, nicotine has very powerful effects on arteries throughout the body. It raises blood pressure and constricts blood vessels, putting stress on the heart. (Wikipedia: Nicotine)


With the heavy taxation of tobacco products in Canada, transitioning to E-cig vaping can offer you considerable savings. Consider the following: an average pack of 25 cigarettes retails for $10 in 2011. A single pack of cigarettes will last the average smoker 1-2 days. Based on these figures, you can expect to spend upwards of $1600 per year on cigarettes.

Compare these figures with the average cost of vaping: an E-cig starter kit runs from $40-$100 in 2011. The kit hardware should last for a full year. A fresh supply of cartomizers once per month costs $20. E-liquid consumption on par with pack-a-day smoking costs an average of $35 per month. Altogether, the total yearly cost of vaping an E-cig comes out to under $800. That is a 50% savings over the cost of smoking tobacco in Canada in 2011.


On average, E-cigs weigh between 20-40 grams. They are highly portable and can be carried around in a pocket, purse or backpack without worry. Most models are designed to be durable and resist breakage from dropping or pressure. A good model will not leak E-liquid and can be juggled in transit without any spillage. There is very little risk of burning yourself with one as the exterior of most cartomizers reaches a temperature on par with a laptop battery. Furthermore, all commercial battery models are wired with a time based cutoff switch to avoid burning in case of accidental activation of the battery. Compared to a standard pack of cigarettes, an E-cig is just as portable and certainly more robust. In terms of fire safety, an E-cig is far superior to a lit cigarette.

One principle convenience afforded by an E-cig is the ability to vape one puff at a time. Unlike a lit cigarette which requires a time commitment from start to finish, an E-cig may be used and put down as time allows. Consider this example: You are late for work and have run out to the door to catch a street car. Arriving at the stop you notice that there is no streetcar in sight. Stressed by the situation, you reach into your pocket for a pack of cigarettes and light one up. After taking only a couple drags, a streetcar appears and you are forced to butt the smoke and thereby waste most of it. If you were carrying an E-cig instead, you could simply suspend your session and pocket the E-cig for future use.

Quit Smoking and Start Vaping 7

Following from this example is the issue of odor. E-cigs offer the distinct advantage of being relatively odorless (the odor is faintly sweet and pleasant). No one will complain of the stink when you sit down next to them or rush into the office. No mints or gum are required to freshen your breath after a vaping session, only a sip of water to hydrate your mouth. Due to the lack of odor and hazardous byproducts emitted, E-cigs can be freely enjoyed indoors. For Canadians weary of venturing outside on frigid winter days, this can be a true blessing. It is true that some municipalities have passed bans on indoor use of E-cigs in public places. However, there are no known cases of prosecution in Canada for vaping an E-cig indoors. This is primarily because vaping does not constitute smoking under the law as no combustion is occurring and no hazardous fumes are being released. Banning E-cigs based on emissions would be akin to banning tea kettles or irons for releasing steam.


In terms of demonstrating personal responsibility, use of an E-cig as a substitute for tobacco is clearly advantageous. This is reflected first and foremost by potential health care costs incurred by the habit of smoking. Health Canada estimates that societal costs attributed to smoking are $11 billion annually. Compared to the estimated $3 billion generated by tobacco taxation, smoking is seen to place a heavy burden on Canadian taxpayers and the public health care system in general (CBC News: The Cost of Smoking). If you have ever experienced a passerby heckling you about the nastiness of your habit, this issue of taxation is likely at the root of the stranger’s crass behavior. Even if you are unconcerned with your own health and wellbeing, a transition to vaping may boost your public image and combat ill will directed towards you.


The table below summarizes four of the best reasons to quit smoking and start vaping.

Health Reduce your health risks by 99% Cost Cut your costs by 50% Convenience Enjoy in more settings with a flexible schedule Responsibility Help to lower health care costs and improve your public


8 Assessing your habits


In order to make a successful transition from tobacco to E-cigs, it is important that you understand your personal habits. These habits pertain to smoking as well as other elements of your lifestyle. The questionnaire below has been provided as a means to help you recognize trends in your habits and to correlate the trends with an appropriate class of E-cig. E-cig classes are discussed in detail in a subsequent section of this guide.


Try to answer the following questions as honestly as possible. Circle as many answers as you feel apply to you. When you are finished, add up your total scores per letter and enter them in the Results table.

1. On an average day, I smoke: a. 5 cigarettes or less b. 6-25 cigarettes c. 26 cigarettes or more

2. I prefer to smoke: a. Ultra-lights b. Lights or stronger c. Lights or stronger

3. I spend most of my day: a. In crowded public places b. In an office or private building c. On the road or at an outdoor job site

4. I value: a. Fashion over function b. Fashion and function equally c. Function over fashion

5. In choosing an E-Cig, the following attributes are most important to me: a. Compact size and discrete design b. Balanced design and strong performance c. Long battery life and minimal maintenance

6. With respect to shopping: a. I am unwilling to shop online b. I don’t mind shopping online c. I love shopping online and researching before I purchase

7. I charge my cellphone: a. At every opportunity b. Whenever I remember c. Only when the battery has been completely drained

8. In purchasing an E-cig: a. I want to make a minimal investment (less than $50) b. I’m willing to make a modest investment ($50 or more) c. I’m willing to invest time researching in order to save money

Quit Smoking and Start Vaping 9

9. When I use my E-cig in public: a. I want others to think that I’m smoking a regular cigarette b. I don’t care if my device is distinguishable from a regular cigarette, cigar or pipe c. I don’t want my device to be mistaken for a regular cigarette, cigar or pipe

10. With respect to electronic devices: a. I am often careless and end up breaking my devices and throwing them away b. I take good care of my devices and resell them when I’m through with them c. I am a hobbyist and I love to repair or part-out my old devices


Add your scores from the questionnaire and enter the totals in the table below.

Answer Total Score Corresponding Class

a Mini

b Big Batt

c Box

Note the corresponding class associated with your highest score. Take this into consideration when choosing your first E-cig device. Classes are discussed in detail in the next section of this guide.

10 Choosing your first device


E-cigs come in a wide variety of designs. When you are shopping for your first device, try to be practical and take your lifestyle and personal habits into account. Think of an E-cig as a medical device rather than a fashion accessory. Remember that buying a well-suited device for yourself may allow you to quit smoking for good.



At the time of this guide’s publication (August 2011), it is completely legal to import E-cig hardware to Canada. While not illegal, importation of nicotine-containing liquid is not condoned by Health Canada, and any such material is at risk of seizure by Canadian Customs authorities. The ramifications of such a seizure are minimal; you may simply receive a letter stating that your shipment has been seized and repossessed. In such an instance, you will be given a chance to appeal this decision and reclaim possession of your shipment.


The majority of E-cig products on the market are manufactured in China. For this reason, Chinese online vendors are typically the cheapest source for E-cigs and related items. Most Chinese vendors ship worldwide at reasonable rates. International shipping tends to be slow but the wait times are balanced by exceptionally low pricing. Chinese vendors may be sourced with a simple query in your favorite internet search engine. If in doubt as to the authenticity of a vendor, it is recommended that you consult an online E-cig forum. Links to popular forums are provided in a subsequent section of this guide.


Due to Health Canada’s 2009 moratorium on electronic cigarette devices, it is becoming increasingly rare to find E-cigs at brick and mortar stores in Canada (Health Canada: Electronic Cigarette Advisory). Some convenience stores currently carry the overpriced Smokstik line (a rebranding of the Kanger KR-808 model) but the corresponding, prefilled cartomizers are mandatorily made nicotine-free.

There are several Canadian online vendors currently stocking nicotine-containing E-liquid but they are not openly advertising their merchandise. For help with locating a domestic source, it is recommended that you consult the regional sections of reputable, online forums. Links are provided in a subsequent section of this guide.


In contrast to Canada, E-cigs and related materials remain unregulated in the USA. The E-cig market is currently experiencing a boom in the US and some of the world’s finest artisanal E-liquid is being produced in America. Some American vendors are willing to ship to Canada, though many are not. If you are curious about an American vendor, it is once again recommended that you consult reviews on a reputable, online forum.

Quit Smoking and Start Vaping 11


Newcomers to E-cig culture are often confused by the technical details attached to various pieces of hardware. In reality, the concepts governing electrical ratings and performance of E-cig hardware are very simple and straightforward. The bottom line is as follows:

• Increasing the current (I) passing through your device results in faster vapor production, increased temperature of vapor, increased throat hit and faster drain of batteries.


Current is calculated using Ohm’s Law:

• Current (I) = Voltage (V) / Resistance (R)

The total current that is passing through your device can be thought of as the overall power level at which your E-cig is operating.


All E-cigs are battery powered. There are two ratings on every battery that are particularly relevant to E-cig users:

• The electrical potential of a battery is rated in terms of volts (V). E-cig batteries range from 2.8V to 7V. Higher voltage ratings correlate to faster and more voluminous vapor production, as well as increased heat and throat hit.

• Electrical charge is rated in terms of milliampere-hours (mAh). E-cig batteries range from 180mAh to 3000mAh. Higher mAh ratings correlate to longer battery life and larger battery size.


All cartomizers carry an electrical resistance rating. This rating is also relevant in calculating the electrical current of your device.

• The resistance of a cartomizer is rated in terms of ohms (Ω). Cartomizers are typically rated as being either standard resistance (2.8 Ω) or low resistance (2.0 Ω). Lower resistance correlates to hotter vapor and increased vapor production.

• Low resistance (LR) cartomizers are most often paired with 3.7V devices, while standard resistance (SR) cartomizers are paired with 5V+ devices.

An overpowered E-cig will burn cartomizer coils and scorch E-liquid. An underpowered E-cig will produce insufficient vapor. Optimal levels of temperature and vapor production are considered a matter of personal preference. Try multiple hardware configurations until you are satisfied with the performance of your device.

12 Choosing your first device


The majority of E-cigs on the market today can be classified according to three classes of design: the Mini, the Big Batt and the Box. These titles are not used in technical specifications within the industry and it is unusual to find a product labeled as such. Rather, the terminology has been created by enthusiasts as a way to quickly distinguish one style of device from another without going into detail about exact specifications.

Each of these classes has inherent advantages and disadvantages. If you cannot decide on a class based on the pros and cons listed here, use the questionnaire located in the previous section of this guide to gain a sense of which of the classes may best suit your needs. Narrowing your search for an E-cig by class will be a great help to you in navigating the vast, online market.

Quit Smoking and Start Vaping 13


The Mini class includes E-cigs that are approximately the same size as traditional cigarettes. The Mini is the original E-cig design and it remains the most popular and commonly available class on the market despite its notoriously lackluster performance.

Novice users are often drawn to the Mini because of its physical approximation to a traditional cigarette. It is frequently assumed that the transition to vaping will be made easier by a device that closely resembles a cigarette physically. Without prior research or experience, this is a logical assumption to make. However, the experience of vaping an E-cig and the approximation of the experience to tobacco smoking has less to do with the physical dimensions of a device than it does with the power and performance delivered by the device. Simply put, a high-powered device will produce more vapor, at a faster rate and higher temperature, with stronger throat hit, than a low-powered device.

To put this information into a practical context, consider the following: It is very difficult to vape a Mini while walking. With an underpowered Mini device (3V and below), a satisfactory inhalation may take as long as 5 seconds to complete. Compare this to a standard 1 second drag on a tobacco cigarette, or a 2 second inhalation on a 6V E-cig. Most users find the limitations of an unpowered device to be unacceptable in this respect.

Due to size restriction of Mini batteries, it is simply not possible at this point to build a Mini device with anything beyond a 3.7V battery. Following from this limitation of battery size is the issue of battery life. A Mini battery cannot be used for more than 20 minutes continuously without requiring a recharge. Recharge time may take up to 2 hours. 2 hours is a considerable amount of downtime in which a user will be unable to use the device without owning a spare battery. Most users find this battery performance ratio to be impractical. A Mini cannot be counted upon to last a user throughout the day. For this reason, the Mini cannot be recommended as a reliable smoking cessation device.

Beyond its impracticality and relatively poor performance, the Mini is known for several other negative qualities. Mini batteries are always cased in sealed enclosures. In situations where a rechargeable battery ceases to function, a user will be unable to replace the battery with a cheap, commercially available counterpart. The user will, in effect, be forced to pay a premium price for a new, manufacturer made unit. Mini battery cases are most often made of plastic with shoddy caps concealing their LED lights. The electrical connections of Mini batteries are never sealed, leaving them exposed to seepage of excess E-liquid from leaky cartomizers. A single vaping session with a leaking cartomizer may cause permanent failure of a Mini battery. 50% of Mini batteries produced are also automatic in function. This means that in place of a manual activation switch, the battery is wired to a sensor designed to detect an inhalation on the device. Unfortunately, the technology implemented in these sensors is very crude and any movement or air current occurring near to the device will cause the battery to fire. Due to this faulty design, the battery will frequently fire when not in use, wasting precious battery life and possibly overheating the device while in closed storage.

Despite all of its faults, the Mini does offer several significant advantages over its competing classes. It is highly portable and concealable (it could be carried in a shirt pocket for example). It is also very inconspicuous (depending on LED color) when used in public. Some Mini models are also available in a low-grade, low-cost, disposable format which may be of interest to users seeking a trial experience. For casual smokers who are more troubled by appearance and portability than performance, the Mini remains a viable choice.

14 Choosing your first device



Battery: 3V 180mAh, manual or automatic

Design: Faux cigarette with orange LED (alternately available in matte black with blue LED)

Connection type: 510 (compatible with the most common and affordable cartomizers and accessories available)

Average price: $35 online


Battery: 3.7V 280mAh, manual or automatic

Design: Faux cigarette with orange LED (alternately available in a variety of metallic colors with blue LED)

Connection type: 808 (less common than 510 but compatible with the most highly regarded cartomizers on the market)

Rebranded as: Volt, Bloog Maxxfusion, SmokeStik

Average price: $35 online, $100 in stores


The Big Batt (short for battery) class includes E-cigs that are cylindrical in shape but closer to a cigar in size than cigarette-sized Minis. This class was developed in an effort to rectify the limitations imposed by Mini batteries. The Big Batt is the most popular class amongst E-cig enthusiasts, as it combines stylish and robust design with high performance. This class is also coveted for its integration of customizable features and options.

Big Batts come in two, distinct formats: sealed battery enclosures and open, often extendable battery enclosures. In the case of sealed battery enclosures, the Big Batt can be seen as an evolution of the Mini. Its casing is typically constructed from a hard metal such as aluminum and its electrical connections are sealed to protect against the seepage of E-liquid. The battery contained in the casing is larger than that of a Mini, allowing for higher power and longer life. In the case of open battery enclosures, the Big Batt boasts the advantage of customizable battery configuration and low-cost battery replacement. As a consequence of its design, the Big Batt is considerably heavier than a Mini (up to 20 times).

Quit Smoking and Start Vaping 15


Sealed Big Batts typically operate at 3.7V, remaining at a minimally acceptable level of function. It is the consensus of E-cig enthusiasts that the optimal range for E-cig battery voltage is 4V – 6V. Sealed Big Batts do, however, offer a significant advantage over Minis in terms of battery life. The smallest Big Batt is rated at 650mAh, which translates to more than double the battery life of the largest Mini. Sealed designs are available in ratings of up to 1000mAh. With ratings this high, the average user could realistically expect to make it through a day of vaping without having to recharge their unit. Unlike Minis, all Big Batts are built with a manual activation switch. Sealed Big Batts are considered to be safer than their open counterparts as they use only one battery rather than a stack of two. This is may be considered the only advantage of the sealed design over the open design.



Battery: 3V 650mAh (optional extended 1000mAh battery)

Design: Sleek and lightweight, chrome featuring a rubber grip

Rebranded as: T-Rex, Volcano, Riva

Connection type: 510 (compatible with the most common and affordable cartomizers and accessories available)

Average price: $45 online


Battery: 3.7V 800mAh battery (standard USB pass-through charging feature)

Design: Upscale and brash, faux wood with faux diamond end cap

Connection type: Leo proprietary (restrictive, although Boge produces the majority of cartomizers on the market)

Average price: $50 online

16 Choosing your first device


Open Big Batts are comprised of two separate parts: a metal tube and a threaded connector that screws onto the tube. Some open designs employ a telescoping, extendable tube.

An open design allows the user to insert their own, cheap, replaceable batteries into the unit. Additionally, it allows users to swap connection types (depending upon the model). Open models typically come with stipulations as to what battery types can be used, and in what configuration these batteries may be arranged. This design allows for customizable voltage. For example, a user may choose to insert a single, large, high-mAh battery for function at 3.7V, or they may choose to stack two, short, 3V batteries in the tube for use at 6V. For users who regularly employ a variety of cartomizers and other accessories, the option to customize voltage is a great advantage. Variable voltage (VV) has become such a sought after feature, in fact, that a niche market has sprung up for designs that employ resistors, allowing users to vary voltage on the fly. The VV feature is not unique to the Big Batt class (it is present in the Box class as well) but it remains most common amongst Big Batts.

A notable feature of many open Bigg Batt models is the integration of a mechanical switch for battery activation. In place of the electrical switch common to Sealed Big Batts and Minis, an all-mechanical switch is built into the tube of most big Big Batt models. A mechanical switch is considered to be preferable to its electrical counterpart as it is less likely to malfunction and may be easily replaced using cheap parts. Most mechanical switches are also capable of locking – a useful safety feature.

While battery stacking remains a popular mainstay amongst enthusiasts, there exists a notable risk associated with the practice. Stacking places extra stress on batteries and increases the likelihood of power cell damage and subsequent gas release. If the casing that houses a malfunctioning battery is not properly vented, a gas leak may cause a dangerous rise in pressure to the point of an explosion. Such instances are rare, but the consequences can be severe. In order to avoid such occurrences, it is strongly recommended that only high quality, protected batteries be used in stacked arrangements. It is also recommended that stacking be performed only in vented Big Batt tubes. It is the user’s responsibility to inspect the physical integrity of their batteries before each use to ensure that no degradation has occurred. A leaking battery may show signs of corrosion and may radiate an unusual amount heat. If in doubt, throw it out.

Quit Smoking and Start Vaping 17



Battery options:

• 2 x RCR123A 3V 750mAh (for function at 6V) • 1 x AW17670P 3.7v 1600mAh (for function at 3.7V)

Design: Stainless steel tube in a variety of finishes, locking mechanical switch

Connection types: 510 or 801 (swappable)

Price: $120


Battery options: 30 possible combinations for 3.7V, 6V, 7.4V

Design: Polished brass and stainless steel telescoping tube

Connection types: 4-in-1 connector for 901, 510, 801, 808

Price: $250


The Box class includes E-cigs that are constructed from a palm-sized box (aka fist pack). This class was pioneered by DIY enthusiasts. Using cheap, readily available parts from RadioShack in combination with scraps from old E-cig devices, these enthusiasts were able to construct units with unparalleled battery capacity for under $20 each.

The added space afforded by a Box structure allowed hobbyists to add in other modifications as well, including resistors and control knobs for variable voltage and multiple cartomizer connections (aka double barrel). The most groundbreaking development arising from the Box class was a new juice feed system. The concept behind this system was simple yet effective; a bottle of E-liquid is stored within the Box. The bottle is attached to a hose and juice is siphoned through the hose into the cartomizer connection.

18 Choosing your first device

This juice feed system, in combination with the extended battery life afforded by a spacious housing, caused a surge of popularity in the Box class. It wasn’t long before hobbyists had set up online shops retailing their own, unique models and variations on the theme. Eventually the mainstream E-cig industry caught on to the trend and began to commercially manufacture Box models.

While less stylish and robust than the Big Batt, the Box is well suited to users who spend most of their day driving, or outdoors on foot. For these users, maximum battery capacity and a juice feed system will allow a full day of vaping without the need for a recharge or a cartomizer switch/refill. The Box may also be of interest to technically inclined users, as the class is easily built, modified and repaired at home using standard tools.



Battery options:

1 x AW IMR 18650 3.7V 1600mAh (for function at 3.7V)

2x CR123A 3V 750mAh (for function at 6V)

Design: Hand carved wooden box with window to juice feed, 6ml juice feed system

Connection type: 510, 801, 901, 306

Price: $125


Batteries: 2 x 18650 3.7V 2400mAh (variable voltage from 0V – 7.4V)

Design: Plastic triple-A battery box from RadioShack

Connection type: 510

Price: $50

Quit Smoking and Start Vaping 19


Class Defining Characteristics Positive Attributes Negative Attributes Mini Cigarette-sized cylinder

2.8V – 3.7V Highly portable Lightweight Cigarette-like feel

Short battery life Unsealed electrical connection Sealed battery enclosure Weak construction Automatic battery sensor Underpowered

Big Batt Cigar-sized cylinder 3V – 7.4V

Reliable performance Durable design Sealed electrical connection

Relatively heavy Potentially sealed battery enclosure Prone to rolling off of flat surfaces

Box Cigarette pack-sized box 0V – 7.4V

Long battery life Use of cheap, easily replaceable batteries Potentially juice-fed Stable on flat surfaces

Bulky Potentially unstylish Risk of poor craftsmanship/quality Exposed wiring

20 E-cig resources


E-cig culture resides online for the most part. Use the following resources to research, shop and converse with other members of the E-cig community.


• ECF (http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/) o The world's largest and most popular electronic cigarette website, with 200,000 pages and more

than 100,000 posts on the forum each month. There are more E-Cig reviews and tutorials here than anywhere else.

• Vapers Forum (http://www.vapersforum.com/) • Vapor Talk (http://www.vaportalk.com)


• ECR (http://www.youtube.com/user/igetcha69) o Leading E-cig critic Scott Bonner provides detailed, technical, video reviews of the latest in E-cig

hardware. • Grimm Green (http://www.youtube.com/user/GrimmGreen)

o Enthusiast Nick Green offers insightful and frequently humorous opinions on E-cig hardware and commercial E-liquid flavors.


• HappyVaper (http://www.happyvaper.com) o Canada’s largest online retailer of E-cigs and accessories.

• MadVapes (http://www.madvapes.com/) o Established USA vendor offering shipping to Canada.

• EastMall (http://www.eastmall.net/) o Chinese vendor offering international shipping. A good source for bulk discount pricing.

Quit Smoking and Start Vaping 21


Term Meaning Atty Atomizer. Similar to a cartomizer without the synthetic

batting to hold E-liquid. Used for the dripping style of vaping.

Carto Cartomizer. Connection (type) The specific threading size used where a cartomizer

attaches to a device. Examples: 510, 808, 306. Dratty The burnt, metallic taste of a heated atomizer in the

absence of E-liquid Drip tip A mouthpiece adaptor for atomizers and cartomizers.

Designed to accommodate the dripping style of vaping. Dripping The act of dripping E-liquid directly onto an atomizer for

immediate vaping. Alternate approach to using a cartomizer.

Dry burn The act of heating an atomizer in the absence of E-liquid. Intended to rid a new atomizer of primer fluid before use.

Juice E-liquid. Mod Modification. Generally used to describe homemade

hardware or designs which are based on DIY-style E-cigs.

PTB (tea bag mod) A modification of cartridge filler using silky, pyramid tea bags to wick E-liquid to the heating coil.

PV Personal vaporizer. Synonymous with E-Cig. Tank A system that utilizes a reservoir to syphon E-liquid into

a specially designed atomizer. Throat hit The perceptible and pleasurable burn of nicotine in the

throat and lungs. VV Variable (adjustable) voltage.

22 Works Cited


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CBS News: Healthwatch. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/03/16/health/main606532.shtml

DeKang to FDA. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/health-safety-e-smoking/65005-letter-dekang-fda.html

DeKang-Shop.com. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPN_Dwp-cx0

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FDA: E-Cigarette Questions and Answers. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ConsumerUpdates/ucm225210.htm

Health Canada: Electronic Cigarette Advisory. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ahc-asc/media/advisories-avis/_2009/2009_53-eng.php

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Phillips, D. C. (n.d.). Smokeless Tobacco and Public Health. Retrieved from http://www.tobaccoharmreduction.org/papers/phillips-harmreductiontalk-slides-nov05.pdf

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World Health Organization: Smoking Statistics. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.wpro.who.int/media_centre/fact_sheets/fs_20020528.htm