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Question 1 1 out of 1 points

Sarah has a backache due to overexertion. She believes a massage would loosen her back muscles and make her feel better. She is concerned because a massage unlike a pair of shoes cannot be felt before she buys it. Which characteristic of services is she concerned about?

Selected Answer: intangibility

Correct Answer: intangibility

Question 2

1 out of 1 points

Differences between consumers' expectations about a service and their experience with the service are identified through:

Selected Answer: gap analysis.

Correct Answer: gap analysis.

Question 3

0 out of 1 points

The décor of the Hard Rock Café is designed to show that this café will provide a memorable experience when patrons walk into the restaurant even before they sample any of the café's amenities. Its décor is one way the management of the café chain deals with:

Selected Answer: the incongruity of services.

Correct Answer: the intangibility of services.

Question 4

0 out of 1 points

Changes in the services industry in the future will primarily be driven by two factors. They are deregulation and:

Selected Answer: the elimination of ethnocentricity.

Correct Answer: technological development.

Question 5

0 out of 1 points

Burger King is attempting to measure the difference between their customers' expectations and experiences by using a 24-hour hot line to receive 4,000 customer calls a day. What is this type of activity called?

Selected Answer: feedback analysis

Correct Answer: gap analysis

Question 6

1 out of 1 points

Students from Berry College attended a performance at nearby Shorter College and were extremely impressed with the dance troupe that was the opening act. As soon as the students returned to Berry, they made arrangements for the entertainers to appear on their campus. On the day of the concert, the venue was packed with students, but the quality of the performance was much lower than they had seen at the Shorter campus. The Berry students' disappointment was the direct result of which characteristic of services?

Selected Answer: inconsistency

Correct Answer: inconsistency

Question 7

1 out of 1 points

The two basic components of a customer's evaluation of services are:

Selected Answer: expectations and actual experience.

Correct Answer: expectations and actual experience.

Question 8

1 out of 1 points

Which of the organizations listed below has the lowest inventory carrying cost?

Selected Answer: insurance company

Correct Answer: insurance company

Question 9

0 out of 1 points

Sarah has a backache due to overexertion. She believes a massage would loosen her back muscles and make her feel better. She is concerned because a massage unlike a pair of shoes cannot be felt before she buys it. When she makes her appointment, she examines the training certificates on the wall, and she carefully reads a brochure that contains testimonials of satisfied customers. The use of certificates of training and customer testimonials is one way the service provider is trying to deal with the service characteristic of:

Selected Answer: inconsistency.

Correct Answer: intangibility.

Question 10

1 out of 1 points

Sterile Feral, Inc., is a nonprofit organization that catches wild or stray cats, neuters them vaccinates them, and releases them back into the wild.

Veterinarians are particularly impressed with how dependably the organization is able to perform its promised service. With which service quality dimension are veterinarians most impressed?

Selected Answer: reliability

Correct Answer: reliability

Question 11

1 out of 1 points

Considering the concept of a service continuum, how would one characterize a tailored suit?

Selected Answer: a goods-service mix

Correct Answer: a goods-service mix

Question 12

1 out of 1 points

According to the service continuum, which of the following organizations has the highest level of intangibility?

Selected Answer: tutoring service

Correct Answer: tutoring service

Question 13

0 out of 1 points

Sarah has a backache due to overexertion. She believes a massage would loosen her back muscles and make her feel better. She is concerned because a massage, unlike a pair of shoes, cannot be felt before she buys it. Sarah wishes that the massage had _____ properties.

Selected Answer: form

Correct Answer: search

Question 14

0 out of 1 points

When developing marketing strategies, marketing managers use the elements of the marketing mix, which includes product, price, place, and promotion. The marketer can effectively control these elements to develop marketing strategies and to change those strategies in response to environmental changes. In a similar fashion, when developing retailing strategies, marketers use what is called the retailing mix, which includes:

Selected products, price, and personal selling.


Correct Answer:

goods and services, physical distribution, and communications.

Question 15

1 out of 1 points

Which of the following is NOT an element of the retailing mix?

Selected Answer: segmentation

Correct Answer: segmentation

Question 16

0 out of 1 points

Fresh-cut flowers that used to only be available from florists can now be purchased at neighbourhood supermarkets. This is an example of:

Selected Answer: multi-product marketing.

Correct Answer: intertype competition.

Question 17

1 out of 1 points

Travelers are often in need of small convenience products and food items such as soft drinks. Airports, train and bus stations, and commuter stops do not have stores or stores that are open 24 hours each day; they are good locations for which type of nonstore retailing?

Selected Answer: automatic vending

Correct Answer: automatic vending

Question 18

1 out of 1 points

As a franchisor, Radio Shack would assist a franchisee in:

Selected Answer: All of these answers are correct.

Correct Answer: All of these answers are correct.

Question 19

1 out of 1 points

Many fast food retailers, including McDonald's and Burger King, have followed a predictable pattern of how new forms of retail outlets enter the marketplace. McDonald's has evolved from a relatively simple hamburger joint with low margins, low prices, limited product offerings, and low institutional status to a worldwide chain with higher margins, high status, and a diverse list of products. This evolution of McDonald's restaurants is consistent with the:

Selected Answer: wheel of retailing.

Correct Answer: wheel of retailing.

Question 20

0 out of 1 points

Organizations (franchisors) that decide to franchise (franchisors) have _____ expansion costs in opening new outlets accompanied by _____ control compared to owning their own retail outlets.

Selected Answer: reduced; greater

Correct Answer: reduced; reduced

Question 21

1 out of 1 points

Retailing is an important marketing activity. Not only do producers and consumers meet through retailing actions, but retailing also creates ______ and has a significant impact on the economy.

Selected Answer: customer value

Correct Answer: customer value

Question 22

1 out of 1 points

Level of service refers to:

Selected Answer: degree of service provided to the customer.

Correct Answer: degree of service provided to the customer.

Question 23

1 out of 1 points

The assortment of each item a store carries is referred to as its:

Selected Answer: depth of product line.

Correct Answer: depth of product line.

Question 24

0 out of 1 points

One of the biggest problems online retailers face is:

Selected Answer:

All of these answers are correct.

Correct customers' tendencies to get to the checkout and leave the

Answer: website without concluding the purchase.

Question 25

1 out of 1 points

In which form of retail outlet could you most likely be your own boss and provide your customers with a high degree of personal service?

Selected Answer: independent retailer

Correct Answer: independent retailer


Review Assessment: Quiz 2

User Nazira Rahmani

Submitted 6/5/09 5:12 PM

Name Quiz 2

Status Completed

Score 21 out of 25 points

Time Elapsed 0 hours, 41 minutes, and 41 seconds out of 0 hours and 30 minutes allowed.


Question 1

0 out of 1 points

Loblaws, a Canadian supermarket, features fruits and vegetables piled high on tables which have umbrellas. The idea behind this arrangement was to give Loblaws “a market feel.” In terms of the retailing mix, this tactic was concerned with:

Selected Answer: variety and assortment.

Correct Answer:

the goods and services mix.

Feedback: Goods and services mix includes variety and assortment, customer service, and store image and atmosphere, the situation described here.

Question 2

0 out of 1 points

Regional shopping centres are:

Selected Answer: clusters of stores that serves people who are within a five to ten

minute drive and live in a population base under 30,000.

Correct Answer: suburban malls of today containing up to 100 stores with a typical

drawing distance of over 5 to 10 miles from the mall.

Feedback: Key term definition - regional shopping centres

Question 3

1 out of 1 points

One dimension of the retail positioning matrix is breadth of product line, and the other is:

Selected Answer: value added.

Correct Answer:

value added.

Feedback: The second dimension is value added and involves the service level and method of operations.

Question 4

1 out of 1 points

Direct mail and catalog retailing are examples of:

Selected Answer: nonstore retailing.

Correct Answer:

nonstore retailing.

Feedback: Nonstore retailing includes vending machines, direct mail and catalogs, and others.

Question 5

1 out of 1 points

As a franchisor, Radio Shack would assist a franchisee in:

Selected Answer: All of these answers are


Correct Answer:

All of these answers are correct.

Feedback: All of these are among a franchisor's essential services to franchisees. In addition, a good franchisor will try to enhance recognition of the franchise name.

Question 6

1 out of 1 points

The key goal for retailers in the accelerated development phase of the retail life cycle is to:

Selected Answer: establish a dominant position in the fight for market


Correct Answer:

establish a dominant position in the fight for market


Feedback: The key goal for a retailer in the accelerated development phase of the retail life cycle is to establish a dominant position in the fight for market share because of the intense competition.

Question 7

1 out of 1 points

Retailing is an important marketing activity. Not only do producers and consumers meet through retailing actions, but retailing also creates ______ and has a significant impact on the economy.

Selected Answer: customer value

Correct Answer:

customer value

Feedback: The utilities provided by retailing occur in a location where consumers and producers meet, thereby creating customer value.

Question 8

1 out of 1 points

Price ranges, store layouts, and breadth and depth of merchandise lines are considered to be _____ of a store's image.

Selected Answer: functional qualities

Correct Answer:

functional qualities

Feedback: Text term definition - functional qualities

Question 9

1 out of 1 points

Direct selling is likely to continue to grow in markets:

Selected Answer: where there is a lack of effective distribution


Correct Answer:

where there is a lack of effective distribution channels.

Feedback: The use of direct selling in Canada. is declining and will continue to do so. One of the advantages of direct selling is its convenience. Direct selling is effective in areas where customers lack knowledge about products and brands. Markets that have poor channels of distribution will be likely to see growth in direct selling.

Question 10

1 out of 1 points

The _____ is a means of positioning retail outlets in terms of the breadth of their product line and value added.

Selected Answer: retail positioning


Correct Answer:

retail positioning matrix

Feedback: Key term definition - retail positioning matrix

Question 11

1 out of 1 points

Organizations (franchisors) that decide to franchise (franchisors) have _____ expansion costs in opening new outlets accompanied by _____ control compared to owning their own retail outlets.

Selected Answer: reduced;


Correct Answer:

reduced; reduced

Feedback: Compared to owning the retail outlets, franchisors have both reduced expansion costs and control by franchising.

Question 12

1 out of 1 points

Denny Howard is an avid fly fisherman who lives in Huston, a very small Alaskan village. For his hobby, Howard needs large rubber rafts, chest and hip waders, special fishing rods, reels, and line, and an assortment of fishing tackle and lures. There are no sporting goods stores in Huston, so Howard orders his fishing supplies from an L. L. Bean catalog. His supplies are generally delivered to his home within 72 hours. Howard is using a _____ to satisfy his fishing supply needs.

Selected Answer: direct mail marketer

Correct Answer:

direct mail marketer

Feedback: Direct mail marketing creates value by providing a fast and convenient means of making a purchase.

Question 13

0 out of 1 points

Inseparability in services means:

Selected Answer: All of these answers are correct.

Correct Answer:

consumers cannot separate the service from the deliverer of the service.

Feedback: A difference between services and products related to problems of consistency is inseparability. In most cases the consumer cannot and does not separate the service from the deliverer of the service or the setting in which the service

occurs. Also, in some cases, the customer actually participates in the delivery of the service.

Question 14

1 out of 1 points

Which component of the promotional mix is particularly important for professional service firms?

Selected Answer: public relations

Correct Answer:

public relations

Feedback: Public relations is particularly important for professional service firms because they are often restricted in the use of advertising by their professional governing bodies.

Question 15

1 out of 1 points

Hard Rock Cafés are decorated with rock memorabilia donated by famous musicians. However, not every restaurant in the chain can have a guitar signed by Pete Townsend. Conceivably, customers could be disappointed with their visits to a Hard Rock Café because they did not see memorabilia relating to their favorite rock stars. This inability to make sure that every café has the same décor is an example of services':

Selected Answer: inconsistency.

Correct Answer:


Feedback: The quality of service is often inconsistent--for a variety of reasons. In this case, the décor varies from restaurant to restaurant.

Question 16

0 out of 1 points

Consumers judge services on the entire sequence of steps that make up:

Selected Answer: competitors.

Correct Answer:

the service process.

Feedback: The steps that make up a service process are discussed in the section, “Customer Contact and Relationship Marketing.”

Question 17

1 out of 1 points

Many restaurants now ask consumers to evaluate their experience on a short questionnaire when they pay their bill. This assessment of consumer expectations and the actual experience is called a _____.

Selected Answer: gap analysis

Correct Answer:

gap analysis

Feedback: One of the primary methods used to evaluate the quality of a service is gap analysis. More specifically, after purchasing and using a service, customers are asked to compare the delivered quality of the service to their expectations for service quality. Differences, or gaps, between expectations and actual experience are identified, and corrective action can be taken--in this case, by the government.

Question 18

1 out of 1 points

An airport limousine service will meet people at their homes and deliver them to or bring them home from their local airport. Because demand is much higher before 9 a.m. and after 5 p.m. during weekdays, it must be concerned with:

Selected Answer: capacity management.

Correct Answer:

capacity management.

Feedback: Service organizations must manage the availability of the offer to smooth demand over time so that the demand matches capacity and ensure a maximum ROI.

Question 19

1 out of 1 points

Changes in the services industry in the future will primarily be driven by two factors. They are technological development and:

Selected Answer: deregulation.

Correct Answer:


Feedback: One by one transportation, telecommunications, financial services, professional services, and others have gone through regulatory changes. Deregulation will continue to influence changes in the future.

Question 20

1 out of 1 points

Sarah has a backache due to overexertion. She believes a massage would loosen her back muscles and make her feel better. She is concerned because a massage unlike a pair of shoes cannot be felt before she buys it. Which characteristic of services is she concerned about?

Selected Answer: intangibility

Correct Answer:


Feedback: Services cannot be seen, touch, heard, or felt before purchase.

Question 21

1 out of 1 points

The two basic components of a customer's evaluation of services are:

Selected Answer: expectations and actual experience.

Correct Answer:

expectations and actual experience.

Feedback: Once a consumer tries a service, it is evaluated by comparing expectations to the actual experience a consumer has with the service.

Question 22

1 out of 1 points

Services performed by plastic surgeons or lawyers are primarily evaluated on _____ properties.

Selected Answer: credence

Correct Answer:


Feedback: Services provided by specialized professionals such as medical diagnosis and legal services have credence properties or characteristics, which the consumer may find impossible to evaluate even after purchase and consumption.

Question 23

1 out of 1 points

Air Canada operates five flights daily between Toronto and Phoenix during the winter. One flight leaves Phoenix at 12:10 AM. The plane, a Boeing 737, has a capacity of 120 passengers. During the past month, the flight has averaged only 24 passengers, a load factor of 20 percent. A load factor of 50 percent (60 passengers) is needed for the flight to break-even. What unique aspect of services does this situation describe?

Selected Answer: service inventory

Correct Answer:

service inventory

Feedback: This is an inventory or capacity issue. Air Canada can either develop a marketing program to attract new demand (e.g. off-peak pricing), change the flight time, if possible, or eliminate the flight to reduce excess capacity on that route.

Question 24

1 out of 1 points

A marketing philosophy based on the notion that a service organization must focus on its employees before successful programs can be directed at customers is called:

Selected Answer: internal


Correct Answer:

internal marketing.

Feedback: Key term definition - internal marketing

Question 25

1 out of 1 points

Andrea Arena is the owner of 2 Places at 1 Time, a concierge company. She and her staff of 60 perform everyday services such as walking the dog, picking up cleaning, waiting for the repairman, and going to the post office for people who are too busy to perform these simple acts themselves. She is such a caring person and so well-liked that her customers recommend her instead of her business to people who are looking for someone to perform similar services. Their inability to see the distinction between Arena and her services is an example of which unique characteristic of services?

Selected Answer: inseparability

Correct Answer:


Feedback: The inseparability of services means consumers cannot separate the service from the deliverer of the service.