
Post on 10-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Question

What have you learnt about technologies from

the process of constructing this product?

For this project I had to create my own music magazines front

page, contents page and double page spread. To do this I had

to learn about how to use different technologies and software

that I had not had the chance to use before.

One of these technologies was an Apple Mac, I got to use this do this project, as it

had more software on and was more suitable for producing my magazine. I had

not done much work on a mac before as I usually use a Windows computer, so it

was an interesting and educational opportunity to get to use this.

I learnt lots of new skills from using an Apple Mac for this project as it is

completely different from what I am used to so I have had to adapt to the new way

of working.

However, using this gave me challenges to work with as I was unfamiliar with the

way it worked and the format of some of the programs. This meant that it took

me longer to do several parts of my project due to learning how to use it.

I think that the opportunity to use Apple Macs for my media course work has

really helped to broaden and develop my knowledge and skills for using


To create my product I chose to use Photoshop software. I chose to use it as it is a

program that I have used before and so know the basics of how it works. I also

think that it is easier to use than other programs such as InDesign.

During this project I developed my skills at using Photoshop so that now I am

very confident with how it works and how to use it to my advantage to make sure

that my final product is realistic and looks effective.

There were not many challenges with using this software for this project as I had

previously used it and so already knew the basics, this also meant that I didn’t have

to spend as much time trying to work out how to use it.

I think that this project has helped me to improve and develop my skills at using


When doing my research and evaluation work for this project I used several

different websites that provided me with the opportunity to present my work in

different ways.

As my whole project was presented on a blog, I had to use Blogger to create it.

Before this I had never created a blog or used blogger before, however, I found it

very easy to use once I had learnt the basics and I found that I could easily upload

things to it and format it to make it how I wanted.

One of the other websites that I used is, I used this for presenting my

research. I found this website quite easy to use and really like the effects that you

can use to present work. I also like that it looks very professional and that I can

edit the presentation to suit my blog. At first I was challenged with how to upload

these presentations onto my Blogger but I soon found out how to do this.

Another one of the websites I have used is, this website allows you

to create presentations on software such as PowerPoint and then upload them to

the internet to share on blogs. I found this software a bit confusing to use, but

after a bit of practice it got much easier to use.

I think that during this project I have developed my knowledge and improving my

skills of using technologies and software to present and produce my coursework. I

think that I tackled any challenges that I came across and now I will be able to use

different software and websites much more confidently.