QUEENS’ SCHOOL Dare to be Arty...Celtic knots in Year 9 Year 8 have been using clay to create...

Post on 02-Aug-2021

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Daring to be Great by pursuing our values of Scholarship, Tenacity, Altruism and Respect

QUEENS’ SCHOOL Dare to be Great

QUEENS’ SCHOOL Dare to be Arty

Celebrations and fond farewells This half-term we have been making the most out of being back in our specialist art spaces and have been embracing our creativity and using our tenacity to challenge ourselves within the arts. Key Stage 3 have been developing their control of materials exploring sea life - Natural Forms, Cultural Identity within Egyptology and Celtic Art

Excellent turtle observational drawings from Year 7

Daring to be Great by pursuing our values of Scholarship, Tenacity, Altruism and Respect

QUEENS’ SCHOOL Dare to be Great

Celtic knots in Year 9 Year 8 have been using clay to create their own canopic jars.

Daring to be Great by pursuing our values of Scholarship, Tenacity, Altruism and Respect

QUEENS’ SCHOOL Dare to be Great

Year 7 Art Club is rising to our weekly artistic gauntlets. We have delved into such themes as mycology, celebrating subcultures, negative space drawing and the force was with us on May 4th. Key Stage 4 artists have been manipulating chicken wire, mobius strips for their abstracted sculptures and we said a sad farewell to Year 11 - we are incredibly proud of all the hard work our GCSE students have been putting in during these challenging times.

Daring to be Great by pursuing our values of Scholarship, Tenacity, Altruism and Respect

QUEENS’ SCHOOL Dare to be Great

Key Stage 5 artists and photographers have been working on their personal study project, the largest investigation throughout their two year exploration. Again an emotional goodbye to our very talented, extremely hardworking Year 13s (who are currently partaking in the traditional underpass painting challenge). We look forward to the opportunity to share the impressive body of work produced by our Year 13 alumni 2020-2021 in the near future. We may not have been able to have our usual end of year exhibition, instead we will have a virtual one which leads you through their remarkable achievements over the past two years.

Wishing you a happy and creative half-term.