Question 6 & 7

Post on 03-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Question 6 & 7





• Before going forward and making this thriller opening, I hadn't properly used any of the equipment or the software to edit and create clips.

• I can now confidently create soundtracks, edit clips, crop clips, re add them and all things to do with the software. I also now know how to confidently set up the camera on the tripod or any other form of tripod/gorilla pod etc.

• we tried to use the glide cam but in the end we felt out film would work better without it as it made shots look messy and not proffessional.

EDITING...• It took a long time to understand how to edit using premier pro, because of all

the different tools, edit options and cropping techniques.

• Our editing stage was definitely our longest part of the whole thing because it took alot of time re-watching clips to see if we made any errors for example in our preliminary task we noticed we could see our own reflection in the glass and didn't want this to happen again in any point in our thriller opening.

• If we didn't check every clip for things like this PRELIMINARY TASK EXAMPLE

then it would look very unprofessional and we would lose

marks overall for not noticing and re-evaluating our clips.

Making the music...

• Originally we was going to use a local band as the music, with their permission to avoid copyright issues because we feel lyrical songs are more intriguing to listen to if you are younger which is our target audience. But due to complications we was not able to use their song which was good in a way because it challenged our group to make our own songs.

• We used mixcraft to create all of our soundtrack and sound effects. We distorted some and mixed them in to create a crackling sound to show a corruption in the headphones of the girl. This was interesting to do because it allowed me to gain my knowledge on something I had never attempted before and it worked really well in the finished product.

How we feel now...

• I feel so much more confident with all editing software and editing tools because of the time we spent editing and polishing off our thriller opening. In contrast when we started the year and started our preliminary task I felt very unsure about using any software but after this I feel a lot more confident.

• Our storyboarding has also improved, on our preliminary task we spent a lot of time creating the storyboard instead of actually filming, this time was wasted. So, with the thriller opening we used all our time effectively and productively to ensure that we got the task finished in time for the deadline, setting a plan helped us to stick to this plan.


• I feel so much more confident on all the editing, sound and camera software's. I can confidently go out and film something and edit it efficiently. Ensuring there are no errors and for example the mirror problem in the preliminary task, now I know to always watch back your footage before moving onto editing. I know to always take 20 minutes worth of filming so we have a lot of footage to work on and not limited. This allows us to pick and choose bits from different clips and cross them over and match them up so they continue on to each other smoothly.