Questionnaire results

Post on 12-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Questionnaire results




From these results it is evident that R and B is the most popular genre, me and my peer will therefore be basing our video on R and B as we feel it will attract the largest audience thus increasing the changes of success for our product.

Asking this question enabled us to identify our target audience, from these results it becomes apparent that more than half our audience range from sixteen to twenty four years, we can therefore conclude that R and B is a genre popular amongst the younger generation which will therefore allow us to address how we attract our target audience.

This question determined what type of video we would create, from these results you can see that the most preferred video type is narrative, we will therefore create a narrative type video in which we will try to intrigue our audience by creating a storyline which addresses a particular issue as we feel it will generate interest.

From these results it is clear that a majority of our target audience prefer it when the music video contains no special effects or animation however some do like special effects we will therefore include no animation and keep or special effects to a minimal trying our utmost to not include too many.

From these results it is clear that a majority of our audience prefer not to have routines in music videos we will therefore not include any routines.

From these results it is clear that my audience prefer a mid tempo the most, this has therefore provided us with a basic criteria for the type of song we will be selecting.