QUEEN, BENJAMIN NICHEOLSON (Nicholson), Cathey, N. C. Born ...

Post on 16-May-2022

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Transcript of QUEEN, BENJAMIN NICHEOLSON (Nicholson), Cathey, N. C. Born ...



Born, Haywood Co., N. C.; Lie. 1858, Caney Fork Ch.,

N. C.; Ord. June 9, '66, John's Creek Ch., N. C.;

P. Apoka, Fla., '67; John's Creek, N. C., Caney Fork,

Cullowhee, Webster, Hamburg, Yellow Mountain, Sol's

Creek, Ballston Grove, Wolf Creek, Macedonia.


G. W. Lasher, Ed.

Page: 591

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Bal~1!~.----­ Cedar .. Cu llow hce .. Dillsboro l\[t Plf:'a>a11t. Kew Savan nn h Ochre Hill. SaYa1111ah .. Scotts Creek Shoal Creek _ Speedwell .. Sylva . \V cbster , W i Iuiot •. Zirn Hill_

\\'hc11 will LI· Bnpt ist is just l

Iloll' much .: time, his encr:.:· self for the ft·1 •

R~e-.1. B. N. Queen Fiftcl·n !11111.: <r;t\·c au ;1\"l'!".t~t [;st ycar. l li, Lid I gi1·c k.--. Did l gin· :i• -:

Fiftl'l·n li.::· . g;11·c 111·0 :llld .. hordes <•f hl·:1i. build a n d. 111;,::.

the frn11ti1·r,'; ;111d ( !Hl'l"-l<'!i '. -. \'C:Jr·~ \\'iJ: t i tin11 if L'1·1·11 l ·

Hrot hor Queen \\llR born Jfoy 6, 1831, and spent a long lif'o of use­ fn:ncs< ill the Kil!g,Jnrn. He was co11H·1 t cd Parly iu life>. He 11· s mn rris rl iJJ 1'.155 to :\li>s :'.fary C. Car~011 \\·ho wa> a gr·c:it licl p lo him in his work for LhP :'.lnster. To this union six ch ildrcu were horn. Rev. A. C. Queen is one of the sur1·iring sons. Brother (~a~c:n sr r vod as lie ntenant of Co. L. (i2nil X C. Hrg. in

th(' CJ\·i] war a url -.1-as orrlnin sd to the m in ist r v by Johns Crook ch urc h IIe wa s in thC' organiz:;tion of'rno~r cf tl1e clinrch~s ill :ack­ son roullty and sern·ll ns p~t~lor of ma11_,- of the ri.nrchb in this and snrrc•nlldiui:; count:!'s.

!Tr> ft·ll n<=!P~p Jn11u;;r_r 6, 19r.8, nnrl 11·as fnJJr,"'cri l>y l1is -.i<fe l-'l'bn1- ar·y 1', J~lPS. 'J'h.,y rc:st sirlc liy si,Jr in:::;(,],. Crv('!; i)nr,,·i11g grouJ111.

C:o, lie: 1nai~r·1l fur rnch li1·es.

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Filk,·11 l.n:'. [';l \'C [\IT il t y-. ·' l;<>;;pC"l t<> r:ir· 111\]'Jl,'i-: ( t lh' 111 i<!:

a!l 1lw '' J•' ;1) f y ! I •

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I~E,,.. P.R. RICI(~\J "'\.~, .:i\l"ODJ.~R~V.l'OR JN 1002,

REY.B.X.QUEEX. V ).fODEt.:J'.'l'OR J'S 1~)0:~ . ! I\

. Tuckusoigc Assoei.ui. :i. in its Scvcntv-Ionrr] . ~L·cl lly the formcrXl. ·L' of the brethren n.pp

. Brendle preached tlic ... , ': ss one hour. Dc1wdi


votionnl services by El ·I' ~ccretaQ', T. C. Dr.

_:111 nnd .v. L. Henson .·· following letters wer

~ist of Churches·

:::1l:::,1ni Gro1·e-A. J. 1 1;::rkcr's Creck-T. C. ,;:,£ Hidg ,-Tl1o:s. C. Di •. 'ullowhcc-D. H. Phil .1. D. Sitton. ·'1:H-D. \V. :\foldlct

! lillsboro-H. H. Snidl .Vntkius, 'lie k's Crcek-D. W. '1 !:a~t Fork+-D. D. BtK

.Luuburg+-W. "\.. Wil . . f,,Jin's Creek- \V . .T.• ! .ocust .Ficlcl-R. L. P ~ft. Plcasant=-F . .JI. l .). T. Carson.

1 l,·hrc Hill- ·w cs Icy lI ''·otfs Creek-A.\\'. 1 w. B. i Icrnv, D. L. l