QUESTION BOOKLET SPECIFIC · 2018. 5. 22. · 35 (2 – A) 1....

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Transcript of QUESTION BOOKLET SPECIFIC · 2018. 5. 22. · 35 (2 – A) 1....


1. Immediately after the commencement of the Examination, before writing the Question

Booklet Version Code in the OMR sheet, you should check that this Question Booklet

does NOT have any unprinted or torn or missing pages or questions etc. If so, get it

replaced by a complete ‘Question Booklet’ of the available series.

2. Write and encode clearly the Register Number and Question Booklet Version Code

A, B, C or D as the case may be, in the appropriate space provided for that purpose

in the OMR Answer Sheet. Also ensure that candidate’s signature and Invigilator’s

signature columns are properly filled in. Please note that it is candidate’s

responsibility to fill in and encode these particulars and any omission/discrepancy

will render the OMR Answer Sheet liable for Rejection.

3. You have to enter your Register Number in the

Question Booklet in the box provided alongside.

DO NOT write anything else on the Question Booklet.

4. This Question Booklet contains 100 questions. Each question contains four responses

(choices/options). Select the answer which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet.

In case you feel that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which

you consider the most appropriate. In any case, choose ONLY ONE RESPONSE for each


5. All the responses should be marked ONLY on the separate OMR Answer Sheet provided

and ONLY in Black or Blue Ballpoint Pen. See instructions in the OMR Answer Sheet.

6. All questions carry equal marks. Attempt all questions.

7. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Question Booklet at the end. You should not

make any marking on any other part of the Question Booklet.

8. Immediately after the final bell indicating the conclusion of the examination, stop

making any further markings in the Answer Sheet. Be seated till the Answer Sheets are

collected and accounted for by the Invigilator.

9. Questions are printed both in English and Kannada. If any confusion arises in the

Kannada Version, refer to the English Version of the questions. Please Note that in

case of any confusion the English Version of the Question Booklet is final.

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Time Allowed : 2 Hours Maximum Marks : 200

Version Code





SUBJECT CODE : 35 Serial No. :

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Register Number


35 (2 – A)

1. Ê·æ²µå½é²ìåê ²µæÚݱøé²ìåê ’æÒ˜µðÐÜÈó ¼åÄåÆ ------

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(a) Ñ’ðëÆé ƒÁ·™Ôðé×åÄå, 1916

(b) ÔåêÁµæÐÜÈó ƒÁ·™Ôðé×åÄå, 1927

(c) Ñæßðëé²µó ƒÁ·™Ôðé×åÄå, 1929

(d) ’å²µæ¡ ƒÁ·™Ôðé×åÄå, 1931

2. ‘àÒÁµó ÜÈåÖ²µæ¦ÿó’ ’åï½²ìåêÄåêÆ

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(b) ÜÈæʲµåÔåê½ „×åÐÔåêÁµåÑ–Ó ÔæÜÈåÕ²µåêÔæ µå

(c) …Ò˜µðÓÒ´™ÅÒÁµå Áµå“Û¸ „Ç·ÝùВ昵ð

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(d) ôåÒÇÈæ²µå¹ó ÜÈå¼æϘµåÐßåÔåÄåêÆ ÔåêêÄåÆ µð-


3. † ’ðâÿå’åÒ µåÔå²µåÑ–Ó ²ìåìæ²µåê ‘ƒÑ–ÇÈå¾ Åé½

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(b) ¦Ôæßå²µóÑæÑó Äðßå²µåë

(c) ÄðÑÞÄó ÔåêÒ´µðéÑæ

(d) ÜÈåê’å¹ðë¤é

4. † ’ðâÿå’åÒ´µåÔå²µåÑ–Ó ²ìåìæ²µåê 1937-39²µå

ƒÔåÁ·™²ìåêÑ–Ó ÔåêÁµæÐÜÈåÄåÑ–Ó ’æÒ˜µðÐÜÈó ÜÈå¡Ôå

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(a) °. ÇÈåÐ’æ×åÒ

(b) ÜÈåêÊÐÔåê¸Ï Ê·æ²µå½

(c) ÜÝ. ²µæ¦˜µðëéÇÈæÑæôæ²™

(d) ’ð. ’æÔåê²µæ¦ÿó

5. † ’ðâÿå’åÒ´µå ²ìåìæÔå ÔåÚÈå¤ÁµåÑ–Ó ÔåêêÜÝÓÒ

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ÕÊ·å¦Äð²ìåê Êðé´™’ð …°±¼åê.

(a) 1906

(b) 1916

(c) 1940

(d) 1946

6. † ’ðâÿå’åÒ µåÔå²µåÑ–Ó ÔðêñÜÈåë²µåê Ôåï¼æ¾Ò¼å

Ê·ðëéÁ™Å²ìåêÄåêÆ ÇÈåÐ’å°ÜÝÁµåÔå²µåê ²ìåìæ²µåê ?

(a) ßðÔåê¤Äó Ôð똵óÑ–Ò µó

(b) Š. ßðëÜÈå’ð²™

(c) ŠÒ. ’åïÚÈå» ²µæÔó

(d) Ê·æÚÈæÏôæ²ìåê¤

35 (3 – A)

1. The Indian National Congress

passed a resolution on the

Fundamental Rights at its

(a) Lucknow Session, 1916

(b) Madras Session, 1927

(c) Lahore Session, 1929

(d) Karachi Session, 1931

2. The Hind Swaraj was written by


(a) while on voyage from

England to India.

(b) while residing at Sabarmati


(c) while on voyage from

England to South Africa.

(d) while leading the

Champaran Satyagraha.

3. Who among the following was

not involved in establishing Non-

Aligned Movement ?

(a) Marshall Tito

(b) Jawaharlal Nehru

(c) Nelson Mandela

(d) Sukarno

4. The Congress ministry in Madras

during 1937-39 was headed by

which of the following ?

(a) T. Prakasam

(b) Subramanya Bharathi

(c) C. Rajagopalachari

(d) K. Kamraj

5. The Muslim League’s first

demand for partition of India was

in which of the following year ?

(a) 1906

(b) 1916

(c) 1940

(d) 1946

6. The Mysore Vrittananta Bhodini

was published by which of the

following ?

(a) Herman Mongling

(b) A. Hosakeri

(c) M. Krishna Rao

(d) Bhashyacharya

35 (4 – A)

7. 1957²µå ’åÄ椮’å Ê·åë ÜÈåêÁ·µæ²µå¹æ

ÜÈåÕê½²ìåê ƒÁ·µåùÏ’åÛ²µåê ²ìåì沵昙Áµå²µåê ?

(a) ŠÑó. ¨. ßæÔåÄåë²µåê

(b) Ê–. ´™. ¦½¾

(c) „²µó. Ä昵ð阵ò´µå

(d) Õé²µðéÒÁµåÐ ÇÈæ°éÑó

8. 1944-49 ²µå ²µæÁ·µæ’åïÚÈå» „²ìðë阵åÔåíú †

’ðâÿå’åÒ µå ²ìåìæÔå ÕÚÈå²ìåêÁµå ʘµðš

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(a) ÇÈæÐÁ¿·µåÕê’å Ø’åÛ¸

(b) ÇÈòÐ ·µå Ø’åÛ¸

(c) Õ×åÖ ÕÁµæÏѲìåê Ø’åÛ¸

(d) Ôåï½¾ÇÈå²µå Ø’åÛ¸

9. † ’ðâÿå’åÒ µåÔå²µåÑ–Ó ¼ðëé²µå ˜µåÑ–ÓÄå ‡’åê”

ÜÈæÀÔå²µå’ð” ØÑæÄæÏÜÈå Äð²µåÔðé²™ÜÝÁµåÔå²µåê

²ìåìæ²µåê ?

(a) ¦Ôæßå²µåÑæÑó Äðßå²µåê

(b) …ÒÁ™²µæ ˜µæÒÁ·™

(c) ÜÈå²µó. ŠÒ. Õ×ðÖé×åÖ²µå²ìåêÏ

(d) Ôð벵樤 ÁµðéÜÈæÎê

10. Ôåêßæ¼åÍ ˜µæÒÁ·™²ìåêÔå²µåê ƒÔå²µå

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(a) ²µåÕéÒÁµåÐÄæÁ¿·µó ²¿µæ˜µðëé²µó

(b) ƒÄæ¤Ñó¶ ¯æ²ìåêÒÊ–

(c) ½Ñ’ó

(d) „ôæ²ìåê¤ ’åïÇÈåÑæÅ

11. 1948²µå ¦ëÄóÄåÑ–Ó ÜÈåÒÕÁ·µæÄå ÜÈåÊ·ðÎêÒÁµå

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------- ˜µð ÜÈåÒÊÒÁ·™ÜÝÁµåêÁµåê.

(a) ²µæ¦ ÜÈåÒÜÈæÀÄå µåâÿå ÕÑ–éÅé’å²µå

(b) ˜µå ™ ÕÔæÁµå˜µåâÿåê

(c) ¦Ñ ÕÔæÁµå˜µåâÿåê

(d) Ê·æÚÈæÔæ²µåê ÇÈæÐÒ¼åϘµåâÿåê

35 (5 – A)

7. Who was the Chairman of the

Karnataka Land Reforms

Committee of 1957 ?

(a) L.G. Havanur

(b) B.D. Jatti

(c) R. Nage Gowda

(d) Veerendra Patil

8. The Radhakrishna Commission

of 1944-49 emphasized on which

of the following ?

(a) Elementary Education

(b) Secondary Education

(c) University Education

(d) Vocational Education

9. Who among the following laid

the foundation of Steel Plant at

Toranagallu ?

(a) Jawaharlal Nehru

(b) Indira Gandhi

(c) Sir M. Vishveshwarayya

(d) Morarji Desai

10. “The Mahatma is more right

when he is wrong than we are,

when we are right… Many of us

are correct in our little

correctness and are small in

process. But the Mahatma was

incorrect in many things and yet

correct in sum total and big in the

very consistencies. In the end he

seldom or never came out at the

wrong place.” – The above

opinion on Mahatma Gandhi was

given by

(a) Rabindranath Tagore

(b) Arnold Toynbee

(c) Tilak

(d) Acharya Kriplani

11. S.K. Dhar Committee, appointed

by Constituent Assembly in June

1948, was related to

(a) Integration of Princely


(b) Border Disputes

(c) Water Disputes

(d) Linguistic Provinces

35 (6 – A)

12. “The Dynasties of Canarese Districts”

ŠÒÊ ÜÈæà¼åÏ ’åï½²ìåê ’å¼å¤ï ---------

(a) Ê–. ŠÑó. ²µðñÜÈó

(b) “®±Ñó

(c) ¦ÿð.ŠÇ·Èó. Ç·ÝùùÓé¯ó

(d) Ôåìæ’å¤ ’åÊÌÄó

13. “ÚÈåÒ×åêÁ™ÂÃéÄó …ѾÔåêÚÈåÄåê ÁµðßåÑ– ÜÈåêÑæ¾Äå²µå „â–Ö’ð²ìåêÑ–ÓÁµå ʷåë-ʷ昵嘵åâÿåÄåêÆ § µåëš ™ÜÝ

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(d) Ê·åë ÔåìæÑ–é’å Ô嘵å¤Áµå ÁµåÒ˜µð˜µåâÿåê

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(a) …²µæŲìåêÄó ÔåêëÑÁµæ ™¼åê¾

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(c) ²µæ¦Ï ’åê²™¼å ¡Ò¼åÄð²ìåêê ®“¤ÚÈó ’åÑÉÄð²ìåì昙¼åê¾.

(d) ÔåêÒ˜µðëéѲµå ²µæ¦¼åÖÁµå ¡Ò¼åÄð²ìåê ÔåêëÑÁ™ÒÁµå ÊÒÁµåÁµæ˜™¼åê¾

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(c) ¼æҽВå ÇÈåÒÁ¿·µåÁµåÔå²µåê

(d) ×åÒ’å²µæôæ²ìåꤲµå ×åêÁµæÂÃÁµðÖûñ½

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ÔðîÒÁµåÄåêÆ ÜÈåïÚݱÜÈåêÔåíúÁµåê

(c) ÜÈðñÄåÏ’ð” ŲµåҼ岵åÔ昙 Ôåê¼åê¾

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’å ™Ôðê Ôåìæ µåêÔåíúÁµåê.

35 (7 – A)

12. The author of literary work “The

Dynasties of Canarese Districts”


(a) B.L. Rice

(b) Kittle

(c) J.F. Fleet

(d) Mark Cubbon

13. The statement that, “Shamsuddin

Iltutmish made Delhi Sultanate as

a well knit and compact state”

cannot be accepted in view of

(a) continued threat of


(b) challenges of Rajputs.

(c) loose structure of state due

to the existence of inner

jealousies and rivalries

among Turkish nobles.

(d) revolts of landed classes.

14. The theory of Kingship followed

by Balban was

(a) An Iranian in origin.

(b) Hindu theory of divine

origin of Kingship.

(c) Turkish idea about state.

(d) The idea of Mongols’


15. The main interaction between

Sufism and Hindu mysticism was

facilitated through

(a) Natha Panthi Yogis of

Gorakhapur line

(b) Vaisnavities of Sahajiyas


(c) Tantrik Cult

(d) Shankracharya’s pure


16. One of the important feature of

Allauddin Khalji’s revenue

policy was

(a) checking the burden of rich

peasants on the shoulders of

poor peasants.

(b) to create a new section of

intermediaries on land.

(c) to establish a systematic and

continuous line of food

supply to army.

(d) to reduce the peasants to the

position of destitution.

35 (8 – A)

17. ÔåêÁ·µåùÏ’æÑ–éÄå Êæ²µå¼åÁµå Ôåêê•Ï ’åï½²ìåìæÁµå ¼æ²™é•ÿó - … - Ƿݲµðë¦ÿó-×æà²ìåêÄåêÆ Ê²µðÁµåÔå²µåê ²ìåìæ²µåê

(a) ²ìåìæßåÏ Üݲµó àÒÁ™

(b) ¨²ìåìæÔåíúÁ™ÂéÄó ʲµæÅ

(c) …ÜÈæÓÕê - … - ²µæ¦ÿæ

(d) ƒÕêé²µó •êÜÈðëÐé

18. ÔåêßåÔåêÍÁµó ßåÊ–éÊó²µåÔå²µå Äå µå²µå ’æÐÒ½ ÇÈå²™’åÑÉÄð²ìåêê † ’ðâÿå’åÒ´µå ²ìåìæÔåíúÁµåÄåêÆ ÇÈå²™é“ÛÜÈåêÔåíúÁµæ˜™Áµð.

(a) ÔåêßåÔåêÍÁµó Ê–Äó ¼åê›åÑ’ó ¦ÿæ²™˜µðëâ–ÜÝÁµå ’昵åÁµåÁµåÄæ¸Ï, (token)Ôåíú Ôåìæ²µåê’å ð± Ôåê¼åê¾ „Á¿·™¤’å¼ð˜µåâÿå ÔðêéÑð Ôåìæ´™Áµå ÇÈå²™¹æÔå꘵åâÿåÄåêÆ

(b) ƒÑæÓÔåíúÁ™ÂéÄó •–Ñ–© ¦ÿæ²™Ôåìæ ™Áµå Ôåìæ²µåê’å ð± ÜÈåêÁ·µæ²µå¹ð˜µåâÿå ÇÈå²™¹æÔå꘵åâÿåÄåêÆ

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19. † ’ðâÿ嘙ÄåÔåíú˜µåâÿåÄåêÆ ÇÈå²™˜µåºÜÝ

1. ²µðñ¼å²™ÒÁµå ’åÒÁµæ²ìåê ÜÈåÒ˜µåÐàÜÈåêÔåíúÁµåÄåêÆ ßðë²µå¼åêÇÈå ™ÜÝ ƒÔå²µå ÔðêéÑð …ÄæÆÔåíúÁµðé ßå“”ÑÓÔðÄåêÆÔåíúÁµåÄåêÆ Ôåêê•–¾²ìåêê ½â–Á™²µåÊðé’æ ™¼åê¾.

2. Ôåêê•–¾ ƒÄðé’å ßå’åꔘµåâÿåÄåêÆ ßðëÒÁ™ÁµåÂÄåê.

3. ²µæ¦ÄåÄåêÆ Ê·ðé° Ôåìæ´µåÁµåҼ𠲵ðñ¼å²µåÄåêÆ ¼å µð²ìåêêÔå ƒÁ·™’æ²µåÔåÄåêÆ Ôåêê•–¾ ÇÈå µðÁ™ÁµåÂÄåê

4. ²µðñ¼å²µå ÔðêéÑ–Äå ÜÈå²µåâÿå ÔðêéÑ–Öôæ²µå¹ð²ìåêÄåêÆ Ôåìæ´µåÑê Ôåêê•–¾²ìåêÄåêÆ ÄðéÕêÜÈåÑ昙¼åê¾.

’ðâÿå µð ’ðë°±²µåêÔåÒ¼åÔåíú˜µåâÿåÑ–Ó ²ìåìæÔåíúÁµåê Ôåêê•–¾ µð …’æ¾Áµåµå ÔðêéÑ–Áµå ƒÁ·™’æ²µåÔåÄåêÆ ÜÈåë¡ÜÈåê¼å¾Áµð.

(a) 1 Ôåê¼åê¾ 2 Ôåìæ¼åÐ

(b) 2 Ôåê¼åê¾ 4 Ôåìæ¼åÐ

(c) 3 Ôåìæ¼åÐ

(d) 1 Ôåìæ¼åÐ

20. Õ¦²ìåêÄ嘵岵å ÜÈæÔåìæЮ²µå ÇÈå²µåÔåìæÁ·™’æ²µåÁµå ƒÔåÄå½²ìåìæÁµåêÁµåê Ôåêê•ÏÔ昙 …Áµå²™ÒÁµå

(a) Äæ²ìåê’å²µåê µåâÿåÑ–ÓÁµå (ÜÈæÔåêÒ¼å Äæ²ìåê’å²µåê µåâÿåê) µåêÒÇÈåíú µæ²™’ðÎêÒÁµå

(b) ÔåêêÜÝÓÒ ²µæ¦Ï µåâÿå Äå µåêÕÄå Œ’åϼðÎêÒÁµå

(c) ¼æâ– ’ðëé ð ²ìåêêÁµåÂÃÁµå ÜÈðëéÑ–ÅÒÁµå

(d) ¼æâ–’ðëé ð ²ìåêêÁµåÂÃÁµåÄåҼ岵å ÊßåêÁµðë´µå¶Â Äå µå²µåÔ昙Áµå զ²ìåêÄ嘵岵åÔåÄåêÆ ÔåêêÜÝÓÒ ÜÈðñÅ’å²µå Ñë°˜µð Ê–®±Áµå²™ÒÁµå

35 (9 – A)

17. Tarikh-i-Firuzshahi, an important

medieval work written by

(a) Yahya Sirhindi

(b) Ziyauddin Barani

(c) Islami-i-Raza

(d) Amir Khusrau

18. The concept of urban revolution

framed by Mohammed Habib is

meant to examine

(a) The impact of token

currency introduced by

Mohammed Bin Tuglaq on

Market Economy.

(b) The effectiveness of Market

reforms of Allauddin Khalji.

(c) The resistance of artisans

and traders of Medieval

cities of North India.

(d) The impact of Turkish

conquest on north Indian


19. Consider the following :

1. Muqti was expected to know

that he had no claim on the

peasant other than collecting

rent from them.

2. Muqti had many claims.

3. Muqti had the power to

prevent peasants from

visiting the King.

4. Muqti was simply placed

incharge of peasants.

Choose the right answer from the

following regarding the right of

Muqti on Iqta.

(a) 1 and 2 only

(b) 2 and 4 only

(c) 3 only

(d) 1 only

20. Decline of the overlordship of

Vijayanagar rulers were mainly

due to

(a) Factionalism among


(b) Unity among Muslim states.

(c) Defeat in Talikota

(d) Leaving that great city of

Vijayanagar to the pillage of

Muslim soldiery after the

Talikota .

35 (10 – A)

21. ôò¼ó Ôåê¼åê¾ ÜÈå²µóÁµðé×óÔåêê•– ¼ð²™˜µð˜µåâÿåÄåêÆ ÔåÜÈåëÑê Ôåìæ´µåê½¾ÁµåÂÔå²µåê

(a) Ôå겵沿µå²µåê

(b) ²µå¦ÇÈåî¼å²µåê

(c) Ê–¦ÿæÇÈåíú²µåÁµå ÜÈåêÑæ¾Äå²µåê

(d) ÇÈðîéôåꤘ™éÜÈå²µåê

22. Ê·ò˜µðëéâ–’å ƒÄðÖéÚÈå¹ð²ìåêÄåêÆ ÜÈåê µåÔåê- ˜µðëâ–ÜÝÁµå ×ðëéÁ·µåÄð²ìðêÒÁµå²µð

(a) ÄæÕ’å²µå Á™’åëÞ¡å

(b) ßåÊð²ìåêêÒ¼åÐ

(c) ðÑ–ÜÈðë”éÇÈó

(d) ÔðêéÑ–Äå²ìåìæÔåíúÁµåëƒÑÓ

23. ÁµæÐÕ´µå ×ðñÑ–²ìåê ÁµðéÔæѲìåê ÔæÜÈåê¾ÕÄå ×ðÐéÚÈå³ Ñ’åÛ¸

(a) ÔåìæÑ–’æ (ÔåêÑ–Ó’æ)

(b) ˜µðëéÇÈåíú²µå

(c) ÕÔåìæÄå

(d) ÔåêÒ®ÇÈå

24. ‘Ñ–ôå¥Õ Áµòà¼åÐ’ ŠÒÁµåê ’å²µð²ìåêÑÉ®± ˜µåêÇÈå¾ ÜÈæÔåìæЦÏÁµå Áµðë²µð

(a) ‚˜µåêÇÈå¾

(b) §ÒÁµåÄð²ìåê ôåÒÁµåÐ ˜µåêÇÈå¾

(c) Š²µå µåÄð²ìåê ôåÒÁµåÐ ˜µåêÇÈå¾

(d) ÜÈåÔåêêÁµåÐ ˜µåêÇÈå¾

25. Ôåìò²ìåê¤ÔåÒ×åÁµå ’ðëÄð²ìåê Áµðë²µð

(a) Áµå×å²µåÁ¿·µå

(b) ’åêÄæÑ

(c) ÜÈåÒÇÈåн

(d) ÊïßåÁµåÐÁ¿·µå

26. ’ðâÿå ™Äå ²ìåìæÔå ¦ÿðëé´™ ÜÈå²™²ìåì昙ÑÓ

(a) ƒÁ¿·µå¤×æÜÈå¾ø - ‚ ßåÚÈå¤

(b) ÔåêêÁµæвµæ’åÛÜÈå - Õ×æ•Áµå¼å¾

(c) ²µæÔåìæ²ìåê¸ - ÔæÑ–Íé“

(d) Ôåêïô奒尒å - ×åëÁµåÐ’å

27. † ’ðâÿå ™Äå ²ìåìæ²µåê „âÿæÖ²µó ÜÈåÒ¼å Ôåêàâÿð ŠÒÁµåê ÇÈåÐÜÝÁµåÂòµæ˜™Áµæ²µð ?

(a) „Ò´µæâÿó

(b) ÔåêÁ·µåê²µå ’åÕ

(c) ÇÈð²µåêÔåìæâÿó

(d) ½²µåêÇÈåÉÄó

28. ’åÄ椮’å ÜÈåÒ˜™é¼åÁµå ÇݼæÔåêßå

(a) ’åÄå’åÁµæÜÈå²µåê

(b) ÇÈåíú²µåÒÁµå²µå ÁµæÜÈå²µåê

(c) ²µæ›åÔæÒ’å

(d) ÜÈåÔ夦ö

35 (11 – A)

21. Chowth and Sardeshmuki taxes

were levied by

(a) Marathas

(b) Rajputs

(c) Sultans of Bijapur

(d) Portuguese

22. Geographical exploration was

facilitated by the invention of

(a) Mariner Compass

(b) Steam Engine

(c) Telescope

(d) None of these

23. Hallmark feature of the Dravida

style of temple architecture is

(a) Malika

(b) Gopura

(c) Vimana

(d) Mantapa

24. The Gupta emperor, known as

“Lichchavi dauhitra” was

(a) Sri Gupta

(b) Chandra Gupta – I

(c) Chandra Gupta – II

(d) Samudra Gupta

25. The last Mauryan ruler :

(a) Dasharatha

(b) Kunala

(c) Samprati

(d) Bruhadratha

26. Which of the following pairs is

not correctly matched ?

(a) Arthashastra – Sri Harsha

(b) Mudra Rakshasa – Vishaka


(c) Ramayana – Valmiki

(d) Mruchchakatikam – Shudraka

27. Who among the following was a

lady Alvar saint ?

(a) Andal

(b) Madura Kavi

(c) Perumal

(d) Tirupan

28. The father of Karnatic Music :

(a) Kanakadasa

(b) Purandaradasa

(c) Raghavanka

(d) Sarvagna

35 (12 – A)

29. ’åÄåÆ´µå ÜÈæà¼åÏ Ñðëé’åÁµå Ôåêë²µåê ²µå¼åƘµåâÿåê

(a) ²µåÄåÆ, ßå²™ßå²µå, ²µæ›åÔæÒ’å

(b) ’åêÔðÒÇÈåíú, ¦ÄåÆ, ÔåêÁ·µåê²µå’åÕ

(c) ÇÈåÒÇÈå, ²µåÄåÆ, ÇÈðîÄåÆ

(d) ÊðéÒÁµðÐ, ÊÜÈåÔå », ÔåêêÁµå¸

30. ’åÄ椮’åÁµåÑ–Ó ¦ÿðñÄåÁ·µåÔåê¤Áµå ÇÈåÐôæ²µå’ð” ×åÐÕêÜÝÁµå ¦ÿðñÄ嘵åê²µåê

(a) Ê·åÁµåÐÊæßåê

(b) ÁµæÁµæÊ·æÎê

(c) ƒ×åÖ›ðëéÚÈå

(d) ’æÅÚÈå”

31. ŠÑðëÓé²µåÁµå ’ðñÑæÜÈå ÁµðéÔæѲìåêÔåÄåêÆ ÅÕê¤ÜÝÁµå ²µæ¦ÔåÒ×å

(a) Ôæ’æ®’å²µåê

(b) ˜µåêÇÈå¾²µåê

(c) ôæÑê’åϲµåê

(d) ²µæÚÈå±ø’å뮲µåê

32. ƒ×ðëé’å ÜÈæÔåìæЮÄåê Ôåêë²µåÄðé ÊòÁµåÂà ÜÈåÔðêÍéâÿåÄåÔåÄåêÆ Äå µðÜÝÁµå ÜÈåÀâÿå

(a) ÇÈæ®Ñ–éÇÈåíú¼åÐ

(b) Ôå꘵åÁ·µå

(c) ’åâ–Ò˜µå

(d) ÜÈæ²µæÄæÁ¿·µå

33. ÜÈåÔåìæ¦ÔæÁ™ Ôåê¼åê¾ ¦ÿæ¼æϽé¼å ŠÒÊ

ÇÈåÁµå µåâÿåÄåêÆ ÜÈåÒÕÁ·µæÄåÁµå ÇÈåÐÜÈæ¾ÔåÄð²ìåêÑ–Ó †

’ðâÿå’åÒ µå ²ìåìæÔå ½ÁµåêÂÇÈå ™²ìåê ÔåêëÑ’å

ƒâÿåÔå ™ÜÈååÑæÎê¼åê

(a) 1969²µå 22 Äðé ½ÁµåêÂÇÈå ™

(b) 1976²µå 42Äðé ½ÁµåêÂÇÈå ™

(c) 1971²µå 24Äðé ½ÁµåêÂÇÈå ™

(d) 1978²µå 44Äðé ½ÁµåêÂÇÈå ™

34. 6 ²™ÒÁµå 14 ÔåÚÈå¤Áµå Ôåê’å”â–˜µð ‡¡¼å

Ôåê¼åê¾ ’崵液ìåê Ø’åÛ¸Áµå ßå’åê” † ’ðâÿå ™Äå

²ìåìæÔå ßå“”˜µð ÜÈåÒÊÒÁ·™ÜÝÁµð

(a) ÜÈåÔåìæÄå¼ð²ìåê ßå“” µð

(b) ÜÈæÖ¼åÒ¼åÐûÏÁµå ßå“”˜µð

(c) ÜÈæÒÜÈå”þï½’å Ôåê¼åê¾ ×ðñ’åÛº’å ßå“”˜µð

(d) Á·µæÕꤒå ßå“”˜µð

35. ÇÈåÐÜÈåê¾¼åÁµåÑ–Ó Ê·æ²µå¼å ÜÈåÒÕÁ·µæÄåÁµåÑ–Ó ŠÚÈåê±

ÔåêëÑÊ·åë¼å ’å¼å¤ÔåÏ µåâÿåÄåêÆ ÄåÔåêëÁ™ÜÈåÑæ ™Áµð

(a) „²µåê

(b) ŠÒ®ê

(c) ßå¼åê¾

(d) ßåÄðëÆÒÁµåê

35 (13 – A)

29. The three gems of Kannada

literature are

(a) Ranna, Harihara,


(b) Kuvempu, Janna, Madhura


(c) Pampa, Ranna, Ponna

(d) Bendre, Basavanna,


30. The Jaina Guru, credited with the

spread of Jainism in Karnataka is,

(a) Bhadrabahu

(b) Dadabhai

(c) Ashwaghosha

(d) Kanishka

31. The Royal dynasty which

patronized the Kailasa temple at

Ellora was,

(a) Vakatakas

(b) Guptas

(c) Chalukyas

(d) Rastrakutas

32. Third Buddhist Council was

called at which of the following

place by Emperor Ashoka ?

(a) Pataliputra

(b) Magadha

(c) Kalinga

(d) Saranath

33. The words ‘socialist and secular’

in the Preamble were added by

(a) 22nd

Amendment of 1969

(b) 42nd

Amendment of 1976

(c) 24th Amendment of 1971

(d) 44th Amendment of 1978

34. The right to free and compulsory

education for the children of age

6 to 14 years belongs to

(a) Right to equality

(b) Right to freedom

(c) Right to culture and


(d) Right to religion

35. How many Fundamental Duties

are enumerated in the

Constitution at present ?

(a) 6

(b) 8

(c) 10

(d) 11

35 (14 – A)

36. ²µæ¦Ï ÅÁµð¤é×å’å ¼å¼åÖ˜µåâÿå ÇÈå²™’åÑÉÄð²ìåêÄåêÆ

²ìåìæÔå ÜÈåÒÕÁ·µæÄåÁ™ÒÁµå Š²µåÔåÑæ ™

ÇÈå µð²ìåêÑ昙Áµð

(a) ÜÝÖ¯ó©²µóÑæÏÒ´µó

(b) ʖЮÄó

(c) ’ðÄå µæ

(d) Œ²µóÑæÏÒ´µó

37. Ê·æ²µå¼å ÜÈåÒÕÁ·µæÄåÁµå ²µæ¦Ï ÅÁµð¤é×å’å ¼å¼åÖ˜µåâÿå ÔåêëÑ ‡ÁµðÂé×åÔåíú

(a) ’åÑæÏ ²µæ¦ÏÁµå ÜÈæÀÇÈåÄð²ìåìæ ™Áµð

(b) ÇÈðîéÑ–éÜÈó ²µæ¦ÏÁµå ÜÈæÀÇÈåÄð²ìåì昙Áµð

(c) ÇÈåЦÿæÜÈå¼æ¾¾¼åÍ’å ²µæ¦ÏÁµå ÜÈæÀÇÈåÄð-²ìåì昙Áµð

(d) ˜µå¸²µæ¦Ï ²µæ¦ÏÁµå ÜÈæÀÇÈåÄð²ìåì昙Áµð

38. Ê·æ²µå¼åÁµå ²µæÚÈæ±Á·µåùÏ’åÛ²µåê …Ôå²™ÒÁµå ôåêÄæÎêÜÈåÑÉ µåê¼æ¾²µð

(a) ÜÈåÒÜÈå½¾Äå ÜÈåÁµåÜÈåϲ™ÒÁµå

(b) Ñðëé’åÜÈåÊ·æ ÜÈåÁµåÜÈåϲ™ÒÁµå

(c) Ñðëé’åÜÈåÊ·æ Ôåê¼åê¾ ²µæ¦ÏÁµå ÕÁ·µæÄåÜÈåÊ·ð²ìåê ÜÈåÁµåÜÈåϲ™ÒÁµå

(d) ÜÈåÒÜÈå¼åê¾ Ôåê¼åê¾ ²µæ¦Ï ÕÁ·µæÄåÜÈåÊ·æ ôåêÄæÎê¼å ÜÈåÁµåÜÈåϲ™ÒÁµå

39. Ñðëé’å ÜÈåÊ·ð²ìåê ÇÈåÐÁ¿·µåÔåê Ôåêàâÿæ ÜÈåÊ·æÇÈå½²ìåêê ²ìåìæ²µåê ?

(a) ÜÈåêÕê¼æÐ Ôåêßæ¦Äó

(b) ÜÈå²µðëé¨Å Äæ²ìåêê¶

(c) ÇÈåнʷæ ÇÈæ°éÑ

(d) Õêé²µæ’åêÔåìæ²µå

40. „¦ÿæö ÇÈå¼åÐ µåâÿåÄåêÆ ßðë²µå ™ÜÈåêÔå ƒÁ·™’æ²µå ²ìåìæ²™ ™Áµð ?

(a) Ê·æ²µå¼åÁµå ²µæÚÈå±øÁ·µåùÏ’åÛ²™˜µð

(b) Ôåêßæ ÄæϲìåêÔæÁ™ (ƒ¯æ¤Å ¦Äå²µåÑó) ˜µåâ–˜µð

(c) ÜÈåÔðî¤éôå¥ ÄæϲìåìæѲìåê’ð”

(d) ÜÈåÔðî¤éôå¥ ÄæϲìåìæѲìåê Ôåê¼åê¾ ‡ôå¥ ÄæϲìåìæѲìå꘵åâ–˜µð

41. Ê·æ²µå¼åÁµå ŠÚÈåê± ²µæ¦Ï˜µåâÿåÑ–Ó ÕÁ·µæÄå ÇÈå²™ÚÈå¼åê¾ ƒÜݾ¼åÖÁµåÑ–ÓÁµð ?

(a) 4 ²µæ¦Ï˜µåâÿåÑ–Ó

(b) 8 ²µæ¦Ï˜µåâÿåÑ–Ó

(c) 6 ²µæ¦Ï˜µåâÿåÑ–Ó

(d) 5 ²µæ¦Ï˜µåâÿåÑ–Ó

42. Ê·æ²µå¼åÁµåÑ–Ó Ôåêë²µåê ßåÒ¼åÁµå (three tier system) ÇÈåÒôæ²ìåê¼ó ÔåÏÔåÜÈðÀ²ìåêÄåêÆ ØÇ·Èæ²µåÜÈåêÞ Ôåìæ ™Áµå ÜÈåÕê½²ìåêê

(a) ƒ×ðëé’å Ôðêßå¼æ ÜÈåÕê½

(b) ÊÑÔåҼ岵æ²ìåìó Ôðêßå¼æ ÜÈåÕê½

(c) ’ðëÒ´µå © ÊÜÈåÇÈåÉ ÜÈåÕê½

(d) ÔðÒ’å®ÇÈåÉ ÜÈåÕê½

35 (15 – A)

36. The concept of Directive

Principles of State Policies are

borrowed from the Constitution


(a) Switzerland

(b) Britain

(c) Canada

(d) Ireland

37. The main purpose of Directive

Principles of State Policy is

(a) To establish welfare state

(b) To establish police state

(c) To establish democratic


(d) To establish republic state

38. The President of India is elected

by the

(a) Members of the Parliament.

(b) Members of the Lok Sabha.

(c) Members of the Lok Sabha

and State Assemblies.

(d) Elected members of the

Parliament and elected

members of the State


39. Who is the first woman Speaker

of Lok Sabha ?

(a) Sumitra Mahajan

(b) Sarojini Naidu

(c) Pratibha Patil

(d) Meirakumar

40. Who has the power to issue

writs ?

(a) President of India

(b) Attorney General

(c) Supreme Court

(d) Supreme Court and High


41. How many States have

Legislative Council in India ?

(a) 4

(b) 8

(c) 6

(d) 5

42. Which Committee has introduced

the three-tier system of Panchayat

in India ?

(a) Ashok Mehta Committee

(b) Balwant Rai Mehta


(c) Kondojji Basappa


(d) Venkatappa Committee

35 (16 – A)

43. ÜÈåÒÕÁ·µæÄåÁµå ²ìåìæÔå ÕÁ·™²ìåê ÇÈåÐ’æ²µå

²µæÚÈæ±øÁ·µåùÏ’åÛ²µåê ƒÒ¼å²µó²µæ¦Ï ÔåêÒ´µåâ–

²ìåêÄåêÆ ÄðéÕêÜÈåê¼æ¾²µð

(a) 163 Äðé ’åÑÒ

(b) 213 Äðé ’åÑÒ

(c) 280 Äðé ’åÑÒ

(d) 263 Äðé ’åÑÒ

44. ²µæÚݱøé²ìåê ƒÊ–·ÔåïÁ™Âà ÔåêÒ´µåâ–²ìåê ƒÁ·µåùÏ’åÛ²µåê

²ìåìæ²µåê ?

(a) ²µæÚÈæ±øÁ·µåùÏ’åÛ²µåê

(b) ‡ÇÈå²µæÚÈæ±øÁ·µåùÏ’åÛ²µåê

(c) ÇÈåÐÁ·µæÄå ÔåêÒ½Ð

(d) ß帒æÜÈåê ÔåêÒ½Ð

45. ²µæÚݱøé²ìåê ²µå’åÛ¸ ƒ’æ´µðÕê²ìåêê †

’ðâÿå’åÒ µå ²ìåìæÔå ÜÈåÀâÿåÁµåÑ–ÓÁµð

(a) ÊðÒ˜µåâÿåë²µåê

(b) ´µðßæÐ µåëÄó

(c) •´µå’óÔæÜÈåÓ

(d) Õ×æ•ÇÈå®±¸Ò

46. ‘ÇÈåЦÿæÇÈåÐÊ·åê¼åÖ’ (democracy) ŠÒÊ ÇÈåÁµåÔåíú † ’ðâÿå ™Äå ²ìåìæÔå Ê·æÚÈðÎêÒÁµå ÊÒÁ™Áµð

(a) ˜™Ðé’ó

(b) ÑæÏ°Äó

(c) Ç·ÈðùÐÒôó

(d) ²µåÚÈæÏ

47. Õ×åÖ ÜÈåÒÜÈðÀ²ìåê ²ìåìæÔå ƒÒ˜µå’ð” Õ ðëé ƒÁ·™’æ²µåÔåÄåêÆ ’ðë µåÑ昙Áµð

(a) ÜÈæÔåìæÄåÏ ÜÈåÊ·ð

(b) Ê·åÁµåмæ ÔåêÒ µåâ–

(c) ÜÈæÔåì樒å Ôåê¼åê¾ „Á¿·™¤’å ÔåêÒ´µåâ–

(d) Á·µåÔåê¤Áµåؤ˜µåâÿå ÔåêÒ´µåâ–

48. ’ðâÿå ™Äå ¦ÿðëé ™˜µåâÿåÄåêÆ µåÔåêÅÜÝ

1. Ê·åë ƒÒ¼å¦¤Ñ : ˜µåêßð²ìåê ÔðêéÑæ̘µååÁµå ×å긻ÁµåÒ×åÁµå ÜÈåÒ˜µåÐßå (Stalactites)

2. ˜µæâ– µåâÿåê : ÜÈæÖÊ·æÕ’å ÜÈåêÇÈåÐÊ·æ¼å

3. ßå²™²ìåêêÔå Åé²µåê : ÇÈðîÄæ²µó˜µåâÿåê

4. àÔåêÄåÁ™˜µåâÿåê : ¡¼åÐÁµå ’å ™ÁµæÁµå ‹¸ê˜µåâÿåê

ÔðêéÑ–ÄåÔåíú˜µåâÿåÑ–Ó ²ìåìæÔå ¦ÿðëé ™ ÇÈåÁµå / ÇÈåÁµå µåâÿåê ÜÈå²™²ìåì昙 ßðëÒÁ™ÜÈåÑÉ°±Ôð

(a) 1 Ôåìæ¼åÐ

(b) 2 Ôåê¼åê¾ 3

(c) 1 Ôåê¼åê¾ 4

(d) 3 Ôåê¼åê¾ 4

35 (17 – A)

43. Which article gives power to the

President to appoint the inter-

state council ?

(a) Article 163

(b) Article 213

(c) Article 280

(d) Article 263

44. Who is the Chairman of the

National Development Council ?

(a) President

(b) Vice-President

(c) Prime Minister

(d) Finance Minister

45. National Defence Academy

located at

(a) Bangalore

(b) Dehradun

(c) Khadakvasla

(d) Vishakhapatnam

46. The word ‘Democracy’ is derived

from the

(a) Greek

(b) Latin

(c) French

(d) Russian

47. Which organ of the “United

Nations” has Veto power ?

(a) General Assembly

(b) Security Council

(c) Social and Economic


(d) Trusteeship Council

48. Consider the following pairs :

1. Underground


: Stalactites

2. Winds : Natural


3. Running water : Ponars

4. Glaciers : Aretes

Which of the above pair/s is/are

correctly matched :

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 and 3

(c) 1 and 4

(d) 3 and 4

35 (18 – A)

49. ƒ²µðëé²µæ „ÜÈð±øéÑ–ÜÈó ’åê²™¼åê

’ðâÿå ™ÄåÔåíú˜µåâÿåÑ–Ó ²ìåìæÔå ßðéâ–’ð²ìåêê ÜÈå²™²ìåì昙Áµð

(a) …Áµåê, „ÜÈð±øéÑ–²ìåìæÁµå ÜÈò²µå Õ“²µå

(b) …Áµåê „ÜÈð±øéÑ–²ìåìæÁµå ÇÈåØ¢Ôåê

ʷ昵åÁµåÑ–Ó ôåÑ–ÜÈåêÔå ‡ÚÈðë»éÁµå’å ÇÈåÐÔæßå

(c) …Áµåê Áµå“Û¸ Á·µåïÔå ÇÈåÐÁµðé×åÁµåÑ–Ó

ÊðéÜݘµð²ìåêÑ–Ó ’åÒ µåêʲµåêÔå §ÒÁµåê ÕÁµæÏÔåìæÄå

(d) ´™ÜÈðÒʲµó 22 ²µåÒÁµåê ’å’椮’å

ÜÈåÒ’æÐÒ½ Ôåï¼å¾Áµå ÔðêéÑð Ê–éâÿåêÔå ÜÈåë²ìåê¤Äå ÑÒÊ “²µå ˜µåâÿðÒÁµåê ƒÁ¿·µå¤

50. Ê·åë µðëéâÿåÁµå ÔðêéÑð Ê·åë •Ò µå µåâÿåê

ß昵åë ÜÈ昵岵嘵åâÿåê ¼åÁ™Ö²µåêÁµåÂà ßåÒ¡’ð²ìåì昙Áµåê Š²µå µåê ÜÈåÅÆÔðé×å µåâÿåê Ôåìæ¼åÐ …Áµå’ð” ßðë²µå¼æ ™Ôð, † ’ðâÿ嘙Äå ²ìåìæÔå ßðéâ–’ð ÜÈå²™²ìåì昙Áµð

(a) ÇÈ官µðëéŲìåìæÔåíú ¦ÇÈæصð

¼åÁ™Ö²µåêÁµåÂÃÔ昙 ÄðÑðÜÝÁµð

(b) ƒÑæÜÈæ” „ÜÈð±øéÑ–²ìåìæ’ð” ¼åÁ™Ö²µåêÁµåÂÃÔæ ™


(c) ÇÈð²µåê, ®“¤ µð ¼åÁ™Ö²µåêÁµåÂÃÔæ ™ ÄðÑðÜÝÁµð

(d) ÄåëϨÑðÒ µó, ÇÈðîéôåꤘµåÑó˜µð

¼åÁ™Ö²µåêÁµåÂÃÔ昙 ÄðÑðÜÝÁµð

51. ’ðâÿå ™Äå ßðéâ–’ð˜µåâÿåÄåêÆ µåÔåêÅÜÝ

1. ÜÈæ˜µå²µå µåâÿå ÔðêéÑð ¦ÄåÔå²™²ìåê ÜÈåÔðëéÚÈå»¼æ ²µðé•ÿð˜µåâÿåê ‡¼å¾²µæÁ·µå¤ ˜µðëéâÿåÁµåÑ–Ó Áµå“Û¸ Á·µåêÐÔåÁµå ’å µð µð Ê昙²µåê¼å¾Ôð

2. ÜÈæ˜µå²µå µåâÿå ÔðêéÑð ¦ÄåÔå²™²ìåê ÜÈåÔðëéÚÈå»¼æ ²µðé•ÿð µåâÿåê ‡¼å¾²µæÁ·µå¤-µðëéâÿåÁµåÑ–Ó ‡¼å¾²µå Á·µåêÐÔåÁµå ’å µð µð

Êæ ™²µåê¼å¾Ôð.

3. ‡¼å¾²µæÁ·µå¤˜µðëéâÿåÁµåÑ–Ó Ê·åëÊ·æ˜µå µåâÿå ÔðêéÑð ¦êÑðñ ÜÈåÔðëéÚÈå»¼æ ²µðé•ÿð µåâÿåê ‡¼å¾²µå Á·µåêÐÔåÁµå ’å µð˜µð Êæ ™²µåê¼å¾Ôð

4. ‡¼å¾²µæÁ·µå¤˜µðëéâÿåÁµåÑ–Ó, Ê·åëÊ昵嘵åâÿå ÔðêéÑð ¦êÑðñ ÜÈåÔðëéÚÈå»¼æ ²µðé•ÿð µåâÿåê Áµå“Û¸ Á·µåêÐÔåÁµå ’å´µð˜µð Ê昙²µåê¼å¾Ôð

ÔðêéÑ–Äå ßðéâ–’ð µåâÿåÑ–Ó ²ìåìæÔå ßðéâ–’ð/ßðéâ–’ð˜µåâÿåê ÜÈå²™²ìåì昙Ôð

(a) 1 Ôåìæ¼åÐ

(b) 2 Ôåê¼åê¾ 3 Ôåìæ¼åÐ

(c) 3 Ôåê¼åê¾ 4 Ôåìæ¼åÐ

(d) 4 Ôåìæ¼åÐ

52. ƒ²µåê¹æôåÑ ÇÈåÐÁµðé×åÁµå ÇÈåîÔå¤ ƒÒ¡Äå ÜÈåÀâ–é²ìåê Ôðéâÿð ÔåêÁµæÏßåÆ 12 ˜µåÒ ð ²ìåì昙Áµæ µå, ˜µåꦲµæ½Äå ÇÈåØ¢Ôåê ƒÒ¡Äå ÜÈåÀâ–é²ìåê Ôðéâÿð

(a) 10 ‘ 04 ˜µåÒ ð Êðâ– µðš

(b) 12 ‘ 00 ÔåêÁµæÏßåÆ

(c) 10 ‘ 40 ˜µåÒ ð Êðâ– µðš

(d) 10 ‘ 08 ˜µåÒ ð Êðâ– µðš

35 (19 – A)

49. Which of the following statement

is correct about the Aurora

Australis ?

(a) It is solar radiation in


(b) It is a warm ocean current

flows in the western part of


(c) It is a phenomenon found in

South polar region during

the summer.

(d) It means the vertical rays of

the sun at the Tropic of

Capricorn on December 22.

50. There are two cases of exceptions

to the antipodal arrangement of

the continents and oceans on the

earth. Which of the following

statement is correct ?

(a) Patagonia is situated

diametrically opposite to


(b) Alaska is situated

diametrically opposite to


(c) Peru is situated

diametrically opposite to


(d) New Zealand is situated

diametrically opposite to


51. Consider the following

statements :

1. Over the oceans, January

isotherms bend towards the

South Pole in the Northern


2. January isotherms bend

towards the North Pole over

the oceans in the Northern


3. July isotherms bend towards

the North Pole over the land

masses in the Northern


4. July isotherms bend towards

the South Pole over the land

masses in Northern


Which of the statement/s given

above is/are correct ?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 and 3 only

(c) 3 and 4 only

(d) 4 only

52. If the local time of eastern edge

of Arunachal Pradesh is 12:00

noon, the local time at western

edge of Gujarat is

(a) 10.04 am

(b) 12.00 noon

(c) 10.40 am

(d) 10.08 am

35 (20 – A)

53. ’ðâÿå ™ÄåÔåíú˜µåâÿåÑ–Ó ²ìåìæÔå ¦ÿðëé´™ ÜÈå²™²ìåì昙 ßðëÒÁ™ÜÈåÑÉ°±Áµð

ÜÈåÀâ–é²ìåê Ôåìæ²µåê¼å Ê–éÜÈåêÔå ÇÈåÐÁµðé×å

(a) Üݲµðëé’ðë” ²µæ“ ÇÈåÔå¤¼å µåâÿåê

(b) Êðëé²µæ ÜÈåßæ²µæ Ôåê²µåêÊ·åëÕê

(c) ÕêÜÈå±øÑó „ÑóÉÃûÞ ÇÈåÔ夼嘵åâÿåê

(d) ÜÈæÒ¯æ „Äæ àÔåìæѲìåê ÇÈåÔå¤¼å µåâÿåê

54. ÊÐßåÍÇÈåíú¼åÐ ÄåÁ™²ìåêê ¼åÄåÆ ÇÈåÔ夼å ÇÈæ¼åÐÁµåÑ–Ó „âÿåÔæÁµå ’åÒÁµå²µå µåâÿå ÔåêëÑ’å ßå²™²ìåêê¼å¾Áµð

(a) ‹’ðÒÁµå²µð …Áµåê ƒÁµåêÌÃ¼å ƒÒ¼å˜µæ¤Õê ÄåÁ™ ÔåÏÔåÜÈðÀ²ìåêÄåêÆ ßðëÒÁ™Áµð

(b) ‹’ðÒÁµå²µð …Áµåê ƒ¼åÏÒ¼å Š¼å¾²µåÁ™ÒÁµå ßå²™²ìåêê¼å¾Áµð

(c) ‹’ðÒÁµå²µð …Áµåê ˜µå¼å’æÑ–’å ÄåÁ™ ÔåÏÔåÜÈðÀÀ²ìåêÄåêÆ ßðëÒÁ™Áµð

(d) ‹’ðÒÁµå²µð ÇÈåÔ夼嘵åâÿåê ’å ™ÁµæÔå …â–¦ÿæ²µåê ßðëÒÁ™Ôð

55. ’ðâÿå ™Äå ²ìåìæÔå µåêÒÇÝÄå Ôåê²µå µåâÿåê ÔåìæÏÒ µðëÐéÔó ƒ²µå Ï µåâÿåÑ–Ó (Ñ– ðë±é²µåÑó ƒ²µå Ï µåâÿåê) ÜÈæÔåìæÄåÏÔæ ™ ’åÒ µåê ʲµåê¼å¾Ôð.

(a) °é’ó, ²µðëéÜÈåÔåíú µó, ÊæÏÒÊë, ÜÈæÑó

(b) µåꦤÄó, ¦ÿæÔåêêÄó, ÊæÏÒÊë, ðé’ó

(c) ÜÈåêÒÁ™Ð , „ÔåìæÓ, ¦ÿæÔåêëÄó, ÅÇÈæ

(d) ÜÈåêÒÁ™Ð , Ê µåëϤÔå²µæ, ÜÈðëÄðƲµðéزìåê ƒ˜µå²µå

56. Ê–·ÑæÎê ‡’åê” ÜÈæÀÔå²µåÔåíú ’ðâÿ嘙Äå ˜µåº µåâ–ÒÁµå ’åôæ¢ ÔåÜÈåê¾ µåâÿåÄåêÆ ÇÈå µð²ìåêê¼å¾Áµð

(a) ÊðëÄæÎê ˜µåº²ìåêÒÁµå ’åʖ̸Áµå ƒÁ™²µåê Ôåê¼åê¾ Êðë’æ²µðë Ôåê¼åê¾ ’昵å¤Ñó ’ðÛé¼åÐ ™ÒÁµå ’åÑ–ÓÁµåÂÑê.

(b) µæÑ– ²µæ¦ÿóßå²µæ µåºÎêÒÁµå ’åÊ–Ì Áµå ƒÁ™²µåê Ôåê¼åê¾ Êðë’æ²µðë ß昵åë ’æ˜µæ¤Ñ– ’ðÛé¼åИµåâ–ÒÁµå ’åÑ–ÉÁµåÂÑê

(c) ˜µåêÔæ ÇÈåÐÁµðé×åÁµå ÊðëÑæÅ ˜µåºÎêÒÁµå ’åʖ̸Áµå ƒÁ™²µåê Ôåê¼åê¾ ²µåªê²™²ìåìæ ß昵åë Ê·å’椲µå ’ðÛé¼åИµåâ–ÒÁµå ’åÑ–ÓÁµåÂÑê

(d) ÔðêéÑ–Äå ²ìåìæÔåíúÁµåë ƒÑÓ

57. ÜÈðñÊ–²™²ìåìæÁµå ²ìåìæ’åê¯ó Êê´µå’å®ê±¦Äå²µåê ß昵åë ÇÈåØ¢Ôåê ƒÔðêé²™’æÁµå ²µð µó …Ò´™²ìåêÄó²µåê † ’ðâÿå’åÒ´µå ¦ÄæÒ˜µå’ð” ÜÈðé²™Áµæ²µð

(a) ’æ’åÜÈæ²ìåìó¶ ¦ÄæÒ˜µå

(b) „ÜÈå±øÑæ²ìåìó¶ ¦ÄæÒ˜µå

(c) ÔåêÒ˜µðëéÑæ²ìåìó¶ ¦ÄæÒ˜µå

(d) Å阵æвìåìó¶ ¦ÄæÒ˜µå

58. ’ðâÿå ™Äå ²ìåìæÔåíúÁµåê ¦ÄåÜÈåÒ•ÿæÏ ˜µæ¼åÐÁµå ÁµåïÚݱÎêÒÁµå ÜÈå²™²ìåìæÁµå ‹²™’ðÎêÒÁµå …â–’ð ’åÐÔåêÁµåÑ–Ó²µåêÔå ²µæ¦Ï µåâÿåÄåêÆ ¼ðëé²™ÜÈåê¼å¾Áµð ?

(a) ˜µåꦲµæ¼ó, „ÒÁ·µåùÐ ÇÈåÐÁµðé×å, Ôåêßæ²µæÚÈå±ø, ÇÈåØ¢Ôåê ÊÒ µæâÿå

(b) Ôåêßæ²µæÚÈå±ø, „ÒÁ·µåùÐ ÇÈåÐÁµðé×å, ÇÈåØ¢Ôåê ÊÒ˜µæâÿå, ˜µåꦲµæ¼ó

(c) ÇÈåØ¢Ôåê ÊÒ˜µæâÿå, ˜µåꦲµæ¼ó, „ÒÁ·µåùÐÇÈåÐÁµðé×å, Ôåêßæ²µæÚÈå±ø

(d) Ôåêßæ²µæÚÈå±ø, ÇÈåØ¢Ôåê ÊÒ˜µæâÿå, „ÒÁ·µåùÐÇÈåÐÁµðé×å, ˜µåꦲµæ¼ó

35 (21 – A)

53. Which of the following pairs is

correctly matched ?

Local Wind Blowing Region

(a) Sirocco : Rocky


(b) Bora : Sahara Desert

(c) Mistral : Alphs


(d) Santa Ana : Himalayan


54. River Brahmaputra flows through

deep gorges in its mountain


(a) Because it has super

imposed drainage system.

(b) Because it flows from

greater height.

(c) Because it has an antecedent

drainage pattern.

(d) Because the mountains have

steep slope.

55. Which of the group of trees given

below are commonly found in

littoral forests ?

(a) Teak, Rosewood, Bamboo,


(b) Gurjan, Jamun, Bamboo,


(c) Sundri, Amla, Jamun, Nipa.

(d) Sundri, Burguiera,

Sonneratia, Agar.

56. Bhilai Steel Plant draws its raw

materials from the following

mines :

(a) Iron ore from Bonai and

coal from Bokaro and

Kargali fields.

(b) Iron ore from Dalli Rajhara

mines and coal from Bokaro

and Kargali fields.

(c) Iron ore from Bolani in Gua

region and coal from Jharia

and Bharkar fields.

(d) None of the above.

57. Tribal people of Yakuts of

Siberia and the Red Indians of

Western America belongs to

(a) Caucasoid race

(b) Australoid race

(c) Mongoloid race

(d) Negroid race

58. Which of the following shows the

correct order of States according

to their population size from

higher to lower ?

(a) Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh,

Maharashtra, West Bengal.

(b) Maharashtra, Andhra

Pradesh, West Bengal,


(c) West Bengal, Gujarat,

Andhra Pradesh,


(d) Maharashtra, West Bengal,

Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat.

35 (22 – A)

59. ¦ÿð.°. ½ÐÔåÁ¿·µæ¤ ƒÔå²µå Ôæ²ìåê꘵åê¸Áµå

Ô嘙¤é’å²µå¸ ÇÈåÐ’æ²µå ’ðâÿå ™Äå ²ìåìæÔå

ÇÈåÐÁµðé×åÔåíú ‘ÜÝ Š µåÊëÓ’ ÇÈåÐ’æ²µåÁµå

Ôæ²ìåê꘵åê¸ ßðëÒÁ™Áµð

(a) ôåâ–˜µæÑÁµå ‡ÚÈæÍÒ×å 18 °C ˜™Ò¼å

’å ™Ôðê²ìåì昵åêÔå ß昵åë

ÊðéÜݘµð²ìåêÑ–Ó ƒÁ·™’å Ôåêâÿð Ê–éâÿåêÔå

‡¼å¾²µå Ê·æ²µå¼åÁµå Ôåêßæ ÔðêñÁµæÄ嘵åâÿåê

(b) ÔæÚݤ’å ‡ÚÈæ»Ò×åÁµå ÔåϼæÏÜÈå ’å ™Ôðê

…²µåêÔå ’å²µæÔåâ– ÔðêñÁµæÄ嘵åâÿåê

(c) ôåâ–˜µæÑÁµå ‡ÚÈæ»Ò×å 18 °C ˜™Ò¼å

’å ™Ôðê …²µåêÔå ß昵åë ÊðéÜݘµð²ìåêÑ–Ó

ƒÁ·™’å Ôåêâÿð Ê–éâÿåêÔå ÇÈå²ìåì椲ìåê


(d) ÔðêéÑ–Äå ²ìåìæÔåíúÁµåë ƒÑÓ

60. Ê–ÜÝÅé²™Äå Ê꘵𚘵åâ––˜µð ÇÈåÐÜÝÁµåÂÃÔ昙²µåêÔå


(a) àÔåìæôåÑ ÇÈåÐÁµðé×åÁµå ÜÈå ðÓ¦ÿó ÄåÁ™

ÁµåÒ µð²ìåê ÔðêéÑ–Áµð

(b) ¦ÔåêêÍ Ôåê¼åê¾ ’æØͲµåÁµå ¼æÕ ÄåÁ™

ÁµåÒ µð²ìåê ÔðêéÑ–Áµð

(c) µåꦲµæ½Äå ¼åÇÈå½ ÄåÁ™ ÁµåÒ µð²ìåê ÔðêéÑ–Áµð

(d) „ÒÁ·µåùÐ ÇÈåÐÁµðé×åÁµå ˜µðëéÁµæÔå²™ ÄåÁ™

ÁµåÒ µð²ìåê ÔðêéÑ–Áµð

61. 2011²µå ¦Ä嘵帽²ìåê ÇÈåÐ’æ²µå ’åÄ椮’å ²µæ¦ÏÁµåÑ–Ó Ø×åê Ñ–Ò µæÄåêÇÈæ¼åÁµåÑ–Ó ƒÁ·™’å ’åêÜݼå Áµæ•Ñ–ÜÝÁµå ¨ÑðÓ ²ìåìæÔåíúÁµåê ?

(a) ²µæ²ìåêôåë²µåê

(b) ÁµæÔ帘µð²µð

(c) ¡¼åÐÁµå꘵å¤

(d) ôæÔåê²µæ¦Ä嘵岵å

62. ’ðâÿå ™ÄåÔåíú˜µåâÿåÄåêÆ ˜µåÔåêÅÜÝ ‘

1. ’ðéÒÁµåÐ (point) ÔåìæÑ–ÄåÏÔåíú Ôåêê•ÏÔ昙 ÔåÏÔåÜÈæ²ìåêÁµå ÇÈåÁµåÂõ å½ µåâ–ÒÁµå ‡Ò¯æ-˜µåê¼å¾Áµð

2. ’ðéÒÁµåÐ ÔåìæÑ–ÄåÏÔåíú ÁµåïÚݱ˜µðëéôå²µå-Ô昙²µåê¼å¾Áµð ß昵åë …ÁµåÄåêÆ ÜÈåêÑÊ·åÔæ ™ µåê²µåê½ÜÈå ÊßåêÁµåê.

3. ’ðéÒÁµåÐ ÔåìæÑ–ÄåÏÔåíú, §ÒÁµåê ÅÁ™¤ÚÈåÏ ÇÈåÐÁµðé×åÁ™ÒÁµå ÔåìæÑ–ÄåÏ’æ²µå’å µåâÿåê ßðë²µå ßðëÔåêêÍÕ’ð µð ÜÈåÒÊÒÁµåÜÝÁµð.

4. ’ðéÒÁµåÐ ÔåìæÑ–ÄåÏÔåíú ÄåÔåêÍ Êò½’å ÇÈå²™ÜÈå²µå’ð” Õ×ðéÚÈåÔ昙 Ê·åëÔðêéÑðÍþ ß昵åë ƒÒ¼å²™’å Ôåê¸ê» ß昵åë Åé²™Äå ‡ÇÈå ÔðêéÑðÍþñ˜µåâ–˜µð ÅÁ·µæÄå ÕÚÈåÔ昙Áµð.

ÔðêéÑ–Äå ²ìåìæÔå ßðéâ–’ð/ßðéâ–’ð˜µåâÿåê ÜÈå²™²ìåì昙Ôð ?

(a) 1 Ôåìæ¼åÐ

(b) 2 Ôåê¼åê¾ 3 Ôåìæ¼åÐ

(c) 3 Ôåê¼åê¾ 4 Ôåìæ¼åÐ

(d) 1, 2 Ôåê¼åê¾ 3

35 (23 – A)

59. Which of the following regions

have ‘Caw’ type of climate

according to the climatic

classification of G.T. Trewartha ?

(a) The North Great plains

where winter temperature

falls below 18 °C and most

of rain occurs during


(b) The Coastal plains where

the annual range of

temperature is less.

(c) The Peninsular Plateau

where winter temperature is

less than 18 °C and rain

occurs during summer


(d) None of the above.

60. ‘Tattapani’ which is famous for

hot springs is located at

(a) On the bank of river Sutlaj

in Himachal Pradesh

(b) On the bank of river Tawi in

Jammu and Kashmir.

(c) On the bank of river Tapti in


(d) On the bank of river

Godavari in Andhra


61. Which of the following district of

Karnataka State has recorded the

highest fall in child sex ratio as

per 2011 Census ?

(a) Raichur

(b) Devangere

(c) Chitradurga

(d) Chamarajanagar

62. Consider the following :

1. Point pollution mostly

occurs from agricultural


2. Point pollution is visible and

can be identified easily.

3. Point pollution refers to

coming out of pollutants

from a specific location.

4. Point pollution is a slow

poisoning of our physical

environment mainly surface

and sub-surface soil and


Which of the statement/s given

above is / are correct ?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 and 3 only

(c) 3 and 4 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3

35 (24 – A)

63. ’ðâÿå ™Äå ²ìåìæÔå ˜µåêÒÇÈåíú, ¦˜µå½¾Äå

ÔåìæÏÒ˜µåÅéÜÈó ‡¼æÉÁ™ÜÈåêÔå ²µæÚÈå±ø˜µåâÿå

ÜÈæÀÄå’å”Äå꘵åê¸Ô昙 ÜÈå²™²ìåìæÁµå ’åÐÔåêÁµåÑ–ÓÁµð


(a) „ÜÈð±øéÑ–²ìåìæ, ˜µåÊæÄó, ÊðШÑó,


(b) Ê·æ²µå¼å, Áµå“Û¸ „Ç·ÝùÐ’æ, „ÜÈð±øéÑ–²ìåìæ,


(c) ¡éÄæ, Ê·æ²µå¼å, Áµå“Û¸ „Ç·ÝùÐ’æ,


(d) Áµå“Û¸ „Ç·ÝùÐ’æ, ¡éÄæ, „ÜÈð±øéÑ–²ìåìæ,


64. ’ðâÿå ™ÄåÔåíú˜µåâÿåÑ–Ó ²ìåìæÔåíúÁµåê Ê·æ²µå½é²ìåê

’åïÚÝ ÜÈåÒ×ðëéÁ·µåÄæ ÜÈåÒÜÈðÀ²ìåê Õ¦ÿæöصåâÿåê

ÜÈåÒ×ðëéÁ·µåÄð Ôåìæ´™Áµå ²µðñ¼åÜÈðÆéà

ôå²µåÒ ™/¼æÏ¦Ï ÊæÏ“±é²™²ìåìæ „˜™Áµð

(a) ŠÜÈ𔲙¡²ìåìæ

(b) ÇÈðîÐ ð²ìåêÜÈó ÔåÑæš²™ÜÈó

(c) ÜÈð±øÇÈðî±ÔðêñÜÝÜÈó

(d) ²µðñ¦ÿðëéÊ–²ìåìæ

65. ’ðâÿå ™Äå ²ìåìæÔå Á™ÖéÇÈ嘵åâÿåê ßåÔåâÿåÁ™ÖéÇÈ嘵åâÿå

˜µåêÒÇÝ µð ÜÈðé²µåêÔåíúÁ™ÑÓ ?

(a) ÇÈðÜÝÇ·Ý’ó ÜÈ昵岵åÁµå ÔåìæÚÈå¤Ñó


(b) ƒ¯æÓÒ°’ó ÜÈ昵岵åÁµå ÊßæÔåê


(c) ƒ¯æÓÒ°’ó ÜÈ昵岵åÁµå ’æÏÄå²™


(d) ÇÈðÜÝÇ·Ý’ó ÜÈ昵岵åÁµå ˜™ÑÌ®¤


66. ‘Š’ ÜÈåÀâÿåÔåíú 30° ‡¼å¾²µå ƒ’æÛÒ×åÁµåÑ–Ó, ‘Ê–’

ÜÈåÀâÿåÔåíú 31° 30′ ‡¼å¾²µå ƒ’æÛÒ×åÁµå

ÔðêéÑ–Áµåê † Š²µå µåë ÜÈåÀâÿ嘵åâÿåë 50°

ÇÈåîÔå¤ ²µðé•ÿæÒ×åÁµå ÔðêéÑð ÜÝÀ¼åÔ昙Áµæ˜µå

‘Š’ Ôåê¼åê¾ ‘Ê–’ ÜÈåÀâÿå µåâÿå Äå´µåêÕÄå ƒÒ¼å²µå

ÔðÚÈåê± ?

(a) 150 “.Õêé.

(b) 90 “.Õêé.

(c) 167 “.Õêé.

(d) 183 “.Õêé.

35 (25 – A)

63. Which of the following group of

countries is arranged correctly

according to their ranks in

World’s Manganese production ?

(a) Australia, Gabon, Brazil,


(b) India, South Africa,

Australia, Gabon.

(c) China, India, South Africa,


(d) South Africa, China,

Australia, Gabon.

64. Which of the following is farmer

friendly sewage bacteria

discovered by micro-biologists of

Indian Agricultural Research

Institute ?

(a) Escherichia

(b) Proteus vulgaris

(c) Streptomyces

(d) Rhizobia

65. Which of the following do not

belong to the group of coral

islands ?

(a) Marshall islands in the

Pacific ocean.

(b) Bahama islands in the

Atlantic ocean.

(c) Canary islands in the

Atlantic ocean.

(d) Gilbert islands in the Pacific


66. If place ‘A’ is located on 30°

North latitude, place ‘B’ is on

31°30′ North latitude and both

are located on 50° East longitude,

what will be distance between

place A and B ?

(a) 150 km

(b) 90 km

(c) 167 km

(d) 183 km

35 (26 – A)

67. 1997 ²µå ’åëÏ ðëé ×åïÒ˜µåÜÈåÊ·ð ’åê²™¼æÁµå ’ðâÿå ™Äå ßðéâ–’ð˜µåâÿåÄåêÆ µåÔåêÅÜÝ

1. ƒÊ–·ÔåïÁ™Âà ßðëÒÁ™²µåêÔå ²µæÚÈå±ø˜µåâÿåê …Ò˜µæÑÁµå ßðë²µåÜÈåëÜÈåêÕ’ð²ìåêÄåêÆ ’å ™¼å˜µðëâ–ÜÈåÑê §ÇÈåÉÑ–ÑÓ

2. 170 “”Ò¼å ßðôåê¢ ²µæÚÈå±ø˜µåâÿåê † ×åïÒ˜µå ÜÈåÊ·ð²ìåêÑ–Ó Ê·æ µåÔåàÜÝÁµåÂÔåíú.

3. ’åëÏ ðëé §ÇÈåÉÒÁµåÔåíú ²µæÚÈå±ø˜µåµâÿå Äå´µåêÔð …Ò˜µæÑÁµå ÔæÏÇÈæ²µå’ð” §ÇÝÉ µð Åé´™¼åê.

4. ƒÊ–·ÔåïÁ™Âà ßðëÒÁµåê½¾²µåêÔå ²µæÚÈå±ø˜µåâÿåê …Ò˜µæÑÁµå ßðë²µåÜÈåëÜÈåêÕ’ð²ìåêÄåêÆ ’å ™¼å˜µðëâ–ÜÈåÑê §ÇÈåÉÑ–ÑÓ

’ðâÿå ™Äå ÜÈåÒ’ðé¼å µåâÿåÄåêÆ ‡ÇÈå²ìðë阙ÜÝ ÜÈå²™²ìåìæÁµå ‡¼å¾²µåÔåÄåêÆ „²ìðê”Ôåìæ´™

(a) 1 Ôåê¼åê¾ 2

(b) 3 Ôåê¼åê¾ 4

(c) 1 Ôåê¼åê¾ 3

(d) 2 Ôåê¼åê¾ 4

68. † ’ðâÿå ™ÄåÁµå²µåÑ–Ó ÅÁ·™ µåâÿå ƒÑæÉÔåÁ·™²ìåê ÜÈæÑ Åé´µåêÕ’ð Ôåê¼åê¾ ÜÈæÑ ÇÈå µð²ìåêêÕ’ð Ôåìæ¼åÐ ’åÒ´µåêʲµåêÔåíúÁµåê

(a) ßå¸ Ôåìæ²µåê’å ð±²ìåêÑ–Ó

(b) ÊÒ´µåÔæâÿå Ôåìæ²µåê’å ð±²ìåêÑ–Ó

(c) ÊæÏÒ’å꘵åâÿåÑ–Ó

(d) ²ìåêê²µðëéÇݲìåêÄó Ôåìæ²µåê’å ð±²ìåêÑ–Ó

69. ÅÚÈåÉÄåÆ ²¿µðéÔ庘µåâÿåê ÷ ÔåêëÑ ƒÁ·™’å ÕêéÜÈåÑ꘵åâÿå Äå µåêÕÄå ƒÄåêÇÈæ¼åÔåíú ___ ÄåêÆ ÜÈåë¡ÜÈåê¼å¾Áµð

(a) ²¿µðéÔåº µå긒å

(b) ’ðÐ ™¯ó ˜µå긒å

(c) ÊÒ´µåÔæâÿå ßåë´™’𠘵å긒å

(d) ÕêéÜÈåÑê ˜µå긒å

70. Õ×ðéÚÈå Á·µæ²µå’åÁµæ²µå²µå (ÊÒÁ·µåÇÈå¼åÐ) ÊæÒ´µåê ˜µåâÿåÄåêÆ ¦ÿæ²™ µð ¼åÒÁµå ‡ÁµðÂé×å

(a) ÜÝÀ²µå „Áµæ²ìåêÔåÄåêÆ •ÿæ¼å²™ ÇÈå ™ÜÈåÑê

(b) ²µæ¦Ï ²µæ¦ÜÈåÖÔåÄåêÆ ßð¡¢ÜÈåÑê

(c) ’åÇÈåíþÉßå ÔåÄåêÆ Ôåà˜µð ¼å²µåÑê

(d) Õ¼å¾Åé½²ìåêÄåêÆ ÊÑÇÈå ™ÜÈåÑê

71. Ê´µå¼åÄåÁµå …½¾é¡Äå ÔåìæÄåÁµåÒ µå -------

(a) „Áµæ²ìåê Ôåê®±

(b) ÔåêëÑÊ·åë¼å ƒÔå×åϼð µåâÿå ßå²µå¸

(c) ÔåìæÄåÔå Ê´µå¼åÄå ÜÈåëôåÏÒ’å

(d) Êßåê „²ìåìæÔåêÁµå Ê µå¼åÄå ÜÈåëôåÏÒ’å

72. ßå¸ÁµåêÊ̲µåÁµå ƒÒ¼å²µå ’åÒ´µåêʲµåêÔåíúÁµåê ²ìåìæÔæ˜µå ŠÒÁµå²µð

(a) §®ê± ÇÈåî²µðñ’ð ™Ò¼å, ÜÈåÒÇÈå ‡ÁµðëÏé˜µå „Áµæ²ìåêÔåê®±Áµå §®ê± Êðé´™’ð²ìåêê ßð¡¢Áµæ µå

(b) ÊðÑð˜µåâÿåê ŲµåҼ岵åÔ昙 ‹²™Áµæ˜µå

(c) ßå¸Áµå Äðñ¦ ÔåìòÑÏ ’å ™Ôðê²ìåìæÁµæ˜µå

(d) ßå¸Áµå •²™éÁ™ ×哾 “ÛéºÜÝÁµæ˜µå

35 (27 – A)

67. Consider the following

statements about Kyoto Summit

of 1997 :

1. Developed countries did not

agree to cut the emission of


2. More than 170 countries

attended this summit.

3. Agreement of Kyoto

accepted the carbon trading

among the countries.

4. Developing countries did

not agree to cut the emission

of carbon.

Select the correct answer using

the codes given below :

(a) 1 and 2

(b) 3 and 4

(c) 1 and 3

(d) 2 and 4

68. Only short term lending and

borrowing of funds take place in

(a) Money market

(b) Capital market

(c) Banks

(d) European market

69. The ratio between derivative

deposits ÷ initial excess reserves


(a) Deposit multiplier

(b) Credit multiplier

(c) Investment multiplier

(d) Reserve multiplier

70. Special Bearer Bonds are

introduced to

(a) Ensure stable income.

(b) Increase state revenue.

(c) Bring black money into


(d) Strengthen fiscal policy.

71. The latest poverty measure is

(a) Income level

(b) Deprivation of basic


(c) Human poverty index

(d) Multi-dimensional poverty


72. Inflationary gap exists when

(a) at full employment income

level aggregate demand

exceeds aggregate supply.

(b) prices increase continuously.

(c) real value of money reduces.

(d) purchasing power of money


35 (28 – A)

73. §ÒÁµåê صåÁ™¼å ’æÑæÔåÁ·™²ìåêÑ–Ó §ÒÁµåê

صåÁ™¼å Ôðë¼å¾Áµå ßå¸Áµå ’ðñ ÊÁµåÑæÔå¹ð²ìåê

ÜÈå²µæÜÈå²™ ÜÈåÒ•ÿðÏ

(a) ‡ôå¥ ÊÑÁµå ßå

(b) ßå¸ ôåÑæÔå¹ð

(c) ßå¸Áµå Ôð阵å

(d) ßå¸ ÇÈåî²µðñ’ð

74. ’ðéÒÁµåÐ „²ìåêÔåϲìåê 2014, † ÔåêêÒÁ™Äå

ÕÚÈå²ìåêÁµå ʘµðš ÔåÏÔåßå²™ÜÈåÑ–’攘™

²µæÚݱøé²ìåê Áµå¼å¾’å ÅÁ·™²ìåêÄåêÆ ÜÈæÀÇÝÜÈåÑê


(a) ’åïÚÝ - ˜µåÒ´µæҼ岵å ÅÔå¤ßå¹ð

(b) ÔåÏÔåßæ²µå (Business) ˜µåÒ µæ¼å²µå


(c) ²µå’åÛ¹æ ‡ÁµðÂé×å

(d) ßåÔæÔåìæÄå ÊÁµåÑæÔå¹ð Ôåê¼åê¾

ÇÈå²™ÜÈå²µæ¼åÍ’å ²µå’åÛ¹ð

75. 2014²µå ÔåìæÄåÔå ƒÊ–·ÔåïÁ™Âà Ôå²µåÁ™²ìåê

ÇÈåÐ’æ²µå, Ê·æ²µå¼åÁµå ×ðÐ麲ìåêê

(a) 150 Äðé ÜÈæÀÄå

(b) 140 Äðé ÜÈæÀÄå

(c) 135 Äðé ÜÈæÀÄ

(d) 112 Äðé ÜÈæÀÄå

76. „²µó Ê– Œ ˜µåê²µåê½ÜÝÁµåÒ¼ð, 2014-15 ²µåÑ–ÓÄå §¼å¾ µåµå’ðëâÿåÇÈå®± ÔåѲìå꘵åâÿåê

(a) ÔåêëÑÊ·åë¼å ÔåÏÔåÜÈðÀ˜µåâÿåê ’åïÚÝ Ôåê¼åê¾ ˜µåº µæ²™’ð

(b) ’åʖ̸ Ôåê¼åê¾ ‡’åê” ß昵åë ÇÈæÐÁ¿·µåÕê’å Ø’åÛ¸

(c) ²µå’åÛ¹ð ËÚÈåÁ™é²ìåê-‡¼åÉÄåƘµåâÿåê Ôåê¼åê¾ ÔðñÔåìæÅ’å ÔåÏÔåÜÈðÀ

(d) ÔåêëÑÊ·åë¼å ÔåÏÔåÜÈðÀ ’åʖ̸ Ôåê¼åê¾ ‡’åê”, ¦Ôåâ–, ÔðñÔåìæÅ’å ÔåÏÔåÜÈð¾ Ôåê¼åê¾ ˜µåº˜µæ²™’ð

77. 2014-15 ²µå „Á¿·™¤’å ÜÈåÕêé’ðÛ²ìåêê, Ê·æ²µå¼åÁµå ¨´™ÇÝ ÊðâÿåÔ庘µð²ìåêÄåêÆ _____ ²µåÚÈåê± ÅʤÒÁ·™Üݼåê

(a) 8.6 ²™ÒÁµå 9 %

(b) 6.8 ²™ÒÁµå 7%

(c) 5.4 ²™ÒÁµå 5.9%

(d) 12 ²™ÒÁµå 13%

78. Ñ–²ìðëéÄðÑó ²µæÊ–ÄóÞ ²µåÔå²µå ÇÈåÐÔåêê• ’åï½

(a) „Äó ŠÜÈðÞ …Äó Š’åÄæÕê’óÞ „Ò µó ÜÈðñÄóÞ

(b) „Äó ŠÜÈðÞ …Äó ÜÈðëéÚݲìåêÑó ÜÈðñÄóÞ

(c) „Äó ŠÜÈðÞ „Äó Á™ Äðéôå²µó „Ò´µó Üݘ™ÆÇ·Ý’ðÄóÞ „Ç·Èó Š’åÄæÕê’ó ÜÈðñÄóÞ

(d) „Äó ŠÜÈðÞ …Äó Š’åÄæÕê’ó ÜÈðñÄóÞ

35 (29 – A)

73. Average number of times a unit

of money change hands during a

given period of time is

(a) High powered money

(b) Money circulation

(c) Velocity of money

(d) Money supply

74. Union Budget-2014 proposed to

set up a National Adaptation

Fund to deal with

(a) Agri. risk management

(b) Business risk management

(c) Defence purpose

(d) Climate change and

environmental protection

75. According to 2014 Human

Development Report, India’s

ranking is

(a) 150th place

(b) 140th place

(c) 135th place

(d) 112th place

76. The stressed sectors in 2014-15

as identified by RBI are

(a) Infrastructure, Agriculture

and Mining

(b) Iron & Steel and Primary


(c) Defence, Pharmaceutical

and Aviation

(d) Infrastructure, Iron & Steel,

Textiles, Aviation and


77. Economic Survey 2014-15,

pegged India’s GDP growth at

(a) 8.6 to 9%

(b) 6.8 to 7%

(c) 5.4 to 5.9%

(d) 12 to 13%

78. Lionnel Robins greatest work is

(a) An Essay in Economics and


(b) An Essay in Social Science

(c) An Essay on the Nature and

Significance of Economic


(d) An Essay in Economic


35 (30 – A)

79. „ßæ²µå ßå¸ÁµåêÊ̲µå † ’ðâÿå ™Äå ²ìåìæÔåíúÁµå’ð” ÜÈåÒÊÒÁ·™ÜÝÁµð

(a) ÜÈ嘵å®ê ÊðÑð ÜÈåëôæÏÒ’å

(b) Êâÿå’ðÁµæ²µå ÊðÑð ÜÈåëôæÏÒ’å

(c) Ôåìæ²µåê’å ð± ÊðÑð

(d) ÔðêéÑ–Äå ²ìåìæÔåíúÁµåê ƒÑÓ

80. ÕÁµðé×æÒ˜µå ÔæÏÇÈæ²µå Åé½²ìåê (2004-09)

Ôåêê•Ï Á·µðùÏé²ìåêÔðéÄåê ?

(a) ÔæÏÇÈæ²µå ÜÈåÒÊÒÁ·µå˜µåâÿåÄåêÆ ‡¼å¾Ôåê

ÇÈå ™ÜÈåêÔåíúÁµåê

(b) ÔæÏÇÈæ²µåÁµå ×ðé’å µæÔæ²µåÄåêÆ Á™Ö˜µåê¸


(c) ‡ÁµðëÏé˜µå ƒÔå’æ×嘵åâÿåÄåêÆ

ÜÈåïÚݱÜÈåêÔåíúÁµå’ð” §¼åê¾ Åé´µåêÔåíúÁµåê

(d) (b) Ôåê¼åê¾ (c) Š²µå µåë

81. 8 Äðé ÜÈåê½¾Äå Êßåê²µæÚÈå±øÁµå ÔæÏÇÈæ²µå

Ôåìæ¼åê’å¼ð²ìåêê ’ðâÿå’åÒ µå ßðÜÈå²™ÅÒÁµå


(a) WTO

(b) GATT

(c) ‡²µåê µðÖ ÜÈåê¼åê¾ (Uruguay Round)

(d) ²ìåìæÔåíúÁµåë ƒÑÓ

82. Ä嘵岵å ÇÈåÐÁµðé×åÁµå ÜÈòÑÊ·åùϘµåâÿåÄåêÆ ˜µæÐÕêé¸ ÇÈåÐÁµðé×嘵åâ–˜µåë ÕÜÈå¾²™ÜÈåêÔå ÇÈå²™’åÑÉÄð²ìåêÄåêÆ

(PURA) ÇÈåнÇÈæÁ™ÜÝÁµåÔå²µåê

(a) ÇÈðîÐé. ÔåêßåÑÄðëéÊ–ÜÈó ÇÝ.ÜÝ.

(b) Ôåêßæ¼æÍ ˜µæÒÁ·™

(c) ´µæ. ÔåêÄåÔðëéßåÄó ÜÝÒ˜µó

(d) ´µæ. A.P.J. ƒÊêÂÑó ’åÑæÒ

83. ƒÑÉ ÜÈåÒ•ÿæÏ¼å²µå ’åÑæϸ …Ñæ•ÿð ÅÁµðé¤×åÄæѲìåê ƒ´™²ìåêÑ–Ó Ôðê²™¯ó-’åÔåìó-ÕêéÄóÞ „Á·µæ²™¼å ÕÁµæÏÁ¿·™¤-Ôðé¼åÄå ʘµðš. † ßðéâ–’ð ÜÈå²™ …Áµð

1. ¼æҽВå ß昵åë Ôåï½¾ÇÈå²µå ÕÕÁ·µå ’ðëéÜÈåꤘµåâÿåÑ–Ó ÔæÏÜÈåÒ˜µå Ôåìæ´µåê½¾²µåêÔå ƒÑÉÜÈåÒ•ÿæϼ岵å ÕÁµæÏÁ¿·™¤ µåâ– µð ÕÁµæÏÁ¿·™¤Ôðé¼åÄå ÔåêҦ벵åê Ôåìæ´µåÊßåêÁµæ˜™Áµð.

2. ƒ¨¤ ÜÈåÑ–ÓÜÈåêÔå ÕÁµæÏÁ¿·™¤²ìåê ’åê®êÒÊÁµå ÔæÚݤ’å „Áµæ²ìåê Õê½²ìåêê ²µåë. 2.50 Ñ’åÛ Õêé²™²µåÊæ²µåÁµåê.

3. † ÕÁµæÏÁ¿·™¤Ôðé¼åÄå ÇÈå µð²ìåêÑê ƒÑÉÜÈåÒ•ÿæÏ¼å²µå ’åÑæϸÔå½ÎêÒÁµå ÜÈåÉÁ·µæ¤¼åÍ’å ÇÈå²™é’ðÛ Äå´µðÜÈåÑæ-˜µåêÔåíúÁµåê.

4. àÒÁ™Äå ¼å²µå˜µå½²ìåêÑ–Ó ×ðé. 70% ²µåÚÈåê± ƒÒ’å ˜µåâ–ÜݲµåÊðé’åê

ÜÈå²™²ìåìæÁµå ‡¼å¾²µå „²™ÜÝ.

(a) 1 Ôåê¼åê¾ 2 ÜÈå²™ …Áµð

(b) 1, 2 Ôåê¼åê¾ 3 ÜÈå²™ …Áµð.

(c) 2, 3 Ôåê¼åê¾ 4 ÜÈå²™ …Áµð.

(d) ÔðêéÑ–Äå ŠÑÓÔåî ÜÈå²™ …Áµð.

35 (31 – A)

79. Food Inflation is related to

(a) Wholesale price index

(b) Consumer price index

(c) Market price

(d) None of the above

80. The main objective of Foreign

Trade Policy (2004-09) are

(a) To improve the trade


(b) To double the percentage of


(c) Giving a thrust to

employment generation.

(d) Both (b) and (c).

81. The 8th

round of Multi-lateral

Trade Negotiations is popularly

known as

(a) W.T.O.

(b) GATT

(c) Uruguay Round

(d) None

82. The concept of Providing Urban

Amenities in Rural Areas

(PURA) was advocated by

(a) Prof. Mahalanobis, P.C.

(b) Mahatma Gandhi

(c) Dr. Manmohan Singh

(d) Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

83. Under the Minorities Welfare

Directorate, which of the

following statement is correct in

relation to Merit-cum-Means

Based Scholarship ?

1. Scholarship can be granted

to the minority students who

are pursuing their education

in technical and various

professional courses.

2. Annual income limit of the

student’s family applied for

the scholarship shall not

exceed ` 2.50 lakh.

3. Competitive exam will be

conducted by the Minorities

Welfare Department to get

this scholarship.

4. 70% of marks shall be

secured in previous class.

Choose the correct answer :

(a) 1 and 2 correct

(b) 1, 2 and 3 correct

(c) 1, 2 and 4 correct

(d) All of the above

35 (32 – A)

84. ƒÑÉÜÈåÒ•ÿæÏ¼å²µå ’åÑæϸ …Ñæ•ÿðÎêÒÁµå 7Äðé ¼å²µå µå½ ÕÁµæÏÁ¿·™¤˜µåâ–˜µð ÇÈå²™ßæ²µå ÊðëéÁ·µåÄð Ôåìæ´µåêÔå ÜÈå’椲™ ×æÑð²ìåêÑ–Ó ÊðëéÁ·™ÜÈåêÔå Ø’åÛ’å²™ µð ÇÈåн ˜µåÒ ð²ìåê ÊðëéÁ·µåÄð µð ’ðâÿå’åÒ µåÒ¼ð ÜÈåÒÊ·æÔåÄð Åé´µåÑ昵åêÔåíúÁµåê

(a) 200 ²µåë.

(b) 300 ²µåë.

(c) 400 ²µåë.

(d) 500 ²µåë.

85. ƒÑÉÜÈåÒ•ÿæϼ岵å Ôð벵樤 ÔåÜÈå½ ×æÑð˜µåâÿåÑ–Ó ÔæÏÜÈåÒ˜µå Ôåìæ´µåê½¾²µåêÔå ÕÁµæÏÁ¿·™¤ µåâÿåê ²ìåìæÔå ÕÁµæÏÁ¿·™¤Ôðé¼åÄå ÇÈå µð²ìåêÊßåêÁµåê

(a) Ôðê²™¯ó ÕÁµæÏÁ¿·™¤Ôðé¼åÄå

(b) ‡¼ð¾é¦Äå

(c) ’ðéÒÁµåÐ ÇÈåíú²µåÜÈå”þï¼å ÕÁµæÏÁ¿·™¤ Ôðé¼åÄå

(d) ØÚÈåÏ Ôðé¼åÄå (fellowship)

86. ƒÑÉÜÈåÒ•ÿæϼ岵å Ôðê°Ð’å ÇÈåîÔå¤ ÕÁµæÏÁ¿·™¤Ôðé¼åÄåÁµåÑ–Ó ÊæÑ“²ìåê²™˜µð (×ðé’å µæÔæ²µåê) ÕêéÜÈåÑ–²™ÜݲµåêÔå Ôðë¼å¾

(a) ×ðé. 25

(b) ×ðé. 33

(c) ×ðé. 30

(d) ×ðé. 40

87. ²µæ¦ÏÁµåÑ–ÓÄå ¦ÿðñÄó ÕÁµæÏÁ¿·™¤ µåâ– µð †

ÕÁµæÏÁ¿·™¤Ôðé¼åÄå Åé´µåÑê ƒÔå’æ×å-


(a) ’ðéÒÁµåÐÔåѲìåêÁµå ƒÄåêÁµæÄå

(b) ²µæ¦ÏÔåѲìåêÁµå ƒÄåêÁµæÄå

(c) ¨ÑæÓÔåѲìåêÁµå ƒÄåêÁµæÄå

(d) ¼æÑëÓ’åêÔåѲìåêÁµå ƒÄåêÁµæÄå

88. ƒÑÉÜÈåÒ•ÿæÏ¼å²µå ’åÑæϸ …Ñæ•ÿðÎêÒÁµå

ÇÈå²™ßæ²™’å ÊðëéÁ·µåÄð²ìåêÄåêÆ •ÿæÜÈ嘙 Ø’åÛ¸

ÜÈåÒÜÈðÀ µåâÿåê Äå µðÜÝÁµåÑ–Ó ×ðé. ---------- ²µåÚÈåê±

Ôðôå¢ÔåÄåêÆ ÜÈå’椲µå Ê·å²™ÜÈåê¼å¾Áµð.

(a) 50

(b) 80

(c) 75

(d) 60

35 (33 – A)

84. The following remuneration will

be paid by the Minorities Welfare

Department per hour of teaching

to the teachers who are being

taught in the Government School

in which remedial teaching is

taking place to the students of 7th


(a) ` 200

(b) ` 300

(c) ` 400

(d) ` 500

85. What type of scholarship can be

obtained by the students who are

pursuing education in the Morarji

Desai Residential Schools for

Minorities ?

(a) Merit Scholarship

(b) Incentive

(c) Centrally Sponsored


(d) Fellowship

86. What is the amount earmarked

for the girls (in percentage) out of

Pre-Metric Scholarship for

Minorities ?

(a) 25%

(b) 33%

(c) 30%

(d) 40%

87. There shall be no provision to

grant the following scholarship

for the students of Jain

Community in the State.

(a) Central Zone Grant

(b) State Zone Grant

(c) District Zone Grant

(d) Taluka Zone Grant

88. If the Private Educational

Institutions have conducted the

remedial teaching programme of

the Minorities Welfare

Department, then ______

percentage of expenditure will be

borne by the Government.

(a) 50

(b) 80

(c) 75

(d) 60

35 (34 – A)

89. ‘ƒÑÉÜÈåÒ•ÿæϼ岵åÄåêÆ ßð阵ð Äå´µðÜÝ’ðëâÿåêä½¾Áµð ŠÒÊêÁµå²µå ÔðêéÑð „ ÜÈåÔåìæ¦Áµå

Ä昵岙’å¼ð²ìåêÄåêÆ ƒâÿð²ìåêÊßåêÁµåê’ † ßðéâ–’ð Åé´™ÁµåÔå²µåê

(a) Ôåêßæ¼åÍ ˜µæÒÁ·™

(b) ´µæ. Ê–. „²µó. ƒÒÊð鴵唲µó

(c) „ÊêÂÑó ’åÑæÒ

(d) ÔåìòÑæÄæ ƒÊêÂÑó ’åÑæÒ

90. ƒÑÉÜÈåÒ•ÿæÏ¼å²µå ’åÑæϸ …Ñæ•ÿð²ìåê ÇÈå²™ßæ²µå ÊðëéÁ·µåÄæ ’æ²ìåꤒåÐÔåêÁµå Äðëé µåÑó ƒÁ·™’æ²™˜µåâ–˜µð ÇÈæÔå½ÜÈåÊðé’æÁµå ˜µò²µåÔåÁ·µåÄå, …¼å²µå Ôðô墘µåâÿåê, ’æ²ìåꤒåÐÔåêÁµå Ç·ÈåÑÇÈåÐÁµå ƒÄåêÚÈæ³Äå ÔðêéÑ–Öôæ²µå¹ð Ôåê¼åê¾ ’æÑ’æÑ–’å Ôåìæ˜µå¤ ÜÈåë¡ µåâÿåÄåêÆ Åé µåêÔå ʘµðš ²µæ¦ÏÔåê®±Áµå ÜÈåÕê½²ìåê ÜÈåÁµåÜÈåÏ ’æ²ìåê¤Áµåؤ˜µåâÿåê

(a) ÅÁµðé¤×å’å²µåê, ‡Áµåê¤ ß昵åë …¼å²µå Ê·æÚÈæ ƒÑÉÜÈåÒ•ÿæϼ岵å Ø’åÛ¸ …Ñæ•ÿð, ÊðÒ˜µåâÿåë²µåê

(b) ÅÁµðé¤×å’å²µåê, ÇÈæÐÁ¿·µåÕê’å/ÇÈò ·µå Ø’åÛ¸ ƒÁ¿·µåÔæ ƒÔå²µå ÇÈåнÅÁ·™ Ø’åÛ¸ …Ñæ•ÿð ÊðÒ˜µåâÿåë²µåê.

(c) ÅÁµðé¤×å’å²µåê, ƒÑÉÜÈåÒ•ÿæϼ岵å ÅÁµð¤é×åÄæѲìåê, ÊðÒ˜µåâÿåë²µåê

(d) ÜÈå’椲µåÁµå ’æ²ìåê¤Áµåؤ˜µåâÿåê ƒÑÉÜÈåÒ•ÿæÏ¼å²µå ’åÑæϸ …Ñæ•ÿð

91. ƒÑÉÜÈåÒ•ÿæϼ岵å ÕÁµæÏÁ¿·™¤ µåâÿå

‡¼ð¾é¦ÄåÔåÄåêÆ † ÕÁµæÏÁ¿·™¤˜µåâ– µð Åé´µåÑê


(a) ÇݲìåêêÜÝ ‡½¾é¸¤²µæÁµå ’åÑæ

Õʷ昵åÁµå ÕÁµæÏÁ¿·™¤˜µåâ–˜µð

(b) ÇݲìåêêÜÝ ‡½¾é¸¤²µæÁµå Ô溦Ï

Ôåê¼åê¾ Õ¦ÿæöÄå Õʷ昵åÁµå

ÕÁµæÏÁ¿·™¤ µåâ– µð

(c) Ôåï½¾ÇÈå²µåÔåÑÓÁµå ’ðëéÜÈåê¤ µåâÿåÑ–Ó

‡½¾é¸¤²µæÁµåÔå²™ µð.

(d) Ôåï½¾ÇÈå²µå ’ðëéÜݤÄå ÇÈåÁµåÕéÁ·µå²µå²™ µð

92. ÇÈå²™ßæ²µå ÊðëéÁ·µåÄð²ìåê ÔåÏÔåÜÈðÀ Ôåê¼åê¾

ÔðêéÑ–Öôæ²µå¹ð²ìåê ¼æÑëÓ’åê Äðëé´µåÑó

ƒÁ·™’æ²™²ìåì昙 …Ôå²µåê ’æ²ìåê¤ÅÔå¤-


(a) „²ìåìæ ¼æÑëÓ’åê ’ðÛé¼åÐ

Ø’åÛ¹æÁ·™’æ²™ µåâÿåê

(b) ‡Áµåê¤ ÜÝ.„²µó.ÇÝ.

(c) ’ðÛé¼åÐ ÜÈåÒÇÈåÄåëÍÑ ƒÁ·™’æ²™ µåâÿåê

(d) ˜µåêôå¥ ÜÈåÒÇÈåÄåëÍÑ ƒÁ·™’æ²™ µåâÿåê

35 (35 – A)

89. Civilizational development of a

society can be judged from the

“way in which it treats its

Minorities” this statement was

given by

(a) Mahatma Gandhi

(b) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

(c) Abdul Kalam

(d) Moulana Abul Kalam

90. Who is the Member Secretary of

State level Committee on

payment of remuneration, other

expenses payable to the Nodal

Officer of Remedial Teaching

Programme of the Minorities

Welfare Department and fruitful

implementation of the

programme and also regarding

issuance of timely guidelines ?

(a) Director, Department of

Urdu and other Linguistic

Minority Education,


(b) Director, Department of


Education or his

representative, Bangalore.

(c) Director, Directorate of

Minorities, Bangalore.

(d) Secretary to Government,

Department of Minorities


91. For which of the following

students, there is no provision to

give the incentive that is

extended to the Minority

students ?

(a) For the students of Arts

faculty who passed in


(b) For the students of

Commerce and Science

faculty who passed in


(c) For the students who passed

in non-professional courses.

(d) For the graduates of

professional course.

92. Which of the following officer is

performing as a Taluka Nodal

Officer of the remedial teaching

arrangement and its supervision ?

(a) Block Education Officer of

the respective Taluka

(b) Urdu C.R.P

(c) Block Resources Officer

(d) Cluster Resources Officer

35 (36 – A)

93. ’åÄ椮’å²µå¼åÆ ÇÈåÐ×åÜݾ²ìåêÄåêÆ 1992 ²µåÑ–Ó ²ìåìæ²™ µð Åé µåÑæÎê¼åê ?

(a) ˜™²™é×å ’æÜÈå²µåÔåâ–ä

(b) ´µæ. ²µæ¦ÿó’åêÔåìæ²µó

(c) Ê–. Õ. ’æ²µåÒ¼ó

(d) ¨. Õ. „²ìåêϲµó

94. 1857²µå ÁµåÒ˜µð²ìåêÄåêÆ ‘ÜÝÇÈæÎê ÁµåÒ˜µð’ ŠÒÁµåê ²ìåìæ²µåê ’å²µðÁµå²µåê ?

(a) ÜÈå²µó ¦ÿæÄó Ñðë²µðÄóÞ

(b) „²µó. ÜÝ. Ôåê¦êÔåêÁµæ²µå

(c) ´µæ. †×åÖ²™ ÇÈåÐÜÈæÁµå

(d) Õ. Š. ÜÝͼó

95. ƒÁ·™’æ²µå ßåÜÈæ¾Ò¼å²µå ’æÎêÁµð²ìåêê ¦ÿæ²™ ²ìåìæÁµå ÔåÚÈå¤

(a) 1857

(b) 1858

(c) 1859

(d) 1860

96. Ôåêàâÿæ Ø’åÛ¸ ß昵åë ßå’åꔘµåâ– µð ²ìåìæ²µåê §¼åê¾ ’ðë®±²µåê ?

(a) ²µæ¦ÿæ ²µæÔåìó ÔðëéßåÄå ²µæ²ìåê

(b) ÜÈæÖÕê ÕÔðé’æÄåÒÁµå²µåê

(c) ÜÈæÖÕê Áµå²ìåìæÄåÒÁµå ÜÈå²µåÜÈåÖ½

(d) „¼åͲµæÔåìó ÇÈæÒ µåê²µåÒ µå

97. ²µæÚݱøé²ìåê ÇÈåЦÿðö²ìåê ¦ÿ昵åï½ÎêÒÁµå ²ìåìæÔå Ô嘵å¤Ôåíú Ôåêßå¼åÖ ÇÈå µðÎê¼åê ?

(a) ‡ÄåƼå Ô嘵å¤

(b) ’æÕꤒ岵å Ôå µå¤

(c) ’ðâÿå Ôå µå¤

(d) ÔåêÁ·µåùÏÔåê Ô嘵å¤

98. ’ðâÿå ™ÄåÔåíú µåâÿåÑ–Ó µæÒÁ·™é¨²ìåêÔå²µåê „²µåÒÊ–·ÜÝÁµå ÔðëÁµåÑÄð „ÒÁµðëéÑÄå ²ìåìæÔåíúÁµåê ?

(a) ƒÜÈåßå’æ²µå

(b) “Ö¯ó …Ò´™²ìåìæ

(c) ôò²™ôò²µå

(d) ÁµåÒ ™ ²ìåìæ¼ðÐ

99. ÔðëÁµåÑÄð Ôåêßæ²ìåêêÁµåÂÃÁµå ’æÑÁµåÑ–Ó …Áµå ¦Ôåê¤Äó ôå’åÐÔ彤 ²ìåìæ²µåê ?

(a) ÕÑ–²ìåêÒ I

(b) ÕÑ–²ìåêÒ II

(c) ÕÑ–²ìåêÒ III

(d) ÕÑ–²ìåêÒ IV

100. ƒÁµæϲµó † ’ðâÿå’åÒ µå ²ìåìæÔå ÜÈåÒÜÈðÀ²ìåê ÇÈåÐÔåêê• ’ðéÒÁµåÐ Ôåê¼åê¾ ’ðéÒÁµåÐ ’æ²ìåê¤ÜÈæÀÄå Ô昙¼åê¾ ?

(a) ƒ²µåÊ–ÒÁµðëé „×åÐÔåê

(b) ÔåêÁµæÐÜÈó Ôåêßæ¦Äó ÜÈåÊ·æ

(c) Á¿·™²ìðëÜÈðëÇ·Ý’åÑó ÜÈðëÜÈðñ°

(d) ²µæÔåê’åïÚÈå» ÕêÚÈåÄó

35 (37 – A)

93. Who got ‘Karnataka Ratna’

award in 1992 ?

(a) Girish Kasarvalli

(b) Dr. Rajkumar

(c) B.V. Karanth

(d) G.V. Iyer

94. Who called the Revolt of 1857

A.D. to be ‘A Mutiny of the

Sepoy’ ?

(a) Sir John Lowrence

(b) R.C. Majumdar

(c) Dr. Ishwari Prasad

(d) V.A. Smith

95. The Transfer of Power Act was

passed in

(a) 1857

(b) 1858

(c) 1859

(d) 1860

96. Who stressed on Female

Education and their rights ?

(a) Raja Ram Mohan Roy

(b) Swami Vivekananda

(c) Swamy Dayananda


(d) Atamram Pandurang

97. Which class rose to prominence

as a result of National

Awakening ?

(a) Higher Class

(b) Labour Class

(c) Lower Class

(d) Middle Class

98. Among the following which was

the First Movement started by

Mahatma Gandhi ?

(a) Non-cooperation

(b) Quit India

(c) Chauri Chaura

(d) Dandi March

99. Name the German Emperor

during First World War.

(a) William – I

(b) William – II

(c) William – III

(d) William – IV

100. Adyar was the famous centre and

headquarters of which of the

following ?

(a) Aurobindo Ashram

(b) Madras Mahajan Sabha

(c) Theosophical Society

(d) Ramakrishna Mission

¡¼åê¾ Ê²µåßå’攘™ ÜÈåÀâÿåSPACE FOR ROUGH WORK

35 (38 - A)

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(39 - A) 35

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Note : English version of the instructions is printed on the front cover of this booklet.35-A