Question 1 and 2

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Question 1 and 2

The HHR Show

Answering question 1 and 2

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The Becky Takeover

In the contents competitions are clearly highlighted and you can tell they are a big part of the magazine, competitions allows the reader to get involved

The ask Kayla and Iyke is a segment in the magazine that the reader can send in questions and they will be answered by Kayla and Iyke in the magazine. This allows interaction between the reader and the magazine and makes the reader feel involved

The rumour bay is fascinating as it gives you all the rumours and tells you which ones are true. This is interesting as everyone wants in on the gossip.

Trends of the month is good as it diversifies the magazine as it goes into fashion, and what artists themselves are wearing.

HMT 50 (hottest mix tapes) allows the reader to see what are the best selling and trending songs of the month, this allows the reader to keep up to date easily.

The price of the magazine is affordable

The story on AndreyHD almost dying and the image of him with his fingers making the shape of a gun catches your eye which draws your attention to the magazine.

The magazine little extras like exclusive revealing's like the latest album artwork. The magazine has many things going on.

The personal touches the magazine includes are nice, it incorporates social media and social media is a big part of teenagers lives.

The double page spread has a lot going on which makes it exciting to look at. The biography is a nice touch because you really get to understand the upcoming artist and know where they came from and what they did also how they made it.

To the left is XXL magazines double page spread. My double page spread follows a similar layout. There is a main image like mine and the main image is black and white. My magazine is different as it has more pictures and features both a biography and a Q&A with the artist which is something you don’t tend to see.

The contents pages are similar with both a variety of images in different sizes. The contents pages both feature at least one black and white image. The contents page is used to promote items such as the shoes and my contents page is used to promote beats by the Safar the producer. My contents page follows the conventions of a hip hop magazine. As it follows the colour scheme of red white black And grey.

Many hip hop magazines have a close up image of a famous artist of that category. My front cover follows this convention. My magazine cover is also different as it has a wallpaper background of artists in the hip hop and rap category. My music magazine cover also has more cover lines. I also used different text type throughout the cover to make things stand out.