Queen Alexandra Elementary completes a WildED inspired action project!

Post on 11-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Queen Alexandra Elementary completes a WildED inspired action project!

“Our trip with WildED gave us a reason to work hard at the sometimes inconvenient and tedious tasks like recycling and composting. These students are committed at heart to change the world. Thank you.”

Grade 4/5 Classroom Teachers from Queen Alexandra Elementary School

This slideshow documents the creation of an Action Plan that the

grade 4/5 classes of Queen Alexandra Elementary came up with

to answer the following question:

“How can we reduce the amount of garbage that our school puts into the landfill?”

Seeing the landfill up close. Very sad.

Gathering committee info for our Community Bulletin Board

Labelling compost buckets for every classroom and locations throughout the school

Creating a ‘Reusables Depository’ for the school

Charting garbage and recycling practices throughout the school


Researching different bins and buckets to help us collect and sort items for recycling

Preparing a presentation to educate our school community about energy conservation

Making labels and posters to remind our community to turn off the lights!

Writing a proposal to sell stainless steel water bottles in order to decrease plastic into our school

Calling experts to gather information. Scary!

Talking to the experts about healthy compost

One of our entries in the Urban Impact Recycling poster contest

Making 'Wonder Boxes' for Garbage Free Day

Wonder Box compartments will hold dry glue stickes, foil wrappers, cellophane and other items

not normally put into our Blue Boxes

Wonder Box

Sorting area

Collecting wet paper towels to be added to our garden compost

One day's worth of paper towels! Rescued from the landfill and on the way to the garden compost!

Plastic bags and wrapping to be recycled!

A beautiful sight...no garbage!

Some of the items diverted from the landfill in one day! The end result was a small handful of actual
